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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Om personalen mår bra, så mår de boende bra : -en studie om trivsel, delaktighet och arbetsmiljö på ett särskilt boende som drivs på entreprenad

Karlsson, Malin, Höggren, Jessica January 2007 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva hur personalen på ett särskilt boende som drivs på entreprenad upplever trivsel, delaktighet och arbetsmiljö i sitt dagliga arbete. Vi valde att undersöka ett särskilt boende som ligger i Mellansverige och valde sedan en kvalitativ forskningsmetod. Våra frågeställningar är: Hur upplever personalen sin arbetsmiljö på ett äldreboende som drivs på entreprenad? Vad påverkar upplevelsen av trivsel på arbetsplatsen? Upplever personalen sig delaktig i sitt arbete? Intervjuer genomfördes med sex respondenter och frågorna var av öppen karaktär. Frågorna var indelade i tre områden, delaktighet och inflytande, trivsel och sammanhållning och arbetsmiljö. De teoretiska begrepp som vi har utgått från är trivsel, delaktighet och inflytande, samt arbetsmiljö. Dessa begrepp ligger till grund för hela studien och resultaten och analysen redovisar vi utifrån dessa tre begrepp. Vi har även använt oss av relevant forskning inom området. I tolkningsramen tar vi också upp arbetsmiljölagen. I arbetsmiljölagen regleras arbetsmiljön och lagen är till för att förebygga ohälsa och olycksfall i arbetet samt att uppnå en god arbetsmiljö. I tolkningsramen tar vi även upp vad som kännetecknar en byråkratisk organisation och dess styrning. Resultatet i denna studie visar att personalen på boendet trivs på sitt arbete och med sina arbetsuppgifter. De anser att det är en bra arbetsmiljö och känner sig delaktiga samt har inflytande över sin egen arbetssituation. Något som många berättade om var stressen. Att inte hinna med det man ska göra på sitt arbete ansågs stressande. Det framkom även att det fanns brister i hur bearbetningen av dödsfall gick till, detta var något som inte prioriterades. / The purpose of this study is to describe how the employees, at a home for care of old people that is run by a private contractor, experience wellbeing, participation and work environment in their daily work. We choose to explore a home for care of old people that is placed in the middle of Sweden and then we choose a qualitative research method. Our research questions are: How do the employees experience their work environment? What influences the experience of wellbeing at work? Do the employees experience that they are involved in their work? Interviews were conducted with six persons and the questions were of open character. The questions were divided in three areas, participation and influence, wellbeing and work environment. This study is based on these theoretical conceptions and the result and analysis shows on the basis of these conceptions. We also used relevant research from the area. In the chapter were we describe our theoretical conceptions we also describe the work environment act. In the work environment act regulates the work environment and the law is there for prevent ill health and accident at work and to achieve a good work environment. In the chapter we also talk about what distinguish a bureaucratic organization and how it is ruled. The result in this study shows that the employees at the nursing home enjoy one’s work and the work assignments. They regard that it is a good work environment and they feel involved in their own work situation. Many talked about the stress. To not have time for the work assignments are consider stressing. They also told us that there was some lacks in the work on death of older people, this was something that wasn’t prioritized.

Det sociala stödets betydelse för patienten i samband med en koronar bypass-operation

Roth, Malin, Stode, Ulrica, Weding, Åsa January 2008 (has links)
Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) föregås av en väntetid som kan vara påfrestande för patienten i och med att en hjärtkärlsjukdom är ett livshotande tillstånd. Effektivi-sering inom sjukvården har lett till förhållandevis korta vårdtider efter detta ingrepp. Med tanke på den relativt långa rehabiliteringsfas som följer läggs mycket av ansvaret för återhämtningen på patient och dennes närstående i hemmet. Syftet med studien var att belysa det sociala stödet och dess betydelse för patienten i samband med en CABG-operation. Studien genomfördes som en litteraturstudie. Resultatet visade att socialt stöd hade en positiv effekt på välbefinnan-det för patienter i samband med CABG-operation. Socialt stöd gavs i olika grad i form av emotionellt, informativt eller instrumentellt stöd, av sjuksköterska och närstående. De närstående utgjorde den viktigaste källan till stödet. Vissa patientgrupper hade större behov av socialt stöd än andra. Sjuksköterskan bör vara medveten om dessa utsatta grupper och försöka tillgodose deras behov av utökat stöd. Vidare forskning bör göras för att se hur detta utökade stöd bör utformas för att ge bäst effekt.

Om organisering av det regenerativa arbetet : samtal om roll, process och interaktivt meningsskapande

Ericsson, Ulf January 2010 (has links)
The focal point of this thesis is an interest in the phenomena of regenerative work, which is a work that has the potential of recreating and developing human resources and energy. The aim is to make a contribution, by presenting a supplementary perspective, to this area of research by considering regenerative work through a process perspective where the centre of interest is transferred from being a question of what to a question of how? The guiding research question is as follows: How could the organizing processes of regenerative work be understood? - more specifically - through an interactive approach the purpose is to describe, analyze and understand those everyday processes that have implications for regenerative work. This general inquiry took place at a number of wards/departments at a hospital in southern Sweden. Above all, the empirical focus concentrated on two specific occurrences: (1) an implementation of a new work model at the various wards/departments and (2) the function of the ward managers and their work situation. Empirical material was collected in collaboration with assistant nurses, registered nurses and ward managers through forum dialogues, interviews and observations. Narratives as formation of knowledge are a significant tool that constitutes an important foundation of this thesis. The chain of events and actions of complex processes are thus interpreted and understood by means of using narratives as a research device. The narrative form was also a source of inspiration for a large portion of the results presentation. The comprehension of the construction of experiences that may be related to regenerative work must be interpreted and understood beyond an individualistic perspective. Overconfidence in rules and routines, and a predetermined execution of the work proved also to be problematic in a complex and symbolically charged reality. Consequently, regenerative work must be understood in the light of a reality/world that consists of regularities and irregularities as well as predictability and unpredictability. It is in the complexity of such worlds, actors are required to interpret what their work/assignment is about and to carry it out satisfactory and to the best of their ability. Hence, two crucial questions are derived: How is the work/assignment interpreted? Are their prerequisites in the organization enabling and supporting good performances? In conclusion, these two questions are interconnected and discussed further in view of local basic conditions for conversation and action as well as leadership in terms of organizing for sensemaking. / QC20100701

Om organisering av det regenerativa arbetet : samtal om roll, process och interaktivt meningsskapande

Ericsson, Ulf January 2010 (has links)
The focal point of this thesis is an interest in the phenomena of regenerative work, which is a work that has the potential of recreating and developing human resources and energy. The aim is to make a contribution, by presenting a supplementary perspective, to this area of research by considering regenerative work through a process perspective where the centre of interest is transferred from being a question of what to a question of how? The guiding research question is as follows: How could the organizing processes of regenerative work be understood? - more specifically - through an interactive approach the purpose is to describe, analyze and understand those everyday processes that have implications for regenerative work. This general inquiry took place at a number of wards/departments at a hospital in southern Sweden. Above all, the empirical focus concentrated on two specific occurrences: (1) an implementation of a new work model at the various wards/departments and (2) the function of the ward managers and their work situation. Empirical material was collected in collaboration with assistant nurses, registered nurses and ward managers through forum dialogues, interviews and observations. Narratives as formation of knowledge are a significant tool that constitutes an important foundation of this thesis. The chain of events and actions of complex processes are thus interpreted and understood by means of using narratives as a research device. The narrative form was also a source of inspiration for a large portion of the results presentation. The comprehension of the construction of experiences that may be related to regenerative work must be interpreted and understood beyond an individualistic perspective. Overconfidence in rules and routines, and a predetermined execution of the work proved also to be problematic in a complex and symbolically charged reality. Consequently, regenerative work must be understood in the light of a reality/world that consists of regularities and irregularities as well as predictability and unpredictability. It is in the complexity of such worlds, actors are required to interpret what their work/assignment is about and to carry it out satisfactory and to the best of their ability. Hence, two crucial questions are derived: How is the work/assignment interpreted? Are their prerequisites in the organization enabling and supporting good performances? In conclusion, these two questions are interconnected and discussed further in view of local basic conditions for conversation and action as well as leadership in terms of organizing for sensemaking.

Hormone replacement therapy : benefits and adverse effects

Ödmark, Inga-Stina January 2004 (has links)
Background: Numerous studies have shown that estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) is an effective treatment for vasomotor symptoms, insomnia and vaginal dryness. Beneficial effects have also been shown on lipid patterns and on the incidence of osteoporotic fractures. As ERT increases the risk of endometrial adenocarcinoma, combinations with various progestogens have been developed in order to protect the endometrium. However, the addition of progestogens tends to reduce the beneficial effects of estrogens on mood, cognition and lipid metabolism. The added progestogen often causes side effects such as irritability and depression. There is evidence that the effect on wellbeing varies between women and with the type of progestogen used. Women who prefer to avoid withdrawal bleedings can be given continuous combined hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Unfortunately, irregular bleedings are common at the beginning of treatment and reduces compliance. Recently, several studies have reported an increased risk of breast cancer and venous thrombosis, and therefore long-term treatment with HRT for women without climacteric symptoms is no longer recommended. The ongoing debate has, for the time being, resulted in a recommendation that improving quality of life (QoL) by treatment of climacteric symptoms should be the only indication for prescribing HRT. Aims and methods: The aims of the study were to investigate bleeding patterns, changes in wellbeing at onset and during long-term treatment, and lipid and lipoprotein profiles with two different types of continuous combined HRT. In addition, women starting, and women switching from mainly sequential HRT were compared. The design was a randomised, double-blind, one year, prospective, multicentre study including 249 healthy postmenopausal women who were given continuous daily oral treatment with either combined 0.625mg conjugated estrogen (CE) and 5mg medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) or combined 2mg 17β - estradiol (E2) and 1mg norethisterone acetate (NETA). Bleedings, if any, were recorded daily throughout the study. The main outcome measures (changes in wellbeing and climacteric symptoms) consisted of daily ratings of 12 items on a validated symptom scale. Serum concentrations of lipids and lipoproteins were measured at baseline and after one year of treatment. Results and conclusions: The majority of drop-outs were confined to the first three months, and the main reasons were bleedings and/or decreased wellbeing. Drop-outs were three times more common in the E2/NETA group. During the first month, 67% of the women reported irregular bleedings. The number of bleeding days decreased on both treatments during the first four months. Treatment with CE/MPA resulted in less irregular bleedings and a shorter time to amenorrhoea compared to E2/NETA. As expected, "starters" experienced more sweats than "switchers" at the onset of treatment, but both groups improved significantly. Side effects such as breast tenderness, swelling, depression and irritability appeared during the first treatment week in both groups. The side effects of HRT appeared much more quickly than the benefits and were more frequent in women with a history of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Breast tenderness was more common in the E2/NETA group throughout the whole study period. Apart from that, there were no differences between the two treatment regimens as regards effects on well-being at the end of the study. Lipoprotein(a) levels, an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease, decreased in both treatment groups. Triglyceride levels increased in women treated with CE/MPA, and levels of total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein and low density lipoprotein fell in the E2/NETA group. In conclusion, treatment with E2/NETA caused more bleeding problems than treatment with CE/MPA. CE/MPA was better tolerated than E2/NETA at the beginning of the study, but among the women remaining in the study there was no difference in QoL between the two treatment groups. HRT counselling should take into account that a history of PMS increases the likelihood of side effects and that these may precede any beneficial effects. Both treatments produced beneficial effects on lipid and lipoprotein levels, and neither of the regimens was superior in this respect.

Tio deltagare i ett rehabiliteringsprojekts uppfattning av naturen och stadsmiljön utifrån en hälsoaspekt

Friederici, Ida, Schmidt, Linda January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka vad tio deltagare i ett rehabiliteringsprojekt med inriktning på natur, har för uppfattning av naturen och stadsmiljön utifrån en hälsoaspekt. Intervjuer valdes som metod då det ansågs att det var den mest lämpliga metoden för att svara på syftet. Med intervju som metod fanns möjlighet att fördjupa sig i individens syn och tankar kring området natur. Intervjuerna analyserades med inspiration från Steinar Kvales meningskategorisering. Resultatet visade att majoriteten av respondenterna mår bra av att vistas i naturen och i dess omgivning bland växter och djur. Deltagarna upplever att stadsmiljön är en plats där stress och buller från trafik är framträdande men trots det ser många staden som sin naturliga miljö. Flertalet av respondenterna framhåller ett lugn i naturen och en möjlighet att koppla av samt en tystnad som inte finns i samma utsträckning som i staden. Det är inte ansträngande att vistas i naturen och där det finns möjlighet att hämta kraft för att klara av vardagen. / The purpose with this paper is to examine the view of nature and the urban environment from a health point of view, from ten individuals in a rehabilitation Program, with focus on nature. Interview was chosen as method due to it was considered to be the most appropriate method to respond to the purpose of the paper. Using interview as method made it possible to understand the insights and thoughts of the individuals about the nature. The interviews where analyzed with inspiration from Steinar Kvale and his “meningskategorisering”. The result showed that the majority of the individuals experienced wellbeing when visiting the nature and its environment among plants and animals. The individuals experienced that the urban environment is a place where stress and noise from traffic is frequent. Despite that, many individuals feel that the natural environment for them is the urban environment. Most of the individuals points out that there is calm in the nature and a possibility for relaxation that does not exist in the urban environment in the same extent. The individuals describe the possibility to cope with the everyday life through the strength they receive from the nature.

ETT SÅRAT HJÄRTA : Upplevelser av hälsa och välbefinnande i vardagen efter en hjärtinfarkt / A BROKEN HEART : Experiences of health and wellbeing in daily life after a heart attack

Birgersson, Sara, Ljunggren, Madelen January 2013 (has links)
Varje dag drabbas cirka 100 personer av hjärtinfarkt i Sverige, vilket visar att hjärtinfarkt är ett stort samhällsproblem. Det är viktigt att skapa en samlad bild av dessa patienters upplevelser av hälsa och välbefinnande i vardagen för att vårdpersonal ska kunna genomföra en god omvårdnad. Syftet med studien är därför att med hjälp av Katie Erikssons hälsokors belysa patienters upplevelser av hälsa och välbefinnande i vardagen efter en hjärtinfarkt. Metoden som har använts är en kvalitativ litteraturstudie som baserats på självbiografier. I resultatet togs sju kategorier fram som speglar patienternas upplevelser i vardagen. Kategorierna är Känsla av osäkerhet, En stressad livssituation, En livslång sjukdom, Längtan efter en normal vardagstillvaro, Behov av stöd och information, Livsstilsförändringar samt En andra chans. Varje kategori har kopplats till Katie Erikssons hälsokors för att få en bild av patienternas upplevelse av hälsa och välbefinnande. Resultatet visar att alla fyra hälsopositionerna i hälsokorset finns representerade i vardagstillvaron hos patienter som genomgått hjärtinfrakt. Upplevelsen av hälsa och välbefinnande är skiftande beroende på situation, omgivning, vårdpersonalens engagemang samt hjärtinfarktens svårighetsgrad. Resultatet visar att patienter har lättare att uppleva hälsa och välbefinnande ju längre tiden går efter insjuknandet. / Approximately 100 people suffer from heart attacks in Sweden every day, showing that myocardial infarction is a major problem in society. In implementing good health care it is important for health professionals to create an overall picture of these patients' experiences of health and wellbeing in their daily life. The purpose of this study is therefore to emphasize patients' experiences of health and wellbeing in daily life after a heart attack, with Katie Eriksson's health positions as theoretical base. A qualitative study based on seven autobiographies was conducted. Analysis of the data revealed seven major categories, showing the patients' experiences  the daily life after a heart attack: Feeling of insecurity, A stressful life situation, A lifelong disease, Striving for a normal daily life, The need for support and information, Lifestyle changes and A second chance. To get a picture of the experiences of health and wellbeing in these different situations, each category was added to Katie Eriksson's health positions. The findings show that all four health positions are represented in the daily life of patients' suffering from a heart attack. Patients are more likely to experience health and wellbeing as time passes after the heart attack.

Customers’ Emotions and their Impact on Quality Development of Products : with Environmental Implications

Boceski, Dushko January 2013 (has links)
The contemporary society reflects with countless of non-functional, i.e. luxurious, products which, with their redundant property, have a wasteful or negative impact on customers’ survival value and their living environment. Customers have a tendency to make biased judgments in the choice of the products they purchase, causing them to confuse many of such non-functional product features with the functional ones and constantly encourage their market production. This may reflect a variety of impacts on the market: decreasing the pace and course of development products’ actual, functional quality while increasing the pace and course of development for products’ non-functional, luxurious quality; constant increments of prices disproportionate to the product’s actual quality; discard of functional investments; utilization of wasteful resources; etc. This study will suggest a link between products’ price-quality disproportions in the development of new models and the customers’ biased emotional purchasing-decisions before buying a product. With that, it will indicate how customer’s emotions play a role in products’ future industrial quality developments and how biased emotional perceptions contribute to non-functional or luxurious quality developments. Consequently, implications are also found for the psychological and economical causalities behind our ubiquitously polluted environments.

Psykiskt välbefinnande och arbetsliv hos tidigare elitidrottare : Bandyspelares erfarenheter igår och idag

Hammarstedt, Ronnie January 2013 (has links)
Denna studie syftade till att undersöka elitidrottares anknytning till arbete under och efter avslutad idrottskarriär - och deras psykiska välbefinnande och anpassning kring avslutet på karriären. Studien var avgränsad till sporten bandy och gjord i en svensk småstad där bandy är den största på orten. Studien gjordes med intervjuer, antingen ansikte mot ansikte eller per telefon. Resultatet visade att samtliga upplevde att de hade haft stor hjälp av sin organisation/klubb att hitta jobb, och hade jobbat större delen under sina aktiva idrottskarriärer. Samtliga hade heltidsanställningar när intervjuerna gjordes. Deltagarna anpassade sig bra till ett civilt yrkesliv efter avslutad idrottskarriär  - trots att den första perioden just vid tiden runt avslutet upplevdes som traumatisk. Det psykiska välbefinnandet upplevdes som gott när väl denna anpassning skett. / Ina qualitative study professional athletes relation to employment - during andafter retirement from the sport was explored. The psychological transition fromactive to retired active was also investigated - and so was the psychologicalwell-being . The study was limited to the sport of bandy and the study was done in a smallSwedish town where bandy is the biggest sport around.  Interviews were made face to face with theinformants, or by telephone. The result showed that all the informants felt thatthey have had great assistance from the club in  finding employment, and all informants had civilemployments during their career as professional athletes.  All informants had fulltime employments whenthe interviews were made (except for one who was retired). The participants adjustedthemselves well psychologically to a life focused solely on family and a civilcareer - though the first period just around the retirement from bandy wereexperienced as traumatic.  Thepsychological well-being was experienced as good when the transition fromprofessional athlete to a civil career was well in place.

CASIO–modellen vägen till välbefinnande? : en interventionsstudie om den positiva psykologins påverkan på gymnasieelever / The CASIO–model the path to wellbeing? : an intervention study who process the Positive Psychology and its effects on Swedish gymnasium students

Granlund, Jesper, Holmstén, Patrik January 2011 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med denna undersökning är att genom intervention utvärdera vilken effekt Positiv Psykologi, i form av CASIO-modellen, har på välmående, stresshantering och copingförmåga hos elever som går tredje året på en idrottsinriktad gymnasieutbildning. Våra frågeställningar var: - Vilka skillnader kan vi se mellan för- och eftertesten i interventionsgruppen? - Vilka skillnader kan vi se mellan för- och eftertesten i kontrollgruppen? - Vilka skillnader kan vi se mellan interventions- och kontrollgruppen i för- och eftertesten? Metod Vi har använt oss av en kvantitativ interventionsstudie som pågick i sex veckor med en grupp elever som gick tredje året på ett idrottsinriktat gymnasium som valdes ut genom ett bekvämlighetsurval. Interventionen hade CASIO-modellen ( Circumstances, Attitude, Standards, Importance & Other things) som grund. Denna modell är sprungen ur den positiva psykologin, och den syftar till att ge deltagarna verktyg att lösa problem i livet och öka sin livskvallitet. För att besvara våra frågeställningar har vi använt oss av tre olika enkäter som behandlar välmående, stress och copingförmåga. Dessa enkäter besvarades före och efter interventionen. För att analysera resultaten från för- och eftertesterna har vi använt oss av statistikprogrammet SPSS och gjort Paired Sample T-tests. Resultat När det kom till totat välmående och stresshantering fann vi inga statistiskt signifikanta förbättringar eller försämringar i interventionsgruppen. Däremot hade det skett statistiskt signifikanta försämringar inom vissa områden inom välmåendet. Interventionsgruppen hade dock statistiskt signifikant förbättrats på ett område inom copingförmåga och det var när det kom till strategin att ventilera tankar. Slutsats Vår studie gav inga större positiva effekter på gymnasieelever på ett idrottsinriktat gymnasium utan snarare tvärtom. Dock kan tidpunkten för för- och eftertesten fungera som en confounder som kan påverka de statistiskt signifikanta försämringar då eleverna hade en hög arbetsbelastning i skolan vid eftertesterna vilket de inte hade vid förtesterna. / Aim The purpose of this study was to investigate if Positive Psychology, in terms of the CASIOmodel, through intervention affected students at a sports gymnasium when it comes to wellbeing, stress and coping abilities. We focused on the following questions: - What differences can we see from the pre- to the after tests in the intervention group? - What differences can we see from the pre- to the after tests in the control group? - What differences can we see between the intervention- and control group in the pre and the after tests? Method The method we used in our study was a six week long quantitative intervention and the participants was students at a sports gymnasium. We used a convenience selection. We used the CASIO-model (Circumstances, Attitude, Standards, Importance & Other things) as foundation for the intervention. This model is originated from the Positive Psychology and gives the participants tools to solve problems in life and increase their quality of life. To answer our questions we have used three different surveys that process well-being, stress and coping abilities. These surveys were handed out to the students before the intervention and one week after it was finished. To interpret the results we ran a couple of Paired Sample Tests in the statistic program SPSS. Results When it came to total well-being and stress there were no statistical significant changes in the intervention group. But when it came to some parts of the well-being there were some statistical significant deteriorations. In the coping ability survey there were some positive statistical significant changes in the coping strategy ventilate thoughts. Conclusions Our study did not have any major positive effects on students at a sports gymnasium, rather the opposite effect. The time for the pre- and after test  could work as a confounder that affects the result because by the time of the after test the students had a heavier workload at school than at the pretest.

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