Spelling suggestions: "subject:"accident"" "subject:"occident""
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Att förlora framdriften : En studie av haverirapporter där en totalförlust av framdriften orsakade eller förvärrar olyckan / To loose propulsion : A study of accident investigation reports were a total loss of propulsion caused or made the accident worsePontus, Bergqvist January 2022 (has links)
Att förlora framdrivningsförmågan ombord på ett fartyg kan vara förödande och få stora konsekvenser. Examensarbetet har undersökt huruvida haverirapporter från Europas flaggstaters administrativa haveriutredningsorgan kan användas som underlag vid förebyggande och jämförande studier av orsaker till förlust av framdrift ombord på fartyg. Examensarbetet har även undersökt kategoriserings möjligheten av rapporterna utifrån kategorierna operativt fel (drift/underhåll), organisationsfel och tekniskt fel. I 37% av rapporterna var det en kombination av orsaker, därav gick det inte att strikt kategorisera orsaken efter en enda kategori. Arbetet finner att det finns flera återkommande brister och fel som bristande systemkännedom eller ett handhavandefel då detta framkommer i 37% av rapporterna vilket indikerar att informationen kan användas för att skapa förutbyggande åtgärder. Examensarbetet påvisar även brister med informationen om just förlusten av framdrift i rapporterna som kan göra det svårt att använda en del av haverirapporterna för förebyggande studier. / Losing propulsion ability onboard a ship can be devastating and have major consequences. The thesis has examined if accident reports from the administrative accident investigation bodies of the European flag States can be used as a basis for preventive and comparative studies of causes of loss of propulsion onboard ships. The thesis has also investigated the categorization possibility of the reports based on the categories Operative (operation/maintenance) errors, organizational errors, and technical errors. In 37% of the reports it was a combination of causes, hence it was not possible to strictly categorize the cause by a single category. The thesis finds that there are several recurring deficiencies and errors such as lack of system knowledge or a handling error as this appears in 37% of the reports indicating that the information can be used to create pre-construction measures. The thesis also shows shortcomings with the information about the loss of propulsion in the reports that can make it difficult to use some of the accident reports for preventive studies.
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Predictors of cerebral ischemic events in patients with asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis : systematic reviewEhrensperger, Eric, 1966- January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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En studie om hur utbildningsinsatser påverkar yrkesarbetares medvetenhet om fallsäkerhet / A Study on How Educational Interventions Affect Professional Workers' Awareness Regarding Fall SafetySomi, Josefin, Okeke, Rebecca January 2023 (has links)
Introduktion: Byggsektorn är en utsatt bransch där många arbetsrelaterade olyckor inträffar, inklusive olyckor med dödlig utgång. Fallolyckor är en av de vanligaste förkommande typerna av olyckor, trots säkerhetsåtgärder som fallskyddsutrustning och säkerhetsrutiner. Totalt nio byggnadsarbetare omkom på grund av fallolyckor 2018 och åtta 2019 i Sverige. Arbetsmiljöverket och Sveriges regering har länge arbetat tillsammans för att motverka dödsolyckor genom deras nollvision. Trots att mycket arbete har gjorts för att förebygga fallolyckor finns det mycket kvar att göra inom arbetsmiljöområdet. Arbetet genomförs i samarbete med Cramo AB, specifikt Cramoskolan, och kommer undersöka yrkesarbetares inställning till fallsäkerhet innan respektive efter ett utbildningstillfälle inom fallskydd. Målet är att utvärdera hur utbildningsinsatser påverkar yrkesarbetares medvetenhet om fallsäkerhet utifrån de fem nivåerna: 1) individen, 2) fysisk miljö, 3) systemet, 4) organisationen samt 5) säkerhetsklimat och säkerhetskultur. Metod: I studien användes en kvalitativ forskningsmetod för att besvara syftet och frågeställningarna. Datainsamling utfördes genom intervjuer och en litteraturgenomgång. Studien innefattade tolv intervjuer totalt, där sex personer från olika befattningar inom byggsektorn intervjuades både före och efter ett utbildningstillfälle. Resultat: Resultatet visade att fallskyddsutbildning hade en effektiv påverkan på yrkesarbetares medvetenhet om fallsäkerhet, däremot i varierande grad beroende på vad deras attityd samt bakgrund var sedan tidigare. De nivåer som yrkesarbetarna ansåg viktigast att arbeta vidare med för att öka fallsäkerheten var individen samt säkerhetsklimat och säkerhetskultur. Analys: Synen på fallsäkerhet förändrades mest hos de yrkesarbetare som inte hade några större erfarenheter kring att arbeta med säkerhet sedan tidigare, i kombination med en allmänt bristfällig syn på fallsäkerhet. Synen på fallsäkerhet förändrades minst hos de yrkesarbetare som dagligen arbetar med säkerhetsfrågor och som generellt har ett gott säkerhetstänk sedan tidigare. Diskussion: Studiens ändamål har uppnåtts med hjälp av undersökningens kvalitativa datainsamlingar. Resultatet från den insamlade empirin ansågs trovärdig eftersom informationen gav en relevant beskrivning som besvarade undersökningens samtliga frågeställningar. Några väsentliga brister som framkom var att några av de intervjuade relaterade till säkerhet generellt i stället för att specifikt anknyta till just fallsäkerhet, samt att vissa inte hade haft tillfälle att omsätta kunskaperna de innefattade från fallskyddsutbildningen i praktiken. Nyckelord: Bygg, byggnadsarbetare, fallolycka, fallsäkerhet, olycka, säkerhet, säkerhetsutbildning, utbildning. / Introduction: The construction sector is a vulnerable industry where many work-related accidents occur, including accidents resulting in fatalities. Fall accidents are one of the most common types of accidents, despite safety measures such as fall protection equipment and safety procedures. In Sweden year 2018, a total of nine construction workers lost their lives due to fall accidents and eight in 2019. The Swedish Work Environment Authority and the Swedish government has long been working to combat this with their zero-tolerance policy towards fatal accidents. Despite much work being done to prevent fall accidents, there is still a lot of work that needs to be accomplished in this field. The work is conducted in collaboration with Cramo AB, specifically Cramo School, and will investigate the attitudes of professional workers towards fall safety before and after training in fall protection. The goal is to evaluate how educational interventions affect professional workers' awareness regarding fall safety based on the five levels: 1) the individual, 2) the physical environment, 3) the system, 4) the organization, and 5) the safety climate and culture. Method: The study utilized a qualitative research method to answer the purpose and research questions. Data collection was carried out through interviews and a literature review. The study included a total of twelve interviews, where six individuals from different positions within the construction industry were interviewed both before and after a training session. Results: The results showed that fall protection training had an effective impact on professional workers' awareness regarding fall safety, but to varying degrees depending on their attitudes and previous backgrounds. The levels considered most important to work on to increase fall safety were the individual and the safety climate and culture, according to the professional workers. Analysis: The perception of fall safety had changed the most among professional workers who had no significant experience working with safety before and had a generally poor perception of fall safety. The perception of fall safety had changed the least among professional workers who had already worked with safety issues and generally had a good safety mindset before. Discussion: The study's purpose was achieved through the qualitative data collection of the survey. The result from the collected data was considered credible because the information provided a relevant description that answered all the survey questions. Some relevant shortcomings that emerged were that some of the interviewees associated safety in general instead of specifically relating to fall safety, and that some had not had the opportunity to apply the knowledge they gained from the fall protection training in practice. Keywords: Accident, construction, construction worker, education, fall accident, fall saftey, fall protection education and saftey.
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Framtagning av en generisk databas för trafikdata : En analys av olycksbilden kring trafikplatser / Development of a generic database for traffic data : An analysis of the accident pattern around traffic interchanges locationsBexhorn, Johan, Tägtström, Ninnie January 2021 (has links)
Vid analyser och undersökningar av trafikrelaterade ämnen måste användaren själv lokalisera relevant och aktuell data. Det finns inte heller några garantier på att all nödvändig information går att kombinera på efterfrågat sätt. Detta ställer allt högre krav på kunskaper inom datahantering när det kommer till att skapa modeller och effektsamband för att förebygga olyckor i trafiken. Studiens mål är att undersöka om det är möjligt att kombinera olika data för att skapa en generisk databas som går att nyttja i arbeten med modeller och effektsamband för ökad trafiksäkerhet. Med denna generiska databas har olycksstatistiken för trafikplatser i Region Västmanland undersökts för att idenfitera bidragande orsaker till att olyckor sker. Studiens fokus har legat på arbetet med att ta fram och nyttja en generisk databas genom automatisk selektion av trafiktekniska element såsom trafikplatser. Genom insamling och anpassning av data från NVDB och STRADA har olika typer av analyser gjorts i programmen QGIS och R med syfte att hitta samband mellan olika attribut och trafikolyckor. Utöver detta har tre intervjuer genomförts med sakkunniga inom ämnesområdet.Resultatet som erhölls fann att det idag inte är möjligt att kunna skapa en generisk databas för trafikolyckor innehållande den stora mängd data som efterfrågas. Detta då utformningen av strukturen för den data som inkluderas behöver uppdateras och anpassas. Det saknas även tekniska kunskaper inom området för att automatisera den process som sökes. Gällande identifieringen av attribut som har korrelation med trafikolyckor blev resultatet att det inte gick att hitta statistiska samband med god signifikans. För trafikolyckor finns det en stor spridning och således är det svårt att hitta specifika samband mellan enskilda attribut och olyckor. Därför behövs fler trafikplatser integreras i databasen eller en mer utvidgad statisk analys. / In the analysis and investigation of traffic-related topics users must be responsible for locating relevant and current data. There are no guarantees that all necessary information can be combined in the requested way. This puts higher demand on knowledge in data management when it comes to preventing accidents in traffic. The aim of this study is to investigate the possibility to combine different data to create a generic database that can be used in work with road safety. With the help of this database, the accident statistics for traffic locations in Region Västmanland have been examined in an attempt to identify contributing causes of accidents. The focus has been on developing and using a generic database. By collecting and adapting data from NVDB and STRADA, different types of analyzes have been made in the programs QGIS and R, with the aim of finding connections between parameters and traffic accidents. In addition, three interviews were conducted with relevant experts. The result was that today it is not realistic to be able to create a generic database containing the large amount of information that is requested. It is because the structure of the data needs to be updated and adapted. But also because there is a lack of technical knowledge in the field to automate the process sought. The results showed that regarding the it was not possible to find statistical correlations with traffic accidents. The wide spread in traffic accidents make it difficult to find specific correlations between individual factors and accidents. Therefore the study suggests that more interchanges get integrated into the database or an extended statistical analysis of the current database.
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En jämförande studie av sjöolyckor inom hamnområden för fartyg med och utan lotspliktVävargård, Oliver, Lindberg, Simon January 2016 (has links)
Denna studie genomfördes med syftet att undersöka yrkessjöfartens grundstötningar och kollisioner inom svenska hamnområden. Studien genomfördes som en kvantitativt inriktad systematisk litteraturstudie. I denna studies metod delades inträffade olyckor in i tre kategorier: fartyg med lots, fartyg med lotsdispens och fartyg utan lotsplikt. Rapporter om olyckor som inträffat mellan 2003 och 2013 inom svenska hamnområden utgjorde studiens underlag av data. Resultaten visar att fartyg utan lotsplikt är involverade i fler grundstötningar och kollisioner inom svenska hamnområden än fartyg med lotsplikt. Resultaten visar även att fartyg utan lotsplikt kolliderar med andra fartyg i högre utsträckning än vad fartyg med lotsplikt gör och att fartyg som navigerar med lotsdispens är något mer riskbenägna under sämre vind- och siktförhållanden. / The following study was conducted with the intent of reviewing groundings and collisions within Swedish port facilities involving commercially operated vessels. The method used was a quantitative systematic literature review. The study compared accidents involving vessels with pilot onboard and vessels which were exempted pilotage. Reports of accidents occurring between 2003 and 2013 were the study’s basis of data. The results show that the vast majority of accidents involved vessels exempted from pilotage due to ships’ particulars. The most common type of accidents involving the aforementioned vessels were collisions with other vessels, which stands in clear contrast to the other two vessel categories which both mostly tended to collide with fixed objects. In summary, this study clearly demonstrates that vessels whose particulars make them exempted from pilotage are at greatly increased risk of being involved in groundings and collision within port facilities.
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Participation sociale à la suite d'un accident vasculaire cérébral comparaison des perceptions de la personne concernée et d'un proche-aidantPoulin, Valérie January 2007 (has links)
Pour dresser le portrait complet du fonctionnement des personnes ayant subi un accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC), il est utile d'inclure une évaluation de leur participation sociale, englobant à la fois l'accomplissement des activités courantes et des rôles sociaux. Le niveau de participation sociale peut être mesuré avec un questionnaire validé documentant les perceptions de la personne de sa situation, comme la Mesure des habitudes de vie (MHAVIE). Les personnes ayant des déficits cognitifs importants ne peuvent cependant pas être interrogées directement, de sorte qu'elles sont exclues des études sur la participation sociale, réduisant la généralisation de leurs résultats. L'utilisation des réponses de proches-aidants pourrait s'avérer une alternative envisageable pour estimer la participation sociale s'il était démontré que leurs perceptions reflètent suffisamment celles des personnes avec un AVC. Cette étude visait justement à évaluer la concordance entre les réponses de personnes avec un AVC et de leurs proches-aidants à l'aide de la MHAVIE. Un second objectif consistait à explorer les caractéristiques des participants et du contexte de leur relation associées aux divergences entre leurs cotations respectives. L'étude a été réalisée auprès de 40 dyades formées d'une personne ayant subi un AVC, âgée de 50 ans ou plus et sans atteinte cognitive significative, ainsi que d'un proche-aidant. Lors d'une entrevue individuelle, les participants répondaient au questionnaire MHAVIE. Parmi les 12 domaines d'activités courantes et de rôles évalués par cet outil, l'éducation et le travail avaient été exclus en raison de leur non-applicabilité auprès d'une grande proportion de la population étudiée. Les données sociodémographiques et cliniques des sujets étaient recueillies, ainsi que certaines caractéristiques pouvant influencer le niveau de concordance entre les répondants. La concordance entre les réponses des personnes avec un AVC et des proches-aidants était mesurée avec le coefficient de corrélation intraclasse (CCI). Des analyses de régression linéaire multiple permettaient d'explorer les facteurs associés aux divergences entre les personnes aidées et leurs aidants. Les résultats suggèrent une concordance modérée à excellente entre les cotations de la MHAVIE par les personnes avec un AVC et les proches-aidants [CCI et intervalle de confiance (I.C.) à 95 %: 0,82 (0,67-0,90) pour le score total de la MHAVIE, 0,87 (0,70-0,93) pour le sous-total des activités courantes et 0,73 (0,54-0,85) pour celui des rôles sociaux ]. Dans 7 des 10 domaines de participation, les proches-aidants perçoivent des restrictions plus importantes que les estimations des personnes aidées (p = 0,035 à 0,001). La présence de graves déficits moteurs du membre inférieur est le facteur le plus important contribuant aux divergences entre les membres des dyades. La gravité des déficits moteurs et le fonctionnement cognitif de la personne aidée expliquent ensemble 40% de la variation des divergences au score total de la MHAVIE. Les niveaux de concordance satisfaisants entre les résultats des entrevues auprès des deux groupes de répondants fournissent des indications de la pertinence d'utiliser l'information fournie par le proche-aidant pour estimer la participation sociale des personnes avec un AVC ne pouvant être interrogées directement. Certaines caractéristiques, comme la gravité de l'atteinte, peuvent cependant contribuer aux divergences entre les perceptions de l'aidé et de l'aidant et devraient être considérées lors de l'utilisation de cette forme d'évaluation substituée, particulièrement lors de l'interprétation des résultats. L'utilisation éclairée de l'information recueillie auprès d'un proche-aidant, agissant comme substitut d'une personne incapable de répondre à une entrevue sur sa participation sociale, pourrait aider à mieux cibler ses besoins et à orienter les services sociaux et sanitaires pertinents.
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En jämförande studie av sjöolyckor inom hamnområden för fartyg med och utan lotspliktVävargård, Oliver, Lindberg, Simon January 2016 (has links)
Denna studie genomfördes med syftet att undersöka yrkessjöfartens grundstötningar och kollisioner inom svenska hamnområden. Studien genomfördes som en kvantitativt inriktad systematisk litteraturstudie. I denna studies metod delades inträffade olyckor in i tre kategorier: fartyg med lots, fartyg med lotsdispens och fartyg utan lotsplikt. Rapporter om olyckor som inträffat mellan 2003 och 2013 inom svenska hamnområden utgjorde studiens underlag av data. Resultaten visar att fartyg utan lotsplikt är involverade i fler grundstötningar och kollisioner inom svenska hamnområden än fartyg med lotsplikt. Resultaten visar även att fartyg utan lotsplikt kolliderar med andra fartyg i högre utsträckning än vad fartyg med lotsplikt gör och att fartyg som navigerar med lotsdispens är något mer riskbenägna under sämre vind- och siktförhållanden. / The following study was conducted with the intent of reviewing groundings and collisions within Swedish port facilities involving commercially operated vessels. The method used was a quantitative systematic literature review. The study compared accidents involving vessels with pilot onboard and vessels which were exempted pilotage. Reports of accidents occurring between 2003 and 2013 were the study’s basis of data. The results show that the vast majority of accidents involved vessels exempted from pilotage due to ships’ particulars. The most common type of accidents involving the aforementioned vessels were collisions with other vessels, which stands in clear contrast to the other two vessel categories which both mostly tended to collide with fixed objects. In summary, this study clearly demonstrates that vessels whose particulars make them exempted from pilotage are at greatly increased risk of being involved in groundings and collision within port facilities.Keywords:Pilotage, Pilot,
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Microscopic simulation as an evaluation tool for the road safety of vulnerable road usersAxelsson, Eva, Wilson, Therese January 2016 (has links)
Traffic safety has traditionally been measured by analyzing historical accident data, which is a reactive method where a certain number of accidents must occur in order to identify the safety problem. An alternative safety assessment method is to use proximal safety indicators that are defined as measures of accident proximity, which is considered a proactive method. With this method it is possible to detect the safety problem before the accidents have happened. To be able to detect problems in traffic situations in general, microscopic simulation is commonly used. In these models it may be possible to generate representative near-accidents, measured by proximal safety indicator techniques. A benefit of this would be the possibility to experiment with different road designs and evaluate the traffic safety level before reconstructions of the road infrastructure. Therefore has an investigation been performed to test the possibility to identify near-accidents (conflicts) in a microscopic simulation model mimicking the Traffic Conflict Technique developed by Hydén (1987). In order to perform the investigation a case study has been used where an intersection in the city center of Stockholm was studied. The intersection has been rebuilt, which made it possible to perform a before and after study. For the previous design there was a traffic safety assessment available which was carried out using the Traffic Conflict Technique. Microscopic simulation models representing the different designs of the intersection were built in PTV Vissim. In order to evaluate and measure the traffic safety in reality as well as in the microscopic simulation models, a traffic safety assessment was performed in each case. The traffic safety assessment in field for the present design was carried out as a part of this thesis. The main focus of this thesis was the road safety for vulnerable road users. The method to identify conflicts in the simulation model has been to extract raw data output from the simulation model and thereafter process this data in a Matlab program, aiming to mimic the Traffic Conflict Technique. The same program and procedure was used for both the previous and the present design of the intersection. The results from the traffic safety assessment in the simulation model have been compared to the results from the field study in order to evaluate how well microscopic simulation works as an evaluation tool for traffic safety in new designs. The comparison shows that the two methods of conflict identification cannot replace each other straight off. But with awareness of the differences between the methods, the simulation model could be used as an indication when evaluating the level of traffic safety in a road design.
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Application of Road Infrastructure Safety Assessment Methods at IntersectionsAdedokun, Adeyemi January 2016 (has links)
Traffic safety at intersections is a particularly difficult phenomenon to study, given the fact that accidents occur randomly in time and space thereby making short-term measurement, assessment and comparison difficult. The EU directive 2008/96/EC introduced road infrastructure safety management, which offers a five layer structure for developing safer road infrastructure has been used to develop tools for accident prediction and black spot management analysis which has been applied in this work to assess the safety level of intersections in Norrköping city in Sweden. Accident data history from STRADA (Swedish Traffic Accident Data Acquisition) and the network demand model for Norrköping city were used to model black spots and predict the expected number of accidents at intersections using PTV Visum Safety tool, after STRADA accident classification was restructured and the Swedish accident prediction model (APM) was configured and tested to work within the tool using the model from the Swedish road administration (SRA). The performance of the default (Swiss) and the Swedish APM was compared and identified locations with the high accident records, predicted accident counts and traffic volumes were audited using qualitative assessment checklist from Street-Audit tool. The results from these methods were analysed, validated and compared. This work provides recommendations on the used quantitative and qualitative methods to prevent accident occurrence at the identified locations.
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Examining the systemic accident analysis research-practice gapUnderwood, Peter January 2013 (has links)
In order to enhance safety and prevent the recurrence of major accidents it is necessary to understand why they occur. This understanding is gained by utilising accident causation theory to explain why a certain combination of events, conditions and actions led to a given outcome: the process of accident analysis. At present, the systems approach to accident analysis is arguably the dominant research paradigm. Based on the concepts of systems theory, it views accidents as the result of unexpected and uncontrolled relationships between a system s components. Various researchers claim that use of the systems approach, via systemic accident analysis, provides a deeper understanding of accidents when compared with traditional theories. However, the systems approach and its analysis techniques are yet to be widely adopted by the practitioner community and, therefore, a research-practice gap exists. The implication of such a gap is that practitioners may be applying outdated accident causation theory and, consequently, producing ineffective safety recommendations. The aim of this thesis was to develop the current understanding of the systemic accident analysis research-practice gap by providing a description of the gap, considering its extent and examining issues associated with bridging it. Four studies were conducted to achieve this aim. The first study involved an evaluation of the systemic accident analysis literature and techniques, in order to understand how their characteristics could influence the research-practice gap. The findings of the study revealed that the systems approach is not presented in a consistent or clear manner within the research literature and that this may hinder its acceptance by practitioners. In addition, a number of issues were identified (e.g. model validation, analyst bias and limited usage guidance) which may influence the use of systemic analysis methods within industry. The examination of how the analysis activities of practitioners may contribute to the gap motivated Study 2. This study involved conducting semi-structured interviews with 42 safety professionals and various factors, which affect the awareness, adoption and usage of the systems approach and its analysis methods, were highlighted. The combined findings of Studies 1 and 2 demonstrate that the systemic accident analysis research-practice gap is multifaceted in nature. Study 3 investigated the extent of the gap by considering whether the most widely used analysis technique (the Swiss Cheese Model) can provide a systems approach to accident analysis. The analysis of a major rail accident was performed with a model based on the Swiss Cheese Model and two systemic analysis methods. The outputs and usage of the three analysis tools were compared and indicate that the Swiss Cheese Model does provide a means of conducting systemic accident analysis. Therefore, the extent of the research-practice gap may not be as considerable as some proponents of the systems approach suggest. The final study aimed to gain an insight into the application of a systemic accident analysis method by practitioners, in order to understand whether it meets their needs. Six trainee accident investigators took part in an accident investigation simulation and subsequently analysed the data collected during the exercise with the Systems Theoretic Accident Modelling and Processes model. The outputs of the participants analyses were studied along with the evaluation feedback they provided via a questionnaire and focus group. The main findings of the study indicate that the analysis technique does not currently meet the usability or graphical output requirements of practitioners and, unless these issues are addressed, will struggle to gain acceptance within industry. When considering the research findings as a whole a number of issues are highlighted. Firstly, given the benefits of adopting the systems approach, efforts to bridge the systemic accident analysis research-practice gap should be made. However, the systemic analysis methods may not be best suited to analyse every type of accident and, therefore, should be considered as one part of an investigator s analysis toolkit . Adapting the systemic analysis methods to meet the needs of practitioners and communicating the systems approach more effectively represent two options for bridging the gap. However, due to the multidimensional nature of the gap and the wide variety of individuals, organisations and industries that perform accident analysis, it seems likely that tailored solutions will be required. Furthermore, due to the differing needs of the research and practice communities, efforts to bridge the gap should focus on collaboration between the two communities rather than attempting to close the gap entirely.
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