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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

El uso de la gamificación en la enseñanza del emprendimiento: actitud e intención de uso por parte del profesorado universitario

Seguí Mas, Diana María 02 September 2021 (has links)
[ES] A las universidades actuales no se les demanda solamente que actúen como centros de enseñanza e investigación, sino que contribuyan al desarrollo económico y social de los territorios en los que están implantadas. Una de las maneras en las que las universidades pueden contribuir a este desarrollo es mediante la transferencia de conocimiento de investigación aplicada que contribuya a la generación de riqueza y puestos de trabajo. Otra es incrementar la empleabilidad de sus egresados facilitando su incorporación al sistema productivo. En este sentido, la universidad puede jugar un papel relevante facilitando una formación que potencie y desarrolle el sentido de la iniciativa y el emprendimiento de sus estudiantes, considerado una de las habilidades fundamentales demandadas en el siglo XXI. Asimismo, la formación en el espíritu emprendedor de los estudiantes pasa por el uso de metodologías docentes que sean innovadoras y motivadoras y, por lo tanto, capaces de hacer frente a los retos a los que se enfrenta la educación superior actual. En este sentido, en los últimos años, se ha señalado la capacidad de la gamificación como herramienta de instrucción altamente motivadora y eficaz. Los estudios actuales señalan asimismo las posibilidades del uso de la gamificación para desarrollar la competencia emprendedora entre los estudiantes universitarios. No obstante, el profesorado es un elemento clave en la implantación de las metodologías y aproximaciones pedagógicas empleadas en el aula. Por este motivo, el objetivo principal de esta tesis es analizar las actitudes e intención de uso de la gamificación, por parte del profesorado universitario, como metodología docente dirigida a desarrollar la competencia emprendedora de los estudiantes universitarios. Con este objetivo se plantea un diseño exploratorio de corte cuantitativo orientado a conocer la actitud e intención de uso del profesorado universitario hacia la gamificación como metodología docente con la que desarrollar la competencia emprendedora de los estudiantes universitarios. Para alcanzar este objetivo se desarrolla, y valida, un modelo predictivo que incluye tanto variables personales (edad, género,) como moduladoras (clima laboral) explicativas de la actitud e intención de uso del profesorado universitario. Los resultados sugieren que la actitud frente al uso resulta explicada fundamentalmente por la utilidad percibida, y en menor medida por el clima laboral, la edad y el género. Por otro lado, la intención de uso se explica básicamente por la utilidad percibida y la edad, y en menor grado por la actitud, el clima laboral y el género. / [CA] En els últims anys, a les universitats no se'ls demanda únicament que actuen com a centres d'ensenyament i investigació, sinó que contribuïsquen al desenvolupament econòmic i social dels territoris en els quals estan implantades. Una de les maneres en les quals les universitats poden contribuir a aquest desenvolupament és mitjançant la transferència de coneixement d'investigació aplicada, que contribuïsca a la generació de riquesa i llocs de treball. Una altra és incrementar l'ocupabilitat dels seus egressats, facilitant la seua incorporació al sistema productiu. En aquest sentit, la universitat pot jugar un paper rellevant facilitant una formació que potencie i desenvolupe el sentit de la iniciativa i l'emprenedoria dels seus estudiants, considerat una de les habilitats fonamentals demandades en el segle XXI. Així mateix, la formació en l'esperit emprenedor dels estudiants passa per l'ús de metodologies docents que siguen innovadores i motivadores i, per tant, capaces de fer front als reptes als quals s'enfronta l'educació superior actual. En aquest sentit, en els últims anys, s'ha assenyalat la capacitat de la gamificació com a eina d'instrucció altament motivadora i eficaç. Els estudis actuals assenyalen així mateix les possibilitats de l'ús de la gamificació per a desenvolupar la competència emprenedora entre els estudiants universitaris. No obstant això, el professorat és un element clau en la implantació de les metodologies i aproximacions pedagògiques emprades a l'aula. Per aquest motiu, l'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi és analitzar les actituds i intenció d'ús de la gamificació, per part del professorat universitari, com a metodologia docent dirigida a desenvolupar la competència emprenedora dels estudiants universitaris. Amb aquest objectiu es planteja un disseny exploratori de tall quantitatiu orientat a conéixer l'actitud i intenció d'ús del professorat universitari cap a la ludificació com a metodologia docent amb la qual desenvolupar la competència emprenedora dels estudiants universitaris. Amb aquest objectiu es desenvolupa, i valguda, un model predictiu que inclou tant variables personals (edat, gènere,) com a moduladores (clima laboral) explicatives de l'actitud i intenció d'ús del professorat universitari. Els resultats suggereixen que l'actitud enfront de l'ús resulta explicada fonamentalment per la utilitat percebuda, i en menor mesura pel clima laboral, l'edat i el gènere. D'altra banda, la intenció d'ús s'explica bàsicament per la utilitat percebuda i l'edat, i en menor grau per l'actitud, el clima laboral i el gènere. / [EN] In recent years, universities are not only required to perform as teaching and research centers, but also to be part of the economic and social development of the territories in which they are located. To do so, universities can contribute in many ways, like transfering applied research knowledge that helps in the generation of wealth and jobs or by increasing the employability of their graduates by facilitating their incorporation into the productive system. In this sense, the university as an institution can play a relevant role by providing training that enhances and develops the sense of initiative and entrepreneurship of its students, considered one of the fundamental skills demanded in the 21st century. Likewise, training students in entrepreneurship requires the use of teaching methodologies that are both innovative and motivating and, therefore, capable of meeting the challenges faced by today's higher education. In this sense, in recent years, the capacity of gamification as a highly motivating and effective instructional tool has been pointed out. Current studies also focus on the possibilities of using gamification to develop entrepreneurial competence among university students. Taking this into account and considering that teachers are still a key element in the implementation of the methodologies and pedagogical approaches used in the classroom, the main objective of this thesis is to analyze the attitudes and intention to use gamification, by university teachers, as a teaching methodology aimed at developing the entrepreneurial competence of university students. With this objective, an exploratory design of quantitative cut is proposed, oriented to know the attitude and intention of use of university professors towards gamification as a teaching methodology, to develop the entrepreneurial competence of university students. Having this objective in mind, a predictive model is developed -and validated- that includes both personal variables (age, gender) and modulating variables (work environment) that explain the attitude and intention of university professors towards the use of gamification as a teaching methodology to develop the entrepreneurial competence of university students. The results suggest that attitude towards the use of gamification is explained mainly by perceived usefulness, and to a lesser extent by work environment, age and gender. On the other hand, intention to use is basically explained by perceived usefulness and age, and to a lesser extent by attitude, work environment and gender. / Seguí Mas, DM. (2021). El uso de la gamificación en la enseñanza del emprendimiento: actitud e intención de uso por parte del profesorado universitario [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/172236


FABINI HOELZ BARGAS ALVAREZ 13 August 2024 (has links)
[pt] Apesar do acentuado crescimento na adoção do uso de veículos elétricos no mundo e notadamente no Brasil durante o ano de 2023, muitas lacunas de pesquisa ainda estão presentes. Assim, a presente tese se propõe a investigar os fatores que afetam a intenção de adoção de veículos elétricos por consumidores, propondo um novo modelo, desenvolvido a partir da Teoria Unificada de Aceitação e Uso de Tecnologias 2 – UTAUT 2, que integre além dos aspectos sociais, emocionais e cognitivos já contemplados pela modelagem original, outros construtos tais como ambientais e econômicos. Buscou-se também avaliar o impacto de duas variáveis moderadoras, especificamente coorte geracional e sexo de nascimento, na intenção de adoção de veículos elétricos. Uma fase quantitativa exploratória foi conduzida por meio de uma survey aplicada a 715 respondentes maiores de 18 anos, de ambos os sexos. Dos construtos utilizados no modelo inicial, mostraram-se relevantes a inovação pessoal, sensibilidade aos preços, incentivos governamentais e motivação hedônica. Por outro lado, a influência social apresentou baixa importância no processo decisório do consumidor. Não houve alteração na relevância dentre os construtos no modelo alternativo. Dentre os dois modelos estudados, pode-se afirmar que o modelo inicial foi mais significativo na representação dos aspectos que formam a intenção de adoção destes veículos, explicando 79,30 por cento da variância da intenção comportamental. Do espaço amostral (N=660), na amostra da geração Baby Boomers (n=155), foi possível perceber que os construtos inovação pessoal e motivação hedônica são mais decisivos para a adoção destes veículos. Já para a geração X (n=161), apresentou-se relevante, além da inovação pessoal, a sensibilidade ao preço. A geração Y (n=179), caracterizou-se pelo apelo da sensibilidade ao preço e da expectativa de desempenho. E a geração Z (n=165), valorizou a motivação hedônica e os incentivos governamentais. Para o sexo feminino (N=321), foram decisivas a motivação hedônica e a inovação pessoal, enquanto que para o sexo masculino (n=339), demonstraram importância o preço e o desempenho. / [en] Despite the sharp growth in the adoption of the use of electric vehicles inthe world and notably in Brazil during the year 2023, many research gaps are stillpresent. Thus, this thesis proposes to investigate the factors that affect theintention of adoption of electric vehicles by consumers, proposing a new model,developed from the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technologies 2 –UTAUT 2, which integrates social, environmental, economic, emotional andcognitive aspects. This study, also sought to evaluate the impact of twomoderating variables, specifically age and gender, on the intention to adoptelectric vehicles. An exploratory quantitative phase was conducted through asurvey applied to 715 respondents over 18 years of age, of both genders. Of theconstructs used in the initial model, personal innovation, price sensitivity,government incentives, and hedonic motivation were relevant. On the other hand,social influence was of low importance in the consumer s decision-makingprocess. There was no change in relevance among the constructs in the alternativemodel. Among the two models studied, it can be stated that the initial model wasmore significant in representing the aspects that form the intention to adopt thesevehicles. From the sample space (N=660), in the sample of the Baby Boomersgeneration (n=155), it was possible to see that the constructs personal innovationand hedonic motivation are more decisive for the adoption of these vehicles. Forgeneration X (n=161), price sensitivity was relevant, in addition to personalinnovation. Generation Y (n=179) was characterized by the appeal of pricesensitivity and performance expectations. Generation Z (n=165) valued hedonicmotivation and government incentives. For females (N=321), hedonic motivationand personal innovation were decisive, while for males (n=339), price andperformance were important.

Comprehensive Evaluation of VA-Developed PTSD Apps: A Systematic Review, MARS Scale Assessment, and User Review Analysis through Thematic and Path Analysis

Esener, Yeter Yildiz 07 1900 (has links)
Mobile technology is increasingly leveraged for mental health interventions, with users expressing overall satisfaction and finding the apps helpful and user-friendly. While the apps offer diverse features for symptom management, self-help, and treatment support, evidence regarding their effectiveness remains limited, suggesting a need for further research. Usability, engagement, and tailoring to user preferences emerge as critical factors, emphasizing the importance of customization for different populations. This research presented a systematic literature review aimed at evaluating studies specifically focusing on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) apps, with a subsequent quality assessment using the MARS scale. Additionally, the research involves an in-depth analysis of user reviews for these PTSD apps through thematic, and path analysis. The technology acceptance model (TAM) model serves as the framework for path analysis, and the performance of VADER, Flair, and TextBlob is evaluated. Sentiment analysis is then employed to explore relationships among TAM model factors and additional factors derived from the systematic literature review and thematic analysis. In conclusion, this dissertation contributes to the understanding of PTSD apps, their usability, and their potential for mental health support. It underscores the need for further research, customization, and ongoing collaboration to optimize the effectiveness of these applications in managing PTSD symptoms and supporting individuals in their mental health journey.

Digital payments adoption research: A review of factors influencing consumer’s attitude, intention and usage

Patil, P.P, Rana, Nripendra P., Dwivedi, Y.K. 25 September 2020 (has links)
Yes / Digital payment methods (DPMs) are evolving fast but they are yet to be widely adopted particularly in the developing countries. An initial review of literature suggests that several studies have already been conducted on this topic for understanding antecedents of digital payments adoption. However, only a few studies have examined this emerging topic in the context of developing countries. The aim of this submission is to identify antecedents of consumer adoption and usage of digital payments methods. The results of this literature analysis suggest that constructs related to technology acceptance model (TAM) and unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) along with trust and risk are the most frequently examined constructs for determining consumer’s behavioural intention to use and usage of DPMs. The findings from this work can help researchers selecting factors for inclusion in the future empirical works on this topic.

Jordanian Citizen-Centric Cloud Services Acceptance Model in an e-Government Context: Security Antecedents for Using Cloud Services

Alkhwaldi, Abeer F.A.H. January 2019 (has links)
Cloud computing (CC) has become a strategic trend for online government services around the world, and Jordan is no exception. However, the acceptance and use of this novel technology face a number of barriers and challenges, including technological, human-aspects, social, and financial issues which need to be considered carefully by governments contemplating the implementation of cloud-based services. Drawing on the literature review on the acceptance and use of cloud-based e government services, it is evident that there is still a lack of explanatory power due to the following reasons: 1) focusing on the adoption and implementation of cloud-based e-government systems from the supply-side perspective, and therefore there are no enough studies on the integration between the supply-side and the demand-side as a single phenomenon. 2) while most of the e-government literature discussed the acceptance and adoption of traditional e-government services, there has been relatively little research on the distinguishing characteristics of cloud technology (e.g. security and trust). In addition, although Jordan made significant efforts in implementing cloud-based e-government systems since 2014, Jordan still has an unsatisfied rank with respect to the E-Government Development Index (EGDI) and E Participation Index (EPI). Many researchers state that security is one of the main determinates to the successful implementation of e-government services, without investigating this issue in depth. This thesis aims to bridge these gaps in an empirical manner through introducing a comprehensive investigation to provide a thorough understanding of cloud services adoption stemming from multiple perspectives, using an amended theoretical model based on the second version of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2). To achieve this research aim, a mixed-methods approach for data collection was used. The first stage employed an online questionnaire (220 valid responses and 27 questions) to identify that some e-government challenges still affect the acceptance of cloud-based public services (e.g. lack of awareness and security). Also, to determine some of the security concerns relevant to the research context. In the second stage, a grounded theory approach (18 semi-structured interviews and five questions as an interview guide) was adopted to explore factors affecting users’ (i.e. citizens’) perceptions regarding the security of cloud-based e-government services. The results show five factors influencing perceived security: intangible and tangible characteristics (ITCS), information security awareness (ISA), interface design quality (IDQ), law and regulations, and security culture (SC). The third stage applied an online questionnaire to validate the proposed theoretical framework which integrated the findings of the second stage with the UTAUT2 constructs, trust and perceived security. In this stage, the theoretical model was evaluated through an online survey (57 Likert five-point scale questions), and a total of 669 validated responses were analysed with the Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) technique using Analysis of Moment Structures (AMOS) version 25.0. The results indicated that performance expectancy (PE), effort expectancy (EE), social influence (SI), facilitating conditions (FC) and trust (ToEG) of e-government were found to significantly and positively influence the individuals’ behavioural intention to use cloud-based e-government services. Moreover, perceived security (PS) significantly influenced trust (ToEG) of e-government. In addition, intangible and tangible characteristics (ITCS), information security awareness (ISA), interface design quality (IDQ), law and regulations, and security culture (SC) had a positive effect on the perceived security of cloud-based public services. The outcome of this research presents a theoretical framework for studying the acceptance of cloud services in the Jordanian public sector. Additionally, eighteen action guidelines corresponding to the eleven factors of this study have been suggested and five of which have been already implemented or are planned to be implemented by the Jordanian government. The results of this study will provide empirical findings for the e-government professionals around the world, especially in developing countries with a similar context to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, facing similar obstacles for the acceptance and adoption of cloud-based e-government services, and aspiring to enhance such services in their countries. The practical implications, implementation guidelines, theoretical contributions, and limitations of this work are discussed in the context of providing key directions for future research. / Mutah University in Jordan

Towards Sustainable Digital Media : An Exploration and Evaluation of Ecodesign Tools

Brunner, Magdalena Josefine, Thiess, Anne January 2024 (has links)
This research addresses the challenge of integrating ecodesign tools into the digital media industry to reduce the environmental footprint of digital products. Despite increasing awareness of sustainability, many digital media experts struggle to adopt these tools practically. This study investigates experts’ perception of the usefulness and ease of use of ecodesign tools and explores influences on their user experience. The research included two phases: a survey and a user study. The survey involved N=93 digital media experts in Europe and evaluated the perceived ease of use and usefulness of ecodesign tools utilizing the Technology Acceptance Model. It revealed the IBM Checklist for Sustainability and the Sustainable Web Design Guidelines as the most useful and easy to use ecodesign tools. These tools were then examined in a one-week user study, involving N=12 digital media experts. This phase included a diary study and user experience questionnaire. Results indicate that practical guidance, clear understanding, efficiency, trustworthiness, motivation, and innovation influence user experience. While sustainability awareness is rising, integrating ecodesign tools into daily workflows remains challenging for some experts. Comprehensive training and guided integration are needed to address these challenges. Ecodesign tools should fit diverse user needs, enhancing relevance and usability across various roles. Incorporating customizable features, clear guidance, interactive learning resources, and alignment with industry standards better support digital media experts and enhance their user experience. This research highlights the importance of ongoing development and refinement of ecodesign tools within the digital media industry.

Fatores relevantes na adoção e difusão de televisores conectados no Brasil: um estudo exploratório

Nascimento, Rodrigo Araujo do January 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2011-10-06T12:09:26Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação RNascimento_08082011_rev67_Reduzido1.pdf: 2534408 bytes, checksum: a7782d7a921ecb5420ebfea130643146 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2011-11-25T18:01:55Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação RNascimento_08082011_rev67_Reduzido1.pdf: 2534408 bytes, checksum: a7782d7a921ecb5420ebfea130643146 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2011-11-25T18:02:07Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação RNascimento_08082011_rev67_Reduzido1.pdf: 2534408 bytes, checksum: a7782d7a921ecb5420ebfea130643146 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2011-11-25T18:03:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação RNascimento_08082011_rev67_Reduzido1.pdf: 2534408 bytes, checksum: a7782d7a921ecb5420ebfea130643146 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / This study aims to raise the relevant factors - both positively and negatively - to the adoption and diffusion of connected televisions in Brazil. The goal is to develop and test a meta-model, generated from existing models in the literature such as the 'TAM' (Technology Acceptance Model), Davis (1989) and diffusion of innovations 'DOI' (Diffusion of Innovations), Rogers (1995), together with the possibilities brought by this new connected television technology. / Este estudo objetiva levantar os fatores relevantes – tanto positiva quanto negativamente - para a adoção e difusão dos televisores conectados no país. O objetivo é desenvolver e testar um metamodelo, gerado a partir de modelos já existentes na literatura, como o 'TAM' (Technology Acceptance Model), de Davis (1989) e difusão de inovações 'DOI' (Diffusion of Innovations), de Rogers (1995), em conjunto com as possibilidades trazidas pela nova tecnologia dos televisores conectados.

Sozioökonomische Bewertung nachhaltiger Innovationen zur Überwindung der Nachbaukrankheit bei Äpfeln. Eine Ex-ante-Akzeptanzanalyse mit Hilfe der Strukturgleichungsmodellierung.

Petzke, Nicole 12 December 2019 (has links)
Aufgrund des gesellschaftlichen Wandels, globaler klimatischer und marktlicher Veränderungen sowie zunehmender Ressourcenknappheit sind landwirtschaftliche Betriebe immer mehr gefordert, ihre Produktionsverfahren anzupassen. Doch sind solche Innovationen häufig komplex und weisen einen systemischen Charakter auf. KMU sind häufig nicht in der Lage, diese oft mit höherem Risiko behafteten Innovationen voranzutreiben oder zu übernehmen. Zur Förderung ihrer Diffusion ist es notwendig, die äußeren und inneren Rahmenbedingungen der Innovationsumgebung zu kennen. Am Fallbeispiel der Innovationsprozesse zur Überwindung der Nachbauproblematik im Apfelanbau werden potenzielle Einflussfaktoren auf die Adoption neuer Maßnahmen mithilfe des sektoralen Innovationssystemansatzes nach Malerba und einem erweiterten Technology Acceptance Model erfasst. Hierbei wurde deutlich, dass trotz der günstigen natürlichen Rahmenbedingungen in der Untersuchungsregion, Faktoren wie sinkende Erzeugerpreise, Lohnsteigerungen, Wettbewerbsdruck, Klimawandel, die abnehmende Verfügbarkeit jungfräulicher Flächen sowie steigende Anforderungen des LEH und der Gesellschaft einen wirtschaftlichen Anbau zunehmend erschweren. Vor allem aber für Baumschulen sind die Folgen der Bodenmüdigkeit aufgrund des hohen Produktionswertes pro Hektar Kulturfläche besonders schwerwiegend. Maßnahmen, die bisher gegen Bodenermüdung ergriffen wurden, sind wenig effektiv, oder unwirtschaftlich. Die Analyse der Akzeptanzbefragung potenzieller Adopter zum Einsatz von Mikroorganismen gegen Bodenmüdigkeit ergab, dass die Nützlichkeit des Verfahrens positiv wahrgenommen wird und sich dies in einer hohen Übernahmeabsicht widerspiegelt. Eine Strukturgleichungsanalyse des in dieser Studie entwickelten Akzeptanzmodells mittels SmartPLS mit einem Bestimmtheitsmaß von 68% verdeutlichen, dass nicht vorrangig ökonomische Faktoren, sondern in erster Linie die Kompatibilität der Maßnahme, Einfluss auf eine potenzielle Übernahme ausüben würde. / Due to social change, global climatic and market changes as well as increasing scarcity of resources, agricultural enterprises are increasingly required to adapt their production processes. However, innovations often have a systemic character. SMEs are often not in a position to promote or adopt these innovations, which are often associated with higher risks. In order to promote their diffusion, it is, therefore, advantageous to know the external and internal framework conditions of the environment for innovation. Using the case study of innovation processes to overcome the problem of apple replant disease, potential influencing factors on the adoption of new measures are identified on the basis of the Sectoral Innovation System Approach according to Malerba and an extended Technology Acceptance Model. It became clear that, despite the favourable natural conditions in the study region, factors such as falling producer prices, wage increases, competitive pressure, climate change, the decreasing availability of virgin land and the increasing demands of food retailers and society are making commercial cultivation increasingly challenging. However, the consequences of soil fatigue are particularly severe for tree nurseries due to the high production value per hectare of cultivated land. Measures that have so far been taken to combat soil fatigue are ineffective or uneconomical. The analysis of the acceptance survey of potential adopters of microorganisms against soil fatigue showed that the usefulness of the method is perceived positively and that this is reflected in a high intention to adopt it. A structural equation analysis of the acceptance model developed in this study using SmartPLS and a coefficient of determination of 68% make it clear that not primarily economic factors, but primarily the compatibility of the measure, would influence a potential adoption.

Akzeptanz digitaler Medien bei Personen im Ruhestand im ländlichen Raum: Der Einfluss des subjektiven Alterserlebens, sozioökologischen Kontextes und technikspezifischer Faktoren

Barczik, Kristina 20 August 2019 (has links)
Gegenstand dieser Dissertationsschrift ist die Erforschung der Akzeptanz digitaler Medien durch Personen im Ruhestand, die im ländlichen Raum leben. Es galt insbesondere Faktoren aufzudecken, die sich förderlich oder hinderlich auf die Nutzung von Smartphones und Tablet-PCs auswirken. Basierend auf den Ergeb-nissen lassen sich Hinweise darauf gewinnen, wie die betroffene Personengruppe in der Nutzung der Medien unterstützt werden kann. Theoretische Grundlagen für die Ermittlung von Einflussfaktoren stellen das klas-sische Technologieakzeptanzmodell von Davis (1989) und dessen Folgemodelle (2000, 2008), das Seniorakzeptanzmodells von Renaud und Biljon (2008) und der Uses-and-Gratification-Ansatzes von Blumler und Katz (1974) dar. Weiterhin wer-den Faktoren, die den ländlichen Raum charakterisieren, berücksichtigt. Spezifika des Ruhestands werden über das kalendarische Alter und das subjektive Alterser-lebens einbezogen. Die aus den Theorien herausgearbeiteten Einflussfaktoren wurden mit drei explo-rativen Vorstudien, auf ihre Relevanz für die Zielgruppe hin geprüft. Dabei handelt es sich um ein Experteninterview (n = 5), eine teilstandardisierte Befragung (n = 39) und ein Leitfadeninterview (n = 10). Die daraus gewonnenen Einflussfak-toren wurden anschließend in einer Fragebogenstudie von Personen im Ruhe-stand (n = 203) in den Landkreisen Bautzen und Zwickau beurteilt. Die Daten wurden statistisch mit Korrelations- und Regressionsanalysen sowie der einfakto-riellen Anova analysiert. Im Ergebnis zeigte sich, dass insbesondere der wahrgenommene Nutzen, die Leichtigkeit des Lernens und Leichtigkeit der Bedienung die Technikakzeptanz der befragten Personen beeinflussen. Diese Faktoren werden ihrerseits direkt durch die Selbstwirksamkeit sowie indirekt durch Vorerfahrungen mit Computer und Internet aber auch die Angst vor Bedienfehlern oder Sicherheitsbedenken geleitet. Eine wichtige Rolle kommt lernunterstützenden Maßnahmen zu. Der wahrgenommene Nutzen, die Einstellung und auch die Verhaltensabsicht unterscheiden sich signifikant in Abhängigkeit vom bereichsspezifischen Alterser-leben. Relevanz besitzen zudem personenbezogene und soziodemographische Faktoren wie z.B. der Gesundheitszustand, der Bildungsabschluss und das Haus-haltseinkommen. In Abhängigkeit vom Wohnort wirkt sich das soziale Engage-ment signifikant auf die Verhaltensabsicht aus. Weiterhin lassen sich Zusammen-hänge zwischen der Wohnentfernung zu den Kindern, dem wahrgenommenen Nutzen und den sozialen Motiven nachweisen. Die Ergebnisse der Dissertationsschrift sind vor allem interessant für Wissen-schaftler und Lehrende, die ältere Menschen bei der Bedienung digitaler Medien unterstützen. Daneben bieten sie Anhaltspunkte für Kommunen, die sich mit ge-sellschaftlicher Teilhabe von Älteren befassen.:1 Einleitung 1.1 Themenrelevanz 1.2 Zielsetzung und Beitrag der Arbeit 1.3 Vorgehensweise 2 Theoretischer Hintergrund 2.1 Das Phänomen „Alter(n)“ 2.2 Der Sozioökologische Kontext: Altern im ländlichen Raum 2.3 Ältere Erwachsene im Fokus der Mediennutzungsforschung 2.4 Älterer Erwachsene im Fokus der Akzeptanzforschung 2.5 Forschungsbedarf und Forschungsfragen 3 Methodisches Vorgehen 3.1 Explorative Vorstudie 1 - Expertenbefragung 3.2 Explorative Vorstudie 2 – schriftliche, halboffene Befragung 3.3 Explorative Vorstudie 3 –leitfadengestützte Interviews 3.4 Einflussgrößen auf die digitale Mediennutzung 3.5 Hypothesen 4 Hauptstudie 4.1 Studiendesign 4.2 Feldphase 4.3 Datenaufbereitung und –analyse 4.4 Stichprobenzusammensetzung 4.5 Statistische Analysen 4.6 Ergebnisse: Technikbezogene Faktoren 4.7 Ergebnisse: Subjektbezogene Ressourcen 4.8 Ergebnisse: Wohnortbezogenen Ressourcen 5 Diskussion und Zusammenfassung 5.1 Zusammenfassung und Interpretation der Ergebnisse 5.2 Diskussion der Methoden 5.3 Fazit und Ausblick / The dissertation investigates smartphone and tablet acceptance by elderly users and non-users in rural areas in Germany, especially in federal provinces in Saxo-ny (Bautzen and Zwickau). Following a mixed-methods design, both qualitative and quantitative studies were used. The theoretical framework is based on the Technology Acceptance Models by Davis (1989) and Venkatesh (2000, 2008), the Senior Technology Acceptance and Adoption Model by Renaud and Biljon (2008), and the Uses-and-Gratification Approach by Blumler and Katz (1974). The models served to identify influence factors on technology acceptance. Those factors were validated empirically for the specific group of (potential) elderly users by three qualitative studies: 1. Expert interviews (n = 5), 2. Interviews using a partly standardised guideline (n = 39) and 3. Structured-interviews with elderly people (n = 10). The influencing factors gained were then analysed in a questionnaire study completed by elderly persons, who live in rural areas (n = 203). Data was analysed by means of correlation analysis, regression analysis and uni-variate ANOVA. Findings show that for elderly users perceived usefulness, per-ceived ease of use and learning (as main factors of TAM) significantly affect atti-tude, behavioral intention to use and acceptance. Self-efficacy is a strong predic-tor for ease of use and learning. Moreover, prior experiences with computers and the Internet as well as fear of operating errors and security concerns are of inter-est. Measures to support learning are also important. Users and non-user’s differ in acceptance of smartphones and tablets. Users’ motives for digital media use and perceived ubiquity of new media influence perceived usefulness, whereas non-users have more sense of fear with regard to operating errors and safety concerns. Furthermore, age affects perceived usefulness, ease of use, ease of learning and behavioral intention to use whereas attitude towards ageing significantly affects perceived usefulness, attitude towards use and behavioral attention to use. Due to the characteristics of rural areas social commitment is relevant for behavioral intention, and the geographical distance to children influences perceived useful-ness as well as social motives for usage. This dissertation should be of interest for researchers, lecturers, politicians, and technology designers, especially with regard to mobile devices.:1 Einleitung 1.1 Themenrelevanz 1.2 Zielsetzung und Beitrag der Arbeit 1.3 Vorgehensweise 2 Theoretischer Hintergrund 2.1 Das Phänomen „Alter(n)“ 2.2 Der Sozioökologische Kontext: Altern im ländlichen Raum 2.3 Ältere Erwachsene im Fokus der Mediennutzungsforschung 2.4 Älterer Erwachsene im Fokus der Akzeptanzforschung 2.5 Forschungsbedarf und Forschungsfragen 3 Methodisches Vorgehen 3.1 Explorative Vorstudie 1 - Expertenbefragung 3.2 Explorative Vorstudie 2 – schriftliche, halboffene Befragung 3.3 Explorative Vorstudie 3 –leitfadengestützte Interviews 3.4 Einflussgrößen auf die digitale Mediennutzung 3.5 Hypothesen 4 Hauptstudie 4.1 Studiendesign 4.2 Feldphase 4.3 Datenaufbereitung und –analyse 4.4 Stichprobenzusammensetzung 4.5 Statistische Analysen 4.6 Ergebnisse: Technikbezogene Faktoren 4.7 Ergebnisse: Subjektbezogene Ressourcen 4.8 Ergebnisse: Wohnortbezogenen Ressourcen 5 Diskussion und Zusammenfassung 5.1 Zusammenfassung und Interpretation der Ergebnisse 5.2 Diskussion der Methoden 5.3 Fazit und Ausblick

Perspectives on Implementation of Digital Tools and Technologies within Construction Safety Management : An Interview Study / Perspektiv på implementering av digitala verktyg och teknologier inom byggarbetsmiljö och säkerhet : En intervjustudie

Matti, Mara, Zahid, Md Shan E Jahan Anwar January 2024 (has links)
The construction sector is considered one of the most hazardous industries in the world. The reason for this is due to several factors. Earlier literature shows that a construction site can be dynamic as different types of objects or people are in constant motion. Difficulties arise when trying to predict safety hazards on-site. Collisions between objects or falling from a height are examples of hazardous situations that can occur onconstruction sites. In a construction environment, there are also static risks related to, for instance, dust, unsafe substances, and chemicals from paints, fuels, and solvents. Simultaneously, society is in an era of digitalization and innovation with, among other things, artificial intelligence (AI), drones, building information modeling (BIM), virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), digital twins, internet of things (IoT), automation, robotics and sensor-technologies on the topic. These tools have the potential to improvecurrent safety management methods. At the same time, the attitudes towards the construction industry are associated with traditional working methods where digitalization and new technology are perceived to be moving at a slow pace.Technologies and digital methods for securing construction sites have mainly been investigated in controlled research settings and test projects. The research gap lies in the fact that there is not enough knowledge regarding the implementation of technologies and digital methods in more authentic construction site environments. The study aims to identify different technologies and digital tools within construction safetymanagement in the Swedish context. The purpose of this thesis is to provide a general understanding of the topic and to broaden the perspective on existing attitudes and behaviors toward digital tools and technologieswithin construction safety management. In this thesis, the focus is on construction sites during the production phase with their respective personnel. Other parts of the construction project process, such as the planning and design stages, are taken into account by exploring how these stages can contribute to safer constructionsites. To obtain empirical material, methods based on qualitative research have been suitable where semi-structured interviews and fieldwork have been conducted. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) has been used as a theoretical framework for the results and a thematic analysis has been used as a data analysis approach.The thesis has examined how construction sites can become safer with the help of digitalization and new technology. Attitudes and behaviors towards the implementation of digital tools and technology have also been investigated. The results indicate that there are different attitudes towards the implementation of digital tools and technologies concerning safety management in both the design and planning phase and the production phase. To summarize the results, many of the interview participants were positive towards using digital tools and technologies for safety purposes. However, they were also skeptical about the success of implementation due to factors such as cost, risks, traditional methods, and attitudes and behaviors. The attitudes and behaviors, in turn, affect the actual usage of construction safety management implementations.In this thesis, we hope to broaden the perspective on how digital tools and technology could contribute to safer construction sites and the attitudes and behaviors towards the matter. / Byggsektorn anses vara en av de mest riskfyllda branscherna i världen. Anledningen till detta beror på flera faktorer. Tidigare studier visar att en bygg- och anläggningsplats kan vara dynamisk då olika typer av föremål eller människor är i ständig rörelse. Svårigheter kan därmed uppstå i arbetet med att förutse säkerhetsrisker på plats. Kollisioner mellan föremål och fall från höjder är exempel på olyckor på byggarbetsplatser. I en bygg – och anläggningsmiljö finns det också statiska risker relaterade till exempelvisdamm, farliga ämnen och kemikalier från färger, bränslen och lösningsmedel. Samtidigt befinner sig samhället i en era av digitalisering och innovation med bland annat artificiell intelligens (AI), drönare, building information modeling (BIM), virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), digitala tvillingar, internet of things (IoT), automation, robotik och sensorteknik, vilka uppmärksammas på bred front. Dessahjälpmedel har potential att driva utvecklingen av arbetsmiljö - och säkerhetsarbetet inom byggbranschen. Samtidigt förknippas attityderna till byggbranschen med traditionella arbetssätt där digitalisering och ny teknik upplevs gå långsamt.Idag finns det många tekniker och digitala metoder för att säkra bygg- och anläggningsplatser. Detta har dock främst undersökts i kontrollerade forskningsmiljöer och testprojekt. Forskningsgapet ligger i det faktum att det inte finns tillräckligt med kunskap om implementering av teknik och digitala metoder i mer autentiskabygg- och anläggningsplatser. Studien syftar till att identifiera olika tekniker och digitala verktyg inom byggarbetsmiljö och säkerhet i den svenska kontexten. Syftet med denna uppsats är att ge en allmän förståelse för ämnet och att bredda perspektivet på befintliga attityder och beteenden gentemot digitala verktyg och tekniker inom byggarbetsmiljö och säkerhet. I detta examensarbete ligger fokus på byggarbetsplatser under produktionsfasen. Andra delar av byggprojektprocessen, såsom planerings- ochprojekteringsfaserna, beaktas genom att undersöka hur dessa skeden kan bidra till säkrare byggarbetsplatser. För att få fram empiriskt material har metoder baserade på kvalitativa undersökningar varit lämpliga där semistrukturerade intervjuer och fältarbete har genomförts. Technology acceptance model (TAM) har använts som ett teoretiskt ramverk för resultaten och tematisk analys har använts för att redogöra för empirin.I denna studie har det undersökts hur bygg – och anläggningsplatser kan bli säkrare med hjälp av digitalisering och ny teknik. Attityder och beteenden till implementering av digitala verktyg och teknik har också undersökts. Resultaten tyder på att det finns olika attityder till implementering av digitala verktyg och tekniker gällande byggarbetsmiljö och säkerhet i såväl planering- och projekteringsfasen som produktionsfasen. Sammanfattningsvis kan sägas att många av intervjudeltagarna var positiva till att använda digitala verktyg och tekniker i arbetsmiljö – och säkerhetssyfte. Men de var också skeptiska till framgången med implementeringen på grund av faktorer som kostnader, risker, traditionella metoder, attityder och beteenden. Attityderna och beteendena påverkar i sin tur den faktiska användningen av nya implementeringarför arbetsmiljö och säkerhetshantering. I den här uppsatsen hoppas vi kunna bredda perspektivet på hur digitala verktyg och teknik kan bidra till säkrare byggarbetsplatser och attityder och beteenden i frågan.

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