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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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許玉蕙 Unknown Date (has links)
投資型商品連動於特定資產,保險人除了面臨原有的核保風險,更需承擔部分的財務風險。傳統保險商品的純保費價格等於其預期損失,而投資型商品的保險給付依據投資標的波動,保險人的預期損失不易估算,傳統精算的評價方法不完全適用於投資型商品。保證最低給付的給付結構使得投資型商品其有選擇權的特質,Brennan與Schwartz(1976)首先利用選擇權定價理論探討附有保證最低給付投資型商品之價值與避險策略,爾後亦有許多文獻以此方向加以著墨,但選擇權定價理論是基於市場為完全市場的假設,保險市場為不完全市場,以完全市場假設之理論評定保險商品之價值實不合理。本為假設保險人面臨的風險為核保風險及財務風險,財務市場為完全市場,保險人可以藉由市場上的各種金融商品建構避險組合規避財務風險;而預期死亡人數與實際死亡人數所產生的核保誤差,保險人無法利用避險組合完全地規避,因此保險市場為不完全市場。 在不完全市場中請求權的價值牽涉投資者主觀的風險偏好,不存在唯一的平賭測度,請求權的價格也不唯一,最適避險策略依請求權的價格調整,所以投資型保險商品的價格不再等於其公平價值,真正的成交價格應落於買賣價差之中。本文引用Mercurio(1996)的結果,利用二次效用函數,以極大化保險人期末財富之效用為目標,建構生存險的合理價格範圍。以二元樹模型描述股票的波動,分別模擬五年、十年及十五年投資型生存險之價差範圍,保險人的風險規避程度、保單期限以及保證金額的高低將影響商品價差範圍的大小。 關鍵字:不完全市場、效用函數,買賣價差、最適避險策略 / Investment-linked life (LIL) insurance policies integrate the attributes from the mutual fund by introducing the investment options to the policyholders and life insurance through the benefit payments shielding the unexpected events of the insured. Since the execution of the implied options depends on the policyholder's health status. Actuarial equivalent principal and non-arbitrage pricing theory are used in evaluating the prices for LIL insurance policies. Brennan and Schwartz (1976) initially employ the option pricing theory in examining the pricing and hedging strategy for LIL insurance policies with minimum guarantees. Most published literatures are focusing on this issue adopting the B-S methodology. Since the values of the LIL policies cannot be replicated uniquely through the self-financing strategies due to underwriting risks of the insurance market. Insurance market does not satisfy the completeness assumptions, Due to lack of a unique martingale measure under market incompleteness, the utility assumption of the policyholder is involved in the pricing issue. Insurance pricing must consider the risk attitude of the investors in the market. Hence the cost the LIL insurance policies are not necessarily equal to the fair market prices. The market value should fall within the range of the bid and ask prices. In this study, we follow the approach in Mercurio (1996) by adopting the quadratic utility function and compute the reasonable range of the prices based on maximizing the terminal health utility function. Binary tree method is used in modeling the asset dynamics. Then the numerical computations are performed using endowment LIL insurance policies with 5, 10 and 15 years of duration. Based on the results, we find that the risk attitude of the policyholder, the policy duration and minimum amounts of the guarantees significantly affect the bid-ask price spread of LIL insurance policies. Keywords: market incompleteness; utility function; bid-ask spread; optimal hedging strategy.


翁仁政, Weng, Jen Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究論述分為兩大部份,均是以實務上之動態避險並以DELTA NEUTRAL為分析上之比較基礎,第一個部分是以認購權證發行商角度出發,考量發行實論述務架構、避險成本、交易成本,進而說明發行商造市及避險之損益結構及其關鍵因子,並以商品實例,分別使用模擬的資料、歷史回溯資料、發行後真實資料,配合不同的避險策略方法以量化方法來分析發行商損益及其風險。 另一部份則探討結構型商品,結構型商品在銷售上即對行銷通路付出通路手續費支出,發行後勿需有如認購權證之次級市場造市交易問題,因此在發行商損益上觀察,交易報價即反映了預期利潤與風險的對價或承擔,並以商品實例,藉以歷史資料基礎來估計分析模型之參數風險,並說明理論定價其值本為分配而非一固定數之本質,再者又取『發行商稅後損益佔期初理論利潤之比例』來作為衡量避險(複製商品之報償(PAYOFF))效率之指標,進一步論述發行商作交價報價時需充份考慮其本身之實際避險能力(即複製選擇權之成本),以免高估本身獲利能力而低報商品報價。 本文另從券商風險管理角度而言,建議以上兩項業務均可以設定商品標的之評價波動率等參數之計算準則,來區隔交易員避險操作使用之避險波動率等參數,並以DELTA NEUTRAL及上述評價參數為基礎來求算應避險金額,以利與實際避險金額作比較,了解商品操作其超缺避情況是否有逾發行商內外規規定,以此來落實執行證券商商品操作風險管理。 本論文最重要結論是具體建議並提出發行商對所發行商品標的之篩選及避險策略等之系統性評估方法,並對商品發行前及發行後之評估所用之研究方法作詳細說明,對發行商而言其重點為了解此系統性評估方法,並利用電腦化在每次發行前作此研究,可作為標的是否適合發行之考量參考,及交易員之發行前指導及情境分析使用,以提昇操作上對市況變化之因應敏感度,發行後也可以交易員其操作實際損益來比較是否有優於本文所論述之程式性交易結果,以作為判別交易員表績效表現參考,並作為該商品在未來再發行時,其交易操作方法提昇之參考。


鄭適薰, ZHENG,SHI-XUN Unknown Date (has links)
一、研究動機與目的 由於國際經濟體系日趨複雜,持有資產的不確定性因而增加,投資者為了避免因為資 產報酬過大的波動而造成損失,紛紛尋求迴避風險的工具。而期貨由於具備了高度流 動性,融通功能的保證金制度及公正的中介機構等優點,使其產品種類及交易量日益 擴大,提供了金融資產持有者良好的避險管道。 本研究探討金融性期貨商品在各種避險期間長度及不同到期日的期貨契約,降低風險 的程度是否有差異,並就各避險策略理論,比較其績效。 二、研究期間與樣本。 本研究由華爾街日報及偷敦金融時報抄錄由1988年 1月到1990年1 月共108 週,每週 三金融性商品現貨及期貨收盤價格。包括黃金、英鎊、日圓、西德馬克、瑞士法郎及 S & P 500 NYSE股價指數和T-Bill Euro Dollar利率等九種。 三、研究方法。 主要比較以下三種避險策略降低風險的程度,並研究以期貨避險時,是否愈早簽訂契 約或選擇到期日距今較遠的契約愈能降低風險。 1.天真法則 (Naive Approch) 該策略假設任何資產的現貨與期貨價格變動方向一致且幅度相同。於是為了避免資產 因為價格波動造成損失,投資者的避險策略應該是分別持有數量相同但方向相反的現 貨與期貨部位(position)。如此現貨資產與期貨資產的損益可完全抵消,若不計交易 成本,則造成損失的可能性為零。 2.最小變異數法則 (Minimum Variance Approach) 該法則認為,現貨與期貨價格同方向且等幅度變動的假設並不合理,而將現貨與期貨 所持有的部位視為資產組合 (portfolio),此資產組合價格的變異數視為風險;求出 使該資產組合風險最小的期貨部位。期貨相對現貨的持有比值就是最適避險比率,以 此比率構成資產組合風險最小。 3.風險迴避法則(Risk Aversion Approach) 該法則引用普雷特-亞羅(Pratt-Arrow) 絕對風險迴避的觀念,尋求報酬和風險間的 替代關係,在報酬不為負的要求下,求出使資產組合風險最小的避險比率。此法則由 於衡量的標準更為嚴格,故計算亦較繁複。

海外投資及避險策略與保險公司價值之探討 / Striving for home advantages? an empirical study of currency hedging of Taiwan life insurers

許素珠, Hsu,Su Chu Unknown Date (has links)
本論文包含台灣壽險業資產配置國際化及匯率避險兩個主題。首先,探討台灣壽險業積極向主管機關申請核准提高國外資產配置比率,與美國投資人偏好投資自己國家資產不一致的現象,是台灣壽險業資產配置不得不的策略,或是國際化的迷思? 以25家壽險公司2004 年至2008年財務資料實證結果發現,國外資產納入投資組合對壽險業投資績效有利。如果將樣本公司依據所有權區分為本資公司與外資公司,資料顯示,本資公司國際資產配置較為積極,惟其報酬績效與外資公司差異並不顯著。研究亦發現,2008年美國次貸風暴顯著負向影響台灣壽險公司國外投資報酬,即提高國外資產配置雖可提高報酬,惟匯率風險、信用風險及系統風險暴露亦相對提高,建議壽險公司於追球較高報酬同時,應同時加強風險管理。另實證亦發現,資產規模愈大公司之投資報酬率相對較遜,建議於追求保費市占率成長時,應重視投資報酬績效的實質提升。 第二部分探討2004年至 2008年台灣壽險業國外投資匯率風險管理策略對投資績效影響。以整體產業觀察,匯率避險對投資報酬率有正面效果;本資公司避險策略相較外資公司積極,報酬率亦相對較優;股票上市公司有財報揭露股價波動之壓力,經理人有較強誘因採取避險策略,投資報酬率相較優於股票未上市公司,惟差異並不顯著。實證結果支持Glen and Jorion (1993) and Campbell et al. (2010)避險可以降低匯率風險提升投資報酬績效之研究結論,2006年實施之34號會計公報,顯著影響本資公司與上市公司之避險行為。 / In this study, we study two essays on international asset allocation and the currency hedging problem for Taiwan life insurer industry. In the first essay, we investigate the high percentage of foreign investments placed by Taiwan life insurers and how this phenomenon is at odds with the bias for investing at home common among American investors. The holdings of 25 Taiwan life insurance companies, between the years 2004 and 2008, are scrutinized with a view towards evaluating home bias and its financial impact. We find that foreign investment has proven profitable for the life insurance industry. However, if the life insurance industry is divided into two categories according to its ownership structure, i.e., domestic-owned and foreign-owned companies, and that while the performance of investments made by domestic-owned life insurers differs from that of foreign-owned life insurers, the difference is insignificant. We also found that global financial turmoil in 2008 had a massively negative impact on the foreign investments of Taiwan life insurance companies and firm size and return on investment is negative correlated, suggesting that life insurers should focus on enhancing investment performance and risk management. In the second essay, we examine the currency hedging strategy and its impact on the performance of Taiwan life insurance industry investments from 2004 to 2008. We find that currency hedging strategies have yielded positive results, overall, for the industry. However, if the life insurance industry is divided into two categories according to its ownership structure, i.e., domestic-owned and foreign-owned companies, the results show that the currency hedging strategies employed by the domestic-owned companies enjoy advantages over those of foreign-owned firms. If the sample is further divided into those publicly listed on the TAIEX and others, our results show that a hedging strategy has positive effects on listed company. Our findings support the work in Glen and Jorion (1993) and Campbell et al. (2010), which reveal that hedging strategies improve foreign investment returns and can reduce currency risks in comparison to non-hedging strategies. Our empirical results indicate that SFAS No. 34 has a significant effect on currency hedging behavior among domestically owned and listed companies.


郭頴彥, Kuo, Ying-Yan Unknown Date (has links)
二十一世紀初的經濟不景氣橫掃了全球的DRAM製造產業,讓全世界的DRAM製造產商大賠了120億美金,國內廠商受傷尤其嚴重,甚至發生公司債之債務不履行事件,國內廠商岌岌可危。本論文主要係以案例探討之方式,研究國內DRAM製造廠商之經營模式、產業特性與風險管理問題,尤其在面對國際間產業劇烈之競爭下,國內之DRAM製造商的經營條件比國際大廠更為艱困,例如:金融環境、政府支援程度、生產規模、技術自主問題等與國外廠商皆有一段差距,因此在經營上所面對之風險與其他國家製造商相較,其實更為險峻。 / 本文以案例公司發生公司債之債務不履行事件為切入點,深入地了解一家在本國企業中屬於中大型企業之DRAM製造公司,為何會有債務不履行之情況發生?其近因似為案例公司在財務上過度倚賴公司債為籌資工具,且公司債之到期或轉換公司債之履約期間過於密集,以致產生流動性問題,然而其遠因乃在於DRAM產品價格快速的滑落,廠商缺乏適當的風險管理工具及機制以應付DRAM之價格風險。DRAM產品為成本競爭導向之標準產品,成本競爭來自於生產良率、製程微縮與新建更大尺寸廠房,當每家廠商都競逐於經濟規模以降低成本時產業會變得不穩定而暴起暴落,在產品價格處於高點時,所有廠商將產能利用率(稼動率)推到最高,此時因產能稼動率高,因此平均每單位晶片之生產成本較低,所以廠商獲利頗豐,並可輕易自資本市場取得資金擴充產能;等到市場供過於求,產品價格下跌處於低點時,廠商只好減產以降低損失,在其他條件不變下,此時因產能稼動率低,因此平均每單位晶片之生產成本反而較產品價格好時還要高,產品價格下跌所帶來的巨額損失,對廠商的虧損有乘數效果,此時廠商在資本市場或銀行等間接金融市場都不容易籌措到資金,本文以案例公司所面對之風險管理問題,提供幾個避險之建議,其中包括金融業、政府等應該能夠扮演更積極的角色,創造共贏共榮的局面,並避免類似之事件再發生,此為本文最大之貢獻。

上限型股權連結保本票券之評價、避險和風險控管 / Valuation, Hedge and Risk Management of Capped, Equity-linked and Principal-protected Notes

陳芬英, Chen, Fen-ying Unknown Date (has links)
本論文含蓋三篇文章,分別從評價、避險和風險控管三方面,分析上限型股權連結保本票券。 第一篇文章為上限型股權連結保本票券之設計、評價和比較。本文考量投資人保守的投資行為與設限型股權連結票券所存在的delta跳躍(delta jump)現象,延伸Brennan and Schwartz (1976)模型,提出一個能在股價波動之際,使發行的避險部位delta呈現平滑變動且兼具保本(protected principal)功用的一般化模型(general form)。相較於一般的設限型股權連結保本模型,本模型具有以下特色。第一,加入股價成長率的調整因子(adjustable factor),當景氣低靡,股價不停下跌時,正的調整因子可減緩股價下滑之勢,進而增加投資人在票券到期日時獲取更多資本利得(capital gain)的機會。同時,調整因子縮小了當期股價成長率與股價上限成長率(capped stock growth rate)之間的差距,繼而減緩delta 跳躍的幅度,降低發行者的避險成本。並且在HJM利率模型下,delta隨股價與股價波動度的變化更顯平滑(smooth)。第二,在保本率(protection rate)和參與率 (participation rate)不變之下,本模型的期初合理價格(fair price)較低,投資人能以較低的成本取得同等的投資保障。第三,若將本票券的名目面額(notional principal)視作共同基金(mutual fund)的淨值(net value),而該淨值與股價連動,則本模型即成為股權連結的保本型基金(principal-protected fund)。 第二篇文章是路徑依賴之上限型股權連結保本模型之評價和風險測量。該文是擴展Brennan and Schwartz (1976)模型發展一個路徑依賴之上限型股權連結保本模型,並且提出一個比二元數模型更精確的封閉解。此外,也對七個時間序列進行股價波動度之精確檢定,得知AR-ARCH(1)模型對上限型股權連結保本票券而言,較其它時間序列模型,更能有效估計股價之波動度。 第二篇文章是外國資產的風險管理。目前在國內金融市場上,國外金融商品很多,大都以外幣計價,因此匯率風險是投資人不可忽視的因子。本文拓展Kupiec(1999)模型,將匯率風險加入模型中,使投資人更有效進行風險管理。 / This thesis studies valuation, hedge and risk management of capped equity-linked and principal-protected notes by means of the following essays: (1) Design, Valuation and Comparison of Capped Equity-linked and Principal-protected Notes (2) Valuation and Risk Measurement of Capped Equity-linked and Principal-protected Notes with Path Dependence (3) Risk Management of Foreign Assets Capped equity-linked and principal-protected notes are similar with barrier options. There exists delta jump as stock price or growth rate reaches the barrier. But previous studies about equity-linked and principal-protected notes with a restricted growth rate of stock price never explicitly discussed how the delta jump could be solved. In my first essay, I present a new design for capped equity-linked and principal-protected notes and add an adjustable factor to growth rate of stock price in such a way that the adjustable factor narrows the gap between the current stock growth rate and the capped stock growth rate and thus really reduces the magnitude of the delta jump and hence lowers the hedging cost for brokers. Recently, the focus of previous studies about principal-protected notes has been on either the restriction on the rate of stock return or the path dependence on the underlying asset, but not both in the same context. In my second essay, I develop a model on the capped, equity-linked and principal-protected notes with path dependence. There are two issues in this article. The first issue is valuation on the capped, equity-linked and principal-protected notes with path dependence. I find a closed-form approximation using the 2nd-order Taylor approximation and the method of Vorst (1992) that has higher accuracy than binomial tree model as maturity time or volatility becomes large. The second issue is risk measurement. I use VaR model to evaluate market risk of the principal-protected notes, and employ seven univariate time series models to forecast volatility and examine the accuracy. Additionally, investors may well encounter potential loss as the prices of financial products are reduced in the secondary market. The VaR is mainly concerned with the downside risk and becomes a standard measure of financial market risk that is increasingly used by investors. But if we want to apply 〝textbook〞formulation to risk management of foreign assets, there leaves exchange rate risk out of consideration. Therefore, I extend the work by Kupiec (1999) to present VaR formula with exchange rate risk for foreign assets and then to manage market risk usefully.

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