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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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本國銀行業多角化經營對獲利與風險之影響 / The Effects of Banking Diversification on Profitability and Risk in Taiwan

呂明靜, Lu,Ming Ching Unknown Date (has links)
多角化是否能提升銀行獲利與降低風險?本文採2000年至2007年21家本國銀行之年資料,獲利以調整呆帳費用後之資產報酬率作為評估基礎;風險以資產報酬率的標準差衡量,利用追蹤資料分析法,探討銀行多角化程度對獲利與風險之影響,並分析對於逾放比率不同之銀行,其獲利、風險之影響因素是否有所差異,實證結果顯示:一、依品質一致性原則調整呆帳後之資產報酬率,較財報公佈之資產報酬率具較佳之解釋能力與統計顯著性;二、營業收入多角化可提升獲利與降低風險;資產配置多角化不但無法提升獲利,甚使其面臨更高之風險;轉投資模式與風險具有負向關係;三、金融控股公司經營模式與獲利具有正向關係;資產規模與風險具有負向關係;權益資產比及用人費用率與獲利、風險具有負向關係;總體環境因素和風險具有正向關係;四、對於低逾放比率銀行,分散營業收入來源,擴充銀行規模及提高自有資金比例,對其獲利與風險皆有正面之助益;對於高逾放比率銀行,僅有營業收入多角化模式可同時提升獲利與降低風險,意謂此類銀行除可採取營業收入多角化策略彌補呆帳損失外,亦應確實監控授信資產品質,方能有效地改善獲利能力與降低風險。 / Does diversification indeed lead to increase profitability and reduce risk? We use a panel dataset of 21 banks in Taiwan for the period from 2000 to 2007, bad debt-adjusted ROA serves as the measure of profitability and the standard deviation of ROA serves as the measure of risk. This study investigate the effect of diversification on profitability and risk and hope to know how it works out under different non-performing loans ratio. Our main finding are as follows:(i)Compare with ROA in financial statement ,bad debt-adjusted ROA making better significance. (ii)Revenue diversification has positive relation to increase profitability and negative to reduce risk. Asset diversification has negative relation to reduce profitability and positive relation to increase risk. Equity investment has negative relation between risk. (iii) Banks operating as part of financial holding companies can improve profitability. Size has negative relation between risk. Equity to asset ratio and compensation to revenue ratio have negative relation to reduce both profitability and risk. Macroeconomic factor has positive relation to increase risk.(iv)For low non-performing loans ratio banks, revenue diversification, size and equity to asset ratio have positive relation to increase profitability and negative to reduce risk. For high non-performing loans ratio banks, revenue diversification is the only way to improve banks’ profitability and reduce risk. It draws a conclusion that banks monitor loan need strengthening in high non-performing loans ratio banks.

公立國中家長網絡與子女學習成效的關係:多層次分析 / A Multilevel Analysis of the Relationship between Parental Networks and Children’s Academic School in Taiwan

吳宜珊 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究運用台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫(Taiwan Education Panel survey)之2001年與2003年針對同一批國中生(N=16,530)蒐集的資料,檢證James Coleman代間封閉性網絡有助於學生學習成效之理論。對於Coleman的理論,過往實證的研究發現並不一致。台灣亦有研究顯示,在升學制度的壓力下,家長間網絡不見得出現效力。本研究旨在檢證兩種不同家長網絡形式在學校與個體層次對學生學習成效的影響,研究結果發現:(1)個人層次方面,僅校外家長連帶有益於學習成效,但社會經濟地位具有間接影響力;(2)學校層次方面,則僅代間封閉性網絡具影響力,封閉性越高越有益於學生學習成效,且其影響力與社會經濟地位無關。

所得不均對自殺率的影響-以臺灣二十三縣市為例 / The Impact of Income Inequality on Suicide Rate in Taiwan-A County-level Analysis

翁文龍, Weng, Wen Lung Unknown Date (has links)
本文研究目的旨在探討所得不均度對自殺率之影響,採用臺灣2004年至2010年23個縣市的追蹤資料(panel data),使用行政院主計處家庭收支調查報告之年度原始資料,計算自2004年至2010年台灣地區23縣市之吉尼係數作為所得不均度代理變數。 實證結果顯示吉尼係數對總自殺率、男性與25至44歲年齡組自殺率的效果是不顯著的正相關。本文認為,2004至2010年吉尼係數均維持在0.34左右,而且變化不大,以及樣本年度不足,可能是實證結果不顯著的原因之一。此外,由於用以計算吉尼係數之可支配所得並未納入資本利得,導致吉尼係數偏低亦可能是實證結果不顯著的另一個原因。 然而,吉尼係數對於男性自殺率及25至44歲自殺率估計係數的大小卻是值得注意,隱含這二個族群非常關注所得分配的公平性,建議政府在短期政策上可就獨厚富人之賦稅不公平現況加以改善,以達杜漸防微之效。 / This study investigates the impact of income inequality on suicide rate in Taiwan. Using panel data of 23 countries for the period 2004-2010, As a proxy for income inequality, Gini coefficients based on the Survey of Family Income and Expenditure, compiled by the Department of Government of Budget. Empirical results show Gini coefficient has a positive but statistically insignificant effect on total, male and aged 25-44 suicide rates. This paper argues that the Gini coefficient remain around 0.34 for the period of 2004-2010 without significant change, and only 7 years of data may be part of the reason why empirical result is not significant, another reason that might cause Gini coefficient lower is one of the element "disposable income" it did not included capital gain. However, the most noteworthy feature is the magnitude of the Gini coefficients for male and aged 45-64. In other words, these two groups are concerned on the fairness of income distribution. In order to prevent the suicide rate goes higher, government should change the unfair taxes that benefit the riches right away.

起伏變遷型長期追蹤資料的分析方法研究 / The Analysis of Categorical Panel Data in Discrete Time with All Categories Communicating

盧宏益 Unknown Date (has links)
許多社會科學及醫學上的長期追蹤研究上,常會根據研究之需要,而針對某一群人在一段時間內重覆地收集其有關變項(包括類別型反應變項及解釋變項)的資料。這種重覆觀察的資料在統計的文獻上稱為長期追蹤研究資料。在這些長期追蹤研究上,研究者常利用迴歸模型建構的技巧來探討反應變項及解釋變項之間的關係。 一般常用的模型,著重於評估解釋變項對反應變項的當時及短期效應,當解釋變項比反應變項更頻繁地被觀測時,這些模型則不適用。當反應變項可在不同類別間變動時,我們通常有興趣去探討解釋變項如何去影響反應變項的演變或未來走向的趨勢,這種研究可稱之為類別型長期追蹤研究資料的未來趨勢分析。本論文提出了以馬可夫離散時間過程來建立類別型長期追蹤研究資料的模型。此模型不但可以捕捉到解釋變項對反應變項的未來趨勢效應;而且當解釋變項較反應變項更頻繁地被觀測時,本模型也可以利用解釋變項的完整訊息來做出更正確的統計推論。 / Many longitudinal studies in social science and medical science take repeated observations of an categorical outcome, along with several covariates, from follow-up subjects over a certain period of time. Such repeated observations are called longitudinal or panel data in the statistical literature. It is often of interest in these studies to investigate the relationship between the outcome and the covariates through regression modeling techniques. Commonly used models often focus on assessing the contemporary or short term effect of the covariate on the outcome, and can't incorporate time-varying covariates that are observed more or less frequently than the rate we observe the outcome. When the outcome fluctuates among different categories, it is often of interest to assess how covariates effect the evolution or trend of the underlying outcome process. Such assessment can be termed trend analysis of categorical panel data. In this thesis, we propose a Markov chain based regression model for analyzing nominal categorical panel data that are generated by a discrete time outcome process. The proposed model focuses on assessing the trend effect of the covariate on the categorical outcome, and is able to utilize the complete information of the covariates that are observed more or less frequently than the outcome.

追蹤誤差、價格偏離度和成交量之研究-以寶滬深300(0061)、恆中國(0080)及恆香港(0081)為例 / The studies on tracking error, deviation and volume-W.I.S.E.PolarisCSI300 ETF, Hang Seng H-Share Index ETF and Hang Seng Index ETF

彭靖 Unknown Date (has links)

文件距離為基礎kNN分群技術與新聞事件偵測追蹤之研究 / A study of relative text-distance-based kNN clustering technique and news events detection and tracking

陳柏均, Chen, Po Chun Unknown Date (has links)
新聞事件可描述為「一個時間區間內、同一主題的相似新聞之集合」,而新聞大多僅是一完整事件的零碎片段,其內容也易受到媒體立場或撰寫角度不同有所差異;除此之外,龐大的新聞量亦使得想要瞭解事件全貌的困難度大增。因此,本研究將利用文字探勘技術群聚相關新聞為事件,以增進新聞所帶來的價值。 分類分群為文字探勘中很常見的步驟,亦是本研究將新聞群聚成事件所運用到的主要方法。最近鄰 (k-nearest neighbor, kNN)搜尋法可視為分類法中最常見的演算法之一,但由於kNN在分類上必須要每篇新聞兩兩比較並排序才得以選出最近鄰,這也產生了kNN在實作上的效能瓶頸。本研究提出了一個「建立距離參考基準點」的方法RTD-based kNN (Relative Text-Distance-based kNN),透過在向量空間中建立一個基準點,讓所有文件利用與基準點的相對距離建立起遠近的關係,使得在選取前k個最近鄰之前,直接以相對關係篩選出較可能的候選文件,進而選出前k個最近鄰,透過相對距離的概念減少比較次數以改善效率。 本研究於Google News中抽取62個事件(共742篇新聞),並依其分群結果作為測試與評估依據,以比較RTD-based kNN與kNN新聞事件分群時的績效。實驗結果呈現出RTD-based kNN的基準點以常用字字彙建立較佳,分群後的再合併則有助於改善結果,而在RTD-based kNN與kNN的F-measure並無顯著差距(α=0.05)的情況下,RTD-based kNN的運算時間低於kNN達28.13%。顯示RTD-based kNN能提供新聞事件分群時一個更好的方法。最後,本研究提供一些未來研究之方向。 / News Events can be described as "the aggregation of many similar news that describe the particular incident within a specific timeframe". Most of news article portraits only a part of a passage, and many of the content are bias because of different media standpoint or different viewpoint of reporters; in addition, the massive news source increases complexity of the incident. Therefore, this research paper employs Text Mining Technique to cluster similar news to a events that can value added a news contributed. Classification and Clustering technique is a frequently used in Text Mining, and K-nearest neighbor(kNN) is one of most common algorithms apply in classification. However, kNN requires massive comparison on each individual article, and it becomes the performance bottlenecks of kNN. This research proposed Relative Text-Distance-based kNN(RTD-based kNN), the core concept of this method is establish a Base, a distance reference point, through a Vector Space, all documents can create the distance relationship through the relative distance between itself and base. Through the concept of relative distance, it can decrease the number of comparison and improve the efficiency. This research chooses a sample of 62 events (with total of 742 news articles) from Google News for the test and evaluation. Under the condition of RTD-based kNN and kNN with a no significant difference in F-measure (α=0.05), RTD-based kNN out perform kNN in time decreased by 28.13%. This confirms RTD-based kNN is a better method in clustering news event. At last, this research provides some of the research aspect for the future.

整合文件探勘與類神經網路預測模型之研究 -以財經事件線索預測台灣股市為例

歐智民 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著全球化與資訊科技之進步,大幅加快媒體傳播訊息之速度,使得與股票市場相關之新聞事件,無論在產量、產出頻率上,都較以往增加,進而對股票市場造成影響。現今投資者多已具備傳統的投資概念、觀察總體經濟之趨勢與指標、分析漲跌之圖表用以預測股票收盤價;除此之外,從大量新聞資料中,找出關鍵輔助投資之新聞事件更是需要培養的能力,而此正是投資者較為不熟悉的部分,故希望透過本文加以探討之。   本研究使用2009年自由時報電子報之財經新聞(共5767篇)為資料來源,以文件距離為基礎之kNN技術分群,並採用時間區間之概念,用以增進分群之時效性;而分群之結果,再透過類別詞庫分類為正向、持平及負向新聞事件,與股票市場之量化資料,包括成交量、收盤價及3日收盤價,一併輸入於倒傳遞類神經網路之預測模型。自台灣經濟新報中取得半導體類股之交易資訊,將其分成訓練及測試資料,各包含168個及83個交易日,經由網路之迭代學習過程建立預測模型,並與原預測模型進行比較。   由研究結果中,首先,類別詞庫可透過股票收盤價報酬率及篩選字詞出現頻率的方式建立,使投資者能透藉由分群與分類降低新聞文件的資訊量;其次,於倒傳遞類神經網路預測模型中加入分類後的新聞事件,依統計顯著性檢定,在顯著水準為95%及99%下,皆顯著改善隔日股票收盤價之預測方向正確性與準確率,換言之,於預測模型中加入新聞事件,有助於預測隔日收盤價。最後,本研究並指出一些未來研究方向。

強健式視覺追蹤應用於擴增實境之研究 / Robust visual tracking for augmented reality

王瑞鴻, Wang, Ruei Hong Unknown Date (has links)
視覺追蹤(visual tracking)一直是傳統電腦視覺研究中相當重要的議題,許多電腦視覺的應用都需要結合視覺追蹤的幫助才能實現。近年來擴增實境(augmented reality)能快速成功的發展,均有賴於視覺追蹤技術上之精進。擴增實境採用視覺追蹤的技術,可將虛擬的物件呈現在被追蹤的物體(真實場景)上,進而達成所需之應用。 由於在視覺追蹤上,被追蹤之物體易受外在環境因素影響,例如位移、旋轉、縮放、光照改變等,影響追蹤結果之精確度。本研究中,我們設計了一套全新的圖形標記方法作為視覺追蹤之參考點,能降低位移、旋轉與光照改變所造成追蹤結果的誤差,也能在複雜的背景中定位出標記圖形的正確位置,提高視覺追蹤的精確度。同時我們使用立體視覺追蹤物體,將過去只使用單一攝影機於二維影像資訊的追蹤問題,提升至使用三維空間的幾何資訊來做追蹤。然後透過剛體(rigid)特性找出旋轉量、位移量相同的物件,並且結合一致性隨機取樣(random sample consensus)之技巧以估測最佳的剛體物件運動模型,達到強健性追蹤的目的。 另外,我們可由使用者提供之影片資訊中擷取特定資料,透過建模技術將所產生之虛擬物件呈現於使用者介面(或被追蹤之物體)上,並藉由這些虛擬物件,提供真實世界外之資訊,達成導覽指引(或擴增實境)的效果。 實驗結果顯示,我們的方法具有辨識時間快、抗光照變化強、定位準確度高的特性,適合於擴增實境應用,同時我們設計的標記圖形尺寸小,方便適用於導覽指引等應用。 / Visual tracking is one of the most important research topics in traditional computer vision. Many computer vision applications can not be realized without the integration of visual tracking techniques. The fast growing of augmented reality in recent years relied on the improvement of visual tracking technologies. External environment such as object displacement, rotation, and scaling as well as illumination conditions will always influence the accuracy of visual tracking. In this thesis, we designed a set of markers that can reduce the errors induced by the illumination condition changes as well as that by the object displacement, rotation, and scaling. It can also correctly position the markers in complicated background to increase the tracking accuracy. Instead of using single camera tracking in 2D spaces, we used stereo vision techniques to track the objects in 3D spaces. We also used the properties of rigid objects and search for the objects with the same amount of rotation and displacement. Together with the techniques of random sample consensus, we can estimate the best rigid object motion model and achieve tracking robustness. Moreover, from the user supplied video, we can capture particular information and then generate the virtual objects that can be displaced on the user’s device (or on the tracked objects). Using these techniques we can either achieve navigation or guidance in real world or achieve augmented reality as we expected. The experimental results show that our mechanism has the characteristics of fast recognition, accurate positioning, and resisting to illumination changes that are suitable for augmented reality. Also, the size of the markers we designed is very small and good for augmented reality application.


吳亭瑩 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,我國財政收支嚴重不平衡,地方政府相較於中央財政問題更困窘。由歷年來賦稅依存度或稅收資料顯示,地方賦稅收入並無法足夠支應地方支出,加上因為地區經濟發展狀況不同,各縣市財政收入不平衡,造成貧窮縣市之財政狀況更為艱辛,須依靠中央政府之補助款才得以提供地方事務。 本研究探討各地方財產稅之影響因素,因財產稅占各地方政府之賦稅收入之大宗,加上探討地方稅建制之文獻均認為財產稅最適合最為地方財源收入,故本研究藉由探討影響地方財產稅收之因素,分析我國地方政府財政制度之現況與困境,並對目前我國地方財政之困難提出建議。 本研究將影響地方財產稅因素分為經濟因素、人口因素、治安狀況、商業情況與房地產市場狀況,利用台北市、台北縣、高雄市與台中市民國81-93年之資料,進行實證分析。因本研究所採用的資料涵蓋4個轄區與13個年度,故計量模型採用Panel Data模型,Panel Data模型不僅可以分析解釋變數對財產稅收之影響程度,利用固定效果模型 (Fixed Effect Model) 更可以得知4個轄區之地方特定效果與時間效果。 根據實證結果顯示,我國地方財產稅具有明顯的地方特定效果與時間效果,表示地方財產稅容易受到各地人文地理制度之不同、地方無法量化之特質、土地政策的變動與總體景氣之影響。對於財產稅易受土地政策的變動與總體景氣之影響,我們合理懷疑其原因是因為本研究所稱之財產稅中含有土地增值稅與契稅兩種機會稅,才導致財產稅收會受到景氣變動之影響,經由實證分析結果驗證我們的論點,土地增值稅與契稅相較於地價稅與房屋稅易受整體經濟與土地政策變動之影響。 我國地方政府財政狀況,從實證結果亦能發現財政水平不均之情況,觀察固定效果發現台北市相對於其他轄區財產稅收較多,其原因可能為台北市為我國首都,人文地理與經濟發展情況均較其他轄區進步的地方特質效果所導致。透過本研究時間效果之分析,顯示地方政府若欲以降低該地區犯罪率或活絡該地之商業活動等僅具地區性之經濟活動來增加財產稅收,是較無效果的。地方財產稅收之增加主要仍須倚靠國家整體經濟景氣活絡,或以土地政策誘導房地產市場交易,是較可行的方法。

健康人力資本對經濟成長的影響─以台灣各縣市進行分析 / The effect of health human capital on economic growth--A case of Taiwan

侯慶銓, Hou, Cing Cyuan Unknown Date (has links)
如何使經濟得以成長,一直以來是經濟學家想解決的問題,從新古典學派之外生成長理論開始,至目前的內生成長理論,都是以這問題為核心所發展的理論。人力資本是內生成長理論所強調的重點,早期文獻皆認為教育投入有助於一國之經濟發展,而近年來有愈來越多的經濟學者發現人民之健康水準對經濟成長也扮演著一個重要的角色。此外在探討經濟成長的文獻中,大多數皆以國與國間所得差異為主要的分析,鮮少有文章探討單一國家內所得差異的原因,本文則探討單一國家內,不同縣市人均所得差異的問題,雖然研究的範圍縮小,但是在一國內的資料計算上必定相同,可使得資料的來源有準確性一致性。 本文採取追蹤資料進行分析,研究期間為1998年至2009年,研究範圍為台灣行政區改制之前之二十三個縣市。透過實證結果可以得知,實體資本對於1998年至2009年台灣經濟發展幫助性不大,在加入教育資本後,使得實體資本產出彈性下降,顯示教育比起實體資本更能解釋對經濟成長的影響。最後在考慮健康人力資本下之實證結果,可以得到整體迴歸解釋能力有顯著地上升,且實體資本產出彈性與教育資本產出彈性皆下降,說明了健康資本對於經濟成長的影響力已經比教育資本還來得重要。 綜合以上的論述,可以得知台灣在1998年至2009年所得成長的來源係因為健康人資本的關係,雖然不可否認實體資本與教育資本仍然對於台灣之經濟成長有一定程度的貢獻,不過健康資本似乎是目前驅使經濟成長最大的動力來源。

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