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潛在移轉分析法與中位數法在長期追蹤資料分組的差異比較 / On classification of longitudinal data ─ comparison between Latent Transition Analysis and the method using Median as a cutpoint李坤瑋, Lee, Kun Wei Unknown Date (has links)
當資料屬於類別型的長期追蹤資料(Longitudinal categorical data)時,除了可以透過廣義估計方程式(General estimate equation, GEE)來求解模型參數估計值外,潛在移轉分析(Latent transition analysis, LTA)法也是一種可行的資料分析方法。若資料的期數不多,也可以選擇將資料適度分群後使用羅吉斯迴歸分析(Logistic regression)法。當探討的反應變數為二元(Binary)型態,且觀察對象於每一期提供多個測量變數值的情況之下,廣義估計方程式與羅吉斯迴歸分析法的使用,文獻上常見先將所有的測量變數值加總後,以「中位數」作為分類的切割點。不同於以上兩種方法,潛在移轉分析法則是直接使用原始資料來取得觀察對象的潛在狀態相關訊息,因此與前二者的作法不同,可能導致後續的各項分析結果有所差異存在。
為了能夠了解造成中位數分類法與移轉分析法差異的可能因素,我們架構在潛在移轉分析法的模型下,以不同的參數設定來進行電腦模擬,比較各參數條件下的兩分類方法差異。結果發現各潛在狀態下的測量變數反應機率形式、第一期潛在狀態的組成比例等皆會對兩分類方法是否具有相同分類有所影響。另外,透過分析「青少年媒體使用與健康生活調查」的實際資料得知,潛在移轉分析會將大部分的觀察對象歸屬於「網路成癮」,而中位數分類法則是將大部分的觀察對象歸屬於「無網路成癮」。此外,可以注意到「沮喪」、「線上情色每星期平均使用天數」、及「父母相處狀況」這幾個控制變數與各分組結果的關聯性,於上述三種資料分析方法中有所不同。 / Several methods can be used to analyze longitudinal categorical data, as among them Latent Transition Analysis (LTA), and Generalized Linear Models estimated by Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) probably the most popular. In addition, if the number of periods is two, then with certain grouping of data, the Logistic Regression can also be applied to perform the analyses.
When there are more than one manifest response variable for each study subject, LTA is able to classify the subjects in terms of the original manifest response variables and proceeds with necessary analyses. On the other hand, GEE method and Logistic Regression lack the flexibility, and require certain transformation to transform the manifest response variables into a categorical response variable first. One common way to form a binary response is to sum all manifest variables, and then taking median as a cut-point.
In this study, we explore the differences of the classification resulted from LTA directly and using median as a cut-point through simulations. An empirical study is also provided to illustrate the classification differences, and the differences on the subsequent analyses using LTA, GEE method, and Logistic Regression approach.
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變數轉換之穩健迴歸分析張嘉璁 Unknown Date (has links)
在傳統的線性迴歸分析當中,當基本假設不滿足時,有時可考慮變數轉換使得資料能夠比較符合基本假設。在眾多的轉換方法當中,以Box和Cox(1964)所提出的乘冪轉換(Box-Cox power transformation)最為常用,乘冪轉換可將某些複雜的系統轉換成線性常態模式。然而當資料存在離群值(outlier)時,Box-Cox Transformation會受到影響,因此不是一種穩健方法。
在本篇論文當中,我們利用前進演算法(forward search algorithm)求得最小消去平方估計量(Least trimmed squares estimator),在過程當中估計出穩健的轉換參數。
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事故傾向服從Inverse Gaussian分配時混合Weibull模式之研究黃(糸秀)琪, Huang,Hsiu-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文主要考慮成群資料的存活分析,其特點為群內個體間具有相關性,並假定群內個體具有相同但無法觀測到的事故傾向。首先,探討事故傾向服從任一連續分配時混合Weibull迴歸模式的特性,接著,推導出事故傾向服從血Inverse Gaussian吧時之混合Weibull模式,並介紹參數的估計問題。然後,推導出群內個體是否獨立之分數檢定統計量,以分別就兩種最常見的存活資料型態一完整型態與右設限型態:檢定模式中事故傾向的效應是否存在。最後,並以實例說明分數檢定之程序。 / In this paper, we study survival analysis for grouped data, where the within group correlations are considered. It is also assumed that individuals within the same group share a common but unobservable random frailty. First, we discuss the properties of the Weibull regression model mixed by any continuous distribution. Next, we derive an Inverse Gaussan mixture of Weibull regression model, and discuss the estimation problem. Then, we derive the score test for testing independence between components within the same group, where the two most common cases are discussed the complete data case and the right censoring case. Finally, the testing procedures are illustrated by two examples.
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台灣地區失業率之預測分析 / Preditive Analysis of Unemployment Rate in Taiwan陳依鋒, Chen, Yi-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
近年來由於亞洲金融風暴的肆虐,產生經濟不景氣,使得失業的問題逐漸受到社會所關注,本論文企圖以三個時間序列方法:1.單變量ARIMA模型;2.轉換函數(TF)模型;3.向量自迴歸(VAR)模型來建立台灣地區的失業率時間序列預測模型。資料則是利用台灣地區民國75年1月至民國87年12月的失業率月資料作實證預測分析,為了知道資料是否來自時間趨勢模型,測試是否經過差分消掉一部份的記憶會發生預測的誤差,所以先以多步(multi-step)預測和一步(one-step)預測的方法計算出民國88年1月至88年12月預測值,而預測評估準則則採用(1)MAPE、RMSPE、MPE及泰爾不等係數(THEIL);(2)變化方向誤差與趨勢變化誤差兩大方向來做預測比較。最後將算出的12期預測值與行政院主計處整體統計資料庫中所得到的失業率實際值利用預測評估準則做比較,結果發現一步預測法較多步預測法準確;而向量自迴歸模型(VAR)在大部份的預測期數上有較小的MAPE、RMSPE、MPE及THEIL值,因為此VAR模型考慮了在變數之間的共整合現象,有助於模型的預測,所以有較好預測的能力;反而是較複雜的ARIMA模型及轉換模型預測能力稍差一點。 / In this thesis, we plan to construct three time series models to forecast the Taiwan unemployment Rate. These time series models are ARIMA model、transfer function (TF) model and Vector Autoregressive (VAR) model. The data set consists of monthly observations for the period 75:1-87:12 for unemployment rate. We want to know if the data came from time trend model. First, we use multi-step forecasting and one-step forecasting to calculate 12 forecasted values from 88:01-88:12. Then We compare the prediction performance of these two methods by using:(1) MAPE、RMSPE、MPE and Theil’s Inequality Coefficient (THEIL);(2) Direction of Change Error and trend Change Error etc. It is found that one-step forecasting is more correct than multi-step forecasting and the forecasting performance of VAR model is improved by explicitly taking account of cointegration between the variables in the model,so VAR model has lower MAPE、RMSPE、MPE and THEIL for most horizons. However,the more parsimonious ARIMA and transfer function models have higher MAPE、RMSPE、MPE for most horizons.
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曲線配適於磁振造影之應用簡仲徽 Unknown Date (has links)
在醫學領域中,磁振造影(Magnetic Resonance Imaging, MRI)因為具有良好的空間解析度及對比度,且不會對人體產生任何輻射性或侵入性的傷害,所以在疾病診斷中為經常被醫師們使用的輔助工具。其中利用磁振造影測量患者腦部血流情形所攝得之對比劑濃度與時間關係曲線圖,更是醫學界在對付腦血管病變(Brain Lesion)時的診斷利器。然而截至目前為止,我們尚未有一個較正確且快速的方法可以用來配適其對比劑濃度與時間關係曲線中的參數。所以在本論文中,我們嘗試以統計上的觀點,利用幾種不同的配適方法,找出與原始觀察值最為接近之估計值。
在本研究中使用的配適方法有—「迴歸分析法」、「Whittaker修勻法」、「非線性函數參數修勻法」及「核修勻法(Kernel Graduation)」。
本論文將以往醫學界慣用的「乘方性誤差項」改變為「加成性誤差項」,再以不同的誤差項,利用電腦模擬出各組假資料(Pseudo Data)後,以上述的四種方式對原始觀察值進行參數配適與函數估計。綜合模擬資料與真實資料所配適的比較結果,我們認為在幾種方法中,最穩健(Robust)的配適法是「Whittaker修勻法」。而在本論文中進行配適的真實資料,應該具有較大的誤差項,才導致非線性函數參數修勻法不能得出很好的估計值。 / With greater resolution, higher contrast and no radiative hurt to human body, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is widely used by doctors in diagnosing diseases. The concentration of the contrast agent v.s. time curves which generated by MRI for cerebral blood flowing is very useful to doctors when giving treatments to brain lesion. However, we still have no precise and quick solution for fitting the curve of the concentration of the contrast agent vs. time. Therefore, this essay tries to use some different statistical fitting methods to find the closest estimates to the crude observations.
We will use four different fitting methods here—"Regression Analysis", "Whittaker Graduation", "Nonlinear Function Parametric Graduation", "Kernel Graduation".
This essaywill change the "multiple error term" which was usually used in the medical field to "additive error term". After using different sizes of error terms to generate pseudo data by computer simulation, we fit the parameters and estimate the values of the function to the crude data we've created with the four fitting methods mentioned above. Comparing the fitting result of the simulation data and the real data, we think the most robust fitting method is " Whittaker Graduation". The real data we have fitted in this essay may contain a greater error term, it would make " Nonlinear Function Parametric Graduation" get inadequate fitting values.
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台灣縣市長選舉預測模型之研究:一個基礎模型的建立及其應用 / Election Forecasting: the Construction and Its Applications of a Logistic Model of Conuty Magistrate Elections in Taiwan范凌嘉, Fan, Ling-Jia Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論 1
壹、研究動機與目的 1
貳、文獻檢閱 3
第二章 研究方法 25
壹、研究範圍與資料來源 25
貳、模型建構 28
參、研究架構 33
肆、模型評估 35
第三章 基礎模型 38
壹、 變數建構 38
貳、 基礎模型的探討 42
參、 討論 84
第四章 延伸模型:基礎模型的應用 87
壹、延伸模型的設計 87
貳、基隆市的延伸模型 89
參、台北縣的延伸模型 98
肆、桃園縣的延伸模型 115
伍、新竹市的延伸模型 123
陸、台中市的延伸模型 129
柒、彰化縣的延伸模型 140
捌、台南市的延伸模型 153
玖、台南縣的延伸模型 166
拾、小結 172
第五章 結論 174
壹、研究回顧 174
貳、研究效果評估 178
參、研究限制與未來研究建議 179
參考文獻 184 / This research is focused on Taiwanese county magistrates election in 1997, and based on the aggregate and individual data to design a forecasting model, named "Joined Idiosyncrasies Adjusted Model" (JIA Model). This model is operated by two stages. First, I compute a basic model, which reflects some general factors in every county. Second, I design extended models to adjust the output of basic models. Those extended models can precisely show the situation of every single county.
In this model, I try to use logistic regression to compute the candidate's votes, and present the final forecast output in probability. This model made the county magistrates election more predictable, and the model errors are less than the sampling errors.
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台灣地區總人口數之預測分析邱惟俊 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文試圖為台灣地區總人口數建立時間數列預測模式。我們考慮下列模式:單變量自我迴歸整合移動平均介入模式、時間數列迴歸模式、轉換函數介入模式與指數平滑法,其中轉換函數介入模式中所考慮的投入變數包括育齡婦女總生育率、粗出生率及粗死亡率。我們同時以平均絕對百分誤差 (MAPE) 、根均方百分誤差 (RMSPE) 來評估各模式的預測能力,結果顯示以育齡婦女總生育率為投入變數的轉換函數介入模式最佳,而以粗出生率為投入變數的轉換函數介入模式次之,若以這兩個模式進行未來十年總人口數之預測,並與行政院經建會人力規劃處所作的人口預測中推計值比較,其平均絕對百分誤差分別為0.138%,0.156%,顯示時間數列預測模式有相當佳的預測能力。 / In this thesis, we plan to construct various time series models for the total population in Taiwan. The following time series models are considered: ARIMA intervention model, time series regression model, transfers founction intervention model and exponential smoothing method. The input variable considered in the transfer function intervention model include total fertility rate, crude birth rate and crude death rate. We also compare the prediction performance of these models by using mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) and root mean square percentage error (RNSPE). It turns out that the transfer function intervention model with total fertility rate as input is the best model. While the transfer function intervention model with crude birth rate as input ranks the second best. Finally we forecast the total population of the next ten years by using the above two best models and compare with the middle population projection by Manpower Planning Department in Executive YUAN-Council for Economic Planning and Development. The mean absolute percentage error are 0.138% and 0.165% respectively. This result justifies that the time series model has excellent predictive ability and should be considered for total population prediction.
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企業生命週期與進入模式關聯性之研究 / The research of connection between business life cycle and entry mode簡吉龍, Chein, Allan Unknown Date (has links)
目前學者對於影響企業決定『進入模式』的因素看法並不一致。不過大致仍可歸納出內部與外部因素兩個方面(Root, 1987)。而『企業生命週期』可視為企業內部因素的表徵,因此,企業的組織階段勢必對進入模式的決定有某種程度的影響。而由於『企業生命週期』的概念較為普遍,對於台灣一般的企業而言,實用性較高。因此,本研究的動機乃是基於探討『企業生命週期』與最適『進入模式』間的關連性。而影響進入模式的因素除了組織內部因素外,還有企業外部的環境因素,尤其是地主國的環境因素,對進入模式的決策更具有關鍵性的影響。因此,本研究亦將地主國的環境變數納入考量,以提高研究模型的解釋能力。
本文以郵寄問卷方式,對於台灣企業進行實證研究;所採用分析方法包括:敘述性統計、因素分析(Factor analysis)、集群分析(Cluster analysis)、變異數分析、鑑別分析(Discriminant analysis)、t-test 以及 Logistic Regression Analysis 等等。研究結果顯示:
1.關於地主國環境變動程度之因素,實證結果雖具顯著影響,但與本研究假設相衝突。因此,只可經由文獻之整理加以推論(詳見 P.98),而無法獲得明確之結論。
4.若以出口對生產據點以及銷售據點對生產據點而言,當地市場之吸引力具有顯著性影響。亦即,相對於出口或銷售據點,在當地市場吸引力愈大時,企業會傾向採用生產據點形式進入模式,以獲取在當地投資設廠之利益與優惠。 / Internationalization is the developmental trend of Taiwan business. The choice of the entry mode for foreign markets play a vital role in global competition.According to other literatures, we find that the factors effect this choice can devide into two part: internal and external factors. And the business life cycle express the internal ones. According to these reasons,our research has the following porpose:
1.Review the relevant literatures about the business life cycle and entry mode.
2.To develope a concept infrastructure to describe the influence of business life cycle and host country environment for entry mode.
3.Using the Taiwan business as empirical respondents to approve our concept infrastucture, and give some suggestions to Taiwan entrepreneur.
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台灣股票市場波動之研究 / The research of Taiwan's stock market volatility陳功業, Chen, Kuang-Yeh Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要在探討影響台灣股票市場波動的因素,除了考慮以之前學者設定的 VAR(12)模型研究,另外以 SUR(5)模型來討論股市波動與基本面、交易面間的關係;最後,再以自我迴歸異質條件變異數模型來分析股市波動的特性。最重要的是,我們會根據誤差項的各類檢定結果來判定研究股市波動性質的最佳模型。
在 GARCH 模型及 TGARCH 模型中,我們仍然可發現週轉率與成交量成長率會影響股市條件平均數或條件變異數;除此之外,好壞消息對股市日報酬率條件變異數(條件波動)應有不同的影響效果(壞消息的影響力較快反應)。而股市自身風險係數雖然統計檢定上不顯著異於零,但若未加入條件平均數的估計式,則可能會使模型得到較差的誤差項檢定結果,顯見股市自身風險應為影響投資人設定期望報酬率水準的重要因素之一。
從上述估計結果,我們可以知道,若散戶投資人能正確解讀市場上出現的各種新資訊之背後意義,將可使成交量成長率或週轉率(大部份可能代表無意義或不正確的交易行為)的變動幅度降低,進而有效地減少股票市場中股價異常波動的現象。 / My essay's topic focuses on discussing the factors that influence stock market volatility in Taiwan's stock market. Besides VAR(12) model as previous researchers have studied, I tries to set up SUR(5) models analyzing the relationship among the stock market volatility、the foundamental variables'volatilities and trading activities; Then I cited ARCH models ( autoregressive conditional heteroskedisticity models ) to find out the characteristics of stock market volatility. Most important of all, according to each misspecification test ( residual test ), I would specify the better models to describe the stock market volatility.
In the estimations of system equations ( VAR(12)and SUR(5)models ), first I found that turnover rate and the growth rate of trading volume, which represent the information arrival indexes, could effect stock return's monthly conditional variance. Second, I especially found out the evidence that trading activities (trading volume growth) would probably have an impact on the macroeconomic variable ( exchange rate volatility ). It shows that we don't need to distinguish the attributes of those factors which could influence stock market volatility.
In GARCH and TGARCH model, the positive influences of turnover and trading volume growth on daily stock return's conditional mean and conditional variance ( conditional volatility ) are still obvious, Within these TGARCH model, I discovered that bad news and good news could have different influences on stock market volatility ( the impact of bad news which resulted in downward movements of stock market volatility appeared faster that the good news'which caused upward movements). Stock market's self-risk(σ<sub>t-1</sub><sup>^2</sup>) is statistically insignificant different from zero in GARCH models, but when I omitted this variable in daily stock return's conditional mean estimation equation, standardized residual might not obey the assumption of normal distribution. It apparently told us that the stock market's self-risk term ( σ<sub>t-1</sub><sup>^2</sup> ) is one of the critical factors which influences investors to estimate expected return level.
From those results above, we realized that if investors could precisely understand the real meanings of new information conveying in the stock market, it might decrease the levels of turnover and trading volume growth ( which could sometimes represent meaningless or inexact trading activities ), then effectively reduce the abnormal volatility phenomenon in stock market.
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臺灣上市公司宣告海外直接投資訊息對股東財富之影響-異質條件變異數分析法 / The Effect of Foreign Direct Investment in Taiwan Stock Market - GARCH Approach黃楚淵, Huang, Chu-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
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