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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Temperature Dependency of Some of the Thermodynamical Properties of Aqueous Binary-Mixture Systems

Zheng, Yueming 08 1900 (has links)
The temperature dependence of the refractive index and the density of aqueous binary mixtures of water and ethyl alcohol (C₂H₅OH) were measured by using a modified Michelson interferometer and a narrow glass capillary tube over the temperature range of 278≤T≤353 K for solutions of 100, 75,65, 50, 25, 10 and 0 volume percent ethyl alcohol. The temperature was cycled over both increasing and decreasing directions to explore hysteresis in the cycling. The data are discussed and compared with the Lorentz-Lorenz (LL) formula. A more accurate formula which fits the experimental data better than the LL relation was derived. An attempt was made to determine the nature of the solvent-solute interaction through any changes that were found in the refractive index for He-Ne laser light and IR diode signals and to analyze the refractive index and density results to test the accuracy of the available mixing rules in predicting the refractive index values and the density of binary systems. Conductivity measurements (d. c.) over the temperature range 278≤T≤353 K of aqueous solutions of NaCl at various concentrations were made and used to establish transport properties of ions in solution. The dynamical properties of the electrolytes were used to establish the nature of hydrogen bonding in aqueous binary mixture systems. Rate equations for ion formation and recombination were used to establish the temperature ranges in which hydrogen bonding dominated in forming polymeric species. From experimental data on the binary mixtures with water, a better understanding of water in its different functions and aggregation is possible. The water molecule itself and its response to the environment are understood when suitable studies are made of the forces in the system. In this work, some qualitative aspects of the interactions and dynamics of the water molecule have been investigated. Classical molecular dynamics simulations were tried to explain some of the thermodynamical properties of the water molecule.

Relationen mellan träningsberoende, perfektionism och tvångsmässig passion / The relationship between exercise dependence, perfectionism and obsessive passion

Hoffstedt, Albin, Bergman, Hannes January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie är att undersöka om perfektionism respektive tvångsmässig passion kan predicera träningsberoende. I studien deltog 108 gym/CrossFit- utövare mellan 18-60 år (M=34.18, SD=10.77). Två hypoteser utvecklades (1) perfektionism är en signifikant prediktor rörande träningsberoende och (2) tvångsmässig passion är en signifikant prediktor gällande träningsberoende. Hypoteserna testades därefter i enkla regressionsanalyser. Resultatet visade att både perfektionism och tvångsmässig passion var prediktorer till träningsberoende. Perfektionism och tvångsmässig passion förklarade 21% respektive 39% av variansen i träningsberoende. Resultatet understryker att både perfektionism respektive tvångsmässig passion verkar kunna förklara utvecklandet av träningsberoende. Studiens resultat diskuterades utifrån Egorov och Szabo (2013) modell av uppkomsten till träningsberoende och tidigare forskning samt empiri. Ytterligare forskning är av behov för att öka förståelsen kring bakomliggande faktorer till träningsberoende / The purpose in the present study was to investigate if obsessive passion respectively perfectionism predicted exercise dependence. In the current study 108 gym/CrossFit- members participated between the ages 18-60 (M=34.18, SD=10.77). Two hypothesis were developed (1) perfectionism is a significant predictor regarding exercise dependence and (2) obsessive passion is a significant predictor regarding exercise dependence. These hypothesis were tested by simple linear regression analyses. The regression analyses showed that both perfectionism and obsessive passion predicted exercise dependence. Perfectionism and obsessive passion accounted for 21% respectively 39% of the variance in exercise dependence. The results emphasize that both perfectionism respectively obsessive passion seem to explain the development of exercise dependence. With foundation in the results the discussion centred around the interactional model of exercise dependence by Egorov and Szabo (2013) as well as previous research. Further research is needed in order to better understand which factors underlie exercise dependence.

Drift mechanism of mass transfer on heterogeneous reaction in crystalline silicon substrate

Kukushkin, Sergey A., Osipov, Andrey V. 19 September 2018 (has links)
This work aims to study the pressure dependence of the thickness of the epitaxial silicon carbide SiC film growing from crystalline silicon Si due to the heterogeneous reaction with gaseous carbon monoxide CO.

Syftes -och prestationsredovisning i ideella organisationer : Kan Resource Dependence -teori och Institutionell teori förklara hur utförligt ideella organisationer redovisar sitt syfte och relaterade prestationer i årsberättelsen

Engberg, Victor January 2021 (has links)
Att visa ’accountability’ (att handla på ett visst sätt och därefter redogöra för sitt handlande) har under de senaste decennierna kommit att anses viktigt för ideella organisationer. Att vara ’accountable’ antas nödvändigt för att organisationer ska upplevas som legitima av sina intressenter och därmed viktigt för deras långsiktiga överlevnad. En typ av information som antyds vara av vikt för organisationers intressenter är att de tydligt redovisar sitt syfte och relevanta prestationer. Teorier som potentiellt kan förklara hur ideella organisationer redovisar sådan information har dock forskats om endast i begränsad omfattning. Denna studie ämnade testa om resource dependence -teori och institutionell teori kan ses som giltiga förklaringsmodeller för hur ideella organisationer i årsberättelsen redovisar sitt syfte och relevanta prestationer. Med grund i teorierna formulerades två hypoteser vilka gör antaganden om syftes -och prestationsredovisningens utförlighet. Hypotesen som gjordes med grund i resource dependence -teori antog att syftes -och prestationsredovisningen skulle vara utförligare för ideella organisationer som till en högre andel var bidrags -eller donationsfinansierade. Hypotesen som gjordes med grund i institutionell teori antog att syftes-och prestationsredovisningens utförlighet skulle signifikant skilja sig mellan ideella organisationer som utövade olika typ av verksamhet, i denna studie museiverksamheter och sociala insatser. En innehållsanalys utfördes med ett stickprov av årsberättelser från 59 ideellaorganisationer avseende de två verksamhetstyperna. En checklista användes som utgångspunkt för att binärt poängsätta och därmed kvantifiera syftes -och prestationsredovisningens utförlighet. Därefter prövades hypoteserna genom att statistiskt analysera redovisningens utförlighet i relation till andelen bidragsfinansiering samt typ av verksamhet. Studiens resultat visar stöd för båda hypoteserna. För den hypotes som tog sin utgångspunkt i institutionell teori visas dock ett statistiskt starkare stöd. Resultaten antyder att både resource dependence -teori och institutionell teori är giltiga förklaringsmodeller i fråga om hur ideella organisationer väljer att utforma sin syftes -och prestationsredovisning i årsberättelsen.

Belarus and Interdependence: The Influence of Dependence on International Interaction / Belarus and Interdependence: The Influence of Dependence on International Interaction

Behrends, Haylee January 2016 (has links)
In today's globalized world it is nearly impossible for countries to act independently without some degree of cooperation. It is even more diffult for countries with high levels of dependence. Dependence in Belarus on others influences its foreign policy in a way that inhibits Belarus' power. The degree of dependence, power, and interdependence in Belarus is analyzed by looking at its level of participation in international organizations, trade partners, and reliance on foreign aid. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Long memory in bond market returns: a test of weak-form efficiency in Botswana's bond market

Muzhoba, Gorata 06 March 2022 (has links)
Using the ARFIMA-FIGARCH model, this dissertation examines the efficiency of Botswana's bond market. It focuses on the properties of the return and volatility of the Fleming Asset Bond Index (the main aggregate fixed income benchmark index in Botswana) over the period September 2009 to May 2019. The weak-form version of efficient market hypothesis (EMH) is used as a criterion to investigate the existence of long memory in both bond returns and volatility. The results of our study indicate that the Botswana bond market data follow, to a great extent, the long-range dependence which negates the precepts of the efficient market hypothesis. Furthermore, policy reforms intended to stimulate bond market reform and related efficiency gains appear not to have produced the desired outcomes as the existence of long memory is found across all sample periods. Further remedial policies are suggested to enhance market dynamism.

Patienters upplevelser av opioidanvändning och opioidberoende : en litteraturöversikt / Patients' experience of opioid use and opioid dependence : a litterature review

Martic, Jelena, Sjöström, Linda January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund  Opioidepidemin som pågår ses som ett globalt folkhälsoproblem där ökad förskrivning av receptbelagda opioider spelar en central roll. Opioider kan orsaka lidande och i många fall en för tidig död. Patienter har ofta negativa upplevelser av sjukvården. Vårdpersonal saknar vanligen utbildning och upplever rädsla för att vårda denna patientgrupp. Syfte Syftet var att beskriva patienters upplevelser av opioidanvändning och opioidberoende. Metod En icke-systematisk litteraturöversikt utfördes. Med hjälp av relevanta sökord som bland annat “opioid related disorder”, “substance use disorder” och “patient perspective” för föreliggande syfte togs de inkluderade artiklarna fram från databaserna CINAHL och PubMed. För att säkerställa att artiklarna var av god kvalitet granskades de utifrån Sophiahemmets högskolas bedömningsinstrument. Därefter utfördes en integrerad analys som resulterade i fyra olika teman. Resultat Litteraturöversiktens resultat beskriver patienternas upplevelser av opioidanvändning och opioidberoende. Resultatet ger kunskap om patienternas upplevelser av att påbörja och avsluta användning av opioider, sambandet mellan smärta och opioidanvändning samt upplevelsen av stigmatisering. Även en kunskapsbrist kring opioiders beroendeframkallande effekt beskrivs i studien. Slutsats Resultatet av litteraturöversikten kan öka kunskap och förståelse kring betydelsen av vägledande och fullständig information som bör ges till patienter gällande opioider. Genom att informera om, samt öka patienternas förståelse om opioider kan detta förhoppningsvis minska risken att utveckla beroende. För att kunna garantera en hållbar utveckling ur ett holistiskt perspektiv är vårdpersonal i behov av lämpliga verktyg och förutsättningar för att kunna bidra till en säker behandling och god omvårdnad. / Background The ongoing opioid epidemic is seen as a global public health problem, where increased prescribing of prescription opioids has a significant role. Opioids can cause suffering and, in many cases, premature death. Patients often have negative experiences of healthcare. Nursing staff do not usually have enough education and experience fear of caring for this patient group. Aim The aim of this study was to describe patients' experiences of opioid use and opioid dependence. Method A non-systematic literature review was performed. Using relevant keywords such as “opioid related disorder”, “substance use disorder” and “patient perspective” for the present purpose, the included articles were retrieved from the CINAHL and PubMed databases. To ensure that the articles were of good quality, they were examined on the basis of Sophiahemmet University's assessment instrument. An integrated analysis was then performed, resulting in four different themes. Results The results of the literature review were based on 16 scientific articles of both qualitative and quantitative design. The results provide knowledge about patients' experiences of living with opioids, the connection between pain and opioid use and the experience of stigma. A lack of knowledge about the addictive effect of opioids is also described in the study. Conclusions The results of the literature review can increase knowledge and consideration about the importance of guiding and complete information that should be given to patients regarding opioids. By informing them about and increasing patients' understanding of opioids, this can hopefully reduce the risk of developing addiction. In order to guarantee sustainable development from a holistic perspective, care staff need suitable tools and conditions to be able to contribute to safe treatment and good nursing.

Träningsberoende och dess relation till Perfektionism, Neuroticism och Stress / Exercise dependence and its relationship between Perfectionism, Neuroticism and Stress

Bergman, Olle, Lagerkvist, Joel January 2022 (has links)
Introduktion: Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka sambandet mellan stress, tre dimensioner av perfektionism, neuroticism och träningsberoende hos aktiva motionärer mellan 18-35 år. Mer specifikt är syftet att undersöka om stress, neuroticism, självorienterad, annaninriktad och socialt föreskriven perfektionism kan predicera träningsberoende. Metod: Deltagare (N=72; M=24.2, SD=4.09) genomförde en online enkätundersökning bestående av Godin Leisure-Time Exercise Questionnaire (GLTEQ), Exercise Dependence Scale-Revised (EDS-R), Perceived Stress Scale-10 (PSS), the Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale II (MPS-II) och Big Five Inventory (BFI). Resultat: Föreliggande studie identifierade att stress, neuroticism, socialt föreskriven perfektionism och självorienterad perfektionism predicerade träningsberoende. Konklusion: Då stress, neuroticism, socialt föreskriven perfektionism och själorienterad perfektionism predicerar träningsberoende bör dessa betraktas som riskfaktorer i utvecklingen av träningsberoende. I föreliggande studie låg 18% av deltagarna i riskzon för att utveckla ett träningsberoende vilket visar att det är av stor betydelse att uppmärksamma individer som uppvisar symtom av träningsberoende. Eftersom interaktionsmodellen visar att det finns fler psykologiska faktorer som har inflytande på utvecklingen av ett träningsberoende krävs mer forskning inom området. / Introduction: The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between stress, three dimensions of perfectionism, neuroticism and exercise dependence in active exercisers between the age of 18-35. More specific, the aim was to investigate if stress, neuroticism, self-orientated, other-oriented and socially prescribed perfectionism can predict exercise dependence. Method: Participants (N=72; M=24.2, SD=4.09) completed an online questionnaire consisting of the Godin Leisure-Time Exercise Questionnaire (GLTEQ), Exercise Dependence Scale-Revised (EDS-R), Perceived Stress Scale-10 (PSS), the Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale II (MPS-II), and Big Five Inventory (BFI). Results: The present study found that stress, neuroticism, socially prescribed perfectionism, and self-oriented perfectionism all predicted exercise dependence. Conclusion: Because stress, neuroticism, socially prescribed perfectionism, and self-oriented perfectionism all predicted exercise dependence should these be seen as risk factors in the development of exercise dependence. In the present study 18% of the participants were in risk of developing exercise dependence which shows that it is of great importance to pay attention to individuals that exhibits symptoms of exercise dependence. Because the interactional model of exercise dependence shows that there are more psychological factors which influence the development of exercise dependence more research is needed on the subject.

Sex Chromosome-Wide Association Analysis Suggested Male-Specific Risk Genes for Alcohol Dependence

Zuo, Lingjun, Wang, Kesheng, Zhang, Xiangyang, Pan, Xinghua, Wang, Guilin, Krystal, John H., Zhang, Heping, Luo, Xingguang 01 December 2013 (has links)
BACKGROUND: Alcohol dependence is more common among men than among women. Potential explanations for this include the role of genes in sex chromosomes (X and Y). In the present study, we scanned the entire Y chromosome and its homologs on the X chromosome in men to identify male-specific risk genes for alcohol dependence. METHODS: Two thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven individuals in two independent cohorts were analyzed. The European-American male cohort (883 cases with alcohol dependence and 445 controls) served as the discovery cohort and the European-American female cohort (526 cases and 1073 controls) served as a contrast group. All individuals were genotyped on the Illumina Human 1M beadchip. Two thousand two hundred and twenty-four single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) on the Y chromosome or in the homologs on the X chromosome were analyzed. The allele frequencies were compared between cases and controls within each cohort using logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: We found that, after experiment-wide correction, two SNPs on the X chromosome were associated significantly with alcohol dependence in European-American men (P=1.0×10 for rs5916144 and P=5.5×10 for rs5961794 at 3′ UTR of NLGN4X), but not in the women. A total of 26 SNPs at 3′UTR of or within NLGN4X were nominally associated with alcohol dependence in men (5.5×10≤P≤0.05), all of which were not statistically significant in women. CONCLUSION: We conclude that NLGN4X was a significant male-specific risk gene for alcohol dependence in European-Americans. NLGN4X might harbor a causal variant(s) for alcohol dependence. A defect of synaptogenesis in neuronal circuitry caused by NLGN4X mutations is believed to play a role in alcohol dependence.

Genetic Variants in the Fat Mass- and Obesity-Associated (FTO) Gene Are Associated With Alcohol Dependence

Wang, Liang, Liu, Xuefeng, Luo, Xingguang, Zeng, Min, Zuo, Lingjun, Wang, Ke Sheng 01 October 2013 (has links)
Variants (such as rs9939609) in the fat mass- and obesity-associated (FTO) gene have been associated with obesity, type 2 diabetes, some cancers, and alcohol consumption. This study tested the associations of 167 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within FTO gene with alcohol dependence (AD) using two Caucasian samples: the Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism (COGA) sample (660 AD cases and 400 controls) and the Study of Addiction: Genetics and Environment (SAGE) sample (623 cases and 1,016 controls). Logistic regression analysis of AD as a binary trait was performed using the PLINK software. For the SAGE sample, the top three SNPs showing associations with AD were rs8062891, rs1108086, and rs1420318 (p = 0.00088, 0.00086 and 0.00086, respectively). Two SNPs (rs12597786 and rs7204609) associated with AD in the SAGE sample (p = 0.017 and 0.034, respectively) were replicated in the COGA sample (p = 0.017 and 0.014, respectively). Through meta-analysis of two samples using PLINK, the top three SNPs associated with AD were rs8062891, rs12597786, and rs7204609 (p = 0.00064, 0.00076 and 0.0011, respectively). Haplotype analysis in the SAGE sample further supported the associations with AD in single-marker analysis. In addition, we found association of rs17817449 (which has a strong linkage disequilibrium with rs9939609) with AD in the SAGE sample (p = 0.00339). The findings provide evidence of joint intervention and prevention of AD and obesity.

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