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五代詞韻考李達賢 Unknown Date (has links)
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張炎詞源箋訂劉紀華 Unknown Date (has links)
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飲水詞補箋閔宗述 Unknown Date (has links)
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KO/SO/A的意思擴張―從指示詞到指示機能曖昧的KO/SO/A― / The semantic of KO/SO/A―from demonstratives KO/SO/A to those with vague indicative function―陳嬿如 Unknown Date (has links)
過去被稱做指示詞的KO/SO/A研究中,多將焦點擺在現場指示與文脈指示的使用方式與意思上的連貫性,也就是「地盤理論」與「共有知識假說」的義同上。本論以空間與時間的擴張關係說明有指示機能的KO/SO/A當中,不僅現場指示與文脈指示連同觀念指示皆有一貫性。此外,包含KO/SO/A的接續詞以漂白化關係,感嘆詞以抽出空間與時間的方式擴張,在機能上分別與指示詞連接。 / The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the semantic extension from Ko, So, and A, traditionally called demonstratives, to vague Ko, So, and A in terms of their demonstrative functions, as well as the continuity of the expansion. In this paper, according to whether they can function as demonstratives, Ko, So, and A are categorized into 2 types: Ko, So, and A with demonstrative functions, Ko, So, and A with vague demonstrative functions. The differences among various types of semantic extension of demonstratives are clarified by analyzing the functions of conjunctions with Ko, So, and A and interjections with Ko, So, and A from the perspective of cognitive linguistics.
This paper consists of 6 chapters. The first chapter is Introduction, In Chapter 2, ‘Preceding literature---concerning the Ko, So, and A with demonstrative functions’, I review the conventional researches on demonstratives and present the remaining problems. In Chapter 3, ‘The basic meaning of Ko, So, and A,’ based on the conclusion of Chapter 2, I discuss the basic meaning and expanding meaning of ‘the Ko, So, and A with demonstrative functions’ from the perspective of metaphor from space to time. In Chapter 4, ‘Semantic Extension from Demonstratives to Conjunctions’, .I analyze the change from demonstrative function to conjunctive function from the viewpoint of grammaticalization resulting from bleaching. In Chapter 5, ‘Semantic Extension from Demonstratives to Interjections’, I explain the function and semantic extension of interjections with Ko, So, and A from the viewpoint of grammaticalizaiton resulting from abstraction. And, finally, Chapter 6 is the conclusion of this paper.
Traditional researches on the so-called Ko, So, and A are focused on a unified (or general) explanation of the differences between their deictic and anaphoric usages. This paper, however, considers that the coherence reaches not only those Ko, So, and A which function as demonstratives, but even those Ko, So, and A which do not have this function. For instance, conjunctions with Ko, So, and A stem from the bleaching of Ko, So, and A’s demonstrative functions, and interjections with Ko, So, and A are the results of abstraction from Ko, So, and A’s demonstrative functions. Even though each type differs from the others in terms of their semantic extension, it is clear that semantic extension is connected with those Ko, So, and A which can act as demonstratives.
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紅樓夢派生詞研究 / A study on Derived words of "A Dream of Red Mansions"陳俐后 Unknown Date (has links)
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副詞「YOKU」之意義用法-以比較類義副詞為中心 / The semantic use of adverb「YOKU」-centering on comparing with synonymous adverb杜宜衿, Du, Yi Jin Unknown Date (has links)
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高中英語衍生詞與複合詞的構詞分析 / A morphological analysis of the complex words used in Taiwan senior high school English textbocks白蒂, BAI, DI Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis carries out a morphological analysis of the complex words listed in the index of Taiwan senior high school English textbooks. According to the analysis of the derived words in the vocabulary list, forty..........seven prefixes and seventy..........seven suffixes are used to form the derived words. These pre..........fixes and suffixes are used to form the derived words. These pre..........fixes and suffixes are introduced in different qroups classified according to the meaning the prefixes and suffixes carry. The morphophonemic rules which are obligatorily applied during the derivational processes of forming those derived words are also introduced and so are derivation patterns. The compounds in the vocabulary list of the six English textbooks fall into two main categorise: traditional compounds and neo..........classical compounds. Traditional compounds are divided into several groups according to their syntactic categories, and they are further divided into subgroups based on their internal structures. In the thesis, the combining forms used to make the classification of ICFs and FCFs.
It is not claimed that the analysis of the 1480 complex word done in this thesis is complete since some residual problems still need further studies. But, we are definitely convinced that the analysis indeed a strategy our senior high school English teachers might as well adopt for teaching their students how to memorize or recognize English complex words.
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宋代詠花詞研究俞玄穆, YU, XUAN-MU Unknown Date (has links)
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南宋遺民詠物詞研究陳彩玲, CHEN, CAI-LING Unknown Date (has links)
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構詞法輔以常用詞根之法語生詞教學法:如何幫助台灣學生記憶法語生詞 / A Morphological Approach via Commonly-used Roots to French Vocabulary Teaching: How to Help Taiwanese Students Memorize French Vocabulary蔣維珍, Chiang, Wei-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要發現如下:1)接受「構詞法輔以常用詞根之生詞教學法」的受試者(實驗組)比接受「傳統字義生詞教學法」的受試者(對照組)在生詞的短期記憶和長期記憶上,均有較佳的表現。2)實驗組的辨別字義和拼字能力也比對照組佳。3)在字彙量、短期記憶與長期記憶的相關性上,短期記憶較佳者,也有較好的長期記憶表現。 / The purpose of the study is to investigate the different effects of the traditional definition-based teaching method and the morphological approach via commonly-used roots on Taiwanese French learners’ vocabulary acquisition and memorization. It is hoped that the results of the study can provide an alternative to traditional vocabulary teaching in French.
First of all, an on-line questionnaire which investigated the teaching situation of French vocabulary in Northern Taiwan was administered. Then, the subjects in this study involve 115 nonnative French majors at National Central University and Fu Jen University, including 57 seniors and 58 sophomores. The seniors were divided into experimental and the control groups, while the sophomores were also divided into experimental and the control groups. The experimental groups received the morphological approach via commonly-used roots, and the control groups received the traditional definition-based teaching method. In the beginning, the experimental and control groups took the same French vocabulary pre-test to examine their vocabulary size. Then, after receiving different instruction, the subjects were immediately asked to take post-test 1, which investigated their short-term memory for words. Two weeks later, post-test 2 was conducted to check the subjects’ long-term memory for words.
The results of the study reveal that the experimental groups have better short-term memory for words and long-term memory for words than the control groups, regardless of the subjects’ language proficiency. With regard to the effect of learning new words, both the experimental groups and the control groups made progress after receiving the instruction. After two weeks, the experimental groups showed no regression on the vocabulary post-test. Furthermore, the experimental groups performed better than the control groups on both word spelling and word meaning, and in general, the subjects’ short-term memory for words was correlated with their long-term memory for words.
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