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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pulse Repetition Interval Modulation Classification using Machine Learning / Maskininlärning för klassificering av modulationstyp för pulsrepetitionsintervall

Norgren, Eric January 2019 (has links)
Radar signals are used for estimating location, speed and direction of an object. Some radars emit pulses, while others emit a continuous wave. Both types of radars emit signals according to some pattern; a pulse radar, for example, emits pulses with a specific time interval between pulses. This time interval may either be stable, change linearly, or follow some other pattern. The interval between two emitted pulses is often referred to as the pulse repetition interval (PRI), and the pattern that defines the PRI is often referred to as the modulation. Classifying which PRI modulation is used in a radar signal is a crucial component for the task of identifying who is emitting the signal. Incorrectly classifying the used modulation can lead to an incorrect guess of the identity of the agent emitting the signal, and can as a consequence be fatal. This work investigates how a long short-term memory (LSTM) neural network performs compared to a state of the art feature extraction neural network (FE-MLP) approach for the task of classifying PRI modulation. The results indicate that the proposed LSTM model performs consistently better than the FE-MLP approach across all tested noise levels. The downside of the proposed LSTM model is that it is significantly more complex than the FE-MLP approach. Future work could investigate if the LSTM model is too complex to use in a real world setting where computing power may be limited. Additionally, the LSTM model can, in a trivial manner, be modified to support more modulations than those tested in this work. Hence, future work could also evaluate how the proposed LSTM model performs when support for more modulations is added. / Radarsignaler används för att uppskatta plats, hastighet och riktning av objekt. Vissa radarer sänder ut signaler i form av pulser, medan andra sänder ut en kontinuerlig våg. Båda typer av radarer avger signaler enligt ett visst mönster, till exempel avger en pulsradar pulser med ett specifikt tidsintervall mellan pulserna. Detta tidsintervall kan antingen vara konstant, förändras linjärt, eller följa ett annat mönster. Intervallet mellan två pulser benämns ofta pulsrepetitionsintervall (PRI), och mönstret som definierar PRIn benämns ofta modulering. Att klassificera vilken PRI-modulering som används i en radarsignal är en viktig del i processen att identifiera vem som skickade ut signalen. Felaktig klassificering av den använda moduleringen kan leda till en felaktig gissning av identiteten av agenten som skickade ut signalen, vilket kan leda till ett dödligt utfall. Detta arbete undersöker hur väl det framtagna neurala nätverket som består av ett långt korttidsminne (LSTM) kan klassificera PRI-modulering i förhållande till en modern modell som använder särskilt utvalda beräknade särdrag från data och klassificerar dessa särdrag med ett neuralt nätverk. Resultaten indikerar att LSTM-modellen konsekvent klassificerar med högre träffsäkerhet än modellen som använder särdrag, vilket gäller för alla testade brusnivåer. Nackdelen med LSTM-modellen är att den är mer komplex än modellen som använder särdrag. Framtida arbete kan undersöka om LSTM-modellen är för komplex för att använda i ett verkligt scenario där beräkningskraften kan vara begränsad. Dessutom skulle framtida arbete kunna utvärdera hur väl LSTM-modellen kan klassificera PRI-moduleringar när stöd för fler moduleringar än de som testats i detta arbete läggs till, detta då stöd för ytterligare PRI-moduleringar kan läggas till i LSTM-modellen på ett trivialt sätt.

Spectral Portfolio Optimisation with LSTM Stock Price Prediction / Spektralportföljsoptimering med LSTM aktieprispredikering

Wang, Nancy January 2020 (has links)
Nobel Prize-winning modern portfolio theory (MPT) has been considered to be one of the most important and influential economic theories within finance and investment management. MPT assumes investors to be riskaverse and uses the variance of asset returns as a proxy of risk to maximise the performance of a portfolio. Successful portfolio management reply, thus on accurate risk estimate and asset return prediction. Risk estimates are commonly obtained through traditional asset pricing factor models, which allow the systematic risk to vary over time domain but not in the frequency space. This approach can impose limitations in, for instance, risk estimation. To tackle this shortcoming, interest in applications of spectral analysis to financial time series has increased lately. Among others, the novel spectral portfolio theory and the spectral factor model which demonstrate enhancement in portfolio performance through spectral risk estimation [1][11]. Moreover, stock price prediction has always been a challenging task due to its non-linearity and non-stationarity. Meanwhile, Machine learning has been successfully implemented in a wide range of applications where it is infeasible to accomplish the needed tasks traditionally. Recent research has demonstrated significant results in single stock price prediction by artificial LSTM neural network [6][34]. This study aims to evaluate the combined effect of these two advancements in a portfolio optimisation problem and optimise a spectral portfolio with stock prices predicted by LSTM neural networks. To do so, we began with mathematical derivation and theoretical presentation and then evaluated the portfolio performance generated by the spectral risk estimates and the LSTM stock price predictions, as well as the combination of the two. The result demonstrates that the LSTM predictions alone performed better than the combination, which in term performed better than the spectral risk alone. / Den nobelprisvinnande moderna portföjlteorin (MPT) är utan tvekan en av de mest framgångsrika investeringsmodellerna inom finansvärlden och investeringsstrategier. MPT antar att investerarna är mindre benägna till risktagande och approximerar riskexponering med variansen av tillgångarnasränteavkastningar. Nyckeln till en lyckad portföljförvaltning är därmed goda riskestimat och goda förutsägelser av tillgångspris. Riskestimering görs vanligtvis genom traditionella prissättningsmodellerna som tillåter risken att variera i tiden, dock inte i frekvensrummet. Denna begränsning utgör bland annat ett större fel i riskestimering. För att tackla med detta har intresset för tillämpningar av spektraanalys på finansiella tidsserier ökat de senast åren. Bland annat är ett nytt tillvägagångssätt för att behandla detta den nyintroducerade spektralportföljteorin och spektralfak- tormodellen som påvisade ökad portföljenprestanda genom spektralriskskattning [1][11]. Samtidigt har prediktering av aktierpriser länge varit en stor utmaning på grund av dess icke-linjära och icke-stationära egenskaper medan maskininlärning har kunnat använts för att lösa annars omöjliga uppgifter. Färska studier har påvisat signifikant resultat i aktieprisprediktering med hjälp av artificiella LSTM neurala nätverk [6][34]. Detta arbete undersöker kombinerade effekten av dessa två framsteg i ett portföljoptimeringsproblem genom att optimera en spektral portfölj med framtida avkastningar predikterade av ett LSTM neuralt nätverk. Arbetet börjar med matematisk härledningar och teoretisk introduktion och sedan studera portföljprestation som genereras av spektra risk, LSTM aktieprispredikteringen samt en kombination av dessa två. Resultaten visar på att LSTM-predikteringen ensam presterade bättre än kombinationen, vilket i sin tur presterade bättre än enbart spektralriskskattningen.

MahlerNet : Unbounded Orchestral Music with Neural Networks / Orkestermusik utan begränsning med neurala nätverk

Lousseief, Elias January 2019 (has links)
Modelling music with mathematical and statistical methods in general, and with neural networks in particular, has a long history and has been well explored in the last decades. Exactly when the first attempt at strictly systematic music took place is hard to say; some would say in the days of Mozart, others would say even earlier, but it is safe to say that the field of algorithmic composition has a long history. Even though composers have always had structure and rules as part of the writing process, implicitly or explicitly, following rules at a stricter level was well investigated in the middle of the 20th century at which point also the first music writing computer program based on mathematics was implemented. This work in computer science focuses on the history of musical composition with computers, also known as algorithmic composition, using machine learning and neural networks and consists of two parts: a literature survey covering in-depth the last decades in the field from which is drawn inspiration and experience to construct MahlerNet, a neural network based on the previous architectures MusicVAE, BALSTM, PerformanceRNN and BachProp, capable of modelling polyphonic symbolic music with up to 23 instruments. MahlerNet is a new architecture that uses a custom preprocessor with musical heuristics to normalize and filter the input and output files in MIDI format into a data representation that it uses for processing. MahlerNet, and its preprocessor, was written altogether for this project and produces music that clearly shows musical characteristics reminiscent of the data it was trained on, with some long-term structure, albeit not in the form of motives and themes. / Matematik och statistik i allmänhet, och maskininlärning och neurala nätverk i synnerhet, har sedan långt tillbaka använts för att modellera musik med en utveckling som kulminerat under de senaste decennierna. Exakt vid vilken historisk tidpunkt som musikalisk komposition för första gången tillämpades med strikt systematiska regler är svårt att säga; vissa skulle hävda att det skedde under Mozarts dagar, andra att det skedde redan långt tidigare. Oavsett vilket, innebär det att systematisk komposition är en företeelse med lång historia. Även om kompositörer i alla tider följt strukturer och regler, medvetet eller ej, som en del av kompositionsprocessen började man under 1900-talets mitt att göra detta i högre utsträckning och det var också då som de första programmen för musikalisk komposition, baserade på matematik, kom till. Den här uppsatsen i datateknik behandlar hur musik historiskt har komponerats med hjälp av datorer, ett område som också är känt som algoritmisk komposition. Uppsatsens fokus ligger på användning av maskininlärning och neurala nätverk och består av två delar: en litteraturstudie som i hög detalj behandlar utvecklingen under de senaste decennierna från vilken tas inspiration och erfarenheter för att konstruera MahlerNet, ett neuralt nätverk baserat på de tidigare modellerna MusicVAE, BALSTM, PerformanceRNN och BachProp. MahlerNet kan modellera polyfon musik med upp till 23 instrument och är en ny arkitektur som kommer tillsammans med en egen preprocessor som använder heuristiker från musikteori för att normalisera och filtrera data i MIDI-format till en intern representation. MahlerNet, och dess preprocessor, är helt och hållet implementerade för detta arbete och kan komponera musik som tydligt uppvisar egenskaper från den musik som nätverket tränats på. En viss kontinuitet finns i den skapade musiken även om det inte är i form av konkreta teman och motiv.

Bestimmung der Skigeschwindigkeit mittels IMU-Daten und maschinellen Lernens

Carqueville, Patrick, Hermann, Aljoscha, Senner, Veit 14 October 2022 (has links)
Diese Arbeit zeigt den explorativen Ansatz ein künstliches neuronales Netz (kNN) und Daten einer auf dem Ski befindlichen inertialen Messeinheit (IMU) zu verwenden, um auf die Fahrgeschwindigkeit zu schließen. Für das Training des kNN wird dabei die 3D Geschwindigkeit einer auf dem Ski befindlichen GNSS-Antenne als Zielwert verwendet. / This work shows the exploratory approach of using an artificial neural network (kNN) and data from an inertial measurement unit (IMU) located on the ski to infer the ski speed. For the training of the kNN, the 3D speed of a GNSS antenna on the ski is used as a target value.

Použití rekurentních neuronových sítí pro automatické rozpoznávání řečníka, jazyka a pohlaví / Neural networks for automatic speaker, language, and sex identification

Do, Ngoc January 2016 (has links)
Title: Neural networks for automatic speaker, language, and sex identifica- tion Author: Bich-Ngoc Do Department: Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics Supervisor: Ing. Mgr. Filip Jurek, Ph.D., Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics and Dr. Marco Wiering, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Groningen Abstract: Speaker recognition is a challenging task and has applications in many areas, such as access control or forensic science. On the other hand, in recent years, deep learning paradigm and its branch, deep neural networks have emerged as powerful machine learning techniques and achieved state-of- the-art in many fields of natural language processing and speech technology. Therefore, the aim of this work is to explore the capability of a deep neural network model, recurrent neural networks, in speaker recognition. Our pro- posed systems are evaluated on TIMIT corpus using speaker identification task. In comparison with other systems in the same test conditions, our systems could not surpass reference ones due to the sparsity of validation data. In general, our experiments show that the best system configuration is a combination of MFCCs with their dynamic features and a recurrent neural network model. We also experiment recurrent neural networks and convo- lutional neural...

Duplicate Detection and Text Classification on Simplified Technical English / Dublettdetektion och textklassificering på Förenklad Teknisk Engelska

Lund, Max January 2019 (has links)
This thesis investigates the most effective way of performing classification of text labels and clustering of duplicate texts in technical documentation written in Simplified Technical English. Pre-trained language models from transformers (BERT) were tested against traditional methods such as tf-idf with cosine similarity (kNN) and SVMs on the classification task. For detecting duplicate texts, vector representations from pre-trained transformer and LSTM models were tested against tf-idf using the density-based clustering algorithms DBSCAN and HDBSCAN. The results show that traditional methods are comparable to pre-trained models for classification, and that using tf-idf vectors with a low distance threshold in DBSCAN is preferable for duplicate detection.

Predictive models for career progression

Soliman, Zakaria 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Relation Classification using Semantically-Enhanced Syntactic Dependency Paths : Combining Semantic and Syntactic Dependencies for Relation Classification using Long Short-Term Memory Networks

Capshaw, Riley January 2018 (has links)
Many approaches to solving tasks in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) use syntactic dependency trees (SDTs) as a feature to represent the latent nonlinear structure within sentences. Recently, work in parsing sentences to graph-based structures which encode semantic relationships between words—called semantic dependency graphs (SDGs)—has gained interest. This thesis seeks to explore the use of SDGs in place of and alongside SDTs within a relation classification system based on long short-term memory (LSTM) neural networks. Two methods for handling the information in these graphs are presented and compared between two SDG formalisms. Three new relation extraction system architectures have been created based on these methods and are compared to a recent state-of-the-art LSTM-based system, showing comparable results when semantic dependencies are used to enhance syntactic dependencies, but with significantly fewer training parameters.

Previsão de vendas no varejo de moda com modelos de redes neurais

Bessa, Adriana Bezerra 24 April 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Adriana Bezerra Bessa (adrianabbessa@gmail.com) on 2018-05-09T00:07:09Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese_AdrianaBessa_versaofinal.pdf: 4846338 bytes, checksum: 5d2e8d52cd770e8fd17a4a9adee180d2 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Thais Oliveira (thais.oliveira@fgv.br) on 2018-05-10T17:26:20Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese_AdrianaBessa_versaofinal.pdf: 4846338 bytes, checksum: 5d2e8d52cd770e8fd17a4a9adee180d2 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Suzane Guimarães (suzane.guimaraes@fgv.br) on 2018-05-11T12:30:07Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese_AdrianaBessa_versaofinal.pdf: 4846338 bytes, checksum: 5d2e8d52cd770e8fd17a4a9adee180d2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-11T12:30:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese_AdrianaBessa_versaofinal.pdf: 4846338 bytes, checksum: 5d2e8d52cd770e8fd17a4a9adee180d2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-04-24 / A previsão de vendas é um aspecto crítico para maior parte das organizações, já que permite tornar o processo de planejamento mais eficiente, impactando assim nos resultados a serem obtidos pelas empresas. Entre as diversas técnicas de previsão, temos o grupo de métodos estatísticos clássicos e os métodos avançados, que trazem uma contribuição no tratamento das não linearidades. É neste contexto, que surge o problema desta dissertação: Quais são as técnicas que apresentam maior acurácia quando aplicadas para previsão de vendas no varejo de moda? Para responder a esta questão, esse trabalho avaliou dez métodos de previsão: Naive, SARIMA, SARIMA com exógenas, SARIMA GARCH, SARIMA GARCH com exógenas, método atual utilizado pela empresa estudada, rede neural MLP, rede neural MLP com exógenas, rede neural recorrente LSTM e rede neural recorrente LSTM com exógenas para quatro séries de quantidades vendidas de categorias de produtos distintas de uma empresa varejista do setor de moda. É fundamental destacar, que de forma casual, a pesquisa identificou que as quatro séries semanais de vendas dos produtos analisados são estacionárias, considerando um período longo de dez anos, o que por si só já é um resultado relevante. A análise dos diversos métodos de previsão para cada série de produto mostrou que os métodos avançados superaram os métodos estatísticos clássicos e, mais especificamente, a rede neural recorrente LSTM foi a que apresentou a maior precisão. Sendo assim, não há dúvidas que adoção dos métodos avançados para as empresas, que atuam no varejo de moda, pode trazer melhorias significativas em termos de gestão de estoque, de gestão da cadeia de abastecimento e de gestão de caixa, garantindo um aumento de eficiência e dos resultados das mesmas. De forma prática, para a empresa estudada foi obtido um incremento de acuracidade de 54,32%. / The sales forecasting is a critical aspect for most organizations, since it allows to make the planning process more efficient, thus impacting the results to be obtained by the companies. Among the various forecasting techniques, we have the group of classical statistical methods and the advanced methods, which make a contribution in the treatment of nonlinearities. It is in this context, that the problem of this dissertation arises: What are the techniques that present the greatest accuracy when applied to forecast sales in fashion retail? In order to answer this question, this study evaluated ten predictive methods: Naive, SARIMA, SARIMA with exogenous, SARIMA GARCH, SARIMA GARCH with exogenous, current method used by the studied company, MLP neural network, MLP neural network with exogenous, recurrent neural network LSTM and LSTM recurrent neural network with exogenous for four series of quantities sold from product categories distinct from a retailer in the fashion industry. It is important to highlight that, on a casual basis, the research identified that the four weekly series of sales of the analyzed products are stationary, considering a long period of ten years, which in itself is already a relevant result. The analysis of the various prediction methods for each product series showed that the advanced methods overcame the classic statistical methods and, more specifically, the recurrent neural network LSTM was the one that presented the highest precision. Therefore, there is no doubt that adoption of the advanced methods for companies that operate in fashion retail can bring significant improvements in terms of inventory management, supply chain management and cash management, ensuring an increase in efficiency and in its results. In practice, for the company studied, an accuracy increase of 54.32% was obtained.

Reconnaissance de l'émotion thermique

Fu, Yang 05 1900 (has links)
Pour améliorer les interactions homme-ordinateur dans les domaines de la santé, de l'e-learning et des jeux vidéos, de nombreux chercheurs ont étudié la reconnaissance des émotions à partir des signaux de texte, de parole, d'expression faciale, de détection d'émotion ou d'électroencéphalographie (EEG). Parmi eux, la reconnaissance d'émotion à l'aide d'EEG a permis une précision satisfaisante. Cependant, le fait d'utiliser des dispositifs d'électroencéphalographie limite la gamme des mouvements de l'utilisateur. Une méthode non envahissante est donc nécessaire pour faciliter la détection des émotions et ses applications. C'est pourquoi nous avons proposé d'utiliser une caméra thermique pour capturer les changements de température de la peau, puis appliquer des algorithmes d'apprentissage machine pour classer les changements d'émotion en conséquence. Cette thèse contient deux études sur la détection d'émotion thermique avec la comparaison de la détection d'émotion basée sur EEG. L'un était de découvrir les profils de détection émotionnelle thermique en comparaison avec la technologie de détection d'émotion basée sur EEG; L'autre était de construire une application avec des algorithmes d'apprentissage en machine profonds pour visualiser la précision et la performance de la détection d'émotion thermique et basée sur EEG. Dans la première recherche, nous avons appliqué HMM dans la reconnaissance de l'émotion thermique, et après avoir comparé à la détection de l'émotion basée sur EEG, nous avons identifié les caractéristiques liées à l'émotion de la température de la peau en termes d'intensité et de rapidité. Dans la deuxième recherche, nous avons mis en place une application de détection d'émotion qui supporte à la fois la détection d'émotion thermique et la détection d'émotion basée sur EEG en appliquant les méthodes d'apprentissage par machine profondes - Réseau Neuronal Convolutif (CNN) et Mémoire à long court-terme (LSTM). La précision de la détection d'émotion basée sur l'image thermique a atteint 52,59% et la précision de la détection basée sur l'EEG a atteint 67,05%. Dans une autre étude, nous allons faire plus de recherches sur l'ajustement des algorithmes d'apprentissage machine pour améliorer la précision de détection d'émotion thermique. / To improve computer-human interactions in the areas of healthcare, e-learning and video games, many researchers have studied on recognizing emotions from text, speech, facial expressions, emotion detection, or electroencephalography (EEG) signals. Among them, emotion recognition using EEG has achieved satisfying accuracy. However, wearing electroencephalography devices limits the range of user movement, thus a noninvasive method is required to facilitate the emotion detection and its applications. That’s why we proposed using thermal camera to capture the skin temperature changes and then applying machine learning algorithms to classify emotion changes accordingly. This thesis contains two studies on thermal emotion detection with the comparison of EEG-base emotion detection. One was to find out the thermal emotional detection profiles comparing with EEG-based emotion detection technology; the other was to implement an application with deep machine learning algorithms to visually display both thermal and EEG based emotion detection accuracy and performance. In the first research, we applied HMM in thermal emotion recognition, and after comparing with EEG-base emotion detection, we identified skin temperature emotion-related features in terms of intensity and rapidity. In the second research, we implemented an emotion detection application supporting both thermal emotion detection and EEG-based emotion detection with applying the deep machine learning methods – Convolutional Neutral Network (CNN) and LSTM (Long- Short Term Memory). The accuracy of thermal image based emotion detection achieved 52.59% and the accuracy of EEG based detection achieved 67.05%. In further study, we will do more research on adjusting machine learning algorithms to improve the thermal emotion detection precision.

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