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跨國藥廠在台灣之競爭分析 / The competition analysis of multinational pharmaceutical companies in Taiwan詹雅琪, Chan, Ya-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
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人力資源在跨國企業購併扮演的角色─以台灣企業case為例 / HR Perspectives for Cross-Boarder M&As in Taiwan---Case studies on three Taiwanese corporations歐學迪 Unknown Date (has links)
人力資源在跨國企業購併扮演的角色─以台灣企業case為例 / Cross-boarder mergers and acquisitions (M&As)1 have become critical business model strategically implemented for Taiwan companies to achieve sustainable competitive advantages. This report is to utilize three Taiwan M&A cases2, merging oversea MNCs or acquired by overseas MNCs, to address HR perspectives in cross-boarder M&As. The author tries to provide a strategic frame work, pinpointing critical absolutes matching with three different M&A stages-early due diligence, middle integration, and late synergy processes. Through empirical research, case studies, quantitative survey and interviews to HR professionals, author concludes HR plays critical role in each stage suiting for various outcomes. For instance, in the early due diligence stage, HR should focus on reviewing culture conflict, talent resources and management style mapping to avoid only looking at financial returns but neglecting the fitting of the human capital. In the middle integration stage, aligning new company vision and strategy with HR strategy and offering the articulated communication scheme are crucial to gain commitment across the board and whole employees. In the late synergy process, shaping new company culture through HR scorecards such as recruiting, developing, appraising, rewarding and engaging is a must for changing company value system and employees behaviors to achieve the integrative synergy of the M&As. Read more
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跨國銀行海外直接投資之實證研究-以新興國家為研究對象張萃鈞 Unknown Date (has links)
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跨國企業運用策略聯盟進入台灣市場之研究-以與經濟部簽署策略聯盟意願書為例權宰根 Unknown Date (has links)
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跨國銀行研究-引力模型之實證分析楊易寰 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以跨國銀行在各個金融中心建立的據點來分析金融中心之間彼此互相滲透(interpenertration)的程度,以及金融中心的銀行家數來衡量金融中心的在國際上地位,並試圖運用引力模型(Gravity Model)找出對跨國銀行到海外建立據點的決定因素。
首先,針對跨國銀行進行研究,整理跨國銀行的產業特性、業務、組織型態與其在海外建立據點的動機之相關文獻。並研究國際金融中心發展過程中的離心力(centrifugal force)與向心力(centripetal force)以及國際金融事件對於跨國銀行佈局的影響。在資料分析中上海的排名為本研究20個城市中上升最多的城市,此外這20個城市相互聯繫(interconnectedness)的程度有明顯減弱的傾向,其原因主要受到跨國銀行在其國外的據點進行緊縮性的調整以及併購風潮的影響。而引力模型對金融業的對外投資獲得良好的結果,能清楚地解釋跨國銀行在金融中心設立據點的決定因素。
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外國專技人員來台工作政策與管理制度之研究楊靜宜 Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣地區跨國初婚與繼親家庭之比較研究:以台北縣地區為例 / Comparing Transnational Families and Stepfamilies in Taiwan:An Example of Taipei County楊惠萱, Yang, Hui -hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
國內跨國婚姻家庭的數量逐年升高,主要是因為近十年東南亞籍女性配偶的大量移入。各界討論跨國婚姻的視角鮮少以微觀的家庭互動觀點論之,並且未詳細理解跨國家庭在成因與家庭型態上的不同。因此本研究以質的研究方式,著重互動與詮釋等微視觀點,重新理解跨國家庭本身,並比較初婚及繼親跨國家庭間的異同;比較的面向包括家庭形成之過程與基礎,家庭角色規範,家庭界域,夫妻與親子互動關係等。同時,本研究也探索國內大眾或媒體對跨國家庭的偏見與歧視作用在跨國家庭中所可能造成的影響。本研究資料是經由對來自四個跨國初婚家庭與四個跨國繼親家庭中之家長及子女進行深入訪談而取得。研究結果顯示,跨國初婚與繼親家庭的家庭成因略有差異,而跨國家庭在外部關係上,皆具有結構上的困境,並影響家人互動關係。家庭內部關係上,夫妻關係與親子關係也有其個別的異同之處。在文化與適應上,跨國家庭傾向具有雙元的飲食文化特色,以及多元的語言接觸機會。並且,台籍配偶包容度能提升外籍配偶的適應情況。總體而論,跨國繼親家庭需面對較多家庭問題,並且容易因為「跨國」的因素,而使問題越加複雜。跨國家庭成員大多也對仲介婚姻存有偏見,因此將多將自身婚姻視為是「交往成婚」類型,藉此降低社會偏見可能對其造成的污名化影響。研究歸結,跨國家庭之家庭經驗具有獨特性,此一獨特性,除了受社會結構性因素影響之外,也受家庭人際互動的影響,某些層次上,更反映岀了初婚與繼親家庭的差異。 / Due largely to the escalating volume of immigration from Southeast Asia, the number of transnational families in Taiwan has increased significantly in the past decade. A number of studies have been conducted on these transnational families. However, these studies focused mostly on the macro-structural aspect of the phenomenon, and none approached the issue from the micro viewpoint. This study adopted a micro perspective to examine the experiences of transnational families established by Taiwanese and Southeast Asians. I used qualitative methods to compare transnational families established by first marriages with those established by remarriages (stepfamilies) in grounds of family formation, family boundaries, rules governing roles of family members, and marital as well as parent-child relationships. This study also assessed the possible influence of prejudice and discrimination in the mass media and the general public on these transnational families. Data were collected through interviews with parents and children from four transnational families established by first marriages and four established by remarriages. The findings indicated that cultural difference was often associated with the difficulties faced by transnational families. Moreover, transnational families established by first marriages with those established by remarriages (stepfamilies) were quite different, in that the latter often encountered more difficulties in managing family relationships, constructing family boundaries, establishing unambiguous rules directing roles of family members, and following these rules. Members of transnational families tended to have more exposure to diverse religions and languages, and dietary practices may differ among family members. Family’s economic status is influential in shaping the relationships among family members, especially in families with financial problems. Most of the informants interviewed were inclined to distance their families from the stereotypical image of a transnational family in the eyes of the media as well as the general public, which can be seen as a strategy to avoid stigmatization. In conclusion, the results showed that the unique experiences of transnational families were embedded in social contexts and shaped by various social factors on the one hand, and developed by family members through daily interactions on the other. Furthermore, such experiences reflected the distinctions between transnational families established by first marriages and those established by remarriages. Read more
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企業跨國掛牌研究-以台灣市場為個案許雅鈞, Hsu, Ya Chun Unknown Date (has links)
最後,分別從主管當局、證券交易所及櫃買中心就其所應扮演的角色,提出未來努力方向,期望能提供台灣資本市場扭轉劣勢、提昇競爭力的根本之道,使台灣成為一個具有區域競爭力的高流動性的資本市場。建議主管當局積極營造一個更開放、交易成本更低廉的資本市場,提昇自身的投資環境、降低法規障礙。建議交易所與櫃買中心未來可從監理的角色轉變成純粹提供「流動性」服務的公司,將市場監理的機制,交由第三者來負責。交易所與櫃買中心則專注於提供低成本、高流動性的服務。證券交易所之間的策略聯盟亦是未來發展的重要策略。 / Since 2002, Taiwanese companies have been restricted by the law of inverstment upper limit 40%. Moreover, the tax regime in Taiwan is less favorable for companies. When choosing where to list, instead of staying in Taiwan, a lot of Taiwanese companies started to pick other markets such as Hong Kong to avoid the inverstment restriction and raise fund directly from Mainland China. This results in the outwards power, making the number of the companies which newly listed in Taiwan stock market decrease. This paper starts from four academic theories: market segmentation hypothesis, legal bonding hypothesis, investor recognition hypothesis, and liquidity hypothesis, to discuss the motivations behind the cross-listing decision made by companies. Furthermore, taking the capital market of Taiwan as a case study, this paper analyses and evaluates the trading volume after cross-listing thoroughly.
At last, this paper provides several suggestions for Taiwanese government, TSEC and OTC respectly; hopely those can make the capital market of Taiwan much more competitive and of higher liquidity. We suggest that the authority should try to build a market with less restrictions and lower trading costs, improve the investiment environment, and remove the legal barriers. In the other hand, we suggest TSEC and OTC might outsource their monitoring function to another independent party in the future, and transform into companies simply provide the good: “liquidity”. Thus, they can focus on providing lower cost of liquidity. The strategic alliance between exchanges is also an important stratedy. Read more
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台灣銀行業進入東南亞國家之研究 / Research of Taiwanese banks going to Southeast Asia王馨儀 Unknown Date (has links)
本文探討台灣銀行業進入東南亞國家的因素,著重於從理論假設到實證研究,先以跨國銀行理論作為框架提出假設,接著利用實證方法來分析追隨客戶的動機可否充分解釋台灣銀行業的擴張行為?又或者是折衷理論之解釋較為全面?最後對於實證結果進行分析,研究發現:追隨客戶、地主國國家的經濟發展、地主國的融資及母行本身的條件是影響台灣銀行業者跨國經營的主要因素。 / This paper analyze the determinants of the overseas physical presences of Taiwanese banks in Southeast Asia. We focus on the process of from theoretical hypotheses to empirical studies. First, we propose hypotheses based on the theory framework of multinational bank, and then, the multiple regression models are adopted and we investigate whether the “follow-the-client’’ hypothesis is held?Or can the test results in views of eclectic theory explain Taiwanese banks’ behavior more comprehensively. The results of this paper are as follows: following their customers, the host countries’ economy, the host countries’ financing market, and the parent banks’ specific qualities are the main factors affecting the number of presences Taiwanese banks in Southeast Asia.
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跨國公司之移轉價格行為--台灣之實證研究林曼莉, LIN, MAN-LI Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機與目的
第二節 本文之結構
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 國外有關之文獻:(一)自管理會計觀點進行之研究;(二)數量方法之應
第二節 國內有關之文獻;(一)自法律觀點探討之研究;(二)自管理會計觀點探
第三節 有關之實證研究
第四節 本章彙述
第三章 理論模型
第一節 由國內母公司生產最終產品移轉給國外子公司銷售。
第二節 由國內母公司生產中間產品移轉給國外子公司,再由子公司力加工成最終產
第三節 結語
第四章 實證研究
第一節 實證模型之導引,即利用上一章之理論架構導出實證模型。
第二節 將第一節之實證模型再加以擴充。
第三節 對實證資料之來源加以說明。
第四節 迴歸分析而得之實證研究結果。
第五節 對實證所得之結果加以檢討
第五章 結論
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