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房地產市場之跨國連動及外溢效果 / Cross-Country Linkages and the Spillover Effects of the Real Estate Market陳彥儒 Unknown Date (has links)
本文使用Pesaran,Schuermann and Weiner(2004)提出的全球化向量自我迴歸模型(Global Vector Autoregression Model, GVAR)對房地產市場進行分析。
我們考慮 1994Q1 至 2011Q2 的資料,納入美國、中國、日本及台灣,每個國家各七個變數及一個國際外生變數,使用衝擊反應函數去衡量總體經濟變數與房市之間的連動性,以及房地產市場在國際之間的外溢效果。
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IPO競價拍賣制度下投資人標單資訊內涵對於股票上市後報酬率及價格變動率之影響 / IPO Auction: The Effects of Investor Information Content to Aftermarket Return and Variability吳文傑 Unknown Date (has links)
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庫藏股減資和現金減資宣告效果之比較 / Comparison of The Announcement Effect of Stocks Repurchase and Cash Reduction林雅萍, Lin Ya Ping Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討國內上市櫃公司庫藏股減資及現金減資宣告效果之比較。研究台灣2006年1月至2010年2月底之間進行庫藏股減資及現金減資的上市櫃公司,分別以事件研究法、多元迴歸分析(Multiple Regression Analysis)及多元名義羅吉特迴歸(Multinomial Logistic Regression)探討庫藏股減資及現金減資兩組樣本之宣告效果及影響宣告效果的因子,並進一步探究影響減資政策選擇的因素。本研究之實證結果發現:1.公司宣告庫藏股減資及現金減資在事件日當天皆具有顯著的正向宣告效果。2.公司宣告庫藏股減資與現金減資之間的累積異常報酬率無著顯著差異。3.以多元迴歸分析探討影響庫藏股減資及現金減資之間累積異常報酬率的因素,結果顯示減資比率顯著地影響累積異常報酬率,其餘本研究選取的公司規模、股價淨值比、負債比率、自由現金流量比率等解釋變數,無法顯著地影響累積異常報酬率。4.以多元名義羅吉特迴歸檢驗不同的解釋變數會造成公司傾向進行庫藏股減資或現金減資的減資政策,結果顯示規模愈大、股價淨值比愈高、自由現金流量比率高、減資比率高的公司,傾向使用現金減資;而負債比率高的公司,傾向使用庫藏股減資。
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住宅市場從眾行為與總體經濟因素之研究 / Macroeconomic Factors and the Herd Behavior in the Residential Real Estate Markets程于芳, Cheng,yu fang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以探討從眾行為、交易量與總體經濟因素之關連性,進一步釐清影響住宅市場交易量波動之因素,使購屋者於決策時參考前期市場交易情形能更加理性,避免盲目跟隨下的從眾行為產生。 / Base on the Efficient Market Hypothesis, the traditional financial theory assumes the market is efficient. However, the real estate market is not. For this reason, investors could not react to market information entirely. If investors ignore their own information, they may choose to follow other peoples’ investment decisions. Therefore, this situation will lead to herding behavior of behavioral finance that may cause price volatility and unusual transactions. On account of the real estate market exists unreasonable price fluctuations for a long time in Taiwan, this thesis examines whether the herding behavior exists in Taiwan real estate market or not.
Although many researchers study the herding behavior in the stock market by using the transactions and the returns on investment, few attempts have been made to discuss the herding behavior in Taiwan housing market by using the housing transactions. Hence, this study examines the herding behavior in Taiwan housing market by establishing the Auto-regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model with housing transaction data.
Results found the herding behavior of real estate market do exist in the whole Taipei city and the three region of Taipei city (downtown, suburb and outskirt). And it shows the transactions in the housing market with herding behavior may be affected by user cost of housing and pre-market returns. Furthermore, the study finds some macroeconomic factors affecting the housing transactions positivity, such as economic growth rate, construction stocks index, consumer price index of house renting and consumer price index of construction engineering. On the contrary, loan interest rate of housing and consumer price index has negative influence.
To conclude, this study aims to examine the influential factors on the volatility of housing transactions though clarifying the relationship between the herding behavior, the transactions in housing market and the macroeconomic factors. It may help investors follow other peoples’ investment decisions more reasonable, and avoid blind herding behavior in real estate markets.
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開放性、犧牲比率與通貨膨脹:工具變數分量迴歸模型之應用 / Openness, sacrifice ratio, and inflation: application of instrumental variable quantile regression侯俊宇, Hou, Jun Yu Unknown Date (has links)
開放性與通貨膨脹之間的關係一直是總體經濟學中重要的議題。Romer (1993) 使用 Kydland and Prescott (1977) 和 Barro and Gordan (1983) 的模型進行分析,發現開放性增加會使的降低背離法則的誘因。本篇論文使用 Galvao (2008), Galvao and Montes-Rojas (2009), 和 Harding and Lamarche (2009) 的追蹤資料工具變數分量回歸模型進行分析,同時也以實證分析開放性和犧牲比率之間的關係。在考慮的開放性的內生性之後,我們發現在通膨越高的國家其開放性的影響越大,動態不一致性也越嚴重。 / The relationship between openness and inflation is an important issue in macroeconomics. Romer (1993) uses the models of Kydland and Prescott (1977) and Barro and Gordan (1983) to argue that greater openness will reduce the policymakers' incentive to deviate from the rule. Cukierman, Webb, and Neyapti (1992) and Romer (1993) have an idea that countries with less political stability have a higher probability to violate the pre-committed monetary policies. In addition, as proposed by Romer (1993), the openness may be endogenous when analyzing the relationship between openness and inflation. Thus,
we apply instrumental variable quantile regression for panel data proposed by Galvao (2008), Galvao and Montes-Rojas (2009), and Harding and Lamarche (2009) to test whether or not the negative effects of openness is stronger when inflation is higher. We also do the empirical work between openness and the sacrifice ratio to test the mechanism that openness affects inflation established by Romer (1993). After dealing with the potential endogeneity of openness, we find that when the inflation is higher the negative effect of openness is stronger. As the argument of Romer (1993), our empirical results show that the time inconsistency problem is more serious in countries with higher inflation. But our empirical results show that the effect of openness on the sacrifice ratio is positive which is different from the mechanism established by Romer (1993).
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中國大陸財政地方分權對其地方政府效率之影響 / The effect of fiscal decentralization on the efficiency of local governments in China江姵慧, Jiang, Pei Huei Unknown Date (has links)
首先,本研究採用DEA衡量中國31個省市的地方政府效率,並以財政收入的自主性衡量財政分權程度。接著,利用中國的省級追蹤資料(panel data),以及Tobit迴歸模型來進行實證分析。其實證結果指出,財政地方分權和地方政府效率之間存在非線性的關係,意即存在一個財政分權的臨界值。而其他解釋變數方面,各省市人口密度和人均實質GDP對地方政府效率為顯著且正面的影響。此外,時間趨勢變數對地方政府效率存在著顯著且負向的效果。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of fiscal decentralization on the efficiency of local governments in China. Fisrst, this study uses the data envelopment analysis to weigh the efficiency of local governments in China, and takes revenue-autonomy to the variable of finance decentralization. Then, by using the panel data in 31 regions during the period of 1996-2008, this study adopts the Tobit model to analyze whether or not the fiscal decentralization provides a non-linear effect on the local government’s efficiency. The empirical result explain why past papers have inconstant conclusions to this problem and provides some important policy implications.
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都會區老人住宅選擇因素之研究 / A study of elderly housing selection factors in the metropolitan area.劉耀文, Liu, Yao wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究建議老人住宅開發業者以複合化、多樣化、小型化的開發模式興建老人住宅;建議政府應重視老人住宅出租市場,加強宣導鼓勵民眾居住老人住宅,建立老人住宅資訊平台,以活絡老人住宅出租市場,增加需求量,吸引更多優質廠商投資。在對台北縣永和市老人住宅政策之建議方面,建議老人住宅服務對象應從選擇性服務擴大到全民性服務,中興社區安養堂應轉型為多機能、複合化的老人住宅。 / In Taiwan, with the advances of medical technology, the life span of people has been extended. As a result, the population of senior people has increased dramatically; therefore, their accommodation and domiciliary care became a big issue in modern society.This research studies the middle-aged and senior people whose age over 50 and live in Yonghe City,Taipei County. Collecting data by questionnaire and using quantity methodology of Andersen model, Chi-square test, Factor Analysis, Logistic Regression and Cross Analysis to understand the factors that affect senior people to choose elderly housing.
The result shows, in term of personal decision, the factors of gender, age, healthy conditions, number of children, household income, current living pattern and ideal living pattern etc. will affect senior people to choose elderly housing. In term of limiting factors, the information of elderly housing, residence distance with relatives, a rental and type of elderly housing etc. will affect senior people’s choices. Most interviewers think composite and multifunctional elderly housing as well as cheaper charge would increase the desire to live in elderly housing. Meanwhile, the most popular elderly housing type is less than 50 apartments with medicinal facilities or educational services in the community.
This research suggests house building company should develop composite and multifunctional elderly housing in a small community for senior people. In addition, government should think seriously of elderly housing letting market by publicizing the information to encourage senior people to live in elderly housing. Once the house demand increased, it will attract more decent building companies developing more elderly housing to promote for senior people. Furthermore, this research suggests the housing policy in Yonghe City, Taipei County should broaden elderly housing service from selectivity senior people to general elderly. And the Jhong-sing Elderly Community Shelter should be transformed into composite and multifunctional elderly housing.
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政府補助款之績效分析-以教育部「國際一流大學及頂尖研究中心計畫」為例 / Performance of government subsidy - take the ministry of education, "world-class universities and top-level research centers program" as an example羅浩菱 Unknown Date (has links)
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財政赤字會造成通貨膨脹嗎?動態追蹤資料的分量迴歸分析 / Is fiscal deficit inflationary? A dynamic panel quantile analysis朱浩榜, Chu, Hao Pang Unknown Date (has links)
經濟理論認為,長期持續的財政赤字將會因貨幣融通而造成通貨膨脹,而且通膨越高的經濟體越容易受到赤字的影響。本文依照Catao and Terrones (2005)的理論模型,以狹義貨幣衡量財政赤字的規模,並據此檢驗1960到2006年間91個國家赤字與通貨膨脹的關係。本文使用Lin (2010)的分量迴歸方法,藉以估計在不同通膨水準下赤字的影響,並且允許兩者之間的動態調整。實證結果發現:當通膨越高,赤字造成的影響將越嚴重;若通膨在低水準,赤字則影響很弱、甚至不會造成任何影響。因此,當通膨越高的時候,維持財政紀律將越能有效達成物價穩定。這層赤字與通膨間關係不會因為考量了其他變數而有所改變。此外,赤字通常在開發中國家影響較強,尤其是在高通膨的時候。最後,在1990到2006年間,卻沒有發現赤字具有任何的通膨效果。 / In economic theory, sustained fiscal deficits might cause inflation by means of money creation, and the economy in a higher inflation level would be more strongly impacted by an increase in deficits. Following the theoretical model of Cat\~{a}o and Terrones (2005), I scaled fiscal deficits by narrow money stock and examined the deficit-inflation relationship in 91 countries from 1960 to 2006. A dynamic panel quantile regression of Lin (2010) was employed, which can estimate the impact of fiscal deficits at various inflation levels and allows for a dynamic adjustment. The empirical results show that fiscal deficits will be more serious as inflation rises, and weakly or not related to inflation if it is at a low level. Therefore, fiscal consolidation would be more effective in price stabilization the higher the inflation. Moreover, the results remain robust while taking other possibly inflation-related factors into consideration. Furthermore, the impact of fiscal deficits on inflation is generally greater in developing countries, particularly when inflation is at a high level. Finally, the inflationary effect of deficits is not detected over 1990--2006.
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財務危機公司舞弊的決定因素 / The determinants of financial crisis of corporations with fraud余耀祖 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從財務危機公司中,分出財務舞弊公司與正常經營公司,因此研究樣本包含發生舞弊的財務危機公司與正常經營而發生財務危機的公司。研究變數則從文獻篩選23個財務解釋變數,以及13個公司治理解釋變數,運用羅吉斯迴歸法進行實證,結果顯示3個財務變數和1個公司治理變數在區分財務危機公司中的財務舞弊公司與正常經營公司有顯著的區別能力,公司治理變數的董監事持股比率尤其顯著。 / Financial distress prediction is usually based on both financial distressed firms and non-distressed firms. Based on financial distressed firms, this study further investigates the factors distinguishing financial fraud firms from non-fraud firms. The sample includes fraud and no-fraud firms while both are financial distressed. Twenty-three financial and thirteen corporate governance variables are surveyed from literature. The empirical result of logit regression shows that three financial variables and one corporate governance variable are significant factors in distinguishing fraud from no-fraud firms in distressed companies. Especially, the percentage of holding stocks of board of directors is the most significant variable.
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