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Le licenciement pour motif personnel en France et au Sénégal : [étude de droit comparé] / The redundancy for personal reasons in France and in Senegal : [compared study]N'doye, N'deye 20 April 2012 (has links)
Le licenciement pour motif personnel, à la différence du licenciement pour motif économique, est intimement lié à la personne du salarié. Il constitue une notion essentielle en droit du travail, qu'on retrouve dans la plupart des États au monde, mais souvent, sous une terminologie différente. Face à ce constat, on serait tenté de se demander si laréglementation du licenciement pour motif personnel est réellement variable d'un pays à un autre. La réponse à cette question suppose une analyse comparée des législations de certains États. À ce titre, seuls la France et le Sénégal, deux États qui sont par ailleurs fortement liés par l'histoire, ont retenu notre attention. L'étude du droit du licenciement pour motif personnel en France et au Sénégal laisse entrevoir à la fois des similitudes et des divergences. Cette situation se justifierait d'ailleurs à plus d'un titre. En effet, parce que la France a constitué la puissance colonisatrice du Sénégal de 1854 jusqu'en 1960, le droit français a largement influencé le droit sénégalais et ce, depuis belle lurette. Mais, on ne peut s'empêcher de constater que cet impact a tendance à s'amenuiser de plus en plus. En effet, il apparait qu'à un moment donné, le législateur sénégalais a pris conscience du fait que l'idéal serait, non pas de mettre en place un droit du travail qui serait en grande partie calqué sur le droit de son ancienne puissance colonisatrice, mais plutôt d'élaborer un droit qui prendrait en compte les spécificités locales et les réalités nationales. Cette volonté du législateur est d'ailleurs visible aussi bien à travers l'ancien Code du travail sénégalais de 1961 qu'au niveau du nouveau Code de 1997. Le législateur de l'OHADA, de son coté, a su quelque peu freiner cette tendance. Une analyse minutieuse des dispositions de l'avant-projet d'acte uniforme portant sur le droit du travail laisse supposer un réel rapprochement avec le droit français actuel. Notre étude constitue donc l'occasion d'analyser cette évolution originale. De façon plus précise, elle permet, non seulement de recenser et d'expliquer les divergences notées au sein des droits français et sénégalais, mais aussi de mettre en exergue les innovations apportées par l'avant-projet d'acte uniforme de l'OHADA portant sur le droit du travail. / The redundancy for personal reason, unlike the redundancy for economic reason,is intimately linked to the person of the employee. It is an essential concept inlabor law, found in most states in the world but often under different terminology. ln front of this report, wc wouId be tried to wonder if the regulations of the redundancy for personal reason are really variable from a country to another.The answer to this question requires a comparative analysis of the laws of certain states. For this reason, only France and Senegal, two States which are, in addition, strongly bound by the history, held our attention. The study of the law of dismissal for personal reason in France and in Senegal suggests both similarities and differences. This is justified also in more ways. Indeed, because France constituted the colonizing power of Senegal from 1854 to1960, French law largely influenced Senegalese law. But today, it seems that this impact tends to fade more and more. Indeed, it appears that at sorne point, Senegalese legislators realized that the ideal would be not to establish a labor law that is largely modeled on the Law of its old colonizing power but rather to develop a law that takes into account local and national realities. This assertion is also visible both through the Senegalese former Labour Code of 1961 than at the new Code of 1997. The OHADA legislator, for his part, has curb this trend. Careful analysis of the provisions of the preliminary Uniform Act on employment law suggests a real reconciliation with current French law. Our study is therefore an opportunity to analyze this original evolution. In a more precise way, it constitutes the occasion to count and explain the divergences noted within the French and Senegalese laws, but also to put forward the innovations brought by the OHADA Law.
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Three essays on the causal impacts of child labour laws in BrazilMazzutti, Caio Cícero Toledo Piza da Costa January 2016 (has links)
This thesis focuses on different impacts of an important change in Brazil's child labour legislation. In December 1998, Brazil raised the minimum employment age from 14 to 16 banning from the labour force children who turned 14 just after the law passed. Two year later, in December 2000, Brazil institutionalised an apprenticeship programme aimed at children aged 14 to 17. In chapter one of this thesis I investigate the short run effects of both laws on children's time allocation using a regression discontinuity design technique. I look at the impact of both laws on schooling and labour market outcomes for two cohorts: children just under age 14 and teenagers just under age 16. The second chapter turns attention to the long-term effects of the 1998 ban, comparing the labour market and schooling outcomes of the cohorts who turned 14 before and after the law came into effect. The analysis is conducted for white and non-white males to check how the ban affected individuals from different socioeconomic backgrounds. This is the first study that looks at the long-term effects of a child labour ban. The third chapter investigates whether the ban had spillover effects on time allocation of younger siblings and parents. This is chapter covers a broad set of outcomes, exploring family composition and potential liquidity constraints to shed light on potential underlying mechanisms. This thesis contributes to the understanding of the consequences of child labour legislation, looking at immediate impacts on children themselves, long-term effects, and spillover effects on other household members. Its main results show that such legislation may have unintended consequences, long-lasting effects, and affect time allocation of other household members in ways policy makers might not be able to foresee.
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L'emploi dans les procédures collectives : étude comparée des droits français et allemand / No English title availableLigneul-Lechable, Maite 14 October 2017 (has links)
Dans la logique des procédures collectives, l'emploi des personnes ne permet pas la reconnaissance de l'emploi. La reconnaissance de l'emploi dans les procédures collectives suppose d'identifier la personne employeur, et la personne employée. Or, la différence de l’employeur et de l'employé n'entre pas dans la logique des procédures collectives. Au contraire, l’effet de la procédure collective sur la personne du débiteur induit la suppression de la communauté humaine de travail constituée par l'entreprise capitaliste. / No English summary available.
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Religious discrimination in employment : a comparative analysis of the law in the UK, France and Germany, with reference to international and supranational lawFehr, Stephanie Simone January 2014 (has links)
This thesis analyses religious discrimination in employment, using an applied comparison of the law in the UK, France and Germany. To this end, the thesis first explores national church-state relations, establishing potential links to religious discrimination at work. The investigation then moves on to the standards set by the Council of Europe and the European Union, against which the law in the UK, France and Germany will be measured against. The final chapter brings together the findings in an overall comparison of the national law, with particular emphasis on the role of church-state relations and impact on religious minorities. The original contribution of this thesis to knowledge lies in the assessment of the topic in the context of three jurisdictions, its interconnectedness with the ECHR and EU frameworks, using the framework of church-state relations. The thesis reveals and explains similarities and differences between the law in the three jurisdictions, as well as the effects on employees practising their religion and underlying attitudes that formed the law. After identifying substantive neutrality as a promising characteristic of church-state models, it was set as a benchmark for assessment throughout the thesis. Themes emerging from the research reflect significant differences regarding religious discrimination in employment in the UK, France and Germany. Particularly striking is the arguably deliberate targeting of, and clearly detrimental impact on religious minorities by means of indirectly discriminating law in France and Germany, as well as some directly discriminating provisions that were enacted in the course of the German ‘headscarf debate’. It is suggested, accordingly, that stereotypical assumptions about ‘otherness’ have influenced legislation, as well as case law, using church-state relations to underscore the decisive arguments. Due to its largely hypothetical nature, the assessment of the domestic laws’ compatibility with European international and supranational legal frameworks result in a number of cautious predictions. Widespread compliance appears fairly likely in relation to the law in the UK, whereas French and German law can be challenged in several regards. Finally, this research contributes proposals aiming at effective solutions for a variety of religious discrimination scenarios pertinent in the UK, French and German work environments.
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La législation sociale du Second Empire / Social legislation of the Second EmpireWerba, Nicolas 12 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour titre la législation sociale du Second Empire. Depuis la dichotomie imposée par Ernest Lavisse, ce régime est traditionnellement divisé en deux périodes : une autoritaire et une libérale. Un tel changement de cap est généralement expliqué par la perte des soutiens traditionnels du régime. Tentant de séduire l'électorat ouvrier, le gouvernement aurait alors décidé de se lancer dans une législation sociale plus ambitieuse. Un tel schéma voit donc dans l'accélération des mesures sociales de la deuxième moitié du règne, une simple réponse circonstanciée à un contexte politique défavorable ; la législation sociale du Second Empire laissant dès lors peu de place à une cohérence d'ensemble. Il ressort de cette étude que Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte s’est, dès ses premiers écrits de jeunesse, penché sur la question sociale. Ses solutions en la matière tenant en deux principes essentiels : l’ordre et le progrès. En favorisant la prospérité et le développement économique, la stabilité était considérée par le futur Empereur comme le premier remède aux difficultés des classes laborieuses. L’ordre retrouvé, Napoléon III souhaitait ensuite l’adoption de mesures sociales plus ambitieuses.Ainsi, loin d’être guidée par des contraintes extérieures, la législation sociale du Second Empire s’inscrit en réalité dans une logique définie dès l’origine du régime, formant dès lors un ensemble cohérent. / This thesis is entitled social legislation of the Second Empire. Since the dichotomy imposed by Ernest Lavisse, the Second Empire is traditionally divided into two periods : an authoritarian and a liberal. Such a change of direction is usually explained by the loss of the traditional support of the regime. Trying to seduce the working electorate, the government then decided to launch into a more ambitious social legislation. Such a scheme considers the acceleration of the social measures of the second half of the reign as a simple detailed answer to an unfavorable political context; social legislation of the Second Empire leaves little to overall consistency.It is precisely such a presentation that this thesis wished to question. For that, it proposed to redraw the history of the social legislation of the regime, from its origins to the last projects of power interrupted by the Franco-Prussian War.Well, this study underlines that Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte, from his earliest youthful writings, turned his attention to the social question. His solutions in this area are based on two essential principles : order and progress. By promoting prosperity and economic development, stability was considered by the future Emperor as the first remedy for the difficulties of the working classes. The order regained, Napoleon III then wanted the adoption of more ambitious social measures.Thus, far from being guided by external constraints, social legislation of the Second Empire is actually part of a logic defined from the origins of the regime, forming a coherent whole.
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The legal construction of migrant work relations : precarious status, hyper-dependence and hyper-precarityZou, Mimi January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with the ways in which the laws and policies governing labour migration shape the relationship between migrant workers, employers, and labour markets in advanced industrialised countries. Specifically, it elucidates the intersections of immigration and labour market regulatory norms, structures, and processes that have salient implications for migrants’ work relations. The notions of ‘hyper-dependence’ and ‘hyper-precarity’ are developed as the main analytical and normative lenses in this thesis for examining the particular vulnerabilities associated with migrants’ precarious statuses under contemporary labour migration regimes. Hyper-dependence refers to an acute dependence that transcends the immediate context of an employment relationship, where other aspects of a worker’s life critically depend on that employer. For migrant workers, hyper-dependence may arise where their legal statuses is tethered to a specific employer sponsorship, accompanied by other de jure and de facto restrictions on their labour mobility. Hyper-precarity seeks to capture the multifaceted insecurities and uncertainties in migrants’ work relations and their broader migration projects, which are linked to their exclusion, in law and in practice, from a wide array of social, economic, and civil rights in the host state. Engaging with the various and often competing goals and concerns of immigration law and labour law, the two concepts of hyper-dependence and hyper-precarity are developed and applied through an in-depth comparative analysis of the legal and regulatory architectures of two contemporary temporary migrant workers’ programmes (TMWPs): Australia’s Temporary Work (Skilled) Subclass 457 Visa (‘457 visa’) scheme and the United Kingdom’s Tier 2 (General) visa scheme. In recent years, TMWPs in advanced industrialised countries have been touted by global and national policymakers as a desirable labour migration instrument that delivers ‘triple wins’ for host states, home states, and migrants and their families. I situate the normative concerns of the legally constructed hyper-dependence and hyper-precarity in the ethical debates on TMWPs in liberal states. I also consider how the worst extremes of the two ‘hyper’ conditions combined in highly exploitative work relations could be ameliorated, and in doing so propose some ideas for reforming key features of current TMWPs to enable migrants to exit any employment relationship and to resort to a range of voice mechanisms in the workplace.
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Le renouveau des sources du droit du travail / The labor law sources renewalMalfettes, Loic 22 November 2018 (has links)
La présente recherche trouve son origine dans un constat de "crise" fait en doctrine ces dernières années à propos de la façon dont les sources se conçoivent aujourd'hui, ainsi que dans celui de profondes évolutions dans le champ plus spécifique du droit du travail.L’objet de l’étude est d’identifier les traits saillants du bouleversement annoncé. Il est question de vérifier si la représentation travailliste que l’on se fait des sources conduit effectivement dans une impasse épistémologique. Les impensés ou les anomalies identifiées conduiront alors à explorer le droit du travail contemporain et ses processus de création. Il pourra alors, à partir de cet ancrage, être envisagé de proposer un renouvellement théorique dont l’ambition est de proposer une meilleure appréhension de la réalité telle qu’elle se donne à voir dans cette matière / The present research finds its origin in a finding of "crisis" in recent years about the way that legal sources are conceived today, as well in a finding of profound evolutions in the more specific field of labor law.The purpose of the study is to identify the salient features of the announced upheaval. It is a question of verifying if the dominant representation of labor law sources leads effectively to an epistemological stalemate. The unthought or anomalies identified will then lead to the exploration of contemporary labor law and its creation processes. It may then, from this anchorage, be considered to propose a theoretical renewal whose ambition is to propose a better apprehension of the reality as it is given to see in this matter
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Les périmètres du droit du travail / Perimetersr of labour lawMussier, Aurélie 14 December 2016 (has links)
Le droit du travail constitue le siège d’un foisonnement de « périmètres », lesquels n’ont cessé de se multiplier, à tel point que la notion s’est elle-même imposée comme centrale : entreprise, établissement distinct, unité économique et sociale, groupe (dans des acceptions diverses), secteur d’activité, secteur géographique, zone d’emploi, profession, interprofession, etc. L’approche première donne un sentiment d’éclatement, voire de chaos. Jusqu’à présent, ces différents périmètres n’ont donné lieu qu'à des analyses parcellaires, parce que ciblées, la plupart du temps, sur tel ou tel de ces périmètres. Il apparaissait donc nécessaire de les appréhender de façon globale, afin d’en cerner les contours respectifs, les places et les fonctions dans le champ du droit du travail, d’en organiser la confrontation et d’éprouver la nécessité apparente d’un tel pluralisme, tant dans une perspective théorique que technique (et donc pratique). En somme, il s’agissait d’ériger les périmètres du droit du travail en objet de recherche.Dans cette perspective, il convenait, en premier lieu, de caractériser, à la manière d’un tableau d’ensemble, la systémique des périmètres en droit du travail. Comment donc des périmètres ont-ils été institutionnalisés ? Leurs fonctions se confondent-elles ou tendent- elles, au contraire, à les singulariser ? L’analyse permet de convaincre de l’opportunité de regrouper les périmètres en deux catégories, ceux qui se rapportent à une communauté de travail et ceux qui tendent à appréhender un processus décisionnel. Cette systémique des périmètres ne doit pas conduire à occulter la dynamique qui les caractérise. Aussi, cette recherche s’attache-t-elle, en second lieu, à orchestrer la confrontation des périmètres, en identifiant les tensions et interactions auxquelles ceux-ci donnent lieu, mais aussi à repérer leurs transformations – les unes subies, les autres volontaires. Se pose alors la question du rôle que la négociation collective joue – mais aussi peut ou doit jouer – à cet égard / Labor law constitutes the seat of a profusion of "scopes", which have been progressing, such that nowadays the notion became a central part of legal discourse: company, separate establishment, economic and social unit, group (in all meanings of the word), industries, geographic area, employment area, profession, inter-branch organization, etc. The first approach shows an explosion, even chaos. Thus far, these various scopes have involved fragmented analyses, because very often, they focus on a particular scope. Hence, it seemed necessary to grasp the notion of “scope” in a global perspective, in order to identify their borders, their places and their functions in the field of labor law, to organize their confrontation and to test the apparent need of this multitude of scopes, both in a theoretical and technical (even practical) perspective. In other words, set the scopes up as object of research was the aim of this work.In this regard, first of all, it was necessary to describe systemic organization of scopes in labor law, in the style of an overall picture. How were scopes institutionalized? Do their functions become confused or do they, on the contrary, tend to distinguish them? This analysis allows to make convincing the opportunity to group the scopes into two categories: those relating to a working community and those which tend to frame a decision-making process. The scopes systemic organization mustn’t hide the dynamics which characterizes them. Therefore, secondly, this research aims to orchestrate a confrontation of scopes, by identifying tensions and interactions generated by the confrontation, but also to detect their transformations – both undergone and voluntary. Hence, one is made to wonder what role does the collective bargaining plays, can play or must play to this regards
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La mobilité géographique du salarié / The employees' geographic mobilityGssime, Nadia 16 October 2015 (has links)
La mobilité géographique du salarié, entendue ici comme le(s) changement(s) de lieu de travail du salarié au sein du territoire national, est un élément central de la relation de travail, tant pour le salarié que pour l'employeur. Le régime juridique applicable n'a été précisément défini qu'à compter des années 2000. Il a aujourd'hui atteint une certaine maturité qui justifie son réexamen et son étude approfondie, afin de déterminer quels sont les principes finalement retenus, leurs modalités d'application, l'articulation des différentes notions et les évolutions prévisibles ou attendues. Le droit de la mobilité géographique a été construit autour du postulat suivant : la notion de lieu de travail est relative, le salarié est tenu à une certaine mobilité. Cet axiome est à l'origine du concept de secteur géographique, de la distinction clause informative et clause de sédentarité, du régime de l'affectation occasionnelle du salarié, de la clause de réversibilité, de l'accord de mobilité interne, plus simplement de l'ensemble du régime de la mobilité géographique du salarié. Essentiellement forgé par le juge, il est également le fruit de la négociation des parties aux contrats de travail et dans une moindre mesure des partenaires sociaux. Quant au législateur, il n'est intervenu que très récemment, non pas pour modifier ou consacrer les principes dégagés par le juge mais pour mettre en place deux dispositifs créés par un accord national interprofessionnel. / The employees' geographic mobility-which, in this case, means the change(s) of the employees' workplace within the domestic territory -is a core issue of working relationships, both for the employees and for the employers. Despite the antiquity of such a concem, the applicable legal system has only be specifically defined from the 2000s. Nowadays, it has reached a certain level of maturity, which justifies its reconsideration and a thorough analysis, in order to pinpoint the principles that are eventually retained, their conditions of application, as well as the articulation between the various notions, and the predictable or expected evolutions. Geographic mobility law has been structured around the following assumption: the notion of workplace is relative, as employees are compelled to accept travelling from time to time. This axiom is the source of the concept of geographic area, of the difference between informative clause and sedentariness clause, of the employees' casual assignment system, of the reversibility clause, of the restrictions on the mobility clause, and -more simply -of the whole employees' geographic mobility system. Mainly issued by judges, it also originates from the negotiation between the parties to employment contracts, and -to a lesser extent -between the social partners. As for legislators, they only very recently have taken action, not to change or sanction the principles drawn by judges, but to implement two new systems created by a national interprofessional agreement.
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Le droit privé du travail et le secteur public / Private labor law and public servicesCharlot, Camille 05 March 2018 (has links)
Face à l’évolution des modes de gestion du service public et des régimes de travail qui y sont associés, le droit privé du travail tend à s’imposer comme le modèle de référence au sein du secteur public, au détriment de la logique statutaire prévalant dans la fonction publique et les entreprises publiques. En effet, si l’encadrement juridique du service public conserve une part irréductible d’exorbitance, l’effacement progressif de son particularisme laisse place à un vide qui encourage l’expansion d’un droit privé du travail faisant office de droit commun. Ce mouvement suscite de nombreuses interrogations. Comment le renouvellement de la conception du service public traduit-il ses effets sur l’encadrement juridique des relations de travail du secteur public ? Par quels procédés l’implantation du droit privé s’opère-t-elle ? À quelles résistances ou déformations s’expose-t-elle ? Quels mécanismes d’adaptation du droit privé doivent alors être mis en œuvre ? Il résulte de l’étude que le particularisme irréductible du service public ne suffit plus, à lui seul à établir une incompatibilité de principe de nature à faire obstacle à l’implantation continue du droit privé du travail dans le secteur public. / While the means of management of public services and the work statutes associated are evolving, private labour law is becoming a reference within public services, to the detriment of the statutory logic that traditionally prevails within public services and state-owned companies. Indeed, if the legal framework surrounding public services retains particular characteristics, its specificity is slowly declining, leaving place to a void which facilitates / encourages the expansion of private labour law, which is becoming ordinary law. This trend raises numerous questions. How does the new public services approach translate into the legal framework of work relations in public services? Through which proves does private law implement itself? To which resistances and distortions is it faced with? Which public law mechanisms can then be used to adapt such implementation? This study shows that the specificity of public services is no longer enough, in its own, to become an obstacle against the continuing implementation of private labour law in the public sector.
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