Spelling suggestions: "subject:"3D model"" "subject:"3D godel""
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Využití fotogrametrie v oboru znalectví ve stavebnictví a oceňování nemovitostí / Use of photogrammetry expertise in the field of construction and real estate valuationSlabotinský, Filip January 2015 (has links)
The task of this diploma thesis is to design and test the optimal procedures for taking photos to build a 3D model of a civic building using the programme PHOTOMODELER. Then to determine the specific dimensions of the civic building and compare them with the dimensions received with the help of the basic method of measurement in common building practice, i.e. the method of cross directions (using a tape or a telescopic measuring rod) and the geodetic method of measurement. After that to evaluate these measurements and make the conclusion concerning the accuracy or inaccuracy of measurements received with the help of the 3D model of the compiled programme PHOTOMODELER.
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Techniky "level of detail" v knihovně OpenSceneGraph / Algorithms of Level of Detail in OpenSceneGraphHupka, Dušan January 2014 (has links)
Present graphic requires a lot of optimizations of rendering techniques and mathematical calculations. It is caused by increased requirements of scene's visualization. One of scene's optimizing techniques is the Level of detail. This thesis is focused on methods used by LOD in OpenSceneGraph and OpenGL library. Next it will be described how to choose the right level of detail in a scene. Later it will be explained how to simplify 3D models. These techniques will be implemented in converting tool and demonstrating application. Methods for simplify 3D models will be tested for their speed and quality.
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Autoškola - pravidla silničního provozu / Driving School - Rules of the RoadPorč, Jiří January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on a traffic simulator design. The matter of simulation methods is described here as well as a project of a town model, road system and its usage in an implementation in a traffic simulator. The work further explains the principles and techniques for creation of the town model in an editor and it analyzes traffic rules that are necessary for the creation of the simulator of this type. The created simulator uses various engines for its functioning. It would not be possible to continue in further work without their proper adjustment. That is why the installation of the used engines is described in the thesis. Principles of 3D model and texture usage are also explained.
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Rozšíření možností optické diagnostiky spínacího oblouku / Enhancement of optical diagnostics of the switching arcSamohejl, Matěj January 2016 (has links)
This master´s thesis si focused on determinig methodology of optical diagnostics of the switching arc using the high-speed camera Photron SA-X2. The thesis contains basic rules for proper setup of the measurement system and the rules to adjust the camera exposure. The experiments were performed on the prototype of a parametric switching chambre, while the majority of source materials was derived from the requirements of another study which was aimed on the movement of the electode spots. The process of the first adjustment of the camera, a record edit options for the presentation purposes and the process of the 3D model design of the switching arc in SketchUp software was stated. Paper contains a comparsion of the spectral filter effect and neutral density filter effect on the final record as well. The part of the work outputs are the 3D model of the switching arc and the supporting record editing software. The paper results show a degree of the inaccuracies in a optical diagnostics made from only one direction caused by the lack of the information about third dimension.
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3D tombs modeling by simple toolsAglan, Hassan January 2016 (has links)
New archaeological research was carried out between 2009 and 2011 by the Ministry of State for Antiquities (MSA) at central Dra’ Abu el-Naga. Joining the MSA excavation team in the field in 2009, the author has been studying the findings from this area since then. The excavation site is situated ca. 700 km south of Cairo, opposite the modern city of Luxor in Upper Egypt on the western side of the Nile. Dra\'' Abu el-Naga is the modern name of the northern area of the extended necropolis. Central Dra’ Abu el-Naga lies to the north of the causeway of queen Hatshepsut and just south of the German and Spanish concessions, overlooking the valley where a temple of Amenhotep I was once erected. The tombs are situated just below the hilltop of the middle range of the Dra’ Abu el-Naga hills Review And to reach fulfill this main objective, it was proposed in 2013 to follow these research objectives: Consequently one main objective was the recording of architecture of the new discovered tombs and the reconstruction of the original context of the objects, which formed part of their burial equipment. The overlying aim of the research is: Preparing plans of all the new tombs, and also sections and 3D views of two of the tombs as they are very complicated. To place the new tombs in their archaeological context. 2D drawings can be tricky for some people to read, but 3D model views are a universal language that anyone can understand. By using SketchUp Pro to get owners, researchers heads in the same direction.
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Geologie und Tektonik im Werra-Kaligebiet: Ein Beitrag zur nachhaltigen LagerstättennutzungEngler, Anne 24 January 2020 (has links)
Grundsätzlich ist für die nachhaltige Nutzung einer Lagerstätte die Kenntnis der Geologie von signifikanter Bedeutung. Unter Einbeziehung und Aufbereitung vielfältiger Eingangsdaten wurde erstmals eine komplexe geologische Interpretation des Werra-Kaligebietes vorgelegt, die sowohl das Suprasalinar und Salinar als auch das Subsalinar umfasst. Mit Hilfe eines eigens zu diesem Zweck erstellten 3D-Strukturmodells wurden Untersuchungen zu Auswirkungen struktureller und geologischer Merkmale auf wesentliche Eigenschaften der Lagerstätte durchgeführt. So erfolgte u. a. die Analyse der Verteilung der Wertstoffgehalte der sich im Abbau befindlichen Kaliflöze im Hinblick auf das 3D-Strukturmodell. Auch wurden die Häufigkeit, die räumliche Verteilung und die Größe von Gasereignissen im Kontext zur geologischen Entwicklung des Werra-Kaligebietes untersucht. Die vorgelegte Dissertation stellt einen Beitrag zur Erforschung der Beckenentwicklung dar und ermöglicht eine Übertragung gewonnener Erkenntnisse auf zukünftige Abbaubereiche der Lagerstätte.:Inhaltsverzeichnis
1 Einführung
2 Präzisierung der Aufgabenstellung
3 Wissenschaftlicher Kenntnisstand zum Werra-Kaligebiet
3.1 Geographische und topographische Situation
3.2 Regionalgeologischer Rahmen
3.2.1 Paläogeographie
3.2.2 Tektonische Einordnung und Entwicklung
3.2.3 Strukturinventar von Subsalinar, Salinar und Suprasalinar im Werra-
Kaligebiet Tektonische Erscheinungsformen im Subsalinar Tektonische Erscheinungsformen im Salinar Tektonische Erscheinungsformen im Suprasalinar
3.3 Stratigraphische Gliederung
3.3.1 Präzechstein
3.3.2 Zechstein
3.3.3 Postzechstein
4 Eingangsdaten und methodische Vorgehensweise
4.1 Arbeitsvorbereitung und Datenaufbereitung
4.1.1 Digitales Geländemodell
4.1.2 Geologische Karten
4.1.3 Bohrungsdaten aus Tagesbohrungen
4.1.4 Grubenrissliche Unterlagen Bohrungsdaten aus Untertagebohrungen Fazies- und Strukturdaten Vulkanitvorkommen Gasereignisse Wertstoffgehalte
4.1.5 Georadardaten
4.1.6 Seismikdaten
4.1.7 Geomagnetik
4.1.8 Gravimetrie
4.2 Eingangsdaten und Geomodellierung
4.2.1 Definition Modellraum und stratigraphische Tabelle
4.2.2 Eingangsdaten und Erstellung Störungen
4.2.3 Eingangsdaten und Erstellung der Horizonte
5 Ergebnisse
5.1 Ergebnis der geologischen Modellierung
5.2 Güte des 3D-Strukturmodells
5.3 Auswertung des 3D-Strukturmodells
5.3.1 Isobathenpläne ausgewählter stratigraphischer Horizonte
5.3.2 Isopachenpläne ausgewählter stratigraphischer Abschnitte
5.3.3 Geologische Profile
5.3.4 Fazieskarten und Störungszonen
5.3.5 Ergebnisse zu Wertstoffgehalten
5.3.6 Ergebnisse zu Gasereignissen und Vulkanitvorkommen Häufigkeit der Gasereignisse Größe der Gas-Salz-Ausbrüche Beziehungen der Häufigkeit von Gasereignissen, der Größe von Gas-Salz-
Ausbrüchen, der Fazies und der Eigenschaften der Vulkanite
6 Diskussion der Ergebnisse
6.1 Ableitung zur Senkungsentwicklung des Arbeitsgebietes
6.2 Differenzierte geologische Entwicklung des Arbeitsgebietes unter
Berücksichtigung einzelner Strukturelemente
6.2.1 Beginn des Zechstein
6.2.2 Verlauf Zechstein
6.2.3 Trias
6.2.4 Jura und Kreide
6.2.5 Tertiär
6.3 Fazielle Ausbildung der Kaliflöze in Bezug zu der geologischen
Entwicklung des Arbeitsgebietes
6.4 Wertstoffverteilung der Kaliflöze im Hinblick auf die geologische
Entwicklung des Arbeitsgebietes
6.5 Gasimprägnationen
6.6 Auswirkungen und Übertragbarkeit der Ergebnisse
7 Zusammenfassung
8 Fazit und Ausblick
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2D/3D knowledge inference for intelligent access to enriched visual content / Modélisation et inférence 2D/3D de connaissances pour l'accès intelligent aux contenus visuels enrichisSambra-Petre, Raluca-Diana 18 June 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la catégorisation d'objets vidéo. L'objectif est d'associer des étiquettes sémantiques à des objets 2D présents dans les images/vidéos. L'approche proposée consiste à exploiter des bases d'objets 3D classifiés afin d'identifier des objets 2D inconnus. Nous proposons un schéma de reconnaissance d'objet, conçu pour fonctionner pour des applications en temps réel. La similitude entre des modèles 3D et des contenus 2D inconnu est évaluée à l'aide de la description 2D/3D. Une procédure de vote est ensuite utilisée afin de déterminer les catégories les plus probables de l'objet 2D. Nous proposons aussi une stratégie pour la sélection des vues les plus représentatives d'un objet 3D et un nouveau descripteur de contour (nommé AH). L'évaluation expérimentale a montré que, en employant la sélection intelligente de vues, le nombre de projections peut être diminué de manière significative (jusqu'à 5 fois) tout en obtenant des performances similaires. Les résultats ont également montré la supériorité de l'AH par rapport aux autres descripteurs adoptés. Une évaluation objective de la variabilité intra et inter classe des bases de données 3D impliqués dans ce travail est également proposé, ainsi qu'une étude comparative des approches d'indexations retenues. Une approche de segmentation interactive est également introduite. La méthode proposée est spécifiquement conçu pour surmonter les artefacts de compression tels que ceux mis en place par la compression JPEG. Enfin, nous présentons une plate-forme Web pour l'indexation/la recherche/la classification, qui intègre les différentes méthodologies utilisées dans cette thèse / This Ph.D. thesis tackles the issue of sill and video object categorization. The objective is to associate semantic labels to 2D objects present in natural images/videos. The principle of the proposed approach consists of exploiting categorized 3D model repositories in order to identify unknown 2D objects based on 2D/3D matching techniques. We propose here an object recognition framework, designed to work for real time applications. The similarity between classified 3D models and unknown 2D content is evaluated with the help of the 2D/3D description. A voting procedure is further employed in order to determine the most probable categories of the 2D object. A representative viewing angle selection strategy and a new contour based descriptor (so-called AH), are proposed. The experimental evaluation proved that, by employing the intelligent selection of views, the number of projections can be decreased significantly (up to 5 times) while obtaining similar performance. The results have also shown the superiority of AH with respect to other state of the art descriptors. An objective evaluation of the intra and inter class variability of the 3D model repositories involved in this work is also proposed, together with a comparative study of the retained indexing approaches . An interactive, scribble-based segmentation approach is also introduced. The proposed method is specifically designed to overcome compression artefacts such as those introduced by JPEG compression. We finally present an indexing/retrieval/classification Web platform, so-called Diana, which integrates the various methodologies employed in this thesis
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Parametrisk Design / Parametric DesignZakhoy, Solin, Safeen Butros, Diana January 2019 (has links)
I samband med digitaliseringens intåg har nya förbättrade BIM-verktyg börjat användas för att effektivisera konstruktörens arbete. Med hjälp av implementering av grafiska tredjepartsprogram kan BIM verktygen bidra med ökat funktionalitet. Ett exempel på ett sådant program är tredjepartsprogrammet Grasshopper kopplat till BIM-verktygen Tekla Structures som skapar parameterstyrning, vilket innebär att modellens data styrs och nås av de externa programmen. På Rambolls Bro- och Tunnelavdelning vill man idag, som många andra konsultföretag bli mer BIMorienterade. Dock saknas en uppskattning av den totala tidsbesparingen och nyttjande av tredjepartsprogrammen. Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att komma fram till en slutsats som ger stöd i beslutsfattande kring vilka typer av projekt som parameterstyrda modeller kan vara lämpliga för. Genom uppbyggnad av ett automatiserat skript för en stödmur har denna studie visat kopplingen mellan programvarorna Microsoft Excel, Rhinoceros-Grasshopper och Tekla Structures. Med denna tillämpning har man lyckats skapa ett lätthanterligt användargränssnitt. Vidare har man jämfört det färdiga skriptet i Grasshopper med en modellering i Civil 3D där man har kommit fram till att man kan vinna tid på att ha ett optimalt skript. Man har även kunnat dra slutsatser under vilka förhållanden det lämpar sig att använda parametrisk modellering och automatisering som pekar mot tidiga skeden i projektering och standardkonstruktioner. / In connection with the digitalization's entry, the companies has begun to apply new improved BIMtools to streamline the constructor's work. With the help of the implementation of graphical thirdparty applications, the BIM-tools can achieve increased functionality. An example of such a program is the third party applications Grasshopper linked to the Tekla Structure, which creates so called computational design, which means that the model's data is controlled and accessed by the external programs. The Bridge and Tunnel department at Ramboll wants to become, like many other consulting firms, more BIM oriented. However, there is no estimate of total timesaving and utilization of the implementation today. The purpose of this thesis project has been to come at a conclusion that provides support in decision-making regarding which types of projects that parameter-controlled models may be suitable for. By building an automated script for a retaining wall, this study has shown the connection between the software Microsoft Excel, Rhinoceros-Grasshopper and Tekla Structures. With this application, one has succeeded in creating an easy-to-use interface. Furthermore, one has compared the finished script in Grasshopper with a model in Civil 3D where the assumption that one can gain time by having a finished script. It has also been possible to draw conclusions under which conditions it is suitable to use parametric modeling and automation that points to early stages in design and standard constructions.
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[pt] Devido a sua ampla gama de aplicações, o gás natural ocupa papel importante
na matriz energética global. No Brasil, a descoberta do pré-sal transformou a
história do país em relação a exploração de óleo e gás. Porém, o gás lá encontrado
possui grandes quantidades de CO2 associado, que requerem remoção por existirem
normas da ANP que limitam o gás natural comercializado a 3 por cento mol. Diversas
tecnologias se mostraram capazes de realizar essa remoção, porém para altas
quantidades de CO2, a tecnologia de membranas vem sendo destaque nas
plataformas offshore de extração de petróleo. Seu reduzido footprint é um grande
atrativo, devido ao espaço limitado das plataformas. O presente trabalho compara a
área e volume ocupados e os pesos totais dos arranjos 3D de módulos de membranas
fibra oca e espiral para a separação de CO2 do gás natural no pré-sal brasileiro. Para
isso, foram construídas maquetes 3D no software Solidworks (marca registrada), baseando-se em
dados de plantas reais offshore em operação e dados disponibilizados pelos
principais fornecedores dos módulos de membrana, para tentar alcançar valores
mais próximos da realidade. Foi constatado que os módulos fibra oca apresentam
grande vantagem sobre os espirais em relação a área do módulo individual
(8.340,91 m2
vs 26,24 m2
) e ao número de módulos necessários (48 vs 15.120), e
também em relação às plantas completas, tanto em área e volume, quanto em peso.
Uma planta completa de módulos fibra oca ocuparia apenas 7,75 por cento do volume da
planta de módulos espirais. O peso da primeira totalizaria 38,42 t em oposição a
765,62 t da segunda planta. / [en] Due to its wide range of applications, natural gas plays an important role in
the global energy matrix. In Brazil, the discovery of the pre-salt transformed the
country s history in relation to oil and gas exploration. However, the gas found there
has large amounts of associated CO2, which require removal because there are ANP
standards that limit commercialized natural gas to 3 percent mol. Several technologies
have proven capable of achieving this removal, but for high amounts of CO2,
membrane technology has been on the spotlight on offshore oil extraction
platforms. Its reduced footprint is a major attraction, due to the limited space on the
platforms. The present work compares the occupied area and volume and the total
weights of 3D arrangements of hollow fiber and spiral wound membrane modules
for the separation of CO2 from natural gas in the Brazilian pre-salt. To achieve this,
3D models were built in Solidworks (trademark) software, based on real offshore plants in
operation and data provided by leading membrane module suppliers, in an attempt
to achieve results closer to reality. It was found that hollow fiber modules offer
significant advantages over spiral wound modules in relation to the membrane area
of the individual module (8,340.91 m2
vs 26.24 m2
) and the number of modules
required (48 vs 15,120), and also in relation to complete plants, both in area and
volume, as well as in weight. A complete hollow fiber module plant would occupy
only 7.75 percent of the volume of the spiral wound module plant. The weight of the first
would total 38.42 t as opposed to 765.62 t of the second plant.
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Modellbaserade leveranser : Fallstudie av modellbaserade leveransers inverkan i produktionen av ett anläggningsprojekt / Model-based Deliveries : Case study of the impact of modelbased deliveries in the production phase on a civilworks projectTillberg, Hampus January 2020 (has links)
Forskning visar på att dålig integration av byggprocessens skeden, samarbetsproblem och byggbranschens organisatoriska egenskaper begränsar utvecklingen av teknisk innovation inom byggbranschen. Framgångsrik implementering av innovativ teknik har visats bero av fler faktorer än teknikens egenskaper. Tekniken påverkas bland annat av teknikens omgivning, användarens kompetens och hur den upplevs av användaren. Forskning visar att organisatoriska förändringar och anpassningar är nödvändiga för att tillgå teknikens fördelar. Byggbranschens organisatoriska egenskaper är väsentliga för att studera implementering av teknisk innovation. En fallstudie har genomförts på ett anläggningsprojekt och undersökt implementeringen av modellbaserade leveranser och hur den nya teknologin har tagits emot och påverkat entreprenören. Fallstudien utfördes på en utförandeentreprenad varpå implementeringen av modellbaserade leveranser var beslutad av beställaren. Studien genomförde 14 semistrukturerade intervjuer med entreprenörens personal i projektet för att samla information om upplevelser av arbetet med modellbaserade leveranser. Intervjuerna analyserades för att kartlägga och identifiera entreprenörens uppfattningar av modellbaserade leveranser. En viktig utgångspunkt i analysen av modellbaserade leveranser är att handlingarnas informationsbärare tillsammans bildar en komplett bygghandling. Undersökningen visar att implementeringen av modellbaserade leveranser påverkar produktionen i anläggningsprojektet och organisatoriska förändringar hos entreprenören. Resultatet förser insikter om organisatoriska och produktionsmässiga omställningar entreprenörer kan ställas inför vid implementering av modellbaserade leveranser. Entreprenören har digitaliserat produktionsmetoder och anpassat organisationen på grund av implementeringen. Modellbaserade leveranser har också inneburit en digitalisering för entreprenören med digitala verktyg och mjukvaror. Entreprenören har tillfört upportfunktioner i organisationen för omställningen till den modellbaserade informationsleveransen. Nya tjänster har skapats för att stödja och utbilda projektorganisationen, centrala roller har påverkats med förändrade arbetsrutiner och ansvarsområden och kompetens har behövt tillföras i projektet. Förändringar har varit utmanande för entreprenören som upplever en kontinuerlig utveckling i arbetet med modellbaserade leveranser. Informationshanteringen av handlingarna har varit den största hindret medan 3D-modellers visuella egenskaper ansågs som största möjligheten för entreprenören. / Research shows that poor integration of the building process stages, collaboration problems and organizational characteristics restricts the development of technological innovation in the construction industry. Successful implementation of technology has previously been shown to depend on more factors than just the technology's properties, for example the implementation of technology is influenced by the environment of the technology, the users competence, for whom it is developed and adapted by and how it is perceived by the user. Research also shown that organizational changes and adaptations may be necessary to access the benefits of technology. The characteristics of the construction industry are essential for studying the implementation of technology innovation. The study has therefore carried out a case study on a construction project and examined the implementation of model-based deliveries and how the technology has been adapted and influenced the contractor. The case study was carried out on a project with design-bid-build contract, whereupon the implementation of model-based deliveries was decided by the client. Fourteen semi-structured interviews were carried out with the contractor's staff in the project to gather information about model-based deliveries. Interview results were analyzed to identify the respondent’s perception of model-based deliveries. An important starting point in the analysis of model-based deliveries is that the information together makes complete building documents for the project. The study shows that the implementation of model-based deliveries affects production in the construction project and require organizational changes at the contractor. The results provide insights on organizational and construction production-related changes contractors can face when implementing model-based deliveries. The contractor has digitized production methods and adapted the organization because of the implementation. Model-based deliveries have meant a digitalization for the contractor with new tools and software. The organization has added support functions in the organization for the transition to the model-based information delivery. New positions have been created to support and train the project organization, key positions have been affected with changed work routines and responsibilities and competence has to be added to staff in the project. The changes have been challenging for the contractor who is experiencing continuous development in the work with model-based deliveries. Information management has been the major obstacle and the visual properties of 3D models were considered the greatest opportunity for the contractor.
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