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Utvärdering av kvävefraktioner i avloppsreningsprocess med membranbioreaktor / Evaluation of Nitrogen Fractions in A Sewage Treatment Process with Membrane BioreactorSöderström, Agnes January 2018 (has links)
Henriksdals avloppsreningsverk genomgår en stor ombyggnation för att kunna hantera bådeökad belastning och de strängare reningskrav som förväntas i framtiden. Med anledning attBromma reningsverk kommer läggas ned, kommer ytterligare avloppsvatten ledas tillHenriksdals avloppsreningsverk. Då även en kraftig ökning av befolkningen iupptagningsområdet förväntas behöver reningsverket klara en fördubblad kapacitet jämfört medidag. Dagens reningskrav med avseende på kväve är 10 mg/L och detta förväntas i framtidenskärpas till 6 mg/L. För att uppnå dessa krav kommer den biologiska reningen i den nuvarandeaktivslamprocessen kombineras med membranfiltrering i en så kallad membranbioreaktor(MBR). I den biologiska reningen renas vattnet från kväve i två steg med hjälp av bakterier.Dessa steg är nitrifikation och denitrifikation. På pilotanläggningen vid Hammarby sjöstadsverk har det under året 2018 varit av intresse attstudera förekomsten av kvävefraktioner i reningslinjen, då den första av sju MBRbehandlingslinjerkommer att startas upp vid Henriksdals ARV i början av 2020. Vid uppstartav denna linje finns vissa begränsningar vad gäller dosering av kemikalier för fosfor- ochkväverening. Ingen kolkälla eller fällningskemikalie kommer att kunna doseras, då tankar fördessa ej kommer vara färdigbyggda. För att undersöka hur kvävet agerar i de olika zonerna, och om det är möjligt att uppnå önskadkväverening under dessa förutsättningar, har 12 provpunkter valts ut i den biologiskareningslinjen. Halten av NO2-N, NO3-N, NH4-N, N-tot och COD har uppmätts i dessa punkterunder fyra separata tillfällen. Proverna har analyserats och massbalanser över de olika tankarnai reningslinjen har ställts upp. Resultaten varierar mellan de olika provomgångarna som utförtspå morgon respektive efter lunch, men en del trender kan observeras. Fördenitrifikationen skeri två tankar, varav den andra tanken, BR2, uppvisar mycket låga eller obefintliga förändringar imassflödet av nitrat-kväve (NO3-N) vilket tyder på att endast en tank med fördenitrifikationenskulle vara tillräcklig. Den första tanken för nitrifikation uppvisar också dåliga resultat vilkenkan tyda på att tanken har för låg syrehalt och behöver luftas bättre. Tanken förefterdenitrifikation har fortfarande stora mängder nitratkväve i utflödet, vilket innebär att tvåtankar med efterdenitrifikation skulle kunna ge bättre resultat. Vid alla provtagningstillfällenuppmättes en halt av totalkväve (N-tot) under 10 mg/L i det renade permeatet. Medelvärdet förde fyra tillfällena låg dessutom under det framtida kravet på 6 mg/L. / Henriksdals sewage treatment plant is undergoing a major reconstruction in order to handleincreased load as well as the stricter cleaning requirements expected in the future. Due to theplanned shutdown of Bromma treatment plant, additional wastewater will be led to Henriksdalssewage treatment plant. When a significant increase in population in the catchment area is alsoexpected, the treatment plant will need a doubling of its capacity compared to today. Today'snitrogen treatment requirements in the effluent wastewater are 10 mg/L and this is expected tobe 6 mg/L in future. To achieve these requirements, the biological treatment step of the currentactive sludge process will be combined with membrane filtration in a so-called membranebioreactor (MBR). In the biological treatment, the nitrogen removal is a two-step process usingbacteria. These steps are nitrification and denitrification. In the pilot plant at Hammarby Sjöstadsverk, in 2018, it is of interest to study the presence ofnitrogen fractions in the process, since the first of seven MBR treatment lines will be started atHenriksdals WWTP early 2020. At the start of this line there are some limitations regardingdosage of chemicals for the removal of phosphorus and nitrogen. No carbon source orprecipitation chemicals will be possible to add, since the storage for these will not be constructedin time for the startup. To examine how the nitrogen acts in the different zones, and if it is possible to achieve thedesired nitrogen removal under these conditions, 12 test points have been selected in thebiological process line. The total concentration of nitrogen, N-tot, and the concentration ofnitrogen in the form of NO2, NO3, NH4, as well as the COD have been measured in these pointson four separate occasions. The samples have been analyzed and mass balances over thedifferent zones in the process line have been set up. The results vary between the different tests,performed in the morning and after lunch, but some trends can be observed. The predenitrificationtakes place in two zones, of which the second zone, BR2, exhibits very low ornon-existent changes in the mass flow of nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N), indicating that one zone withpre-denitrification would be sufficient. The first zone of nitrification also shows poor results,which may indicate that the zone has a low oxygen content and needs better airflow. The zonewith after-denitrification still has large amounts of nitrate in the outflow, which means that twozones with post-denitrification could produce better results. At all samplings a total nitrogen (Ntot)content of less than 10 mg/L was measured in the purified permeate flow. The average ofthe four occasions was also below the future requirement of 6 mg/L.
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Hederström, E. Den osynliga elefanten. Vuxna barns egna berättelser om hur det är att växa upp med en eller båda föräldrars alkoholmissbruk. Ett arbete som beskriver utsatta barns påverkan från hemmiljön, med fokus på vuxna barns egna berättelser om deras uppväxt. Examensarbete, 15 högskolepoäng. Malmö högskola: Hälsa och Samhälle, 2017.Syftet med detta arbete är att ta reda på hur vuxna barns upplevelser är av att växa upp med en eller båda föräldrars alkoholmissbruk samt om uppväxten har påverkat personens nuvarande sätt att leva. Jag har därför låtit vuxna barn berätta sina historier för att få en inblick i hur och om de har påverkats av sin uppväxt. Jag har valt att använda mig av en kvalitativ ansats i form av enkäter med öppna frågor. Studien är baserad på följande frågeställningar.- Hur upplever informanten idag sin uppväxt med en eller båda föräldrars alkoholmissbruk?- På vilket sätt har uppväxten påverkat informantens sätt att leva idag?- Hur är relationen med föräldern/föräldrarna idag?Studien är grundad på tre olika teorier, risk- och skyddsfaktorer, resiliens och socialt arv. I resultatet framkommer det att barn som växer upp med en missbrukande förälder är en heterogen grupp, där varje individ har sin egen historia. Det har tydligt framkommit att alla informanters upplevelser är unika och skiljer sig från vad de andra beskriver. Dock har alla det gemensamma, att de alla på något vis har påverkats av att ha vuxit upp med en alkoholmissbrukande förälder / Hederström, E The invisible elephant. Adult children's own stories about how it is to grow up with one or both parents’ alcohol abuse. A work that describes the influence of vulnerable children from the home environment, with a focus on adult children's own stories about their childhood.Degree project in social work 15 credits. Malmö University: Faculty of health and society, Department of social work, 2017.The purpose with this study is to find out how adult children with alcoholic parents have experienced their childhood and upbringing and if their experiences have influenced their way of life. I've therefor asked adult children to tell me their own stories from their childhood, so that I can get an insight in how an abusive upbringing can change their way of life. I've chosen to use a qualitative method, in the form of surveys with questions where the informants answer freely and openly. The study is based upon these research questions. - How does the informant, in their adult life, look at their childhood with one or both parents abusing alcohol? - In what way have their upbringing changed or influenced the informant’s way of life today? - How is the informant’s relationship with the parent/parents today? The study is based upon three different theories, risk and safety factors, resilience and social inheritance. The result shows that children with parents abusing alcohol are a heterogeneous group where every single individual have their own story. It has clearly shown that all the informants’ different stories are unique. The one thing they all have in common, though, is that they're all affected by their upbringing with one or both parents abusing alcohol.
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The agile transformation in traditional organisations in regulated environments : A case study in the automotive and aerospace industries / Den agila transformationen av traditionella organisationer i reglerade branscher : En fallstudie inom fordons- och flygindustrinHEDLUND, CHARLOTTE, INGO, AXEL January 2018 (has links)
The business environment of the 21st century is rapidly changing. Customers demand are diversifying, governments enforce stricter environmental regulations and start-ups are entering with disruptive business models. Traditional industrial organisations need to adapt to compete on a market revolving around time-to-market actions. One solution for this is to do an agile transformation. This thesis investigates the agile transformation process of traditional organisations through a case study. The objective is to identify find the main success drivers and key challenges in stated transformation. The research was designed to do a qualitative, interview based case study in the automotive and aerospace industries involving four companies from an interpretivistic paradigm. In addition, two companies from insurance and banking and four agile coaches were also part of the case study to establish generalisability. The theoretical and empirical findings succeed to find three main success drivers: management support, identifying the “Why?” and “How?”, and three key challenges: structural legacies, cultural legacies and configuration of transformation process. Additionally, it was found that current transformations in the selected industries are diverging from change management theories, which emphasises a greater focus on changing mindset, behaviour and culture. Finally, the study contributes with actions as to help companies pursuing agile transformation as well identifying a continuous need for research of agile methods in non-software environments. / Marknaden har under 2000-talet ändrats snabbt. Kunders krav på produkter ökar, statliga miljöregleringar träder i kraft och start-ups går in med disruptiva affärsmodeller. I detta läge behöver traditionella industribolag anpassa för att kunna konkurrera på den nya marknaden som kräver en kortare tid till marknaden. En lösning på detta problem är en agil transformation. Den här uppsatsen undersöker de agila transformationsprocesserna genom en fallstudie. Målsättningen är att identifiera de huvudsakliga framgångsfaktorer samt utmaningar som återfinns i nämnda transformationer. Forskningen designades genom en kvalitativ intervjufallstudie hos fyra företag inom vägfordons- och flygplansindustrin från ett interpretivistiskt forskningsparadigm. Vidare deltog två företag från försäkring och bank samt fyra agila coacher för att kunna etablera generaliserbarhet. De teoretiska och empiriska ramverken lyckades hitta tre stycken framgångsfaktorer: ledarstöd, identifierandet and “Varför?” samt ”Hur?”, samt tre primära utmaningar: strukturella och kulturella arv samt konfigurationen av transformationsprocessen. Vidare fann studien att de nuvarande transformationerna som finns i valda branscher divergerar från förändringsledningsteorierna, som i sin tur betonar ett större fokus på förändring av mindset, beteende och kultur. Slutligen bidrar denna studie med föreslagna åtgärder som hjälper företag som genomgår en transformation och identifierar ett fortsatt behov av att forska kring användandet av agila metoder in icke-mjukvaruområden.
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Sexualité et parentalité chez les adolescents haïtiens infectés au VIH par transmission verticale ou sexuelle : quelles normes, quelles valeurs et quelles pratiques ?Maxi, Ascencio Junior 07 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Patch WorkHulme Geber, Vera January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Adherence to Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy and its major determinants among patients at Rundu Hospital, Namibia.Komu, Patricia Wangui. January 2008 (has links)
<p><font face="Times New Roman">
<p align="left"><font face="Times New Roman"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Aim</font><font face="Times New Roman">: To obtain baseline data on adherence levels and the major determinants of adherence among patients on HAART at Rundu Hospital, Namibia.</font></b></font></p>
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Arv och testamente. : Om avsaknad av en adekvat fördelningsform och en successionsrätt i förändring.Glad, Johan January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Adherence to Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy and its major determinants among patients at Rundu Hospital, Namibia.Komu, Patricia Wangui. January 2008 (has links)
<p><font face="Times New Roman">
<p align="left"><font face="Times New Roman"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Aim</font><font face="Times New Roman">: To obtain baseline data on adherence levels and the major determinants of adherence among patients on HAART at Rundu Hospital, Namibia.</font></b></font></p>
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Prescribing patterns of antiretroviral (ARV) drugs at Sekgoma Memorial Hospital ARV therapy clinic in Botswana / E. KalokoniKalokoni, Emmanuel January 2010 (has links)
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is characterized by the progressive
destruction of a person’s immune system and is the latest and most serious stage of Human
Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection. Botswana currently has the highest estimated
prevalence of HIV infection in the world. Botswana has a relatively young population
structure, with about 60% of the approximately 1,8 million people aged less than 45 years.
HIV prevalence for pregnant women aged 15–45 years in Botswana did, however, decrease
marginally from 36,2% in 2001 to 35,4% in 2002. It is estimated that about 258 000
Botswana are now living with HIV and AIDS, and high morbidity and mortality rates due to
HIV/AIDS have seen Botswana slip down the United Nations Development Plan (UNDP)
Human Development Index rankings from 71 in 1996, to 122 in 1999/2000. In 2002
Botswana initiated public antiretroviral therapy (ART) at four sites initially to provide
treatment to HIV/AIDS patients before expanding the programme to the rest of the country.
The specific objective of the study was to investigate the prescribing patterns of ARV drugs
at Sekgoma Memorial Hospital ARV therapy clinic (SMH–IDCC) in the central district of
Botswana for a two–year period from 2005 to 2006.
Data from 1717 patients were obtained from the SMH–IDCC electronic database regarding
ARV drugs prescribed during the study period, CD4–Tcell count (cells/?L) at the
commencement of therapy and after six months from the commencement of therapy and
side effects necessitating change of therapy for the study period 2005 until 2006.
The study showed that there were eight antiretroviral therapy (ART) regimens prescribed:
zidovudine plus lamivudine plus efavirenz (AZT/3TC/EFV), zidovudine plus lamivudine plus
nevirapine (AZT/3TC/NVP), Combivir® plus efavirenz (CBV/EFV), Combivir® plus nelfinavir
(CBV/NFV), Combivir® plus nevirapine (CBV/NVP), stavudine plus lamivudine plus efavirenz
(D4T/3TC/EFV), stavudine plus lamivudine plus nelfinavir (D4T/3TC/NFV), and stavudine
plus lamivudine plus nevirapine (D4T/3TC/NVP).
The most prescribed ART regimen for adult patients was Combivir® plus efavirenz
(CBV/EFV) (51,37%). This was broken down as 17,20% of females and 34,17% of males. The second most prescribed ART regimen was Combivir® plus nevirapine (CBV/NVP)(36%
of the total study population (N=1717). This represented 34,17% of females and 1,98% of
The most prescribed ART regimen in children was zidovudine plus lamivudine plus efavirenz
(AZT/3TC/EFV) (3,73% of the total population), broken down as 1,05% of females and
2,68% of males. The second most prescribed regimen in this group was zidovudine plus
lamivudine plus nevirapine (ZDV/3TC/NVP) (3,50% of total population).
The findings from this study indicated that all eight the ART regimens prescribed at the study
site were in accordance with the Botswana national ART guidelines. There were thirteen
different types of side effects necessitating change of therapy, including pregnancy,
treatment failure and poor adherence. The average CD4–Tcell count change
(155.63 cells/?L, ± 204.08 cells/?L) for the study population was more than 100% after six
months from commencement of therapy, indicating success of therapy in terms of CD4–Tcell
count. / Thesis (M.Pharm. (Pharmacy Practice))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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Prescribing patterns of antiretroviral (ARV) drugs at Sekgoma Memorial Hospital ARV therapy clinic in Botswana / E. KalokoniKalokoni, Emmanuel January 2010 (has links)
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is characterized by the progressive
destruction of a person’s immune system and is the latest and most serious stage of Human
Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection. Botswana currently has the highest estimated
prevalence of HIV infection in the world. Botswana has a relatively young population
structure, with about 60% of the approximately 1,8 million people aged less than 45 years.
HIV prevalence for pregnant women aged 15–45 years in Botswana did, however, decrease
marginally from 36,2% in 2001 to 35,4% in 2002. It is estimated that about 258 000
Botswana are now living with HIV and AIDS, and high morbidity and mortality rates due to
HIV/AIDS have seen Botswana slip down the United Nations Development Plan (UNDP)
Human Development Index rankings from 71 in 1996, to 122 in 1999/2000. In 2002
Botswana initiated public antiretroviral therapy (ART) at four sites initially to provide
treatment to HIV/AIDS patients before expanding the programme to the rest of the country.
The specific objective of the study was to investigate the prescribing patterns of ARV drugs
at Sekgoma Memorial Hospital ARV therapy clinic (SMH–IDCC) in the central district of
Botswana for a two–year period from 2005 to 2006.
Data from 1717 patients were obtained from the SMH–IDCC electronic database regarding
ARV drugs prescribed during the study period, CD4–Tcell count (cells/?L) at the
commencement of therapy and after six months from the commencement of therapy and
side effects necessitating change of therapy for the study period 2005 until 2006.
The study showed that there were eight antiretroviral therapy (ART) regimens prescribed:
zidovudine plus lamivudine plus efavirenz (AZT/3TC/EFV), zidovudine plus lamivudine plus
nevirapine (AZT/3TC/NVP), Combivir® plus efavirenz (CBV/EFV), Combivir® plus nelfinavir
(CBV/NFV), Combivir® plus nevirapine (CBV/NVP), stavudine plus lamivudine plus efavirenz
(D4T/3TC/EFV), stavudine plus lamivudine plus nelfinavir (D4T/3TC/NFV), and stavudine
plus lamivudine plus nevirapine (D4T/3TC/NVP).
The most prescribed ART regimen for adult patients was Combivir® plus efavirenz
(CBV/EFV) (51,37%). This was broken down as 17,20% of females and 34,17% of males. The second most prescribed ART regimen was Combivir® plus nevirapine (CBV/NVP)(36%
of the total study population (N=1717). This represented 34,17% of females and 1,98% of
The most prescribed ART regimen in children was zidovudine plus lamivudine plus efavirenz
(AZT/3TC/EFV) (3,73% of the total population), broken down as 1,05% of females and
2,68% of males. The second most prescribed regimen in this group was zidovudine plus
lamivudine plus nevirapine (ZDV/3TC/NVP) (3,50% of total population).
The findings from this study indicated that all eight the ART regimens prescribed at the study
site were in accordance with the Botswana national ART guidelines. There were thirteen
different types of side effects necessitating change of therapy, including pregnancy,
treatment failure and poor adherence. The average CD4–Tcell count change
(155.63 cells/?L, ± 204.08 cells/?L) for the study population was more than 100% after six
months from commencement of therapy, indicating success of therapy in terms of CD4–Tcell
count. / Thesis (M.Pharm. (Pharmacy Practice))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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