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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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再探漂泊離散:魯西迪《魔鬼詩篇》中的崩解、揉雜以及異質空間 / Rethinking diaspora: deconstruction, hybridity, and heterogeneous Space in salman Rushdie's the satanic verses

詹淳惠, Chan,Chun-hui Unknown Date (has links)
魯西迪的《魔鬼詩篇》深入探討後現代千變萬化的世界中,離散社群自我定位、痛苦折磨、適應及抗拒的生活經驗。不可思議的故事,訴說著蛻變、脫軌及位置錯亂。故事描述離散主體痛苦經歷的困境,包含惡劣的生活居住環境、對故國家園的懷舊、以及企圖歸化殖民母國的矛盾情結。除此之外,故事亦涉及離散主體如何挪用及顛覆帝國中心僵硬、死板、堅不可摧的傳統。以離散主體的身份認同作為論述的根本基石,本論文主要由三個方面探討《魔鬼詩篇》中的離散社群:〈一〉瞬息萬變、反覆無常的後現代世界中,離散主體的生活經驗。〈二〉不可避免的揉雜狀態。〈三〉離散社群挪用異質空間。 第二章分為兩個部份:後現代狀態及漂泊離散。此章旨在解釋後現代性宣示一無所適從、無所寄託的新時代來臨,其顯著特色為斷裂性、不穩定性、易變性。此外,此章亦探討離散主體的經驗以及其面臨的認同危機。第三章闡述揉雜狀態之不可避免以及其崩解西方權威的潛能。文化揉雜強調不同文化間存在著不可翻譯性,因此,文化揉雜超越僵硬、堅不可摧的二元性,突顯非此亦非彼的可能性。同樣地,跨界過程中產生的語言揉雜也是應強調的重點。第四章由兩個面向探討《魔鬼詩篇》中的空間概念:空間的異質性以及離散主體的空間挪用。空間的不確定及易變本質和離散主體的能動性相當有關,藉由祕密的計謀以及游擊戰式的攻擊,離散主體得以改變空間的形塑,找到自我的空間並創造獨特的空間故事。透過這三個面向,本論文揭櫫離散主體的能動性,其利用不穩定的狀態開創無盡的可能性。 / An astounding novel revolving around metamorphosis, aberration, and dislocation, The Satanic Verses goes deep into the diasporic experience of self-positioning, torment, adaptation, and resistance in a kaleidoscopic and contingent postmodern world. It sharply delineates the predicaments pungently experienced by diasporic subjects, including the adverse residential environment, diaspora’s nostalgic attempt to grasp the distant past of homeland, and the ambivalent yearning to transform themselves “from the sojourners to settlers” (Barker 204). Besides, the text deals with how diasporic subjects appropriate and subvert the established norms of the imperial center. In consequence, the complicated issue of the diasporic identity turns out to be the underlying cornerstone in this thesis. The major concern of this thesis is to explore the entire novel principally from three angles: the diasporic experience in a world of disintegration and mutability, hybridity as an inevitable phenomenon, and the diasporic appropriation of the heterogeneous space. Chapter II is divided into two parts: the postmodern and diaspora. This chapter aims not only to explain that transience and fragmentation—the salient features of postmodernity—usher in a new age without foundation but also to explore the diasporic experience and the identity crisis confronted by diasporic subjects in the postmodern era. In Chapter III, the ineluctable phenomenon of hybridity and its latent capability to dismantle the authority of the West are meticulously scrutinized. Underscoring the untranslatability among diverse cultures, cultural hybridity transcends the inflexibility, stubbornness, and impenetrability of an either-or situation and brings to light the possibilities of a neither-nor situation. By the same token, the power of linguistic hybridity—a phenomenon taking place in the process of trans-territorial crossing—is also highlighted in The Satanic Verses. In Chapter IV, the concept of space in The Satanic Verses is meticulously investigated from two aspects: the heterogeneous nature of space and spatial appropriation by diasporic subjects. The indeterminate, mutable, discontinuous, and heterogeneous nature of space is closely related to the agency of diasporic subjects. With underground tactics and guerilla attack, diasporic subjects are able to alter the configuration of space, to search out their own space, and to create their own spatial stories. By means of delving into these three aspects, this thesis explores the agency of diasporic subjects to take advantage of their unsteady position and to open up endless possibilities.

土魯番政權研究(十四世紀末葉~十七世紀末葉) / A Research for Turfan Polity(the late 14th century-the late 17th century)

章華正, Chang, Hwa-Jeng Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的土魯番政權研究,旨在剖析以察合台裔蒙古統治者為領導的土魯番政治勢力,是如何形成為十四至十七世紀期間活動力甚強的區域政權? 因此,本文研究架構分為: 緒論,為研究動機、路徑的鋪陳敘述。第一章,為剖述其政權興起的時空背景。第二章,針對土魯番政權結構的變化等政治特徵之描述。第三章,分析其政權涉外之關係特色。第四章,著重於政權所處空間領域面的變化,及其社會文 化的變遷。第五章,為綜合探索土魯番政權興起所呈現之時代意義和影響。筆者最後於結論部份,綜述了土魯番政權史之縱(時間)、橫(空間)面向下政治社會的探討。其反映於新疆史中,更代表了當時全疆社會文化轉型至伊斯蘭化的一關鍵期和例證等諸多意義與影響。 / This thesis is to deal with A Research for Turfan Polity from the late 14th century to the late 17th century. From this thesis it follows that topic will be discussed as follows: In connection with analyzing the background when Turfan political power rose abruptly, a change of Turfan polity, and arguing the relations between Turfan and other nations and a change of political territory. And besides, it is put much emphasis on the transformation of Turfan society and culture from primary Buddhistical life to Islamization finally. At the end, it general summaries the meanings and affection of Turfan polity.

北伐前後婦女解放觀的轉變-以魯迅、茅盾、丁玲小說為中心的探討 / The emancipation of Chinese women during the Northern Expedition: focus on Lu Xun, Mao Dun, Ding Ling

吳怡萍, Wu, Yi Ping Unknown Date (has links)
本文共分五章。第一章緒論,約略敘述中國婦女解放運動發生的原因,和其強烈的救亡色彩,所產生的不利影響。第二章,討論魯迅及其所屬時代。從〈我之節烈觀〉對傳統貞節觀的批判,到〈娜拉走後怎樣〉經濟解放的時代宣示,魯迅小說《祝福》和《傷逝》中的女性也標幟著不同時代的變化。一個是肩負反傳統任務的苦難婦女,一個則不僅是象徵五四精神精神的中國娜拉,還身被對五四個性解放的反省。   第三章分析茅盾。茅盾個人的婦女解放觀和魯迅可以說是一脈相承。魯迅雖然提出經濟解放,卻沒有明示一條實行的道路,茅盾則直指革命,加入工農群眾,必須先達到社會解放,婦女才能得到解放。筆者選擇了《蝕》、《虹》兩部長篇小說和《野薔薇》□五個短篇小說集所創造的一系列的「時代女性」來分析。這些「時代女性」可以說是婦女史上自五四到五卅這段時期女性的具體圖像,她們不只是出走的娜拉,並且已是都市的「小資產階級女性」。在戀愛與革命之間,尋找自我的定位,最後茅盾以其男性的觀點,將婦女解放寄託在共黨革命上。第四章丁玲及其小說,丁玲是和這個男性主流意識妥協的典型代表。丁玲蜚聲文壇的作品《夢珂》、《莎菲女士的日記》,以一個女性對於愛與性的痛苦掙扎和需求,來探索女性的心靈狀態,呈現女性觀點的兩性關係。除了對父權社會的批判外,丁玲觸角伸到男性婦女解放觀點一個薄弱的層面:夫權的批判。自《夢珂》以後到一九二九年的作品,大都存有她個人的女性意識。但到一九三○年以後,為了順眾時代的潮流,她不期然地追隨了五四以來的「男性女性主義者」的道路,把婦女問題附屬在社會問題上。從《韋護》、《一九三○年春上海(之一)》、《一九三○年上海(之二)》到《水》,丁玲讓女主角們由女性自我向革命大眾妥協。包括她自己本身,也同時有了出路。   第五章結論,自戊戌以來,救亡圖存,政治、社會革命成為中國婦女解放運動主基調的結果,淡化了男性批判和女性的自我反思。儘管女性改善了社會地位和社會權利,但這並不是婦女解放運動真正精神內涵。唯有從女性自覺,以「性別」角度去揭開父權社會所加於中國婦女解放運動的重重障礙,方才能尋出女性在社會中的角色和定位,永遠不再陷入「娜拉走後怎樣」的循環夢魘中。

清乾嘉道三朝烏魯木齊地區的開發 / A study of the Urumchi area in the Chienlung-Chiach'ing - Daoguang eriod (1759-1850) of Ch'ing Dynasty

高錦惠, Kao, Chin Hui Unknown Date (has links)

宗教與民主化:社會系統理論觀點的檢視與重構 / Religion and democratization: social systems theory perspective

劉育成, Liu ,Yu Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
本論文從系統分化的社會演化觀點嘗試提出對現代民主之內涵與民主化開展之可能性的另種論述。本文中所提及的「民主」與民主化不一定跳脫西方世界對相關概念的想像與定義,但在嘗試將「民主」視為政治系統用以描述自身之方式的這個主張而言,無論是西方式民主或者是其他種類的民主均能夠含括於其中。此外,民主化的開展僅被視為政治系統朝向「民主」的一種系統分化的社會演化過程。西方國家對民主的界定則是在此分化的演化發展中,透過宗教與政治、宗教與法律,以及政治與法律等系統彼此之間、以及從社會中分化出來而取得之形式「之一」。這是一個對系統而言不斷增加複雜性的過程,也正是在此過程中,對於民主或民主化之內容的界定變得越來越不容易。在本論文對西方與台灣民主化過程的探究中,嘗試指出的是一個類似的功能分化的社會演化與系統內部分化的相互辯證過程。這個辯證過程使現代「民主」概念得以作為一個「未預期之後果」而出現。 宗教對信仰自由的維護與對人權的爭取毋寧是來自於自身的信仰元素。換句話說,與之有關的論述是以一種自我指涉的運作方式而獲得實現。此種不斷回到自身之信仰以尋求論述之正當性的作法在操作上賦予了這些論述正當性,這便是系統的自我指涉運作。就此而言,系統毋寧是封閉的,其在自身之中不斷地自我生產有關信仰自由與人權的論述。然而,也正是因為其運作上的封閉,使得宗教(長老教會)所生產出來的論述與接續之行動均能夠在內部獲得支持,從而對自身而言具有正當性。這個正當性也成為其能夠進行觀察與自我描述的基礎。從系統論的觀點而言,長老教會在政治與社會關懷的論述與行動上,便是以封閉為基礎的開放性自我指涉運作。若非以此自我指涉的封閉且開放之運作為其系統形成的特性,那麼論述與行動的正當性便易於受到質疑,甚至無法獲得系統內部的支持。據此,現代社會以功能為主要分化形式的系統形成,至少在時間面向上均必須取得自我指涉或自主性運作上的正當性。這個正當性決定於系統在多大程度上能夠持續地維持與其環境的界線。長老教會對人權與信仰自由的主張與論述的建構,或許是與政治系統對相同論題的溝通存在著無法跨越的差異。這個差異同時也標示的是宗教與政治系統之間的那個界線,而這個差異的維持在系統分化的社會演化過程中,使得「民主(化)」作為政治系統乃至於社會描述自身的語意是可能的。 / This thesis draws on Niklas Luhmann’s theory of social systems, and examines the relationship between religion and democratization in Taiwan. In order to advance the analysis and to make some helpful suggestions, two points are firstly highlighted. One is the concept of democracy itself, and the other is the descriptions of it by the political system and by other social systems within society. The word ‘democracy’ has long history since ancient Greek city-state, however, its modern use and the meaning of it can possibly date back to the Middle ages, especially to the sixteenth century. Modern concept of democracy relates to the tradition of monotheism, in this case referring to the Reformation and later to the formation of Western political philosophy. The second point argues that ‘democracy’ is simply a self-description of society, and its realization lies in the transformation of the form of differentiation from hierarchical to functional. Luhmann would like to link the semantics to social evolution, by which he can investigate and explore the dialectical process between semantics and structures. The analysis of the relationship between democracy and democratization refers to this dialectical process, concerning systems differentiation and social evolution. Issues relating to democratization, the consolidation of democracies, and their discontented consequences, etc. need to be reconsidered in the sense that the concept of democracy and its modern descriptions utilize a ‘paradox’ which must be hidden while forming and maintaining identities, whether they be societies, nations, or individuals. This constitutes both positive and negative sides of the development of democracy, and also leads to crises gradually confronted by those ‘matured’ democratic Western countries and also by some third-wave democratizing regions. Among them exists a similar problem which will be discussed in this thesis: the concept of democracy and its modern developments are increasingly eroding its own foundation when the differentiation of subsystems and the evolution of society both go too far. This by no means indicates that there will not be any democracy in the near future. Instead, as an observer observing observations, this thesis inquires our present situations while at the same time attempting at offering some possible and also suitable questions from systems theory perspective.

俄羅斯與格魯吉亞衝突之研究 / A Study of Russia-Georgia Conflict

張婉如 Unknown Date (has links)
俄羅斯在2008年8月8日北京奧運開幕期間對格魯吉亞 (Georgia)用兵,起因是格魯吉亞出兵南奧塞梯(South Ossetia)自治州,欲趁俄羅斯總理普欽(Putin)前往北京參加奧運開幕式之際,其可能對格魯吉亞出兵無法做出立即的反應,意圖以閃電戰收回長期以來有獨立運動的南奧塞梯自治州與阿布哈玆(Abkhazia)自治共和國,結果造成俄羅斯立即出兵格魯吉亞展開高加索反擊戰,受過車臣戰爭訓練有素的駐高加索俄軍,輕易地把局勢逆轉進入南奧塞梯首府茨欣瓦利(Ts khinvali)。兩國戰火持續了五天,格魯吉亞政府透過歐盟向俄方傳遞停火要求,於是雙方在歐盟主席輪值國的法國總統薩科奇(Sarkozy)的調停之下接受「俄法六原則」的停火協議。俄羅斯聯邦議會上下兩院更在25日全票通過兩地向俄羅斯提出欲獨立的呼籲書,呼籲俄羅斯總統梅德韋傑夫(Medvedev)正式承認兩地的獨立地位。無預警的戰事受到美國、歐盟、及中國的高度關切並在國際間專家、學者間興起研究的風潮,俄羅斯與格魯吉亞究竟如何爆發衝突為本文研究的第一個動機。


葉伯棠, YE, BO-TANG Unknown Date (has links)
本論文定名為中共與蘇聯衝突之研究,赫魯曉夫時期:一九五六─一九六四年。全文 共分為八章,敘述自蘇共第廿次代表大會至赫魯曉夫辭去蘇聯第一書記和部長會議主 席職位為止期間北平與莫斯科的衝突。除緒論和結論外,本文部分共計六章。 第一章緒論,本章分為三部分:壹、說明研究的動機,貳、簡述蘇聯外交政策的決定 因素,參、介紹與本文有關的共產黨人策略的基本理論,對於瞭解本文的內容有所裨 益。 第二章敘述中共與蘇聯衝突的緣起及其發展:針對美國的圍堵政策,蘇共領導人於蘇 共第廿次大會,提出和平共處的路線,作為今後對外政策的基本方針。 第三章敘述國內情勢發展對雙方關係的影響:中(共)蘇雙方對於美國鬥爭的策略是 否採取戰爭抑和平路線發生岐見。 第四章敘述由意識形態的論戰發展到兩條路線的鬥爭:中共領導人不滿赫魯曉夫對美 國的政策,先從意識形態上表現,故有列寧生日九十週年的論戰,世界工商理事會的 爭論,再經布加勒斯特會議的衝突,發展到蘇聯領導人對中共政權實施經濟制裁,迫 使中共領導人屈服,結果蘇聯政府不但沒有收到效果,反而使雙方的關係更加惡劣, 以後又召開莫斯科會議,協調雙方的岐見,仍然沒有結果,使雙方的衝突日漸惡化。 第五章敘述中(共)蘇雙方對於國際問題的不同立場:中(共)蘇關係不睦以後,蘇 聯領導人為堅持和平共處路線。 第六章敘述中共與蘇聯衝突擴大。 第七章敘述中(共)蘇雙方廣泛地展開鬥爭,部分核子禁試條約以後,中共領導人決 定對蘇聯從黨與政府方面展開廣泛的鬥爭。 第八章結論:本章綜合上述各章的分析,對於中(共)蘇的衝突,提出四點結論:一 、基於現實的利益和政權安全的觀點。二、雙方分岐的焦點是:國際共產主義運動採 取戰爭路線抑和平路線,中共堅持前者,蘇聯主張後者。三、雙方都以意識形態作為 批評對方的工具。四、雙方都以自己的鬥爭經驗,作為國際共產主義運動的路線。 /

在秘魯城郊地區設立太陽能供應系統之社會企業企劃書 / Social Business Plan: Solar Energy for Rural Peru

甘亞柏, Abel Canchari de la Cruz Unknown Date (has links)
在秘魯城郊地區設立太陽能供應系統之社會企業企劃書 / This social business aims to achieve double bottom line: the social and the financial ones. The former is giving access to electricity to households out of the reach of the grid. The latter is being financially sustainable, running activities without needing external subsidy. Our Vision: “A rural Peru where every family has access to electricity in their homes.” Our Mission: “Enable access to affordable and sustainable solar energy for poor families, as a means for social inclusion and development in the rural Peru.” Our objective: To provide access to photovoltaic energy for families in remote areas of the Andean highlands of Ayacucho, Peru. Our economic model: We partner up with district, province or regional governments, and private companies, to help them to promote social development or carry out their corporate social responsibility mandate. We sell to them solar home systems to be installed in rural households which are not considered in any national rural electrification plan (they will not have electricity in the following 7 years or more). We install the solar home systems in households who are willing to be part of the project (so the families pay a fee for the operation and maintenance and cooperate with their labour force, small accessories, and local materials). The solar home systems are bundled with social engineering activities to ensure the sustainability of the project in the village. This entire task is carried out with local technician who are specially trained to solve any problem and provide the operation and maintenance service. Our target: Install solar home systems for 7700 households.

霧社事件遺族的心聲—以莫那.魯道直系家族史為中心 / The aspiration of the bereaved descendants of the Musha Incident—oriented on Mona Rudo's immediate family history

巴干‧巴萬 Unknown Date (has links)
霧社事件推演至今已經88(2018年)年,筆者以莫那.魯道(Mona Rudo)家族後裔的身分,提出關於霧社抗日事件的核心人物莫那.魯道歷史定位的新觀點。一是以莫那.魯道後裔的身分來論述其「家族史」,二為同時進行田野調查之後,參考所採集到的部落「內部」的觀點,以及三從賽德克族(Seediq)傳統「Gaya 」的倫理規範來論述。 具體而論,本文首先將今南投縣仁愛鄉賽德克族德固達雅群(Seediq Tgdaya)於日治時期霧社事件前後社會組織的變化做一番考察;進而對於霧社事件與莫那.魯道,因著不同的世代、族群、部落及女性的關係,做一番詮釋;此外,藉由瑪紅.莫那生命史的書寫,建立莫那.魯道直系家族系譜,與霧社事件後的部落發展乃至莫那•魯道遺骸之流轉,亦有一番爬梳。 / It has been eighty-seven years since the Musha Incident has happened. As the descendant of Mona Rudo, the author wishes to propose new perspectives about the historical status of this key figure in the Mushaanti-Japanese movement from three aspects. The first is to discuss his “family history” fromthe standpoint ofhis descendent. The second is to conductfieldwork and provide viewpoints from within the tribe.The third is to present the incident from the ethnic codes of traditional“Gaya” of the Seediq. To be specific, this thesis will first examine the changes of the local community of the SeediqTgdaya people before and after the Musha Incident during the Japanese reign in Renai Township, Nantou County. It will then interpret the relationship between the Musha Incident and Mona Rudo from the angles of different generations, communities, tribes and gender. Besides, this thesis will construct the genealogy of Mona Rudo's immediate family members through the writing of Mahung Mona's life history. It will also trace the development of the tribe after the incident and the handing down of the corpse of Mona Rudo.

中國現代文學中的「視覺」 : 魯迅、穆時英、張愛玲 = "Visuality" in the modern Chinese literature : Lu Xun, Mu Shiying, Eileen Chang

阮佩儀, 01 January 2003 (has links)
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