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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


白明勝, Pai, Ming Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
ELM模式把過去紛歧的說服理論作一整合,成功地解釋了過去在說服理論及實證上的歧異。然而,不同的文化下有不同的溝通型態,ELM模式是否能放諸四海而皆準呢?本研究主要目的是希望了解ELM模式在文化迥異於美國的臺灣消費者是否依然成立呢?   本研究主要是以Petty & Cacioppo的ELM模式為研究之架構。根據ELM模式,個人有處理訊息的動機及能力時,將會採中央路徑的訊息處理方式,此時影響態度的主要因素為論點品質;反之,若個人缺乏處理訊息的動機或沒有處理訊息的能力時,則會採取周   路徑的訊息處理方式,此時影響態度的主要因素為周邊線索。在本研究中,我們以論點品質(強/弱)的作為中央線索的操弄,以推薦人的知名度、受喜好程度(名人推薦人/非名人推薦人)作為周邊線索的操弄。以投入程度(高/低)及認知需求的高低(以量表衡量)來研究其對兩路徑說服效果的影響。   研究結果發現:   1、高投入程度者較低投入程度者顯著地對目標產品有較正面的態度。   2、名人推薦人效果略優於非名人推薦人。   3、強論點效果顯著地優於弱論點效果。   4、與國外實證結果不同的是,本研究的交互效果皆不顯著,此結果正突顯出,本研究所提出之文化差異對廣告說服力之影響。也就是東方文化較傾向於地域依賴,而西方文化較傾向地域獨立。 / Systematic variation across cultures in many psychological phenomena have been found by many previous studies. This study incorporate on of them, i. e., need for cognition, into a consumer behavior model, i.e., the Elaboration Likelihood Model. In this paper, the reason why the development of an individual's need for cognition is governed by cultures is explored and the relationship between need for cognition and persuasive effectiveness of media communication is established. Undergraduates at NCCU participated in the experiment. Subjects were randomly assigned to each of the cells in a 2(involvement:high or low) x 2(celebrity status:famous or infamous) x 2(argument quality: high or low)factorial design. Our study has not provided support for the view that different features of an advertisement may be more or less effective, depending upon a person's involvement or need for cognition. The result is not consistent with that of other studies conducted in the western culture. The possible explanation may be due to the culture differences in that the Chinese culture is field dependent while the western culture is field independentas hypothesized.

團隊認知需求及團隊合作性目標與交融記憶系統形成─資訊精緻化的中介效果 / Need For Cognition , Team Cooperative Goal and the formation of Transactive Memory System: The Mediating Effects of Information Elaboration

葉讚名 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著時代不斷演進,現代企業裡的工作團隊大多面臨複雜、變動快速且競爭激烈的環境,因此,如何有效提升團隊績效已成為企業重視的一大課題。過去許多研究指出,團隊交融記憶系統(transactive memory system,簡稱TMS)能有效幫助團隊提升績效並提升團隊決策速度與品質,然而,一個團隊欲建立團隊交融記憶系統,必須先瞭解團隊交融記憶系統的形成前因為何。本研究以資訊處理動機模型為理論基礎,並以企業中之實務工作團隊為研究對象,探討團隊內成員之認知需求(知識動機)與團隊合作性目標(社會動機)如何促成團隊交融記憶系統的形成,並且在研究中加入團隊資訊精緻化作為中介變數,以探討團隊資訊精緻化在認知需求、團隊合作性目標與團隊交融記憶系統間之中介效果。另外,研究中亦將進一步探討團隊合作性目標對於認知需求與團隊資訊精緻化關係的調節效果。 本研究以70個實際工作團隊(包含研發團隊與行銷團隊)作為研究樣本,並以層級迴歸分析及Sobel test進行假設驗證。經由實證分析結果,本研究發現團隊合作性目標與團隊資訊精緻化具有顯著的正向關係,而團隊資訊精緻化在團隊合作性目標與團隊交融記憶系統之關係間具有中介效果。此外,團隊合作性目標亦會調節團隊認知需求與團隊資訊精緻化間的正向關係。也就是說當團隊合作性目標高時,團隊認知需求與團隊資訊精緻化間的正向關係將高於團隊合作性目標低時。

搜尋結果之預期一致性與關聯性對關鍵字廣告效果之影響 / The Influence of Expected Consistency and Relevancy of Search Results on the Effects of Keyword Advertising

郭怡吟, Kuo, I Yin Unknown Date (has links)
隨著消費者對網路使用習慣與依賴度提升,網路廣告目前在消費者端的發展日趨成熟,尤其是關鍵字廣告;因其更能精準的鎖定目標顧客,以及成本相對低廉,受到廣告主的青睞與重視,在廣告市場的規模明顯成長。近年來更有許多企業藉由搭便車(piggybacking)的關鍵字廣告方式,購買競爭對手、通路品牌或非企業本身的產品名稱等關鍵字詞組,作為自己的關鍵字廣告,增加企業廣告的曝光機會。 本研究以實驗法操弄消費者使用不同的搜尋策略,產生的搜尋結果與品牌預期一致性及類別關聯探討關鍵字廣告的效果,共計發放642份問卷經由多變量變異數分析等方法,得出研究結論如下: 1. 以產品名稱搜尋,消費者對知名品牌的廣告產品態度與廣告品牌態度明顯優於不知名品牌。 2. 以品牌名稱搜尋,消費者對與預期一致的品牌的廣告注意、正面廣告態度、廣告產品態度、廣告品牌態度皆明顯優於非預期的品牌。 3. 關鍵字廣告產品與消費者預期搜尋的產品關聯高時,則消費者對廣告注意與瞭解程度顯著高於產品類別關聯低之產品;同時,對關鍵字之正面廣告態度、產品及品牌態度皆優於產品關聯低的廣告。 4. 認知需求會增強消費者對廣告產品類別關聯高的關鍵字廣告的瞭解能力與提升對廣告產品的態度。 5. 認知需求對搜尋結果是否與預期一致或知名品牌之廣告效果的調節效果不顯著。 / As consumers are relying more and more on the internet, web advertising has become more mature on the consumers’ side, especially for keywords advertising. Advertisers have favored keywords advertising due to its ability to precisely target its customer and relatively low cost, which resulted in a significant growth in the advertising market. Recently, many companies started to use piggybacking as a keyword advertising method, buying keyword phrases of competitors, channel brands or product names to use as their own keyword advertisement, in order to increase the exposure of their corporate advertisement. This study used an experimental method to manipulate consumers using different search strategies, and investigated the influence of brand expected consistency and category relevancy. A total of 642 questionaires were analyzed by using MANCOVA analysis, and resulted in the following conclusions: 1. Search by product name: Consumers’ attitude toward advertising product and advertising brand were significantly better for well-known brands compared to unknown brands. 2. Search by brand name: Consumers’ advertising notice, attitude towards positive advertising, advertising product and advertising brand attitudes were significantly better for the expected consistency brand compared to inconsistency brands. 3. Consumers’ advertising notice, understanding, attitude towards positive advertising, advertising product and advertising brand were significantly better for highly relevant product categories compared to low relevant product categories of consumers’ search. 4. Consumers’ need for cognition enhanced the ability for consumers to understand the keyword advertising and raised their attitude towards the advertised product. 5. Consumers’ need for cognition regarding search results on the brand expected consistency or brand familiarity towards advertising effect was not significant to become a moderator.


顏志龍 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的,在於以認知、情感和行為三個層次,來探討領導者對內、外團體部屬的組間偏私(intergroup bias)現象。主要核心議題為:(一)探討領導者對內、外團體部屬的「認知分化」(領導者在認知上能清楚區分內、外團體部屬間差異的程度)、「情感分化」(領導者對內、外團體部屬在情感上喜好不同的差距程度)和「行為分化」(領導者對內、外團體部屬在行為上差別待遇的程度)三者間的關係。(二)探討領導者的個人特性(公平價值觀、認知需求)是否會影響上述認知、情感和行為分化間關係。(三)領導者公平與否是否會影響其整體領導效能。研究者以Fazio(1990)的「動機與機會決定模式」(Motivation and Opportunity as Determinant model,MODE)為理論基礎,以結構方程式檢驗Fazio所提之「慎思歷程」(deliberative processing)(「認知」影響「情感」進而影響「行為」)和自發歷程(spontaneous processing)(「情感」影響「認知」進而影響「行為」),何者較能描述領導者對部屬之組間偏私現象。樣本為軍事院校學生(領導者),經由前導研究(工具及變項修正;N=42)、研究一(相關法;N=98)、研究二(實驗法;N=93)等三個研究,結果顯示:(一)「慎思歷程」較能描述領導者之組間偏私,亦即領導者之組間偏私歷程傾向於「認知分化」影響「情感分化」進而影響「行為分化」。(二)其中「認知分化」和「情感分化」呈正相關傾向,而高「認知分化」之所以會造成高「情感分化」,是由於領導者產生了外團體拒斥(out-group derogation)而非內團體偏私(in-group favoritism)。(三)「情感分化」亦和「行為分化」呈正相關趨勢,但此種相關趨勢的強弱會受到領導者的個人特性(公平價值、認知需求)的調節,當領導者為高公平價值 / 認知需求時,情感分化和行為分化的相關會比低公平價值 / 認知需求者來得低。(四)領導者公平與否(對部屬的情感 / 行為分化),並不會影響其整體領導效能。

國民中小學學生電腦態度.電腦素養及其相關因素之研究 / A Study of Attitude and Literacy Toward Computer and Relationships about Junior Secondary and Primary School Students

蔣姿儀, Chiang, Tzu-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
為瞭解國民中小學學生學習電腦相關行為及現況,本研究以台北市國民中學三年級學生1251人及國小六年級學生1201人為研究對象,經運用電腦經驗調查表.認知需求量表.數學焦慮量表.電腦態度量表及電腦素養測驗卷等研究工具,獲得所需的資料,再以chi-square考驗.皮爾遜積差相關. t-test.典型相關.多元(逐步)迴歸及因徑分析等方法進行統計分析,結果 有以下幾點發現: 一. 國民中小學學生電腦經驗.電腦資源.電腦態度與電腦素養現況方面 1. 國中與國小學生之電腦經驗有顯著的差異存在. 2. 國中與國小學生之電腦資源部份有顯著的差異. 3. 國中與國小男女學生之電腦經驗部份有顯著的差異存在. 4. 國中與國小男女學生之電腦資源部份有顯著的差異存在. 5. 國中學生與國小學生在電腦焦慮與電腦有用性兩電腦態度上有顯著差異. 6. 國民中小學男學生之電腦態度(焦慮與自信)顯著較女生好. 7. 國中學生之電腦素養(軟硬體.應用與影響.操作.倫理)顯著較國中學生佳. 8. 國民中小學男學生之電腦素養(軟硬體.應用與影響.操作)顯著較女生佳. 二. 影響國中小學生電腦態度方面 1. 電腦經驗與國中小學生之電腦態度有顯著之正相關. 2. 電腦資源與國中小學生之電腦態度有顯著之正相關. 3.認知需求與國中小學生之電腦態度有顯著之正相關. 4. 數學焦慮與國中小學生之電腦態度有顯著之相關. 5. 數學成就與國中小學生之電腦態度有顯著之正相關. 6. 認知需求.每星期使用電腦的時間.每星期閱讀電腦書籍及雜誌的.家中電腦週邊設備的情形.自己或與他人共同使用電腦以及是否有電腦學前經驗等六個變項對國中小學生之電腦態度有顯著的預測效果,預測解釋力為32%. 三. 影響國中小學生電腦素養方面 1. 電腦經驗與國中小學生之電腦素養有顯著之正相關. 2. 電腦資源與國中小學生之電腦素養有顯著之正相關. 3. 認知需求與國中小學生之電腦素養有顯著之正相關. 4. 數學焦慮與國中小學生之電腦素養有顯著之相關. 5. 數學成就與國中小學生之電腦素養有顯著之正相關. 6. 每星期閱讀電腦書籍及雜誌的時間.家中電腦週邊設備的情形.自己或與他人共同使用電腦.電腦焦慮.電腦自信以及電腦喜歡等六個變項對國中小學生之電腦素養有顯著的預測效果,預測解釋力約為52%.四.整合模式分析方面1. 國中學生之電腦經驗與電腦資源對其電腦素養之影響,主要是來自直接效果的影響(經驗:57.32%;資源:73.31%), 而認知需求對電腦素養之影響主要是透過電腦態度間接效果的影響(89.06%).2. 電腦經驗與電腦資源對國小學生電腦素養之影響, 來自間接效果的影響約佔(經驗: 67.55%;資源:52.32%),認知需求對國小電腦素養的影響主要是透過電腦態度的間接效果,佔61.29%. With the expansion of computer technology, it is important to prepare individuals for success in our increasingly computerized society. Therefore,factors that impact decisions regarding attitude and literacy of computer should be expored. Several factors should be considered: (1) individual characteristics, (2) computer experience, (3) computer resource, (4) cognitiveneed, (5) mathematics anxiety, and (6) mathematics achievement. The purposes of this study were : (1) To find out the situation of information education in junior secondaryand primary school at present; (2) To find out the situation of the computer attitude and literacy in junior secondary and primary school students at present; (3) To examine the relationship and effects toward computer attitudes and literacy of many factors. 1251 junior secondary and 1201 primary school students were measured by (1)individual characteristics and computer experience questionnare, (2) Cognitive Need Scale , (3) Mathematics Anxiety Scale , (4) Computer Attitude Scale, and(5) Computer Literacy Test. The mainly statistical methods are chi-square, pearson product moment correlation, t-test, canonical correlation analysis, multiple(stepwise) regression analysis and path analysis. The results of the analysis of data indicated the following : (1) There were significant sex and school level differences of attitude and literacy toward computer. Boys were better than girls. Primary school students were better than junior secondary school; (2) There were significant correlations between computer experience, computer resource, cognitive need, mathematics anxiety, mathematics achievement, and computer attitude; (3) There were significant correlations between computer experience, computer resource, cognitive need, mathematics anxiety, mathematics achievement, and computer literacy; (4) Computer experience, computer resourse, cognitive need and computer attitude were significant predictors for computer literacy. Computer attitude was the best significant predictor. Recommendations were made for information education , school , family,educational organization and future additional research , to improve the attitude and literacy toward computer of junior secondary and primary school students.

台灣半導體通路商發展策略之研究 / A study on the development strategies of semiconductor distributors of Taiwan

林奕良, Lin, Yi Liang Unknown Date (has links)
通路商在「供應鏈」的角色,除了必須發揮原廠與客戶端中間橋樑之基本功能以外,尚須面對外部競爭及內部營運績效提昇之考驗。在面臨內外在環境的衝擊及市場的激烈競爭,通路商如何發展其競爭策略來厚植其競爭力,謀求生存利基,是一值得探討的問題。 本研究主要目的是在探討台灣半導體通路商之發展策略,透過對於國內有效問卷之180家通路商作分析,經有系統的收集與整理資料後,利用隨機效果的橫斷時間序列資料迴歸模式分析,結果顯示: 一、組織績效正差會增加通路商對於新產品與新客戶開發的發展策略。 二、組織績效負差會增加通路商對於新產品開發的發展策略,但減少新客戶開發。。 三、領導者的認知度需求度對於新產品與新客戶開發的發展策略有負向影響。 四、領導者的冒險傾向對於新產品與新客戶開發的發展策略有正向影響。 五、領導者的認知需求度對於績效差與新產品開發有調節效果。 六、領導者的冒險傾向對於績效差與新產品開發有調節效果。 / The role of distributor, basically, not only supply chain management but also “bridge” between suppliers and customers, Meanwhile, they encounter external competition as well as challenge of internal performance improvement. Beset by difficulties both at home and abroad as well as fierce competition, distributors need to modify their competition strategies in order to enhance their competitiveness and chip in the niche category they can rely on. It is worthwhile to understand how the semiconductor distributors in Taiwan keep their competitive capability under the challengeable situations. The aim of this study is to investigate the development strategy of Taiwanese small and medium distributors who exclusively manage semiconductor products. After the collection of 180 leader-company dyadic data, this study utilized the random-effects panel regression models to examine the hypotheses. The results showed: 1. The positive difference between organizational performance and past performance increased distributors’ development strategies of new product and new customer exploration. 2. The negative difference between organizational performance and past performance increased distributors’ development strategies of new product exploration but decrease new customer exploration. 3. Top leaders’ need for cognition had negative effect on both of new product and new customer exploration of development strategy. 4. Top leaders’ risk-taking propensity had positive effect on both of new product and new customer exploration of development strategy. 5. The need for cognition of a top leader had moderating effects on the relationships between performance differences and new product development. 6. The risk-taking propensity of a top leader had moderating effects on the relationships between performance differences and new product development.

參考價格的效果:以消費者認知需求程度探討 / The moderating impact of need for cognition on the effect of reference prices - A contingency model

李景浩, Li,Ching-how Unknown Date (has links)
在各式各樣的銷售技巧中,誇張廠商建議價格是一種常見的手法,廠商漫天喊價誇大原始售價,無非是希望能讓消費覺得實際售價低廉且商品值得購買。但在廠商使用這樣的策略時,有些人會察覺到廠商操弄的意圖進而對廠商、商品產生負面的感覺。本研究認為消費者的認知需求程度是參考價格產生效果的重要調節變項,因此,本研究發展兩階段的實驗來探討消費者認知需求高低對其處理價格資訊的影響。研究方式與結果簡述如下: 在第一個階段中研究的是誇張的行銷訊息(誇張的廠商售價)對於認知需求程度不同的消費者的效果差異,以及廠商售價對於消費者的商品態度與購買意願的影響。研究結果發現,認知需求低者較易被廠商宣稱的誇張價格影響其對商品的推估價格,進而對商品產生較佳的態度與購買意願。 在第二個階段中,本研究設計讓已經受到廠商訂價影響的消費者接觸實際售價,探討消費者的認知需求程度對於其操弄意圖推論程度的影響及消費者操弄意圖推論程度對於其最終購買意願與商品態度產生的效果。結果發現,認知需求高的消費者其操弄意圖推論程度亦高,且消費者的操弄意圖推論程度愈高;對於消費者商品態度與購買意願負面的影響也愈大。 / One main concern regarding the use of reference prices in advertisements relates to the possibility of perceived deception due to consumers' reaction towards exaggerated or implausible price claims. This paper examines the moderating roles of an individual level variable-need for cognition (NFC), in influencing consumers’ evaluation of the reference prices in a two-stage experiment. The results support the hypothesized effects of need for cognition and demonstrate that, in the first stage, consumers with a high need for cognition assimilate a smaller portion of the external reference points (ERPs) into their existing internal reference point (IRPs). In addition, for consumers with a low need for cognition, the increasing level of reference price results in positive effects on value perception, brand attitudes and purchase intention. In the second stage, I introduced inferences of manipulative intent (IMI) as a dependant variable. The results suggest that for consumers with a high need for cognition, the greater the discrepancy between their estimated price and real price, the higher level of perceived manipulative intent of advertisers. This leads to negative attitudes toward the advertiser and results in negative effects on brand attitudes and purchase intention. Implications for research and practitioners are discussed.


林千甯, Lin ,Chiien-Ning Unknown Date (has links)
本研究欲探討以個人認知需求為調節變項,考量框架效應和個人與工作適配度,是否對工作預期和求職吸引力產生影響。先前Buda和Charnov (2003)的研究僅闡釋低認知需求較易受框架效應影響,而本研究則欲進一步瞭解,是否高認知需求者在評估求職吸引力時,受個人與工作適配度影響較大。本研究採2x2 x2受試者間之實驗設計,所操弄獨變項為:框架效應(正負相框架訊息)。依變項為「求職吸引力」,「認知需求」為調節變項。 本研究之受試者為204位大學生,研究結果顯示個人與工作適配度與求職吸引力有正相關,當個人與工作適配度愈高,求職吸引力愈高。當應徵者為高認知需求者,個人與工作適配度與求職吸引力間的關係高於應徵者為低認知需求者。研究者分別就結果加以討論,提出可能的解釋,並檢討本研究之限制與貢獻。

線上廣告訴求與認知需求對消費者購買決策的影響 / Effects of Online Advertising Appeal and Cognitive Need on Consumer’s Purchase Decision

張杰 Unknown Date (has links)
現今社群媒體已經是人們生活的一大部分,而網路提供了更容易與消費者接觸的平台給廠商呈現其廣告訴求,廣告訴求是一種策略,利用其所呈現的訴求說服消費者作出購買決策,或是改變消費者對於品牌的態度。本研究探討廣告內容的訊息訴求對於消費者購買決策的影響,並利用推敲可能性模型分析消費者的決策路徑。 因為先前針對推敲可能性模型的決策路徑主要都是以推論為主,本研究設計了一個測量中央及邊陲路徑的問卷,藉此了解受測者實際感受到的決策路徑。而整體的問卷透過一個網路實驗收集資料,結果發現廣告訴求對思考路徑有顯著的關係,理性的廣告訴求會使消費者傾向於使用中央路徑;感性的廣告訴求則會使消費者傾向於使用邊陲路徑,而認知需求會對這個關係有交互作用的影響。同時也發現思考路徑對於購買意願會有顯著影響,不同的產品類型會對於這個關係有交互作用的影響。 / Social media and the Internet are inseparable elements of modern human life. Online advertising becomes a popular method for vendors to access their consumers. Advertising appeals are important in attracting consumers’ attention of products and services. In this study, we investigate the effect of online advertising appeals on consumer’s purchase decision using the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) that proposes a central-peripheral dual-route persuasion mechanism. We designed an instrument to measure the perceived route in decision processes and applied it in an online experiment to examine how different appeals affect the central and peripheral routes in consumers’ decision processes. The results indicate that advertising appeals have significant effect on decision routes. Cognitive needs are found to have interaction effects. Decision through different routes also have significant effect on consumers’ decision, while product types have moderation effects.

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