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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Främjande faktorer för skolnärvaro / Promoting factors for school attendance

Ahlen, Matilda, Larsson, Lisa January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Kunskap, kompetenser och utbildning är ett folkhälsopolitiskt målområde som lyfter vikten av utbildning för barn och unga. Skolan utgör en viktig roll i arbetet med att uppnå en jämlik hälsa på nationell nivå, vilket gör skolan till en arena av betydelse vid hälsofrämjande arbete. Att arbeta närvarofrämjande skapar goda förutsättningar för en individ att uppnå en god hälsa över hela livsförloppet. Det hälsopromotiva arbetet bör fokusera på att stärka friskfaktorer och rikta uppmärksamheten till barn och ungdomars styrkor och resurser.  Metod: Systematisk litteraturöversikt där främjande faktorer för skolnärvaro sammanställdes utifrån sju artiklar publicerade mellan 2015–2023, begränsade till barn och ungdomar i åldern 6–18 år. Fem kategorier utvecklades utifrån analysen: socialt stöd, delaktighet, ökad medvetenhet, belöning och hälsoförbättringar med skolsköterska  Resultat: Socialt stöd främjar närvaro genom tillgängliga lärare, partnerskap mellan lärare och vårdnadshavare, samtal mellan lärare och elever, lärare och vårdnadshavare samt hembesök. Delaktighet främjar närvaro genom att både lärare och elever involveras i kring hälsorelaterade policyer. Medvetenhet innebär att samtal om frånvaro genom att identifiera inställningen till skolgång ökar medvetenheten och förändrar beteenden positivt. Belöning lyfter fram vikten av positiva incitament för att främja närvaro. Hälsoförbättringar med skolsköterska belyser skolsköterskans förmåga att anpassa programmet till skolans behov, vilket förbättrar närvaron.  Slutsats: Alla elever behöver bli sedda och hörda av en vuxen för av att trivas och känna sig trygga i skolan. Barn som går i skolan ges möjlighet att utveckla grundläggande förmågor vilket i ett långsiktigt perspektiv skapar förutsättningar för god hälsa. Genom denna litteraturöversikt har ytterligare ljus riktats mot vad som är viktigt för skolnärvaro. Fokus bör läggas för att främja närvaro hos elever oavsett låg närvaro, problematisk frånvaro eller förväntad närvaro. / Background: Knowledge, skills and education is a public health policy target area that highlights the importance of education for children and young people. The school plays an important role in the work to achieve equal health at the national level, which makes the school an important arena for health promotion work. Working to promote attendance creates good conditions for an individual to achieve good health over the entire course of life. The health promotion work should focus on strengthening health factors and direct attention to the strengths and resources of children and young people.  Method: Promoting factors for school attendance were compiled with a systematic literature review based on seven articles published between 2015–2023, limited to children and adolecents aged 6–18 years. Five categories were developed based on the analysis: social support, participation, increased awareness, reward, and health improvements with the school nurse.  Results: Social support promotes attendance through available teachers, partnerships between teachers and guardians, conversations between teachers and students, teachers and guardians, and home visits. Participation promotes attendance through the involvement of both teacher and student in health-related activities. Awareness means that conversations about absence by identifying the attitude to schooling raise awareness and change behavior positively. Reward highlights the importance of positive incentives to promote attendance. Adaptations as needed highlight the school nurse's ability to adapt the program to the needs of the school, which improves attendance.   Conclusion: All students need to be seen and heard by an adult in order to thrive and feel safe at school. Children who go to school are given the opportunity to develop basic abilities, which in a long-term perspective creates the conditions for good health. Through this literature review, further light has been directed towards what is important for school attendance. Focus should be placed on promoting attendance among students regardless of low attendance, problematic absence or expected attendance.

Examining Truancy Board Effectiveness in Countering Student Absenteeism in Grades K-5 in Three Title I Schools in Northeast Tennessee.

Clark, Jennifer Grace 03 May 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to determine the association between the use of a truancy board and the number of student absences in K - 5 students in 3 Title I schools in northeast Tennessee. Absences were compiled on students who attended the same elementary school over the 4 years of the study, 2003-2004 through 2006-2007. Two years of absences were combined for the 2 years prior to the implementation of the truancy board, 2003-2004 and 2004-2005. The data were then compared to the combined number of days for the 2 years following implementation, 2005-2006 and 2006-2007. A paired samples t test, an ANOVA, and an independent samples t test were used to analyze data regarding the affect of the truancy board on student attendance in K - 5 students. The results of the study indicated there was no significant difference in the number of days absent for the students in the 3 schools in the 2 years following the implementation of a truancy board as compared to the 2 years prior to implementation. The results of the study also indicated there was no significance with student gender. Male and female students were absent at about the same rate after the truancy board implementation as before. Socioeconomic status for each student was also examined. Students who qualified for the free and reduced lunch program were considered to have a low socioeconomic status and students not qualifying were considered to have a high socioeconomic status. Both groups of students were absent about the same number of days after the truancy board implementation as before.

An Analysis of the Relationship between Teacher Variables and Student Achievement Scores in Hamblen County, Tennessee.

Nelson, Anne 12 August 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to determine if a relationship exists between teacher variables and the Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP) student annual scores in reading and mathematics for students in grades 3 through 8 in Hamblen County, Tennessee. The teacher variables included number of days absent, Praxis II Principles of Learning and Teaching (PLT) scores, and years of experience. The population of the study was limited to 3rd- through 8th grade reading and mathematics teachers employed by the Hamblen County school district during the 2006-2007 school year. Raw scores from the 2006-2007 TCAP criterion-referenced assessment were used as the testing variable. A Pearson correlation coefficient was used to analyze teacher absenteeism. Praxis II PLT scores were grouped as above or below median scores and analyzed with an independent samples t test. Years of experience was defined by the state department of education as vested years of experience and grouped using an analysis of variance. Based on analysis of the findings, the relationship between teachers' days absent, Praxis II PLT scores, and years of experience and TCAP achievement annual scores in reading and mathematics for students in grades 3 through 8 in Hamblen County, Tennessee were not statistically significant.

An analysis of health related physical fitness measurements and absenteeism of employees participating in worksite wellness program

Birtwhistle, Kristen Elizabeth 01 January 1988 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the physical fitness and absenteeism comparisons between exercising and non-exercising employees who participate in worksite wellness program.

Causal factors in teacher stress and morale. Causes of absenteeism, low morale, illness and loss of efficiency among secondary school teachers with recommendations for the improvement of working conditions, effectiveness and the self-concept of teachers.

Mills, Sandra Hartington January 1985 (has links)
Problems that face teachers, especially those in secondary schools, are discussed. How they have developed over the years to what is now considered to be a crisis level, the increase in absenteeism and illness of the teaching force are also reviewed. A review of existing material explains the nature of stress. The psychobiological aspects are reviewed paying particular attention to the many coping mechanisms that the person will employ and explains how perceptions of situations can play a vital role. Factors that create stress for the teacher are discussed and categorised into familiar sections including pupils, working conditions, working in an organisation, the effects of management, the self concept and role conflict. Selection, training, assessment, pay and promotion are dealt with together in an additional category. Results from a Questionnaire completed by teachers from four local education authorities provides additional material to be considered and reinforces many of the previous claims and observations. After the findings are discussed, conclusions and recommendations are made for the improvement of morale and the reduction of stress in the teaching profession. Many of the conclusions made are linked closely to the self concept of the teacher. This self concept appears to be the focal point at which the problems besetting the teacher meet and are dealt with in either a positive or negative manner. Many of the recommendations made have the effect on the self concept of the teacher as a prominent feature. The stress provoking situations experienced by teachers seem to be reaching unacceptable levels. The physical and mental welfare of teachers is called upon to be monitored in order to reduce the harmful effects that poorly motivated teachers may have on pupils and in order to reduce the physical and mental difficulties apparently being suffered by the teaching profession.

Att vända problematisk skolfrånvaro till närvaro : En kvalitativ studie av vårdnadshavares perspektiv påfrämjande faktorer i arbetet med att öka närvaron i skolan

Englund, Caroline, Kaminska Magnusson, Linda January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att kartlägga de faktorer som vårdnadshavare upplever har bidragit till enpositiv vändpunkt för att bryta långvarig problematisk skolfrånvaro. Vi har tagit avstamp i detrelationella perspektivet samt det systemteoretiska perspektivet. Vi har genomfört 10 semistruktureradeintervjuer för att få en uppfattning av vad föräldrar/vårdnadshavare upplever som bidragande faktorer.Vår studie mynnade ut i fem teman: samverkan, relationer, anpassningar, fysisk lärmiljö ochvårdinsatser som påverkat närvaro. Resultatet av vår studie visar att kvaliteten och frekvensen påsamverkan mellan hem och skola har en betydande effekt. För att öka närvaro i skolan efter en lång tidsskolfrånvaro delger deltagarna dessutom att det krävs ett långsamt och stegvis skolnärmande samt godaoch tillitsfulla relationer till lärare och känsla av samhörighet med andra elever. En viktig förutsättningför att en insats med placering i ett mindre sammanhang ska ha effekt är att eleven upplever att hen kanrelatera till övriga elever i gruppen och sammanhanget upplevs tryggt och förutsägbart.

How Much Flexibility Do You Need- The Effects of Flexible Work Schedules on Organizational Attraction

Balogh, Michael J. 04 April 2018 (has links)
No description available.

The Relationship Between Absenteeism and Job Involvement, Work Orientation, Job Characteristics, and Satisfaction with Work

Richardson, Greg H. 01 April 1983 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

An Application of Operant Conditioning to Absenteeism in a Hospital Setting

Stephens, Tedd Andrew 01 January 1975 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.


DANIEL SOUSA DO AMARAL 03 October 2016 (has links)
[pt] Os estudos relativos à confiança têm proliferado na literatura nacional e internacional. Contudo, são poucos os estudos que focam a relação entre a confiança, o absenteísmo e a rotatividade nas organizações. Com o intuito de diminuir essa lacuna, essa dissertação tem como propósito analisar o impacto da confiança organizacional na rotatividade e no absenteísmo com base em duas premissas: (1) a confiança organizacional impacta diretamente a rotatividade, (2) quanto maior a confiança organizacional menor o absenteísmo. Para esta analise foi aplicado o questionário Escala de Confiança do Empregado na Organização (ECEO) elaborado por Tamayo e Oliveira (2008) para funcionários de duas empresas do setor de transporte de passageiros, localizadas na região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro. As respostas dos 385 funcionários da empresa A e 222 da empresa B não apresentaram o mesmo padrão identificado nos estudos de Tamayo e Oliveira (2008). Entre os resultados encontrados ressaltamos que (1) quanto maior for a confiança na promoção do crescimento do empregado e na solidez organizacional, menor serão os níveis de rotatividade; (2) normas relativas à demissão de empregados não influenciam diretamente os níveis de rotatividade das organizações; (3) não é possível pressupor a influência da confiança organizacional no absenteísmo das empresas. / [en] The studies on trust have proliferated in the national and international literature. However, the relationship between organizational trust, absenteeism and turnover is rarely discussed in the literature. In order to fill this gap, this dissertation aims to analyze the impact of organizational trust on the turnover and absenteeism levels, based on two premises: (1) organizational trust impact on turnover rate; (2) the higher the organizational trust, the lower the absenteeism rate. Therefore based on a qualitative methodology was carried out a comparative case study between two bus companies, located on greater Rio de Janeiro, with the questionnaires Trust Scale Employee of the Organization (ECEO) prepared by Tamayo and Oliveira (2008) for a sample of 385 employees in the company A and 222 in company B. The responses were submitted to descriptive analysis and the pattern of responses was not exactly the same as for the model developed by Tamayo and Oliveira (2008). This study concluded that: (1) the greater the confidence in promoting employee growth and the organizational soundness, the lower will be the turnover levels; (2) the results demonstrate a negative association between rules relating to the dismissal of employees and turnover levels; (3) it is not possible to assume the influence of organizational trust in absenteeism companies.

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