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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reducing or reproducing gender norms : An ethnographic study based on observations in Ugandan preschools

Olsson, Sanna, Joelsson, Elsa January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to contribute, with knowledge of conceptions of male and female, to Ugandan preschools and to study in what ways gender norms in the Ugandan society are reflected and developed in the daily activity in preschools. The theoretical underpinnings used in this study are social constructive and inspired by Butler, Connell and Pearse among others. Reducing or reproducing gender norms is an ethnographic study based on observations at two Ugandan preschools located in the countryside of central Uganda. In addition to the observations, a small-scale content analysis of the curricular material has been made. The results highlight two factors contributing to doing gender in the preschool context: first the teachers’ actions, and secondly the structures and routines that characterized the Ugandan preschool. In the analysis of the study, it was found that teachers mainly contribute to doing gender through repetitive acts or by positive and negative reinforcement. The discussed structures and routines, which contribute to doing gender in the observed preschools, are the curricular material, songs used as tools for education, and the environment. In these areas, the results showed that girls and boys, women and men, are represented in gender-stereotyped situations. These stereotypes of how to act and behave properly, depending on their sex, are being mediated to the children through the pictures in the material.

Folkbibliotek och Agenda 2030 : Arbete med hållbar utveckling i praktiken / Public Library and UN Sustainable Development Goals

Nilsson, Carola January 2021 (has links)
Warning reports regarding rapid climate change have increased during the last year. Questions and interest regarding how public libraries work with sustainable issues have emerged.  The purpose of this thesis is to discuss how public libraries are working with sustainable development issues and whether the work can contribute to reaching UN Sustainable Development Goals.  The theoretical framework used in this thesis is the Four space model of the public library of Jochumsen, Hvenegaard Rasmussen and Skot-Hansen (2012). Data collection was made by using a qualitative method. Five librarians were chosen for interviews. The study want to answer following search questions:  -    Is there work with sustainable development in relation to Agenda 2030 in public libraries and in such cases how? -    How do public libraries promote their work with sustainable development to users and why? The results suggest that public libraries are an important resource in the work of reaching the goals of Agenda 2030. Public libraries as an open sphere and promotor of free information access support all SDG Goals but in particular Goal 16 and target 16.10. The library is also a promoter of lifelong learning which supports SDG 4 mainly by offering services and programs to library users in either the physical or digital room of learning or meeting. The library promote their media, services and programs on social media in the room of inspiration and learning.

A Comparative Analysis of Saudi and U.S. Online Newspapers' Framing of Saudi Women's Issues: Content Analysis of Newspaper Coverage Before and After Saudi Vision 2030

Dawshi, Norah 12 1900 (has links)
Previous research on framing has proved its strong effects on the social perception and political preferences of individuals. Therefore, the aim of this research is to explore how Saudi women's issues have been framed in a sample of United States and Saudi newspapers. Saudi Vision 2030 is the post-oil plan for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia that was announced on April 25, 2016. The sample of this thesis was 300 news stories from eight newspapers. The U.S. newspapers were the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, and the Los Angeles Times. The Saudi newspapers were Al Riyadh, Okaz, Al Jazirah, and Al Watan. This thesis explores how these issues have been covered before and after Saudi Vision 2030 by answering five basic questions. Quantitative and qualitative methods were used to analyze the news stories. For the quantitative analysis, five pre-defined generic frames from Semetko and Valkenburg were adopted: conflict frame, human interest frame, morality frame, economic consequences frame, and responsibility frame. An inductive approach to find the new frames was used for the qualitative analysis. Moreover, this thesis looked at how U.S. and Saudi newspapers have visually framed Saudi women through an analysis of the types of images used in the news stories related to Saudi women's issues. The main finding suggests that within the used frames in the newspapers, the U.S. newspapers focused more on the human-interest frame, while the Saudi newspapers mostly used the economic frame. Furthermore, the types of issues covered are discussed.

UNGDOMSPERSPEKTIV IFRAMTAGANDET AV NATIONELLAGENDA 2030 POLICY  Ungdomsrörelsen inflytelserik men utan påverkan?

Halleby, Olivia, Persson, Niclas January 2020 (has links)
In this study we focus on how Swedish youth organizations influenced formulation of anational agenda 2030 policy, contributing enhanced understanding how independent,representative and youth-led organizations can facilitate young people's participation insocietal change. A secondary query concerns what challenges and opportunities to a highlevel of youth participation can be found, aiming to learn from a crucial case of youthparticipation in formulation of national policy under favorable conditions in the supposedlyinclusive Agenda 2030-framework. This case study was designed inspired by process tracingmethod and an attributed influence approach using semi structured interviews to supplementrecords and reports from the Agenda 2030-committee. Through this study we conclude thatyouth organizations are seen as important and influential actors, and often invited as experts.But evidence of large degree of effect on final policy is lacking. Related to this we find thatthe Agenda 2030-committee largely wielded a form of communicational influence towardsthe Swedish government which for the most part ignored its conclusion andrecommendations. We therefore conclude that this unclear relation between the dialoguestructure and formal decision-making process contributes a considerable challenge toqualitative participation. Even as the consultation have been designed to facilitate organizedinterests we find that government officials stress the importance of reaching “real” youthrather than members of youth organizations, effectively creating a dichotomy betweenorganized and non-organized youth.

Sharing Economy in Urban China : A study about how sharing economy companies’views on sustainability correspond to consumer motives

Olsson, Anton, Arvidsson, Johan January 2020 (has links)
China is today the global leader and innovator of sharing economy, and the Chinese government has included it in their Five Year (2016-2020) development plan. China has during the last 30 years been the most rapid economically developing country in the world, but it has also brought along some negative consequences. It has become evident that the quick development of China has taken place at the expense of the environment. It is also described that the country has an economic development model heavily based on investment, export and high consumption which is arguably not sustainable.  The sharing economy presents great potential to change how consumers use resources andgoods, and also presents an opportunity to solve sustainability challenges such as decreasingenvironmental, economic and social conditions. There are today little research on this subject, especially empirical, and more research is preferred.  The purpose of this study is to investigate and explore how the sustainability work and marketing of three selected sharing economy companies in Shanghai correspond to customers’ motives for using sharing economy services. To collect data, three interviews were conducted with three different companies that utilize the sharing economy model in Shanghai, China. These companies are major players in the industries of ride-sharing, bike-sharing and house-sharing. Additionally, an online consumer survey regarding customers’ primary motives for using sharing economy services were conducted in order to fulfill our purpose and answer our research questions.  Results from this study conclude that the primary motives for consumers to use sharingeconomy is convenience (bike-sharing and ride-sharing) and to experience something unique (house-sharing). Other important motives are time-saving, accessibility and low cost aspects. The companies, on the other hand, tend to emphasize low cost, environmental and socialaspects. That is, consumer views are often in line with the three companies' marketing andsustainability views. However, there are several cases in this study where it differ.

On The Side of the Forest Owner: : A Discourse Analysis of the Swedish Reception of the EU ForestStrategy for 2030

Olofsson, Emil January 2023 (has links)
The new EU Forest Strategy for 2030, one of the flagship initiatives of the European Green Deal, has put EU forest policy in a new expansionary phase with ambitious goals for future forest management in Member States. This thesis analyzes contestation over the EU Forest Strategy for 2030 in Sweden to understand how discursive representations of forests are interlinked with justice perceptions. By utilizing poststructuralist discourse theory and the logics framework, and analyzing EU forest policy documents, Swedish parliamentary debates, and interviews with Swedish forest stakeholders, this thesis shows how sustainable forest management functions as a floating signifier and how different discursive understandings of this concept leads to different understandings of justice in forest management and thus how a just transition in forestry should look like. In the Swedish reception of the new Strategy, a commodity discourse and a conservation discourse could be identified where both highlighted the importance of the private forest owner in relation to justice perceptions in Sweden. The results show how the discourses attempt to invest the role of private forest owners with different meanings. Thus, this thesis contributes to the literature on just transitions by showing how justice perceptions are discursively interlinked with understandings of the role of forests, and how political contestation over this takes place.

Sustainable Infrastructure – The case of road culvert replacements in Northern Sweden

Andrew-Nielsen, Sophia January 2023 (has links)
Sweden is often identified as one of the countries where implementation of Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development goals (SDGs) is high. There is still, however, considerable room for improvements, especially considering the mitigation of climate change, and in addition, the reinterpretation of Agenda 2030 and the SDGs have been proven challenging in Swedish sustainability governance. Infrastructure, responsible for approximately 80%, has been identified as an area where strategies for climate change mitigation are likely to have a significant impact. Simultaneously, infrastructure development has been identified as key in driving human development and fulfilling Agenda 2030 and the SDGs. As sustainable infrastructure is becoming increasingly important, understanding what constitutes sustainable infrastructure is essential. Using a case study approach, this study explores the conceptualization and integration of sustainability in Sweden, explicitly focusing on road culvert replacements in northern Sweden. The findings reveal a lack of a shared understanding of what constitutes sustainable transport infrastructure but show a partially shared understanding of what constitutes sustainable road culvert replacement practices. The analysis highlights challenges faced by public organizations in implementing sustainability and emphasizes the importance of stakeholder collaboration and knowledge exchange. This research provides insights into strategies for integrating sustainability into road culvert replacements and highlights the importance of stakeholder collaboration for sustainable outcomes, contributing to future sustainable infrastructure development.

Hållbar samhällsutveckling : Länsstyrelsen i Stockholms tidiga arbete med implementeringen av Agenda 2030 / Sustainable Development : The early work to integrate Agenda 2030 at Stockholm County Administrative Board

Tuikkanen, Karl January 2018 (has links)
I september 2015 kom världens länder att sluta upp kring en plan för global hållbar utveckling. Envägledande plan för policyutveckling och arbete på nationell, regional och global nivå. Agenda 2030 - Transforming our world som den heter och i uppsatsen refereras den som Agenda 2030 (A/RES/70/1/,2015). Uppsatsen du nu håller i din hand undersöker Länsstyrelsen i Stockholms arbete med Agenda 2030. Iuppsatsen utforskas förutsättningarna för myndigheten att arbeta med agendan, hur man på myndighetenhittills har hanterat uppdraget och hur man förstår uppdraget. Uppsatsen lyfter fram kunskapsläget kringAgenda 2030, olika hinder för arbetet och inte minst motivationen och förväntningar hos tjänstemännen att arbeta med uppdraget. Studiens empiriska material består av en kartläggning och sammanställning av alla yttranden som Länsstyrelserna i Sverige gjort på Uppdrag till statliga myndigheter att bidra med underlag för Sveriges genomförande av Agenda 2030 (Regeringen, 2016d), intervjuer med tjänstemän som direkt ellerindirekt arbetar med Agenda 2030 samt en enkät om Agenda 2030 på Länsstyrelsen i Stockholm.I analysen av det empiriska materialet framkallas en bild av motsättningar samtidigt som det finns enallmänt positiv anda. Höga prioriteter bland beslutsfattare angående Agenda 2030 kontrasteras mot en lågupplevd prioritetsnivå bland tjänstemän som kommer att arbeta med Agenda 2030. Analysen visar att det finns flera grundläggande förutsättningar som kan innebära svårigheter för att Länsstyrelsen i Stockholmatt genomföra Agenda 2030 i enlighet med dess grundläggande ambitioner. Dessa handlar om att man istort sett är ganska nöjd med det man åstadkommer i sitt dagliga arbete och att Agenda 2030 kan bli ett insorteringsdokument snarare än ett verktyg för förändringsarbete. Analysen visar att kunskapsnivån om Agenda 2030 är låg och att verksamhetsområdet har stor påverkan vilka frågor man tycker är viktigare än andra i agendan vilket i sig är ett problem när det kommer till att arbeta utifrån helheter. Studien bekräftar vikten av tydlighet kring vad som ska implementeras och dess prioritering för att tjänstemän ska prioritera frågan. Studien pekar mot att ett nytt förhållningssätt kommer att krävas för att Agenda 2030 ska blir det levande ramverk som det är tänkt att vara för att åstadkomma en transformativ förändring, detta gäller även Länsstyrelsen i Stockholm.

Hållbart och digitaliserat : Policyimperativ inom biblioteksväsendet / Sustainable and digitalised : Policy imperatives in the library sector

Bröms, Joakim January 2022 (has links)
Since the launch of United Nations Agenda 2030, sustainable development has been a goal of the Swedish government. Furthermore, Sweden has vowed to be second to none in taking advantage of the potential benefits of digital technology. Both goals can be construed as policy imperatives, and as such, they have implications for the publicly financed library sector. The aim of this master’s thesis is to clarify the meaning of sustainable development and digitalisation in a public library context in order to facilitate a critical discussion within LIS of these two imperatives. Firstly, the thesis attempts to determine, by using Quentin Skinner’s historical method, what official policy documents published by the government and National Library of Sweden want to express by using sustainable development and digitalisation with regard to the library sector. Secondly, it tries to discern whether the two policy objectives are in accord, or in conflict, with one another. The analysis shows that both policy imperatives are in concord with established activities performed by libraries, and, furthermore, may strengthen the library sector as a positive societal force. However, in order to convey this impression, features that may run counter to the stated goals are disregarded, or downplayed. The study points to a mixed result regarding potential conflicts between the two policy imperatives. On the one hand, digitalisation undermines environmental sustainability, on the other hand, it strengthens economic sustainability. In the case of social sustainability, the impacts of digitalisation can be both beneficial and detrimental.

The Promise of a Fully Sustainable Malmö by 2030 : An Analysis of the Social Sustanability Goals in Malmö's Budget 2022 Through a Perspective of Intersectionality and Feminist geography

Rosenlind, Eleonor January 2022 (has links)
Malmö, Sweden’s third largest city, is gaining an international reputation for being a creative and environmental conscious city with cutting-edge architecture. At the same time Malmö is infamous for its high levels of poverty and occasional riots. In this thesis I will analyse how the municipal politicians in Malmö — responsible for Malmö’s budget 2022 — formulate social problems in Malmö, as well as the finances they put forward to tackle said problems. My analysis will be guided by Carol Bacchi’s (2010) method What’s the problem represented to be (WPR) as well as perspec- tives of intersectionality and feminist geography.  What is particularly interesting in the analysis of the budget’s social sustainability goals is that Malmö has been using the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and 169 targets in Agenda 2030 as a blueprint for the budget ever since 2015.

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