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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

“En märklig flicka” : - en retorisk analys av Pippi Långstrump ur ett ledarskapsperspektiv

Ekström, Isa, Marlowe, Isabelle January 2022 (has links)
“A strange girl” In this thesis, we study selected dialogue scenes from the movies “På rymmen med Pippi Långstrump” and “Pippi på de sju haven”. The purpose of the study is to investigate how the character Pippi Longstocking is portrayed as a leader of a social group through her interactions. Based on the social interaction between Pippi, Tommy and Annika we are able to analyze behavior patterns, social categorization and attributes. We use the method of interaction analysis to make it possible to study leadership in social contexts. The result of the study indicates that Pippi Longstocking practices leadership but also that she is attributed to leadership through Tommy and Annika’s behaviors and actions in situations. Furthermore, it is discussed how the friends show an unreasonable trust in Pippi and choose to follow her at any costs.

A new approach to the study of emergent leadership: the application of personality patterns based on general self-efficacy, intelligence, and dominance

Smith, Jeffrey A. 03 March 2009 (has links)
Past research on the emergence of leaders in groups has typically examined relationships between individual trait variables and emergence. The current study extends work of the past by pioneering a multi-variable pattern approach, along with the traditional examination of individual trait measures, in the domain of emergent leadership. The personality pattern examined in this study includes the variables dominance, intelligence and general self-efficacy. All three trait variables were significantly positively associated with leader emergence. Individuals high in all three traits (HHH) emerged significantly more frequently than all other individuals while those low in all three traits (LLL) emerged significantly less frequently than all other individuals. The study also examined non-leader group members and their perceptions of the emergent leaders; resulting in descriptions of leaders that were highly consistent with the traits of interest. Implications for the future research of emergent leadership are discussed. / Master of Science

Analyzing Crowd-Sourced Information and Social Media for Crisis Management

Andrews, S., Day, T., Domdouzis, K., Hirsch, L., Lefticaru, Raluca, Orphanides, C. 28 February 2020 (has links)
Yes / The analysis of potentially large volumes of crowd-sourced and social media data is central to meeting the requirements of the ATHENA project. Here, we discuss the various stages of the pipeline process we have developed, including acquisition of the data, analysis, aggregation, filtering, and structuring. We highlight the challenges involved when working with unstructured, noisy data from sources such as Twitter, and describe the crisis taxonomies that have been developed to support the tasks and enable concept extraction. State-of-the-art techniques such as formal concept analysis and machine learning are used to create a range of capabilities including concept drill down, sentiment analysis, credibility assessment, and assignment of priority. We ground many of these techniques using results obtained from a set of tweets which emerged from the Colorado wildfires of 2012 in order to demonstrate the applicability of our work to real crisis scenarios.

With or without context : Automatic text categorization using semantic kernels

Eklund, Johan January 2016 (has links)
In this thesis text categorization is investigated in four dimensions of analysis: theoretically as well as empirically, and as a manual as well as a machine-based process. In the first four chapters we look at the theoretical foundation of subject classification of text documents, with a certain focus on classification as a procedure for organizing documents in libraries. A working hypothesis used in the theoretical analysis is that classification of documents is a process that involves translations between statements in different languages, both natural and artificial. We further investigate the close relationships between structures in classification languages and the order relations and topological structures that arise from classification. A classification algorithm that gets a special focus in the subsequent chapters is the support vector machine (SVM), which in its original formulation is a binary classifier in linear vector spaces, but has been extended to handle classification problems for which the categories are not linearly separable. To this end the algorithm utilizes a category of functions called kernels, which induce feature spaces by means of high-dimensional and often non-linear maps. For the empirical part of this study we investigate the classification performance of semantic kernels generated by different measures of semantic similarity. One category of such measures is based on the latent semantic analysis and the random indexing methods, which generates term vectors by using co-occurrence data from text collections. Another semantic measure used in this study is pointwise mutual information. In addition to the empirical study of semantic kernels we also investigate the performance of a term weighting scheme called divergence from randomness, that has hitherto received little attention within the area of automatic text categorization. The result of the empirical part of this study shows that the semantic kernels generally outperform the “standard” (non-semantic) linear kernel, especially for small training sets. A conclusion that can be drawn with respect to the investigated datasets is therefore that semantic information in the kernel in general improves its classification performance, and that the difference between the standard kernel and the semantic kernels is particularly large for small training sets. Another clear trend in the result is that the divergence from randomness weighting scheme yields a classification performance surpassing that of the common tf-idf weighting scheme.

Självmedicinering? Missbruk? Eller vad? : En studie med individen i fokus / Selfmedication? Drug abuse? Or what?

Persson, Emma, Malmkvist, Jakob January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att få fram personliga betraktelser av olika kategorier kopplat till intag av narkotika, alkohol och receptbelagda mediciner av personer med egenupplevda erfarenheter. Kategorierna missbruk och självmedicinering står i fokus men det lämnas även plats för andra kategoriseringar av intag. Detta för att undersöka hur kategoriseringar kan påverka behandlingsarbete. Sex personer intervjuas om deras upplevelser av narkotika- och alkoholintag samt hur de ser på olika kategoriseringar inom detta område. Det undersöks hur intervjupersonerna definierar sitt intag eller före detta intag av alkohol och narkotika samt hur denna kategorisering har kommit till. Studien är kvalitativ och har sex semistrukturerade intervjuer som underlag för resultatet. Studien börjar med en genomgång av olika begreppsdefinitioner gällande missbruk samt en genomgång av narkotikastrafflagen. Därefter redovisas forskning som tar upp attityder angående missbruk ur professionella behandlares perspektiv. I teoridelen tas tre teorier upp, Culture in action-teorin, självmedicinerings-hypotesen och stämplingsteorin. Resultatet visar respondenternas egna berättelser vilket är empirin som vår analys bygger på. Analysen görs ihop med de teorier som redovisats. Resultatet visar att många upplever självmedicinering som ett relevant begrepp och att den hårda kategoriseringen av missbrukare påverkar de stämplade starkt. Kategoriseringen av intag ser olika ut beroende på i vilket livsstadie personen befinner sig. Något som också spelar stor roll är i hur stor utsträckning intaget tagit över personens liv. Det framkom tankar om att den hårda kategoriseringen inom behandlingar upplevs som nedtryckande och stämplande. En mer individanpassad missbruksvård var önskad. Det framkom även vissa paralleller mellan respondenterna och självmedicinerings hypotes. / The purpose of this study was to reach personal views on categorization of the intake of natcotics, alcohol and prescription drugs by people with personal experiences on the subject. The categories drug abuse and self medication where the core categories but there where room for other categorization of intake. The purpose was to see how categorization can affect addiction treatment. Six persons where interviewed on their experiences of drugs and alcohol and their views on the categorization of these topics. The persons tell how they define their intake (or former intake) of drugs or alcohol and how this categorization came to be. This is a qualitative study the result is based on six semi structured interviews. It starts with a review on different definitions of addiction and the Swedish drug laws. Thereafter there is a presentation on research about the attitudes of professional addict treaters. The study contains three theories. The culture in action theory, the self-medication hypothesis and the labeling theory. The result shows the respondents own testimony witch is the foundation the analysis rests upon. The analysis is done together with the mentioned theories. The result shows that most respondents see self medication as a valid concept and that the harsh categorization in addict treatment has an impact on those facing it. The categorization of intake differs depending on the life situation of the person that does the categorization. Another important aspect is how much the intake is ruling the intakers life. The harsh categorization in addict treatment is seen as suppressive and labeling. A more individualized addict treatment where wanted. The study shows some parallels with the self-medication hypothesis.

Modell för lösenordsklassning : Utveckling av lösenordsklassificering / Password classification model : Development of password classification

Eriksson, Fredrik January 2017 (has links)
I dagens samhälle är datorer ett naturligt inslag i vår vardag. För de flesta anses datorn vara ett verktyg för att hjälpa dem genom arbetet såväl som i vardagen. Dock finns det en mörkare sida där personer använder sig utav datorn för att begå brott. Den så kallade IT-relaterade brottsligheten ökar och ökar och enligt Brå:s rapport från 2016 har en ökning på 949 % skett i Sverige mellan 2006 till 2015 enligt den officiella kriminalstatistiken vad gäller brott som har IT-inslag (Andersson, Hedqvist, Ring & Skarp, 2016). För att få fast förövarna krävs det medel för att kunna bevisa att ett brott har begåtts. Ett sätt att göra detta är att gå in i datorn för att leta efter bevis. Om den misstänkte förövaren känner till att det finns möjlighet för denne att komma att bli granskad vad händer då? Möjligheter finns att förövaren försöker göra det så svårt som möjligt att ta sig in datorn. Detta kan då ske genom att kryptera systemet genom att använda sig av en så kallad krypteringsalgoritm för att låsa hårddisken. Denna kryptering kan vara väldigt svår att dekryptera och det kan vara enklare att försöka få tag i det rätta lösenordet istället. Denna studie har till syfte att utveckla en modell för lösenordsklassificering. Genom denna modell kan strategier som används när användare skapar sina lösenord identifieras och klassificeras. Detta bidrar till en ökad kunskap om strategier användare har när de skapar lösenord. Då fulldiskkryptering börjar bli en vanligare metod för att hindra någon obehörig från att ta sig in i systemet finns förhoppningen om att modellen ska kunna användas och utvecklas till att skapa ett ramverk för att underlätta arbetet för forensikerna hos polisen samt andra rättsvårdande myndigheter. Med denna modell kan olika strategier som olika typer av användare använder sig av när de skapar lösenord vara av sådan karaktär att de kan klassificeras in i en egen kategori. Om en sådan klassificering kan göras skulle det underlätta arbetet för IT-forensikerna och påskynda processen med att knäcka lösenord. Studien utförs genom att använda en kvalitativ metod samt validering utav modellen. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer samlas information in som sedan analyseras och används för att utveckla en modell för lösenordsklassificering. Arbetet med att utveckla en modell för lösenordsklassificering har bestått av en iterativ process där återkoppling gjorts gentemot de olika intervjuobjekten. Ett utkast till en modell med grund i befintlig forskning skapades. Utkastet diskuterades sedan med de olika intervjuobjekten, som deltagit i studien, i en iterativ process där modellen uppdaterades och återkopplades mot de olika intervjuobjekten. Validering av modellen har genomförts genom att fånga in riktiga lösenord som läckts ut på Internet och sedan testa dessa lösenord mot modellen för lösenordsklassificering. / In modern society, computers are a fundamental part of our lives. For most people, the computer is a tool used in work as well as in home activities. Unfortunately, there is a darker side where people use the computer to commit crimes. The so-called IT-related crimes keep rising in numbers and according to the Swedish Brå:s report from 2016 (Andersson, Hedqvist, Ring & Skarp, 2016) the number of crimes related to it has increased with 949% in Sweden between 2006 and 2015 according to official criminal statistics. To arrest the criminals, evidence is needed. One way to collect the evidence is to enter the computer system to collect proof of the suspect. However, if the suspect feels he or she might be a possible target for an investigation, what might happen? It’s possible the suspect tries to make it as difficult as possible to enter the computer system. This can be done by encryption of the system and use a so-called encryption algorithm to lock down the system. This encryption might be very difficult to decrypt and it might be easier so simply trying to find the correct password instead. The purpose of the study is to develop a model for password classification. With this model, it may be possible to identify and to categorize strategies users use to create their passwords. This study could contribute to create a foundation to support the IT-forensics working at the police departments. With this model, different strategies users use when creating passwords could be of a certain type that the strategy could perhaps be ranged and categorized in its own category. If a classification can be made it might ease the workload for several IT-forensics and hurry up the progress decoding the password. The study is conducted by using a qualitative method. By conducting qualitative interviews, information is collected and analyzed. This information will then be used to develop a model for password classification. The work with developing a model for password classification has been an iterative process with collected feedback from the several interview participants. A draft model, based on the existing research was made. The draft of the model was sent out to the interview participants and this draft was discussed and then updated in an iterative process. Feedback of the updated model was collected and applied to the model. The model was then validated by applying real passwords leaked to the Internet and then test these passwords against the model of password classification.

Effets de la modification d’un attribut constitutif d’un produit alimentaire sur son adoption par les consommateurs : le cas du vin à teneur réduite en alcool. / Effects of changing a constitutive food cue on its adoption by consumers : the low-alcohol wine case.

Masson, Josselin 15 November 2010 (has links)
Dans la littérature marketing qui s'intéresse à l'adoption d'une innovation par les consommateurs, le processus d'adoption n'est expliqué le plus souvent que par le degré d'innovativité des personnes. Tandis que les caractéristiques perçues du nouveau produit peuvent davantage expliquer son adoption que les variables individuelles comme l'ont déjà montré certains travaux. Notre recherche se situe alors dans cette deuxième perspective et contribue à l'explication des mécanismes cognitifs et sensoriels d'adoption d'un nouveau produit en prenant le soin de distinguer les effets des attributs extrinsèques et intrinsèques de celui-ci. De plus, nous avons constaté que la plupart des travaux utilisent des mesures uniques et immédiates alors qu'il apparaît nécessaire de recourir à des mesures répétées. Nous mettons alors en œuvre dans cette recherche des protocoles méthodologiques longitudinaux. Ainsi, trois expérimentations montrent que l'information non-sensorielle sur la modification d'un attribut constitutif d'un produit alimentaire (la teneur en alcool d'un vin) crée des attentes de qualité moins élevées que l'information non-sensorielle sur l'attribut non transformé. Cependant, la perception de cette première information non-sensorielle n'est pas assez négative pour diminuer la qualité perçue globale du nouveau produit qui reste proche de celle du produit habituel. Par conséquent, tant sur le plan gustatif que sur le plan conceptuel, le nouveau produit, ici le vin à teneur réduite en alcool, semble acceptable, en tout cas, tant qu'il ne s'éloigne pas trop des limites de la catégorie de produits à laquelle il appartient / In the marketing literature which focuses on innovation adoption by consumers, the adoption process is explained mostly by consumer innovativeness. However, some research works show that the new product's perceived cues can better explain its adoption than individual characteristics. Our work lies in the latter perspective and contributes to explain cognitive and sensory mechanisms of adoption, making a careful distinction between extrinsic and intrinsic effects of new product cues. Moreover, most research works use unique and immediate measurements while it appears necessary to make repeated measurements. Therefore, we implement longitudinal methodologies in this research. Three experimentations show lower quality expectations with the modified non-sensory cue (reduced alcohol content) than with the usual non-sensory cue (normal alcohol content). However, perception of this non-sensory information on modification is not sufficiently negative to reduce the overall perceived quality of the new product which remains close to that of the regular product. Therefore, both judging by its taste and conceptually, a new food product (i.e. low-alcohol wine) seems acceptable, at least as long as it does not move away too far from limits of the products category to which it belongs.

Seeing Segregation Happen : The Assembling of Normative Space and Attribution of Normative-Spatial-Identities

Rosman, Emilie January 2017 (has links)
In view of the augmenting spatial, socio-economic and ethnic segregation in Sweden over the last 30 years, the purpose of this study is to examine, illustrate and enhance the understanding of mundane segregation processes by studying how social actors collaboratively interact in Swedish online forums regarding in which areas it is “good” or “bad” to live in. The theoretical and methodological framework used to guide the collection, coding and analysis of empirical data is based on ethnomethodology and its applied methods conversation analysis, discursive psychology and membership categorization analysis. This implies a data-driven approach in which the analysis is solely based on the observable-and-reportable understandings of the interactants themselves. The results of the study show that the participants collaboratively orient to and assemble normative spatial categories by connecting these with spatial identities. Simply put, “good places” are treated as inherently linked to “good people”, and vice versa. Because of the way in which interactants treat these spatial-social categories as both inherently and normatively linked, the thesis introduces the concept normative-spatial-identities, in order to facilitate the investigation of how social actors collaboratively make sense of,  orient to and assemble normative spatial boundaries and in this fashion, contribute to enhancing the understanding of everyday inclusion-and-exclusion practices.

Music, mind and the serious Zappa : the passions of a virtual listener

Volgsten, Ulrik January 1999 (has links)
This dissertation argues that music is always ideological. For this thesis two lines of argument are given. The first states that music is always ideological because it requires verbal discourses about itself. The second line of argument states that music is always ideological because it influences the listener affectively. That language is necessary for talk about music is trivial. The point is rather that talk about music is necessary for auditive behaviour to turn into complex cultural artefacts. Without language humans would have no more music than birds, whales or duetting apes. At the other extreme, musical experiences are affective in nature. To have a musical experience is to experience an affective unfolding through time. Affect (as distinguished from the emotions) refers to the amodal properties of perception-such as intensity, shape, rhythm-and lies at the heart of human communication. With its roots in early mother-infant interaction, affective communication is inherently social. Together with discourses about music, the affective properties of musical experiences makes music into an extremely subtle, and thereby efficient, ideological manipulator in various types of social contexts. Finally, the theoretical conclusions reached will be exemplified by introducing a virtual listener, the various facets of whose listening experiences are captured by different analytical methods and listening reports as applied to some of the "serious" music by Frank Zappa. Central for the explanation of these listening experiences are the "passions," that is, the affects, moods and emotions that the music evokes in the listener, or that the listener takes the music to express. / <p>The attached fulltext is a revised version of the original thesis.</p>

Účelová kategorizace půdy jako zásah do vlastnického práva / Purposeful Categorization of Land as an Interference with the Right to Property

Pour, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
Thesis Purposeful Categorization of Land as an Interference with the Right to Property presents an analysis of the institute of purposeful categorization of land and its specifics on a background of a theoretical thought about the right to property, the right to favorable environment and the collision of two constitutionally guaranteed rights. The purpose of this thesis is to assess current legislation of purposeful categorization of land, including the instruments that are used in relation to it, and to, based on the assessment, identify problematic issues of the legislation and asses the limitation of right to property that the individual instruments related to the institute create. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

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