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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Přeshraniční srovnávací analýza motorických schopností dětí mladšího školního věku - pilotní studie / Grenzüberschreitende Vergleichsanalyse der motorischen Fähigkeiten von Kindern des jüngeren Schulalters - Pilotstudie

Benešová, Daniela, Lange, Uwe, Oelze, Janine, Salcman, Václav, Schulz, Henry, Schuster, Simone, Valach, Petr 14 April 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Vzrůstající nedostatek pohybu dětí a mladistvých v průmyslových státech se v minulých desetiletích rozvinul ve zdravotně-politický problém. V souladu s touto problematikou zároveň klesá i úroveň motorických schopností a dovedností, což představuje citelné omezení dětského vývoje, fyzické i psychické komponenty. Důsledkem jsou rostoucí náklady na zdravotní péči, které posléze výrazně zatěžují zdravotnictví v jednotlivých zemích. Cílem vědeckých týmů Západočeské Univerzity v Plzni a Technické Univerzity Chemnitz je v rámci pilotní studie pod názvem „Přeshraniční srovnávací analýza motorických schopností dětí mladšího školního věku“ stanovit a porovnat aktuální zdravotní situaci školáků v České republice a Německu. / Der gestiegene Bewegungsmangel der Kinder und Jugendlichen in den Industriestaaten hat sich in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten zu einem gesundheitspolitischen Problem entwickelt. Das darüber hinaus sinkende Niveau motorischer Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten zieht Beeinträchtigungen der kindlichen Entwicklung auf physischer und psychischer Ebene mit entsprechenden Folgekosten für die Gesundheitssysteme der Länder nach sich. Die Wissenschaftler der Westböhmischen Universität Pilsen und der Technischen Universität Chemnitz haben sich aus diesem Grund zum Ziel gesetzt, in der Pilotstudie „Grenzüberschreitende Vergleichsanalyse der motorischen Fähigkeiten von Kindern des jüngeren Schulalters“ die gesundheitliche Situation von Schulanfängern in der Tschechischen Republik und in Deutschland zu untersuchen und gegenüber zu stellen. / The increased sedentary lifestyle of children and adolescents in industrialized countries has evolved into a public health problem over the past decades. In addition, the declining level of motor abilities and skills draws impairment of children development on physical and psychological level, with appropriate follow-up costs for the health systems of countries. Scientists at the University of West Bohemia Pilsen and the Chemnitz University of Technology have for this reason the goal to investigate and to contrast the health situation of children starting school in the Czech Republic and in Germany with the pilot study "Cross-border comparative analysis of the motor skills of children of younger school age".

Application of the FITT framework to evaluate a prototype health information system

Honekamp, Wilfried, Ostermann, Herwig 24 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
We developed a prototype information system with an integrated expert system for headache patients. The FITT (fit between individual, task and technology) framework was used to evaluate the prototype health information system and to determine which deltas to work on in future developments. We positively evaluated the system in all FITT dimensions. The framework provided a proper tool for evaluating the prototype health information system and determining which deltas to work on in future developments.

Angeleitete internetbasierte Patienteninformation / Guided consumer health information retrieval

Honekamp, Wilfried 14 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Eine stetig wachsende Zahl von Nutzern sucht im Internet nach Gesundheitsinformationen. Hierzu steht ihnen eine Vielzahl ganz unterschiedlicher Anbieter zur Verfügung, die bei divergierenden Interessen gesundheitsrelevante Angebote im Internet vorhalten. Abgesehen von der Informationsflut, mit der die Nutzer bei der Suche überhäuft werden, erhalten sie auch falsche, irreführende, veraltete und sogar gesundheitsgefährdende Informationen. In den letzten zehn Jahren haben verschiedene Wissenschaftler die Anforderungen an ein ideales Gesundheitsinformationssystem ermittelt. Im Rahmen des in diesem Beitrag beschriebenen Projekts wurde ein Gesundheitsinformationssystem als Prototyp zur anamnesebezogenen, internetbasierten Patienteninformation entwickelt und anhand einer Studie evaluiert. Dabei wird die Untersuchung auf deutschsprachige Erwachsene mit Kopfschmerzen eingegrenzt. Insgesamt wird die Hypothese überprüft, dass eine angeleitete, anamnesebezogene Internetsuche für den Patienten bessere Ergebnisse liefert, als dies durch die herkömmliche Nutzung von Gesundheitsportalen oder Suchmaschinen erreicht werden kann. Zur Evaluation wurde eine kontrollierte Zweigruppenstudie mit insgesamt 140 Teilnehmern in zwei Studienabschnitten durchgeführt. Dabei wurde im ersten Abschnitt festgestellt, dass bei einfach strukturierten Krankheitsfällen das Informationssystem gleichgute Ergebnisse liefert wie die herkömmliche Suche. Im zweiten Abschnitt konnte allerdings festgestellt werden, dass bei komplexen Kopfschmerzfällen mit Hilfe des Prototyps signifikant (P=0,031) bessere Diagnosen gestellt werden konnten als ohne. Medizinische Expertensysteme in Kombination mit einer Meta-Suche nach maßgeschneiderten qualitätsgesicherten Informationen erweisen sich als probate Möglichkeit, den Ansprüchen an eine geeignete Versorgung mit Gesundheitsinformationen gerecht zu werden. / A steadily increasing number of users search for health information online. Therefore, a multitude of totally different providers with diverging interests offer information. Apart from the information overload the users are flooded with, they may access false, misleading or even life threatening information. In the last 10 years scientists have determined the requirements of an ideal health information system. In the study described in this paper a prototype health information system providing anamnesis related internet-based consumer health information is evaluated. In total, the hypothesis that a computer-aided anamnesis-related internet search provides better results than the use of conventional search engines or health portals is evaluated. For evaluation a randomised controlled study with 140 participants has been conducted in two study sections. In the first section it was found, that for a less complex diagnosis the prototype information system did equally well as the conventional information retrieval. In the second study section it was found, that dealing with complex headache cases participants using the prototype determined significantly better (P=0.031) diagnoses than the control group did without prototype support. It has been shown, that medical expert systems in combination with a meta-search for tailored quality controlled information represents a feasible strategy to provide reliable health information.

Age related changes in the mechanisms contributing to head stabilisation, and whole body stability during steady state gait and gait initiation

Maslivec, Amy January 2018 (has links)
Head stabilisation during gait related tasks is thought to be fundamental to whole body stability, but this has received little attention in the older population. There is a need to examine any age related changes in neuromechanical mechanisms underpinning head stabilisation that may challenge the control of head stability, and consequently whole body stability. The present Thesis examined the mechanisms contributing to head stabilisation, and whole body stability during two gait tasks, steady state gait and gait initiation in young and older females, with the overall aim of contributing to negating fall risk. Four studies were designed to examine a) head position and walking speed on gait stability during steady state gait; b) neuromechanical mechanisms underpinning head stabilisation during gait initiation; c) head position on whole body stability during gait initiation; and d) head stabilisation during gait initiation at different speeds. Results showed that a) gait stability, was unaffected by head position and different walking speeds during steady state gait, b) decreased head stability in older individuals during gait initiation can be attributed to a deterioration of the neuromechanical mechanisms relating to head stability, c) free head movement during gait initiation does not affect head stabilisation or whole body stability but it does affect gait parameters, while d) initiating gait at faster than comfortable speeds compromises head stabilisation and reduces whole body stability in older individuals. Collectively, these results demonstrate that older individuals adopt an increased head flexion position when walking, while impaired head stability can be attributed to deterioration of the function of their neuromechanical mechanisms compared to their younger counterparts during gait tasks at comfortable speeds. These findings provide an understanding of the effect head stabilisation can have on older adults’ gait and on their fall risk during gait and gait initiation.

The effects of eye movements on postural control in young and older adults

Thomas, Neil January 2018 (has links)
Eye movements are used day-to-day to acquire visual information. Vision is also used for postural control. There are growing indications eye movements can affect postural control. However, this has not been investigated in older adults, which is surprising given the high incidence of falls in older populations. The present thesis aims to address this. The first experimental chapter explores the effects of eye movements on balance during standing in young and older adults. The findings show decreased stability during smooth pursuits, whereas saccades maintained stability to that when fixating a static target. The older adults matched the younger groups performance throughout. The second experimental chapter explores the effects of smooth pursuits and saccades on balance during locomotion in young and older adults. Smooth pursuits were shown to decrease stability, whilst saccades maintained stability compared to fixating a static target. The effects of the eye movements were similar in the older adults. However, the elders exhibited lower baseline stability. The third experimental chapter explores the effects of tracking a real-world stimulus (another person known as `pedestrian') on balance control during locomotion. The pedestrian could be standing still or walking. Fixating the stationary and the walking pedestrian decreased stability similarly when compared to free gaze when the pedestrian was not present. To determine whether these results were transferable to natural gaze rather than instructed gaze, the fourth experimental chapter explores free gaze patterns in a similar real-world environment. Both the young and older adults typically fixated the pedestrian when he was standing still and walking, but began to ignore him once he had walked away from their direction heading. Therefore, experiment 3 behaviour was transferable to natural gaze patterns. The older adults also adopted a more cautious approach by fixating regions on the ground initially, and for longer, before looking to their direction heading.

Effects protecteurs d'extraits de marc de raisin riches en polyphénols dans un modèle d'inflammation colique chez le rat. / Protective effects of polyphenol-rich red grape pomade extracts on DSS-induced colitis in rats

Boussenna, Ahlem 09 April 2015 (has links)
Les polyphénols, micronutriments abondants dans notre alimentation, sont bien connus pour leurs propriétés antioxydantes et anti-inflammatoires et leur consommation a été associée à un moindre risque de maladies chroniques (maladies cardiovasculaires, cancers…). Ces composés suscitent un intérêt croissant dans le domaine de la santé digestive. En effet, les polyphénols sont faiblement absorbés au niveau de l’intestin grêle et sont présents en quantité relativement importante dans le côlon. Les polyphénols et leurs métabolites pourraient donc exercer des effets bénéfiques à ce niveau. Des études expérimentales récentes suggèrent que les polyphénols pourraient aider à prévenir ou retarder la progression de l’inflammation colique. Le raisin est l’un des fruits les plus riches en polyphénols. Divers co-produits du raisin ont montré des effets bénéfiques vis-à-vis de différentes situations d'inflammation, effets souvent attribués à leur richesse en composés polyphénoliques. Les objectifs de cette thèse étaient tout d’abord d’évaluer l’impact du régime de base sur le développement de l’inflammation colique induite par le sulfate de dextran sodique (DSS) chez le rat (1) puis d’évaluer les effets d’une supplémentation nutritionnelle en extraits de marc de raisin (EMR) riches en polyphénols dans la prévention de l’inflammation colique induite par le DSS (2). Pour cela, des rats Wistar ont été nourris ad libitum durant 21 jours avec un régime standard ou un régime semi-synthétique (1) ou les animaux ont été nourris avec un régime semi-synthétique supplémenté ou non avec un EMR (2). Dans tous les cas, l’inflammation colique a été induite par administration de DSS à 4% dans l’eau de boisson pendant les 7 derniers jours de l’expérimentation. Les effets ont été évalués au niveau colique par analyse histologique, détermination de différents marqueurs de l'inflammation et de la défense antioxydante et évaluation de l'expression de différents gènes impliqués dans l’inflammation et le stress oxydant.La consommation préventive de trois EMRs, issus de deux cépages différents (Alicante et Pinot) exerce des effets bénéfiques sur le développement de l’inflammation colique induite par le DSS. Globalement, la consommation à titre préventif d’EMRs prévient la perte de poids, retarde l’apparition des symptômes de la maladie et limite le développement des atteintes tissulaires induites par le DSS. Les EMRs atténuent l’inflammation comme en témoigne la diminution de l’activité de la MPO et le maintien des taux coliques en cytokines pro-inflammatoires au niveau des animaux témoins. De plus, ces EMRs modulent les activités des enzymes antioxydantes. Les EMRs limitent également la surexpression de plusieurs gènes impliqués dans la réponse inflammatoires et le stress oxydant (COX-2, iNOS, ICAM-1, MMP-9…). De plus, nous avons montré que les EMRs provenant du cépage Alicante exercent des effets protecteurs plus marqués que l’EMR Pinot.Ainsi, ces résultats soulignent d’une part l’influence du régime alimentaire de base dans l’induction de l’inflammation colique. D’autre part, la consommation à titre préventif d’EMRs exerce des effets protecteurs sur le développement de l'inflammation colique induite par le DSS via la modulation de marqueurs de l’inflammation et de la défense antioxydante. Ces résultats pourraient permettre d’envisager de nouvelles stratégies nutritionnelles dans la prévention des maladies inflammatoires de l’intestin. / Polyphenols are abundant micronutrients in plant foods, where they have been associated with lower risk of chronic diseases from cancer to cardiovascular disease. The beneficial health effects of polyphenols have been attributed to their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Several studies point to a promising role of these micronutrients in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), as given that a large fraction of dietary polyphenols reach the colon, polyphenols and their metabolites could exert beneficial effects locally at this level. Recent experimental data suggest that polyphenols could help prevent or delay the progression of intestinal inflammation. Grape is one of the richest sources of polyphenols, and various grape products have demonstrated beneficial effects in various chronic diseases. These effects are often attributed to grape polyphenolic compounds.This thesis aimed (1) to evaluate the impact of purified and non-purified basal diets on the development of dextran sodium sulfate (DSS)-induced colitis in the rat, then (2) to evaluate the effects of preventive consumption of polyphenol-rich red grape pomace extracts (GPEs) on DSS-induced colitis. Rats were fed for 21 days with (1) a non-purified or purified diet or (2) GPE-enriched purified diet, and colitis was induced by DSS administration in drinking water (4% w/v) during the last 7 days of the experimental design. The effects on colitis development were assessed by histological analysis, determination of various markers of inflammation and oxidative stress, and evaluation of the expression of various genes implicated in this disorder.DSS induced a more marked colitis in rats receiving the purified diet than the non-purified diet. Indeed, rats receiving the purified diet, the inflammation was characterized by decreased appetite and weight gain, early onset of disease (diarrhea and rectal bleeding), and colon shortening. In rats fed the purified diet, DSS also induced marked histological colonic damage and increased MPO activity. In these animals, DSS also modulated oxidative status by affecting antioxidant enzyme activities. Furthermore, DSS-induced inflammation was associated with increased pro-inflammatory cytokine levels and decreased anti-inflammatory cytokine levels in colonic tissue, together with upregulation of the expression of various genes (iNOS, ICAM-1 and MMP-9).Preventive consumption of three GPEs from two different grape varieties (Alicante and Pinot) showed beneficial effects on DSS-induced colitis development. Overall, preventive dietary GPE supplementation delayed the onset of colitis symptoms and limited the extent of weight loss and colonic mucosa damage. GPE administration reduced inflammation (as evidenced by a decrease in MPO activity) and kept colonic pro-inflammatory cytokines at near-control levels. In addition, the three GPEs modulated antioxidant enzyme activities and limited the overexpression of several genes involved in DSS-induced inflammatory response and oxidative stress (COX-2, iNOS, ICAM-1, MMP-9). Moreover, Alicante-variety GPEs exerted stronger protective effects than Pinot-variety GPEs.These results highlighted (1) the influence of basal diet on induction of colonic inflammation and (2) that preventive consumption of GPEs exerted protective effects against colitis development by modulating inflammatory processes and oxidative stress markers. These findings open up perspectives for new preventive nutritional strategies in colonic inflammation management.

Active Lightweight – End effector (ALE) for the collaborative Robotics

Chen, Liang 09 December 2022 (has links)
This thesis provides a systematic guideline for evaluating, integrating and designing the collaborative end effector system associated with commercially available collaborative robots (cobots). On the basis of ISO/TS 15066:2016, customers’ demands are categorised as a macro demand framework and micro demand variables, which are parameterised and hierarchised. By analysing these parameters, the collaborative degree is determined to correlate the hazards with protection measures, which can demonstrate the collaborative safety level transparently. After that, the safety protection measures are specifically proposed corresponding to the potential risks. Finally, an industrial application is evaluated, a novel adapter utilised on the UR5 cobot is illustrated, and its characteristics for the collaborative operation are described.:1 Introduction 2 Robotic end effector in Assembly and Handling 3 Concept and Definition of Collaboration 4 Statement of the academic purpose and methodology 5 Guideline and Methodology for designing the Active Lightweight End-effector (ALE) for collaborative robots 6 Performance demand d4): multiplicity and versatility of end effector 7 A safety monitoring end effector (Adapter) for collaborative operations 8 A practical study of collaborative integration based on collaborative degree 9 Conclusion Appendix / Diese Arbeit liefert einen systematischen Leitfaden für die Bewertung, Integration und Gestaltung des kollaborierenden Endeffektorsystems in Verbindung mit kommerziell verfügbaren kollaborativen Robotern (Kobots). Auf der Grundlage der ISO/TS 15066:2016 werden die Anforderungen der Kunden in einen Makro-Bedarfsrahmen und Mikro-Bedarfsvariablen kategorisiert, die parametrisiert und hierarchisiert werden. Durch die Analyse dieser Parameter wird der Kollaborationsgrad ermittelt, um die Gefährdungen mit Schutzmaßnahmen zu korrelieren, die die kollaborierende Sicherheitsstufe transparent darstellen können. Danach werden die Schutzmaßnahmen entsprechend den potenziellen Risiken vorgeschlagen. Schließlich wird ein industrieller Anwendungsfall bewertet, ein neuartiger Adapter für den Einsatz an einem Roboter UR5 erläutert und dessen Kenndaten für den kollaborierenden Betrieb beschrieben.:1 Introduction 2 Robotic end effector in Assembly and Handling 3 Concept and Definition of Collaboration 4 Statement of the academic purpose and methodology 5 Guideline and Methodology for designing the Active Lightweight End-effector (ALE) for collaborative robots 6 Performance demand d4): multiplicity and versatility of end effector 7 A safety monitoring end effector (Adapter) for collaborative operations 8 A practical study of collaborative integration based on collaborative degree 9 Conclusion Appendix

Einstimmungen: Untersuchungen zum therapeutischen Potential von Musik und Tanz in Kamerun, Marokko und Liberia / Tuning in: Explorations of the therapeutical potential of music and dance in Cameroon, Morocco and Liberia

Drews, Annette 26 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Publikation widmet sich der Frage nach dem therapeutischen Potential von Musik und Tanz in Kamerun, Marokko und Liberia in verschiedenen Kontexten. In Kamerun untersuchte die Autorin die Rolle des Rappens für die Alltags- und Lebensgestaltung von jugendlichen Straßenkindern. Der musikalische und poetische Ausdruck förderte nicht nur die Kreativität und Lebensfreude der Jugendlichen sondern stärkte gleichzeitig generelle Lebensbewältigungsressourcen. Die Rolle der Kreativität im Kontext der Heilung kommt im Prozess des Lernens zum Ausdruck. Entwicklung und Heilung können als zwei Seiten einer Medaille angesehen werden, die durch die Musik gleichermaßen unterstützt werden. Die Autorin veranschaulicht diesen Zusammenhang am Beispiel des interkulturellen musikalischen Austausches in Khamlia (Marokko). In Liberia untersuchte sie die Rolle des Tanzes in der sozialtherapeutischen Arbeit mit traumatisierten Kindern. Neben der ethnologischen Feldarbeit und betreffenden anthropologischen Themen wurden verschiedene relevante Fragestellungen wie Traumatisierung, Entwicklung und Heilung auf biologisch-neurologischer, psychologischer und philosophischer Ebene erörtert. Ein wichtiges Fazit besteht in der Einsicht, dass Musik und Tanz heilen und fördern, weil sie als ein Medium zur Einstimmung an einer umfassenden Teilhabe am Leben einladen. / This publication seeks to explore the therapeutical potential of music and dance in Cameroon, Morocco and Liberia in different settings. In Cameroon the author examines the role of rapping for the resilience of elder street children. The musical and poetical expression in rapping enhances not only the children´s creativity and joyfulness but at the same time strengthens their general coping strategies. The role of creativity in the context of healing is also expressed in the process of learning. Development and healing can be considered as two sides of one coin equally supported by music. The author explores this relation in the context of the intercultural music exchange in Khamlia (Morocco). In Liberia she analyzes the role of dance in the socio-therapeutical work with traumatized children. Apart from ethnological fieldwork and connected anthropological questions, different related issues like trauma, development and healing are discussed from a neurological, psychological and philosophical the point of view. Concluding it can be stated that healing and development can be realized through music due to its seductive power for attunement to the complexity of life itself.

Cambios en la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud y uso de servicios sanitarios en niños y adolescentes españoles

Palacio Vieira, Jorge A. 18 October 2011 (has links)
El estudio KIDSCREEN Seguimiento analizó los cambios en la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS) en una muestra representativa de niños y adolescentes españoles de 8 a 18 años de edad y sus padres, que contestaron un cuestionario inicial vía postal en 2003 y el de seguimiento en 2006. Además se estudiaron los cambios en salud mental y su impacto sobre la CVRS, así como los factores predictivos del uso de servicios sanitarios. La mayoría de dimensiones de la CVRS presentó un empeoramiento moderado y generalizado, sobre todo en las niñas y en la etapa puberal. El empeoramiento en la salud mental se asoció a un mayor deterioro de la CVRS. En general, la declaración de morbilidad fue el factor con mayor poder predictivo del uso de servicios sanitarios a los 3 años de seguimiento. Algunos factores socioeconómicos fueron determinantes del acceso al especialista y el dentista. / The KIDSCREEN Follow-up study analysed changes in health-related quality of life (HRQL) in a representative sample of Spanish children and adolescents from 8 to 18 years old and their parents and who answered a mail-posted questionnaire at the baseline (2003) and follow-up (2006). In addition changes in mental health and its impact on changes on HRQL and predictors of healthcare services use were analysed. Most of the dimensions of HRQL showed a generalized and moderate worsening, especially amongst girls at the pubertal phase. The worsening in mental health was associated with a higher deterioration in HRQL. In general, the strongest predictive factor on the use of healthcare services was reporting morbidity. Some socioeconomic factors determined the access to specialists and dentist.

Analyse économique des comportements de prévention face aux risques de santé / Economic analysis of health risk prevention behaviors

Loubatan Tabo, Augustin 18 October 2013 (has links)
Nombreux sont ceux à considérer que depuis le développement de la médecine curative, la prévention a occupé une place secondaire dans le système de santé français. La préoccupation majeure aurait été jusque-là d’assurer un accès aux soins plutôt que de favoriser une culture de la prévention. Depuis quelques années, les différents drames sanitaires (transfusion sanguine, amiante, canicule, hormone de croissance, épidémies de grippe, cancers,...) ont sensibilisé l’opinion à la notion de “sécurité sanitaire” et fait émerger une prise de conscience nouvelle autour des problématiques de la prévention. Le recours à la prévention permet aux individus et aux pouvoirs publics d’exercer un contrôle sur les risques de santé auxquels ils sont exposés et de mener des actions conséquentes dans le but d’améliorer l’état de santé en évitant l’apparition, le développement ou l’aggravation des maladies ou des accidents tout en favorisant des comportements individuels et collectifs pouvant contribuer à réduire les risques sanitaires. Une des réponses face aux risques de santé est d’inciter les individus à plus de prévention car ils ne sont plus seulement consommateurs de soins mais aussi producteurs de leur état de santé. Quel est donc le rôle des individus et quelle est la part de responsabilité dévolue à chacun dans la prévention des risques sanitaires ? De plus, la prévention des risques sanitaires s’inscrit dans un environnement d’ambiguïté et d’incertitudes car les risques auxquels sont exposés les individus sont diversement nombreux et pas toujours bien connus. Il n’est donc pas aisé de relier avec certitude un facteur de risque et un effet sanitaire pour ainsi adopter un comportement de prévention adéquat. Dans ce contexte d’incertitude, de nombreux modèles d’aide à la décision, ou de représentations des préférences ont été proposés ces dernières années (Klibanoff et al.(2005), Bleichrodt et Eeckhoudt(2006) Machina(2009), Etner et al.(2011)). Cette thèse analyse les comportements de prévention des individus face à des risques de santé tout en mettant l’accent sur les politiques publiques de prévention proposées. Elle consiste d’une part à des études théoriques des comportements de prévention et de gestion des risques sanitaires en utilisant des modèles récents de préférences. Ce travail analyse le comportement des individus qui doivent prendre des mesures de prévention pour protéger leur propre santé dans un contexte d’incertitude. D’autre part, elle se consacre à une étude empirique pour cerner les perceptions et informations qu’ont les individus en termes de risque de santé. En outre, tout au long de ce travail, nous avons cherché à étudier la pertinence du modèle théorique élaboré au regard des politiques pratiquées. Le premier chapitre présente les principes de modélisation des décisions économiques en présence d’un risque de santé plus ou moins bien connu. Après avoir détaillé lesdifférentes approches dans les modèles de décisions dans le risque et dans l’incertain, nous avons mis en relief l’importance de l’introduction de variables bidimensionnelles (ou multidimensionnelles) dans le modèle de choix pour permettre de rendre de l’environnement multidimensionnel des risques de santé. Le deuxième chapitre est une étude originale proposée sur l’analyse de la prévention en santé lorsque les individus présentent de l’aversion à l’ambiguïté. Dans ce chapitre, nous avons étudié les comportements individuels de prévention face à une incertitude sur l’état de santé et avons montré que l’aversion à l’ambiguïté incite les individus à faire plus de prévention primaire et secondaire sous l’hypothèse d’une utilité marginale de la richesse croissante avec l’état de santé. (...) / Many are those to consider that since the development of the curative medicine, the prevention occupied a secondary place in the French health care system. Major concern would have been up to that point to ensure an access to healthcare rather than to support a culture of prevention. Since a few years, various medical dramas (blood transfusion, asbestos, heat wave, growth hormone, flu epidemics,cancers,...) have raised awareness of the concept of “safety” and brings out a new awakening around the prevention problems.The use of prevention allows the individuals and the public authorities to exert a control on the health risks to which they are exposed and to conduct consequent actions in order to improve health and prevent the emergence, the development, the development or the aggravation of the diseases or accidents while promoting individual and collective behaviors that can help to reduce the risk health. One of the answers in front of the health risks is to incite the individuals to more prevention because they are not only consumers of care, but also producers of their health. What is the role of individuals and what is the share of responsibility reserved for each one in the prevention of health risks ? In addition, the prevention of health risks is part of an environment ambiguity and uncertainty because the risks to which are exposed individuals are many different ways and not always well known. It is thus not easy to connect with certainty a risk factor and a health effect for adopting an adequate prevention behavior. In this context of uncertainty, many support the decision models or representations of preferences have been proposed in recent years (and Klibanoff (al. (2005), and Bleichrodt Eeckhoudt (2006), Machina 2009), Etner et al. (2011)).This thesis analyzes the individual behaviors of prevention in front of health risks while focusing on the public policies of prevention proposed. It consists on the one hand in theoretical studies of the behaviors of prevention and management of the health risks by using recent models of preferences. This work analyzes the behavior of the individuals who need to take preventive measures to protect their own health in a context of uncertainty. On the other hand, it is devoted to an empirical study to determine perceptions and information which have the individuals in terms of risk of health. Moreover, throughout this work, we sought to examine the relevance of the theoretical model developed with regard to the policies practiced. The first chapter presents the principles of modeling economic decisions in the presence of a more or less well known health risk. After detailing the different approaches in models of decisions under risk and uncertainty, we have highlighted the importance of the introduction of two-dimensional variables (or multidimensional) in the model of choice to allow to report the multidimensional environment of health risks. The second chapter is an original proposed study on the analysis of preventive health when the individuals have an aversion to ambiguity. In this chapter, we studied individual behavior of prevention in front of an uncertainty on the health status and have showed that aversion to ambiguity encourages the individuals to make more primary and secondary prevention under the assumption of a marginal utility of the increasing wealth with the health status. (...)

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