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What Makes Art Good?A Case Study of Children’s Aesthetic Responses to Art WorksGreenwood, Toby January 2011 (has links)
This study explores what 10-12-year-old students say they like and value in works of visual art. As the participants talk about their own and other people‟s art works they are formulating and expressing aesthetic responses and beginning to shape their individual aesthetic awareness. Because of the age of the participants, the exploration is framed in terms of “what makes art good”.
The research was prompted by the introduction and implementation of the New Zealand Curriculum (2007), which not only positions art as a core area of learning, but also outlines values and key competencies that characterise a constructivist approach to knowledge. Such an approach requires active engagement by learners and suggests that it is important for teachers to understand their students‟ values and views. However, in the field of art education there is little published material that examines the views and reactions of students. A broadly qualitative approach to the case study was taken, drawing particularly on phenomenography and narrative.
The study found that 10-12 year-old students do actively make judgements about art works, and while there are common themes that occur repeatedly, the bases of such judgement vary from student to student. The study also found students‟ ways of approaching art-making varied, with some, for example, concerned predominantly with the technical process while others were more interested in imagery or narrative intention.
The thesis argues that it is important for teachers to be aware of how their students individually process their aesthetic responses in order to develop relevant and appropriate programmes.
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Agent-Based Overlapping Generations Modeling for Educational Policy AnalysisWang, Connie Hou-Ning 01 January 2017 (has links)
Educational systems are complex adaptive systems (CAS). The macroeffects of an educational policy emerge from and depend on individual students' reactions to the policy. However, educational policymakers traditionally rely on equation-based models, which are deficient in reflecting the work of microbehaviors. Using inappropriate tools to make policies may be a reason why there were many unintended educational consequences in history. A proper methodology to design and analyze policies for complex educational systems is agent-based modeling (ABM). Grounded in the theories of CAS and computational irreducibility, ABM is capable of connecting microbehaviors with macropatterns. The purpose of this study was to contribute to the application of ABM in educational policy analysis by constructing an agent-based overlapping generations model with hypothesized inputs to qualitatively represent the environment of the Taipei School District. Four research questions explored the effects of Taipei's 2016 student-assignment mechanism and its free tuition policy on educational opportunity and school quality under different assumptions of students' school-choice strategies. The simulated outputs were analyzed using descriptive statistics and paired samples t tests. The findings, which could hardly be revealed by traditional models, showed that the effects were complex and depended on students' strategies along with the number of choices students were allowed to make; the assignment outcomes for elite students were robust to the mechanism, and the free tuition policy worsened school quality. Although exploratory, these findings can serve as hypotheses and a guide for Taipei's policymakers to collect empirical data in evaluating their 2016 mechanism and tuition policy.
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Hearing Parents of Children With Hearing Loss: Perceptions of the IEP ProcessStegman, Robin Fern 01 January 2016 (has links)
This phenomenological study investigated the nature and extent of the support parents received during IEP development. The study was informed by Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory. Participants, located in a Northeastern state, were 10 hearing parents of children who had been diagnosed with hearing loss at birth and were between ages 5 and 12. Data were in-depth interviews that were analyzed, coded, and organized into themes using an inductive approach to analysis informed by Hatch. Results indicated that parents believed they needed more guidance on what to expect during the first IEP meeting, that advocating for appropriate accommodations for their child was important, and that education professionals communicate in a more compassionate and less business-like manner when speaking with parents. Parents also indicated increased anxiety due to their perceptions that education professionals have inadequate knowledge about issues relating to hearing loss and hearing amplification technology. Based on these results, special education professionals and policy makers can focus on increased understanding of hearing loss and amplification use in order to help children with hearing loss achieve more positive educational outcomes effecting positive social change.
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ATTITUDE GAME : A study in the increase of bullying awareness in 9-12 years old childrenGonzález Díaz, Carlos January 2015 (has links)
This thesis analyses how an increase in bullying awareness can be produced in children aged 9-12 years old playing an iPad serious game called Attitude Game. The project is conducted in collaboration with the company IUS Innovation, where two prototypes were developed by the author of the study, one with mechanics empowering not to bully and the other with mirror mechanics empowering to bully other children. The experiment was conducted with 29 children from a sports club in Göteborg. A pre-measurement of empathy and a pre-test-post-test measurement of attitude towards bullied children were used to gather data, together with a post-interview during the experiment. Students were assigned to 3 groups, based on a random selection and previous knowledge about the game. The result of the experiment displayed that there was no statistical difference between the change in attitude towards bullied children regarding the empathy level and the prototype tested. The post-interviews displayed that all the participants understood the serious purpose of the game / <p>In case of further contact, you can also write to the private email of the author: carlosglesdiaz@gmail.com</p>
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桃園縣國民中學適性輔導評估指標之研究 / A Study on the Evaluation Indicators for Adaptive Counseling in Taoyuan County Junior High Schools.林光偉 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在建構國民中學適性輔導評估指標,當前在十二年國民基本教育的推動之中,落實學校的適性輔導工作是重點任務。首先藉由文獻探討適性輔導相關論述為基礎,初擬指標架構,運用專家問卷以及模糊德菲術(fuzzy Delphi method),並以桃園縣政府教育局行政人員、桃園縣國民中學校長、教務主任、輔導主任、輔導與諮商中心專業人員及教師為研究對象,透過問卷蒐集政策利害關係人之意見,共發出10 份專家問卷及16 份正式問卷。根據正式問卷填答結果,計算各層面、項目及指標之三角模糊數(triangular fuzzy number),再將其反模糊化(defuzzification),求得各層面、項目及指標之效用總值,自訂門檻值為0.6,篩選出3層面、17項目及37個指標,並以歸一化之方式確立各層面、項目及指標權重。各層面之權重由高至低依序為課程規劃與教學活動(33.9%)、組織與行政運作(33.6%)以及生涯檔案建置與應用(32.5%)。最後根據此指標架構對教育行政機關、學校及未來研究提出建議。 / The study aims to construct a junior high school adaptive counseling evaluation indicators. The implementation of adaptive counseling in the school becomes the foremost important task when promoted by the current 12-Year Basic Education. The study first applies a literature review to discuss the adaptive counseling related discourses as the foundation, drafting the indicator framework, and using expert questionnaire and fuzzy Delphi method to conduct the questionnaire survey on the administrative personnel of Department of Education, Taoyuan County, junior high school principles, directors of teaching affairs, counseling directors, counseling and experts at the consultation center, thereby to collect the opinions of policy stakeholders through questionnaires. A total of 10 expert questionnaires and 16 official questionnaires were issued. The results of official questionnaire then underwent calculation of triangular fuzzy numbers for the different levels, items and indicators, followed by defuzzification to yield the total valid values of the different levels, items and indicators. The self-developed threshold value is 0.6 with 3 levels, 17 items and 37 indicators selected, which is applied with normalization to validate the different levels, items and indicator weights. The weights of different levels are sorted in descending order, namely course plan and teaching activity (33.9%), organization and administrative operation (33.6%) and the career file establishment and application (32.5%). Finally, the study proposes suggestions for educational administrative agencies, schools and future researchers based on this indicator framework.
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臺北市明星國中學區房價分析-兼論十二年國教之影響 / A Study of Housing Price of Popular Junior High School Districts in Taipei-Impact of 12-year Compulsory Education張晏瑞, Chang, Yen Jui Unknown Date (has links)
過去已有諸多研究證實位於明星國中學區之住宅相較於普通學區之住宅擁有較高的價格。然而,我國於103 年(2014 年)起實施十二年國教政策,其最大變革即是提供免試入學,則該政策是否會動搖明星國中之優勢,進而衝擊明星國中學區的房價應有探討之必要。本文取自實價登錄資料庫之資料,並以2012年8月至2016年底台北市明星學區及其周遭普通學區為地理範圍,建立特徵價格理論之傳統迴歸模型、空間迴歸模型與分量迴歸模型,探討以額滿學校與高升學率之不同定義下明星國中學區對房價之影響,再結合差異中之差異法,觀察十二年國教實施後是否會打破臺北市明星學區的溢價迷思。
根據實證結果顯示,額滿學校與高升學率學校將分別使學區住宅每坪價格上升1.9%-5.3%與5.3%-14.2%,顯示消費者對於高升學率學校有較高之偏好。然而,隨著住宅價格上升,明星學區的溢價卻隨之下降。而十二年國教實施後,僅對位於明星學區2 的住宅產生顯著負面影響,每坪價格下跌1.6%-2.4%;而對明星學區1 之住宅價格則未有顯著影響。本研究推測原因應為十二年國教對於高中職入學篩選標準之改變對高升學率學校有較大之影響,而額滿學校因多數為完全中學國中部,有特殊之直升管道,故受政策影響不大。此外,本研究也發現使用升學率高低作為明星學校之標準比是否為額滿學校更符合消費者之認知且與國外定義較相近。 / In the past, many studies have confirmed that the house in the popular school district has a higher price than the ordinary school district. However, since the implementation of the 12-Year Compulsory Education Policy in 2014, it provided the exam-free admission, and whether the policy will impact the housing prices of the popular schools districts should be discussed. In this paper, we use the full-school and the high enrolment rate school as the popular school, and analysis the popular school district of housing price by using hedonic price theory OLS, spatial and quantile regression as model, and selecting the sale price of real estate in Taipei city from August 2012 to December 2016 as sample. Besides, we also applied Difference-in-Differences method with spatial regression to analyze whether the 12-Year Compulsory Education Policy will reduce the Popular School premium of Taipei.
According to the empirical results, housing price in the full-school district has 1.9%-5.3% premium per floor, and high enrolment rate school has 5.3% -14.2% premium per floor, showing that consumers prefer high enrolment rate school. However, with the rise in housing prices, the premium of the popular school district has fallen. In addition, after the implementation of the 12-Year Compulsory Education, only a significant negative impact on the housing price in the school district of high enrolment rate school, the price fell 1.6% -2.4% per floor; and the housing prices of full-school district were not significantly affected. We speculate that the reason should be 12-Year Compulsory Education of entrance examination of high school changes, resulting high enrolment rate schools have a greater impact. On the contrary, the majority of the full-school is affiliated junior high school, it has a special way to enter a higher school, so little impact on the policy.
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十二年國教新課綱對教科書編寫與審定運作之影響—以社會領域為中心 / How 12-year Basic Education Curriculum Guide Influences Editing, Writing and Accrediting of Textbooks: A Case Study on Social Studies Textbooks俞文婕, Yu, WenJie Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在了解普通型高中教科書審定制度實務運作的現況、困境,並以十二年國教新課綱為焦點,分析其對教科書編寫與審定運作的影響,進一步了解既有問題是否因課綱的轉變及相關的配套措施而獲得改善?抑或者是產生新的問題需要處理?而本研究參考Winter, S(1990)政策執行整合模式的變項,轉化為探究十二年國教新課綱對教科書編寫與審定之影響的基本架構,並透過文獻分析、深度訪談來進行資料蒐集。
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