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我國紡織品出口配額問題之研究李惠琴 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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文化財貿易的保護:關稅與配額的比較 / The protection of cultural goods: the comparison of tariffs and quotas鄭婕, Cheng, Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
要。因此,本文自Francois and van Ypersele(2002)
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關稅與配額等價性:政治獻金之應用 / The equivalence of tariffs and quotas: an application of political contributions蔡騰緯, Tsai, Teng-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
本文採用 Grossman and Helpman (1994) 所建立的政治獻金模型為架構,來分析國內外廠商如何透過政治獻金的捐贈,以達到影響政府對於貿易管制政策中關稅或配額政策的偏好,進一步我們可得出關稅與配額等價性成立與否之結論。本文研究發現,首先,在兩國廠商皆無政治獻金遊說的情況下,關稅與配額等價性的命題不會成立。其次,在兩國廠商有政治獻金遊說的情況下,除了一個特例的情形外,本國政府均會偏好採用從量關稅政策,此時,關稅與配額等價性的命題將無法成立。 / This paper applies the original model of Grossman and Helpman (1994) and analyzes how the domestic and foreign firms may influence the incumbent government’s choice of trade policy via political contributions. Besides, we can examine whether the arguments for the equivalence of tariffs and quotas, may in fact hold or not given the political contributions. It is shown that in the case of no campaign contributions, the equivalence of tariffs and quotas will not hold. Furthermore, when the firms in the two countries lobby by political contributions, the domestic government will adopt a tariff policy except some special case. Then the equivalence of tariffs and quotas will not hold.
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我國紡織品出口配額問題之研究李惠珍, LI, HUI-ZHEN Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論說明本文之寫作之動機、目的與範圍
第二章 研究國際紡織品貿易協定,首就GATT下MFA 的演進與發展趨勢及MTN 對我國
第三章 介紹我國紡織品出口配額的管理,先對我國紡織工業概況,紡織品進出口概
第四章 則分析最近的趨勢與未來的展望,如一九八三年雷根政府公佈新紡織品進口
第五章 作成結論與建議,紡織品配額問題不僅與國外協定有關,更有國內配額管理
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成衣業後配額時代的全球競爭策略 / Global competitive strategy of the garment industry in post-quota era顏聖育, Yen,Sheng-yu Unknown Date (has links)
配額制度在全球成衣產業運行超過五十年之久,深深影響整個產業生態與供應鍊的模式。WTO於1994年烏拉圭回合談判中決定分十年的時間逐步解除配額管制,並於2005年1月1 日起全面廢除配額。全球成衣產業在配額制度運作的數十年間原已形成穩定平衡的關係,但在配額制度取消之後,不管是受到配額限制或是配額保護的成衣生產國彼此之間的生產優勢均會回歸到最基本的全流程速度與成本的比較,全球成衣市場因此進入更開放、更全面的競爭,成衣生產業者也將面臨更為嚴酸的挑戰。
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WTO杜哈回合關稅配額改革方案對台灣農業之影響林幸慧 Unknown Date (has links)
敏感性產品,對台灣而言,主要指的就是關稅配額產品,在杜哈回合農業談判之結果下,市場開放勢必會對台灣農業造成衝擊。因此,本研究會從制度面與經濟面著手,觀察新回合農業談判的進行,將會對台灣關稅配額農產品造成哪些影響。 / The Doha Round, whose conclusion includes Doha Ministerial Declarartion and July Package, was initiated at the WTO's fourth ministerial conference in Doha, Qatar, in 2001, and the negotiation has sought to enhance market access for agricultural products, including the treatment of sensitive products. With sensitive products of Taiwan mainly being tariff quota products, the result regarding to market access may cause an impact to its agriculture. Thus, in this work we examine the influence of the Doha Round, from institutional and economic perspectives, to the tariff quota agricultural products of Taiwan.
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GATT 1994之最惠國待遇與數量限制之適用原則評析-WTO歐盟香蕉進口案評釋楊琬瑜, Yang, Wan-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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2005年中美、中歐紡織品配額貿易談判之政治經濟分析 / The Politics of Sino-US and Sino-EU Textile Quota Negotiations in 2005吳文欽, Wu, Wen Chin Unknown Date (has links)
本文援引Robert Putnam所提出的「雙層賽局」分析架構,並進一步討論國內制度如何國際談判產生影響。經研究後發現,歐盟和美國內部的政治聯盟是影響談判結果的重要因素。這兩起談判雖然都源於本國紡織業者在受到中國紡織品的強力挑戰之後,進而要求政府必須出面解決這個問題,但是,由於歐盟和美國內部政治制度設計的不同,讓不同陣營有不同的施力空間,最後使得兩起談判結果有所差異。在歐盟方面,紡織產業和進口商之間的衝突,透過歐盟尊重多元的政治制度設計而有了旗鼓相當的局勢,因此歐盟執委會出面和中國談判之前,必須兼顧這兩個陣營的利益,令歐盟和中國的談判結果較有利於中國紡織品出口。但是在美國方面,儘管進口商和紡織業者之間的利益也是有所衝突,不過紡織業者最後透過政治運作而佔了上風,加上美國政府也希望藉由限制中國紡織品來降低對中國的貿易逆差,使得中美談判的結果對中國較為嚴格,具有濃厚的保護主義色彩。 / International trade distributes various interests to actors, who then form two camps supporting free trade and protectionism, respectively. Both two camps also influence the decision-making of trade policy. This thesis focuses on textile trade and analyzes why protectionism could prevail in the textile trade during the second half of 20th century, and why it declined in the end of 1990s. Second, this thesis analyzes how China’s considerable textile exports after 2005 incur resistances of protectionists in the European Union (EU) and the United States (US). Those protectionists request their government to negotiate with China on textile products. However, those requests attract the counterpunches from supporters of free trade.
By rendering the “Two-level Game Theory”, this thesis discovers that the domestic coalitions in the EU and the US significantly determine the results of negotiations. Although both negotiations result from powerful challenges of Chinese textile products, the EU and the US have their own institutional designs and then take different responses. In the EU, conflicts between textile industry and textile importers are of approximately equal strength. The European Commission has to hold an eclectic position between the supporters of free trade and protectionists. As a result, the results of EU-Sino negotiation favor China’s textile export to the European market. On the other hand, even though there are conflicts between textile producers and importers, producers get the upper hand by lobbying politicians. In addition, because the US government also intends to reduce the US’ tremendous trade deficit with China by limiting China’s textile product, the US-Sino textile quota negotiation is much more protectionism-oriented.
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由中國於WTO下之國際法義務探討其稀土出口管制政策 / China’s Rare Earths Export Restriction Measures under WTO Regulation黃滋立 Unknown Date (has links)
本文以GATT 1994及中國入會議定書對貨品貿易所作之承諾,作為分析中國稀土出口限制政策之法律依據,並主要參考「中國-原物料案(China-Raw Materials)」之小組裁決,輔以「中國-視聽服務案(China- Audiovisual Services)」之裁決,探究違反中國入會議定書承諾之稀土出口管制措施,是否有援用GATT 1994第20條一般例外條款之正當性,並對於中國稀土出口管制政策於WTO規範下之適法性進行分析,最後作出結論。 / The rare earths are essential for many hundreds of applications. The versatility and specificity of the rare earths has given them a level of technological, environmental, and economic importance considerably greater than might be expected from their relative obscurity. China supplies over 90 percent of rare earths globally, but has applied a series of restraints to limit the exportation and production of rare earths, including export duties and export quotas, and price and production control , leadind to raise serious concerns among industry in the U.S., Japan and European Unions.
This thesis takes GATT 1994 and the Protocol of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter China’s Accession Protocal) as the legal basis to analyze China’s rare earths export restriction measures. And in order to examine whether these dispute measures are pursuant to the WTO’s agreements, and whether Article XX of the GATT 1994 is available as a defense under China’s Accession Protocal, this thesis takes China-Raw Materials and China- Audiovisual Services’s ruling as the main references, and providing the conclusion of the study.
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