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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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曾建穎 Unknown Date (has links)
龜兔賽跑,是大家耳熟能詳的寓言故事,雖然故事簡短,卻富有深刻的教育意義。房地產景氣時期,租金與房價的關係也如同龜兔賽跑一樣,房價就像跑得快的兔子,租金則是緩慢爬行的烏龜。在故事中,烏龜和兔子因為「賽跑」這件事而產生關係,在住宅市場上,租金和房價亦因為人們對房地產的投資與消費需求、次市場間租買選擇的替代性而產生關聯性。 月租金乘數(房價/月租金)可以表現出房價與租金兩者的相對關係。近十餘年來市場的不景氣,家戶對住宅的投資性需求減弱,過去造成月租金乘數偏高的房價波動減緩,但月租金乘數並未因此而下降,台北地區的月租金乘數平均為345,呈現穩定但仍偏高的現象。考量因權屬不同,導致住宅所提供的服務品質有所差異的情況下,出租與自有住宅的使用價值產生落差,亦因此無法縮小租金與房價之間的差距。 分析租金與房價互相影響的程度,發現兩者彼此影響的程度減弱,且房價變動對租金的影響明顯高於租金變動對房價的影響,表示房價除了受租金影響外,其它變數亦佔有重要的影響地位,房價與租金兩者的關聯性不若理論或經驗上來的直接密切。進一步分析房價與租金的時間關係,兩者存在長期的均衡關係,且台北市房價具有領先台北縣房價的現象。房價與租金間並無明顯的因果關係,這與過去認為房價領先租金的說法不同,兩次市場可能因市場區隔而使價格偏離,租買選擇並非同時考慮之行為,因而減弱住宅次市場間互相調整替代的功能。 關鍵字:龜兔賽跑、租金、房價、租金乘數、時間關係

全民路跑之價值主張研究 / Value Propositions’ Study of Road Running Races

林育千 Unknown Date (has links)
在臺灣,路跑成為近年全民運動的熱門項目之一,根據「運動筆記」統計,賽事數量連續五年上升,達到 2015 年的 488 場賽事。路跑幾乎在國內的各個城市及鄉鎮遍地開花,代表其受歡迎程度且不侷限於個別區域。其中最大型的城市馬拉松- 2016 臺北國際馬拉松,成功吸引 22,000 名國內外跑者參賽。是什麼因素引起跑友參加路跑賽事?跑友喜歡怎麼樣的路跑賽事;不喜歡哪種賽事?以上問題引起作者的注意,決定透過研究其價值主張,分析箇中因素。同時也問自己,若今天要承辦一場路跑,到底要怎麼辦才會成功。 本研究挑選國內外超過二十路跑及馬拉松賽事,討論個案所屬主辦單位如何決定於商業模式中提供何種價值主張,且使用何種方法配合其價值並傳遞給跑有及其他受眾。本研究先透過半結構式訪談國內馬拉松賽事的主辦單位及承辦單位,再訪談參賽者、教練及跑團。探討前者做了哪些努力及在哪方面用心;後者是否接受、認同且買單前者的作法,以期待主辦單位、合作廠商、跑友、市民都在路跑賽事中獲得收穫,皆大歡喜。同時,也期望主辦單位能參考跑友認為賽事不優的地方給予改進,優良的價值接受肯定並持續進步,讓國內馬拉松早日追上世界六大馬的水平。研究結果歸納如下: 壹、 路跑賽事的本質、城市及鄉鎮文化特色行銷、紀念品對路跑賽事的附加價值與魅力、冠名及好口碑賽事的品牌力、提供選手與民眾體驗的機會,以上五項皆為跑友的參賽動機與因素。 貳、 解決痛點及創造收穫的分析結果,可歸納成十三個價值主張,包含體驗、把事情搞定、信任、成本降低、風險降低、可及性、便利性/易用性、紀念性、榮譽感、效果/成績、設計、品牌/地位、兼容性、公益性。 參、 上述價值再做必要性及附加性價值分析、價值水平分析、生命週期分析、價值主張宣言及情感面產品面體驗式價值分析,另外也提出日後可發掘及發揮創意之價值的嘗試方向。 【關鍵字】:全民路跑、馬拉松、價值主張 / Road running races are getting popular in Taiwan these years. According to information of “Running Biji” website, the amount of races had increased gradually in five years ago, and reached as many as 488 competitions in 2015. Not only in main cities, even towns and villages are crazy in organizing races too. One of the biggest races, 2016 Taipei International Marathon had successfully attracted more than 22,000 participants, in both Taiwanese and foreigners. Author is feeling curious about this phenomenon, and decided to figure out what are the reasons which called runners to these races, and, the favorites or dislikes while running in these events. The purpose of this study is to identify value propositions of road running races, and try to validate the result with organizing races fictitiously. In this study, more than 20 races and marathons had been selected for further discuss in how organizers make decisions in providing various type of value propositions to target audience. The first phase of the project involves in semi-structured interview of organizers, runners, coaches and running club where they confirm or disagree the hard work by hosts, as a result of all people who involved in road running races including municipal government, sponsors, citizen would be feeling fulfilled at last. Simultaneously, we wish that host can study and treat the survey seriously, try to improve the quality or races, to make Taiwan races become one of the world best marathons in the future. Through induction and research, we reflect and summarize this study in following points: 1. Why do runners participate in races, can be described in following five reasons: the essence of road running races, the attractiveness of city and town culture, the gifts and souvenirs, the brand power in sponsorship or dependable races and organizer, and the experiences of competition. 2. Analyzation of pain relievers and gain creators, can classify in 13 value propositions. They are experience, getting the job done, trust, cost reduction, risk reduction, accessibility, convenience/usability, commemoration, honor, effect/result, design, brand/status, compatibility and public benefit. 3. Further discussions on above values are needed, including compulsory or additional value, value level, life cycle, declaration of value, and essence of value. Suggestion for practicing potential values is provided too. 【Keywords】:Road Running、Marathon、Value Propositions

主題性路跑參賽者之經濟效益分析 / Evaluating the Benefits of Runners of Theme Run in Taipei

劉仕傑, Shi-Jay Liu January 1900 (has links)
本文目的要評估在臺北市舉行的「劍中劍‧風中劍路跑檢定賽」及「台北星光夜跑Taipei Night Run」主題性路跑賽事的路跑參賽者滿意度之經濟效益,並運用旅行成本法及消費者剩餘發展效益模型,並使用因素及集群分析方法分析主題性路跑活動之參賽動機,根據前因素分析結果,共萃取出兩個因素構面,分別為「身心健康」、「人際關係」。在確認三個集群個數後,更進一步的利用單因子變異數分析與雪費事後檢定(Scheffe’s Test)對這三個集群加以命名,分別命名為「自我追求型」、「社交人際型」及「一般類型」。並以此三種集群類型當作主題性路跑活動之參賽者需求曲線之影響因素。此外,此兩場賽事活動對參賽者(路跑者)及周邊產業而言,約可以創造639萬元及1386萬元的產值;並可創造約0.6082億元及1.3179億元的經濟效益。近年來路跑活動盛行,各界日益關切在臺北市所舉辦的主題性路跑活動所造成的影響,若可以加入客觀且具體估計出來路跑者的經濟效益當作衡量路跑活動的補助,核准等項目指標,可供日後臺北市政府及主辦單位對於未來的路跑活動發展之改善。 / 摘要 I 目錄 II 圖目錄 III 表目錄 IV 第壹章緒論 1 第一節研究背景與動機 1 第二節研究目的 3 第三節研究問題 3 第四節研究範圍 3 第五節研究流程 3 第貳章文獻探討 5 第一節名詞釋義 5 第二節文獻探討 7 第三節小結 12 第參章理論架構 13 第一節樣本分析 13 第二節架構分析 19 第三節小結 21 第肆章實證模型與結果分析 22 第一節路跑參賽者參賽動機因素分析與集群探討 22 第二節實證結果 26 第伍章結論與建議 34 第一節結論 34 第二節建議 35 參考文獻 36 附錄 39 圖目錄 圖1-1 研究流程圖 4 圖3-1 滿意度百分比圖 15 圖3-2 參與動機百分比圖 15 圖3-3 性別與婚姻狀況百分比圖 16 圖3-4 年齡百分比圖 17 圖3-5 教育程度及職業百分比圖 17 圖3-6 每月平均所得百分比圖 18 圖3-6 滿意度指標改變引起跑者需求的變化 20 圖4-1 參賽者一整年所參加路跑活動的消費者剩餘 32 表目錄 表2-1 路跑活動參賽者之參與動機與滿意度分析摘要表 8 表2-2 旅行成本法與經濟效益分析之研究摘要 10 表4-1 路跑參賽者參賽動機因素分析表 23 表4-2 跑者參賽動機因素之單因子變異數分析 25 表4-3 主要變數之定義與平均值 27 表4-4 樣本之參與路跑次數、路跑成本及滿意度指標平均值統計表 28 表4-5 路跑活動需求函數之估計係數 30 表5-1 路跑賽事之消費者剩餘、路跑者支出、經濟效益分析 33

19世紀英格蘭公學校跑步運動的發展 / The Development of Running and the Great Public Schools in 19th Century England

程奕嘉, Cheng, I Chia Unknown Date (has links)
19世紀英格蘭社會,對於運動史研究來說是很重要的時期。本研究將從19世紀的英格蘭談起,藉由公學校在運動發展中的影響力,來討論與理解跑步運動在19世紀公學校內的發展脈絡以及現代化的過程為何?19世紀在有能力就讀公學校,還有劍橋、牛津大學等中上階級們的影響之下,促使了「現代運動」的形成。同時,這些在運動發展上握有權力的中上階級們,在運動發展的過程中,塑造出了「業餘精神」,藉此來強調運動的高尚和階級的優越性。本文將從19世紀初期討論到西元1908年倫敦奧運。從公學校早期具有娛樂和暴力性質的跑步運動談起,在19世紀中歷經校長改革和學生們投入後,跑步運動中娛樂與暴力性質越來越少,加入更多工業革命發展下所帶來的現代元素。19世紀後半葉,公學校內跑步運動發展逐漸成熟,討論規則制定的情況漸少,描述比賽舉辦情況漸多。在公學校外,許多田徑俱樂部和越野賽跑俱樂部在公學校或是大學校友們的支持下成立。1880年業餘田徑協會成立,統一各地俱樂部和規則紛亂的局面,負責掌管英格蘭地區有關田徑運動的一切事宜,這也是公學校內討論跑步運動規則情況減少的原因。1908年倫敦在畢業於公學校校友的牽線下舉辦奧運,並與美國在跑步賽場上因為「業餘精神」和規則發生了些紛爭。至此,我們可以看出19世紀英格蘭公學校跑步運動的發展狀況,以及了解公學校跑步運動發展與現代運動出現間,部份的互動關係和影響。 / The nineteenth cenry is an essential age for Sport history, especially in England. This research attempts to comprehend the revolutionary transformation of British sporting culture by studying running. During the Victorian era, running, as a sport category, includes hare and hounds, cross-country running, handicap, steeplechase and track events which is a little bit different from the modern Athletics. The research focuses on the public schools’ students, their relationship with athleticism, running sport and the society in the nineteenth-century England. As its main concern is the role of the public schools played in the the transformation of British sporting culture, the dissertation begins with the education system of the public schools and the running in the old times . Then, it turns to the transformation of athleticism and the renovation of running in the public schools by discussing what, why and how it happened? The third chapter moves to the modern running games held in the public schools, and the interaction between the public schools and the amateur clubs. The Amateur Athletic Association, established in 1880, played an important role in the history of running sports and had significant effects on Amateurism. Finally, the dissertation concludes with the 1908 London Summer Olympic to see the spread of public schools’ amateurism.

漢語多義詞「跑」之結構及語意分析 / A structural and semantic analysis of the polysemous verb PAO in Mandarin Chinese

蔡宛玲, Tsai, Wan-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
一詞多義是所有語言會出現的共有現象,然而,過往較少探討多義詞整體結構與其各義項間的關聯,也鮮少討論句法結構延伸的原因。本篇研究將探討漢語日常使用頻率較高的移動動詞「跑」的多義性,以中研院語料庫之語料為本,客觀的回歸到語言事實作分析,並參照Talmy(1975, 1985, 2000)提出的移動事件框架,檢視「跑」所體現的概念結構及句法結構間的關聯,試圖解釋造成不及物用法至非常規賓語用法背後所展現的機制,此外,本文根據教育部重編國語辭典、中文詞彙網絡知識庫內「跑」的定義及參照Evans(2005)的原則性多義理論,確立「跑」的獨立義項並探討概念結構中不同元素的變化和「跑」多義性之間的關聯,進一步地說明各義項間的相關性與區別性,最後,參照Lakoff(1987)的放射形範疇結構整理出屬於「跑」的語意網絡圖。 本篇研究結果顯示,「跑」共有四種不同的句法結構,分別為最典型的不及物﹝A.名詞短語+跑﹞句式,由趨向介詞帶出名詞短語的﹝B.名詞短語+處所/趨向介詞+名詞短語+跑﹞句式及﹝C.名詞短語+跑+處所/趨向介詞+名詞短語﹞句式、從不及物用法延伸至非常規賓語用法的﹝D.名詞短語+跑+名詞短語(斜格)﹞句式,各句式映射到的概念結構皆不同,是概念結構內不同要素的變化影響句法結構的改變,人類的自然認知過程使路徑延伸出不同種類,造成「跑」的非常規賓語用法以及延伸出不同於字面義的其他義項。此外,本文確立「跑」的七個獨立義項為「以兩腿交互快速向前移動」義、「往特定目標移動」義、「為某事忙碌奔走」義、「迅速離開、逃走、躲避」義、「兩個以上的參與者競速」義、「交通工具或物體的移動」義及「離開原有的位置」義,各義項的出現與整體句法結構、概念結構及語境有很大的關聯,總結來說,「跑」所體現的概念結構、句法結構及語意三者之間的相互影響是造成多義現象的重要因素。 / This study investigates the prevalently used polysemous motion verb PAO “run” in Mandarin Chinese. The data are extracted from Academic Sinica Balanced Corpus of Modern Chinese. Under the framework of Motion Event Frame (Talmy 1975, 1985, 2000), the study explicates the mechanism of PAO’s syntactic complexities in a more plausible manner. Four different structures of PAO are detected: the most typical intransitive structure [A. NP+PAO], structures with prepostions [B. NP+P+PAO+NP] and [C. NP+PAO+P+NP], and the unconventional transtive structure [D. NP+PAO+NP(oblique case)]. Each structure manifests different conceptual structures. It is claimed that the extention of Path has caused the usage of unconventional transtive structure and the polysemous phenomenon of PAO. In addition, this paper investigates the relationship between the different senses of PAO and elements in its conceptual structure. The relevance and distinction between the different senses of PAO are built as a radial categorization. PAO is suggested to have seven different senses: move quickly with legs, move to specific places, move for specific reasons, escape, two or more participants race, vehicles or objects move and leave the original location. Each sense is related to the overall syntactic structure, the conceptual structure and different contexts. In conclusion, the interaction between the conceputual structure, the syntactic structure and semantic meanings is a major factor that makes a polysemy.

期貨交易法內線交易之探討─以美國法為中心 / Insider Trading of the Futures Trading Act : A Comparative Study between Taiwan and the United States

陳禾原 Unknown Date (has links)
期貨交易法,事實上即為衍生性商品交易法,隨著衍生性商品發展推陳出新,在其高隱蔽與高槓桿的特性下,對於市場之波動甚至更甚於傳統基礎證券商品,而有管制之必要。我國於民國86年間訂定期貨交易法第107條內線交易禁止之規定,嗣又於105年11月9日為首次之修正,惟修正後仍有諸多疑慮,例如就連結至有價證券之期貨交易乙節,是否即已完全排除法規套利之誘因?而不區分連結之商品類型,一概適用期貨交易法是否妥適?又期貨交易法第107條部分體例如獲悉、消息成立等節,係採與證券交易法第157條之1相異之用語,適用上應如何解釋?就此,本論文交互對照證券交易法第157條之1之規定及比較法上美國之立法例,建議期貨交易法第107條在近期修正之目標上,應可就連結至有價證券之期貨交易增訂準用證券交易法內線交易禁止之規定,或將之參諸證券交易法第157條之1規定自期貨交易法第107條抽出獨立規範;另就諸如消息成立時點、定義、主觀要件等體例設計上與證券交易法統一,俾同時解決法規套利、法規漏洞以及規範解釋適用等疑義。 / With the frequent business and finance development, the concealment and leverage of derivative commodities are obviously higher than before. This shows the necessity and importance of the legal governance. Article 107 of the Futures Trading Act regarding the forbidden of insider trading was promulgated in 1997, and revised firstly in 2016. However, is the aforesaid amendment enough to eliminate the incentive of insider trading for the commodities derived from securities? Is the amendment which directly governs all kinds of futures trading without distinguishing by the nature thereof proper?And how to interpret the terms of “knowing”, “the establishment of information” of the Futures Trading Act since they are inconsistent with the Article 157-1 of the Securities and Exchange Act? For those aforementioned doubts, referring to the Securities and Exchange Act and the United States law system, this study suggests that the Futures Trading Act may adopt the following revisions: 1. The futures trading derived from securities and commodities shall be governed respectively. 2. Those terms such as “knowing”, “the establishment of information” which are irrelevant with the nature of futures trading shall be consistent with the Securities and Exchange Act.

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