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中國大陸開放外資對證券市場影響之研究邱建豪, Chiou,Jian-Hao Unknown Date (has links)
外資在證券市場發展的過程中扮演了一個非常重要的角色,其雄厚的資金及投資理念更成為影響市場運行的重要因素。中國大陸自2002年7月開放外資參股中介機構,在年底更開放外國專業投資機構(Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor,QFII)及外資併購上市企業。這代表中國大陸證券市場正式向外資開放,究竟外資會如何因應、對兩岸證券市場影響為何、台資金融機構如何面對,即是本文探討的重點。本文研究方法將結合文獻分析法與比較研究法相互使用,再配合Porter(1990)所提出的鑽石理論作為主要的分析模型。此外,在使用的資料方面,大多是大陸官方的法規文件及網路資料,例如︰中國統計年鑑及中國證券報等。本文的研究發現為以下數點︰
1、 中國大陸以開放外國專業投資機構(QFII)、外資併購及外資參股中介機構等政策來吸引外資進入資本市場,但由於中國大陸本身金融環境及法規的不健全,導致外資在短期內影響有限。而長期影響則必須端看中國大陸的經改實行情形而定。
2、 中國大陸雖已開放外資參與證券市場,但由於兩岸的政治因素,目前台資券商、投信直接參與市場的機會不大,利用CEPA由香港進入或許是可行的方向。台商的全球佈局及基金管理的經驗將為台資券商、投信的競爭優勢。
3、 由於外資購併大陸上市公司的相關法規尚未完善,故台商利用買殼上市的機率不大,再加上目前台商回台上市受到法規的限制,誘因不足,大多台商仍以香港為最佳的上市地點。如此一來,台灣證券交易所不僅喪失有競爭力的企業,亦對台灣經濟發展產生不良的影響。
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科技創新對台灣展覽產業之影響 / The Impact of Technology Innovation on the Taiwan's Exhibition Industry吳心欣, Wu, Hsin-Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
由於展覽產業能帶動相關產業發展,增加就業經驗、促進經濟繁榮,展覽產業一向是許多國家投入資源發展的重點產業。因此,本研究發展一個嶄新的概念性架構,希望結合資策會推行的U-Taiwan(Ubiquitous Taiwan)計畫與Web2.0的概念,提供台灣展覽產業新的策略方向,並試圖瞭解出U2.0(Ubiquitous 2.0)會展科技對台灣展覽產業經濟發展的影響力。
在此分析架構下,本研究先援用Michael Porter的鑽石模式來檢視台灣展覽產業之競爭力與現況。再依據展覽三大主體—策展單位、廠商、買家進行兩種資料蒐集方法,一為針對參展廠商和買家進行參展滿意度與採用U2.0會展科技意願之問卷調查,蒐集大量且客觀的科學數據,另一則為針對策展單位與相關支援產業進行深度訪談,從環境脈絡蒐集珍貴的初級資料。最後整理出結論與建議如下:
1. U2.0會展科技立意良好,但「成本」與「展覽規模」是最大考量。
2. U2.0會展科技整合難度高,應先小規模試用。
3. 「買家服務」 是世界趨勢,擴大買家規模可以吸引到更多廠商,U2.0科技可以率先應用於買家身上,形成展覽產業之良性循環。
4. 策展迷思:展覽主題與市場定位的重要性,遠高於展覽所採用的科技與服務,展覽只要跟隨台灣的明星產業,就能成功吸引到參展者。此迷思導致展覽產業只有單一發展策略,減弱了展覽產業之競爭優勢。
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台灣IC設計業全球化競爭策略分析 - 以威盛公司為例韓飛, Han, Fei Unknown Date (has links)
最后,以單一公司 (威盛公司)為案例,運用波特的「競爭策略」、布蘭登柏格與奈勒波的「競合策略」理論方法,進一步探討,發生在台灣業者本身的實際案例,進而歸納出未來值得努力的方向。希望能在眾多數本土產業逐漸西移的趨勢下,為台灣的IC設計產業找尋出一條與眾不同、可長可久的前進道路。
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我國發光二極體顯示屏產業的經營策略與競爭優勢之研究駱玉盛, Lo, Oliver Unknown Date (has links)
資訊時代的來臨,與人們越來越重視戶外的休閒活動,加上都市化的因素,使人們花在交通時間也越來越多。這些種種因素皆使人們會較以往花更多的時間關注在戶外媒體。隨著R、G、B 3原色LED的成功量產,使得發光二極體開始進入全彩大營幕顯示領域。發光效率的提升,使其在戶外環境的表現比其他顯示技術更加優異。LED顯示屏和傳統印刷式戶外廣告比較,其並不會製造廢棄物,又有節省能源的附加效果,全彩LED顯示屏已經成為電子看板中被看好的一支。
經由分析與整理,本研究最後建議四個發展方向,包括策略面、技術面、行銷面與營運面,以供產業界參考,希望能儘一份綿薄之力,提升我國產業的競爭力。 / The rising energy demand and higher inflation pressure have increased the importance of less-energy consumption technology。Light Emitted Diode (LED) has been using as light source in lighting related applications widely because of unique performance of higher light efficiency and colorable character. From LED industry perspective, the cost of lumen (lumen per dollar) will be becoming cheaper as soon as the era of LED lighting arrived. This is the result of economy of scale and customer will get benefit from it。
There are many fundamental changes that have increased popularity of out-door media activities。These changes include higher importance of casual life and activity, information era and urbanization. LED video board had entered full-color stage as soon as technology of R、G、B color has developed。Full Color LED Video Board shows up higher performance than other display technologies because of the unique Luminance performance of LED。LED Video Board is environmental friendly technology because of higher energy efficiency and less wastable consumption。LED Video Board has became the primary display technology among digital signage technology several years ago。
The research is firstly to study strategies that are being applied in Taiwan LED Video Board industry and to figure out national competitive advantage of the industry。The research is aimed to work out proper competitive strategy for companies that are based in Taiwan and the industry according to grand theory that was founded by Michael E. Porter,The five competitive forces and Diamond theory。
The research is ended up by four recommendations from sustainable competitive advantage perspective for those companies that are planning to enter into business in the future or currently competing with international competitors。
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傳統航空公司、低成本航空公司與專業包機航空公司之營運策略比較分析 / The business models of airline operations:comparisons among conventional airlines、low cost carriers and charter airlines朱曉芬, Chu,Hsiao Fen Unknown Date (has links)
低成本航空公司近年來在航空市場掀起一股風潮,某些低成本航空公司的營運績效甚至威脅到同一競爭市場中的傳統航空公司,例如美國的西南航空公司(Southwest Airlines)、馬來西亞的亞洲航空公司(Air Asia);另一方面,亦有新興的航空公司採行低成本航空之營運模式,卻於營運不到幾年後就因經營不善而必須宣告破產或倒閉,例如加拿大的祖恩(ZOOM)航空、香港的甘泉航空。到底航空公司的營運模式該採行低成本航空公司之模式較佳?維持傳統航空公司之操作方式較優?還是另有其他模式尚待開發?本文中亦將介紹現行航空公司操作方式中一塊較少為學術界及商業界討論的模式-包機航空公司,並將以上述三種經營模式進行比較。
最後,將以本國航空公司現有之條件,針對其可採取的經營策略加以建議,以期台灣的航空產業,除了在兩岸定期航班即將開展所帶來的商機之外,亦能因採行正確的營運模式,在未來的航空產業發展中持續蓬勃興盛。 / Low-cost carrier in recent years in the aviation market set off a wave. Some low-cost airlines even threat the conventional airlines in the market, such as Southwest Airlines in the United States, Air Asia in Malaysia. On the other hand, some low-cost carriers went bankruptcy due to poor management, such as Zoom Airlines in Canada, and Oasis Hong Kong Airlines.
A natural question arises: which type of business model, low-cost carrier, conventional carrier or chartered carrier, should airline operations adopt, low-cost carrier? This study applies Porter's (1990) ``Diamond`` analysis, together with SWOT analysis, to the aforementioned question. The research identifies the corresponding competitive conditions and strategies for each business model. This gives important implications for the aviation business in Taiwan.
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資訊科技公司產業解決方案之策略研究 - 以IBM公司之「智慧的地球」計劃與其產業解決方案策略為例 / The industrial solution strategy research for IT companies - IBM`s「Smarter Planet」initiative and solution strategy as the case study馬紹宏, Ma, Andy Unknown Date (has links)
本論文從IBM在軟體的策略,尤其是軟體的產業解決方案作為研究的核心。2008年的金融海嘯造成全球經濟大衰退,IBM適時提出了智慧的地球的計劃與願景,並積極推動從客戶實際需求與價值思考出發的產業解決方案(Industrial Solution),結果IBM驗證了其營運與業績不但沒有受到影響並且在營收與獲利上繼續穩健成長。本論文首先依時間軸對IBM自1993年葛士納總裁接任後針對服務與創新的轉型;到2003年帕米沙諾接班後的併購計劃與智慧的地球創新策略;乃至於2012年羅美蒂繼任後推動之商業分析,軟體產業解決方案以及最重要的2015年成長計劃等各項重要改革與執行策略做一詳細的整理與分析,個案研究針對IBM公司所面臨的挑戰與企業經營策略及轉型架構進行分析與探討並延伸至軟體產業解決方案,以Michael Porter的五力分析架構對IBM公司在軟體產業與產業解決方案的產業競爭態勢予以深入探討分析,並針對IBM與其主要競爭對手的軟體產業解決方案以SWOT做一完整的分析,此外也從IBM的軟體事業群的成長與轉型策略,來驗證IBM對軟體的產業解決方案的重視與策略意涵,並針對軟體之產業架構(Industry Framework)的發展與導入的「客戶導向與客製化產業解決方案開發策略(client focused & tailored execution strategy)」與成功要素予以分析並歸納。
最後結論中對國內軟體產業以Michael Porter的鑽石模型做一分析,並對未來台灣軟體產業可能的發展方向提出建議以提供產業與政策制定者參考,如何面對與開發國際市場以及如何從人才面發展並建立台灣的軟體產業競爭優勢將是值得我們仔細深入思考的方向,希望未來台灣的軟體產業也能創造出典範移轉,發展出如同IC設計與製造產業的規模與競爭優勢。 / The development of this paper is focused on IBM`s software strategy,especially on the strategy of IBM`s software industrial solution as the research focuses。When the financial tsunami caused the serious economic recession around the world during 2008 year end,IBM raised the「smarter planet 」initiative and vision to drive the execution of series of industrial solution centric projects according to the client real requirements and values。IBM proved that its operation and business performance were not affected by this crisis,moreover IBM continued to grow steadily in the areas of both income and margin。In the context of this paper,I will first analyze the IBM`s transformation history in the three key stages under three CEOs,including Lou Gerstner`s service & innovation transformation since 1993;Sam Palmisano`s Merge & Acquisition plan & smarter Planet initiative;and Ginni Rometty`s 2015 roadmap plan to shoot for at least US$ 20 EPS by year 2015。
In the case study we will analyze the challenges which IBM was facing from corporate operation and transformation standpoints. For IBM`s software & software industrial solution strategy,Michael Porter’s five forces framework will be used to do an analysis to have a clear view on IBM`s competitiveness in the software & software industrial solution industry. SWOT analysis will also be applied to gain an in-depth view on IBM and its major software industrial solution competitors。From IBM software group’s growth and transformation strategy,we can also verify the strategic imperatives on IBM`s focuses on industrial solutions。Finally we use the example of how IBM successfully
developed the various Industry Frameworks through client focused & tailored execution strategy to illustrate IBM`s asset-based solution development concept。From the recent organizational transformation of IBM software group in 2012,we can also prove that the transformation direction is toward solution centric。
In the summary of this paper I will analyze Taiwan`s software industry using Michael Porter’s Diamond model to come out several suggestions for the reference of software development vendors and government policy makers in Taiwan。How to develop the international market and build the talent resources to increase Taiwan`s competitiveness advantage will be the key focuses which we need to think deeply。Hopefully the software industry in Taiwan will have a paradigm shift and grow to the scale of the IC design and manufacturing industry with competitiveness。
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