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Changing stories and moving bones : correlation of Chinatown and mother-daughter relationships in Kingston's The Woman Warrior and Ng's BoneFujii, So 04 June 2012 (has links)
This thesis argues for significant correlations in the politics of representation of Chinatown and mother-daughter relationships in two literary texts by Maxine Hong Kingston and Fae Myenne Ng. The two novels do not follow traditional representations of Chinatown and provide critical representations of Chinatown and mother-daughter relationships. First, Kingston's The Woman Warrior reveals how the heroine demystifies a powerful image of her mother and a mystic image of Chinatown in a process of establishing her autonomy. Second, Ng's Bone describes how the heroine tries to free her mother from a dismal image of Chinatown to live her own life outside Chinatown. The analyses of representation of Chinatown and mother-daughter relationships rely on close readings of the textual motifs through a psychoanalytic framework and cultural theories. / Graduation date: 2012
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Beyond secession : a critical analysis of the comprehensive peace agreement and the peace process in SudanAmdahl, Lars Kjeang 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / Bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: One of Africa’s longest civil wars ended for the second time in 2005, when the leaders of the government of Sudan and Sudan People’s Liberation Movement and Army signed the Comprehensive Peace Agreement. This action initiated an interim period which culminated with a referendum for the people of Southern Sudan, to decide if they wanted unity or to secede from the north. Through using theories of power sharing and secession this thesis argues that the Sudanese conflict is not resolved after the referendum in South Sudan. The focus of this thesis is to illustrate how the first peace agreement in 1972 failed to deal with root causes and to implement structures that would be acceptable for that part of the population which did not identify with the central elite. Lessons from this process are integral to understand why the secession does not provide the autonomy and prospects of peace that the South and the negotiators intended. This study will provide a thorough assessment of the process from the failure of the Addis Ababa Agreement in 1972 to the making of- and contents of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in 2005. Although there are many positive aspects to the recent agreement, this study will reveal how the North will keep asserting its dominance through controlling the oil sector and using the unresolved border areas for political gain. In addition, the new structure has changed power structures in both areas, which has left many opposing groups in Sudan in a worse situation than before; thus, the further marginalized people in Darfur, the Nuba Mountains and the Blue Nile are the real losers in the post-CPA era. As often portrayed, the peace in South Sudan does not only depend on development, but on external influence from the region and especially their relationship with the regime in Khartoum, despite the construction of an autonomous state. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Een van Afrika se langs durende burgeroorloë het vir die tweede keer geëindig in 2005, toe die regering van Soedan en die Soedanese Burgelikke Vryheidsbeweging en Weermag die Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) onderteken het. Hierdie ooreenkoms was die begin van 'n interim-tydperk wat uitgeloop het op ‘n referendum vir die bevolking van Suid-Soedan, waarin hulle moes besluit of hulle wou afstig van die noorde. Deur gebruik te maak van teorieë op magsdeling en afstigtinglig hierdie tesis die mening dat die Soedanese konflik nie opgelos is na die referendum in Suid-Soedan nie. Die fokus van hierdie tesis was op die illustrering van hoe die eerste vredesooreenkoms van 1972 gevaal het om die sleutel oorsake van die konflik te ondersoek en om strukture in plek te stel vir die gedeeltes van die bevolking wat nie met die sentrale elite geïdentifisee rhet nie. Die lesse van hierdie proses is integraal in die verstaan van hoekom outonomie en vooruitsigte van vrede nie in die Suide kan voortsprui tuit die afstigting van Suid-Sudan soos wat die bedoeling van die onderhandelaars was nie. Hierdie studie sal ‘n deeglikke assesering doen van die proses tussen die Addis Ababa Ooreenkoms van 1972 tot en met die sluit van die Comprehensive Peace Agreement in 2005, asook op die inhoud van hierdie ooreenkoms. Alhoewel die nuwe ooreenkoms baie positiewe aspekte bevat, sal die studie toon hoe die Noorde steeds sy dominansie sal kan handhaaf, vir politieke wins, deur beheer uitteoefen oor die olie sektor en deur onopgeloste grens geskille. Daar benewens het die nuwe struktuur veranderde mag strukture in beide gebiede te weeg gebring wat nou gelei het tot ‘n soms slegter situasie vir oposisie groepe binne Sudan; dus is die verder gemarginaliseerde Darfur streek, die Nuba gebergtes en die Blou Nyl die waare verloorders van die na-CPA era. Soos dikwels uitgebeeld word, sal die vrede in Suid-Soedan nie net afhang van ontwikkeling nie, maar ook van eksterne invloede vanuit die streek en veral van hul verhouding met die Khartoemregime, ten spyte van die konstruksie van 'n outonomestaat.
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Complexity and the selfDe Villiers, Tanya 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this thesis it is argued that the age-old philosophical "Problem of the
Self' can benefit by being approached from the perspective of a relatively
recent science, namely that of Complexity Theory. With this in mind the
conceptual features of this theory is highlighted and summarised.
Furthermore, the argument is made that the predominantly dualistic approach
to the self that is characteristic of the Western Philosophical tradition serves to
hinder, rather than edify, our understanding of the phenomenon. The benefits
posed by approaching the self as an emergent property of a complex system
is elaborated upon, principally with the help of work done by Sigmund Freud,
Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, and Paul Cilliers. The aim is to develop a
materialistic conception of the self that is plausible in terms of current
empirical information and resists the temptation see the self as one or other
metaphysical entity within the brain, without "reducing" the self to a crude
materialism. The final chapter attempts to formulate a possible foil against the
accusation of crude materialism by emphasising that the self is part of a
greater system that includes the mental apparatus and its environment
(conceived as culture). In accordance with Dawkins's theory the medium of
interaction in this system is conceived of as memes and the self is then
conceived of as a meme-complex, with culture as a medium for memetransference.
The conclusion drawn from this is that the self should be studied
through narrative, which provides an approach to the self that is material
without being crudely physicalistic. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis word daar aangevoer dat die relatiewe jong wetenskap
van Kompleksiteitsteorie 'n nuttige bydra kan lewer tot die eeue-oue filosofiese
"Probleem van die Self'. Met die oog hierop word die konseptueie kenmerke
van hierdie teorie na vore gebring en opgesom. Die argument word gemaak
dat die meerendeels dualistiese benadering van die Westerse filosofiese
tradisie tot die self ons verstaan van die fenomeen belemmer eerder as om dit
te bemiddel. Die voordele van dié nuwe benadering, wat die self sien as 'n
ontluikende (emergent) eienskap van In komplekses sisteem, word bespreek
met verwysing na veral die werke van Sigmund Freud, Richard Dawkins,
Daniel Dennett en Paul Cilliers. Daar word beoog om In verstaan van die self
te ontwikkel wat kontemporêre empiriese insigte in ag neem en wat die
versoeking weerstaan om ongeoorloofde metafisiese eienskappe aan die self
toe te ken. Terselfdetyd word daar gepoog om geensins die uniekheid van die
self te "reduseer" na 'n kru materialisme nie. In die finale hoofstuk word daar
gepoog om 'n teenargument vir die voorsiene beswaar van kru materialisme te
ontwikkel. Dit word gedoen deur te benadruk dat die self gesien word as deel
van 'n groter, komplekse sisteem, wat die masjienerie van denke en die
omgewing (wat as kultuur gekonseptualiseer word) insluit. Insgelyks, in die
teorie van Dawkins word die medium van interaksie in hierdie sisteem gesien
as "memes", waar die self dan n meme-kompleks vorm, en kultuur die
medium van meme-oordrag is. Daar word tot die konklusie gekom dat die self
op 'n narratiewe manier bestudeer behoort te word, wat dan 'n benadering tot
die self voorsien wat materialisties is, sonder om kru fisikalisties te wees.
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n Postmoderne uitdaging aan die 'paradigmale biomediese etiek model' met verwysing na kompleksiteitsteorieDe Roubaix, J. A. M. (John Addey Malcolm) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Introduction
From the postmodern ethical perspective [the postmodernist would say Jrom the
ethical perspective], there is something suspicious and inherently unethical in a system of
ethics supported by a comprehensive, cohesive and universal metanarrative, a set of fixed
and unbending ethical rules and laws, without the ready possibility of revision [Cilliers,
1998, pp.114, 137-140; Cilliers, 2001, p. 3; Cilliers, 1995, p.125].
Based on the ideas of especially Winkler [1993, pp. 343-365] I have concluded
that contemporary mainstream biomedical ethics, represented and directed by the work of
Beauchamp and Childress [1994] are caught in such a crush. The primary objective of
this assignment is to evaluate the 'principles' of biomedical ethics [respect Jar autonomy,
beneficence, non-maleficence and justice] which were developed in their water-shed
publication [Principles of Biomedical Ethics, Oxford University Press, first published in
1979, and now in a fifth edition, 2002] against a background of postmodern ethics.
Methodology and conclusions
I have argued that Beauchamp and Childress' conception of principlism is a
contextual legalistic-philosophical response to the contemporary American situation,
developed primarily from legal decisions [often litigation]. It may be regarded as
acceptable practice guidelines, but represents a system of ethics without morality. I have
given a concise rendering of Winkler's notion of context-based bioethics with the
criticism that this also does not guarantee morality. Following that, there is a description
of postmodern society in terms of complexity theory. I have indicated how the
characteristics of complexity can be developed and applied contextually in bioethics. The
postmodern moral society is the locus where morality develops in a non-controllable
agonistic interactive process within which the postmodern moral agent unintentionally
finds himself. The postmodern ethical position is not an unethical, come-as-you-may
anything-goes position; it simply is not predictable, controllable, universal, rational [in a
Kantian context] and eternal. Modernity, it can be argued exhibits a far greater degree of relativism. The postmodern ethical position represents a return to morality in ethics,
morality of a very personal, face-to-face responsibility from which we as participants of
society cannot hide.
From a postmodern ethical perspective, an analysis of principlism and its
underlying principles exhibits the characteristics of modernity: eternal moral rules which
as such cannot be presented as morality. I have acknowleged Beauchamp and Childress'
attempts at adding morality to their conception [in the 4th edition] by means of
employing character ethics. They have nevertheless not made any radical changes in the
format of their presentation and maintain the central and primary role of principles. I
have also argued the limitations of the postmodern approach in terms of enclaves of
strictly controlled modernity and artificial witholding of information in medicine which
limit the free flow of information essential to the postmodern approach. My conception of
complexity and the postmodern approach do not pretend to be a panacea for biomedical
ethics. It attempts to redefine the meaning of morality in bioethics and questions the
unbridled application of this conception of principIism.
Finally I have discussed the burning issue of justice in the practice of medicine
from the postmodern perspective. Do I as a person have a right to health care; what are
the moral issues of dealing with 'life's lotteries'; what is the state's responsibility in
health care, and: what are my personal responsibilities in health care? In contradistinction
to libertarian concepts, the postmodern approach clearly argues in favour of the
acceptance by the state of its role in health care [a responsibility abrogated in many
societies, none more so than contemporary South-African society]. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Inleiding
Daar IS uit die perspektief van die postmoderne etiese standpunt [die
postmodernis sou sê, uit die etiese perspektiej], iets verdags, iets inherent oneties aan 'n
sisteem van etiek wat 'n enkele goed omskrewe, kohese en omvattende universele
metanarratief voorhou, 'n stel vaste en onbuigsame etiese reëls en wette voorskryf en
afdwing sonder om konteks en gevolge te oorweeg, en sonder die geredelike
moontlikheid van revisie [Cilliers, 1998, pp.114, 137-140; Cilliers, 2001, p. 3; Cilliers,
1995, p.125].
Dit is, n.a.v. die denke van veral Winkler [1993, pp. 343-365] my oortuiging dat
die hoofstroom-denke in biomediese etiek in so 'n drukgang vasgevang is, en
verteenwoordig word en gerig is deur die denke van Beauchamp en Childress [1994].
Hierdie werkstuk gaan in hoofsaak daarom om Beauchamp en Childress se toepassing
van die beginsels van biomediese etiek soos sedert 1979 in hul waterskeidingsboek
'Principles of Biomedical Ethics' [Vierde uitgawe, Oxford University Press, 1994; daar is
nou ook 'n vyfde, 2002] uiteengesit, ontwikkel, bespreek en gepropageer [respek vir
outonomie, weldadigheid, non-kwaadwilligheid en geregtigheid] teen die agtergrond van
'n postmoderne etiese beskouing te evalueer.
Metodologie en gevolgtrekkings
Ek het in hierdie werkstuk aangetoon dat Beauchamp en Childress se weergawe
van prinsiplisme 'n kontekstuele wetlik-filosofiese reaksie op die kontemporêre
Amerikaanse situasie is, hoofsaaklik uit regsaksie [dikwels litigasie] voortvloei, as goeie
praktyksriglyne beredeneer kan word maar etiek sonder moraliteit verteenwoordig. Ek
het 'n kort uiteensetting van Winkler se weergawe van 'n konteks-gebaseerde benadering
gegee, maar aangetoon dat ook dit nie moraliteit waarborg nie. Daarop het ek 'n
beskrywing van die postmoderne samelewing n.a.v. kompleksiteitsteorie gegee, en
aangetoon hoe die eienskappe van kompleksiteit kontekstueelontwikkel kan word om in
bioetiek toegepas te word. Die postmoderne gepostuleerde morele gemeenskap is die lokus waar moraliteit ontstaan deur 'n onbeheerbare agonistiese proses van interaktiewe
wisselwerking waarby die postmoderne morele agent homself onwillekeurig betrokke
vind. Die postmoderne etiese posisie is nie onetiese, lukraak, doen-soos-jy-wil
relativisme nie; dit is bloot nie 'n voorspelbare, ewige, beheerbare, universele en
[Kantiaans-] rasionele sisteem nie; moderniteit is [was?] in effek veel meer relativisties.
Die postmoderne etiese standpunt verteenwoordig in my interpretasie 'n terugkeer tot
moraliteit in etiek, moraliteit van 'n persoonlike, ingrypende, verantwoordelike aangesigtot-
aangesig aard waaraan ons nie kan ontkom nie.
Vanuit 'n postmoderne etiese perspektief het ek 'n analise van prinsiplisme en die
individuele beginsels gemaak, en aangetoon dat hulle die eienskappe van die 'ewige
morele reëls' van moderniteit openbaar en nie sonder meer as morele beredenering
voorgehou kan word nie. Ek het erkenning gegee aan Beauchamp en Childress se eie
pogings om dit te besweer deur karakteretiek as 'n essensiële tot hul formule toe te voeg,
maar die kritiek uitgespreek dat hulle desnieteenstaande hierdie belangrike erkenning, nie
bereid is om die formaat van hul aanbieding [ook in die jongste vyfde uitgawe, 2002]
radikaal te wysig nie. Hulle oorbeklemtoon die beginsels steeds as sentraal en primêr.
Terselfdertyd het ek die beperkings van die postmoderne benadering uitgelig, veral in
terme van enklawes van streng-beheerde moderniteit in geneeskunde en 'n kunsmatige
weerhouding van die vrye vloei van informasie wat kompleksiteit en die postmoderne
situasie kenmerk. My konsepsie hou nie kompleksiteit en 'n postmoderne benadering
voor as 'n panakeia vir biomediese etiek nie; dit dien eerder om die betekenis van
moraliteit in bioetiek te herdefinieer en die kontemporêre algemene en ongekwalifseerde
toepassing van hierdie weergawe van prinsiplisme te bevraagteken.
Laastens het ek die brandende vraag van geregtigheid in die praktyk van
geneeskunde vanuit 'n postmoderne perspektief bespreek, veral of ek as persoon kan
aanspraak maak op 'n reg tot gesondheidsorg, die morele implikasies van 'life's
lotteries', die staat se verantwoordelikheid in gesondheidsorg en les bes, persoonlike
verantwoordelikheid in gesondheidsorg. Dit is duidelik dat 'n postmoderne benadering
tot bioetiek, in teenstelling met libertêre konsepsies, die staat se rol in gesondheidsorg
onderskryf ['n rol wat die staat byna universeel, en veral in Suid-Afrika, verwaarloos].
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Confession, embodiment and ethics in the poetry of Antjie Krog and Joan MetelerkampWeyer, Christine Louise 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis examines the work of two contemporary South African poets, Antjie Krog
and Joan Metelerkamp. Through an analytical-discursive engagement with their work,
it explores the relationship between confession and embodiment, drawing attention to
the ethical potential located at the confluence of these theories and modes. The theory
informing this thesis is drawn from three broad fields: that of feminism, embodiment
studies and ethical philosophy. More specifically, foundational insights will come
from the work of Simone de Beauvoir, Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Emmanuel
Levinas. While much of the theory used originates from Western Europe and North
America, this will be mediated by sensitivity towards Krog and Metelerkamp’s South
African location, as is fitting for a study focused on embodied confession and the
ethical treatment of the other.
The first chapter will establish Krog and Metelerkamp as confessional poets and
explore the ethical implications of this designation. It will also explore the contextual
grounds for the establishment for a confessional culture in both the United States of
America of the 1950s that gave rise to the school of confessional poets, and in South
Africa of the 1990s. The second chapter will use embodiment theory to discuss the
relationship between poetry and the body in their work, and the ethics of this
relationship. The remaining chapters concentrate on three forms of embodiment that
frequently inhabit their poetry: the maternal body, the erotic body and the ageing
body. Throughout the analyses of their poetic depictions of, and engagements with,
these bodies, the ethical potential of these confessional engagements will be
Through the argument presented in this thesis, Metelerkamp’s status as a minor South
African poet will be re-evaluated, as will that of Krog’s undervalued English
translations of her acclaimed Afrikaans poetry. The importance of confessional poetry
and poetry of the body, often pejorative classifications, will also be asserted.
Ultimately, through drawing the connections between confession, embodiment and
ethics in poetry, this thesis will re-evaluate the way poetry is read, when it is read, and
propose alternative reading strategies. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis ondersoek die werk van twee kontemporêre Suid-Afrikaanse digters,
Antjie Krog en Joan Metelerkamp. Analities-beredeneerde benadering tot hulle
werk verken die verband tussen belydenis en beliggaming. Klem word gelê op die
etiese implikasies waar hierdie teorieë en vorme bymekaarkom. Die teorie waarop
hierdie tesis berus, word vanuit drie breë velde geput: feminisme, beliggamingsteorie
en etiese filosofie. Daar word meer spesifiek op die fundamentele beskouings van
Simone de Beauvoir, Maurice Merleau-Ponty en Emmanuel Levinas gesteun.
Alhoewel die teorie grotendeels ontstaan het in Wes-Europa en Noord-Amerika, sal
dit met begrip benader word ten opsigte van Krog en Metelerkamp se Suid-Afrikaanse
agtergrond, wat meer gepas is vir studie wat fokus op beliggaamde belydenis en die
etiese hantering van die ander.
Die eerste hoofstuk vestig Krog en Metelerkamp as belydenisdigters en verken die
etiese implikasies van hierdie benaming. Die kontekstuele beweegredes vir die
vestiging van belydeniskultuur word ook ondersoek, in beide die Verenigde State
van Amerika van die 1950s (wat geboorte geskenk het aan die era van
belydenisdigters) en in Suid-Afrika van die 1990s. Die tweede hoofstuk rus op
beliggamingsteorie om die verband tussen poësie en liggaam in hul werk te bespreek,
asook die etiese implikasies binne hierdie verband. Die oorblywende hoofstukke
fokus op drie vorme van die liggaam wat dikwels in hulle digkuns neerslag vind: die
moederlike lyf, die erotiese lyf en die verouderende lyf. Die etiese implikasies van
hierdie belydende betrokkenheid word deurgaans in ag geneem in die analise van
hulle digterlike uitbeelding van en omgang tot hierdie liggame.
Die argument in hierdie tesis herevalueer Metelerkamp se status as meer geringe
Suid-Afrikaanse digter asook Krog se onderskatte Engelse vertalings van haar
bekroonde Afrikaanse gedigte. Die waarde van belydenispoësie en gedigte oor die
liggaam, dikwels pejoratiewe klassifikasies, sal ook verdedig word. Deur belydenis,
beliggaming en etiek in digkuns met mekaar te verbind, herevalueer hierdie tesis
uiteindelik die manier waarop gedigte gelees word, wanneer dit gelees word, en stel
alternatiewe leesstrategieë voor.
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A Stylistic Analysis of a Young Man's Exhortation, Opus 14, by Gerald Finzi to Words by Thomas HardyRogers, Carl Stanton 08 1900 (has links)
This song cycle consists of ten settings, and has been divided into two parts by the composer. Each part is preceded by a short quotation in Latin which has been inserted by the composer. The two parts of the cycle are evidently meant to typify the division of a human life into the periods of youth and old age. The Latin quotations which divide the cycle into its two parts are taken from the Latin Vulgate version of the Bible, Psalm 89, verse six.
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O litígio desenvolvimentista entre JK e o Fundo Monetário Internacional: o processo do rompimentoLima, Rodrigo Oliveira de 10 October 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T19:31:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Rodrigo Oliveira de Lima.pdf: 1160330 bytes, checksum: c2fbb3985b3546d5a245bfac058d649d (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2006-10-10 / The turning point of this dissertation is the severed of Brazil MIF relations in
1959. The classical populist theories are not enough to analyze such phenomena,
though we combine with it developmentist theory in order to clarify the meaning.
The basic sources for this work was reports, letters, memorandum, and other
documents produced by Secretaria de Estado das Relações Exteriores during Juscelino
Kubitschek government / O núcleo das preocupações teóricas desta dissertação é analisar sob o prisma do
populismo-desenvolvimentista o Brasil no processo de rompimento com o Fundo
Monetário Internacional. As clássicas teses de perspectivas populistas demonstraram
insuficiências em seus alguns de seus apontamentos. Desta forma, conciliamos à leitura
populista as perspectivas desenvolvimentistas do período com o intuito de uma
abordagem mais contemplativa sobre o período.
Nesta tentativa, analisamos o processo de rompimento desta luz teórica, os
nossos subsídios empíricos. Fazem parte do corpo documental, relatórios, cartas, ofícios
que obtivemos na Secretaria de Estado das Relações Exteriores.
No primeiro capítulo, discorremos sobre o processo de implementação do
desenvolvimento acelerado do Plano de Metas de Juscelino Kubitschek. No segundo
capítulo, abordamos as conseqüências deste modelo de desenvolvimento para os
desentendimentos com o FMI. No terceiro e último capítulo, problematizamos os
efeitos, causas e resultados do processo de rompimento com o FMI
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The Australian reception of Austrian, German and Swiss drama : productions and reviews between 1945 and 1996Garde, Ulrike, 1964- January 2000 (has links)
Abstract not available
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Idea de Hispanoamérica en la obra de Juan VilloroLlanes García, Manuel de Jesús 04 January 2013 (has links)
La presente tesis doctoral aborda una selección representativa la obra del escritor mexicano Juan Villoro, centrada en la forma en que este concibe culturalmente México en tanto que país integrante de una plataforma trasnacional, que llamamos “Hispanoamérica”, frente a otros rótulos muy difundidos como “América Latina”, que estarían del lado de otro tipo de intereses que el trabajo de este autor critica acusadamente, porque en ellos identifica el origen de una interpretación sumamente inexacta de los conflictos de su país. Para sistematizar lo anterior hemos llevado a cabo una exposición de los diferentes significados que se atribuyen a una palabra actualmente muy en boga, la “identidad”, capaz de recubrir colectivos humanos muy amplios, sobre todo en el caso de las cuestiones que tienen que ver con lo que aquí se llama “problema nacional”, que analizamos en algunas de sus modulaciones más recurrentes.
Frente a los estudiosos que quieren ver en la llamada identidad colectiva el sustento psicológico que más tarde habría de dar forma a los cimientos de proyectos de gran calado y trascendencia como la nación política, ofrecemos un acercamiento histórico y filosófico que nos ha permitido llegar a lo que denominamos “alternativa hispanista”, que consideramos más oportuna de acuerdo con la identidad y la unidad de México en tanto que componente de la hispanidad. En semejante contexto, es posible situar la obra de Villoro en un recorrido más amplio que la libra del nacionalismo esencialista aunque sin desposeerla de las características que en determinado momento pueden identificarla con un proyecto de literatura nacional, sin perjuicio de que además hemos establecido influencias que desbordan el ámbito del español como lengua.
En México, la identidad colectiva encuentra en Octavio Paz y El laberinto de la soledad su relato más divulgado, alrededor del cual existe un consenso que lo exime de su condición de mito, de ahí que durante décadas haya sido el basamento ideológico de buena parte de las grandes figuras de la ficción literaria que se construye en México, con el caso de Carlos Fuentes como especialmente emblemático. Paz y Fuentes servirán de contraste con generaciones que vendrán después, como la de Medio siglo, que hará las veces de transición entre los escritores posrevolucionarios y aquellos que, como Villoro, responden a otros postulados. Estos últimos encontrarán su visión del mundo en otras obras ensayísticas, como La jaula de la melancolía, de Roger Bartra, quien critica a Paz y propone otra forma de otorgarle sentido a México como referente. Todo ello será aprovechado por Villoro, quien por medio de las formas de lo cómico (desarrolladas por él a partir de la narrativa de Jorge Ibargüengoitia) se distanciará en varios sentidos de antecesores como Ignacio Manuel Altamirano, José Vasconcelos, Alfonso Reyes y el mismo Fuentes, aunque no dejará de alimentar la idea de una literatura que, por medio de la lengua española, le permite establecer un complejo sistema de referencias con todos los países donde también se habla este idioma.
Villoro es un escritor crítico del nacionalismo, aunque eso no lo acerca automáticamente con las tendencias de carácter posmoderno que con frecuencia se le atribuyen, porque en su obra los personajes aluden a un conjunto de instituciones que son las que permiten hablar de una alternativa hispanista, ampliamente aprovechada por Villoro, ya sea bajo la forma de un mercado común o bien una tradición cuya relevancia no se agota. / Hispanic American Idea in the work of Juan Villoro
This thesis is devoted to analyze the work of the Mexican writer Juan Villoro, whose literature will continue to gain presence in the field of literature written in Spanish. Therefore, this is a systematic study of the way in which the work of Villoro can be placed in the context of twentieth-century Mexican literature, while this is a result of a particularly complex process and here we proceed to unravel.
We start from the idea that the so-called collective identity is often associated with psychological peculiarities that would be in the ideological foundation of the political nations. Faced with this idea, which seems insufficient, we recover far-reaching historical processes that will result in a transnational platform as Hispanic, that we will overcome essentialism.
In Mexico, the work of Octavio Paz, The Labyrinth of Solitude, will be considered when configuring canonical character of the inhabitants of that country, according to the poet, conditioned for the myth of pre-Columbian roots. Other scholars such as Roger Bartra in The Cage of Melancholy, will criticize that belief to open the way to much more skeptical positions, as take place with Villoro.
Juan Villoro will use this crisis to restate Mexican identity through the forms of the comic for his novels and essays, in the line of Jorge Ibargüengoitia and others. This can be seen in a collection of stories, which are proof of that radical break with the obscurantist myth, recognized as a simple anachronism. However, that deconstruction does not lead to a mere postmodernism, as they say about Villoro, who never fails to appeal to the Spanish language, including an extended set of institutions able to unite the Spanish-speaking countries.
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Le caractère subversif de la femme antillaise dans un contexte (post)colonial à partir de Mélody des faubourgs de Lucie Julia et La grande drive des esprits de Gisèle PineauPierre, Émeline 06 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Ce mémoire a pour objectif de voir comment le personnage féminin guadeloupéen renverse l'ordre établi dans un contexte postcolonial. En effet, aux Antilles, la femme constitue la poutre-maîtresse de la société. Aussi, on retrouve une grande proportion de femmes qui occupe le statut de chef de famille. À cet égard, on pourrait penser que la figure féminine détient le pouvoir; il n'en est rien car elle a un statut subalterne. C'est pour cela que nous tentons de dégager une certaine image de la femme. Pour ce faire, nous nous appuyons sur des œuvres écrites par des auteures de Guadeloupe : Mélody des faubourgs de Lucie Julia et La Grande Drive des esprits de Gisèle Pineau. Le corpus choisi est composé d'œuvres dans lesquelles la femme tient un rôle prépondérant. Les romans analysés viennent bouleverser les stéréotypes qui prévalent au sein de la littérature antillaise. Dans un premier temps, nous dressons un portrait du postcolonialisme en mettant l'accent sur l'évolution de ce mouvement qui donnera naissance au concept de la créolité. Ce dernier nous sert d'outil afin d'analyser les romans à l'étude. De même, nous nous penchons sur les théories féministes dans un environnement postcolonial. Il est important de s'attarder à ces concepts car la Guadeloupéenne, quoique française, a des réalités culturelle, sociale, économique et politique spécifiques par rapport à la France. Par la suite, une partie est dédiée aux espaces du personnage féminin, c'est-à-dire ses lieux de vie. Nous voyons la démarche qui mène la femme à quitter un espace qui lui est initialement imposé. En fait, nous portons une attention particulière à sa prise de possession spatiale. En dernier lieu, nous nous attardons aux types de femmes. Aussi, il nous apparaît essentiel de faire l'inventaire des idées reçues concernant la figure féminine dans la culture guadeloupéenne spécifiquement, afin de voir comment les auteures contestent les clichés la concernant.
MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Gisèle Pineau, Lucie Julia, féminisme, postcolonialisme, littérature, créolité, Antilles, espace, identité, sexualité, maternité.
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