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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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以厚尾分配及緩長記憶特性模型分析日圓匯率期貨報酬之風險值 / VaR Analysis for the Dollar/Yen Exchange Rate Futures Returns with Fat-Tails and Long Memory

鄭士緯, Cheng, Shih-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
本篇文章將採用長期記憶模型之一的HYGARCH模型,搭配1985年廣場協議後的日圓匯率期貨資料來估計日圓期貨匯率買入和放空部位的日報酬風險值,探討控管日圓匯率期貨在使用上的風險。為了更準確地計算風險值,本文採用常態分配、學生t分配以及偏態學生t分配來作模型估計以及風險值之計算。 本文實證的結果將有兩方面的貢獻:首先,實證結果顯示當我們採用厚尾分配估計風險值時,樣本內風險值的估計誤差會與信賴水準的高低呈正比的現象,證明在極端的風險值估計上,厚尾分配均有較佳的表現。其次,與其他使用HYGARCH模型研究日圓匯率的文章相較,本文在風險控管層面上所提供的偏態學生t分配,於估計風險值時,比起只考慮厚尾的對稱學生t分配將來得更為有效,其不但在估計誤差上較小,而且根據Kupiec檢定法,其在樣本內的風險值估計也有較好的表現。此外,本文也將多方證明此資料的偏態分配屬於右偏。 / In order to manage the exposure of the dollar/yen futures returns with regarding the long memory behavior in volatility, we use the HYGARCH(1,d,1) model with the data after the Plaza Accord to compute daily Value-at-Risk (VaR) of long and short trading positions. To take into account the fat-tail situation in financial time series, we estimate the model under the normal, Student-t, and skewed Student-t distributions. The contribution of this article is twofold. First, the empirical results show that the bias of in-sample VaR increases as the confidence level increases when VaR is calculated with a fat-tail distribution. Second, we provide a better distribution, the skewed Student-t innovation, for estimating the HYGARCH model for the Japanese yen in respect of risk management because the bias under the skewed Student-t innovation is smaller than that under the Student-t distribution, and in-sample VaR of the models with a skewed Student-t distribution outperforms based on Kupiec test. In addition, we get the innovation skewed to the right through the in-sample VaR analysis.

BASEL II 與銀行企業金融授信實務之申請進件模型

陳靖芸, Chen,Chin-Yun Unknown Date (has links)
授信業務是銀行主要獲利來源之一,隨著國際化趨勢以及政府積極推動經濟自由,國內金融環境丕變,金融機構之授信業務競爭日漸激烈,加上近年來國內經濟成長趨緩,又於千禧年爆發本土性金融風暴,集團企業財務危機猶如骨牌效應ㄧ樁接ㄧ樁,原因在於大企業過度信用擴張,過高槓桿操作,導致負債比率上升,面臨償債困難;還有銀行對企業放款之授信審核常有大企業不會倒閉之迷思。故如何找出企業財務危機出現之徵兆,及早防範於未然,將是本研究在建立企業授信之申請進件模型的重點之ㄧ。 此外,2002年新修定的巴塞爾資本協定主在落實銀行風險管理,國際清算銀行決定於2006年正式實行新巴塞爾協定,我國修正的「銀行資本適足性管理辦法」自民國九十五年十二月三十一日起實施,故本國銀行需要依據本身的商品特色、市場區隔、客戶性質、以及經營方式與理念等因素,去建制一套適合自己的內部風險評估系統。故本研究第二個重點即在於依據我國現有法令,做出一個符合信用風險基礎內部評等法要求之申請進件模型。 本研究使用某銀行有財務報表之企業授信戶,利用財報中的財務比率變數建立模型。先使用主成分分析將所有變數分為七大類,分別是企業之財務構面、經營能力、獲利能力、償債能力、長期資本指標、流動性、以及現金流量,再進行羅吉斯迴歸模型分析。 / Business loan is one of the main profits in the bank. But increasing business competition causes the loan process in the bank is not very serious, the bankers allow enterprise to expand his credit or has higher debt ratio, that would cause financial crises. The first point in this study is to find the symptom when enterprise has financial crises. The second point is that under the framework of New Basel Capital Accord〈Basel II〉, we try to build an application model that committed the domestic requirements. The bank should develop the fundamental internal rating-based approach that accords with its strategy、market segmentation、and customers type. This research paper uses financial variables〈ex. liquid ratio、debt ratio、ROA、ROE、… 〉to build enterprise application model. We use the principle component analysis to separate different factors which affect loan process: financial facet、ability to pay、profitability、management ability、long-term index、liquidity、and cash flow. Then, we show the result about these factors in the logistic regression model.

景氣愈差公職考試愈熱門?論臺灣經濟變數對高普考錄取率之影響 / The Effects of Economic Variables on Qualification Rates of Senior & Junior Civil Service Examinations in Taiwan

陳錫安, Chen, Hsi-An Unknown Date (has links)
不景氣的年代,民間企業裁員、減薪或強迫員工休無薪假的事件層出不窮,襯托出公職相對起薪高、福利制度健全,任職免職程序有政府法令保障。在公職逐漸被當前的社會氛圍視為是兼具地位及幸福的工作時,愈來愈多的民眾競相投入公務人員的考試,而競相爭捧鐵飯碗的現象,也成為近期媒體報導的新聞焦點。 惟前述種種的論述都仍停留在主觀的聯想及推論上,國內鮮少針對經濟變數與公務人員考試錄取率間之關係,建立統計實證模型進行客觀量化分析。基於這樣的時空背景及社會氛圍,本研究遂以客觀的高普考錄取率表示公務人員考試競爭程度,觀察經濟環境變數對其造成的影響,是否誠如媒體所言,當景氣愈差時,公職考試就愈熱門的現象。 經過實證模型分析後,發現影響經濟變數對高考錄取率較普考錄取率變動數的影響較為顯著,包括:當期或前期的高考薪資占民間薪資比、當期或前期的失業率、前期臺股指數變動數、當期或前期臺股指數標準離差率以及時間趨勢等解釋變數,並且各自存在不同程度的影響及合理的正負關係。而普考錄取率變動數部分,僅受當期普考薪資占民間薪資比、前期失業率及時間趨勢等變數所影響。 本文最後,提出針對可能影響民眾報考公務人員的重要因素,提出相應政策建議,以期抒緩公職考試過熱的現象並精進政府政策。 / Recession-era, layoffs, pay cuting, and forcing employees to take unpaid leave are more and more in private sector, highlight the work of public sector is high starting salary, benefits sound system, and having protection by law in appointment and dismissal. More people want to participate in civil service examination, then civil service examination craze has become the focus of recent news. Provided the foregoing various opinions are still subjective conjecture, almost no study about relationship between economic variables and the qualification rates of civil service examination in domestic studies. In this context, this study used a senior and junior civil service examination qualification rates to represent the competitive of civil service examination, and to observe the effects of economic variables on the qualification rates of civil service examination, if consistent with the media reports, the worse economy is, the less qualification rates of civil service examination will be. After empirical model analysis, we found that the effects of economic variables on the qualification rates of senior civil service examination are more significant than the changes of the qualification rates of junior civil service examination. Finally, make recommendations to relief civil service examination craze.

以資料採礦方法探討國內數位落差之現象 / Effect of Digital Divide in Taiwan: Data Mining Applications

林建宇, Lin,chien yu Unknown Date (has links)
全球化時代與資訊化社會的來臨,電腦與網際網路成為生活中不可或缺的要素,儘管至2008年為止,我國有將近七成的民眾透過網路科技享受到更多的便利性,但社會上仍存在著數位落差(digital divide)的問題,數位落差除了使得資訊窮人(information-poor)不易取得資訊,亦將對其經濟、人權等各方面造成影響。故研究目的在利用資料採礦的應用,配合SPSS Clementine 12.0的軟體,探討數位落差的現象,並嘗試找出形成數位落差的影響原因。   本研究主要投入人口統計變數以及生活型態變數,並藉由C5.0決策樹、C&RT分類樹,以及CHAID分類樹建立模型,透過這三個分類迴歸樹的模型,發現到「年齡」、「教育程度」、「地理區域」、「個人資產狀況」、「經濟主要來源:子女」、「個人每月可支配所得」以及「收入來源:薪資」共七項變數同時對民眾是否成為數位落差中的資訊富人(information-rich)有著較重要的影響性,因此,研究最後依據此七項進行政策建議,以提供相關單位之參考。 / In this globalized and informational society, computers and internet networks are essential elements in our daily lives. Until the year 2008, almost 70% of population in Taiwan has enjoyed greater conveniences through networking technologies. However, the issue of “digital divide” remains, where information-poor cannot obtain information easily, and the issue affects the society in terms of economies and human rights. Consequently, the purpose of this research is aimed to find the reasons behind “digital divide” using data-mining techniques with SPSS Clementine 12.0 statistical software.   The research will input demographic variables and life-style variables. Using C5.0 decision tree, C&RT tree, and CHAID methodologies to build model, and subsequently discovers that whether the 7 variables - “age”, “level of education”, “location”, “personal asset status”, “main source of income: children”, “monthly personal disposal income” and “source of income: salary” will have significant impacts on information-rich population within “digital divide”. Therefore, the research recommendations will be provided according to the results from these 7 variables.

台灣市場小型股與成交量之實證關係 / An empirical study of relations between small cap stock and volume in taiwanese stock market

林大偉 Unknown Date (has links)
量價關係,一直以來皆為技術分析學派所廣泛運用,其主張運用過去的股價以及成交量來推測股票未來的走勢,而也有許多的研究以及投資策略皆是從量價關係所出。在國內,小型股也由於其股本小的特性,往往成為有心人士炒作之標的。此外,小型股亦較大型股具有不對稱資訊的性質,而由於成交量背後往往隱藏著許多的資訊,因此投資人利用量與價之間的關係,得到能夠有效預測小型股股價的方法以利其投資。 而本文之研究,將量價關係運用在小型股上,想檢視彼此間有無任何關係存在。本文中我們使用了因果關係檢定,三因子模型,以及縱橫迴歸模型,用來分別檢視小型股與大型股的量價關係。驗證結果發現,在不同的檢驗方式下,都會得到小型股較大型股,有顯著量價影響的關係存在。 / The relation between volume and price is widely used in technical analysis. It predicts future stock price by using past stock price and volume. There are lots of investigations and investment strategies are stemmed from it. In Taiwan, small caps are preferred to be held by the people who would like to manipulate the price because of their small number of capitalization. In addition, compared with large caps, small caps are of asymmetric information to the investors. As there is lot of information hidden behind volume, investors are likely to use the relation between volume and price to get a useful way to predict small caps’ stock price. In this paper, I use granger causality test, three-factor model, and panel data model to test the relation between price/return and volume of small caps and big caps separately. The experiment shows that use different ways, we can verify there exist more obvious relations between volume and price in small caps than in large caps.


吳鎮安, Wu Chen Un Unknown Date (has links)
傳統的不均度指標對於不均度的排序皆是精確而不含糊的,在Lorenz曲線相交的情況下,無法使用Lorenz準則判別不均度優劣,若使用不均度指標則可能產生不一致的排序結果,為了解決此一困境,本研究沿用Basu(1987)與Ok(1995,1996)的研究架構,修改其所得不均度的模糊測量方法,並力求將相關的模糊理論研究方法應用在所得不均度的議題上。 本文實證部分主要使用1980年至2002年中華民國行政院主計處「家庭收支調查報告」的資料,計算出家戶與個人資料的所得不均度指標值。結果發現,若考慮個人對於不均度感受上的模糊性,在家戶所得方面,80年代至90年代以後不均度顯著惡化,而個人所得分配則無明顯差異。而迴歸分析結果顯示,妻子勞動參與率上升、戶內就業人數比例增加,社福支出增加均有助於改善家戶所得不均的情況,而就業者平均教育程度上升與失業率的增加會加深家戶所得不均度。考慮不同的不均度指標間存在著模糊性,亦即將不均度指標視為模糊數(fuzzy number),而將傳統迴歸分析延伸至模糊迴歸分析,所預測的結果不再是一個精確的點,而是一個模糊區間,如此更切合實際所得分配狀況。最後,對於1993年至1997年不均度的模糊比較結果,討論了語意表示與信賴區間兩種不同的解模糊方法。而不同機制(隸屬度函數與不均度指標的不同)下的模糊排序結果可能產生不一致,本文也引用了文獻上的方法加以解決。值得注意的是,利用各種模糊關係的總和排序,與主計處每年根據家戶總可支配所得五等分位資料所計算的Gini係數排序略有出入,顯示出更客觀的排序結果。


陳光耀, chen,kuangyao Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的在探討台灣貨幣市場短天期利率衍生性金融商品(30天期商業本票利率期貨、90天遠期利率協定〈以下簡稱FRA〉)對其即期利率(30天期商業本票利率、90天期商業本票利率)之『價格發現』功能。可由兩方面來檢定利率遠期協定或利率期貨市場之『價格發現』功能:(1)市場效率性:FRA、利率期貨價格可否作為未來到期日時即期利率之不偏預期;(2)FRA、利率期貨與即期利率價格間之領先-落後關係。 選取各交易日的日資料作為觀察值。在研究方法上採用ADF單根檢定、效率性檢定、向量自我相關模型(VAR)、Granger因果關係檢定、誤差正交檢定、共整合檢定、誤差修正模型。 結論結果發現,90天遠期利率協定(FRA)對90天期商業本票利率進行『價格發現』的分析,以「市場效率性檢定」的結果顯示此市場無效率,亦即無『價格發現』,可能是因為買FRA的機構投資人目的不是持有到到期,僅為判斷短期利率走勢方向,可能買個幾天欲賺取差價利潤,所以非為未來現貨價格的不偏預期;以「領先-落後關係分析」,顯示其無『價格發現』,此一結果的可能解釋是由於台灣FRA市場非集中市場公開交易,交易量尚不及現貨市場。因此市場資訊的不透明可能使遠期契約價格不如現貨價格般具代表性。 30天期商業本票利率期貨對30天期商業本票利率進行『價格發現』的分析,以「市場效率性檢定」結果顯示在到期日前適當的期間(24~36天)此市場具有效率性,即存在『價格發現』;而「領先-落後關係分析」結果則無明顯的領先落後,不具有期貨領先現貨的『價格發現』,此部分我們可能提出的解釋為:在30天期商業本票利率期貨剛推出不久,一般市場上的交易者大多是從事避險交易,鮮少進行投機行為,所以不具有短天的領先落後關係,其顯示價格發現是在考慮市場存在風險溢酬下,到期前24~36天的利率期貨價格是未來現貨價格的預期。


陳志豪, Chen,Chih-Hao Unknown Date (has links)
共變數的值會隨著時間而改變時,我們稱之為時間相依之共變數。時間相依之共變數往往具有重複測量的特性,也是長期資料裡最常見到的一種共變數形態;在對時間相依之共變數進行重複測量時,可以考慮每次測量的間隔時間相同或是間隔時間不同兩種情形。在間隔時間相同的情形下,我們可以忽略間隔時間所產生的效應,利用分組的Cox模式或是合併的羅吉斯迴歸模式來分析,而合併的羅吉斯迴歸是一種把資料視為“對象 時間單位”形態的分析方法;此外,分組的Cox模式和合併的羅吉斯迴歸模式也都可以用來預測存活機率。在某些條件滿足下,D’Agostino等六人在1990年已經證明出這兩個模式所得到的結果會很接近。 當間隔時間為不同時,我們可以用計數過程下的Cox模式來分析,在計數過程下的Cox模式中,資料是以“對象 區間”的形態來分析。2001年Bruijne等人則是建議把間隔時間也視為一個時間相依之共變數,並將其以B-spline函數加至模式中分析;在我們論文的實證分析裡也顯示間隔時間在延伸的Cox模式中的確是個很顯著的時間相依之共變數。延伸的Cox模式為間隔時間不同下的時間相依之共變數提供了另一個分析方法。至於在時間相依之共變數的預測方面,我們是以指數趨勢平滑法來預測其未來時間點的數值;利用預測出來的時間相依之共變數值再搭配延伸的Cox模式即可預測未來的存活機率。 / It is so called “time-dependent covariates” that the values of covariates change over time. Time-dependent covariates are measured repeatedly and often appear in the longitudinal data. Time-dependent covariates can be regularly or irregularly measured. In the regular case, we can ignore the TEL(time elapsed since last observation) effect and the grouped Cox model or the pooled logistic regression model is employed to anlalyze. The pooled logistic regression is an analytic method using the“person-period”approach. The grouped Cox model and the pooled logistic regression model also can be used to predict survival probablity. D’Agostino et al. (1990) had proved that pooled logistic regression model is asymptotically equivalent to the grouped Cox model. If time-dependent covariates are observed irregularly, Cox model under counting process may be taken into account. Before making the prediction we must turn the original data into“person-interval”form, and this data form is also suitable for the prediction of grouped Cox model in regular measurements. de Bruijne et al.(2001) first considered TEL as a time-dependent covariate and used B-spline function to model it in their proposed extended Cox model. We also show that TEL is a very significant time-dependent covariate in our paper. The extended Cox model provided an alternative for the irregularly measured time-dependent covariates. On the other hand, we use exponential smoothing with trend to predict the future value of time-dependent covariates. Using the predicted values with the extended Cox model then we can predict survival probablity.


謝儒鋒, Hsieh,Ju Feng Unknown Date (has links)
在可預見之未來無線點對點的世界裡,資訊交易就如同現實世界人與人間的交易模式,需考量到交易資訊的成本、價值與人際關係衡量之因素;傳統廣告行銷的效率問題也待創新的資訊交易平台來解決。本研究提出的資訊交易模型,以人性考量為基礎,在各種不同情境下,動態衡量資訊成本、價值與使用者間關係,透過助理軟體,協助加入資訊交易平台之個體,以更便利方式進行資訊交易,預期讓交易結果更貼近使用者的需求;而企業方面也能透過點與點之間快速傳遞資訊的特性,預期以更低成本、更高效率,完成商務行銷目的,達到破壞性行銷之目標。 / This paper presents a novel ambient e-service aiming at distributed marketing through sensible bartering in foreseeable wireless Peer-to-Peer (WP2P) environments. A variety of influential factors (e.g., cost, value, relationship) are proposed and formalized for empowering the bartering mechanism, unfolding a rich arena of ambient distributed trading and a disruptive paradigm of e-marketing.

公司品牌管理、品牌導向人力資源管理、員工為基礎品牌權益、品牌公民行為之關係探討 / The relationships among corporate branding, brand-centered HRM, employee-based brand equity, and brand citizenship behavior

黃麗蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究欲了解企業內部品牌行銷的四個重要因素:公司品牌管理、品牌導向人力資源管理、員工為基礎品牌權益、品牌公民行為之間的關係。希望以品牌服務人員的角度針對此議題進行研究。本研究以問卷調查的量化方式衡量品牌服務人員對於公司品牌管理、品牌導向人力資源管理、員工為基礎品牌權益、品牌公民行為的認知情形。之後以迴歸方法進行分析,探討上述變數之間的關係。本研究獲得下列結論: 一、本研究確認公司品牌管理對品牌導向人力資源管理有顯著且正面的關係。故公司品牌管理必須採用品牌導向人力資源管理來塑造員工對企業品牌的認知。 二、本研究確認品牌導向人力資源管理對員工為基礎品牌權益有顯著且正面的關係。故當企業採用品牌導向人力資源管理時,可以提昇員工為基礎品牌權益。 三、本研究確認員工為基礎品牌權益對品牌公民行為有顯著且正面的關係。故當員工為基礎品牌權益高時,員工會成為企業品牌的擁護者與守護者,而在替顧客服務時,會主動思考品牌的利益,而無條件的展現對於品牌的正面態度與行為,即展現品牌公民行為。 / This study investigates the relationship between four critical factors of internal brand marketing, including corporate branding, brand-centered HRM, employee-based brand equity, and brand citizen behavior. This study is designed to use quantitative method to understand the cognition of four factors from brand service personnel. Then, regression analysis is used to investigate the relationship between four factors. This study finally draws three conclusions. First, there is a positive relationship between corporate branding and brand-centered HRM. Thus, the corporate should consider to adopt brand-centered HRM to educate employees when it decides to use corporate branding strategy. Second, there is a positive relationship between brand-centered HRM and employee-based brand equity. Thus, the corporate could enhance employee-based brand equity when it adopts brand-centered HRM. Third, there is a positive relationship between employee-based brand equity and brand citizen behavior. Thus, if employee-based brand equity is significant, brand service personnel may act positive brand citizen behavior voluntarily.

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