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預算目標參與程度與酬勞計劃對績效及預算虛估影響之研究劉俊儒, LIU, JUN-RU Unknown Date (has links)
Participations) 則係預制度之一項重要特徵。是否增加員工在制定預算目標時之參與程度,即便能增進員工之預算績效表現?在學術研究上,迄今尚未獲致一致性的結論。再者,員工是否會假預算參與之便,而使組織產生預算虛估(Budget Slack)的情形,在實證結果上亦未有定論。本研究主題之一,即在探討預算目標參與程度是否對預算績效以及預算虛估產生影響。
本研究主題之二,則在探討酬勞計劃(Compensation Scheme) 對績效及預算虛估之可能影響。本研究採實驗設計方式,並以二因子變異數分析及二因子共變數分析進行統計檢定。研究結果發現:酬勞計劃對績效及預算虛估之影響達到5%顯著水準,亦即酬勞計劃之不同設計,會影響員工在預算績效上之表現及預算虛估金額之大小。至於預算目標參與程度對績效及預算虛估之研究假設,則未獲得本實證研究之支持。
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肯定度, 熟識度, 酬勞與大學生接受請託之關係研究李淑琦, LI, SHU-GI Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採 2×2×2 三因子實驗設計, 問卷研究對象為二百二十三位大學女生,其中
,還有積差相關、因素分析及 t檢定。
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公司治理與營運績效之關聯性研究-以生技產業為例 / The causality analysis between corporate governance and operation performance王惟仁 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,公司治理逐漸成為國際間熱門而普及的研究課題,國際經濟合作暨發展組織(Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development,簡稱 OECD) 亦分別於民國87年及93年提出了公司治理之原則架構,為各國政府與國際性組織提供公司良善治理之方向。而我國為加速推動上市(櫃)企業之公司治理,協助企業健全發展及保障投資人權益,金融監督管理委員會於民國(以下同)102 年 12 月發佈 以五年為期之「強化我國公司治理藍圖」,並將辦理公司治理評鑑列為重點工作項目。
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預算設立之研究--認知失調理論之應用吳川輝, WU, CHUAN-HUI Unknown Date (has links)
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股權結構與董事會特性對董監酬勞與績效關聯性影響之探討蔡雅媛 Unknown Date (has links)
實證結果顯示,家族企業與公司經理人兼任董事會職位時,會提升董監酬勞與績效間之關聯性;董監持股比例愈高、外部大股東持股比例愈高、獨立董監席次比例越高及董事長兼任總經理時,會降低董監酬勞與績效間之關聯性。 / This study argues that members of corporate boards are the most direct delegate of external shareholders. Agency problem may exist between board members and external shareholders. Using a sample of firms listed in Taiwan Securities Exchange Corporation and Gre Tai Securities Market over 1996-2005, this study empirically examines the effect of ownership and board structures on the compensation of board members. This study expects that the pay-performance sensitivity of board compensation is weakened when a strong monitoring mechanism is in place. Using return on assets as the measures for performance, the primary empirical results show that family-controlled firms and firms with representation of executive directors illustrate higher pay-performance sensitivity. On the contrary, firms with higher shareholdings by board members and by outside block holders, and firms with representation of independent board members demonstrate lower pay-performance sensitivity.
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股權結構、員工紅利及董監酬勞與公司績效關聯性之研究-以台灣上市電子公司為例林晏仲 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以1997起至2002年止台灣上市電子公司為樣本,經刪除資料不完整的公司後,共計有55家公司330個觀察值為研究樣本。本研究是以複迴歸模型來進行實證研究。實證結果顯示經理人持股比率、機構法人持股比率、董事監察人持股比率,以及員工分工及董監酬勞佔盈餘比率與公司績效呈正相關。經理人持股比率及機構投資者持股比率與員工分工及董監酬勞佔盈餘比率呈正相關,至於董事持股比率、監察人持股比率及監察人佔全部董事監察人比率,則與員工分工及董監酬勞佔盈餘比率無關。 / When the size of the company is growing, the owners of the company have the limit time and the energy, the company must have the agent. Once the company has the agent, the interest relationship among the owner and agent will conflict. The agents are easily lazy, conservative, selfish, and nearsighted to pursue their interest, so the agent cost happen. This study beside continue the former research about the relationship between the ownership structure and the company performance, and the relationship between the the the employee bonus and the company performance in the TSE-listed electronic company. Because the high-tech company in Taiwan practice the policy of “the employee stock distribution”, the policy will cause the expansion of the stock. The expansion of the stock lessens the EPS, dilutes the stock price and erodes the right of the election. That damage the right of the original stockholders, and therefore this study examine the relationship between the ownership structure and the employee bonus in the TSE-listed electronic company as well.
This study samples are the TSE-listed electronic company from 1997 to 2002, but exclude the company with insufficient data. The rest are 55 companies, and 330 observations that are obtained. This study uses complex regression model on this empirical research. The empirical result indicates the stock ownership of the managers, the stock ownership of the institution investors, the stock ownership of the board, and the bonus rate of the employee are positively related to the company performance. The stock ownership of the manager, and the stock ownership of the institution investors are positively related to the employee bonus rate. The stock ownership of the directors, the stock ownership of the supervisors, and the supervisor rate of the board reveal no significant relationship with the bonus rate of the employee.
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在不同工作特性下,酬勞誘因對組織績效之影響:實地實證研究李伶珠, Lee, Ling Chu Unknown Date (has links)
本文以一家大型連鎖汽車公司為個案公司,研究期間為2001年至2004年,包括86個營業所及90家汽車修護廠的營業績效資料及中低階層員工之酬勞資料,以實地實證研究法進行實證研究。研究結果發現,當員工工作彼此獨立時,營業單位之個人績效酬勞愈大或收入變異程度愈小者,績效愈好;當員工工作彼此需要合作時,營業單位之團體績效酬勞愈大或收入變異程度愈小者,績效愈好。在競賽誘因方面,當員工工作彼此獨立時,不論是職務間或職務內的酬勞差距的擴大,皆對營業單位之經營績效具有正面提昇效果;相較於工作彼此獨立,當員工工作彼此需要合作時,職務間或職務內酬勞差距的擴大對營業單位績效提昇幅度顯著較小。由此可知,企業在進行酬勞誘因設計時,應同步考量工作特性與酬勞誘因機制間的配適性,俾利於組織績效的提昇。 / Agency theory suggests that organizations can motivate employees to exert their efforts by providing individual-based compensation. Tournament theory argues that, by encouraging competition among employees and increasing the compensation gaps between winners and losers, firms can direct employees’ actions in alignment with the firm’s interests. Both compensation schemes can induce employees’ efforts and increase corporate performance. However, the positive effects on corporate performance vary in the need of cooperation among employees, ranging from independent to interdependent tasks.
This paper uses a theoretical and empirical analysis of performance-based and tournament-based incentives to examine the impacts of compensation incentives on branch performance. For the impacts of performance-based incentives on branch performance, the performance will increase in the individual performance-based incentives. When employees work independently, the greater the compensation gaps lead to more efforts and higher performance. When employees work interdependently, two contradictory effects of greater the compensation gaps make the performance change unclear. On the one hand, greater compensation gaps will increase employees’ efforts for being winner in the tournament. On the other hand, greater compensation gaps will induce employees not to help their competitors and hurt the performance, although help efforts can contribute firms profits.
Using four years of data from a large car company with 86 car dealer branches and 90 car repair service branches, we find that for the independent tasks, the branch performance increase as individual performance-based compensation increases or revenue variance decreases. For the tasks needed cooperation among employees, the branch performance is increasing in group-based compensation or decreasing in revenue variance. Besides, we find that the larger the compensation gaps between inter- or intra-jobs, the branch performance for the independent tasks are better. The impacts of the compensation gaps on the interdependent tasks are smaller than on the independent tasks. Therefore, incentive policy rewards the best performances with the complementary fit between tasks design and compensation schemes
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董事身份特性與董監經理人相關資訊揭露程度關係之研究李亭誼 Unknown Date (has links)
研究樣本為民國90年度已在台灣證交所上市之公司,排除金融保險業、官方色彩濃厚公司、判斷資料不全公司後,共計樣本數426家。實證結果顯示非關係法人董監事席次比例、獨立董監事席次比例與資訊揭露程度呈正向顯著關係,表示二者之監督,有助於提升企業資訊揭露程度。法人股東同時選任為董事與監察人時,資訊揭露程度較低,可見此情形有削弱企業監管機制,有礙資訊揭露的傾向。但家族董監事席次比例、董事長是否兼任總經理二變數,則與資訊揭露程度間未發現顯著關係。 / The information that enterprises should disclose is not limited to financial and operating information. The “Company Transparency and Disclosure Survey” by Standard & Poor’s not only includes financial information, but also focuses on nonfinancial information, including ownership structure and investor relations, and board structure and process. OECD suggests enterprises at least disclose seven kinds of material information, and one of them is “ members of the board and key executives, and their remuneration.” Thus it could reveal that “the information related to board and executives” is no less important than financial and operating information. But in our country enterprises disclosure level in nonfinancial information is not enough. Besides, national evaluation institutions set a low value on information disclosure level of our country’s enterprises.
This study presumes that if we can control the influential factor of the disclosure level about information related to board and executives, it will help to enhance enterprises’ transparency in our country. In our country’s Company Law system, board is responsible for the information disclosure of enterprises. We surmise whether board emphasizes on information disclosure has relationship with characteristics of directors’ identities. So the study wants to examine if the characteristics of directors’ identities are the important factors influencing the disclosure level of the information about board and executives.
This is the very first study in our country to focus the information disclosure on nonfinancial and nonoperating information, that related to background and remuneration of board and executives. The way to measure the disclosure level is that the study designs a disclosure checklist to examine if these disclosure items appear on sample enterprises’ information disclosure of annual report and financial report, and also scrutinize to what extent the disclosure detail of information reaches. Finally the study gives each item a point, and sums up a total grade. The study has five directors’ identities characteristics variables, including family directors, institutional directors, whether institutional shareholder serves as director and supervisor simultaneously, independent directors, and whether the board chairman serves as the CEO simultaneously.
The study samples are companies listed in Taiwan Stock Exchange in 2001, but exclude banking and insurance industry, and government-involved companies or companies with insufficient judging information are excluded. The rest amount to 426 samples. The empirical result indicates that the proportion of nonrelated institutional directors and independent directors on board are positively related to the extent of information disclosure. If a company has an institutional shareholder serves as director and supervisor simultaneously, it has lower extent of information disclosure. The proportion of family directors on the board and whether the board chairman serves as the CEO simultaneously reveal no significant relationship with the extent of information disclosure.
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董監酬勞與資訊揭露透明度關聯性之研究鄭琪融 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究實證結果顯示,董監事為了確保其本身之利益,而維持高額之董監酬勞時,可能增加董監事與管理階層合謀之機會,而共同隱藏不利之訊息,降低其資訊揭露透明度。此外,董監酬勞占公司淨利之比例增加時,董監事個人利益與公司營運成敗的關係愈密切,而影響董監事之獨立性。換言之,董監酬勞占淨利比較高之公司較會隱藏對其不利之訊息,使得該公司資訊揭露透明度降低。再者,公司董監酬勞異常高於同業平均值時,會促使董監事隱藏與董監酬勞相關之資訊,減少其資訊揭露之數量與品質,而降低其資訊揭露透明度。 / Since the global financial tsunami broke out in 2008, many corporations have performed poorly, but their top management still receives high compensations. Through the reports in news media, people become more concerned with the unreasonable phenomenon of corporate “Fat Cat” and “Golden Parachute”. Investors are paying more attention to determine whether there is a reasonable relationship between corporate performance and directors’ compensations and to perform necessary monitoring. On the other hand, directors who receive high salaries may reduce the quantity and quality of information disclosed to avoid public scrutiny and criticism. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between directors’ compensations and corporate information transparency.
The empirical results show that for the directors and supervisors to maintain their high compensation, they may collude with the management in hiding negative information and reducing corporate information transparency. In addition, when directors’ compensations were abnormally higher than the industry average, they had a tendency to hide the compensation information or reduce the quantity and quality of information disclosed. Consequently, these corporations had lower information transparency.
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企業重整 / Corporate Restructuring龔宗惠, Kung, Tsung-Hui Handon Unknown Date (has links)
企業重整乃是在企業經營循環中, 不論是自發或是被迫都必然要經歷的過程. 這個過程可以幫助公司成長成巨型的國際企業, 協助公司增加或轉換不同的商品或服務, 或是從危機中存活下來. 在今日的企管領域中, 有許多的工具可以協助企業能得到較好的重整結果.
當企業重整是因為財務危機而啟動時, 如何與債權人重新架構債務結構成為最重要且急需處理的事務. 在此之後, 一個依績效設計的獎勵制度會決定這個遭遇麻煩的公司, 會如何以及何時爬出財務困難的泥淖. 在本研究中會用一個臺灣上市公司宏達科技股份有限公司(股票代碼:3004), 來闡述重新架構債務結構, 和依績效設計的獎勵制度對公司重整的影響. / Corporate restructuring is a process that every enterprise will have to voluntarily or involuntarily go through in its life cycle in order to grow to a bigger company, to increase or change to different products or services, or to survive from a crisis. In today’s business world, there are many tools that can help the company to get a better result out of the restructuring process.
When the corporate restructuring is initiated due to a financial distress, how to restructure the debt with creditors is the first and most important issue to be resolved. After that, a pay-for-performance system will decide the scale and the speed that a company can get out of the troubles. A Taiwan company, National Aerospace Fasteners Corporation (NAFCO) is used to better understand the impact of debt handling and pay-for-performance system.
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