Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cogency"" "subject:"angency""
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O corpo rifadoBalestrin, Patrícia Abel January 2012 (has links)
O Corpo Rifado trata-se de uma tese onde procuro acompanhar a trajetória da protagonista de um filme brasileiro e sua tentativa de se reinventar diante das condições de possibilidade existentes naquele contexto. O Céu de Suely (2006) narra a história de Hermila, uma jovem que volta de São Paulo para sua cidade natal, no interior do Ceará, com seu filho pequeno. Ela aguarda a chegada de seu amor. Logo ela se dá conta de que Mateus não cumprirá com a promessa de encontrá-la. Diante disso, Hermila cria estratégias de sobrevivência enquanto sonha: sair daquele lugar custe o que custar. A tese lança um olhar possível sobre O Céu de Suely. Os itinerários de gênero e sexualidade experimentados por Hermila ao longo da trama fílmica ocupam o centro desta tese, bem como alguns itinerários de outras mulheres que fazem (parte de sua) história. O mergulho nesse filme específico foi regido tanto pelo aporte teórico que sustenta esta tese (especialmente a teorização desenvolvida por Judith Butler em composição com os estudos foucaultianos em torno da sexualidade e do poder) como pelo recurso metodológico escolhido (“etnografia de tela”). A pesquisa toma como ponto de partida o filme dirigido por Karim Aïnouz e a análise de enunciados que compõem e se articulam em torno (d)o gênero, (d)a sexualidade e (d)a brasilidade. Na análise que faço, procuro dar ênfase a enunciados performativos que indicam um lugar para a mulher, um modo de ser mulher (brasileira), um jeito de exercer a sexualidade, bem como, a enunciados que parecem subverter a ordem do gênero e da sexualidade. A partir do (e com o) filme, questiono: Que enunciados performativos são reiterados para a constituição de uma suposta identidade da „mulher brasileira‟? Que enunciados indicam possibilidades de resistência, subversão e ressignificação? Que outros enunciados parecem manter normas regulatórias do gênero e da sexualidade? Como a linguagem cinematográfica empregada neste filme produz sentidos, provoca deslocamentos, desestabiliza, mantém, visibiliza e invisibiliza determinados modos de ser mulher? Ainda que essas questões não sejam assertivamente respondidas na tese, elas indicam um percurso. O filme aponta para possibilidades de resistência e subversão e, no mesmo instante, aciona performativos de gênero e sexualidade. A ação de rifar-se pode ser lida como a possibilidade de agência da protagonista naquele contexto. Encerro, ao lado de Hermila, uma jornada compartilhada que nos convoca novamente ao deslocamento, outra vez na estrada. / O Corpo Rifado is a thesis where I try to follow the trajectory of a Brazilian film‟s protagonist and her attempt to reinvent herself in the conditions of possibility existing in her living context. The film O Céu de Suely (2006) tells the story of Hermila, a young woman who returns from Sao Paulo to her home town in the interior of Ceará, taking together her young son. She awaits the arrival of her lover, Mateus. But soon she realizes that he will not fulfill his promise of meeting her. From then on, Hermila creates survival strategies. At the same time, she dreams about leaving that place at all costs. The thesis looks at the possibilities given by the Film. The itineraries of gender and sexuality experienced by Hermila and ploted along the scenes occupy the center of this thesis, as well as some others routes taken by women who are part of the story. The immersion in this particular film was governed by both the theoretical approach that supports this thesis (especially the theory developed by Judith Butler in composition with the Foucauldian studies of sexuality and power) and the methodological approach chosen ("ethnography of the screen”). The research‟s starting point is the film (directed by Karim Aïnouz) and the analysis of statements organized around concepts of gender, sexuality and Brazilianness. In the analysis I try to emphasize the performative utterances that build a certain place for women, a certain way of being a woman (or a Brazilian woman) and a certain way to exercise sexuality, as well as the statements that seem to subvert the order of gender and sexuality. From and with the movie, I introduce the following questions: What performative utterances are repeated to form a supposed identity of the Brazilian woman? Which statements indicate possibilities of resistance, subversion and redefinition? What other statements seem to maintain regulatory standards of gender and sexuality? How the cinematographic language used in the film makes sense, causes displacement, destabilizes, maintains and renders certain ways of “being a woman” visible or invisible? While these questions are not answered assertively in the thesis, they indicate a route. The film points out to possibilities of resistance and subversion, and simultaneously, triggers gender and sexuality‟s performatives. The raffle‟s action can be read as the possibility of an agency of the protagonist in that context. Along with Hermila, I conclude a shared journey which, once more, calls to the displacement, on the road again.
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Agency i Förgrenande Dialogsystem : En undersökning om agency i förgrenande dialogsystem i spel / Agency in Branching Dialogue Systems : An analysis of agency in branching dialogue systems in gamesBergström, Tobias January 2016 (has links)
Frågeställningen till den här studien undersöker hur spelare upplever agency i ett förgrenande dialogsystem med tidsbegränsade valtillfällen i jämförelse med dialogsystem utan tidsbegränsningar. I bakgrunden observeras vad agency betyder och hur begreppet används samt vad tidigare studier har lett till. Kapitlet fortsätter med att diskutera vad meningsfulla val är för något och hur en berättelse kan upplevas som trovärdig. För att kunna besvara studiens frågeställning skapades två olika textbaserade spel, en med tidsbegränsningar i dialogerna och en utan. För övrigt har de inga andra skillnader. Dessa användes sedan till att mäta skillnader i hur spelarna upplevde agency genom att jämföra resultatet från två olika undersökningsgrupper, en för varje version av spelet. Resultatet bestod av ett antal åsikter från deltagarna angående sin spelupplevelse. Skillnaderna mellan grupperna var små och mängden insamlad data var för liten för att ge något säkert resultat och frågan fick inte något pålitligt svar.
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Du local au global : agentivité et dynamiques représentationnelles d'organisation, le cas d'une entreprise internationale du secteur de l'aéronautique et du spatial / From local to global : agency and representational dynamics of organization, a case study of an international aeronautical and space companyBaudry, Gaëlle 22 June 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse questionne les dynamiques représentationnelles d’organisation. Elle s’inscrit dans un contexte socio-économique tendu, où la tendance est au renouvellement des pratiques organisationnelles. La problématique d’images et la compréhension de leurs productions sont au cœur des réflexions stratégiques des entreprises. Adoptant une épistémologie de convention socioconstructiviste, nous abordons l’organisation comme une forme non stabilisée, constituée dans et à travers les communications (CCO). L’originalité de cette recherche tient principalement de l’attention portée à l’agentivité des éléments participant au phénomène. Nous investissons une entreprise internationale du secteur de l’aéronautique et du spatial. L’activité de ses mille deux cents salariés est majoritairement fondée sur des processus de productions collectives. Nous orientons notre questionnement sur ce public. Trente-sept entretiens semi-directifs sont menés, ainsi qu’une observation participante de leur vie quotidienne. Les premières analyses de contenu thématique permettent d’élaborer un questionnaire quantitatif administré à l’ensemble des membres de l’entreprise, dont deux cent quatre-vingt-dix-sept nous sont retournés. La triangulation méthodologique permet d’articuler des approches macro et micro sociales des processus. Dix images de l’organisation sont identifiées. Il s’agit d’éclairer la constitution, puis la convergence de représentations sociales dans ces productions. La lecture agentive des communications permet d’identifier des agents, humains et non-humains, participant à ces dynamiques. Ainsi, cette recherche contribue notamment à enrichir les travaux sur le silence, et introduit les notions d’agentivité du sensible et des sentiments. Elle propose en outre une typologie de "figures" des dynamiques représentationnelles d’organisation. Enfin, cet éclairage du phénomène nous amène à discuter le concept de "réalité" organisationnelle. / Through this thesis, we investigate the representational dynamics of organization. For companies, the tense socio-economical context entails renewals of organizational practices. Thus, they make their images, and even more make their way of production, a priority. With a socioconstructivist position, we approach the organization as an instable form, constituted in and through communication (CCO). More specifically, we consider the agency of participating elements to this phenomenon. We invest ourselves within an international aeronautical and space company. The activity of these twelve hundred employees is mainly based on the process of collective productions. We focus on this audience. Thirty-seven semi-structured interviews were conducted, as well as a participant observation of everyday life. The first thematic content analysis allows to design a quantitative questionnaire administered to all company members. We collected the feedback from two hundred and ninety-seven employees. By methodological triangulation, we articulated macro and micro social approaches of these processes. We identified ten images of the organization. We aim to highlight the constitution, and the convergences of social representations in these productions. The agentive reading of these communications allows to recognize agents, human and non-human, involved to these dynamics. In this way, this research contributes, in part, to enhance works concerning silence in communications. It introduces also the concepts of senses and sentimental agencies. Furthermore, it proposes a typology of "figures" regarding the representational dynamics of organization. Finally, this comprehension of the phenomenon leads us to discuss the concept of organizational "reality".
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Agency, Resistance and Embodiment in The Context of PMS : a Qualitative StudyNordlander, Andrea January 2018 (has links)
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) was originally coined to describe the various changes that many women experience the days before their period. Today, we understand PMS as a complex phenomenon that not only involves the materiality of the body, but also discursive ideas and cultural mythology around women and femininity. The field of PMS-research is fragmented and includes a medical, a social constructivist, and, more recently, a material-discursive-intrapsychic perspective. This study takes its starting point in the latter approach, which allows for a multidimensional analysis of both material, discursive, and psychological aspects of PMS. To avoid pathologization, the use of premenstrual change, rather than -syndrome when discussing material experiences of menstrual cycle-related experiences, is supported and encouraged. Theoretical concepts such as bio-power, the body politic, and sexual difference, are used to make sense of the material which consists of three semi-structured group discussions and one interview with seven German women between 21 and 30. The study centers around how these women negotiate and make deliberate choices around PMS and menstruation, including embracing and/or resisting PMS as a material-discursive concept. The study aims at gaining insight into how we can make sense of PMS as a social and embodied phenomenon. Findings suggest that rather than considering premenstrual change as disempowering or as splitting menstruators lives into bad days and normal days, it can be viewed as a translator between the needs of body, psyche, and being. Premenstrual change, together with menstrual cycle-related pain, can furthermore form the basis for a supportive sisterhood.
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Professional identity in a multi-agency teamPratt, Jeanne Marie January 2012 (has links)
Although multi-agency working isn’t a new concept, the previous Labour government encouraged professionals and services to work collaboratively and in partnership to address issues of social exclusion, poverty and deprivation in order to provide support and interventions to children, young people and their families. As a result, a range of initiatives and programmes under the banner of multi-agency working were developed in health, education and social services aimed at addressing these issues. One such initiative was the development of the multi-agency Behaviour and Education Support Teams (BEST). Previous research into multi-agency working has tended to focus on the structural development of the multi-agency service, including the barriers and benefits to multi-agency working. Less research has been undertaken on the perceptions, experiences and views of the individuals working within those multi-agency teams. Using a grounded theory approach this thesis explores the perceptions and experiences of individuals working in a multi-agency team, considering the impact multi-agency working has had on individual team members, their interactions with one another and selected school staff, co-located within a secondary school. In analysing the data (content analysis, observations and semi-structured interviews) the use of a qualitative research methodological approach has enabled the research to identify an emerging category of professional identity and three properties; roles and responsibilities, knowledge and skills and terminology. Running through the discussion of each of these three properties is the issue of co-location. The research will draw on examples taken from the data to illustrate and to inform throughout. Using Wenger’s (1998) ‘communities of practice’ as a theoretical framework, this research then considers the emerging theme of professional identity and how multi-agency teams and selected school staff negotiate the experience of self [identity]. Finally the research asks and answers the question ‘Is BEST a ‘community of practice’?
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Spelarens påverkan på spelet : En studie i upplevd Agency inom dataspel / The Players Impact on the Game : A Study of Percived Agency in Computer GamesStröm, Daniel January 2014 (has links)
Detta arbete har som syfte att studera upplevd Agency. I bakgrunden för arbetet presenteras tidigare studier kring Agency och val i spel. Dessa används sedan för att ta fram tre designprinciper: Tydlighet, motivation och variation. Arbetets frågeställning gick ut på att se om dessa principer i praktiken ökade Agency och vilken princip som var effektivast.För att besvara frågeställningen till arbetet skapades sex stycken banor till spelet Magnetic. Tre följde de ovan nämnda designprinciperna och tre bröt emot dessa. Undersökningen gick sedan ut på att mäta hur dessa banor skilde sig åt kring upplevd Agency. Undersökningen gick till så att ett antal testpersoner fick besvara en enkät med ett påståenden kopplade till ämnet.Resultatet visade att de scener som var skapade enligt principerna var lika bra eller bättre än sina motparter på att skapa Agency kring just sitt eget område. Däremot framkom det att tydlighetsprincipen och variationsprincipen påverkade varandra.
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Community-Owned Tourism: Pushing the Paradigms of Alternative Tourisms?Renkert, Sarah Rachelle, Renkert, Sarah Rachelle January 2017 (has links)
The Kichwa Añangu Community lives in Ecuador's Yasuní National Park. As a community, they have chosen to dedicate their livelihood to community-owned tourism, or what is commonly called turismo comunitario in Ecuador. Tourism brings multiple, ongoing challenges to the Añangu Community. Shifting market demands, growing regional and transnational competition, and large-scale climate events each present ongoing vulnerabilities. Furthermore, the Añangu do not own rights to the petroleum reserves quietly resting under their land. Nonetheless, they persist in their tourism project and have become recognized as a model for community-owned tourism in Ecuador. In part, this thesis seeks to explore why the Añangu Community has chosen to not only pursue, but expand their involvement in community-owned tourism. This research will demonstrate that tourism is locally embraced as a vehicle for livelihood wellbeing, environmental stewardship, and cultural reclamation. The key question then becomes, why is the Añangu Community’s tourism project successful? Here, I argue that through community agency and governance, the Añangu Community is able to practice economic, environmental, and cultural self-determination via their local control of the tourism project.
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La culture nationale, déterminant fondamental des décisions de gestion conduisant au surinvestissement en immobilisations / National culture as a fundamental determinant of management’s decisions leading to overinvestment in capital expendituresHorvath, Zoltan 02 October 2015 (has links)
Deux types de motivations ont été identifié liées au comportement de surinvestissement : le conflit d’agence (Jensen, 1986) et la surconfiance (Heaton, 2002). Si la littérature sur le lien entre surconfiance et surinvestissement examine une de ces motivations, au sujet de surinvestissement liées au problème d’agence, la littérature existante se concentre sur les caractéristiques financières des entreprises et mécanismes de contrôle pour expliquer le phénomène. Cependant, ces facteurs n’influencent l’acte de surinvestir qu’indirectement, via l’opportunité de surinvestir. En nous appuyant sur la littérature, nous pouvons établir que la culture influence l’opportunité de surinvestir selon l’environnement institutionnel dans lequel s’inscrit l’entreprise et certaines techniques utilisées pour atténuer le surinvestissement au niveau de l’entreprise. Nous avançons que la culture exerce une influence plus directe sur le surinvestissement, en affectant les décisions des gestionnaires de passer de l’opportunité à l’acte de surinvestir. Pour empiriquement vérifier notre proposition nous avons construit un échantillon de 1 550 sociétés surinvestisseur potentielles, qui sont cotées et ne sont pas engagé dans le secteur financier, de 36 pays pour la période comprise entre 2001 et 2011. Nous trouvons qu’un haut niveau de Masculinité et l’Évitement-Incertitude conduisent à un surinvestissement exacerbé. Nous considérons que nos résultats accroissent notre compréhension des facteurs comportementales de surinvestissement, et soutiennent dans une certaine mesure la vue que la théorie de l’agence n’est pas entièrement transférable entre les cultures. / Two behavioral motivations have been identified for overinvestment: agency conflict (Jensen, 1986) and overconfidence (Heaton, 2002). While the literature on overconfidence and overinvestment studies one of these motivations, with regards to agency related overinvestment, extant literature tends to focus on financial characteristics and control mechanisms to explain the phenomenon. However, such factors influence the act of overinvestment only indirectly through affecting the opportunity to overinvest. Based on literature we can establish that culture influences the opportunity to overinvest through the institutional environment in which the company operates, and the cultural influence on some of the techniques used to mitigate overinvestment at the company level. We posit that culture exerts a more direct influence on overinvestment in affecting management’s decisions to move from the opportunity to the act of overinvestment in capital expenditures. To empirically verify our assertion we construct a sample of 1,550 quoted, non-financial, potential overinvestor firms from 36 countries for the period between 2001 and 2011. We find that higher masculinity and uncertainty avoidance in a culture leads to more overinvestment. We believe that our findings, besides advancing understanding of the behavioral drivers of overinvestment, lend support to those who question the cross-cultural transferability of agency theory.
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International Perspectives on the Proper Role of the Independent Director: Implications for South African Boards of DirectorsRispel, Reginald January 2008 (has links)
Magister Commercii - MCom / This literature study aims to identify international best practice concerning the role of the board and more particularly that of the independent director in ensuring good corporate governance. The study is based on sources which include a large contingent of up to date sources on the subject ranging from newspaper articles, journal articles, various corporate governance codes, company reports and reports on governance such as Cadbury and Higgs. / South Africa
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Perceptions of empowerment: a study of muslim women living in the greater Cape Town MetropoleAbrahams, Zulfa January 2011 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / This thesis is a small scale in depth exploration into the perceptions of power held by eight Muslim women residing in the Cape Town Metropole area. Using a Qualitative Feminist approach the study aimed to explore and shed light on the multiple ways in which Muslim women negotiate, construct and co-construct agency, power and authority in their everyday lives. This study also sought to explore whether Muslim women who appear independent or empowered actually feel in control of their own lives; and how their ability to make choices is mediated by intersecting identities such as race, class, age, etc. The research highlights a number of emergent themes in which discussion of the women views around education, finance, reproductive responsibilities, patriarchy, etc. takes place and also explores the ways in which the women contest and resist traditional cultural norms in their everyday experiences. Furthermore this study also sought to create a space where the researcher focused and refocused her gaze on the theoretical and epistemological aspects of her chosen method of enquiry in order to interrogate its merits and limits. Upon reflection the researcher also acknowledges that, similar to the participants, she also holds contradictory views on some of the issues discussed. / South Africa
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