Spelling suggestions: "subject:"networktheory"" "subject:"networkstheory""
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Den auratiska artefakten : Begränsningar och möjligheter i den digitala reproduktionen av kulturarv / The auratic artefact : Limitations and possibilities in the digitisation of cultural heritageCöllen, Sebastian January 2020 (has links)
The digital copy is rapidly becoming the dominant form in which researchers encounter cultural heritage. In this situation, the relation between the original and the digital reproduction has become a crucial, yet too little discussed problem. This thesis investigates this relation through two questions: (1) Which is the ontological status of the reproduction in relation to the original, and (2) How is the original mediated to its digital format? Question (1) is answered in dialogue with previous research: The reproduction is a new artefact, but with a relation (of similiarity) to the original. It is the understanding of this relation that the remaining part of the thesis tries to deepen and around which the second question revolves. This more empirical question (2)is examined through a comparative analysis of a physical original—the 17th century album amicorum of Gottfried Schröer—and its digitisation in the platform Alvin.The informative dimensions “context”, “materiality”, “textbased information”, and the category “aura” are investigated in the original and in the digital reproduction. For this purpose, Walter Benjamin’s concept “aura” is critically discussed and redefined as an analytical concept, and the research question is rephrased in terms of (a) which qualities are transfered, (b) not transfered, and (c) if/how they are transformed during the transfer to the digital format. It is also asked which consequences this might have for the artefact as a source of information. The analysis is positioned in a materiality discourse, adopting perspectives from, i.a., Actor-Network Theory and Material Philology. In this context, a widened concept of materiality is also developed, allowing the inclusion of the “virtual”. The thesis identifies aspects in which the reproduction differs from the original, depending, among other things, on its own materiality. This strengthens the call for users’ information competency when interacting with digital reproductions. This is a two years masters's thesis in library and information science.
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日常生活中的科技實踐:以台北市YouBike系統為例 / Practice of Technology in Everyday Life: the YouBike System in Taipei呂采穎, Lu, Tsai Ying Unknown Date (has links)
市區型公共自行車系統(YouBike)在台北市的發展如何可能?本研究採用行動者網絡理論(Actor-Network Theory)的分析取徑,透過追隨網絡裡人與非人行動者的實作軌跡,攤開YouBike自民國98年至今將近7年的網絡鋪陳,並重新檢視YouBike網絡發生轉變的三個關鍵時刻:技術移轉、重新組裝與創造市場。首先,地方政府作為早期關鍵行動者,藉由一連串的轉譯(translate)工作將全球性的問題化作台北市的問題,從而位移(displace)市場、政府與業界的力量,讓YouBike成為問題的唯一解方。而後信義區試營運時期,捷安特重新配置他方(台北市早期河濱與他國)的公共自行車技術要件,展現出技術自由連結(free association)的特性。最後本文主張,民國101年擴大營運後YouBike所經歷的劇烈轉折,乃因其以專業/業餘市場區分,取代了自行車市場既有的通勤/休閒定位,甚至影響到一般販賣低階車款的自行車零售商。從移轉他方知識,到成為全球公共自行車系統典範之一,YouBike案例亦讓我們看見台灣以代工起家的技術能力創新之可能。 / How is it possible to set up an urban public system such as YouBike in Taipei? According to actor-network theory, I expose the extending passage of YouBike network since 2009, exploring the trajectories of human and non-human actors involved in the process. I highlight three significant moments of the YouBike development: technology transferring, elements reassembling, and market creating. First, by way of translating the global concern to a local debate and mobilizing triple forces of market, government, and industries, as an important translator, Taipei city government advocated the YouBike as the only solution. Second, the Giant Bicycle applied the experience of public bicycle system learning from the abroad and the operation of riverside bike rental system in Taipei to the trial run of YouBike in Xinyi district. It shows a “free association” of technology. Finally, this study argues a dramatic transition of YouBike happened when the system expanded after 2012. YouBike network creates a new market based on professional and amateur bikers that change a traditional idea assuming the YouBiker’s motivation are only for commuting and recreation. Furthermore, this change even decreases sales of low-end bikes. In the making of YouBike, we see how Giant Bicycle is able to transfer abroad knowledge and becomes a paradigm in the global public bicycle business. It has been forecasted the potential of technological innovation in Taiwan (a country starts from OEM).
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Rethinking relations and regimes of power in online social networking sites : tales of control, strife, and negotiations in Facebook and YouTubeVranaki, Asma A. I. January 2014 (has links)
This thesis investigates the potentially complex power effects generated in Online Social Networking Sites (‘OSNS’), such as YouTube and Facebook, when legal values, such as copyright and personal data, are protected and/or violated. In order to develop this analysis, in Chapter Two, I critically analyse key academic writings on internet regulation and argue that I need to move away from the dominant ‘regulatory’ lens to my Actor-Network Theory-Foucauldian Power Lens (‘ANT-Foucauldian Power Lens’) in order to be able to capture the potentially complex web of power effects generated in YouTube and Facebook when copyright and personal data are protected and/or violated. In Chapter Three, I develop my ANT-Foucauldian Power Lens and explore how key ANT ideas such as translation can be used in conjunction with Foucauldian ideas such as governmentality. I utilise my ANT-Foucauldian Power Lens in Chapters Four to Seven to analyse how YouTube and Facebook are constructed as heterogeneous, contingent and precarious ‘actor-networks’ and I map in detail the complex power effects generated from specific local connections. I argue five key points. Firstly, I suggest that complex, multiple, and contingent power effects are generated when key social, legal, and technological actants are locally, contingently, and precariously ‘fitted together’ in YouTube and Facebook when copyright and personal data are protected and/or violated. Secondly, I argue that ‘materialities’ play key roles in maintaining the power effects generated by specific local connections. Thirdly, I argue that there are close links between power and ‘spatialities’ through my analysis of the Privacy Settings and Tagging in Facebook. Fourthly, I argue that my relational understandings of YouTube and Facebook generate a more comprehensive view of the power effects of specific legal elements such as how specific territorial laws in YouTube gain their authority by virtue of their durable and heterogeneous connections. Finally, I argue that we can extrapolate from my empirical findings to build a small-scale theory about the power effects generated in OSNS when legal values are protected and/or violated. Here I also consider the contributions made by my research to three distinct fields, namely, internet regulation, socio-legal studies, and actor-network theory.
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台灣推動第四代行動通訊WiMAX的行動者網絡分析 / An Actor-Network Analysis of the promotion of semi-4G WiMAX in Taiwan邱鈞彥, Theodre, Chiu Unknown Date (has links)
承接前述脈絡,本文發現台灣推動WiMAX乃後進技術國家追尋現代性的顯著案例,我國治理組織推動WiMAX的主要目的並非佈局4G,而是為了取得專利、帶動產業升級、刺激產業典範轉移。在WiMAX網絡的萌生過程中,南韓則因為擁有成功的CDMA經驗,取代了歐美先進技術國家,成為台灣苦苦追趕的對象。 / Abstract
From 2005, the Government-industry-university-research collaboration started to promote WiMAX, as the so called semi-4G, in Taiwan. However, WiMAX didn’t become the globally used standard, nor developed very well in Taiwan. The analytical frame of this paper is based on actor-network-theory(ANT), while applying the post technological frame. The research data are collected from Journal articles, formal informations, media reports and 8 actors. The results are as follower:
The dilemma that OEMs are facing and the down of PC market shake off economics downturn in Taiwan. The Government-industry-university-research collaboration continued to find the solution to change the manufacturing paradigm. Around 2005 they found out the IPR and wireless broadband are having much market potential. At that time the IEEE was developing WiMAX standard. WiMAX and its IPR translate the Government-industry-university-research collaboration’s interests.
Due to the lack of telecom operator’s support, license arrangement, and limitations of device capabilities the subscribers of WiMAX didn’t grow massively. For expanding the market, operators used naming, signal device, and experiential marketing to promote WiMAX. However, WiMAX was used as a Wi-fi not a Mobile broadband by the users and signal devices. The contract tied with 3G and Wi-fi impacted the subscribing of WiMAX.
The promotion of WiMAX in Taiwan was a significant case of post technological country. The aim of promoting WiMAX was not for 4G, but for the paradigm shifting. In the promoting process, South-Korea played an important role as advanced technological country for Taiwan to chase up.
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An empirical examination of the impact of ICT on the functioning of the Lebanese Ministry of FinanceRawas, Mahmoud January 2013 (has links)
his study attempts to obtain a holistic view of ICT application and its impact in the context of a developing economy taking the Lebanese Ministry of Finance as a case study. It draws on the works of Heeks and Stanforth (2007) and Tseng (2008) for the pre-deployment phase of the e-Gov application and the post-implementation phase respectively. Heeks and Stanforth used actor network theory to study the trajectory taken by the Sri Lankan e-Gov project, while Tseng used a form of Structuration theory known as Orlikowski's Model of Technology to gauge the impact of an Electronic Government Information System (EGIS) on the Taiwanese Ministry employees. To the knowledge of the researcher the chosen research site has never been investigated before. This necessitated that the design phase of the study needed to be assessed first in order to get in-depth information about the contingent and local contextual factors and to ascertain the level of progress in the design and deployment of the ICT tools and techniques. For the post- implementation phase, this longitudinal study assessed the perceived effectiveness of the ICT impact on the end users - the employees. In addition, secondary data collected from the Ministry and the International Monetary Fund was used to corroborate the research. The study found that the use of 'trajectory mapping' was a crucial tool for investigating the initial ICT adoption process. This is due to its strength in exposing contextual factors, its ability to identify social and technical determinism at different stages of the investigation and its suitability in revealing political wrangling and identifying the dynamism of power in a public institution. The study's findings also reveal the presence of both technical determinism and social determinism throughout the project, restructuring of the organisation due to the introduction of an ICT unit and job redesign in the whole MoF. The study also found out that ICT resulted in a power shift within the organisation by having the IT unit gain power due to its ICT knowledge. The investigation, however, could not find a direct relationship between the 'degree of success' end point suggested by Heeks and Stanforth (2007) and the sought benefits from the ICT impact. In other words, the proposed 'degree of success' may only explain the design aspect of the EGIS, however, this study found that success or demise depends also on the implementation process and the preparedness of citizens to receive such IT services. Furthermore, the study was able to empirically investigate the applicability of the three layered model suggested by Omoteso et al. (2007) and found out that considering contingency as dynamic is more applicable than the static contingency proposed in the model. The study realised that there is a great need for a continuous, contemporary training process in the ever-changing ICT environment in order to achieve uninterrupted positive results. Finally, the study indicates that lack of vertical communication, as observed in the Lebanese public institution, between users, ICT designers, and decision makers weaken the whole change process. Therefore, it suggests a form of knowledge management application using ICT as the main venue, a transition from the current mechanistic (bureaucratic) structure to an organic (flat) structure.
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A Field of Veiled Continuities : Studies in the Methodology and Theory of Educational ResearchMatta, Corrado January 2017 (has links)
Empirical educational research enjoys a methodological and theoretical debate that is characterized by a number of unresolved and lively debated controversies. This compilation thesis is an attempt to contribute to this debate using the toolbox of philosophy of science. The thesis consists of an introductory chapter and four essays. In the introductory chapter I identify three methodological and theoretical controversies that are discussed within the field of educational research. These are: 1) the controversy concerning the scientific status of educational research; 2) the controversy between cognitive and sociocultural theories of learning; and, 3) the controversy between realist and constructionist interpretations of theories of learning. I provide in the essays a critical assessment of the claims behind each of these controversies, and argue for an alternative reconstruction of these issues. In Essay I, I criticize a view about the interpretation of human action, labeled in the text as interpretivism. This view posits a sharp separation between the natural and social sciences, to the effect that the methods of the latter cannot be applied to the former. The first controversy seems to rest on this position. As I argue, the arguments in support of interpretivism are contradicted by actual research practice. I conclude that the interpretivistic claims lack support and that the general separation claim appears as problematic. A further debate has fueled the first controversy, that is, the supposed distinction between qualitative and quantitative methods. In Essay II, I argue against this distinction. More specifically, I discuss the concept of empirical support in the context of qualitative methods (for short, qualitative support). I provide arguments that although there are two specific and non-trivial properties of qualitative support, there is no methodological separation between quantitative and qualitative methods concerning empirical support. Considered together, the first two essays indicate two points of methodological continuity between educational research and other scientific practices (such as the natural sciences). I therefore conclude that the controversy concerning the scientific status of educational research rests in large part on unjustified claims. Essay III focuses on the second controversy. In this article I argue that Suárez’ inferential approach to the concept of scientific representation can be used as an account of scientific representation in learning, regardless of whether learning is understood as a cognitive or social phenomenon. The third controversy is discussed in Essay IV. Here, I discuss some ontological aspects of the framework of the actor-network theory. Reflecting on the use of this framework in the research field of Networked Learning, I argue that the assumption of an ontology of relations provides the solution for two puzzles about the ontology of networks. The relevance of my argument for the third controversy is that it suggests a point of connection between constructionist and realist interpretations of the ontology of learning. The last two essays suggest two points of continuities between theoretical frameworks that have been and still are argued to be incompatible. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Manuscript.</p>
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Performativa tendenser i svenska och brittiska open access-nätverk : En aktör-nätverk-teoretisk studie av forskningsfinansiärers policydokument för öppen tillgång till vetenskaplig information / Performative Tendencies in Swedish and British Open Access Networks : An Actor-Network-Theoretical Study of Research Funders’ Policy Documents for Open Access to Scientific InformationEkström, Björn January 2017 (has links)
Emanating in a Swedish and British context, this study seeks to map and discuss contemporary performative tendencies within the countries’ respective open access movements. This is done through a Posthumanist and Material-Semiotic analysis of nine research funders policy documents for open access to scientific results. Using an actor-network-theoretical apparatus of concepts, the study seeks to assess actors, actants, intermediaries, mediators, agencies, connections and networks in the policy documents of the respective research funders. The study therefore aspires to illuminate the complexities of these networks, similarities and differences between the two countries’ networks and what these networks can say about contemporary tendencies within the Swedish and British open access movements respectively. Actors with their associated agencies and performative connections are analysed and compiled in tables according to the respective research funders. The output is thereafter visualised in a schematic network model and the performative tendencies are assessed. While Swedish council Vetenskapsrådet is defined as a ”spider in the web” of the research funder network, the British network is more fragmentary. As for Bioscientific networks, the Swedish network is of a more peripheral sort while the British consists of sprawling nodes. Within Health Science, there is for both countries a clear direction towards the fortification of infrastructures for data deposition. This can also be said regarding the deposition of monographs in Social Science and the Humanities. These tendencies are discussed in light of international open access research. It is proposed that research funders, libraries and other professionals active within the open access movements considers these tendencies in the forming of service activities. It is also emphasized that similar studies ought to be done in order to further map open access-networks. Two years master’s thesis in Library and Information Science.
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Nurturing Natural Gas : Conflict and Controversy of Natural Gas Extraction in the NetherlandsGoossens, Tim January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Introducing public sector eIDs : The power of actors’ translations and institutional barriersSöderström, Fredrik January 2016 (has links)
The electronic identification (eID) is a digital representation of our analogue identity used for authentication in order to gain access to personalized restricted online content. Despite its limited and clearly defined scope, the eID has a unique role to play in information society as an enabler of public digital services for citizens as well as businesses and a prerequisite for the development of electronic government (eGovernment). This study shows a tendency of treating public sector eIDs like Information and Communications Technology (ICT) artefacts in general. Hence, a narrow focus on technology is often applied thus placing non-technical aspects in the background. Consequently, social and organizational implications are often unproblematized which in turn becomes problematic in the case of the public sector eID. This study puts forth a need for a broader focus in this area and contributes by focusing on the challenges related to the resistance to introductions of eIDs among affected actors in the public sector. This study assumes that affected actors’ perceptions (translations) of the eID have a potential impact on its introduction on organizational as well as operational level. Research questions focus on the influence of resistance on the introduction and the relationship between resistance and actors’ translations of the eID. The aim is to further develop existing concepts and bring new insights to research as well as practice. The analytical perspectives of sociology and institutionalism aim at developing a tentative analytical framework for investigations of this relationship. Introductions, therefore, become institutional pressures facing resistance as related to affected actors’ translations. The empirical basis consists of two interpretive case studies of eID introductions –a national eID to cover the entire public sector and a professional eID in health care. The result shows that resistance in the form of institutional barriers develops from actors’ negative translations of the eID and main coordinating actors’ tend to fail in their attempts to negotiate these barriers. This confirms a closer relationship between institutional pressures and barriers and a view of pressures, barriers and eIDs as translated institutions transferred across organizational settings is put forth. To facilitate future research and practice related to public sector eID introductions, three propositions are put forth. (1) The importance of acknowledging pressures to introduce eIDs as closely related to barriers. (2) The institutions involved in this process as all translated by the government, coordinating actors as well as affected actors. (3) The importance of a developed understanding of these institutions, translations and relationships in order to facilitate cooperative efforts shaping future public sector eIDs. / Elektronisk identifiering (eID) är en digital representation av vår analoga identitet som används för autentisering i syfte att få tillgång till skyddat innehåll på nätet. Trots ett begränsat syfte, har eID en unik roll i informationssamhället som möjliggörare av offentliga digitala tjänster för medborgare och företag och en förutsättning för utveckling av elektronisk förvaltning (eförvaltning). Denna studie visar att eID i offentlig sektor ofta hanteras som informations- och kommunikationsteknik (IKT) generellt. Därför tillämpas ofta ett tekniskt perspektiv vilket medför att icke-tekniska aspekter placeras i bakgrunden vilket blir problematiskt i fallet med eID i offentlig sektor. Sociala och organisatoriska konsekvenser förblir därmed ofta otillräckligt problematiserade vilket blir problematiskt vid introduktioner av eID i offentlig sektor. Följaktligen för denna studie fram ett behov av bredare fokus inom detta område och bidrar genom att fokusera på utmaningar som rör motståndet mot introduktioner av eID bland berörda aktörer inom offentlig sektor. Denna studie förutsätter att berörda aktörers uppfattningar (översättningar) av eID har en potentiell inverkan på dess introduktion på organisatorisk och operativ nivå. Forskningsfrågorna behandlar hur motståndet påverkar införandet och förhållandet mellan motstånd och aktörernas översättningar av eID. Målet är att vidareutveckla befintliga begrepp och att bidra med nya insikter till forskning samt praktik. De analytiska perspektiven inom sociologi och institutionalism syftar till att utveckla ett tentativt analytiskt ramverk för att undersöka denna relation och med detta se introduktioner som institutionella tryck som möter motstånd kopplat till berörda aktörers översättningar. Den empiriska grunden består av två tolkande fallstudier - ett nationellt eID införande och ett införande av eID för tjänstebruk inom vården. Resultatet visar att motståndet i form av institutionella hinder utvecklas från aktörers negativa översättningar av eID och samordnande försök att hantera dessa hinder misslyckas ofta. Detta bekräftar också en tydlig relation mellan institutionella tryck, hinder och eID som översatta institutioner vilka överförs mellan olika organisatoriska sammanhang. För att underlätta framtida eID-införanden och för nya insikter till forskning, förs följande tre påståenden fram: (1) Vikten av att erkänna institutionella tryck som närbesläktade med hinder vid införande av eID. (2) De institutioner som deltar (tryck, hinder och eID) är alla översatta av förvaltning, samordnande och berörda aktörer. (3) Vikten av en utvecklad förståelse av dessa institutioner, översättningar och relationer för att underlätta samverkan kring framtidens eID inom offentlig sektor.
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La distribution des connaissances dans la gestion du risque : analyse des interactions dans le cadre du Comité de la protection civile de la Mairie de Tecoluca - SalvadorArce Arguedas, Maria Lourdes 03 1900 (has links)
Le sujet de la gestion du risque m’a toujours interpelée, surtout après que j’ai vécu deux ouragans et un tremblement de terre dévastateurs au Salvador. Bien qu’on ait assez écrit sur le sujet en le reliant souvent aux changements climatiques, on ne sait pas comment les organisations gouvernementales et civiles vivent cette gestion du risque au quotidien. À partir d’une étude ethnographique de la Commission de la protection civile de la Mairie de Tecoluca au Salvador, j’observais les processus qui se mettent en place dans la recherche et l’analyse des facteurs structuraux causant les situations de vulnérabilité. Pour ce faire, j’adoptais une approche basée sur l’étude des interactions, mobilisant les théories de la cognition distribuée et de l’acteur réseau. Comme je le montre, la gestion du risque, vue comme un processus participatif, se caractérise, d’une part, par la coopération et la coordination entre les personnes et, d’autre part, par la contribution d’outils, de technologies, de documents et de méthodes contribuant à la détection de risques. Ceci exige la mobilisation de connaissances qui doivent être produites, partagées et distribuées entre les membres d’un groupe à travers les divers artéfacts, outils, méthodes et technologies qu’ils mobilisent et qui les mobilisent. À ce sujet, la théorie de la cognition distribuée permet d’explorer des interactions qui se produisent au sein d’un groupe de travail en se focalisant sur ce qui contribue à l’acte de connaitre, conçu comme une activité non pas seulement individuelle, mais surtout collective et distribuée. Par ailleurs, la théorie de l’acteur-réseau me permet, quant à elle, de montrer comment dans l’exécution de cette tâche (la gestion du risque), la contribution active d’acteurs non humains, tant en soi qu’en relations avec les acteurs humains, participe de l’activité de détection et de prévention du risque. / The subject of risk management has always interested me, especially after I lived through two hurricanes and a devastating earthquake in El Salvador. Although there is a lot of literature on this subject, often linked to the question of climate change, we do not know how governmental and civil organizations deal with risk management on a daily basis. Based on an ethnographic study of the Civil Protection Commission of the mayoralty of Tecoluca, El Salvador, I observed processes that are taking place in the research and analysis of structural factors causing situations of vulnerability. To do this, I adopted an approach based on the study of interactions, involving the theory of distributed cognition and actor-network theory. As I show, the risk management seen as a participatory process is characterized, on one side, by the cooperation and coordination of individuals and, on the other side, by the contribution of tools, technologies, materials and methods that contribute to the detection of risk. This requires the mobilization of knowledge that must be produced, shared and distributed among the members of a group through the various artefacts, tools, methods and technologies that they mobilize and that mobilize them. In this regard, the theory of distributed cognition allows me to explore the interactions that occur within a working group by focusing on what contributes to the act of knowing, an activity is not just individual but also collective and distributed. Moreover, the actor-network theory allows me to show how in the execution of this task (risk management), the active contribution of non-human actors, both by themselves and in relation to human actors, participates in activities of detection and risk prevention.
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