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Orientierungshilfe zur grundlegenden Digitalinfrastruktur an Schulen 2019 - 2021: Gemeinsame Orientierungshilfe des Sächsischen Staatsministeriums für Kultus, des Sächsischen Landkreistages und des Sächsischen Städte- und Gemeindetages22 June 2021 (has links)
Mit der vorliegenden 'Orientierungshilfe zur grundlegenden Digitalinfrastruktur an Schulen 2019-2021' im Freistaat Sachsen tragen das Sächsische Staatsministerium für Kultus (SMK), der Sächsische Landkreistag e. V. (SLKT) und der Sächsische Städt- und Gemeindetag e. V. (SSG) den Erwartungen von Schulträgern und Schulen nach Orientierung
zu diesen Fragen Rechnung. Die Orientierungshilfe wird kontinuierlich fortgeschrieben.
Redaktionsschluss: 18.04.2019
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Sales guide Sachsen: Verkaufshandbuch für Reiseveranstalter19 January 2022 (has links)
Mit dieser Publikation möchten wir Ihnen einen umfassenden Überblick geben, was Sachsen als Urlaubs- und Geschäftsreiseziel alles zu bieten hat.
Unser Sales Guide ist für jeden ausgelegt, der Reisen nach Sachsen plant –
ob als Einkäufer/in, Reiseberater/in, Busunternehmer/in oder Reiseführer/
in – und stellt das Reiseziel Sachsen kompakt mit all‘ seinen Facetten vor.
Sie finden Informationen zu touristischen Attraktionen und Sehenswürdigkeiten,
thematische Routenvorschläge, eine große Auswahl an Gruppenhotels
und -restaurants, jährlich wiederkehrende Kulturhighlights, Möglichkeiten
für Tagungen und Kongresse, Kontakte zu Incoming-Agenturen
sowie praktische Hinweise zur Reiseplanung.
Bitte beachten Sie dabei jedoch, dass wir keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit
erheben können.
Redaktionsschluss Veranstaltungstermine: Februar 2021; Redaktionsschluss sonstige Inhalte: Januar 2018
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Twitter como herramienta discursiva: el caso del excandidato presidencial Rafael López Aliaga en las elecciones generales de 2021Morocho Alvia, Luis Alberto 15 November 2023 (has links)
La violencia política se manifiesta de muchas formas y se disfraza de muchas
maneras. Lo mismo ocurre con los discursos de odio y la comunicación violenta. Como en el
mundo físico, las manifestaciones de odio en el mundo virtual atacan a grupos históricamente
discriminados, los más vulnerables a sufrir racismo, xenofobia, discriminación ideológica y
otras agresiones por su condición de individuos marginados.
Esta investigación explora cómo se manifiesta la comunicación política que incita al
odio o a la violencia en las redes sociales, estudiando de manera particular el discurso político
en Twitter del excandidato a la presidencia del Perú, Rafael López Aliaga. Para tal fin se hizo
un análisis de los tuits publicados por el dirigente político en el contexto de las elecciones
generales de 2021. En específico, se analizaron los mensajes en Twitter de López Aliaga
entre el 11 de abril y el 6 de junio de 2021, fechas de la primera y segunda vuelta electoral en
A partir de un Análisis Crítico del Discurso se identificó en los tuits del entonces
candidato del partido político conservador Renovación Popular, características que hacen
referencia directa o encubierta a diferentes tipos de discurso de odio, al “terruqueo” o a una
teoría de fraude electoral. De esta manera, se profundiza en las características del discurso
de Rafael López Aliaga en Twitter y a qué tipo de prácticas discursivas y socioculturales
responde en un momento de crisis de representación y violencia exacerbada en época de
campañas políticas. / Political violence manifests itself in many forms and is disguised in many ways. The same
goes for hate speech and violent communication. As in the physical world, the manifestations of
hate in the virtual world attack groups that have historically been discriminated against, the most
vulnerable to suffer racism, xenophobia, ideological discrimination and other attacks due to their
condition as marginalized individuals.
This research explores how political communication that incites hatred or violence
manifests itself on social networks, studying in particular the political discourse on Twitter of the
former candidate for the presidency of Peru, Rafael López Aliaga. To this end, an analysis was
made of the tweets published by the political leader in the context of the 2021 general elections.
Specifically, López Aliaga's Twitter messages between April 11 and June 6, 2021, dates of the
first and second round of elections in Peru, were analyzed.
Based on a Critical Discourse Analysis, characteristics that make direct or covert
reference to different types of hate speech, to “terruqueo” or to a theory of electoral fraud were
identified in the tweets of the then candidate of the conservative political party Renovación
Popular. In this way, we delve into the characteristics of Rafael López Aliaga's discourse on
Twitter and what type of discursive and sociocultural practices he responds to at a time of crisis
of representation and exacerbated violence during political campaigns.
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Factores psicosociales asociados al voto inválido de peruanos durante las elecciones presidenciales del 2021Silva Mercado, Mikel Ander 05 March 2024 (has links)
Este estudio investiga los factores psicosociales asociados al voto inválido en
la segunda vuelta electoral peruana del 2021, protagonizada por Keiko
Fujimori y Pedro Castillo. Para cumplir el objetivo de la investigación, se realizó
un estudio cuantitativo y cualitativo. En el primero, se examinaron las
diferencias en las dimensiones de las escalas de cinismo político, actitud hacia
la democracia y sofisticación política entre dos grupos: un grupo conformado
por 129 personas (M = 35.9) que votaron por alguno de los candidatos y otro
grupo conformado por 14 personas (M = 29.5) que invalidaron su voto. En el
estudio cualitativo, se realizaron entrevistas cortas a 17 personas (M = 22.8)
para explorar las razones subyacentes al voto inválido a través de cinco subpreguntas
que referenciaban la satisfacción hacia la democracia, el
conocimiento político, el interés político, el cinismo político y el contexto
socioemocional. Los resultados de ambos estudios, revelaron que el voto
inválido estaba motivado por un descontento político y alienación política
producto del malestar generado por los niveles de corrupción percibidos.
Aunque se reconoce una menor satisfacción hacia la democracia en la
muestra de votantes inválidos, se sugiere que esto no implicaba un rechazo
total al sistema político. Esto se entiende mejor considerando que, en la
muestra, la motivación antisistema no fue un factor determinante al momento
de invalidar el voto. Como se observó en el estudio cuantitativo, las personas
que invalidaron su voto poseían una mayor intención de mantener el sistema
político como está; y considerando el estudio cualitativo, gran parte de los
participantes optaron no votar por Castillo, ya que lo percibían como una
amenaza real al sistema político por representar lo que para ellos era una
ideología radical y antisistema. Este estudio aporta una perspectiva particular
al campo de los estudios electorales al examinar el voto inválido desde una
perspectiva de la psicología social y política. En sus hallazgos, se destaca la
relevancia de comprender estos y otros factores psicosociales que influyen en
el comportamiento electoral para fortalecer la democracia. / This study aims to show the psychosocial factors associated with invalid voting
in the second round of the Peruvian 2021 election, featuring Keiko Fujimori and
Pedro Castillo. To accomplish the research objectives, both quantitative and
qualitative methods were employed. In the quantitative study, differences in the
dimensions of political cynicism, attitude towards democracy, and political
sophistication were examined between two groups: a group of 129 individuals
(M = 35.9) who voted for one of the candidates and another group of 14
individuals (M = 29.5) who invalidated their vote. In the qualitative study, short
interviews were conducted with 17 individuals (M = 22.8) to explore the
underlying reasons for invalid voting through five sub-questions that addressed
satisfaction towards democracy, political knowledge, political interest, political
cynicism, and socioemotional context. The results of both studies revealed that
invalid voting was motivated by political discontent and political alienation
resulting from the discomfort caused by perceived corruption levels. Although
a lower satisfaction towards democracy was acknowledged in the sample of
invalid voters, it is suggested that this did not imply a total rejection of the
political system. This is better understood by considering that, in the sample,
anti-system motivation was not a determining factor when invalidating the vote.
As observed in the quantitative study, those who invalidated their vote had a
higher intention to maintain the political system as it is. Furthermore,
considering the qualitative study, a significant portion of participants chose not
to vote for Castillo as they perceived him as a real threat to the political system,
representing what they considered a radical and anti-system ideology. This
study provides a particular perspective to the field of electoral studies by
examining invalid voting from a social and political psychology standpoint. The
findings highlight the importance of understanding these and other
psychosocial factors that influence electoral behavior in order to strengthen
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Nueva normalidad: Evaluación de la continuidad del trabajo remoto en la Dirección de Gestión de Talento Humano de la PUCPPerez Castro, Rodrigo Nicolas, Roman Guanilo, Nicole 06 December 2022 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal evaluar la continuidad del trabajo
remoto en la Dirección de Gestión de Talento Humano (DGTH, en adelante) de la Pontificia
Universidad Católica del Perú. Esta transición del trabajo presencial a un trabajo remoto estuvo
condicionada por diferentes factores que actuaron como impulsores (como el nivel de acceso a
recursos materiales) y otros que, finalmente, no resultaron como limitantes de este método de
Del mismo modo, hubo ciertas ventajas (como el incremento en la autonomía de los
equipos de trabajo y en su desempeño) y desventajas (por ejemplo, en un primer momento, el
estrés laboral) que surgieron a partir de dos momentos: el proceso de adaptación (marzo de 2020)
y aceptación (octubre de 2021) del trabajo remoto en la DGTH, por lo cual, se considera relevante
analizarlo de manera transversal, a través de un análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo, obteniendo los
datos de encuestas y entrevistas.
Finalmente, como conclusión principal, se afirma que los trabajadores de la DGTH
consideran más beneficioso para sus equipos de trabajo trabajar de manera semipresencial para
tener un contacto directo y “más humano” con sus compañeros y cliente interno de la universidad,
sin perder los beneficios del trabajo remoto.
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Dialoge: 14. Mai - 12. Juni 2021 : Dresdner MusikfestspieleFilius-Jehne, Christiane, Künanz, Martin, Quandt, Ana Maria 26 January 2023 (has links)
Der 44. Jahrgang der
Dresdner Musikfestspiele wird noch einmal kostbarer als ohnehin
schon empfunden. Und zwar von allen Beteiligten, denen
auf wie hinter der Bühne und denen im Publikum! Wir haben
deutlich gespürt, was fehlt. Wir haben sie schmerzlich vermisst,
die musikalischen Live-Erlebnisse voller Leidenschaft, Hingabe
und Seele. Wir brauchen diese direkten Begegnungen, den
zwischenmenschlichen Energieaustausch und die Kraft gebende
Inspiration für Neues. Musik, Kunst und Kultur überhaupt, sind
ein unverzichtbares Lebenselixier. Deshalb freue ich mich sehr,
Sie nach einem Jahr Zwangspause zur neuen Ausgabe der Musikfestspiele
unter dem Motto »DIALOGE« einladen zu können.
Genießen Sie Dresden, die Vielfalt der Spielstätten, Konzerte
und Angebote. Freuen Sie sich auf die Künstlerinnen und Künstler
und das ersehnte Miteinander.
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Profis mit Expertise und Leidenschaft: 28. August 2021, Meisterfeier, Red Bull Arena Leipzig09 November 2022 (has links)
Die Broschüre stellt die Absolventen der Meisterausbildung des Jahres 2021 vor.
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Divide and rule : A Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis of Hassan Nasrallah’s speech about Christians after the clashes on 14 October 2021Wernersson, Annie January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to the understanding of how sectarian tensions can be harnessed, nourished and spread in Lebanon. It does so through a case study on the speech delivered by Hezbollah’s Secretary-General, Hassan Nasrallah, on 18 October 2021, where he accused the Christian party, and former militia, the Lebanese Forces for killing seven Shia Muslims in a protest four days earlier. More specifically, this thesis is a Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis with the aim to examine how we can understand the discourse on Christians and how that discourse is shaped through Nasrallah’s framing of himself, Hezbollah and the Lebanese Forces. With conspiracist elements, Nasrallah creates a dichotomy of us and them where them is the threat that also helps to define what is us. It is a highly polarizing speech, where he frames the Lebanese Forces as a political enemy and a threatful organization without morals that wants to sow division and create a civil war in Lebanon. In contrast, Nasrallah depicts Christians as part of a larger us that wants peace and stability. However, within the us, Christians are depicted as exposed, vulnerable and in need of protection which stands in contrast to Hezbollah that is immensely strong and can protect Christians. Meanwhile, he encourages and mobilizes Christians to act against the Lebanese Forces. Thus, despite a rhetoric about unity among Christians and Muslims, the main finding of this thesis is that Nasrallah seeks support from Christians by spurring sectarian tensions and sowing division within the Christian camp, with the goal to gain power.
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Exploring the Dynamics of Software Bill of Materials (SBOMs) and Security Integration in Open Source ProjectsAmbala, Anvesh January 2024 (has links)
Background.The rapid expansion of open-source software has introduced significant security challenges, particularly concerning supply chain attacks. Software supply chain attacks, such as the NotPetya attack, have underscored the critical need for robust security measures. Managing dependencies and protecting against such attacks have become important, leading to the emergence of Software Bill of Materials (SBOMs) as a crucial tool. SBOMs offer a comprehensive inventory of software components, aiding in identifying vulnerabilities and ensuring software integrity. Objectives. Investigate the information contained within SBOMs in Python and Gorepositories on GitHub. Analyze the evolution of SBOM fields over time to understand how software dependencies change. Examine the impact of the US Executive Order of May 2021 on the quality of SBOMs across software projects. Conduct dynamic vulnerability scans in repositories with SBOMs, focusing on identifying types and trends of vulnerabilities. Methods. The study employs archival research and quasi-experimentation, leveraging data from GitHub repositories. This approach facilitates a comprehensive analysis of SBOM contents, their evolution, and the impact of policy changes and security measures on software vulnerability trends. Results. The study reveals that SBOMs are becoming more complex as projects grow, with Python projects generally having more components than Go projects. Both ecosystems saw reductions in vulnerabilities in later versions. The US Executive Order of 2021 positively impacted SBOM quality, with measures like structural elements and NTIA guidelines showing significant improvements post-intervention. Integrating security scans with SBOMs helped identify a wide range of vulnerabilities. Projects varied in critical vulnerabilities, highlighting the need for tailored security strategies. CVSS scores and CWE IDs provided insights into vulnerability severity and types. Conclusions. The thesis highlights the crucial role of SBOMs in improving software security practices in open-source projects. It shows that policy interventions like the US Executive Order and security scans can significantly enhance SBOM quality, leading to better vulnerability management and detection strategies. The findings contribute to the development of robust dependency management and vulnerability detection methodologies in open-source software projects.
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Dr. Lillie Jackson Center for the Arts and Social JusticeGermansky, Hannah Constance 29 May 2021 (has links)
Architecture informs the structure of society, determining how people move, whose paths cross, and which resources are accessible. By merging social justice initiatives and architectural design, buildings have the power to provide equity, strengthen communities, and encourage dialogue. Empowerment of residents and the disruption of mass incarceration are the goals of this proposal, implemented through community engagement techniques and a mixed-use program supporting employment, job training, housing, social networks, and healing.
Located in Midtown Edmondson's neighborhood of West Baltimore, this social justice center restores a dilapidated parcel of land and former ice factory. The proposed food hall, community center, and garden invite fluid exchange between this hub of resources and the larger society. Simultaneously, current inmates will have the opportunity to engage with the development process through a construction and design apprentice program. Former inmates will find immediate resources to ease the transition back into their community upon release, with supportive networks contributing towards lower recidivism rates and the restoration of voting ability and voice. In a cyclical process, upward individual and communal growth will be redistributed back into the community. Alongside these individuals, local residents are also invited into the fabric of this social justice center.
The project offers interdisciplinary and multi-scalar design from landscape to interiors, adaptive reuse, to new build architecture. By acknowledging history, actively listening, and designing with intention, this project meets current needs and offers a unique perspective on social architecture. With human rights at the forefront of design decisions, the final proposal reveals that design has the power to incite and actively work towards social justice and disrupt systemically racist institutions, like mass incarceration. / Master of Architecture / Design that disrupts, takes action and initiates social change against mass incarceration is the goal of this thesis. Through an interdisciplinary approach, engaging with the community through landscape, interior and built form, architecture has the power to interrupt current models of discrimination at the community level and provide platform for people to be empowered to work towards change.
The Dr. Lillie Jackson Center for the Arts and Social Justice showcases an alternative means to incarceration, mass surveillance, and removal of voice in West Baltimore. This community center reinforces the idea that public land remain public and that employment, housing, and community networks be seen as a human right, freely accessed. This new model for community empowerment uses architecture to demand autonomy, where people determine the future of their cities and livelihoods. It showcases that the removal of racist institutions and policing policies is not only possible but imperative to attaining social justice.
Built environments shape how people experience a city and the degree of safety, freedom, and power which is felt by each individual who occupies it. With this idea in mind, the Dr. Lillie Jackson Center states through its design moves, that mass incarceration must end and in its place, a new model for community driven, bottom-up initiatives which restore, heal and offer opportunities for growth.
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