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探索性資料分析方法在文本資料中的應用─以「新青年」雜誌為例 / A Study of Exploratory Data Analysis on Text Data ── A Case study based on New Youth Magazine潘艷艷, Pan, Yan Yan Unknown Date (has links)
首先,本文以卷為分析單位,多角度量化《新青年》雜誌各卷的文本結構,包括文本用字、用句、文言和白虛字使用以及常用字詞共用等方面,通過多種圖表相結合的呈現方式,窺探《新青年》雜誌語言變化歷程以及轉變特點。這其中既包括了對文言文到白話文轉變機制的探索,也包括白話語言演化的探索。其次,根據各卷初探的結果,尋找可區隔文言文和白話文兩種語言形式的文本特徵變數,再以《新青年》第一卷和第七卷為訓練樣本,結合主成分和羅吉斯迴歸,對文、白兩種語言形式的文章進行分類訓練,再利用第四卷進行測試。結果證實,所提取的文本變數能夠有效實現對文、白兩種語言形式的文章的區分。此外,本文亦根據前述初探結果以及人文學者經驗,探索《新青年》雜誌後期語言形式的變化,即從五四運動時期的白話文至以「紅色中文」為特徵的白話文(二戰之後中國使用的白話文)的變化。以第七卷和第十一卷為樣本進行訓練,結果證實這兩卷語言形式存在明顯區別;並加入台灣《聯合報》和中國大陸的《人民日報》進行分類預測,發現兩類報刊的語言偏向有明顯差異,值得後續深入研究。 / Tremendous data are produced every day, due to the rapid development of computer technology and economics. Unstructured data, such as text, pictures, videos, etc., account for nearly 80 percent of all data created. Choosing appropriate methods for quantifying and analyzing this kind of data would determine whether or not we can extract useful information. For that, we propose a standard operating process of exploratory data analysis (EDA) and use a case study of language changes in New Youth Magazine as a demonstration.
First, we quantify the texts of New Youth magazine from different perspectives, including the uses of words, sentences, function words, and share of common vocabulary. We aim to detect the evolution of modern language itself as well as changes from traditional Chinese to modern Chinese. Then, according to the results of exploratory data analysis, we treat the first and seventh volumes of New Youth magazine for training data to develop classification model and apply the model to fourth volume (i.e., testing data). The results show that the traditional Chinese and modern Chinese can be successfully classified. Next, we intend to verify the changes from modern Chinese of the May 4th Movement to those by advocating Socialism. We treat the seventh volume and eleventh volume of New Youth magazine as training data and again develop a classification model. Then we apply this model to the United Daily News from Taiwan and People’s Daily from Mainland China. We found these two newspapers are very different and the style of United Daily News is closer to that of seventh volume, while the style of People’s Daily is more like that of eleventh volume. This indicates that the People’s Daily is likely to be influenced by the Soviet Union.
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含存活分率之貝氏迴歸模式李涵君 Unknown Date (has links)
當母體中有部份對象因被治癒或免疫而不會失敗時,需考慮這群對象所佔的比率,即存活分率。本文主要在探討如何以貝氏方法對含存活分率之治癒率模式進行分析,並特別針對兩種含存活分率的迴歸模式,分別是Weibull迴歸模式以及對數邏輯斯迴歸模式,導出概似函數與各參數之完全條件後驗分配及其性質。由於聯合後驗分配相當複雜,各參數之邊際後驗分配之解析形式很難表達出。所以,我們採用了馬可夫鏈蒙地卡羅方法(MCMC)中的Gibbs抽樣法及Metropolis法,模擬產生參數值,以進行貝氏分析。實證部份,我們分析了黑色素皮膚癌的資料,這是由美國Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group所進行的第三階段臨床試驗研究。有關模式選取的部份,我們先分別求出各對象在每個模式之下的條件預測指標(CPO),再據以算出各模式的對數擬邊際概似函數值(LPML),以比較各模式之適合性。 / When we face the problem that part of subjects have been cured or are immune so they never fail, we need to consider the fraction of this group among the whole population, which is the so called survival fraction. This article discuss that how to analyze cure rate models containing survival fraction based on Bayesian method. Two cure rate models containing survival fraction are focused; one is based on the Weibull regression model and the other is based on the log-logistic regression model. Then, we derive likelihood functions and full conditional posterior distributions under these two models. Since joint posterior distributions are both complicated, and marginal posterior distributions don’t have closed form, we take Gibbs sampling and Metropolis sampling of Markov Monte Carlo chain method to simulate parameter values. We illustrate how to conduct Bayesian analysis by using the data from a melanoma clinical trial in the third stage conducted by Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group. To do model selection, we compute the conditional predictive ordinate (CPO) for every subject under each model, then the goodness is determined by the comparing the value of log of pseudomarginal likelihood (LPML) of each model.
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數位化原住民農耕知識之策略─以尖石泰雅族部落為例 / The Strategy For Digitization of Indigenous Knowledge of Farming ─ A Case Study of the Atayal Communities in Jianshih Village張孟瑄 Unknown Date (has links)
原住民農耕知識乃長期適應自然環境,並與自然達成平衡關係之農耕方式,因此藉由探討原住民農耕知識,得提供高山農業政策上的建議。惟偏向質性的原住民知識,需萃取、轉化為科學形式,方能利用。是以,本研究以地理資訊系統為基礎、利用土地適宜性分析與羅吉斯迴歸為方法,設計一套適用於數位化原住民農耕知識的策略。此策略為一個迭代的循環,包含蒐集、轉換、分析與檢視的程序。首先,以量化方式蒐集原住民農耕知識,次將知識轉換成空間資料的形式,再透過分析將知識轉化成有意義的資訊,並以視覺化方式展示分析成果,而分析成果可用以檢視知識蒐集的完整性、檢驗知識轉換後的正確性,進而以為基礎,針對興趣點再度蒐集知識,如此反覆操作上述程序。以土地適宜性分析為核心之策略,可用以探究原住民農耕區位選取知識;以羅吉斯迴歸為主軸之策略,則以個別農耕地為基礎,驗證農耕行為與邊坡穩定性之關聯。本研究以尖石泰雅族部落為研究區域。研究發現此數位化原住民農耕知識策略是可行的,得以有效地達到原住民農耕知識蒐集、分析及展示的目標。數位化後的原住民農耕知識具體而明確,可作為相關政策之參考。 / Indigenous knowledge of farming is empirical rules based on a long-term interaction between human and organism which benefit to each other. As a result, by discussing indigenous knowledge of farming, it could provide positive suggestions for the cultivation on slope land. However, indigenous knowledge tends to be qualitative rather than quantitative. Thus, we need to translate it into a scientific formats so as to take use of it. Consequently, the paper which is based on GIS, utilizes land use suitability analysis and logistic regression aims to establish a strategy for digitizing indigenous knowledge of farming. Actually, the strategy is an iterative circle with the procedure of extraction, translation, analysis and review. Firstly, investigate indigenous knowledge of farming in quantitative way. Secondly, translate it into layers. Then, turn the fragmentary data into meaningful information, and illustrate it on the map. Finally, review the result whether it is comprehensive and reliable. We used land use suitability analysis as the strategy to explore indigenous knowledge of farming site selection. Similarly, we use logistic regression as the strategy to demonstrate the correlation between the practice of farming and slope stability. The Atayal communities in Jianshih village was used for testing of the above strategy. In conclusion, the strategy for digitizing indigenous knowledge of farming is feasible for investigating, analyzing and visualizing the indigenous knowledge of farming. Therefore, the result is quite clear and specific as an important supplement to policy.
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退稅政策變動對於外籍旅客消費行為影響賴琦捷 Unknown Date (has links)
以全體樣本實證結果發現,本政策變動對於旅客總消費量、商店之營業額均有顯著正向影響,對於旅客平均消費量也是正面的影響;本文也將七個國家及地區分別討論,以美國、日本及中國旅客對於政策效果的影響最為顯著且正向,其他國家雖不顯著但多為正向關係。顯見政策的推動確實有助於提升外籍旅客來臺及消費意願,對發展臺灣觀光旅遊產業是一項助益。 / According to UNWTO, tourism industry has experienced continuous growth and become one of the fastest growing economic sectors in the world. Many countries have committed themselves to developing tourism industry nowadays due to lower externality. Taiwanese government also has some implemented plans on tourism industry of which foreigners are allowed to apply for “VAT Refund”, hoping that the increase in international tourist may give the economy a boost.
Our study has conducted an empirical analysis on the policy of On-Site Small Amount Tax Refund, which is mainly concentrated in panel data estimation. The purpose of this thesis is to find out the effect of this policy. First, we use Dummy variable as a main variable to capture the influence of the policy. Second, we introduce both the demand factors and the supply factors to explain tourism spending in Taiwan.
The span of the data is from August 2009 to December 2015, using Tax Refund data of foreigners from 7 countries and districts. Our empirical analysis show that the Tax Refund policy has had significantly positive effect on both dependent variables, including total consumption and store revenue, especially these from U.S.A., Japan and China. These three countries show the strongest response to the dependent variables. It also shows that implementation of this Tax Refund policy really contributes to our tourism industry by increasing international tourism receipts of Taiwan.
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時間數列分析中控制設計之研究李朝元, Li, Zhao-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 導論:說明控制設計之目的,理想控制設計的條件,及本文的結構。
第二章 自我迴歸移動平均隨機模式:說明模式的理論基礎,性質,應用及模式的建
第三章 動態系統隨機模式:說明模式的性質,建立,及應用。
第四章 控制設計:分為前饋控制、回饋控制,及一般損失函數的控制。
第五章 結論:說明本文所採用方法的利弊。
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資本資產定價模型之穩健估計分析顏培俊, Yen, Pei-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
長期性資料(longitudinal data)的最主要特徵是為對多個被觀測個體在不同的時間點上重複測量一個或多個反應變數。而在分析長期性資料的方法中,Laird & Ware(1982)建議以線性混合效果模型(linear mixed effects model,LME)來進行估計分析,此模型方法中,資料可以允許遺失值,並可將受測個體間與個體內的變異分開說明。
另在配適最小平方法(OLS)的迴歸模型中,係數估計經常會受到異常值的影響,而Rousseeuw & Leroy(1987)提出最小消去平方法(least trimmed squares,LTS)的穩健迴歸模型,即是解決最小平方法中對於異常值敏感的問題。
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網路圖書市場與傳統圖書市場定價行為之研究王亭享 Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要
最後,在策略群組分析法中發現19家書店可分為6個群組:節省開銷,專於本業型 (政大書城、上達書局、聯經出版社、今日書局、搜主義網路書店、三民網路書店及誠品網路書店)、圖書館結合百貨公司型 (誠品書店)、大規模經營型 (金石堂書店、新學友書局、博客來網路書店及新絲路網路書店);第四群小百貨公司型 (建宏書局、三民書局、摩爾書店、金石堂網路書店及華文網路書店);第五群致力服務型 (何嘉仁書店);第六群國際級圖書館型 (紀伊國屋書店)。
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股市價量關係的分量迴歸分析 / A Quantile Regression Analysis of Return-Volume Relations in the Stock Markets莊家彰, Chuang, Chia-Chang Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 台灣與美國股市價量關係的分量迴歸分析
本文利用分量迴歸來觀察台灣和美國股市報酬率和成交量的價量關係。實證結果發現兩地股市的價量關係截然不同。台灣股市的報酬率與成交量之間具有正向關係,呈現「價量齊揚」和「價跌量縮」的現象,而前者效果通常較顯著;但報酬率接近最大漲幅限制時,報酬率與成交量之間並無顯著關係,報酬率接近最大跌幅限制時,「價跌量縮」的現象甚至更強。相對於台灣,美國股市的報酬率與成交量則出現「價量齊揚」與「價量背離」互相對稱的 “V” 字關係。就實證方法而言,傳統以 OLS 方法估計的迴歸模型並無法得到上述的實證結果。進一步的分析顯示,融券成數的高低以及平盤以下不得放空等規定都是造成台灣股市出現「價跌量縮」的可能原因。
第二章 股市價量關係的分量迴歸分析 (二)
本章利用分量迴歸觀察包括台灣在內的亞洲新興工業國家與成熟股市的價量關係。實證結果顯示,亞洲新興工業國家和日本股市「價量齊揚」的效果較強,其中香港、南韓和新加坡呈現較弱的「價量背離」現象,因此價量之間有不對稱的 “V” 字關係;而日本股市則呈現「價跌量縮」,與第一章分析的台灣股市價量關係相似。在成熟股市的價量關係中,英國金融時報指數、美國道瓊工業指數和德國股價指數皆呈現對稱的 “V” 字關係,與美國US指數的價量關係相似。亞洲地區的國家在1997下半年到1998上半年普遍經歷了一場金融風暴,本文進一步的分析發現在這場風暴期間,亞洲地區除了台灣以外,日本、香港、南韓與新加坡都出現較強的「價量齊揚」與「價量背離」,這種現象可能肇因於投資人認為風暴期間的股價報酬率風險較高,遂使得股價報酬率對成交量的反應較為敏銳。相對而言,歐美地區的國家,受到亞洲金融風暴的影響較小,所以整體的價量關係在亞洲金融風暴期間並無重大改變。本章的結果都是透過分量迴歸所獲得。
第三章 股市價量因果關係的分量迴歸分析
本文依據分量迴歸設計 Granger 因果關係的新檢驗方法,並依此方法來檢驗幾個股市價量之間的因果關係。本文分析的股市包括日本、英國與美國等世界前三大股市,以及合稱亞洲四小龍的台灣、香港、南韓與新加坡等新興工業國家或地區的股市。實證結果顯示:除了台灣股市以外,其他的股市皆呈現 “V” 字的跨期價量關係。其中英國、美國、香港和新加坡股市的跨期價量關係大體呈現正向「價量齊揚」與負向「價量背離」互相對稱的 “V” 字關係,而日本和南韓股市則是「價量齊揚」較強的不對稱 “V” 字關係。此一結果表示這些股市的價量之間都存在分配上的 Granger (1969) 因果關係。但若以均數迴歸來衡量跨期價量關係,則所有股市都呈現不顯著的跨期價量關係,也就是傳統文獻上所謂價量之間沒有 Granger 因果關係。本文所提出的 Granger 因果關係之分量迴歸分析,可以觀察到整個條件分配中各分量的因果關係,為分配上的 Granger 因果關係提供一個較完整的檢驗方法。 / We examine the relationship between the stock return and trading volume in the Taiwan and U.S. Stock Exchanges using quantile regression. The empirical results show that the return-volume relations in these two exchanges are quite different. For Taiwan data, there are significant positive return-volume relations across quantiles, showing that a large positive return is usually accompanied with a large trading volume and a large negative return with a small trading volume, yet the effect of former is stronger. However, such relations change when returns approach the price limits. We also find that for U.S. data, return-volume relations exhibit symmetric V-shapes across quantiles, showing that a large return (in either sign) is usually accompanied with a large trading volume. On the other hand, linear regressions estimated by the ordinary least square method are unable to reveal such patterns. Further investigation shows that various restrictions on short sales in the Taiwan Stock Exchange may explain the difference between the return-volume relations in Taiwan and U.S. data.
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智慧資本與企業價值及獲利能力的關聯研究劉明德 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用過去文獻所使用之智慧資本指標,採用因素分析來萃取出代表人力資本的員工獲利因素和員工薪資增長因素,代表顧客資本的營收及營收成長因素和廣告費因素,代表創新資本的研發費用因素,代表流程資本的管理費用因素和流動比率因素。本研究主要在探討代表企業價值的市場附加價值、市價帳面比和Tobin’s q值,代表獲利能力的每股剩餘價值、每股無形資產價值和每股經濟附加價值與智慧資本因素之間的關聯。
實證結果為人力資本、顧客資本、創新資本和流程資本對市場附加價值有正向顯著影響,顧客資本、創新資本和流程資本對市價帳面比有正向顯著影響,人力資本相對於其他智慧資本對市價帳面比具有中介效果。人力資本、顧客資本和流程資本對Tobin’s q值有正向顯著影響,創新資本對Tobin’s q值的影響方向為正向。人力資本、顧客資本、創新資本和流程資本對每股剩餘價值有正向顯著影響,人力資本、顧客資本、創新資本和流程資本對每股無形資產有正向顯著影響,顧客資本、創新資本和流程資本對每股經濟附加價值有正向顯著影響,人力資本相對於其他智慧資本對每股經濟附加價值具有中介效果。由以上討論可知,人力資本、顧客資本、創新資本對企業價值及獲利能力都有正向的影響。
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迴歸分析與類神經網路預測能力之比較 / A comparison on the prediction performance of regression analysis and artificial neural networks楊雅媛 Unknown Date (has links)
再者,我們使用區域搜尋法(local search methods)中的演化策略法(evolution strategies,ES)作為類神經網路的學習(learning)方法以提高其預測功能。我們稱這種類型的類神經網路為ESNN。
模擬結果顯示,ESNN確實可以取代常用來與迴歸分析做比較的倒傳遞類神經網路(back-propagation neural network,BPNN),成為類神經網路的新選擇。針對不同特性的資料,我們建議:如果原始的資料適合以常態線性迴歸模式配適,則使用者可考慮使用迴歸方法做預測。如果原始的資料經由圖形分析或由檢定方法得知違反誤差項為均等變異之假設時,若能找到合適的權數,可使用加權最小平方法,但若權數難以決定時,則使用ESNN做預測。如果資料呈現韋伯偏態分佈時,可考慮使用ESNN或韋伯迴歸方法。資料適合以非線性迴歸模式做配適時,則選擇以ESNN做預測。
關鍵詞:迴歸分析,類神經網路,區域搜尋法,演化策略法類神經網路,倒傳遞類神經網路 / Both regression analysis and artificial neural networks are the main techniques for prediction. In this research, we tried to randomly generate different types of data, so as to completely explore the effect of data characteristics on the predictive performance of regression analysis and artificial neural networks. The data characteristics include normal distribution, skew distribution, unequal variances, Michaelis-Menten relationship model and exponential regression model.
In addition, we used the evolution strategies, which is one of the local search methods for training artificial neural networks, to further improve its predictive performance. We name this type of artificial neural networks ESNN.
Simulation studies indicate that ESNN could indeed replace BPNN to be the new choice of artificial neural networks. For different types of data, we commend that users can use regression analysis for their prediction if the original data is fit for linear regression model. When the residuals of the data are unequal variances, users can use weighted least squares if the optimal weights could be found. Otherwise, users can use ESNN. If the data is fit for weibull distribution, users can use ESNN or weibull regression. If the data is fit for nonlinear regression model, users can choose ESNN for the prediction.
Keywords: Regression Analysis, Artificial Neural Networks, Local Search Methods, Evolution Strategies Neural Network (ESNN), Back-propagation Neural Network (BPNN)
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