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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Presidentvalen i USA 1968 och 1972 i den svenska diplomatrapporteringen från Washington.

Johansson, Martin January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Presidentvalen i USA 1968 och 1972 i den svenska diplomatrapporteringen från Washington.

Johansson, Martin January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

There is but one art, and that is the tactics of the combined arms

Nobel, Carl January 2009 (has links)
<p>De svenska sjöoperativa helikoptersystemen såg sitt ljus för första gången på 1950-talet. Sedan denna pionjärålder har dessa system varit en del av den svenska marina krigföringen. Men vilken påverkan har de i realiteten haft på denna krigföring och hur har den svenska taktiken påverkats av helikoptersystemen?  Syftet med denna uppsats är att är utröna detta genom att belysa tre årtionden som har varit av stor vikt för det svenska marinflyget: 1960-talet, 1980-talet samt 2000-talet.</p><p>För att lättare påvisa vilken effekt dessa system har haft på den svenska marina krigföringen så utgår denna uppsats ur den teori som inom krigsvetenskapen kallas för kombinerad bekämpning. Denna teori behandlar de fenomen och fördelar som uppstår då flera vapensystem och/eller vapenslag kombineras för att uppnå en synergieffekt på slagfältet. Vinsten med denna synergieffekt är att befälhavaren lättare kan behålla initiativet och har fler valmöjligheter vid bekämpandet av en fiende. De egna sidans styrka skall i största möjliga mån ställas mot fiendens svagheter. </p><p> Uppsatsen visar på att under de specifika årtiondena har de sjöoperativa helikoptersystemen haft en stor betydelse för den svenska marina krigföringen och då framförallt inom området ubåtsjakt. Resultatet av studien visar vidare på att den påverkan som dessa system har haft på krigföringen varierar mellan de olika årtiondena med 1980-talet som de årtionde där påverkan har varit som störst. Tongivande för uppsatsen har varit den ubåtsjakt som bedrivits under de specifika årtiondena men den studie som genomförts i uppsatsen har även belyst andra områden som de sjöoperativa helikoptrarna har påverkat såsom transport, havsövervakning och ytmålspaning. Dock har påverkan här visat sig vara mindre än inom området ubåtsjakt.</p> / <p>The purpose of this study is to examine to what extent the Royal Swedish Navy Fleet Air Arm (RSNFAA), and more specifically the helicopters assigned to this weapons branch, has effected Swedish naval warfare tactics during three separate decades: namely the 1960´s 1980´s and 2000´s.  </p><p>The study takes its starting point in the theories that war science referrers to as combined arms.</p><p>The characteristics of the combined arms theory are to combine different weapon systems and weapon branches to conquer the enemy by attacking his weak spots. By combining weapon systems the commander in question will minimize his own weaknesses on the battlefield and therefore gain the upper hand on the enemy. </p><p>This theory gives a good theoretical view when analyzing which impact the Sea based operations- helicopters (SBO) have had during the specific decades that are being examined due to its ability to be applied on both land and naval forces.</p><p>Literature on the combined arms theory as well as historical documents over these three decades constitutes the main sources which have been used to carry out the study.</p><p>The result of the study shows that the implementing SBO-helicopters in the Swedish naval warfare tactics have had a major effect and more specifically in the AntiSubmarine Warfare (ASuW) area.</p>

There is but one art, and that is the tactics of the combined arms

Nobel, Carl January 2009 (has links)
De svenska sjöoperativa helikoptersystemen såg sitt ljus för första gången på 1950-talet. Sedan denna pionjärålder har dessa system varit en del av den svenska marina krigföringen. Men vilken påverkan har de i realiteten haft på denna krigföring och hur har den svenska taktiken påverkats av helikoptersystemen?  Syftet med denna uppsats är att är utröna detta genom att belysa tre årtionden som har varit av stor vikt för det svenska marinflyget: 1960-talet, 1980-talet samt 2000-talet. För att lättare påvisa vilken effekt dessa system har haft på den svenska marina krigföringen så utgår denna uppsats ur den teori som inom krigsvetenskapen kallas för kombinerad bekämpning. Denna teori behandlar de fenomen och fördelar som uppstår då flera vapensystem och/eller vapenslag kombineras för att uppnå en synergieffekt på slagfältet. Vinsten med denna synergieffekt är att befälhavaren lättare kan behålla initiativet och har fler valmöjligheter vid bekämpandet av en fiende. De egna sidans styrka skall i största möjliga mån ställas mot fiendens svagheter.   Uppsatsen visar på att under de specifika årtiondena har de sjöoperativa helikoptersystemen haft en stor betydelse för den svenska marina krigföringen och då framförallt inom området ubåtsjakt. Resultatet av studien visar vidare på att den påverkan som dessa system har haft på krigföringen varierar mellan de olika årtiondena med 1980-talet som de årtionde där påverkan har varit som störst. Tongivande för uppsatsen har varit den ubåtsjakt som bedrivits under de specifika årtiondena men den studie som genomförts i uppsatsen har även belyst andra områden som de sjöoperativa helikoptrarna har påverkat såsom transport, havsövervakning och ytmålspaning. Dock har påverkan här visat sig vara mindre än inom området ubåtsjakt. / The purpose of this study is to examine to what extent the Royal Swedish Navy Fleet Air Arm (RSNFAA), and more specifically the helicopters assigned to this weapons branch, has effected Swedish naval warfare tactics during three separate decades: namely the 1960´s 1980´s and 2000´s.   The study takes its starting point in the theories that war science referrers to as combined arms. The characteristics of the combined arms theory are to combine different weapon systems and weapon branches to conquer the enemy by attacking his weak spots. By combining weapon systems the commander in question will minimize his own weaknesses on the battlefield and therefore gain the upper hand on the enemy.  This theory gives a good theoretical view when analyzing which impact the Sea based operations- helicopters (SBO) have had during the specific decades that are being examined due to its ability to be applied on both land and naval forces. Literature on the combined arms theory as well as historical documents over these three decades constitutes the main sources which have been used to carry out the study. The result of the study shows that the implementing SBO-helicopters in the Swedish naval warfare tactics have had a major effect and more specifically in the AntiSubmarine Warfare (ASuW) area.

Organising distribution : Hakonbolaget and the efforts to rationalise food distribution, 1940-1960

Kjellberg, Hans January 2001 (has links)
Organising is the general process by which we structure our world. It is a process that goes beyond social ordering by involving also the technical and the natural realms. Further, it is a process which involves us all. All the time. This dissertation focuses on the organising of business enterprise, more specifically, the organising of food distribution. It is study of formative events in the history of ICA, a major Swedish food distributor. The study provides a detailed account of the development of Hakonbolaget, one of four purchasing centres that formed ICA. Primarily, it accounts for Hakonbolaget´s efforts to establish a modern, rational food distribution system in the 1940s and 1950s. The thrust of these efforts was directed toward three areas of rationalisation: internal operations at the wholesale warehouses, retail operations, and wholesale-retail interaction. Incidentally, these were also central themes in the public debate about the growing costs of goods distribution in Sweden at the time. Through its efforts, Hakonbolaget realised a number of new solutions and established something of a model for modern food distribution. A model that came to characterise operation within ICA from the 1960s and well into the 1990s. Drawing on work within the sociology of science and technology, a conceptual vocabulary is developed for analysing the process of organising. This vocabulary suggests that organising can be regarded as a framing process – as attempts to define and realise sociotechnical situations. The inherent instability of such situations makes stability rather than change a puzzling observation. Consequently, change processes should be regarded as efforts to stabilise situations. Such efforts are closely linked to the establishment of metrics and the generation of representations. In addition to traditional social aspects of organising, the vocabulary also directs attention to the whole heterogeneous materials that surround us. / Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögsk., 2001

Genus i det förflutna : Framställningen av genus i samtidsfilmer om det svenska 1960- och 1970-talet / Gender in the past : The representation of gender in contemporary films about the Swedish 1960s and 1970s.

Edenvärn, Lovisa January 2020 (has links)
I denna uppsats analyseras det hur genus representeras och framställs i de tre svenskproducerade filmerna Call Girl (Mikael Marcimain, 2012), Monica Z (Per Fly, 2013) och Svinalängorna (Pernilla August, 2010). Filmerna kommer från en självständig katalog som visar upp en mångfald av filmer och tv-serier som gjorts inom det senaste decenniet där samtliga präglats av ett historiskt återblickande av det svenska 1960-och 1970-talet. Den historiska perioden var en omvälvande tid för kvinnorörelsen som ledde till stora förändringar som vidare har påverkat vår samtid. Studiens övergripande syfte undersöker hur historieförmedlingen och representationen av genus framställs i filmerna. Med stöd av det teoretiska ramverket förs resonemang fram om att kvinnorepresentationen uppvisar ett individualiserat porträtt av kvinnor, som på grund av deras samhällsposition söker förebilder och stöd i deras yttre och inre genusrelationer. Intersektionalitet används som perspektiv för att påvisa hur samverkande maktordningar förekommer i representationen. I den historiska porträtteringen ges ett kritiskt granskande av kvinnornas levnadsvillkor tillsammans med budskap som menar till att stärka och stödja kvinnor. Filmerna kan ses som samtida källor då det historiska återblickandet består av föreställningar och värderingar som återfinns i vår samtid.

Frijazz äntrar scenen : Något nytt som skapar debatt och dess plats i den svenska jazzdiskursen / Free jazz enters the scene : Something new that generated debate and its place in the Swedish jazz narrative

Jansson, Fredrik January 2019 (has links)
When a new type of jazz, later often referred to as free jazz, entered the Swedish jazz scene at the time when the 1950s became the 1960s, an intense debate occurred within the Swedish jazz community. A debate between those in favor of the new style, its expressions and the direction in which jazz was moving towards in general, versus those who disliked this new development, thought that it was too extreme and was not in line with the traditions of jazz. This essay will bring this debate to light and analyze different aspects of it, with a similar controversy in mind which took place at the time of the arrival of bebop, approximately fifteen years earlier. The primary aim is to integrate free jazz into the Swedish jazz narrative, something that has been neglected in earlier research. Through discourse analysis, contemporary thoughts and values are brought to the surface. In part to better understand how and why these different opinions came to be, but above all, if they were part of other contemporary discussions, strives and struggles within the Swedish jazz community. The findings point towards the fact that free jazz played an important role in both the contemporary Swedish jazz discourse and the development of jazz at large. Free jazz expanded the spectrum of expression within the genre and helped jazz in general to reach a status of high culture, a strive that had existed for a long time.

"Det är honom kvinnorna ber om barn" : Carl Gemzells hormonbehandling och förväntningar på svensk fertilitetsforskning 1958–1974

Koernig, Sofia January 2017 (has links)
This study examines the production and the introduction of a fertility treatment which gained great attention both in Sweden and internationally during the 1960s. In the procedure, hormones were extracted from human pituitary glands which had been collected from autopsies. After this, the hormones were purified and injected into the female patients as a treatment for certain kinds of sterility. Carl Gemzell, professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Uppsala University, was a key figure in the development of the treatment. He was described by the media as a medical pioneer and later became one of Sweden’s most famous doctors and scientists. The fertility treatment also gained a lot of attention in the media as ”the miracle drug that made barren women pregnant”, especially since it often resulted in multiple pregnancies. In the 1960s, pregnancies with quadruplets, quintuplets, sextuplets and even septuplets became world sensations. By using the sociology of expectations as theoretical approach, which focuses on the performativity of expectations and visions in science production, this study aims to investigate how expectations of an effective fertility method were articulated in both the scientific sphere and in the media. This of course also relates to how the risks of the multiple pregnancies were dealt with. The analysis is divided into three chapters, where the first chapter examines the politics of science in Sweden during the post-war period and how Gemzell’s work in Uppsala generated expectations of a scientific milieu on the front line of fertility research. The next chapter is focused on the media’s interest in Gemzell and how he became a celebrity. A central argument for the study is that his public status helped to create scientific credibility for the treatment, especially among the public. The final chapter focuses on the media reporting about the multiple pregnancies. They were often treated as sensations, which was somewhat paradoxical as they were hazardous and frequently resulted in the death of the premature children.

Hybrida kretsmaskiner : Ulla Wiggens måleri från 1960- och 2010-talet i skärningspunkten mellan kropp och maskin

Sandomirskaja, Ekaterina January 2017 (has links)
The Swedish artist Ulla Wiggen (b. 1942) started her artistic career in the early 1960s with detailed paintings of the insides of early electronic devices. In the early 2010s she turned to the interior of the body in the series Intra where organs and cells are fictionally combined. Here, she used a similar pictorial style as in the electronic paintings. This thesis seeks to analyze the relationships and tensions between body and machine that are found in Wiggen’s works. Questions are posed about the relationship between scientific and artistic imagery, as well as the role that fiction plays in knowledge-producing representation. This thesis looks to Wiggen’s use of the grid and connects it to historical and modernist images by showing its inherited paradoxical relation between rationality and spirituality. Through the anatomical picture, focusing on the Renaissance and Rationalism, this thesis explores the meanings of portraying bodies in cross-section. The role of the opened body has been oscillating between a body filled with spiritual meaning to a divided body, seen as an object for knowledge production. By using Donna Haraway’s figurations of the hybrid and the cyborg, the text proposes to re-think dualistic tensions between the human and the machine, science and fiction, realism and magic in Ulla Wiggen’s works. Through this perspective and post-humanist theory, it becomes clear that these boundaries have always been in flux. Instead of thinking either machines or bodies, the thesis suggests that we see the two series of Ulla Wiggen’s works as hybrid constructions that are both body-machines and machine-bodies.

Upprepning, kombination, yta : Per Olov Enquists mogna författarskap i relation till det svenska 1960-talet / Repetition, Combination, Surface : The Mature Works of Per Olov Enquist in Relation to Swedish Avantgarde Aesthetics of the 1960s

Siwers, Carl-Wilhelm January 2021 (has links)
By conceptualizing repetition with the Swedish avantgarde aesthetics of the 1960s as a point of departure, this thesis argues that the repetition phenomena in the mature works of Per Olov Enquist (1934–2020) are indebted to the period. Hereby it brings together two major trends in the Enquist research that previously have been separate. In accordance with the main tendency of the period, the Enquistian repetitions reuse concrete constituents and are of technical and combinatory nature. According to the taxonomy introduced in the thesis, they are mainly internarrative, i.e., they transcend the limits of the individual stories. Thus, in Enquist, the superficial, anti-mimetic as well as anti-hermeneutical qualities pertaining to the period are a consequence of the specifically internarrative character of the repetitions, whereas the individual stories remain mimetically coherent. Furthermore, the thesis investigates a metapoetic discourse in the mature works; in part, it demonstrates a continuity between this discourse and the non-metapoetic notion of repetition in Enquist’s novels of the ‘60s. Altogether, the thesis proposes a way of historically situating the Enquist oeuvre as a whole; supposedly, it will contribute to further studies with similar aims.

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