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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A distribuição de valor nas culturas de café, milho e soja: mensurando a participação estado. / The distribution of value in the coffee, maize and soybean cultures: measuring the state participation.

Francisco, Alexandre Pedroza 26 February 2018 (has links)
O grau de desenvolvimento econômico de um país ou região é demonstrado por meio do desenvolvimento de setores econômicos que são divididos de acordo com o tipo de produtos, recursos utilizados ou serviços prestados. Nesta divisão de setores, o valor adicionado por cada setor econômico induz à argumentação sobre o comportamento da distribuição da riqueza gerada entre os stakeholders. A partir dos anos 2000, a sociedade brasileira, tem se perguntado sobre a real natureza do desenvolvimento econômico das últimas décadas, buscando respostas sobre qual setor possui maior capacidade de agregar valor. No que concerne ao Brasil, o setor primário possui relevante participação no PIB e, para tal investigação buscou-se verificar estudos que evidenciavam a destinação de valor para os agentes envolvidos. Em relação ao agente Estado, para as culturas evidenciadas, não se encontrou estudos recentes sendo que a matéria tributária nunca esteve tão em evidência. A título de exemplo, no Brasil, a carga tributária cresceu significativamente nos últimos anos, atingindo atualmente cerca de 36% do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB). A nível internacional, há uma constante discussão quanto ao balanceamento entre tributos diretos e indiretos. Esse breve cenário dá bem a noção da importância e relevância da temática tributária, nas suas mais diversas dimensões e aspectos. Portanto o presente trabalho analisou a distribuição do valor contábil gerado nas culturas de soja, milho e café para o stakeholder Estado, mensurando em percentuais a participação tributária no decorrer dos anos 2008 a 2017 se utilizando da Lei de Wagner oriunda da Teoria das Finanças Públicas. Para mensuração do faturamento, utilizou-se das planilhas da CONAB e do CEPEA/ESALQ e para mensuração da arrecadação tributária, foi feita uma investigação nos regulamentos tributários federais e estaduais e nos direitos trabalhistas para se mensurar as alíquotas das bases de incidência: a) Folha de pagamentos; b) Renda; c) Bens/Serviços e; d) Outros Impostos que, segundo o CETAD representam 94,22% do total de tributos arrecadados pelo Estado em sua última publicação. Como resultado da pesquisa, devido ao baixo disclosure de informações acerca da quantidade de estabelecimentos produtores e, da média de hectares por estabelecimento e por região, não foi possível a mensuração da participação do Estado na modalidade PF, sendo possível apenas na PJ. No entanto não foi possível concluir que, o custo tributário, em alíquota/percentual, para o estabelecimento enquadrado na PJ é menor do que na PF visto a tabela progressiva do IRPF e que, a participação do Estado na captação do valor gerado nas culturas do primeiro setor é inferior ao esperado, dado que a média da participação do Estado para as culturas analisadas foi de 17,84% para a soja, 15,28% para o café e 12,86% para o milho em relação ao faturamento estimado. / The degree of economic development of a country or region is demonstrated by the development of economic sectors that are divided according to the type of products, resources used or services provided. In this division of sectors, the value added by each economic sector induces the argument about the behavior of the distribution of wealth generated among the stakeholders. Since the 2000s, Brazilian society has been asking about the real nature of economic development in recent decades, seeking answers about which sector has the greatest capacity to add value. With regard to Brazil, the primary sector has a significant participation in the GDP and, for such research, it was sought to verify studies that evidenced the destination of value for the agents involved. Regarding the State agent, for the cultures shown, no recent studies have been found and the tax matter has never been so evident. As an example, in Brazil, the tax burden has grown significantly in recent years, currently reaching about 36% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). At the international level, there is a constant discussion about the balance between direct and indirect taxes. This brief scenario gives a good idea of the importance and relevance of the tax issue, in its most diverse dimensions and aspects. Therefore, the present study analyzed the distribution of the accounting value generated in the soy, maize and coffee crops to the State stakeholder, measuring in percentage the tax participation during the years 2008 to 2017 if using the Wagner Law from the Public Finance Theory. For the measurement of billing, the works of CONAB and CEPEA / ESALQ were used to measure tax collection, an investigation was made in the federal and state tax regulations and in the labor rights to measure the rates of incidence bases: a) Payroll; b) Income; c) Goods / Services and; d) Other Taxes that, according to CETAD represent 94.22% of the total taxes collected by the State in its last publication. As a result of the survey, due to the low disclosure of information about the number of producing establishments, and of the average number of hectares per establishment and per region, it was not possible to measure the state participation in the PF modality, being possible only in the PJ. However, it was not possible to conclude that the tax cost, in rate / percentage, for the establishment within the PJ is lower than in the PF, since the progressive income tax table and that the State participation in the capture of the value generated in the crops of the first sector is lower than expected, given that the State's share of the analyzed crops was 17.84% for soybean, 15.28% for coffee and 12.86% for corn in relation to the estimated revenue. / Dissertação (Mestrado)

Federalismo fiscal e repartição do ICMS: o critério do valor adicionado / Fiscal federalism and ICMS revenue sharing: the value added criteria

Fábio Roberto Corrêa Castilho 13 March 2014 (has links)
O trabalho concentra-se sobre o critério do valor adicionado fiscal na repartição do ICMS, com o objetivo de verificar sua adequação como mecanismo de provisão de recursos financeiros a Municípios, no contexto do federalismo fiscal brasileiro. Mediante análise teórica, de dados de distribuição e legislação referente à repartição e ao ICMS, identificamos que o valor adicionado fiscal é gerador de enormes desigualdades de tratamento entre Municípios de porte equivalente e de oscilações brutais de valores de transferência de um para outro ano, mas, sobretudo, que é juridicamente inadequado à multiplicidade de locais de ocorrência de fatos geradores e a heterogeneidade do imposto que pretende repartir. Não atinge, assim, o propósito de medir a adição de valor em um território, nem o de conferir aos Municípios receitas em montante similar ao potencial de arrecadação de um imposto sobre valor adicionado municipal depurado dos efeitos de imunidades, isenções, diferimentos e substituições tributárias, que justificou sua criação. A permanência da utilização do critério do valor adicionado por décadas é apontada no trabalho como resultante de acomodações e ajustes institucionais, característicos de dependência de trajetória (path dependence), que, desrespeitando os limites jurídicos de regulamentação, disfarçam a inadequação do critério e perpetuam as desigualdades e instabilidades dele advindas. Justifica-se, assim, que atenções sejam voltadas à análise de alternativas à repartição do ICMS por outros meios que não o VAF e o aperfeiçoamento de seus mecanismos de regulação, caso permaneça sendo utilizado. / The Added Value Criteria (VAF) is used in Brazil for purposes of ICMS (A State tax on circulation of goods, communication and interstate and intercity transportation services) revenue sharing to cities. The data on how the VAT based tax sharing occurs shows that VAT is a source of inequalities in resource distribution to cities of equivalent population and oscillations in the amounts received by a given city along the years. Moreover and as the central hypothesis of this thesis, VAF, as defined in Brazilian legislation, is not suitable to the complexity of situations and places of occurrence of ICMS taxable events nor to the effects of ICMS on prices, being, thus, unable to measure the value added in each city territory and to protect the revenue sharing from the effects of ICMS exemptions, constitutional immunities, deferrals and tax substitutions. Being so, the VAT regulations, do not recreate the potential of a municipal VAT, falling short in accomplishing the purposes it was created for. In spite of its defects, VAT remains in use decades after its creation as a result of accommodations and institutional adjustments that can be explained by a path dependence trajectory that was, and still, is able to disguise its chronic inadequacies and to perpetuate the inequalities and instabilities arising out of such distribution criteria. Our conclusions on VAF justify the study of other alternatives for the ICMS revenue sharing, as well as attempts to improve the quality of VAT regulations.

Predikce ekonomického vývoje regionů Česka pomocí modelu potenciální dostupnosti / Prediction of economic development of Czech regions using a model of potential accessibility

Elster, Jan January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to find out the relationship between the development of the economic situation in Czech regions and potential accessibility of road networks evaluated with mathematical analysis. The intent of the model is to define a relationship between the transport accessibility and economic state in municipalities in 2001, 2011 and to predict for 2021. This evaluation has been reached with the model of potential accessibility. Several methodological problems had to be solved. Model calibration was provided with respect to the reality and changes in economic state in particular geographical regions. After the first step, which was focused on finding out the optimal model for potential accessibility of road networks, the linear regression with prediction of gross added economic value in analysed regions was used. Results showed only minor growth of gross added economic value in core geographical regions in the Czech Republic. In contrary, in peripheral regions dynamic growth of gross economic added value can be expected. This thesis follows the present interest in developing a transportation geography mathematical model, which can help us to understand the road transportation accessibility and its impact on economical development. Key words Potential accessibility, linear regression,...

Att höra genre : Vad ljudet i filmens inledning berättar om genre

Atterstig, Elin January 2010 (has links)
This study deals with a research on what the opening sounds in movies tell us about the story that we are about to follow. The purpose is to examine if and how the sound in the first five minutes of the movie contribute in giving information about the film’s genre. The theoretical base includes both genre theory and Michel Chion’s theory on film sound. Six different movies representing different genres, countries and year of production are analyzed in an audiovisual way. The result shows that the sound in the opening sequence could describe the genre which the movie belongs to, but it doesn’t always work like this. The analysis also shows examples on movies where the sound in the beginning of the movie focus on other things, like describing place or ethnicity. In some of the movies, especially the ones that represent adventure and action, you can hear the genre very clearly. In others, for example the comedy, there is a bit harder to decide if the sound alone could tell us about which genre the movie belongs to, and if the sound is typical for that specific genre or if it could be about almost everything. Furthermore, in some movies it was quite clear that the sound concentrates on describing something else instead, for example the place where the story is set.

Den fysiska platsens betydelse : En kvalitativ studie om förhållningssättet researrangörer har till den plats där personal och kund möts

Puric, Monika, Lindberg, Rebecka January 2017 (has links)
Purpose: The aim of this paper has been to examine which approach travel agencies has to the physical store or office that a customer can visit, and if and in which way the place can affect the customer. Method: This paper is done from a qualitative approach. The content is based on interviews done with employees from seven travel agencies on the swedish market. Conclusion: The conclusion shows that tour operators uses the physical room to build confidence, create security and strengthen the relationship between the staff and customer. Through the physical room the tour operators can affect the customer by giving personal contact, added value and the ability to give the customer directions towards their purchase.

Aplikácie metód ekonomickej analýzy na firme Neumann s.r.o. / Application methods on economic analysis in firm Neuman s.r.o. and value calculating

Janušek, Peter January 2008 (has links)
The diploma work is focused on theoretical and practical analysis of methods of feasibility study and calculation of firm's value by method of discounted free cash flows. Tendencies of development and firm's weak points for past 6 years have been discovered by using various analysis. I was comparing change of individual indicators with the main indicator rentability on equity. The conclusion of my study is:" In case of increase in rentability on equity, we can expect improvement also of other indicators."

Värdet av revision ur ett klientperspektiv : Värdet av mer eller mer av värdet?

Persson, Johan, Jörgensen, Oliver January 2017 (has links)
The change in statutory audit in 2010 made the auditor market more competitive and commercial market. Since audit is no longer mandatory for small and medium sized enterprises, the need of providing value-added audit has been increased. The value-added audit is a concept used by audit firms, trying to meet client expectations, but can the demanded value depend on the client? The purpose of the study is to try to explain the client's demand for value-added audit. The study can provide a better understanding of what factors affect the client's demand. The demanded value has been divided into two different groups: audit-value and added-value. In accordance with accounting theories, for example stakeholder theory and agency theory, the model of the study has been developed. The model illustrates factors that might affect the client's demand of value-added audit, including the expected relation for the different factors. The empirical material is collected, partly through a survey study, partly through secondary data. The result indicates factors that might tend to affect the client’s demand of value-added audit, which are in line with earlier studies. Our conclusion is that client’s demand of value-added audit may depend the importance of internal stakeholders, leverage and position. The new understanding may promote are more effective value-added audit for the client and the auditor. During the study, a lesser studied area was identified, which were if the marketing strategy of various audit firms are different. The variation of marketing may therefore be interesting to study in future research. / I samband med slopande av revisionsplikten 2010, har revisorns arbetsmarknad förändrats till att bli en mer konkurrensutsatt och kommersiell marknad. Eftersom det inte längre är obligatorisk för alla aktiebolag att anlita en revisor har behovet av att påvisa ett tillfört värde för klienten ökat. Mervärdet är ett koncept som revisionsbyråer använder för att försöka möta klientens förväntningar, men kan värdet av revisionen variera beroende på klient? Syfte med studien är att försöka förklara klientens efterfrågade värde av revisorn. Tanken med studien är att bidra med en bättre förståelse kring vilka faktorer som påverkar klientens efterfrågade värde, vilka har delats in i två värden: revisionsvärde och mervärde. Med hjälp av relevanta redovisningsteorier, exempelvis intressentteori och agentteori, har studiens modell utvecklats. Modellen illustrerar faktorer som kan antas påverka klientens efterfrågade värde av revisorn samt vilket samband som förväntas föreligga för respektive faktor. Studiens empiriska material har insamlats, dels genom en enkätundersökning, dels genom att hämta sekundärdata från respektive klients årsredovisning. Resultatet av studien indikerar på faktorer som tenderar till att påverka klientens efterfrågade värde av revisorn, vilka överensstämmer med tidigare forskning. Vår slutsats är att klientens efterfrågade värde av revisorn kan bero på följande faktorer: betydelsen av interna intressenter, skuldsättningsgrad och befattning. Den nya förståelsen kan främja en mer effektiv och värdeskapande revision, dels för klienten, dels för revisorn. I samband med studien identifierades ett mindre utforskat område inom värdeskapande revision, vilket var om marknadsföringsstrategin varierar mellan revisionsbyråer. Revisionsbyråernas marknadsföring kan därmed vara intressant för framtida forskning att studera.

Värdet av frivillig revision : En kvantitativ studie av hur företagen uppfattar värdet av revision och revisorer / The value of voluntary audit : A quantitative study of how companies perceive the value of auditing and auditors

Holck-Clausen, Julia, Petersson, Linn January 2021 (has links)
Tidigare forskning har identifierat sex olika anledningar som påverkar valet av frivillig revision. Det tidigare forskning inte lägger lika stor vikt vid är icke-revisionspliktiga företagares egna uppfattningar gällande värdet av revision och revisorer i allmänhet Syftet med studien är att förklara hur företags uppfattade värde av revision och revisorer påverkar valet av frivillig revision. Med hjälp av tidigare forskning har en modell skapats som sedan testas empiriskt, där det uppfattade värdet delas in i kärnvärdet (försäkran, förbättring, försäkring) och mervärdet (kommunikation, rådgivning, service, relation, medlare). En kvantitativ studie i form av en enkät besvarad av 75 icke-revisionspliktiga respondenter utgör studiens datainsamling. Medverkar i studien gör både företag som valt att anlita revisor och företag som valt bort att anlita revisor. Under den empiriska analysen delas mervärdet, genom faktoranalys, in i komponenterna verksamhetsmervärde och stöttande mervärde. Resultatet i studien visar att kärnvärdet av revisorn inte har någon signifikant påverkan på valet av frivillig revison, men att företagares uppfattade värde av det stöttande mervärdet påverkar valet av frivillig revision. Resultatet visar även att vanan av att ha revisor har en påverkan på valet av frivillig revision.  Studiens teoretiska bidrag är att kunna förklara det uppfattade värdet av revision och revisorer av de som inte måste anlita revisor. Studiens praktiska bidrag är att framställa klientens uppfattade värde och vad som anses viktigt för klienten. Detta ger revisorerna en bild över klientens uppfattade värde och bidrar till att revisorer kan sälja in sin tjänst bättre. / Previous research has identified six different reasons that influence the choice of voluntary audit. What previous research does not attach as much importance to is non-auditors' own perceptions regarding the value of auditing and auditors in general.  The purpose of the study is to explain how companies' perceived value of auditing and auditors affect the choice of voluntary auditing. With the help of previous research, a model has been created which is then tested empirically, where the perceived value is divided into the core value (assurance, improvement, insurance) and the added value (communication, advice, service, relationship, mediator). A quantitative study in the form of a questionnaire answered by 75 non-audit respondents constitutes the study's data collection. Participating in the study are both companies that have chosen to hire an auditor and companies that have chosen not to hire an auditor.  During the empirical analysis, the added value is divided, through factor analysis, into the components operational added value and supported added value. The results of the study show that the core value of the auditor has no significant impact on the choice of voluntary audit, but that entrepreneurs' perceived value of the supported added value influences the choice of voluntary audit. The results also show that the habit of having an auditor has an impact on the choice of voluntary audit. The theoretical contribution of the study is to be able to explain the perceived value of auditing and auditors by those who are not required to audit. The practical contribution of the study is to present the client's perceived value and what is considered important for the client. This gives the auditors a picture of the client's perceived value and contributes to auditors being able to sell their service better.

Hodnocení ekonomické situace podniku a návrhy na její zlepšení. / The Evaluation of Company Financial Situation and Proposals to Its Improvement

Čechová, Eva January 2013 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the economic situation of the company using the methods of financial and economic analysis, identify problem areas and finally proposes measures to achieve the targeted improvement of the company.

The auditor : Creating a concept of the auditor through auditors' own perceptions and understandings of their work in relation to boundary-setting forces

Gertsson, Nellie January 2021 (has links)
The overall purpose of this licentiate dissertation is to advance our understanding of the auditor by creating a concept of the auditor through focusing on auditors' own perceptions and understandings of their work in relation to boundary-setting forces. The audit profession, the audit firm, the client, society, regulations, and the market are all boundary-setting forces that influence the work of auditors and how auditors perceive and understand their work. The concept of the auditor consists of who the auditor is and what the auditor does; this concept is shaped interactively by the boundary-setting forces, that exist in the auditors’ environment and by the auditors themselves, through the view auditors have of themselves and their environment. The boundary-setting forces have in recent decades undergone significant and rapid changes; for example, increased commercialization as well as significant regulatory changes, which are expected to have influenced the concept of the auditor. The concept of the auditor therefor needs to be explored to understand who today’s auditor is and what today's auditor does. This licentiate dissertation consists of three appended papers and a comprehensive summary. The appended papers constitute the basis for discussing who the auditor is and what the auditor does, thereby contributing to the concept of the auditor. This dissertation uses boundaries in exploring the concept of the auditor, since it is when the auditor encounters the boundaries of being an auditor that the auditor’s conception of an auditor becomes clear. This dissertation has a mixed-methods design based on survey and interview data. The results of this dissertation show that there are several characteristics that define who the auditor is. The auditor: is highly driven by professional values is less driven by business values is genuinely interested in auditor work is resistant to stress, heavy workload, and work–life balance issues is admiring the audit profession and perceiving it as highly professional is perceiving professional values in adding value to the client, i.e., in the business activities is enjoying adding value to the client is more motivated by contributing to the client than to society has high social skills and broad knowledge The results of this dissertation also show that the work of the auditor in the "grey area" between auditing and consulting comprises several activities. The auditor: adds value to the client by being available and engaged, by providing mental support and family mediation, by informing and discussing, by giving tips, advice, and suggestions, by explaining, answering questions, raising questions, and questioning, and by customizing, operating, developing, and contributing expertise to the client conducts a wide range of services, also related to the private and personal matters of the client has counselling, pedagogical, coaching and/or developmental roles / Det övergripande syftet med denna licentiatavhandling är att främja vår förståelse för revisorn genom att skapa ett begrepp för revisorn baserat på revisorers egna uppfattningar och förståelser av deras arbete i förhållande till gränssättande krafter. Revisorsprofessionen, revisionsbyrån, klienten, samhället, regleringar och marknaden är alla gränssättande krafter som påverkar revisorers arbete och hur revisorer uppfattar och förstår sitt arbete. Revisorsbegreppet består av vem revisorn är och vad revisorn gör, och formas interaktivt av de gränssättande krafter som finns i revisorernas omgivning och av revisorer själva genom deras syn på sig själva och sin omgivning. De gränssättande krafterna har under de senaste decennierna genomgått betydande och snabba förändringar, med till exempel ökad kommersialisering samt betydande regleringsändringar, vilket förväntas ha påverkat revisorsbegreppet. Således måste begreppet för revisorn utforskas för att förstå vem dagens revisor är och vad dagens revisor gör. Denna licentiatavhandling består av tre artiklar och en kappa. De bifogade artiklarna utgör grunden för diskussionen om vem revisorn är och vad revisorn gör, och bidrar därmed till begreppet för revisorn. Denna avhandling använder gränser för att utforska revisorsbegreppet, eftersom det är när revisorn möter gränsen för att vara revisor, som revisorns uppfattning om en revisor blir tydlig. En design med blandad metod används och det empiriska materialet består av enkät- och intervjudata. Resultaten av denna avhandling visar att det finns flera faktorer som definierar vem revisorn är. Revisorn: är starkt driven av professionella värden är mindre driven av affärsvärden är genuint intresserad av arbetet som revisor är motståndskraftig mot stress, arbetsbelastning och obalans mellan arbete och privatliv beundrar professionen och uppfattar revisionsyrket som mycket professionellt ser professionella värden i att skapa mervärde till klienter tycker om att skapa mervärde till klienten är mer motiverad av att bidra till klienten än samhället har höga sociala färdigheter och bred kunskap Resultaten av denna avhandling visar också att revisorns arbete i den gråa zonen mellan revision och konsultation omfattar flera aktiviteter. Revisorn: tillför mervärde för klienten genom att vara tillgänglig, engagerad, ett mentalt stöd och en familjemedlare och genom att informera, diskutera, ge tips, råd och förslag, förklara, svara på frågor, ställa frågor och ifrågasätta, klientanpassa, agera, utveckla, och bidra med expertis till kunden. bedriver ett brett utbud av tjänster, även relaterade till klientens privata och personliga frågor. kan ha en terapeutisk, pedagogisk, coachande och/eller utvecklande roll

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