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法規限制, 產業結構與企業策略: 電療產業之探討林金蓮 Unknown Date (has links)
論 文 摘 要
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放空限制,價格發現與市場效率公正性-以台灣50ETF為例 / Short Sales Constraint, Price Discovery, Market Efficiency and Fairness-Taiwan Top50 Tracker Fund顏珮儒, Yen,Pei Ru Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要以台灣50ETF本身豁免平盤以下不能放空這特殊優勢出發,並以台灣五十指數及台灣50ETF實際日交易資料及日內交易資料,運用「事件研究法」,期間以「台灣50ETF上市」及「台灣五十個股豁免融券放空」兩事件為主,觀察存在放空限制與解除放空限制前後期,在價格高估與價格效率性變化情形,此外,也觀察解除放空限制期間對台灣50ETF的影響,以及推估該限制對台灣50ETF放空交易者的放空行為在前後期變動。最後,也針對台灣50ETF本身豁免平盤以下放空限制主要原因在於流動性與透明度足夠,監理機構控管容易,進一步探討如何增加台灣證券市場個股資訊透明度,且該透明度足夠讓個股同樣可從事放空交易,進而促使股價合理化,台灣證券市場的公正度與效率性平衡發展。 / 主要研究結果摘要如下:
4.放空限制的進一步放寬(2005年),台灣50ETF賣空交易張數比例(交易量)在事件過後沒有增加,表示放空交易者沒有增加對於交易的需求。此外,我們也沒有發現強而有利證據證明取消放空限制在尾盤會出現賣壓現象。 / To some extent, almost all stock markets locate short-sell constraints on the short selling transactions process; however, they never do so to ETF thanks to its higher transparency and liquidity making it an easy supervised equity. Further, ETF could be considered as a good implication for the stock market simply owing to its exemption from short sell constraints that brings a strong demand and supply structure In other words, if the ETF price is not equal to its fund NAV (net asset value), investors could make profits by buying back or selling ETFs; in the long run, the price will reverse to its NAV and maintain on a reasonable level. As a result, we could infer that if the price could fully reflect investors’ diversified opinions, the market will be more efficient, and we could expect Taiwan stock market to forge ahead soon. Hence, the key issue lies in a healthy short selling mechanism.
This paper tries to figure out whether short sell constraints on Taiwan stock market have significant influence on stock price and price efficiency. We use Taiwan50 index and TW50 ETF daily and intraday data from TEJ database, employee Event Study Method, select two dates as our event date which are “the listed date for TW50 ETF,” and “Taiwan 50 stocks exemption from short selling regulations,” and try to examine the difference before and after the date. Additionally, by summarizing and analyzing the trading frequency changes before or after the periods, we try to understand and estimate how the short sellers trading behavior would vary due to the implementation of regulation. / The conclusion of this paper is summarized as follows:
1.Consistent with our assumptions, the institutional investors increased their TW50 ETF purchasing or selling transactions rather than credit transactions after the date when appointed 50 stocks has been exempted from short selling regulations, in other words, investors could only sell short ETF to express their negative opinion toward those 50 stocks and get partially reaction.
2.The exemption policy has a significant effect on TW50 ETF in short term.
3.The two stage of exemption policy has decreased the possibility of price overvaluation and increased the price efficiency of TW50ETF in the short term.
4. We find that the short sell transactions ratio (or the volume) decreased after the second stage of exemption, which means short sellers did not increase their transaction needs.
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影響臺灣中老年人兼差行為因素之探討蘇瑋琳 Unknown Date (has links)
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政府限制股票放空措施對股市之影響-以英國為例 / The impact of the short-selling ban on stock performance: evidence from British stock market陳怡潔, Chen ,Yi-Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
實證結果證明,除少數銀行類股在限制放空期間的股價報酬率顯著低於允許放空期間,大部分限制放空個股的報酬率在兩期間並無顯著差異,然而限制放空期間幾乎所有研究樣本的股票波動度卻顯著提高。顯見政府限制放空政策不一定能有效抑制股價跌幅,卻會加劇股票波動性,加劇市場震盪。 / UK’s Financial Service Authority banned short selling on financial stocks during subprime crisis. This paper investigates the effects of short-selling restrictions on stocks’ return and volatility in the United Kingdom. After dividing the sample period into banned and no-banned period and classifying the samples into banking, financial consulting, life insurance and nonlife insurance industries, we explore the impact of short-selling restrictions using GJR-GARCH models on individual firms in different industries.
We find that stock returns of most samples in the short-selling banned period are not significantly different from the ones in the no-banned period except for a few stocks in the banking industry. However, we also find that stock volatility is significantly higher in short-selling banned period for most samples. Our results show that short-selling restrictions imposed by the U.K. government have only limited effects on stock return, but have significantly alleviated stock volatility.
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搜尋公司違反聯貸限制條款的事件:以美國證券交易委員會 EDGAR 系統資料為例 / Identifying Covenant Violations of Syndicated Loan Contracts - Searching From SEC EDGAR Database由文萱 Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文的研究動機。由於許多文獻提到債權人在公司治理上從過去的被動位置轉變為主動利用聯合貸款合約中的限制性條款(covenant) 來規範公司營業活動。小至限制公司資本支出、股利發放,大則影響董事會決定公司 CEO 的去留。限制性條款扮演越來越重要的角色。本文探討從 SEC EDGAR filings 中搜尋公司是否面臨限制性條款的違約(in violation of covenants)。本篇論文能降低未來研究在資料建立上需要人工處理的時間,藉由降低錯誤標記的筆數來達成。 / Covenant violations in syndicated loan agreements are a key factor which demonstrates a shift in control rights to debt holders before a company enters into events of default. This paper focuses on the methodology of identifying incidents of covenant violations using both programming codes and manual searches. We dedicate to minimize the time in hand-collecting while pursue high hitting rates of true covenant violations in SEC EDGAR (Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval) database. Our findings provide a way to access the U.S. firms’ public financial statements reported to SEC and extends the list of companies provided by Nini, Smith and Sufi (2012).
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漲跌幅限制下股價行為與財務指標受扭曲程度之研究 / The Impacts of Stock Price Limits on Security Price Behavior and Financial Risk Indices Measures黃健榮, Huang, Je Rome Unknown Date (has links)
經探究GMM、Gibbs Sampler、與Two-Limit-Tobit Model模型的優劣。本研究發現一般使用的GMM估計量並非不偏,雖然可以藉修正增加其效率性,但仍無法藉以衡量各種的停板影響;Gibbs Sampler則過於依賴特定的先驗分佈,有可能因此而造成偏誤;而目前使用Tobit Model的文獻大都忽略停板限制對股價的影響力,據以產生的估計值亦附含偏誤。
本研究所採樣本期間為79年1月3日至84年10月9日,使用模型為Two-Limit-Tobit Model。為求嚴謹,在使用之前做資料的處理,並利用CAAR來驗證模型的正確性。實證顯示,漲跌停板的設立顯著改變投資人行為,在停板之前本研究發現存在技術指標與標準差統計量的向上偏誤,進而可能誤導實業界財務決策或學術研究結論。 / Thsi Study explores how price limits, which have remained in Taiwan Securities Exchange for over thirty years, affects both security price behavior and security risk indices. Its empirical results add to our understanding of the social costs and benefits of price limits. The SEC has been advocating the merits of price limits, emphasing that they help eliminating speculative trades and reducing security price volatility. In contrast, it remains a popular thought that price limits increase investors’holding costs and risks. To empirically examine the effects of price limits in Taiwan, this papers adopts Two-Limit-Tobit Model, together with CAAR as an indicator for specification validity. My test results lend support to the notion of (1).Technical Indicator Effect immediately before the price limits are hit; (2).Enhancement Effect the day after. Moreover, price limits contribute to bias in both systematic risk and total risk estimates (namely, β and σ) and thus distort investment decisions.
This Study also contributes to the contemporary literature by examining the merits and limitations of GMM, Gibbs Sampler, and Two-Limit-Tobit Model. GMM estimator is subject to statistical bias. One way may gain efficiency via adjustment. And yet GMM ahs pitfalls in directly measuring the price limit effects; The major limitation of the Gibbs Sampler is its reliance on specific prior information and it may lead to bias. And most of the papers adopting Tobit Model simply input the original data into the program, ignoring the fact that price limit may make the following day price data may be contaiminated.
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融資限制對公司投資的影響─由廠商屬性分析 / The Impact of Financing Constraints on Corporate Investment許經仕, Hsu, Ching Shin Unknown Date (has links)
在不完美的資本市場下,廠商的內外部融資彼此間為不完美的替代品,此時即使廠商有淨現值大於零的投資計畫,若外部資金因成本過高而無法取得,而其內部資金也已使用完畢,則廠商只好放棄此項投資計畫.此種因為資金不足而使投資計畫所受到的限制,我們稱為融資限制(Financing Constraints). 對於面臨融資限制的廠商而言,由於其投資較依賴內部資金,故我們在其投資方程式中加入流動性變數時,此變數之係數應顯著.而對於未面臨融資限制的廠商而言,由於其投資較不依賴內部資金,故其投資方程式中流動性變數之係數應不顯著.
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大量非等效平行機台排程問題之研究─以封裝廠瓶頸工作站為例 / Uniform parallel-machine scheduling problems with large machines — a case study of ic packaging's bottleneck station陳韋嘉 Unknown Date (has links)
一般封裝廠都會將瓶頸站設置在銲線站,但在銲線站的下一站模壓站,有著很大的設置時間,因此本研究除了原本將銲線站當成瓶頸的情境外,將多考慮加入模壓站,將瓶頸擴大考慮為兩站的情境。除了瓶頸的假設外,在本研究將採取兩個機台的選擇方法(Earliest Completion of Available Machines, ECAM與Earliest Completion of ALL Machines, ECALLM),來進行瓶頸站的派工比較,希望能找出一個較為有效的瓶頸派工方法。
研究結果發現:ECALLM在兩種瓶頸情境之下,在Makespan與Mean Flow Time表現皆優於ECAM;雙瓶頸的情境之下,表現也皆優於只考慮單瓶頸的情境。
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論家庭所需自用住宅稅負問題之研究-以設立戶籍登記及身分限制為核心問題曾雅萍 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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洛夫《漂木》語言風格研究 / Luo Fu "drift wood" Style of language蔡佳芸 Unknown Date (has links)
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