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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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消費者對手機遊戲之忠誠度之影響因素探討 / Influential factors of consumer loyalty for mobile games

李婉瑜, Lee, Wan Yu Unknown Date (has links)
隨著台灣消費者智慧型手機使用時間的拉長,手機遊戲產業也隨之快速成長,而本研究欲探討消費者對手機遊戲之忠誠度的影響因素,換言之,哪些因素會影響消費者持續使用手機遊戲的意願。   本研究參考過去的文獻資料,並引用邱志聖(2014)策略行銷分析理論,整理出十二項影響因子:「人機互動」、「社交互動」、「實用主義結果期望」、「享樂主義結果期望」、「信任」、「同儕影響」、「使用知識的專屬資產」、「心理層面的認同」、「感知結合型社會資本」、「感知橋接型社會資本」、「流暢經驗」與「態度」,探討各個因子是否對消費者忠誠度有所影響。而研究結果顯示,消費者在人機互動和社交互動皆對流暢經驗有顯著且正面的影響,而享樂主義結果期望、信任、使用知識的專屬資產和心理層面的認同皆對態度有顯著且正面的影響,然感知結合型社會資本對態度的結果顯著但呈現負向關係。而流暢經驗、實用主義結果期望、同儕影響和感知橋接型社會資本對態度的影響因結果不顯著,因此無法有效推論這五個構面的假設。而態度、同儕影響、使用知識的專屬資產和心理層面的認同皆對忠誠度有顯著且正面的影響。然流暢經驗、信任、感知結合型社會資本和感知橋接型社會資本對忠誠度的影響因結果不顯著,因此無法有效推論這四個構面的假設。   本研究亦進一步闡述研究結論背後的行銷意涵,廠商可根據此建議而調整自己未來的行銷策略,進而達到提高消費者忠誠度之目標。 / With the usage time extension of smartphones in Taiwan, mobile gaming industry will grow rapidly. This study wants to explore factors influencing consumer loyalty of mobile games. In other words, this study would reveal factors which affect consumers to continue to use mobile games. Referring to the past literatures and citing the 4C Exchange Cost Theory, this study sorts out 12 factors: Human-Computer Interaction, Social Interaction, Utilitarian Outcome Expectations, Hedonic Outcome Expectations, Trust, Peer Influence, Exclusive Asset of Use Knowledge, Psychological Identity, Perceived Bonding Social Capital, Perceived Bridging Social Capital, Flow Experience and Attitude. According to the research result, both Human-Computer Interaction and Social Interaction have a significant and positive impact on Flow Experience. Hedonic Outcome Expectations, Trust, Exclusive Asset of Use Knowledge and Psychological Identity have a significant and positive impact on Attitude. But Perceived Bonding Social Capital has a significant and negative impact on Attitude. Flow Experience, Utilitarian Outcome Expectations, Peer Influence and Perceived Bridging Social Capital have no significant impact on Attitude. Furthermore, Attitude, Peer Influence, Exclusive Asset of Use Knowledge and Psychological Identity have a significant and positive impact on Loyalty. However, Flow Experience, Trust, Perceived Bonding Social Capital and Perceived Bridging Social Capital have no significant impact on Loyalty. This study also proposes the marketing implications behind the research findings. Manufacturers of mobile games can adjust their marketing strategies to achieve the goal of enhancing consumer loyalty in the future.

台灣半導體通路商技術支援服務之4C交換成本分析 / The Analysis of 4C Exchange Cost on the Technical Service by the Distributors in Taiwan Semiconductor Industry

藍清廉, Lan,Chin-Lien Unknown Date (has links)
自八O年代以後,台灣半導體通路產業即邁入了激烈的競爭時代。眾多高同質性的業者,相互競奪上游產品線的代理權,以及下游買者市場的交易權;業者的生存契機,主要來自於提供上、下游業者間進行商業交換的平台。因此,此一平台所能提昇的交換效率,及其處理跨組織間交換成本的能力,乃成為不容忽視的課題。半導體通路業為台灣資訊工業中,歷史悠久且具重要地位的產業;研究瞭解半導體通路產業之價值鏈活動,將有助於台灣半導體通路產業之促進升級。 半導體通路商所從事之價值鏈活動功能,予以分類概有商流、物流、金流、資訊流及技術流等五大項;其中,諸多研究證實——技術支援能力,乃屬半導體通路商之核心競爭力之一。過去有關半導體通路商的研究,大多是由競爭策略、企業資源規劃及整體通路之價值鏈活動等觀點著手,但專注於技術流部分,予以進行4C交換成本態勢分析之探討者,則尚未得見;因此,本研究乃有其創始性。 本研究以台灣地區的半導體通路商為研究對象,期望所做研究結果可供台灣半導體通路業者,做為規劃技術行銷策略之實務參考。本研究屬於質性之探索性研究,經由個案訪談及問卷之初級資料與次級資料的蒐集彙整,並以4C交換成本理論的四個主要變數:外顯單位效益成本、資訊搜尋成本、道德危機成本、專屬陷入成本,進行個案企業之比較分析,並歸納出下列之研究發現與結論: 1. 上游供應商與通路商之技術合作,其對通路商處理交換成本能力的需求排序為:道德危機成本、資訊搜尋成本、專屬陷入成本、外顯單位效益成本。 2. 技術性協力廠商與通路商之技術合作,其對通路商處理交換成本能力的需求排序:道德危機成本、外顯單位效益成本、資訊搜尋成本、專屬陷入成本。 3. 下游系統製造廠商與通路商之技術合作,其對通路商處理交換成本能力的需求為:外顯單位效益成本之功效,高於內隱交換成本之效能。 4. 規模經濟型之半導體通路商,其對下游系統製造商所提供之技術支援服務功能,外顯單位效益成本的優勢,高於內隱交換成本。 5. 利基型之半導體通路商,其對下游系統製造商所提供之技術支援服務功能,內隱交換成本優勢,高於外顯單位效益成本。 6. 經營低技術層次產品之半導體通路商,其對下游系統製造商所提供之技術支援服務功能,外顯單位效益成本的優勢,高於內隱交換成本。 / After the eighth decade, the channel industry of Taiwan semiconductor moved toward serious competition. Many of high similarity company compete with each other in the agency of product line source and the buyer market of OEM customer; the survival opportunity of company is to provide the platform for the exchange between the supplier and customer. Hence, the most critical point is to increase the efficiency and to reduce the exchange cost between the cross-organization in the platform. Semiconductor channel industry is long historical with important position in Taiwan information industry; to investigate and study the semiconductor channel industry will contribute to the research for the upgrade of semiconductor channel industry in Taiwan. The value chain activity of semiconductor channel can be break through into business flow, logistics, financial flow, information flow and technology flow; Among them, technical support ability has been approved to be one of the key competitiveness of the semiconductor channel by many researches. Most of the past researches stood on the views, such as competitive strategy, Enterprise Resource Planning and whole value chain activity, etc., but the point on the 4C exchanges cost co-opetition analysis in the technology flow has not been seen yet. Hence, it’s important for this research. This research is expected to provide the result for the practice reference of the technical marketing strategy to the Taiwan semiconductor channel by focusing on them. This research is belong to the qualitative exploratory research from the data collection of the primary and the secondary information in the interview cases and questionnaires, then to analyze the cases comparatively by the four primary parameters of the 4C exchange cost the cost: the external cost on utility, information searches, morals hazard and hold up asset specificity. Finally, the following important results have been pointed out: 1. The sort of the technical cooperation between the channel and the supplier to the requirement for the channel ability in dealing with exchange cost is: morals hazard, information searches, asset specificity and the external cost on utility. 2. The sort of the technical cooperation between the channel and the independent design house (IDH) to the requirement for the channel ability in dealing with exchange cost is: moral hazard, the external cost on utility, information searches and asset specificity. 3. The technical cooperation between the channel and the system manufacture customer to the requirement for the channel ability in dealing with exchange cost is: the effectiveness of the external cost on utility is higher than that of the inner exchange cost. 4. The technology support service function to the system manufacture customer from the semiconductor channel of the scale economic type is: the advantage of the external cost on utility is higher than that of the inner exchange cost. 5. The technology support service function to the system manufacture customer from the niche type semiconductor channel is: the advantage of the inner exchange cost is higher than that of the external cost on utility. 6. The technology support service function to the system manufacture customer from the semiconductor channel with operating in the low technical level product is: the advantage of the external cost on utility is higher than that of the inner exchange cost.

手機市場策略行銷分析 / The Strategic Marketing Analysis of Mobile Phone Market

鐘芝蓁, Chung, Sophia Unknown Date (has links)
台灣自1994年首家廠商明基電通投入手機的研發,在1997年第一支自製手機問世,開啟手機產業嶄新的一頁,短短的十年間,成就「 手機代工王國」的美譽,並且在2006年攀上最高峰,手機整體出貨量終於突破1億支(黃建智,2007),全球市佔率也衝上13.8%(葉憶如,2007)。過去十年來,手機廠商的生存契機,主要來自於代工訂單的爭取。而基於各別公司生產策略之不同,自製與外包的程度差異頗大,一直以來釋單較積極的國際大廠只有美商Motorola。 台灣有研發及製造的實力,但是因為廠商過度集中於代工客戶的訂單,在代工大餅沒太大增加,但手機廠商家數直線成長的情況下,部份廠商乃積極轉型發展品牌並加強行銷管理。過去有關手機品牌發展的研究,大多是由競爭策略、整體通路之價值鏈活動等觀點著手,但專注於品牌策略,進行4C交換成本態勢分析之探討者,則尚不多見,因此,本研究乃有其先導性。 本研究以台灣地區的大學生手機市場為研究對象,期望所做研究結果可供台灣手機廠商,做為規劃手機品牌行銷策略之實務參考。本研究經由問卷調查以灰階層統計分析,並將其結果以4C交換成本理論的四個主要變數:外顯單位效益成本、資訊搜尋成本、道德危機成本、專屬陷入成本,進行大學生消費族群之消費偏好分析,並歸納出: 首先,台灣的手機品牌廠商在專利成本高於國際大廠而品牌知名度低於國際大廠的情況下,其「外顯單位效益成本」高。其次, 台灣的手機品牌在市場定位不是很清楚的情況下,它的「資訊搜尋成本」偏高。此外,與品牌歷史悠久的歐美品牌及積極擴張的韓國品牌比起來,台灣的手機品牌在消費者的心中屬於高「道德危機成本」風險的選擇。最後,在專屬資產的建立上面,台灣的手機廠商因為品牌的發展資歷較淺,經驗累積不足,在這一方面的操作略顯不成熟,因此對消費者而言也沒有很高的一般專屬陷入成本。 / In 1994, the first Taiwanese company –BenQ Corporation (former Acer Peripherals)– started the involvement on the research and development of mobile phone, and it was the beginning of the new era of mobile phone industry has been started since the launch of the first “Made in Taiwan” handset in 1997. After one decade, Taiwan became the “ODM Kingdom of mobile phone”, and reaching a historical high on 2006 of the overall shipping volume — 100M units, meanwhile achieved a 13.8% of the global market share. In the pass decade, the survival opportunity of Taiwanese mobile phone maker was from ODM orders。And Motorola was the only among the international brands, which released the ODM orders aggressively. However, as the source of ODM orders is not in an upward trend and the growing number of mobile pone makers are all concentrate on ODM business, as a result that part of makers try to move toward OBM business to look for a bigger room and better development. Most of the researches stood on the views about the OBM development on the competition strategies, value chain activities of the mobile phone channels, etc., but the point on the 4C exchange cost analysis has not been seen much, which is important for this research. This research is expected to provide the result for the practical reference of the branding marketing strategy to the Taiwanese mobile phone makers. This research is been developed by the survey of questionnaire and is been analyzed by Grey Relational Analysis (GRA) and Analytical Hierarchy Process(AHP), and then through the four primary parameters of the 4C exchange costs, the cost: the external cost on utility, information searches, moral hazard and asset specificity. Finally, following important result have been pointed out: First of all, the patent cost is higher and the brand awareness is lower to the Taiwanese branded mobile phone makers compare to the international branded companies, and as a result of high external cost on utility. Next, due to the market positioning developed by most of the Taiwanese mobile phone makers is unclear; the cost of information searches is obviously high to consumers. In addition, compare to the well know western brands and the aggressive Korean brands, the choice of Taiwanese brands of mobile phone has high risk on morals hazard to consumers. Finally, as a new player for mobile phone branded business, the skill on branding manipulation requires more experiences, and the cost of asset specificity is low for consumers from the Taiwanese mobile phone brands.

旅行社、領隊與團體套裝旅遊之消費者間三方交換關係之探討 / The study of exchange relationship among travel agent,tour leader&group package tour's consumer

凃明哲, Tu, Ming Che Unknown Date (has links)
旅遊業為我國未來產業發展的重點之一,再加上團體套裝旅遊一直是亞洲國家中最普遍及最受觀迎的旅遊型態之一,我國2009年的團體套裝旅遊比例即佔了35.6%。其中,領隊人員可以說是團體套裝旅遊的重要元素,不僅影響著該次旅遊品質的好壞,領隊也可藉由專業的服務取得旅客的信任,而獲得後續帶團的機會;是以,由於我國過去旅行社設立門檻不高,加上領隊掌握一定旅客數,不少領隊帶槍投靠或自立門戶,造成旅行業良莠不齊、競爭激烈。 因此,本研究欲探討現行旅行社對於領隊的管理模式,運用交易成本理論及4C交換成本理論架構,剖析旅行社、領隊與團體旅遊消費者間三方交換之關係,並對於旅行社提出適當的領隊管理建議,期盼能對於旅行產業的市場紊亂情形有所助益。而由於本研究議題過去缺乏學術研究成果且未被有系統的討論,故採用質性研究及深度訪談做為本論文的研究方法。 研究結果得知,透過訪談資料的整理與分析,歸納出兩種現行的領隊管理模式。管理模式1:旅行社著重於處理與消費者間的4C關係,並設法阻礙領隊與消費者間4C關係的建立,使消費者購買團體旅遊產品是出自於旅行社本身,而非領隊;管理模式2:旅行社與領隊共生共榮,在旅行社與消費者的交換關係方面,旅行社著重於產品的外顯單位效益成本;而在旅行社與領隊的交換關係方面,旅行社運用4C的處理得宜,維繫優秀的領隊,鞏固銷售。 本研究以4C交換成本理論,歸納出兩種領隊管理模式,建議後續研究者可針對旅行社背景,探討何種領隊管理模式對其最有利;另外,針對國內網路時代的盛行,有業者引進國外居家旅遊商業模式H.B.T.A.(Home Based Travel Agents),類似於本研究所提出的管理模式2,後續研究者也可針對此議題進行深入探討。 / Travel industry will be one of the most promising industries in Taiwan; in addition, Group Package Tour is one of the most popular traveling types in Asian countries. In 2009, the percent of Group Package Tour in Taiwan is highly 35.6%. Especially, Tour leader (or tour escort) is the critical element of Group Package Tour.He (or she) can not only influence on the quality of travel, but also can get customers’ trust and the chances of business by professional service. Therefore, because of the low entry barrier of Travel industry and tour leader holding up some customers, lots of tour leaders job-hop or build up their own business. It makes travel industry highly competitive. For this reason, this study wants to use the Transaction Cost Theory and 4C Exchange Cost Theory to discuss current tour leader’s management model, and analyze the exchange relationship among travel agent, tour leader and Group Package Tour customer. Finally, this study wants to propose management recommendations for travel agents. However, this topic was less discussed in the past, so that this study uses qualitative research and in-depth interview as the research method. According to the research result, this study generalizes two kinds of tour leader’s management model. Model 1: Travel agents focus on the 4C relationship with consumers, and manage to hinder the 4C relationship between tour leader and consumer; Model 2: Travel agents cooperate with tour leader. Between travel agent and consumer, travel agents focus on C1. Between travel agent and tour leader, travel agents focus on the 4C relationship for holding up excellent tour leaders. For future research, this study suggests to discuss what travel agent background can benefit from two kinds of tour leader’s management model, or discuss H.B.T.A. (Home Based Travel Agents) deeply.

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