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Nekanonické funkce IL-1α / Noncanonical functions of IL-1αNovák, Josef January 2020 (has links)
1α (IL 1α) is a multifunctional cytokine 1α is 1α independent on the receptor sig 1α is responsible for 1α to the plasma membrane. 1α activates express κB, binds to 1α 1α 1α to the plasma membrane 1α to signal 1α is required for membrane 1α exter 1α anchoring 1α 1α 1α with tumor suppressor p53 following genotoxic stress is further described in human cell 1α coloca
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Der Einfluss von Clozapin, N-Desmethylclozapin und Chlorpromazin auf die in-vitro-Produktion von ThromboxanSchmidt, Renate Luise 29 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Die Hypothese, dass das AP Clozapin, ebenso wie dessen Metabolit NDMC die Produktion von TxA2 beeinfluss könnten, stellten wir nach ausführlicher Literaturrecherche auf. Letztere zeigte, dass bereits beim ersten AP CPZ eine reduzierende Wirkung auf die TxA2-Produktion nachgewiesen werden konnte. TxA2 und die Aktivierung seines Rezeptors modulieren Vasokonstriktion und Thrombozytenaggregation. Weiterhin nehmen sie Einfluss auf dopaminerge und serotonerge Signalwege. In der Pathophysiologie der Schizophrenie spielen eben diese eine bedeutende Rolle und stellen somit Zielstrukturen für APs dar.
Um die Konzentration von TxB2, dem Metaboliten des instabilen Moleküls TxA2 in stimulierten und unstimulierten Blutproben 10 gesunder Probandinnen zu messen, verwendeten wir ein Vollblutverfahren. Um signifikante Ergebnisse zu erhalten, stimulierten wir die Proben mit TSST-1 oder dem monoklonalen Antikörper OKT3 (Muromonab-CD3), der gegen das Oberflächenantigen CD3 gerichtet ist, kombiniert mit dem monoklonalen Antikörper 5C3, der mit dem Protein CD40 interagiert und es stimuliert. Weiterhin versetzten wir das Blut mit den APs CPZ, Clozapin oder NDMC in einer von vier verschiedenen Konzentrationen. Außerdem wurden die Thromboxanspiegel im Blut ohne Zusatz von APs unter verschiedenen Stimulationskonditionen gemessen.
Durch den Zusatz von Clozapin in den verschiedenen Konzentrationen kam es zu einer signifikanten (p<0.05) Verringerung der TxB2-Produktion in den mit TSST-1 und ebenso in den mit OKT3/5C3 versetzen Proben, was wir im Rahmen unserer Studie feststellen konnten. Weiterhin konnten wir zeigen, dass CPZ in sehr niedriger Konzentration die TxB2-Spiegel im unstimulierten und im mit TSST-1 stimulierten Blut reduziert. Daraus lässt sich schlussfolgern, dass Clozapin, NDMC und CPZ auch über eine Modulation der TxA2- und TxB2-Produktion das Neurotransmittersystem beeinflussen könnten. Auch typische Nebenwirkungen der AP, wie zum Beispiel die orthostatische Hypotension, könnten aus den Veränderungen der TxA2- und TxB2-Konzentrationen resultieren.
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Der Einfluss von Clozapin, N-Desmethylclozapin und Chlorpromazin auf die in-vitro-Produktion von ThromboxanSchmidt, Renate Luise 07 July 2014 (has links)
Die Hypothese, dass das AP Clozapin, ebenso wie dessen Metabolit NDMC die Produktion von TxA2 beeinfluss könnten, stellten wir nach ausführlicher Literaturrecherche auf. Letztere zeigte, dass bereits beim ersten AP CPZ eine reduzierende Wirkung auf die TxA2-Produktion nachgewiesen werden konnte. TxA2 und die Aktivierung seines Rezeptors modulieren Vasokonstriktion und Thrombozytenaggregation. Weiterhin nehmen sie Einfluss auf dopaminerge und serotonerge Signalwege. In der Pathophysiologie der Schizophrenie spielen eben diese eine bedeutende Rolle und stellen somit Zielstrukturen für APs dar.
Um die Konzentration von TxB2, dem Metaboliten des instabilen Moleküls TxA2 in stimulierten und unstimulierten Blutproben 10 gesunder Probandinnen zu messen, verwendeten wir ein Vollblutverfahren. Um signifikante Ergebnisse zu erhalten, stimulierten wir die Proben mit TSST-1 oder dem monoklonalen Antikörper OKT3 (Muromonab-CD3), der gegen das Oberflächenantigen CD3 gerichtet ist, kombiniert mit dem monoklonalen Antikörper 5C3, der mit dem Protein CD40 interagiert und es stimuliert. Weiterhin versetzten wir das Blut mit den APs CPZ, Clozapin oder NDMC in einer von vier verschiedenen Konzentrationen. Außerdem wurden die Thromboxanspiegel im Blut ohne Zusatz von APs unter verschiedenen Stimulationskonditionen gemessen.
Durch den Zusatz von Clozapin in den verschiedenen Konzentrationen kam es zu einer signifikanten (p<0.05) Verringerung der TxB2-Produktion in den mit TSST-1 und ebenso in den mit OKT3/5C3 versetzen Proben, was wir im Rahmen unserer Studie feststellen konnten. Weiterhin konnten wir zeigen, dass CPZ in sehr niedriger Konzentration die TxB2-Spiegel im unstimulierten und im mit TSST-1 stimulierten Blut reduziert. Daraus lässt sich schlussfolgern, dass Clozapin, NDMC und CPZ auch über eine Modulation der TxA2- und TxB2-Produktion das Neurotransmittersystem beeinflussen könnten. Auch typische Nebenwirkungen der AP, wie zum Beispiel die orthostatische Hypotension, könnten aus den Veränderungen der TxA2- und TxB2-Konzentrationen resultieren.
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Dégradation des membres de la famille du LDLR par la convertase PCSK9 : troisième locus de l'hypercholestérolémie familialePoirier, Steve 12 1900 (has links)
Les maladies cardiovasculaires (MCV) sont les principales causes de mortalité et de morbidité à travers le monde. En Amérique du Nord, on estime à 90 millions le nombre d’individus ayant une ou plusieurs MCV, à près de 1 million le nombre de décès reliés par année et à 525 milliards de dollars les coûts directs et indirects en 2010. En collaboration avec l’équipe du Dre. Boileau, notre laboratoire a récemment identifié, le troisième locus impliqué dans l’hypercholestérolémie familiale. Une étude publiée dans le New Engl J Med a révélé que l’absence de la convertase PCSK9 réduit de 88% le risque de MCV, corrélé à une forte réduction du taux de cholestérol plasmatique (LDL-C). Il fut démontré que PCSK9 lie directement le récepteur aux lipoprotéines de faible densité (LDLR) et, par un mécanisme méconnu, favorise sa dégradation dans les endosomes/lysosomes provoquant ainsi une accumulation des particules LDL-C dans le plasma.
Dans cet ouvrage, nous nous sommes intéressés à trois aspects bien distincts : [1] Quels sont les cibles de PCSK9 ? [2] Quelle voie du trafic cellulaire est impliquée dans la dégradation du LDLR par PCSK9 ? [3] Comment peut-on inhiber la fonction de PCSK9 ?
[1] Nous avons démontré que PCSK9 induit la dégradation du LDLR de même que les récepteurs ApoER2 et VLDLR. Ces deux membres de la famille du LDLR (fortes homologies) sont impliqués notamment dans le métabolisme des lipides et de la mise en place de structures neuronales. De plus, nous avons remarqué que la présence de ces récepteurs favorise l’attachement cellulaire de PCSK9 et ce, indépendamment de la présence du LDLR. Cette étude a ouvert pour la première fois le spectre d’action de PCSK9 sur d’autres protéines membranaires.
[2] PCSK9 étant une protéine de la voie sécrétoire, nous avons ensuite évalué l’apport des différentes voies du trafic cellulaire, soit extra- ou intracellulaire, impliquées dans la dégradation du LDLR. À l’aide de milieux conditionnées dérivés d’hépatocytes primaires, nous avons d’abord démontré que le niveau extracellulaire de PCSK9 endogène n’a pas une grande influence sur la dégradation intracellulaire du LDLR, lorsqu’incubés sur des hépatocytes provenant de souris déficientes en PCSK9 (Pcsk9-/-). Par analyses de tri cellulaire (FACS), nous avons ensuite remarqué que la surexpression de PCSK9 diminue localement les niveaux de LDLR avec peu d’effet sur les cellules voisines. Lorsque nous avons bloqué l’endocytose du LDLR dans les cellules HepG2 (lignée de cellules hépatiques pour l’étude endogène de PCSK9), nous n’avons dénoté aucun changement des niveaux protéiques du récepteur. Par contre, nous avons pu démontrer que PCSK9 favorise la dégradation du LDLR par l’intermédiaire d’une voie intracellulaire. En effet l’interruption du trafic vésiculaire entre le réseau trans-Golgien (RTG) et les endosomes (interférence à l’ARN contre les chaînes légères de clathrine ; siCLCs) prévient la dégradation du LDLR de manière PCSK9-dépendante.
[3] Par immunobuvardage d’affinité, nous avons identifié que la protéine Annexine A2 (AnxA2) interagit spécifiquement avec le domaine C-terminal de PCSK9, important pour son action sur le LDLR. Plus spécifiquement, nous avons cartographié le domaine R1 (acides aminés 34 à 108) comme étant responsable de l’interaction PCSK9AnxA2 qui, jusqu’à présent, n’avait aucune fonction propre. Finalement, nous avons démontré que l’ajout d’AnxA2 prévient la dégradation du LDLR induite par PCSK9.
En somme, nos travaux ont pu identifier que d’autres membres de la famille du LDLR, soit ApoER2 et VLDLR, sont sensibles à la présence de PCSK9. De plus, nous avons mis en évidence que l’intégrité du trafic intracellulaire est critique à l’action de PCSK9 sur le LDLR et ce, de manière endogène. Finalement, nous avons identifié l’Annexine A2 comme unique inhibiteur naturel pouvant interférer avec la dégradation du LDLR par PCSK9. Il est indéniable que PCSK9 soit une cible de premier choix pour contrer l’hypercholestérolémie afin de prévenir le développement de MCV. Cet ouvrage apporte donc des apports considérables dans notre compréhension des voies cellulaires impliquées, des cibles affectées et ouvre directement la porte à une approche thérapeutique à fort potentiel. / Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the primary cause of death and morbidity worldwide, claiming about 900 000 lives yearly in North America alone. A high level of circulating LDL-cholesterol is a major risk factor positively correlated with premature development of complex CVD mainly due to a rapid buildup of lipid deposition in the arteries. In collaboration with Dre Boileau, we recently discovered that the convertase PCSK9 is the third locus of familial hypercholesterolemia. A study published in the New Eng J Med revealed that the absence of PCSK9 reduces the risk of CVD by ~88%, resulting from a strong reduction of cholesterol in the bloodstream (LDL-C). It has been shown that PCSK9 directly binds the low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) and by an unknown mechanism, reroutes it towards degradation in late endosomes/lysosomes, resulting in the accumulation of LDL-C particles in plasma.
In this thesis, we addressed three different aspects of PCSK9 biology: [1] What are the targets of PCSK9? [2] Which cellular trafficking components are involved in PCSK9-induced LDLR degradation? [3] How can we inhibit the function of PCSK9?
[1] We first demonstrated that PCSK9 induces the degradation of the LDLR and two of its closest family members. These include the very-low-density-lipoprotein receptor (VLDLR) and apolipoprotein E receptor 2 (ApoER2) implicated in neuronal development and lipid metabolism. In addition, we demonstrated that these receptors enhance the cellular association of PCSK9 independently of the presence of the LDLR. This study represents the first evidence that PCSK9 could target other proteins for degradation, reinforcing its role as a key regulator of some members of the LDLR family.
[2] Since PCSK9 is a secreted protein, we decided to investigate the contributions of both the intra- and extracellular trafficking pathways in LDLR degradation. Using conditioned media derived from mice primary hepatocytes, we showed that endogenously secreted PCSK9 was not able to influence LDLR levels of PCSK9-deficient primary hepatocytes (Pcsk9-/-). By flow cytometry (FACS), we observed that overexpression of the gain-of-function PCSK9-D374Y, but not wild type PCSK9, decreases cell surface LDLR on adjacent cells suggesting that its spectrum of action is local. We also noticed that blockade of endocytosis in HepG2 cells (commonly used to study endogenous LDLR degradation by PCSK9) does not affect total LDLR protein levels. In contrast, disruption of the intracellular trafficking between the trans-Golgi network (TGN) and endosomes (siRNAs against clathrin light chains; CLCs) prevented LDLR degradation in a PCSK9-specific manner.
[3] By Far Western blotting, we identified that Annexin A2 (AnxA2) specifically interacts with the C-terminal domain of PCSK9, which is crucial for its function in LDLR degradation. Moreover, we determined that the R1 domain (amino acids 34 to 108) is responsible for the PCSK9AnxA2 interaction, which confers a new function for this protein. Finally, we showed that addition of AnxA2 prevents PCSK9-induced LDLR degradation.
In summary, this work allowed us to identify that PCSK9 induces the degradation of the LDLR and its closest family members, ApoER2 and VLDLR. We also highlighted that the integrity of the intracellular trafficking pathway is crucial for endogenous PCSK9-induced LDLR degradation. Furthermore, we discovered that AnxA2 is a unique, natural inhibitor capable of interfering with the action of PCSK9 in LDLR degradation. It is undeniable that PCSK9 is a genetically validated target to reduce circulating LDL-cholesterol and prevent CVD. This thesis brings forth important contributions in our understanding of the cellular pathways involved and opens the door for novel therapeutic approaches.
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Distributions et fonctions du canal Calcique Cav3.2 dans les voies somatosensorielles / Cav3.2 Calcium Channel distribution and functions in somatosensory pathwaysFrancois, Amaury 24 May 2013 (has links)
Le traitement et la gestion de la douleur sont depuis toujours une priorité pour le corps médical. Malgré leur importance pour la qualité de vie, les analgésiques couramment utilisés possèdent un ratio bénéfice/risque faible. La recherche de nouveaux concepts thérapeutiques pour lutter contre la douleur est donc une priorité. Afin de répondre à ce besoin, il faut d'abord comprendre les mécanismes de la perception de la douleur ainsi que, plus globalement, ceux permettant de percevoir son environnement. Dans ce contexte, de nombreuses études ont mis en évidence l'implication du canal calcique à bas seuil Cav3.2 dans les voies de la transmission de l'information douloureuse. Il représente donc une cible de choix pour le traitement de la douleur mais l'identité des neurones exprimant ces canaux ainsi que la fonction de Cav3.2 dans la physiologie des neurones sensoriels étaient jusqu'à présent inconnues. Au cours de cette thèse nous avons dans un premier temps décrit un nouvel inhibiteur des canaux calciques à bas seuil : le TTA-A2. Nous avons ainsi démontré que le TTA-A2 est un inhibiteur spécifique des canaux Cav3.1, Cav3.2, et Cav3.3. Il permet de diminuer l'excitabilité des neurones sensoriels exprimant Cav3.2, ce qui provoque une analgésie sur des animaux sains et pathologiques. Dans un deuxième temps nous nous sommes servis de ce nouvel outil en parallèle d'un nouveau modèle murin possédant une étiquette fluorescente (Knock in GFP) sur le canal Cav3.2 pour explorer la localisation et la fonction de Cav3.2 dans les neurones sensoriels. Nous avons ainsi découvert que Cav3.2 est exprimé dans des mécanorécepteurs à bas seuil impliqués dans la perception des stimuli mécaniques et thermiques nocifs ou non-nocifs. Le canal en lui-même se trouve aux endroits clés de la genèse et de la propagation du message nerveux périphérique, et module le seuil et la vitesse de conduction des potentiels d'action. Replacé dans le contexte de la bibliographie, l'ensemble de nos résultats montre que Cav3.2 permet de donner la modalité à bas seuil aux neurones l'exprimant. / Pain management and treatment have always been a priority for life quality. Despite this fact, analgesics commonly used present a bad benefice/risk ratio. Discovery of new therapeutic concepts to fight pain is highly required. To complete this task, we first need to better understand pain perception mechanisms, and more globally, mechanisms involved in the perception of our environment. In this context, numerous studies have shown that low threshold calcium channels Cav3.2 are involved in pain information transmission. Thus, it represents a good target for the treatment of pain. However, neuronal identity of Cav3.2-expressing sensory neurons and Cav3.2 functions in neuronal physiology are unknown. During this PhD we first described a new low voltage activated channel antagonist named TTA-A2. We demonstrated that TTA-A2 is a powerful nanomolar specific agonist of Cav3.1, Cav3.2 and Cav3.3. This molecule is able to reduce excitability in sensory neurons expressing Cav3.2, and is able to generate a strong analgesic effect on naive and pathologic animals. In the other part of this PhD, we used this new tool combined to a new transgenic mouse that expressed Cav3.2 tagged with a fluorescent protein (Knock-in GFP). With these new tools we discovered that Cav3.2 is expressed in low threshold mechanoreceptors involved in detection of painful and non painful mechanical and thermal stimuli. Cav3.2 itself is expressed at key localisations that allow action potential generation and propagation, and modulate threshold and speed conduction of action potential. Taken together, these results show that Cav3.2 gives the “low threshold” modality to neurons.
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Do laboratório ao campo virtual: desenvolvimento de um banco de dados de venenos de serpentes brasileiras e análise computacional de estruturas primárias de fosfolipases A2 / From the laboratory to the virtual field: development of a Brazilian-snake venom database and computational analysis of phospholipase A2 primary structuresAmui, Saulo França 25 October 2006 (has links)
Os avanços tecnológicos vêm contribuindo cada vez mais nas áreas biológicas e científicas oferecendo ferramentas computacionais e sistemas específicos que em análise de dados in silico fornecem resultados rápidos e confiáveis. O presente projeto propõe o desenvolvimento de um portal na Internet para instalação e utilização de um banco de dados laboratoriais das principais serpentes brasileiras com seus respectivos venenos e antivenenos naturais, e a análise dos dados obtidos em ensaios farmacológicos, e bioquímicos. Utilizando a via de comunicação e interação mais simples atualmente, a Internet permite o compartilhamento de dados entre comunidades de pesquisadores, viabilizando recursos e tempo, além de permitir uma significante interação entre pesquisadores de todo o mundo, principalmente brasileira, na troca de informações e compartilhamento de dados. Dados elementares relacionados às serpentes foram armazenados no banco de dados, bem como as atividades tóxicas, farmacológicas e enzimáticas dos componentes dos venenos, e ainda, as aplicações biotecnológicas dos produtos que podem ser obtidos destes venenos, abrangendo ainda dados clínicos e valores estatísticos dos acidentes ofídicos. Aspectos bioquímicos dos ensaios realizados em laboratório permitiram a construção de uma ferramenta para análise comparativa de estruturas primárias de PLA2s, depositadas em bancos de dados internacionais. Além da interatividade entre pesquisadores, em Fóruns de Discussões, o sistema conta com listas dos principais artigos publicados em periódicos indexados, e devidamente atualizados periodicamente, com revisões bibliográficas. / Technological advances have been contributing, more and more, with biological and scientific areas, offering computational tools and specific systems which in silico data analysis supply reliable and fast results. The present project considers the development of an Internet portal for installation and use of laboratory data base for the main Brazilian serpents, with its respective venom and natural anti-venom, and the analysis of obtained data in pharmacological assays and biochemists. Using the easiest way of communication and interaction, the Internet allows sharing of data and information between communities of researchers around the world, especially for Brazilian researchers, making resources and time possible. Elementary data about serpents have been stored in the data base, as well as toxic, pharmacological and enzymatic activities of venom components, besides biotechnological applications of the products that can be obtained from these venom, enclosing clinical data and statistical values of ophidian accidents. Biochemists aspects of the assays carried through in laboratory allowed the construction of a comparative analysis tool for primary structures of PLA2s, deposited in international data bases. Beyond interactivity between researchers, in discussion forums, the system counts with lists of main articles published in indexed periodic, duly and constantly updated with bibliographical revisions.
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Atividade tóxica da peçonha de Lachesis muta rhombeata e produção de fragmentos de anticorpos humanos (scFv) contra a peçonha bruta / Toxic activity of Lachesis muta rhombeata venom and production of human antibody fragments (scFv) against the crude venomCampos, Lucas Benício 27 April 2011 (has links)
O tratamento atual indicado para casos de envenenamentos por peçonhas é a administração intravenosa de antivenenos, produzidos através da hiperimunização de animais. Entretanto, os antivenenos disponíveis podem, algumas vezes, não proteger os pacientes e causar reações de hipersensibilidade. Fosfolipases A2 (PLA2), L-aminoácido oxidases (LAAO), metalo e serinoproteases são os principais componentes de peçonhas ofídicas e contribuem para a neurotoxicidade, hemorragia, hemólise, miotoxicidade, cardiotoxicidade e formação de edemas. Foram empregados ensaios para avaliar as atividades das enzimas presentes na peçonha de serpentes da espécie Lachesis muta rhombeata e aquele para atividade de protease foi otimizado. A tecnologia de Phage display foi empregada para a seleção de fagos-anticorpos capazes de reconhecer a peçonha bruta. Os fagos foram amplificados em Escherichia coli TG1 e usados para infectar E. coli HB2151, a qual produz fragmentos de anticorpos humanos solúveis. Estes foram purificados e utilizados em testes de inibição de alguns dos componentes tóxicos da peçonha. Os testes de atividade para PLA2, protease e Laminoácido oxidase foram padronizados com sucesso e as 3 proteínas mostraram elevada atividade enzimática. Após otimização, a quantidade de peçonha necessária para o ensaio de protease foi reduzida em 25 vezes. A massa molecular de PLA2 foi estimada em 17 kDa e as massas moleculares de proteases foram estimadas em 40, 35 e 24 kDa, através de zimogramas. O método de bio panning foi eficiente para a seleção de fagos-anticorpos contra a peçonha bruta. Diversos fragmentos de anticorpos foram purificados e incubados com a peçonha bruta para testar suas capacidades de neutralização sobre cada enzima. Cinco clones demonstraram-se hábeis em inibir a PLA2 através da inibição da hemólise. O clone 4E inibiu 100% da hemólise durante as duas horas de ensaio quando pré-incubado na proporção 2:1 (scFv:peçonha). Os clones 2C e 4E inibiram 100% durante uma hora quando pré-incubados na proporção 1:1 e os clones 2F e 9F inibiram a hemólise parcialmente. Outros testes serão conduzidos para a seleção de clones capazes de neutralizar as demais enzimas, os quais, juntamente com os clones já selecionados, serão analisados através de ensaios in vivo. Espera-se que eles possam contribuir para a construção de um novo antiveneno capaz de superar algumas das dificuldades associadas às técnicas de imunoterapia convencionais / The current treatment for animal envenoming is the intravenous administration of antivenoms, produced by animal hyperimmunization. Unfortunately, available antivenoms sometimes do not protect patients and may cause hypersensitivity reactions. Phospholipases A2 (PLA2), L-amino acid oxidases, metallo and serine proteases are considered the most important snake venom components and contribute to neurotoxicity, hemorrhage, hemolysis, myotoxicity, edematogeny and cardiotoxicity. Assays for evaluating the enzymes present in Lachesis muta rhombeata venom were developed and the protease one was optimized. Phage display technology was used to select phage antibodies able to recognize the crude venom. Phages were amplified in Escherichia coli TG1 and used to infect E. coli HB2151, which produces human antibody fragments. Inhibition tests aiming the neutralization of some toxic components of the venom were performed using purified antibody fragments. Activity assays for evaluating PLA2, protease and L-aminoacid oxidase were successfully performed and all enzymes showed high activity levels. The molecular mass of PLA2 was estimated in 17 kDa and the molecular mass of proteases were estimated in 40, 35 and 24 kDa, by zymography. After optimizing the conditions for proteolytic assay, it was possible to use 25 times less venom than it was necessary at first. The bio panning method was efficient for selecting specific phage antibodies against the crude venom. Several clones were selected to infect HB2151 and to produce soluble antibody fragments, which were purified and incubated with the venom to test their inhibition capacity over each enzyme. Five clones demonstrated ability to neutralize PLA2 by inhibiting hemolysis. The clone 4E could inhibit 100% of hemolysis for over 2 hours when preincubated at the ratio 2:1 (scFv:venom). Clones 2C and 4E could inhibit 100% for 1 hour when preincubated at the ratio 1:1 and clones 2F e 9F could inhibit partially. Other tests will be performed to select clones able to neutralize other enzymes and, together with the clones already selected, will be evaluated by in vivo experiments. It is expected that they may contribute to the construction of a potential new antivenom able to overcome some of the problems associated with conventional immunotherapy
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Biomarcadores na doença de Alzheimer: GSK3B e PLA2 na resposta aos inibidores de colinesterase / Biomarkers in Alzheirmer\'s disease: GSK3B and PLA2 in response to cholinesterase inhibitorsTalib, Leda Leme 23 May 2014 (has links)
A Doença de Alzheimer (DA) é uma desordem neurodegenerativa progressiva que causa comprometimento cognitivo e demência. O diagnóstico é baseado em parâmetros clínicos, mas sua confirmação é post-mortem, após avaliação patológica durante a autópsia. Os tratamentos disponíveis para a DA são os inibidores da colinesterase (IChEs) e os antagonistas de receptores de N-metil-D-aspartato (NMDA), sendo que os IChEs compõe o principal grupo. Diversos estudos tem mostrado um efeito neuroprotetor dos IChEs, levando a alterações na patogênese da DA. Avaliar e mensurar essas alterações são papeis atribuídos aos biomarcadores. Neste sentido podemos destacar a fosfolipase A2 (PLA2), a principal responsável pelo metabolismo de fosfolípides de membrana, e que tem sido achada diminuída na DA, assim como a glicogênio sintase-quinase (GSK), responsável pela fosforilação da proteína Tau, que é um dos processos alterados na DA. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do tratamento com IChE sobre a atividade da PLA2 e expressão da GSK3B em plaquetas de 30 pacientes com DA após 3 e 6 meses de tratamento. Como grupo controle foram investigados 42 individuos idosos sem doença neurodegenerativa. Encontramos nos pacientes com DA antes do tratamento uma diminuição da atividade da iPLA2 quando comparada ao grupo controle. Após três e seis meses de tratamento a PLA2 aumentou, voltando ao nível dos controles. Os pacientes que apresentaram um aumento maior da iPLA2 apos 3 meses de tratamento apresentaram melhora cognitiva mais marcante após seis meses de tratamento, avaliado pelo CAMCOG. Apos 6 meses de tratamento encontramos um inativação da GSK3B, medida por um aumento em sua forma fosforilada. Nossos resultados sugerem que o donepezil apresenta propriedades modificadoras na doença de Alzheimer, e ainda que a medida da atividade da iPLA2 poderia ser usada como marcador de resposta terapêutica ao donepezil e, possivelmente, a outros IChEs, na doença de Alzheimer / Alzheimer\'s disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that causes dementia and cognitive impairment. The Diagnosis is based on clinical parameters, but confirmation is post-mortem after pathologic evaluation during autopsy. The treatments available for AD are cholinesterase inhibitors (IChEs) and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) antagonists. The main group comprises the IChEs. Several studies have shown a neuroprotective effect of IChEs, leading to alterations in the pathogenesis of AD. Evaluate and measure these changes are assigned to biomarkers. In this regard we can highlight the phospholipase A2 (PLA2) the main enzyme in membrane phospholipids metabolism and that has been found decreased in AD as well as Glycogen Synthase kinase (GSK), a major responsible for tau phosphorylation which is one processes altered in AD. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of treatment with IChE on PLA2 activity and GSK3B expression in platelet of 30 AD patients after 3 and 6 months of treatment. The control group comprised 42 elderly individuals without neurodegenerative disease The results obtained were a decreased iPLA2 activity in patients with AD before treatment as compared to controls. After 3 and 6 months of treatment, we observed a significant increase in iPLA2 activity, restoring enzymatic activity similar to that observed among control. The patients who showed higher iPLA2 activity in the first three months were those showing cognitive improvement after six months of treatment, measured by CAMCOG. After 6 months of treatment a GSK3B inactivation were found, measured by an increase in its phosphorylated form. Our results suggest that donepezil present modifying properties in Alzheimer disease and that iPLA2 activity measurement could be used as a marker of therapeutic response to donepezil and possibly other IChEs in Alzheimer\'s disease
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Caracterização funcional e estrutural de uma fosfolipase A2 ácida tóxica isolada da peçonha de Bothrops moojeni / Functional and Structural Characterization of an Acidic Toxic Phospholipase A2 from Bothrops moojeni Snake Venom.Santos Filho, Norival Alves 24 April 2009 (has links)
As fosfolipases A2 (PLA2s, E.C. pertencem a uma superfamília de enzimas que realizam a clivagem de fosfolipídios da membrana celular em ácidos graxos e lisofosfolipídios, numa reação dependente de cálcio. As PLA2s apresentam um importante papel em várias funções celulares, incluindo manutenção dos fosfolipídios celulares, geração de prostaglandinas e leucotrienos, tradução de sinais, proliferação celular e contração muscular. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo a caracterização estrutural e funcional de uma fosfolipase A2 ácida tóxica(BmooTX-I) isolada da peçonha da serpente Bothrops moojeni. A BmooTX-I foi purificada por uma combinação de cromatografias em resinas de troca iônica (DEAE-Sephacel), exclusão molecular (Sephadex G-75) e interação hidrofóbica (Phenyl-Sepharose CL-4B). A confirmação do grau de pureza foi realizada através de análise por espectrometria de massa MALDI TOF da BmooTX-I reduzida (monômero, 13.802,66 Da) e não reduzida (dímero, 27.506,38 Da), da focalização isoelétrica (pI 4,2) e de SDS-PAGE. A região N-terminal da enzima apresentou alta homologia com outras PLA2s Asp49 de peçonhas de serpentes. A BmooTX-I apresentou também elevada atividade fosfolipásica e induziu edema moderado in vivo. Além disso, foi capaz de inibir a agregação plaquetária e a coagulação do plasma, induzir a liberação de PGI2 por HUVECs e apresentar efeito citotóxico sobre células tumorais, bactérias e fungos. O tratamento da enzima com o reagente brometo de p-bromofenacila (BPB) neutralizou a atividade enzimática e de inibição da agregação plaquetária. A determinação da miotoxicidade foi realizada através da dosagem dos níveis de CK no plasma de camundongos previamente injetados com a toxina. A análise histopatológica das fibras musculares demonstrou a presença de infiltrado inflamatório e líquido intercelular, ambos confirmados pela análise ultra-estrutural. O presente trabalho deverá contribuir para a elucidação e determinação da composição bioquímica dos venenos animais, já que as fosfolipases A2 ácidas tóxicas possuem mecanismos de ação ainda não totalmente esclarecidos. / Phospholipases A2 (PLA2s, EC belong to a superfamily of enzymes that perform the cleavage of phospholipids of cell membranes in fatty acids and lysophospholipids in a calcium dependent reaction. PLA2s have an important role in several cellular functions, including maintenance of cellular phospholipids, the generation of prostaglandins and leukotrienes, translation signals, cell proliferation and muscle contraction. This study aimed at the structural and functional characterization of an acidic and toxic phospholipase A¬2 (BmooTX-I) isolated from Bothrops moojeni snake venom. BmooTX-I was purified by a combination of chromatographic steps on resins of ion exchange (DEAE Sephacel), molecular exclusion (Sephadex G-75) and hydrophobic interaction (Phenyl Sepharose CL-4B). The confirmation of the purity degree was analyzed by MALDI TOF mass spectrometry of reduced BmooTX-I (monomer, 13,802.66 Da) and not reduced (dimer, 27,506.38 Da), by isoelectric focusing (pI 4.2) and by SDS-PAGE. The N-terminal region of the enzyme showed high homology with other Asp49 PLA2s of snake venoms. BmooTX-I also presented high phospholipase activity and induced moderate edema in vivo. Furthermore, this enzyme was capable of inhibiting platelet aggregation and plasma coagulation, inducing the release of PGI2 by HUVECs, also showing cytotoxic effects on tumor cells, bacteria and fungi. Treatment of the enzyme with the p-bromophenacyl bromide (BPB) neutralized the enzymatic activity and the inhibition of platelet aggregation. The determination of myotoxicity was accomplished through the determination of the CK levels in plasma of mice previously injected with the toxin. The histopathological analysis of muscle fibers showed the presence of inflammatory infiltration and intercellular fluid, both confirmed by ultrastructural analysis. This work contributes to the elucidation and determination of the biochemical composition of animal venoms, since the mechanisms of action of toxic acidic phospholipases A2 are not yet fully understood.
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Produção e atividade antiviral das isoformas da fosfolipase A2 crotoxina B recombinante / Production and antiviral activity of phospholipase A2 crotoxin B recombinant isoformsRusso, Raquel Rinaldi 10 October 2017 (has links)
O vírus da dengue (DENV) e o vírus da febre amarela (YFV) (gênero Flavivirus, família Flaviviridae) representam importantes arbovírus causadores de doenças em humanos que afetam as regiões tropicais e sub-tropicais do planeta, somando milhões de infectados anualmente. Embora exista uma vacina contra o YFV, ainda são notificados muitos casos de febre amarela nas regiões endêmicas das Américas e, principalmente, da África. Recentemente, foi licenciada uma vacina contra o DENV, mas seu uso ainda é bastante restrito. Não existem agentes terapêuticos para tratamento da infecção contra nenhum desses vírus. Portanto, estudos para identificação de fármacos para combaterem a infecção pelos DENV e YFV são de suma importância. Nosso grupo descreveu a ação antiviral da fosfolipase A2 crotoxina B (PLA2-CB) da serpente Crotalus durissus terrificus, a qual tem ação diretamente sobre o envelope de DENV e YFV. A meta principal deste trabalho foi a produção das duas isoformas da PLA2-CB (CB1 e CB2) recombinantes e avaliação de suas atividades antivirais, a fim de contribuir com a prospecção de novas drogas antivirais. Para alcançar tais propósitos, as sequências codificadoras das isoformas foram otimizadas para expressão em sistema procarioto, quimicamente sintetizadas e enzimaticamente inseridas no vetor de expressão pGS-21a. Os plasmídeos gerados foram utilizados para transformar células E. coli das cepas BL21(DE3), Origami B(DE3) e ArcticExpress (DE3). As proteínas recombinantes foram expressas juntamente com uma cauda de polihistidina (6xHis) no extremo C-terminal (CB1+6xHis_opt e CB2+6xHis_opt). Ambas as proteínas foram reconhecidas por anticorpos produzidos contra a PLA2-CB in natura em ensaio de Western Blot. Considerando que as proteínas foram expressas de forma insolúvel, a purificação foi realizada em sistema de cromatografia líquida (FPLC), utilizando coluna com resina de afinidade por níquel sob condições desnaturantes, utilizando ureia como agente solubilizador. As proteínas foram renaturadas na própria coluna de níquel (on-column) durante a purificação, utilizando um gradiente decrescente de ureia (6-0M - 120ml - 0,1ml/min) e o detergente CHAPS como agente estabilizador. As proteínas CB1+6xHis_opt e CB2+6xHis_opt em ensaio colorimétrico de hidrólise de fosfatidilcolina apresentaram atividade fosfolipásica, indicando preservação do sítio catalítico. Em ensaio virucida contra o DENV-2, YFV e outros dois vírus envelopados: Vírus Chikungunya (CHIKV) e vírus Zika (ZIKV), as proteínas recombinantes reduziram a formação de placas de lise exibindo índices de seletividade na média de 0,6. As proteínas CB1+6xHis_opt e CB2+6xHis_opt podem vir a ser um importante modelo na prospecção de novas drogas antivirais e como ferramenta no estudo do mecanismo de replicação viral. / Dengue virus (DENV) and yellow fever virus (YFV) (genus Flavivirus, family Flaviviridae) are important arboviruses that cause diseases in humans affecting the tropical and subtropical regions of the planet with millions of infected annually. Although there is a vaccine against YFV, many cases of yellow fever are still reported in the endemic regions of the Americas, and especially in Africa. A vaccine against DENV has recently been licensed, but its use is still quite restricted. There are no therapeutic agents to treat the infection against any of these viruses. Therefore, studies to identify drugs to combat DENV and YFV infection are of extreme importance. Our group described the antiviral action of the phospholipase A2 crotoxin B (PLA2-CB) isolated from Crotalus durissus terrificus, which acts directly on the envelope of DENV and YFV. The aim of this study was to produce the two recombinant PLA2-CB (CB1 and CB2) isoforms and evaluate their antiviral activities in order to contribute to the prospection of new antiviral drugs. To achieve such purposes, the coding sequences of the isoforms were optimized for prokaryotic expression system, chemically synthesized and enzymatically inserted into the pGS-21a vector. The plasmids generated were used to transform E. coli cells from BL21 (DE3), Origami B (DE3) and ArcticExpress (DE3) strains. Recombinant proteins were expressed tagged with a polyhistidine (6xHis) tail at the C-terminus (CB1+6xHis_opt and CB2+6xHis_opt). Both proteins were recognized by antibodies raised against native PLA2-CB in Western blot assay. Considering that the proteins were expressed in insoluble form, purification was performed in liquid chromatography system (FPLC) using nickel resin column under denaturing conditions, using urea as the solubilizing agent. The proteins were renatured on-column during purification procedure using a decreasing gradient of urea (6-0M - 120ml - 0,1ml/min) and CHAPS as a stabilizing agent. CB1+6xHis_opt and CB2+6xHis_opt proteins showed phospholipase activity in a colorimetric assay based on phosphatidylcholine hydrolysis, indicating preservation of the catalytic site. In a virucidal assay against DENV-2, YFV and two other enveloped viruses: Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) and Zika virus (ZIKV), the recombinant proteins reduced the plaques of lysis formation exhibiting selectivity indices at the mean of 0.6. The CB1+6xHis_opt and CB2+6xHis_opt proteins could be important models for the prospection of new antiviral drugs and as tools for the study of the mechanism of viral replication.
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