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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Leicester Poor Law Union, 1836-1871

Thompson, Kathryn M. January 1988 (has links)
Although there have been many studies of the operation of the new poor law in a variety of unions little research has been done on the East Midlands. This region shared features with both southern agricultural areas and northern urban ones and is interesting to study because unions were established there before the onset of the 1837 trade depression which contributed towards the difficulties encountered in establishing northern unions. The Leicester union adds a new dimension to poor law studies: it began fairly successfully but when the trade slump hit the town in 1837 its administration became overwhelmed with the problems facing it and appeared to lurch from one crisis to the next. After several years of poor employment prospects the town's improving economy from about 1850 led to a substantial reduction in the number of paupers. The pressure on the union decreased so that by the beginning of the 1860s it was able to maintain the workhouse test quite successfully. It is the intention of this thesis to show that the improving economy was the single most important reason for the success of the union. It affected many of its actions and was a prime factor in the amount of political activity generated by the board of guardians. The individual chapters discuss various aspects of the union's business and show that, while there may have been some improvement in its finances and staff, these would have been insignificant on their own. The union faced a number of problems throughout the period of this study, some of them found in other unions but some unique to Leicester. Without the drastic amelioration of the town's economy the Leicester union would not have been a success.

Female Migration From Sweden to Britain : An investigation into how female migration from Sweden to Britain in 1894, 1914, 1925, and 1940 was affected by the economy and political changes to women’s rights / Kvinnlig migration från Sverige till Storbritannien : En undersökning om hur kvinnlig migration från Sverige till Storbritannien år 1894, 1914, 1925 och 1940 påverkades av ekonomin och politiska förändringar i kvinnors rättigheter

Foreman, Chelsea January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to find out to what female migration from Sweden to Britain looked like in 1894, 1914, 1925, and 1940, and to what extent any changes seen were affected by the economy and political changes to women’s rights. In order to do this I have analysed statistics found in archive material, in addition to literature relating to migration into Britain, the economy, and women’s rights, in order to see if there is a correlation between changes in the statistics presented and changes in society. In doing this, I found that although there are immense changes to the rights of women between 1894 and 1940 in both Sweden and Britain, such as the right to vote, the right to equal work, and the right to equal pensions, migration patterns lean much further towards the economical changes than the political changes. The biggest of these economic factors in Britain was quite clearly the industrial revolution, which affected multiple sectors of work for every type of person. Meanwhile Sweden had a situation where there was an excess of women in the country, and 90% of those that worked were agricultural workers, leading to a large outlier of ‘pigor’ or female farmhands who emigrated in 1894. / Syftet med denna uppsatsen är att undersöka hur kvinnlig migration från Sverige till Storbritannien såg ut under år 1894, 1914, 1925 och 1940. Jag har även undersökt till vilken grad eventuella ändringar, av migrationen, påverkades av ekonomin och även de politiska förändringarna gällande kvinnliga rättigheter. För att uppnå syftet har jag analyserat statistik samlad från arkivmaterial. Detta tillsammans med litteratur kring migration till Storbritannien, ekonomin och kvinnliga rättigheter, för att kunna se ifall det finns en korrelation mellan skillnaderna i den presenterade statistiken och hur samhället ändrades. Genom att göra detta fann jag att fastän det finns stora skillnader i kvinnornas rättigheter mellan 1894 och 1940 i både Sverige och Storbritannien, som till exempel rösträtten, rätt till arbete och rätt till samma pension som män, så lutade ändringen i migrationen mycket mer åt i hur ekonomin ändrade sig än själva politiken. Den största ekonomiska faktorn i Storbritannien var den industriella revolutionen, vilket påverkade många olika arbetssektorer för alla i samhället. Under tiden detta pågick i Storbritannien fann Sverige sig i en situation där det fanns ett överflöd av kvinnor i landet, varav 90% arbetade inom jordbruket. En följd av situationen var den konstaterade utflyttningen av många pigor till Storbritannien år 1894.

Den qvinnliga konstnären: : representationer i tidskriften Palettskrap 1877 –1904 / The woman artist: : representations in the journal Palettskrap 1877 – 1904I

Österberg, Susanna January 2016 (has links)
Jag har ägnat denna uppsats åt att undersöka Kungliga Konstakademiens elevtidning Palettskrap från och med att det grundades 1877 till och med 1904.Tidningen består av anteckningar, protokoll och en mängd med bilder såsom porträtt, illustrationer och skämtteckningar. Mitt syfte har varit att se hur konflikten kring kvinnorollen generellt och kvinnliga konstnärsrollen specifikt kommer till uttryck under det sena 1800-talet i en intern elevtidning som Palettskrap. Jag har huvudsakligen utfört bildanalyser men även lyft fram text ur Palettskrap som har varit relevant för mitt ämne. Jag har analyserat bildernas uttryck och bildbudskap utifrån Roland Barthes semiotiska metod. För en genusmedveten och kritisk blick på det konsthistoriska sammanhanget, har jag har tillämpat ett feministiskt perspektiv som varit verktyg för att dekonstruera den maskulina myten om modernismen och konstnären. Min undersökning visar att det finns två etablerade stereotyper/kategorier av den kvinnliga konstnären: den ”okvinnliga” konstnären och ”amatören”. Dessa två stereotyper återspeglar den borgerliga synen på kvinnlighet/femininitet som oförenlig med konstnärsrollen. / I have dedicated this essay in researching the journal Palettskrap founded by students at the Royal Swedish Academy of Arts in 1877. Palettskrap consists of notes, protocols and a variety of images such as portraits, illustrations and satirical cartoons. My purpose has specifically been to see how the conflict of the woman artist is articulated during the late 1800's in a student journal such as Palettskrap, and also more generally, how the woman's role in society is articulated. I have primarily analyzed images but I have also exposed text from Palettskrap which has been relevant to my subject matter. By using Roland Barthes' semiotics, I have analyzed the images' expression and message. For a gender-sensitive and critical eye on the art historical context, I have applied feminist theory which has been useful in deconstructing the masculine myth on modernism and ”the artist”. My research shows that there are two established stereotypes/categories of the woman artist: the ”unwomanly” artist and the ”amateur”. These two stereotypes reflect the bourgeois notions of womanhood/femininity as incompatible with the role of the artist.

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