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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

行動體驗行銷平台商業模式設計 / A Design of a Mobile Platform for Experience Marketing

黃勝宏, Huang, Sheng Hung Unknown Date (has links)
本論文所探討的是利用智慧型行動裝置,如手機、平板電腦,以及未來可能大量普及的穿戴式眼鏡,打造一行動體驗行銷平台,並藉此平台設計一商業模式,使得消費者可以獲得四加一的體驗,包含:娛樂的、美學的、教育的、跳脫現實的,與參與的體驗。而商家在消費者參與遊戲的同時達到了吸客上門的目的,提高了能見度、傳達設計的訊息,同時也提高了購買意願。 此平台提供簡單易懂、自由創作的工具,只要利用智慧型行動裝置即可打造專屬的擴增實境行動服務。消費者可以建立自己所設計的故事與遊戲;商家也可以藉由平台設計遊戲應用軟體,將品牌精神、產品價值融入其中,藉以提高顧客關係,並達到行銷的目的。 / The objective of this study is to report a plan of an innovative business model on mobile devices. The business model is to provide a smart platform for businesses and individuals to conduct experience marketing. Applying the concept of gamification this platform can facilitate the design of the gaming applications and to attract a flow of users to visit the designated locations. This business model makes customers indulging in four plus one experiences including: entertainment, esthetic, educational, escapist, and engagement. The designers of the games can achieve the purpose of raising brand image, delivering key messages, and increasing visits. This platform provides simple and easy-to-understand tools. Users can build their own location-based game applications with augmented reality (AR) technology to enhance the experience of virtual/real challenges. Not only individuals can create their own games but also businesses can develop their own game applications embedded with brand spirit and product value to strengthen customer relationship.

藉由遊戲設計以產出具信賴驗證的行動地理標籤系統 / GWAP design for a mobile geo-tagging system with confident verification

楊泰榮, Yang, Tai Rong Unknown Date (has links)
人智運算(Human Computation)是近年來最熱門的研究領域之一,而適地性服務(Location-based service)也因此衍生出許多研究議題。由於傳統上在搜集資訊時往往會浪費過多的人力資源,所以我們希望使用者藉由玩遊戲的方式背後完成我們想要的事情。在此篇論文中,我們利用GWAP(Games with a Purpose)的概念設計一套行動地理標籤系統,系統採用玩家分享自身附近景點資訊再透過其他玩家來到相同地點做驗證的方式,讓玩家在一邊玩遊戲的過程中搜集相關地理資訊,另一方面達到景點資訊是可信賴的目的。 然而,對系統而言要如何選題給玩家驗證才能提升整體效能,為了解決這些問題,我們在選題策略上提出三種不同的任務分配演算法,再透過一連串的實驗模擬來證明我們所設計的系統確實能夠在選題上達到好的效能,最後我們考慮到現實生活中可能的情形後將此系統實作在智慧型手機上(Android Phone)。 / Human Computation is popular recently and have become one of the hottest research topics, therefore Location-based service also drives a lot of issues. Due to collect information always cause too many manpower- wasted in tradition , so we hoped that the users to complete the things which we want by play game’s way .In this thesis, we based on the concept of ‘Games with a Purpose’(GWAP) to develop a mobile geospatial tagging system, system adopt player share self nearby scenic spots information and then through another players come the same place do the verification, allowing the player to play the game in the side of the process of collecting the relevant geographic information, on the other hand to achieve the purpose of scenic spots information is reliable. However, how to choose topics for player verification can effectively evaluate the system performance, to solve these problems we propose three different selection strategies on the task assignment algorithms, then through a series of simulation experiments designed to prove that our system can indeed achieve good performance on the topics, finally we take into account real life situations and implement in the smart phone (Android Phone).

藉由地緣情感關係連結之群眾打卡資訊建⽴立個⼈人⽣生命記憶 / Construct Personal Lifelog by Check-in Information from Location-based Emotion Connected Crowd

王怡婷, Wang, Yi Ting Unknown Date (has links)
生活於行動網絡與社群網站發展快速的今日,人們逐漸依賴利用隨手可得之行動裝置紀錄生活,打卡儼然成為生命紀錄的方式之一。本研究致力於提供使用者個人化之打卡系統,讓使用者在選用群眾所推薦的地理標籤名稱之餘,同時保有個人化情感傾向特色之地理標籤名稱。透過基於地緣情感關係連結之群眾推薦地理標籤名稱,我們提供更貼近使用者個人情感偏好之地理標籤,讓使用者在省下自行建立個人化地理標籤名稱上的繁瑣程序的同時,還能同時保有個人化特色,更能夠作為未來回憶時之線索。在實驗設計上,我們邀請共二十八位受試者使用本研究所開發之打卡系統,利用三週的時間真實模擬生活中的打卡情況。我們分析受試者進行打卡時所選用的地理標籤名稱來源作為評估之依據,透過實驗結果顯示基於地緣情感關係連結之群眾推薦地理標籤名稱模型,能夠推薦較適合的地理標籤名稱給使用者使用。因此本研究有效利用特定群眾之力量協助使用者建立個人化之地理資訊。 / In the present, people used to have one or more mobile devices. With the mobile devices thriving, the social network is also getting more popular. People rely on the mobile devices or social network to record their lives—“Check in” is becoming a kind of “lifelog”. Our research provides user a customized check in system, which can free users from the troublesome procedures, naming the geotag by their own, meanwhile; they can still have their own style. Furthermore, this customized name of geotag will be the hint to their memory in the future. When it comes to the experiment, we have 28 users experience our check in system, and we spent three weeks to simulate the situation of check in in the real life. We analyze the users’ name of geotag and use it as the result to estimate. According to the result of our experiment, the Location-Based Emotion Connected model can recommend a better name of geotag to the users. Consequently, our research the effective help people to construct personalizes geographic information.

用於混合式耐延遲網路之適地性服務資料搜尋方法 / Location-based content search approach in hybrid delay tolerant networks

李欣諦, Lee, Hsin Ti Unknown Date (has links)
在耐延遲網路上,離線的使用者,可以透過節點的相遇,以點對點之特定訊息繞送方法,將資訊傳遞至目的地。如此解決了使用者暫時無法上網時欲傳遞資訊之困難。因此,在本研究中,當使用者在某一地區,欲查詢該地區相關之資訊,但又一時無法連上網際網路時,則可透過耐延遲網路之特性,尋求其它同樣使用本服務之使用者幫忙以達到查詢之目的。 本論文提出一適地性服務之資料搜尋方法,以三層式區域概念,及混合式節點型態,並透過資料訊息複製、查詢訊息複製、資料回覆及資料同步等四項策略來達成使用者查詢之目的。特別在訊息傳遞方面,提出一訊息佇列選擇演算法,賦予優先權概念於每一訊息中,使得較為重要之訊息得以優先傳送,藉此提高查詢之成功率及減少查詢之延遲時間。最後,我們將本論文方法與其它查詢方法比較評估效能,其模擬結果顯示我們提出的方法有較優的查詢效率與延遲。 / In Delay Tolerant Networks (DTNs), the offline users can, through the encountering nodes, use the specific peer-to-peer message routing approach to deliver messages to the destination. Thus, it solves the problem that users have the demands to deliver messages while they are temporarily not able to connect to Internet. Therefore, by the characteristics of DTNs, people who are not online can still query some location based information, with the help of users using the same service in the nearby area. In this thesis, we proposed a Location-based content search approach. Based on the concept of three-tier area and hybrid node types, we presented four strategies to solve the query problem. They are Data Replication, Query Replication, Data Reply and Data synchronization strategies. Especially in message transferring, we proposed a Message Queue Selection algorithm. We set the priority concept to every message such that the most important one could be sent first. In this way, it can increase the query success ratio and reduce the query delay time. Finally, we evaluated our approach, and compared with other routing schemes. The simulation results showed that our proposed approach had better query efficiency and shorter delay.

行動應用軟體獲利模式之研究 / The profiting models of mobile applications

何易剛 Unknown Date (has links)
智慧型手機市場近年來成長迅速,台灣智慧型手機的銷售在2011年的第四季已經超越了功能型手機,成為市場主力。而這波成長帶動了另外一個令人興奮的市場,就是行動應用軟體市集。因為智慧型手機提供良好的軟體開發平台以及軟體拆帳模式,讓一些小型軟體公司以及一些個人軟體開發者願意在上面開發軟體,並且有機會從中獲取利益。 因此,本研究想要了解行動應用軟體是用什麼方式獲利?找出可能的獲利模式,分析影響獲利模式的因素有那些?並且探討各類型應用軟體最常使用的獲利模式為何? 本研究主要分析手機作業系統平台上官方的軟體市集,收集各類型軟體的前十名,分析其獲利模式。並且歸納出影響獲利模式的因素。根據本研究所得到的結論,行動應用軟體的獲利模式可以分為單次付費下載、軟體內購買、廣告、付費訂閱、平台整合、適地性服務以及行銷等七種模式。而影響這些獲利模式的因素可以分為平台、軟體類型、競爭者的獲利模式、地區以及技術。 最後,期望透過本研究,讓欲進入行動應用軟體的個人開發者或者軟體公司能夠找到合適的獲利方式。


陳宛渝, Chen,Wan Yu Unknown Date (has links)
3G 行動網路的發展和智慧型手機銷售量的大幅成長之助力下,使得全球適地性服務進入多元化的發展階段。而處於萌芽期的台灣適地性服務市場,近年來,隨著傳統語音服務業務的飽和,電信商紛紛希望藉由提供行動加值服務開創新的商機,於是行動加值服務中的適地性服務成了新的發展契機。 本研究認為適地性服務亦屬於服務的一類,但與一般實體服務業、線上購物的服務類型有所差異,故選擇以消費者直接接觸的電信商提供之適地性服務軟體 為研究對象,探討服務品質、顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度的影響及其關係。以中華電信為研究對象,針對曾經參與適地性服務軟體開發的人員進行深度訪談,並根據質性研究的結果設計量化問卷及建立假設。本研究將問卷連結張貼於電子佈告欄系統的相關討論區,共取得 253 份有效問卷,以 SPSS19.0 軟體進行資料統計分析,驗證假設並提出研究發現與結論建議。 本研究得到以下的主要結論: 一、消費者在服務品質之感受程度,與電信商的關鍵資源和關鍵流程有關 二、服務品質對於顧客滿意度具有顯著影響,且不同要項之影響效果不同 三、服務品質對於顧客忠誠度具有顯著影響,且不同要項之影響效果不同 四、顧客滿意度對於顧客忠誠度具有顯著影響,且不同要項之影響效果不同 五、服務品質、顧客滿意度對於顧客忠誠度具有顯著影響,且顧客滿意度的影響 效果較高 / Recently, the development of 3G mobile networks and the huge growth of smartphone, Location-based service has diverse application. In Taiwan, with the saturation of traditional voice service, oprators hope to find new opportuneities by providing mobile value-added service so Location-based service in the mobile value-added service has become a new direction of development. This study is to investigate the relationship among the service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty of Location-based services providing from oprators. Chunghwa Telecom is the main case for this study. This study obtains information by using both qualitative and quantitative research methods: in-depth interview and online survey. In the part of qualitative interview, interviewees are those participants who have been involved in the development of Location-based service in Chunghwa Telecom. As for the part of online survey, this study uses SPSS 19.0 software to analyze 253 valid questionnaires from PTT, the largest bulletin board system in Taiwan. After analyzing, this study comes to the following conclusions: 1. The key resources and key processes of the oprators affect the feelings of the consumers' service quality. 2. A significant relationship exisits between service quality and customer satisfaction, and different items have the different degree of influence. 3. A significant relationship exisits between service quality and customer loyalty, and different items have the different degree of influence. 4. A significant relationship exisits between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, and different items have the different degree of influence. 5. A significant relationship exisits among service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, and customer satisfaction have a higher degree of influence on customer loyalty than service quality.

PostHere: 使用者產製情境內容之手機社群平台設計 / PostHere: Prototype Design of a Mobile Social Networking Platform for Context Aware Content

黃素琳, Ng, Su Lin Unknown Date (has links)
本內容為手機社群平台介面設計創作論述。PostHere 是一個讓使用者在智慧型手機上分享和接收情境內容的社群平台。使用者根據所在的情境,產製出一則則多媒體數位故事,並利用全球定位系統(GPS) 與數位羅盤技術,將內容留在空間中,共同建立地點資料庫。其他使用者便可從不同地點的資料庫中讀取內容,並利用擴增實境、數位地圖或街景重新建構的情境觀看內容,有如在真實空間中覆蓋一層數位故事空間。平台使用了社群機制進行內容排序和篩選,並刺激使用者更踴躍分享內容。 本論述探討了關於情境內容、社群服務和使用者介面與經驗設計的文獻,並進行個案分析,作為介面設計之基礎。設計的過程中也咨詢了介面設計領域專業人員的意見。 PostHere的主要目標族群為21至35歲的社青,有四個主要功能。使用者可創作情境故事留在特定地理位置上、閱讀其他使用者在目前位置上留下的故事、搜尋其他地點的故事、以及與有興趣的使用者聯結。本社群平台將先鼓勵使用者分享微旅遊紀錄,作為內容範例。 / This paper presents the prototype design of PostHere, a mobile social networking platform that will enable users to share and receive context aware content through an application on the smartphone. Digital stories in multimedia forms created by the mass users in relation to their spatial and temporal context are “planted” and left on a location using Global Positional System (GPS) and compass technology. These stories are stored in a location database for other users to retrieve and view in recreated context through augmented reality, world map or street view, like over layering a digital space on top of the physical space. Social mechanisms are used to sort out and filter content, while motivating users to share content actively. Literature review on context aware content, social networking and user experience design, together with case study on current mobile social networking app act as the basis of the development. Professionals from the app development field were consulted throughout the course of the user interface and user experience design. The final prototype has four main functions, targeted at urban young adult ranging from the age of 21 to 35. User may create and leave stories on a geographical spot, explore stories at their current location, search for interesting stories shared by others and connect with users they are interested in. Micro- travel log is chosen as the main content to help build up content paradigm. The prototype received positive feedback from test participants in Taiwan and will be ready for development into an actual product.

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