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模糊族群在穩健相關係數與穩健迴歸分析之應用 / Applications of fuzzy clustering method in robust correlation coefficient and robust regression analysis黃圓修, Hwang, Yuan Shiou Unknown Date (has links)
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企業生命週期與股價關聯性之研究 / The Association Between Earnings and Stock Prices--A Test of The Business Life Cycle Hypothesis侯運神, Hou, Yun Shen Unknown Date (has links)
會計的主要目的在提供有用的資訊,以幫助使用者制定相關決策。由於一般公認會計原則採用應計基礎,重視收益實現原則及配合原則,因此盈餘資訊一直相當受到重視。自Ball & Brown及Beaver從事有關盈餘與股票報酬的研究開始,許多實證研究的結果均支持盈餘具有資訊內涵。國內有關這方面的研究亦不在少數,但所得的結論並不一致,有些支持盈餘有用,有些則否。基於這個原因,本研究乃由企業生命週期的觀點來探討盈餘與股價的關聯性,以了解盈餘對股票報酬是否具有解釋能力。
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應用衛星影像於宜蘭平原沿海地區之監測 / Monitoring I-Lan coastal zone using multi-temporal satellite images徐郁晴, Hsu, Yu Ching Unknown Date (has links)
海岸為海洋與陸地交界之處,風、浪與潮流等自然營力長期於此不斷的侵蝕與堆積交互演替。近年來,隨著人口快速增加,人類對於海岸地區土地利用與開發的需求急遽擴張,使得影響海岸地形的變因日益複雜且變化迅速。宜蘭特殊的沙丘性海岸因抗蝕性弱,易受到外力影響而改變地形,海岸後方的沿海平原為人口與產業集中的地區,因此自然營力與人為因素對宜蘭平原海岸地形與環境的影響,備受關注。因衛星影像具多時期與大尺度的空間特性,可提供土地覆蓋變遷分析之有效資訊,故本文使用2003年、2006年與2009年宜蘭平原沿海地區SPOT 5衛星影像,利用階層式分類程序將研究試區分為水體、建成與交通用地、沙地、農地與林地等五種土地覆蓋類別,透過土地覆蓋分類之結果,比較三個時期土地覆蓋型面積的變化;建立馬可夫轉移矩陣,了解各土地覆蓋型轉移的情況;其次,量化地景指標以了解整體土地覆蓋型區塊在空間結構上的情況,並利用Shannon多樣性指標t檢定測驗兩時期間整體地景是否有明顯的變遷。進一步,利用二項式Logit迴歸分析2003至2006年與2006年至2009年間土地覆蓋型的變化與沙丘海岸變遷的關係以及參考前人宜蘭海岸變遷之研究,選擇可能影響此區海岸變遷的自然與人為環境因子,建立二項式Logit迴歸模式,探討各項因子對於沙丘性海岸的影響,並利用海岸沙丘空間分佈預測機率圖,最後以2006年與2009年沙地主題圖作為驗證資料,探討模式的可行性。本研究透過不同的空間計量方法,了解本區土地覆蓋型的變化,期本研究成果對於此區海岸保護與管理政策制定者有一參考的依據。 / Coastal zone is at the junction of ocean and land. The area constantly experiences interchanging succession of erosion and accumulation due to natural forces such as wind, wave, and tidal currents. In recent years, associated with fast population increase, the demand of lands expanded rapidly such that the effects on topography of coastal zone became more complex and changed quickly. Coastal sand dunes are dynamic and fragile terrain often regarded as environmentally sensitive areas. Sand dunes are vulnerable to erosion by natural process and human activity. The objective of this research was to examine the effects of environmental factors and land-use changes on coastal sand dunes in I-Lan County.
Satellite imageries are characterized by multi-temporal and large-scale, therefore they are ideal for providing necessary information to facilitate analysis of regional land-cover changes. In this research, three SPOT 5 images acquired in 2003, 2006 and 2009 were used to analyze land-cover changes in I-Lan coastal zone. Firstly, a hierarchical classification procedure was applied to classify the image data to five land-cover types and the land-cover changes were compared. Secondly, based on the classification results, a Markov transitional probability matrix was constructed to understand the transition among different land-cover types, and the Fragstats software was used to quantify the landscape structure of three different periods. By analyzing the spatial distributions of land-cover types in different time periods, we were able to examine to the temporal and spatial changes of land-cover in the I-Lan coastal zone. In addition, a t-test based on Shannon diversity index was used to evaluate the changes of the whole landscape in the study area. Thirdly, by selecting possible natural and man-made factors that are likely to affect coastal environment based on various prior studies, the mathematical models such as Markov chain and binomial logit regression analysis were applied to predict the future overall landscape structure and to simulate the spatial distribution of the sandy coastal zone. Thematic maps derived from satellite images obtained in 2006 and 2009 were used to verify and assess the feasibility of the models.
This study integrated several spatial statistical methods to understand the patterns of land-cover changes in the study area. It is expected that the results of this study may offer a valuable reference for the policy-makers of coastal protection and management.
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台灣銀髮族資產持有行為之探討 / The assets-holding of Taiwanese elders張日青 Unknown Date (has links)
我們利用「台灣地區中老年身心社會生活狀況長期追蹤調查研究」這份資料,以似無關迴歸(Seemingly Unrelated Regression)模型,探討老人的資產持有行為,發現:一般老年人口並不偏好持有股票,持有行為相當少見,但高教育、高所得、都市化地區(尤其是直轄市)的老人,可能分別因為高教育程度、所得效果影響、都市地區資訊流通快速等因素,使得這類型老人明顯較願意持有股票。
最後,我們認為很重要的一點是,台灣老人資產的持有行為,並不是使用傳統的風險報酬概念就能解釋,我們必須考量其他可能因素,才能有效分析台灣老人所表現出來的資產持有行為。 / The general elders don’t prefer to hold stocks, but the elders of high-level education, the elders of high-level income and the elders in metropolis are more willing to hold stocks.
Besides, the real estate plays a special role. People regard that it is linked up with the family or kindred.
We also find out that the dissolution of relationship in elder’s marriage causes negative wealth effect on holding assets. The similar effect exists in much unhealthy elders.
The elders hold less real estate as they getting older, but hold more stocks. It might due to that elders dissave their real estate.
Finally, besides perspective of risk-reward, it might appropriate that think the behavior of holding assets in other view-points.
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海平面上升對土地利用變遷與人口遷移影響之研究─以台北都會區為例 / The influence of sea level rise on land use changes and population migration ─ A study of Taipei metropolitan area張伊芳, Chang, Yi Fang Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果顯示,海平面上升之情形越嚴重,未來的都市建地發展會越趨向擴張的形式,對農林地產生變遷之壓力;而於同一海平面上升水平下,針對農林地進行管制,其建地之發展會較為集中於都市計畫地區範圍內,且多數人口亦將遷移至此,容易形成人口壓力。此外,土地利用變遷模擬所得之新增建地部分,於情境A、C下足以容納受影響之人口,但情境B、D則不足以容納,皆會對台北都會區產生容受力之問題,產生累計人口超過計畫人口之現象。因此,建議未來政府於都市發展上,可調整都市計畫內之土地使用強度或都市範圍,也可利用都市更新之方式減少新的土地開發;此外,從國家層級分析,未來的國土計畫法於立法上,亦可將更多氣候變遷相關影響因子納入四大功能分區,透過適宜性分析進行分類分級,以做為未來土地利用發展之引導。 / The 4th IPCC report simulated climate warming and predicted future sea-level rise scenarios. A sea level rise will have a great impact on the population of the Taipei metropolitan area, and it will also produce land-use changes. The purpose of this study is to research the impact of sea level change on land use changes and population migration in Taipei metropolitan, and the areas that will be immigrated by the flooded areas. The method used includes binary logistic regression model combined with Conversion of Land Use and its Effects Model (CLUE-s). Setting the sea-level rise and regulating agricultural land, forest land of the four simulated situations.
The results show that the higher sea level rises, the more transformation towards urban development in the future, and the higher sea level will also pressure agriculture and forestry changes. As a result of population pressure on Taipei metropolitan area, the same level of sea-level rise for the regulation of agriculture and forestry land, the development of building sites and population migration will be more concentrated on urban planning areas. In addition, the simulation of land use change generated new building sites, sufficient enough to accommodate the affected population under A and C simulated situations, but B and D couldn’t generate such results. Instead, it will generate a carrying capacity issue.
Therefore, this thesis suggests that the government adjust the intensity of land use in urban development, urban areas and urban renewal of urban planning. In addition, the analysis from the national level, the future legislation of Land Planning Act should include the relation of climate change impact factors as a consideration of future land use development.
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簡單線性迴歸模式中解釋變數具測量誤差下控制問題之研究張文哲 Unknown Date (has links)
在解釋變數含測量誤差的簡單線性迴歸模式中,欲使第t+1期之產出Y達到某一目標值Y<sup>*</sup>,則必需控制第t+1期投入變數Z,若參數α,β為以知時,可以將其設定為θ=(Y<sup>*</sup>-α)/β。但當參數α,β為未知時,我們利用LSCE控制法則的設定方法,得到第t+1期設定的控制值Z<sub>t+1</sub>,而且在機率為1下,Z<sub>t+1</sub> 收斂至θ=(Y<sup>*</sup>-α)/β。而貝氏最佳控制法則部份則是由第t+1期的預測期望損失,找出使其為最小的Z值即是所應設定的第t+1期控制值Z<sub>t+1</sub>,並利用模擬結果來說明。
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不同管教方式之父母比較行為對子女能力影響之研究 / The impact of parental comparison from different parenting styles on children's general ability王正婷 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以TEPS資料庫第二、三波追蹤樣本為資料來源,使用多元迴歸分析中的OLS(ordinal least squares)最小平方法,分析不同管教方式之父母比較行為如何影響子女之綜合能力。刪除作答不全的缺失值後,共計取得有效樣本為2,595人。
經由多元迴歸分析之後得知,無論是開明權威、專制權威、寬鬆放任或忽視冷漠型的父母,凡拿子女與其「同班同學」比較者,子女的綜合能力越高,達到統計顯著水準;但是當父母持專制權威的管教方式時,無論有無加入控制變項(子女性別、父母教育程度和家庭月收入),有與「同班同學」和「父母小時候」比較者,其綜合能力顯著越高,但與「同年齡親戚」比較者,其綜合能力顯著越低。 / The research was to explore the effects of parenting style, parental comparison, and the interaction of them on children’s general ability. Data were collected from Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS), the core panel in the second and the third wave. Total number of the students from high school reduced to 2,595 people after listwise deletion. We explored the effects by using ordinal least squares in the multiple regression analysis.
The results showed that there were 74.6% high-respective parents, and 69.2% high-demanding ones. Mixed with the two dimensions, demanding and responsive, there were 52.40% authoritative parents, 22.20% authoritarian ones, 16.90% indulgent ones, and 8.50% neglectful ones. Besides, parents compared their children with their classmates (45.5%), neighbors (42.0%), cousins (37.0%), siblings (26.9%), and parents’ childhood (18.8%).
After regression, the results showed in the following ways. First, no matter what the parenting style was, children who were compared with classmates had significantly higher ability. Whether adding the control variables like children’ gender, parents’ education level and family monthly income or not, when parents were authoritarian, children compared with classmates and parents’ childhood had significantly higher ability. Meanwhile, if they were compared with cousins, then they had significantly lower ability.
Keywords: Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS), multiple regression analysis, parenting style, social comparison, general ability
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原物料指數與總經物價指數關聯性分析 / The analysis of the relationship between commodity price index and macroeconomic price indexes謝濱宇 Unknown Date (has links)
本篇主要為原物料指數與總體經濟物價間動態關聯性的研究。由於近年來糧食價格高漲,本研究選取CRB現貨指數(Commodity Research Bureau)、CCI期貨指數(Continuous Commodity Index),與CRB農產品指數為原物料指數以觀察原物料價格對總體面物價影響的程度;研究期間為2001年10月至2011年3月;總經物價指標選擇生產者物價指數(PPI)、消費者物價指數(CPI)、再加上國內生產毛額(GDP);選取的國家為美國、臺灣與中國。本研究以Johansen共整合、向量自我迴歸模型、向量誤差修正模型、Granger因果關係檢定及衝擊反應分析等方法,探討三項原物料指數與總體經濟指標的互動關係。
研究結果顯示,原物料指數與總體指標之間的長期均衡關係不明顯。因果檢定顯示,CCI指數在因果檢定上領先CRB指數與CRB農產品指數;除了美國的GDP之外,CCI指數也領先各項總體經濟指標,但不論是CRB現貨指數或CRB農產品指數,對總經物價指標的領先-落後關係都不明顯,表示在CCI指數為較佳的預測指標。由衝擊反應分析的結果顯示,除了有共整合關係的變數間相互影響為長期性之外,受影響的物價指標僅在短期內會受到原物料價格變動的影響:總體物價指標面對原物料價格波動的反應約3期之後反應便逐漸消失,顯示原物料價格與總體物價指數之間的短期失衡期間並不長。 / This paper investigates the relationship between the commodity indexes and macroeconomic price indexes. Due to the sharp increase of food price in recent years, we add CRB index (Commodity Research Bureau), CCI index (Continuous Commodity Index), and CRB foodstuffs index in the research to see the magnitude of commodity price indexes to macroeconomic price indexes. This paper selects United State, Taiwan and China as samples and manages to find out the relationship of commodity indexes and macroeconomic price indexes by applying monthly data from October 2001 to March 2011. Macroeconomic price indexes are PPI (Producer Price Index), CPI( Consumer Price Index) and plus GDP Index. This paper tries to get the answer by applying Johansen Cointegration Test, Vector Autoregression Model(VAR), Vector Error Correction Model (VECM), Granger causality test and Impulse Response Analysis.
The result does not show obvious long-term relationship between commodity price indexes and macroeconomic price indexes; and Granger causality test exhibits that CCI index takes the lead in the change of time. But we do not get consistent result between CRB index, CRB foodstuffs index and macroeconomic price indexes in Granger causality test which means commodity spot indexes do not necessarily lead in the change of time. This result implies that CCI index a better indicator in forecasting. According to Impulse Response Analysis, macroeconomic price indexes are influenced by commodity index only in a short period of time and this result tells us that the disequilibrium between commodity indexes and macroeconomic price indexes will not last long.
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資料採礦於乘用汽車產業之顧客關係管理研究 / A Study of Data Mining on Automobile Industry’s Customer Relationship Management陳竑廷 Unknown Date (has links)
國父 孫中山先生曾說:『民生的需要,從前經濟學家都說是衣、食、住三種。照我的研究,應該有四種:於衣、食、住之外,還有一種就是行。』,在各種交通工具中,最普及的就是汽車。汽車由貴族地位的象徵,發展至福特汽車公司一家獨大,最後演變為各大汽車品牌的競爭。更因消費者意識的改變,購買汽車時考慮的不再僅是量產速度、購買價格。在現今生產技術成熟,沒有一家汽車公司具壓倒性優勢的情況下,品牌的因素將會是消費者進行購買決策時一個重要的指標。
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匯率與總體經濟關聯性之實證研究-以中國大陸為例 / The empirical research on the correlation between Foreign exchange rates and Macroeconomics, taking Mainland China as an example李素英, Lee, Su Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係探討匯率與總體經濟之關聯性,以中國大陸1996第一季至 2013年第一季之總體經濟變數,共計樣本數為69筆季資料。先以1996第一季至 2013年第一季全期數據進行實證分析。再以2005年7月為分界點,分為1996年第一季至2005年第二季及2005年第三季至2013年第一季數據分別進行實證分析。
實證結果發現,中國大陸匯率與總體經濟間的關係自2005年7月21日匯率改革後逐漸增強,但整體言之匯率與總體經濟間之傳導能力仍然不大,人民幣匯率的變動主要受其自身影響較多,受總體經濟變數的相互影響較小,顯示其外匯市場的開放程度與一個真正開放的經濟體還是有些許差距。 / This research examines the correlation between foreign exchange rates and macroeconomics by using the data of economic variables of China from the 1st quarter of 1996 to the 1st quarter of 2013. The sample contains 69 quarterly data during the entire period, while the reform of Chinese exchange rate on 21st July 2005 is a crucial division.
In order to find the correlation between foreign exchange rates and macroeconomics, the research examines the economic variables such as REER, GDP, CPI, M2, UNEMP, CHIBOR, FDI, and OPEN by using unit root test, vector autoregression model, Granger causality test, impulse response function and variance decomposition impulse response function.
The result of the tests indicates that after the reform of Chinese exchange rate on 21st July 2005, the correlation between exchange rates and macroeconomics has been enhanced, but the connection is not prominent. In other words, the fluctuation of Renminbi is mainly affected by the nation’s policy instead of its macroeconomic factors. Hence, the openness of the Chinese foreign exchange market is still distant from a real open economy.
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