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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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呂宜勵 Unknown Date (has links)
政治學者近年來已將多層線性模型當作研究政治文化的重要工具,不但應用在既有的資料庫分析上,同時也希望在資料蒐集過程中將所需要的資料特性納入抽樣設計裏,以期能克服目前此法在應用上所面臨的問題。在眾多問題中,最重要的莫過於是「總樣本數一定下個體和總體層次樣本數組合如何影響推論可靠性的問題」,學界對此過往是採取「30/30原則」,也就是個體和總體層次的樣本數都至少要在30個以上推論才會比較穩定,但近來許多研究顯示,如果將個體層次的樣本數縮減到15個而極大化總體層次樣本數,所得出的推論會比「30/30原則」來得更穩定,因此許多學者紛紛倡議應採用新發現而捨棄「30/30原則」。本文針對這樣的提議,利用教育學及政治學二領域資料,從模型意含的討論,進而使用模擬方法來測試這樣的提議是否站得住腳。 本文發現「極大化總體層次樣本數」原則並不能當作普遍認知,因為過往的所有文獻皆對單一母體資料進行剖析,尚未察覺母體資料型態影響參數表現的可能性,然而,本研究變化不同資料特性進行模擬結果顯示,母體資料結構確實會造成不同的參數表現,以致最適樣本組合也跟著不同。另外,我們觀察到固定效果和隨機效果的最適樣本配置偏重於不同層次的樣本數目,固定參數、固定效果以總體層次為主,但隨機參數、隨機效果、迴歸參數等卻不能忽視個體層次樣本個數,所以研究者都應該認真思考其在意的參數為何,才能針對所關切的現象本身設計出最適樣本配置,而做出實質且有效的討論。

都市的五行循環-以基隆市中心的再生為例 / City from the cycle of five elements perspective-Downtown Keelung City's regeneration

林姵君 Unknown Date (has links)
基隆,一個早期興盛的貿易港口,在搭乘著郵輪來台的日本老婆婆眼中,這個港口似乎還留著她年輕時所見的繁華過往。隨著產業變遷及全台各地後起發展,基隆不再是唯一貨港,反而隨著逐年興起的旅遊業,成了大量郵輪的停靠岸。基隆像是停留在過去的時空中,與現今全球都市的均一化成了極大的反差對照,但卻也因此而保存了自我的地域風貌。 近年來城市興起一股以設計、創意為主導模式,企圖帶領都市走出一條有別於以往的思考模式,都市不再是以大量開發及建設做為金流指標,而是轉向由居民的互動參與及凝聚在地情感的生活指標,城市改由在地出發,重新思考如何在價值與價格、保存與開發、過去與未來中找到平衡。 本研究以基隆市中心為研究範圍,由設計思考模式以發覺、發現、發想、發展四個過程,經由反覆的發散與收聚斂過程,透過城市五行循環與制約特性中建構出平衡機制,分別對標竿案例及研究案例做分析。在標竿案例以美國紐約High Line Park經由城市五行分析其轉化歷程發現其成功是來自於多向的平衡機制。而在研究案例以基隆市中心區域分析在城市五行運行中所導出的問題及找出問題背後的關連性,透過城市五行診斷及分析為基隆市中心的再生提出具體建議。最後經由案例分析中驗證城市五行的歸屬。 / Keelung, a trading seaport boomed in late nineteenth century under the Japanese colonial era, seems still having its former glamour and busy days in the eyes of an old Japanese grandma, who just embarked from a docked cruise liner at the port in present day. Due to the change of core industrial transformation in Taiwan and the raise of other ports, Keelung is no longer the only trading seaport in the region. It has transformed to a popular cruise line destination from the recent increase in the tourism business demand. Contrast to other global cities’ modern and urban movements, Keelung looks like a city staying unchanged from its earlier days. Also because of this frozen in time, the city was able to preserve its charms and geographic terrain. During the recent decades, design thinking and creativity have been the leading model for city development. The intention behind was to create a design concept from a different thought process. Urban development is no longer targeting massive development and construction nor valued by the economic growth. Instead it is focusing on residents’ interactions within and the quality of life for the community. A city is transforming into local communities; and trying to find a balance between its value and price, between conservation and development, and between past and future. The scope of this project is downtown Keelung City. Use design thinking to review the project in four stages: Discover, Define, Develop, and Deliver. From repeated divergence and convergence processes, through the cycle of five elements (in the city) with mutual generation and mutual restriction properties, a balance was formed. The comparison analysis was conducted between the High Line Park Project and this Keelung City Project. First, utilizing the five elements in the city, it was found that the success of the High Line Park project was due to a formed balance between these five. Second, the Keelung City project emphases on using the cycle of five elements to diagnose and analyze the problems and the connections between these problems among smaller sections of the downtown area. In addition, through the diagnosis and analysis, a recommendation was outlined for the Keelung City regeneration. Finally, detailed cases of the project confirm the matching category between the five elements and the city.

AquaEcoDesigns (AED):設計、安裝以及清潔維護淡水水族箱之商業企劃書 / AquaEcoDesigns (AED): Design, Installation and Maintenance of Fresh Water Aquariums

馬里奧, Chavez, Mario Unknown Date (has links)
Fish keeping, in tanks or aquariums, dates back to Sumerians, ancient Romans and ancient Chinese civilizations. Fish keeping and rearing has evolved into what is collectively known as aquaculture, ornamental fish aquaculture has evolved to be collectively known as Ornamental Fish Industry. Worldwide Ornamental Fish Industry has been estimated to be worth some 15 billion US dollars. Asian Countries are major players in this field, contributing roughly 56 % of total export industry value in 2007. Taiwan’s modest contribution of about 1 % to global share seems very small; however, industry has been steadily growing 10 % in recent years to the point where it has been included among major industries for development within the National Development Plan. Taiwanese Ornamental Fish Industry is very diverse and has tremendous importance for economic development. Profiting from substantial development of this industry in Taiwan and free trade agreements between the R.O.C (Taiwan) and the Republic of Nicaragua, this paper proposes the creation of a novel business model to Design, Install and provide Maintenance services for fresh water natural aquariums using state of the art technology imported from Taiwan. The concept involves creating a unique decorative feature in the form of an aquascaped aquarium in places such as shopping malls, bank offices, clinics and hospitals, law offices and private residences. This new décor feature will beautify open living spaces to create a relaxing and calming environment for observers. Health benefits of owning an aquarium will be pointed out to customers, possible traffic increase to shopping malls, due to new attraction, will bring economic benefits to established stores. Maintenance service is a key factor to the success of business model as it will guarantee long run success of aquarium and will guarantee sustainability of business model.

建構高齡友善的通用化都市空間-以台北市為例 / Construction of a universal age-friendly urban space-Taipei as a case of study

楊鳳琦, Yang, Feng Chi Unknown Date (has links)
世界衛生組織(WHO)意識到世界人口高齡化將如排山倒海而來,越來越長壽的高齡世代將不再是一種特殊的族群而是普遍活得老的一種現象,遂致力提倡創立有益於高齡者的環境。而人口為國家基本要素之一,其變遷關係著國家之發展與社會之福祉,因而高齡化人口結構變遷已成為世界性、國家性、地區性、家庭性的問題。綜觀,法國從高齡化社會至高齡社會歷時超過一世紀,德國40年,而我國將於2018年邁入高齡社會,期間僅歷時25年,顯示我國老化速度超快是不容忽視的重要課題。 都市是人與空間交織的產物,高齡化社會與都市空間兩者息息相關相互影響,而都市空間因應高齡化人口結構變遷,是否已關照到不同年齡世代的使用需求,此乃台灣將面臨的挑戰與應該思索的未來課題。是以本研究主要目的,希望藉由新都市主義人性尺度的規劃透過通用設計為所有人設計的具體實施,同時借鏡世界衛生組織「全球老年友好城市建設指南」,以及日本推動通用設計打造城市的經驗,並彙整受訪者對都市公共空間現況共通性課題、需求與高齡友善通用化都市空間設計原則之問卷調查結果,進而運用民生社區作為實例地區進行檢視與評估。最後,提出研擬之建構高齡友善的通用化都市空間設計原則。 研究結果發現,受訪者認同現況都市公共空間設施與空間設計已不符合高齡者的使用需求,其落在生活空間上產生的課題面向,包含:人行道、人行道設施帶、騎樓、斑馬線、設施接入點、樓梯、連結介面與照明設備等,普遍缺乏友善的、可及的、安全的、便利的、連續的及通用化的設計。綜合前述課題,本研究將連結整個都市空間系統的流動性加以分類,形成移動系統與連結系統,而移動系統中則再區分為平行移動系統與垂直移動系統,並運用通用設計為所有人設計的原則,提出解決現況都市空間因應高齡化社會需求,其相對應之高齡友善通用化都市空間設計原則。 因此,經過分析、探討與實例地區檢視與檢討後,本研究提出以下的建議:一、台灣未來都市空間規劃應以人本思維為規劃主軸,透過「人性尺度關懷的規劃,為所有人設計的理念」作為改善高齡化社會都市問題的途徑,以步行系統作為都市公共空間的連結元素,並將公共空間的整體性予以再結構,使其再度成為一項重要的都市設施,以建立高齡化社會下「不分年齡人人都能共享共用的友善通用化都市空間」,重塑都市空間資源的價值。二、建議政府應該爭取時間,加速建立具有規範性與整體性的主要上位計畫,並將通用設計準則納入都市設計中,同時整併現有相關法規,使各個城市在執行上有統一的公共空間政策做為推動的目標與遵循的依據,把建構高齡友善的通用化都市空間理念變成全國各地具體的行動。 【關鍵詞】高齡化、都市空間、通用設計、新都市主義

輔助視障者以聲音記錄日常生活之手機介面研究 / HearMe: assisting the visually impaired to record vibrant moments of everyday life

蔡宜璇, Tsai, Yi Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
視覺障礙者主要透過聲音來記錄生活與體驗世界,如同明眼人以文字或相片記憶重要時刻一般。然而觀察現有錄音裝置與軟體,皆尚未能提供適合視障者使用的完善錄音流程;即使是有語音功能的輔助裝置,不僅其價格、軟體更新、硬體維修等因市場小眾較為不易,也因為只是單純的錄音工具而無法流暢的銜接後續的檔案整理與分享。直到近幾年智慧型手機的興起,藉著其為市場主流產品、有豐富的軟體支援、隨時可連上網路等條件,逐漸成為視障者更好的輔助裝置的選擇。 為使視障者也能順利的操作觸控式介面,過往研究者針對Eyes-free情境提出了相關設計原則,而現今手機作業系統也大多內建螢幕報讀機制,讓視障者能自在與自信的與手機互動。雖然手機的可及性與通用性越來越受重視,專門為視障者設計的軟體卻並不多,輔助功能的開發資源和準則也待進一步的發展。本研究於初期的使用者觀察與訪談中,先深入了解視障者利用聲音記事的習慣與遇到的困難,並再進行初步設計方案的功能需求訪談,以切合使用者實際錄音的情境。 綜上所述,本研究為以視覺障礙者為目標使用族群,於觸控式手機設計錄音輔助軟體「HearMe」,解決視障者日常生活中聲音記錄的問題,並嘗試以手勢和語音設計,探索視障者操作觸控式介面的可能性。本系統原型有幾項重要特點:(1)快捷手勢可開始或結束錄音、(2)標記與播放重點段落、(3)即時編輯與歸類檔案、(4)以分類清單快速搜尋、(5)行動通訊立即分享;其他特色功能包括語音檔名、快轉與倒轉手勢、自訂群組和地標等。本系統原型開發時運用迭代設計流程共實作三次週期,每個版本皆經過設計、測試、分析、和調整功能等過程,逐步驗證系統的可行性與實用性。 經過三次的設計循環與共計18位視障者參與測試,本研究於第三版系統原型完成能實際應用在生活中的錄音軟體。受測者認為HearMe操作簡單、容易學習,快速播放重點段落省時省力、分類清楚而方便尋找檔案;同時它能夠以完善的語音提示和整合的錄音流程彌補現有裝置不足的部分,讓手機成為生活中記錄聲音的最佳輔助工具。最後,本研究以Google Analysis分析HearMe實際使用數據,並搭配訪談回饋總結系統設計的成果與互動設計之建議,提供HearMe或其他開發者做為日後設計的參考。 / The auditory sense is the primary channel for the visually impaired to experience the world, just as sighted people using words and photos to capture important moment. However, current recording devices mostly don’t have compact recording flows for the visually impaired. The devices with voice feedback are very expensive, nearly no softwares updated, and lack of maintenance supports due to the minority of the market. Also, these devices only can record and play but not organizing and sharing files with others. In recent years, smartphone’s popularity has been rising. It is the mainstream product with variety softwares and can be always online, showing the potential to become alternative accessible device for the visually impaired. In order to allow the visually impaired to use the touch screens, researchers have presented several design principles under eyes-free situations. Moreover, screen readers are embedded into smartphone operating systems like iOS and Android, which enable the visually impaired to freely and comfortably interact with smartphones. While the accessibility and universality of smartphones have been noticed, there are few applications tailored for their use, and the accessibility resources and principles need to be developed. In the first phase of user interview, we investigated their behaviors and difficulties when recording. After the design strategy has been made, we planned a second interview to verify if the functions we defined are suitable for their actual needs. This study focus on the visually impaired and tries to resolve the recording and memorizing problems they faced everyday by developing an accessible recording application on smartphone. The prototype, HearMe, provides specialized gestures and voice feedback. Followings are the highlight features of HearMe: (1) Short-cut gesture to start and finish recording, (2) marking and playing important parts, (3) editing and grouping files on device, (4) rapid searching by classified lists, and (5) real-time sharing. Other features include audio file name, gestures to play forward or backward, and custom groups and landmarks. While developing, this prototype applied iterative design process and repeated the flow cycle for three times. Every generation has been through steps of design, testing, analyzing, and modifying; by this approach, system’s usabilities can be gradually improved. After three cycles of design process which involved total 18 participants, we present a recording application that can use in real life. Participants command that HearMe is easy to operate and learn, playing by parts saving a lot of effort, and structured grouping helps file searching. Additionally, it provides well-defined audio feedbacks and integrated recording flow, complementing the shortcomings current devices have. These advantages make HearMe become the best tool to assist them for recording sounds during everyday life. This study finally concludes design considerations and suggestions by discussing usage data from Google Analytics and interview feedbacks, provides references for other assistive developers.

結合行動應用之自由行旅遊支援平台建置 / The Development of a Travel Supported Platform with Mobile Application for Backpacking

王子瑜, Wang, Tzu Yu Unknown Date (has links)
摘要   觀光旅遊是現今十分興盛的休閒活動,根據 2010 至 2012 年交通部觀光局統計資料顯示,國人國內旅遊以非旅行社承辦平均高達約 88%,因此如何有效規劃行程內容及安排各景點間的交通路線,就成為旅遊前的重要準備工作。   檢視目前旅遊規劃的數位服務平台並無法真正解決旅遊需求。故本研究設計與建置一套旅遊支援平台,首先藉由訪談,了解使用者需求,歸納出平台設計重點,分析系統的使用流程,再設計功能模組化與操作介面,最後建置平台並進行原型評估。本平台以雲端資料庫為基礎,無縫結合網站與行動應用兩端的資訊流。使用者在行前利用網站規劃行程內容,完成後上傳至雲端資料庫,網站端內容會自動同步於行動應用端,並以適合行動應用的界面呈現。使用者之行程安排因此更便利與彈性,在行動中亦能利隨時以手機查看行程,並依當地情況修改行程、即時安排交通路徑,使得旅遊行程計畫可以依實際的變化機動調適。而更新後的行程亦同步儲存於雲端。   本研究未來方向可以往更多的服務串流發展,如景點的多媒體內容、社群結合、智慧邏輯排程或外部資訊連結等等。隨著未來資訊技術的提升,將為系統平台帶來更多可能性、讓整體服務擁有更佳的整合性,提供使用者更好的體驗。 / Nowadays, touring is a popular leisure activity. According to statistics from the Taiwan Tourism Bureau, people arranged their own domestic travels as high as 88%. Because backpacking can be economical and more flexible, many young people tend to travel by themselves. Therefore travel planning has become the most important preparation work. How to plan an effective schedule and how to arrange the routes between attractive points are the tasks that backpackers often need to face. However there are few information services for the needs currently. The thesis designed and implemented a travelling support platform. First, the research identified design key elements by interviewing users and analyzing travelling behaviors. Second, the research mapped the touring process into functional models. Finally, we built and tested the platform prototype. This platform is Cloud-based and seamlessly integrates both website and mobile application to achieve the information service. Users use the website to schedule their trips and upload the schedules to the cloud database. Then the user can access the same schedule made at website on the mobile APP synchronously. They can check their schedule while they are traveling on the mobile phones. In addition, they can edit the schedule and rearrange new traffic routes real-time to adjust to the local circumstances. The further developments of the platform will include more integrated services, such as multimedia contents, social network, and intelligent logic scheduling. With the evolution of the technology in the future, the platform will provide better user experience.

專業性社交媒體網站之探討 / Investigation of the professional social media

陳毅, Chen, Yi Unknown Date (has links)
在社交媒體(social media)網站如雨後春筍般出現的時代,作者以觀察「大型社交媒體的高滲透率,以及媒體由服務、迎合大多數人的喜好的型態,演進為提供更加貼近各專業領域的服務型態的現象」出發,選定籃球為本研究之專業領域,藉由開發專注於籃球領域的社交媒體網站---Basketball Addiction來了解使用者是否能如作者觀察媒體的演進般,社交媒體網站也會有更加貼近各專業領域的服務型態出現,而使用者在使用這樣的網站時能得到滿足,持續使用,甚至推薦給朋友。 在經過本研究問卷調查後,利用統計分析軟體PLS(Partial Least Squares)進行模型的分析,Bootstrapping進行假說的顯著性檢定。結果顯示,專注於特定領域的社交媒體網站在未來是有存在的可能的,Fulfillment構面的調查結果也顯示Basketball Addiction的確能滿足使用者「社交」及「專業」的期待。 / In the era of social media sites have sprung up, the author observed, "large-scale high penetration of social media and the phenomenon of the media have made services to cater to most people's favorite patterns evolved to provide more services closer to the various professional fields patterns. Select basketball as this research professional fields. Through the development of social media sites which focus on basketball professional fields --- Basketball Addiction to understand whether the social media sites can follow the evolution of media, such as like, there will be more social media sites provide professional services. In addition, author also wonder that whether users in the use of such sites can be satisfied, continuous use, and even recommend it to friends. After the survey, author uses PLS (Partial Least Squares) to analyze and verify the model’s reliability and validity, Bootstrapping to make significant analysis. The results show, social media sites which focus on specific fields can exist is possible. Also, the results of the latent variable --- Fulfillment show that Basketball Addiction indeed allows users to have to meet the expectations, "social" and "professional" in.

以AspectFun探討模組化型態擴充與泛型程式設計 / A study on modular type extension and generic programming using AspectFun

陳政宏, Chen, Cheng Hung Unknown Date (has links)
AspectFun是一個語法近似Haskell語言的函數式剖面導向語言。本論文中探討AspectFun在模組化型態擴充以及泛型程式設計上可扮演的角色。研究首先比較剖面與Haskell語言的type class在處理型態擴充需求議題的可行性,型態擴充議題我們以著名的Expression Problem作為代表(程式語言機制如何確保程式在擴充資料與運算函數的過程中,不需要修改舊有的程式碼,並能確保程式的型態安全)。 我們接著會探討剖面如何以模組化方式實現泛型程式設計。泛型程式設計是指函數接收一額外的型態引數,且函數所執行的運算是依據此型態引數結構來進行的。型態引數是用來表示函數所處理的引數或其回傳值型態為何,但型態引數在函數定義中可能是明確定義的或者隱含的。在此研究中會展示以剖面實現的泛型程式設計更優於使用type class。此外,本研究為使AspectFun可以實現泛型程式設計方法,亦在AspectFun擴充了Existential types與多型互遞迴函數。 / AspectFun is an aspect-oriented functional language with a Haskell-like syntax. This thesis present an study on modular type extension and generic programming using AspectFun. First, we compare the feasibility of using aspects and Haskell's type classes to address the type extension requirements as stated in the famous expression problem (which calls for language mechanisms that can support type-safe program extension in both the dimensions of data types and associated operations, yet neither code duplication nor code rewriting is required.) Second, we investigate how to use aspects to support generic programming in amodular manner. Generic programming means a form of programming in which a function takes a type as argument, and its behavior depends upon the structure of this type. The type argument, which may be explicit or implicit, represents the type of values to which the function is applied, or which the function returns. We show that aspects can do better than type classes in supporting generic programming. In particular, we extend AspectFun with existential types and polymorphic mutual recursion to achieve such a result.

合作式翻譯學習任務設計研究 / Design-based research on developing cooperative translation tasks

王慧娟, Wang, Hui Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
過去十年,翻譯學習已成為外文系大學生學習的重點之一,但是許多研究發現教師仍使用傳統的翻譯教學法。在傳統的教室,學生過度依賴以教師為中心的學習,教師本身亦接受或間接鼓勵被動的學習方式。學生只想聽取教師的建議,而鮮少了解自己的翻譯過程、翻譯風格及自我解決問題的方法。 本研究的目的在設計一個翻譯學習活動:「合作式翻譯任務」。此設計經過三個階段:(一) 初步設計;(二) 施實「合作式翻譯任務」的二個原型;(三) 完成合作式翻譯任務的設計。本研究採用設計本位研究方法 (Design-based research method),並試圖對真實學習情境作深入地了解。在原型(一)共有五個活動:活動一為書面同儕回饋、活動二為組內討論及翻譯者研討會、活動三為口頭同儕回饋、活動四為口頭教師回饋、活動五為最終校正。 研究的參與者為科技大學的外語系學生,在第一循環共有56位學生參加,在第二循環有25位學生參加,另有二位翻譯教師參與此研究。本研究採用三角測量研究法 (triangulation) 來收集資料,包含影片、訪談及學生的翻譯文本等。研究分析的工具為「活動理論」,並從社群、分工、媒介三方面進行分析,以尋求可能解決設計問題的方法。 經過二個原型的實施,本研究設計出「合作式的翻譯任務」。活動一為訓練學生描述及解釋翻譯錯誤的能力。活動二為個人的書面同儕回饋,學生需使用文書處理軟體中的「新增註解」功能給予回饋。活動三為學生研討會及教師研討會。每位學生需記錄自己在研討會的討論結果。教師研討會的時間較短,以便讓與會的學生回學生研討桌分享研討的結果。活動四為學生翻譯員上台分享在學生研討會中得到的回饋及達成的共識。活動五為二個教師給予口頭回饋。活動六為學生使用「新增註解」註明所收集到的回饋、是否接受建議及理由。每組需交出一份校正後的翻譯,及附有註解的檔案。 研究發現學生較相信教師的評語,但是對同儕評語的不信任卻增加學習自主性。學生經分析同儕建議的翻譯、重組或修改後才採用。影響學生互動的因素為問答的溝通模式、同儕間的熟悉度及對同儕回饋的信念。學生的回饋方式傾向於找出有問題的翻譯、提供建議的翻譯及給予讚許。但他們很少給予針對自己的評語作解釋。 本研究提供理論上及實務教學的建議。在理論方面,本研究提出三種理論:領域理論、設計框架、及設計實施方法。在實務教學方法,合作式翻譯任務提供翻譯教師另一種教學模式,以期達到最佳的教學成效。 / For the past decade, translation learning has been one of the main foci for university language learners, but a number of studies have found that many translation teachers still utilize traditional translation teaching methods (Chang, Yu, Li & Peng, 1993; Dai, 2003; Mu, 1992). In traditional classrooms, students tend to depend heavily on teacher-centered instruction, and teachers accept or encourage the students’ passive learning attitudes (Kiraly, 1995). As a result, students only follow the teachers’ suggestions and rarely reflect up their own translating process, translation styles, and problem-solving approaches. The goal of this study was to design a translation learning task called the Cooperative Translation Task (CoTT). It was achieved in three phases: (a) the initial design of the CoTT; (b) the implementations of two prototypes of the CoTT and (c) the finalized CoTT. The current study followed a design-based research (DBR) framework to clarify the complicated interactions in an authentic learning environment. In total, there were five sessions in Prototype I:Session 1: Written Peer Response; Session 2: Within-group Discussion & Translator Seminar; Session 3: Oral Peer Response; Session 4: Oral Teacher Response; and Session 5: Final Revisions. The student participants in both cycles were technological university students, including 56 students in Cycle I and 25 in Cycle II. Two translation teachers participated in the study. For data collection, triangulation data were collected, including videos, interviews, and student documents. The data was put into the framework of Activity theory to diagnose implementation problems in terms of community, division of labor, and mediating artifacts, and innovations with solutions were provided. Following the second prototype, the latest version of the CoTT has been constructed. In Session 1, training in describing and explaining errors is conducted. In Session 2, a peer group gives written responses for the translator group to make revisions. To encourage students to give explanations to their own peers, individual accountability is included. The peer group uses the Comment function in the word-processing software to identify, describe, and explain the agreeable and disagreeable translations. In Session 3, a student seminar and a teacher seminar are conducted simultaneously. To help students take organized notes on the results of their discussions, and to prevent students from not accepting responsibility in the discussions, an individual seminar sheet is given to each student. The teacher seminar finishes earlier than the student seminar so that the members can return to the original seminar and share the teachers’ suggestions with the group. In Session 4, the translator group needs to present the comments from each seminar. In Session 5, the two teachers can use multiple criteria for error analysis. In Session 6, translator members use the Comment function in the word-processing software to insert collected comments, their acceptance level, and the reasons why they accept or reject each suggestion. Each group needs to turn in the final product, one copy with and one without the comments, to the instructor. The present study has found that students have a tendency to trust and use the teachers’ comments. However, this distrust of peers’ review increased students’ autonomy. Students underwent a process of analysis of the suggested translations and reformation of the translation. The influential factors in student-student interaction are an Asking and Answering communication mode and Acquaintance (2A), and students’ values in peer response. When giving a linguistic-level evaluation, students provided the most comments on mechanics, then comments vocabulary and sentences. As for the types of responses, they focused mainly on the identification of translations, provision of suggested translations, and some compliments on agreeable translations. They seldom gave explanations for either agreeable or disagreeable translations. The present study has both its theoretical and practical implications. This design-based study offers three kinds of theories: domain theories, a design framework, and design methodologies. The CoTT and its six sessions provide translation teachers an alternative way to teach, especially for teachers trained in other professions.

防丟器的剖面追蹤研究 / Profile Monitoring on the RSSI of Babyfinder

徐伊萱 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文針對防丟器的剖面進行追蹤分析。防丟器包含發射器及接收器,發射器會發射訊號,接收器會記錄RSSI (Receive Signal Strength Index)與發射點數,其中RSSI表示訊號的強度。在工程理論上,RSSI與距離具有函數關係;然而環境中的干擾及事件發生都會影響此函數關係,特別是事件發生會嚴重地改變此函數關係,因此論文主要目的在於區別事件是否發生。   所謂的剖面指的是變數之間的函數關係,而論文中的剖面追蹤是利用管制圖的概念,用管制圖來監控剖面的參數估計值。如果管制圖上的點子出界,則表示事件發生而導致失控。   本論文以腳踏車是否被偷為例,嘗試一些實驗後找出顯著影響的因子設計實驗,包含17種腳踏車未被偷之情境與18種腳踏車被偷情境;欲利用未被偷的實驗建立試驗管制圖,而以被偷之情境來追蹤,用以驗證管制圖之有效性。   論文中主要透過分析防丟器產生的RSSI與距離的剖面、距離與發射點數的剖面來探討事件是否發生。另外剖面追蹤其實是種事後追蹤的方法,為了能即時追蹤,本論文亦採用預測區間的方式,來追蹤事件是否發生。   本論文建議監控距離與發射點數的剖面,因該方法的表現最好,另外建議增加防丟器上能紀錄距離的功能,此方法會更加合適。   本論文提出的即時追蹤方式並沒有特別好,因此一個比較好的即時追蹤方法是未來值得研究的方向。 / The device of Babyfinder is designed to detect if an event occurs. The Babyfinder includes transceiver and receiver. The signal strength, Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI), generates once there are distances between transceiver and receiver. In wireless communication theory, the relationship between RSSI and distance should be expressed by the model that RSSI = a + b ln (distance) Nevertheless, some circumstance noises and user noises (or common causes), and/or events (special causes) may affect the variation of RSSI. Since the occurrence of events may change the functional relationship of RSSI and distance, to distinguish if the functional relationship is changed by the occurred events is the subject of this study. This study designs some events and noises experiments based on the real noise factors and special events. Two monitoring schemes are proposed to distinguish the occurred events and noise circumstance. One is the profile monitoring scheme, the other is the real time monitoring scheme. The two proposed approaches of profile monitoring scheme are considered to monitor the profile of RSSI and distance and that of distance and the number of transmitting points, respectively. The profile monitoring approach for distance and the number of transmitting points shows better performance. However, the profile monitoring is an after-event tracing approach. It cannot detect the occurred events in time. A better approach of real-time monitoring approach is worth to be proposed in the future study.

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