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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prise en compte de l’hétérogénéité inobservée des exploitations agricoles dans la modélisation du changement structurel : illustration dans le cas de la France. / Agricultural policy; Expectation-Maximisation (EM) algorithm; farms; Markovian process; mixture models; spatial interdependence; structural change; unobserved heterogeneity

Saint-Cyr, Legrand Dunold Fils 12 December 2016 (has links)
Le changement structurel en agriculture suscite beaucoup d’intérêt de la part des économistes agricoles ainsi que des décideurs politiques. Pour prendre en compte l’hétérogénéité du comportement des agriculteurs, une approche par les modèles de mélange de chaînes de Markov est appliquée pour la première fois en économie agricole pour analyser ce processus. La performance de cette approche est d’abord testée en utilisant une forme simplifiée du modèle, puis sa forme générale est appliquée pour étudier l’impact de certaines mesures de politique agricole. Pour identifier les principaux canaux d’interdépendance entre exploitations voisines dans les processus du changement structurel, une approche de mélange non-Markovienne a été appliquée pour modéliser la survie et l’agrandissement des exploitations agricolesTrois principales conclusions découlent de cette thèse. Tout d’abord, la prise en compte de l’hétérogénéité dans les processus de transition des exploitations agricoles permet de mieux représenter le changement structurel et conduit à des prédictions plus précises de la distribution des exploitations, comparé aux modèles généralement utilisés jusqu’ici. Deuxièmement, l’impact des principaux facteurs du changement structurel dépend lui aussi des types non-observables d’exploitations mis en évidence. Enfin, le cadre du modèle de mélange permet également de révéler différents types de relations inobservées entre exploitations voisines qui contribuent au changement structurel observé à un niveau global ou régional. / Structural change in farming has long been the subject of considerable interest among agricultural economists and policy makers. To account for heterogeneity in farmers’ behaviours, a mixture Markov modelling framework is applied to analyse this process for the first time in agricultural economics. The performance of this approach is first investigated using a restrictive form of the model, and its general form is then applied to study the impact of some drivers of structural change, including agricultural policy measures. To identify channels through which interdependency between neighbouring farms arises in this process, the mixture modelling approach is applied to analyse both farm survival and farm growth. The main conclusions of this thesis are threefoldFirstly, accounting for the generally unobserved heterogeneity in the transition process of farms allows better representing structural change in farming and leads to more accurate predictions of farm-size distributions than the models usually used so far. Secondly, the impacts of the main drivers of structural change themselves depend on the specific unobservable farm types which are revealed by the model. Lastly, the mixture modelling approach enables identifying different unobserved relationships between neighbouring farms that contributes to the structural change observed at an aggregate or regional level.

Transformations des structures agricoles de production en Roumanie : quelles politiques publiques d'accompagnement ? / Transformation of the farm structures in Romania, and evaluation of the supportive public policies / Transformarea a structurilor agricole de productie : ce fel de politice de sutinere ?

Ghib, Marie Luce 11 July 2011 (has links)
La thèse présentée s'inscrit dans le contexte de l'adhésion de la Roumanie à l'UE et plus largement fait le point sur la seconde décennie post-communiste (2000-2010) de l'évolution des structures agricoles de production roumaines. Dans ce contexte se pose la question des principaux facteurs d'évolution des structures et du rôle des politiques publiques d'accompagnement. Tout d'abord, le cadre théorique s'appuyant sur l'économie du développement et l'économie institutionnaliste historique est construit. Il permet d'analyser dans une première partie l'encastrement social du secteur agricole roumain, après avoir défini et caractérisé ce qui était appelé « structures agricoles de production ». Le rôle d'amortisseur social de l'activité agricole se poursuit ainsi sur la période étudiée, même si d'autres formes de régulation sont apparues (émigration nationale et internationale). On fait ensuite le constat des évolutions apparues en croisant différentes bases de données. On observe ainsi une diminution des plus petites unités au bénéfice d'exploitations moyennes. Les plus grandes entités ont elles aussi connu des diminutions de nombre et de taille, que l'on attribuera à la fin des privatisations et restitutions. La thèse tente d'identifier par la suite lesfacteurs de ces évolutions (survie et croissance) à l'aide d'un modèle économétrique en deux étapes.Enfin, une évaluation de politiques est menée sur une série de mesures identifiées pour avoir un objectif de restructuration. Il apparaît de manière globale que l' objectif intermédiaire d'absorption des fonds est privilégié à un objectif final de la politique qui est la pénétration en milieu rural de ces leviers d'action. Ainsi, si le soutien aux exploitations moyennes paraît pertinent, des limitations apparaissent dans la mise en oeuvre. Enfin la réorientation de la population agricole ne se fera pas seulement par les mesures étudiées, sous-budgétées ou dont les effets sont surestimés / This thesis deals with the context of the accession of Romania to the EU and more widely with thesecond post-communist decade (2000-2010) in which we analyse the evolution of Romanian agricultural structures. In this context, the question of the main factors of structural changes arised as well as the role of supportive public policies. Firstly, the theoretical framework based on development economics and historical institutional economics is built. It then enables in a first partthe analysis of the embeddedness of Romanian agricultural sector within its social context. In thispart, we are also define and characterize so called “agricultural production structures”. The role of agriculture as a social buffer is also observed over the period studied, in addition to other forms of regulation which have emerged (national and international migrations). Structural evolutions arethen analysed using different databases. We observed a decrease in smaller units for the benefit of the average farms. Larger farms have also known a decrease in number and in size, which we attribute to restitution and to the end of privatization. The thesis attempts to identify the factors of these evolutions (survival and growth) using an econometric model in two stages. For that purposewe are also compare the evolution of Romanian structures to those of other European countries including Hungary and Slovenia. Finally, a policy evaluation is conducted on a series of measures identified to have restructuring goal. It appears that in general the absorption of funds, the intermediate target, is prefered to rural penetration of these levers, which is the final objective of thepolicy. Thus, while support for average farms seems relevant somes limitations appear in the implementation. Finally, the reorientation of the agricultural population will not be achieved onlyby the measures studied, for they are under-budgeted or because their effects are over-estimated / Teza susţinută se deruleaza în contextul aderării României la UE, şi pe scară mai largă teza analizeaza evoluţia structurilor de producţie agricola românesti pe al doilea deceniu post-comunist(2000-2010). În acest context, se pune problema pe principalii factori de schimbare structurală şirolul politicilor publice de susţinere. In primul rând, un cadru teoretic bazat pe economie dedezvoltare şi economie istorica instituţională este construit. Multumita acestui cadru se poateanaliza într-o primă parte, sectorul agricol românesc cuprins in sfera sociala, după definirea şi caracterizarea a ceea ce sa numit "structurile agricole de producţie”. Rolul de amortizor social aagriculturii se mai observa în perioada studiată, cu toate că alte forme de regulare au apărut(emigraţia naţionala şi internaţionala). Se face apoi observarea evoluţiilor folosind diferite baze dedate. Şi se observă o reducere în unităţi mai mici în beneficiul fermelor medii. Entităţile mai mari,de asemenea, cunosc o micşorare negativa în număr şi mărime, pe care le atribuim la sfârşitul procesului de privatizare şi de restituire. Teza încearcă să identifice apoi aceşti factori (de supravieţuire şi de creştere), utilizând un model econometric în două etape. Comparam evoluţia structurilor româneşti, cu cele din alte ţări europene, inclusiv Ungaria şi Slovenia. În ultima parte, oevaluarea politică se desfăşoară pe o serie de măsuri identificate pentru a avea un obiectiv de restructurare. Se pare că, în general, absorbţia fondurilor, obiectivul intermediar, este privilegiata laprenetratie in mediu rural din aceste pârghii, obiectivul final al politicii. Astfel, în timp ce sprijinulpentru fermele medii pare relevant apar niste limitarii în punerea în aplicare. In sfirsit, reorientarea populaţiei agricole va avea loc nu numai prin măsurile studiate, care sunt sub-bugetate sau ale cărorefecte sunt supra-estimate

Společná zemědělská politika EU a její vliv na český agrární sektor / Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union and its impact on the Czech agrarian sector

Melková, Monika January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the impact of the Common Agricultural Policy of the EU on the Czech agrarian sector. The aim of the thesis is to determine whether the EU accession and the application of the CAP had a positive or negative influence on Czech agriculture. First, it is explained the creation of the CAP, its goals and principles. The next chapter of the thesis describes the development and reform of the CAP which influenced the Czech Republic after EU accession. Other parts are already engaged in agricultural policy of the Czech Republic after 1989 and the agricultural policy before and after EU accession. There are describes the problems that needed remove before the EU accession. And this helped to the fluent introduction of the CAP. The fourth part discusses the support provided by the EU, which has been the greatest benefit of EU accession, and divides them into direct payments and rural development. In the last chapter is analyzed the impact of the CAP on a farm AGROSPOL, Malý Bor a. s. and is trying to find the positives and negatives of EU accession.

Exploiter terres et populations conquises au nom du national-socialisme : l'Ostland dans les Ardennes pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale / Ostland in the Ardennes (World War II)

Francois, Anne 07 November 2019 (has links)
En mai 1940, la population ardennaise fuit devant l’arrivée des troupes allemandes. Les ressources économiques et agricoles du département, qui faisaient pourtant l’objet de plans d’évacuation préparés dès les années 1930, sont abandonnées à l’occupant. Quelques semaines plus tard, une vaste zone du nord-est de la France, dont les Ardennes font partie, est déclarée « zone interdite ». Les terres cultivables sont confisquées à leurs propriétaires et prises en charge au profit du Reich par une entreprise appelée Ostland, qui a déjà orchestré un semblable mouvement de spoliation en Pologne depuis son invasion. L’une de ses filiales régionales, la WOL III, met en place dans les Ardennes un vaste projet d’implantation des méthodes agricoles nationales-socialistes qui nécessite une abondante main-d’œuvre. Des agriculteurs allemands, appelés « chefs de culture » sont diligentés sur place et gèrent de grandes exploitations dans lesquelles travaillent plusieurs milliers de prisonniers français et coloniaux ainsi que 5 000 agriculteurs ardennais contraints à se mettre à leur service. Des ouvriers juifs sont également recrutés et des milliers de Polonais, expulsés de leurs villages, sont déportés pour travailler dans ces fermes qui exercent une agriculture intensive. Cette situation engendre des tensions sociales qui s’expriment particulièrement lors de la Libération et lors de procès d’épuration qui visent certains employés de l’Ostland. Les autorités françaises tentent de gérer au mieux la liquidation de l’entreprise allemande et l’organisation du rapatriement des Polonais dans leur pays, deux opérations difficiles qui nécessitent de longs mois. La reconnaissance des victimes de l’Ostland est inégale et tardive puisqu’elle n’intervient qu’à partir des années 1990. Des mémoires distinctes et spécifiques aux différents groupes de travailleurs émergent aussi à cette époque et s’expriment lors de commémorations. / In May 1940, the population of the Ardennes fled from the arrival of the German troops. The economic and agricultural ressources of the department, which yet had been subject to evacuation plans since the thirties, were given up to the occupying forces. A few weeks later, a large area of the North-East of France including the Ardennes was declared « forbidden zone ». The cultivable land was confiscated from its owners and taken over for the benefit of the Reich by a company named Ostland, which had already orchestrated a similar spoliation movement in Poland since its invasion. One of its local subsidiaries, WOL III , set up in the Ardennes a vast project to implement the National Socialist agricultural methods which required an abundant workforce. Some German farmers, called crop managers, were sent out there to run large farms on which several thousands of French and colonial prisoners as well as 5000 Ardennes farmers were working under duress. Jewish labourers were also recruited and thousands of Poles, expelled from their villages, were deported to work on these farms with intensive agriculture. This situation caused social tensions that were particuliarly evident during the Liberation and during the « purification » trials involving some WOL employees. French authorities tried to manage the liquidation of the German company and the organisation of the repatriation of the Poles, two difficult operations that took many months to complete. Recognition of Ostland victims was uneven and late since it occurred only from the 1990s onwards. Distinct memories specific to the different groups of workers also emerged at that time and were expressed during commemorations.

Porovnání vybrané části hospodářské politiky v Maďarsku a České republice / Economic Policy in the European Union Member Countries

Šíchová, Tereza January 2018 (has links)
This masters thesis is focused on a comparation between agricultures of Czech republic and Hungary. The comparison is done for the periods before and after entering the European union. The goal of the thesis is to observe the influence of the Common agricultural policy on the agriculture of both countries. An analysis of development of selected macroeconomic indicators and products was performed.

Financování zemědělského podniku z fondu Evropské unie / Financing of Agricultural Company by the EU Fund

Lehnert, Zdeněk January 2011 (has links)
This master’s thesis shows us the view of offered possibilities financing of agricultural companies in form of grants. This thesis also gives us the analysis of the present status and an overview of acquired subventions of a chosen agricultural company. And the draft part of the master’s thesis contains the preparation of the application form for financing of agricultural company in form of grants.

Landwirtschaft und Agrarpolitik in Sachsen 1945-1949: Untersuchung zur Frage einer angeblichen Sowjetisierung in der ostdeutschen Landwirtschaft

Zimmermann, Peter 26 November 1999 (has links)
Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, ob und inwiefern nach dem 2. Weltkrieg in der Landwirtschaft der Sowjetischen Besatzungszone (SBZ) bzw. der DDR ein Nachvollzug des sowjetischen Vorbildes stattfand. Nach einer Klärung des Sowjetisierungsbegriffs und einer Darstellung der agrarpolitischen Entscheidungen in Sowjetrussland bzw. der Sowjetunion wird in groben Zügen die Agrarpolitik in Sachsen nach dem Ende des 2. Weltkrieges umrissen. Am Beispiel einer kurz nach der Bodenreform freiwillig entstandenen Kollektivwirtschaft in Steinbach bei Leipzig wird anschließend gezeigt, dass die Machthaber in der SBZ/DDR bereits von Anfang an nicht gewillt waren der politischen Linie widersprechende Strukturen zuzulassen, auch wenn diese den örtlichen Gegebenheiten besser entsprachen als die politisch gewollten, aber oft kaum lebensfähigen Neubauernwirtschaften. So markiert die Zwangsauflösung der Steinbacher Kollektive anderthalb Jahre vor Beginn der Propagierung der Kollektivierung das zynische Primat der Machtpolitik vor der Sicherung der Versorgung der Bevölkerung mit Lebensmitteln.

“Pretty much just ‘fluffing’ around” : The complexity of safeguarding farmland biodiversity in Scania through the Greening

Goldring, Desiree, Petersson, Ingrid January 2021 (has links)
Intensified agriculture has led to a dramatic decline of farmland biodiversity in Europe during the 20th century, making farmland policies of utmost importance within the European Union [EU]. The Greening, which is a part of the Common Agricultural Policy [CAP] was created to combat the negative effects of intensified agriculture. However, the policy did not achieve the goal of safeguarding farmland biodiversity and will be replaced in the upcoming CAP-reform. This study researches if a landscape perspective and nature-inclusive farming can increase the efficiency of the Greening in Scanian farmlands. Through semi-structured interviews with professionals on a regional level, we investigated: What are the obstacles that hinder regional solutions to farmland biodiversity issues in Scania, Sweden? Through the lens of governance, the results emphasized a need for new arrangements between all stakeholders in order to solve the issue of declining farmland biodiversity in Scania. The main obstacles for incorporating a landscape perspective and nature-inclusive farming are the lack of regional influence in the Greening, short program periods, and low profitability for farmers. We argue that these obstacles stem from the complex, multilevel governing system of the EU, and the projectification of the CAP. We suggest adopting a Common Pool Resource [CPR] framework for farmland biodiversity in Scania as an efficient way of surpassing the obstacles. However, further research is needed to create a cohesive view of the use value of farmland biodiversity. We concluded that although the results might be applicable to other regions within the EU, it is important to further research other regions in terms of local landscape conditions and local governance for effective results. / Intensifierat jordbruk har inneburit en dramatisk minskning av den biologiska mångfalden i jordbrukslandskap i Europa under 1900-talet, vilket gör jordbrukspolitiken central inom Europeiska unionen [EU]. Förgröningsstödet, som är en del av EU:s gemensamma jordbrukspolitik, skapades för att motverka de negativa effekterna av intensifierat jordbruk. Förgröningsstödet uppnådde emellertid inte målet att skydda den biologiska mångfalden i jordbrukslandskap, och kommer att ersättas i nästkommande reform. Den här studien undersökte om ett landskapsperspektiv, samt naturinkluderande jordbruk kunde öka ändamålsenligheten av Förgröningsstödet i det skånska jordbrukslandskapet. Genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer med tjänstemän på en regional nivå, undersöktes: Vilka är hindren som motarbetar regionala lösningar på problem som berör biologisk mångfald inom det skånska jordbruket? Utifrån ett governance-perspektiv, betonade resultaten ett behov av nya arrangemang mellan samtliga aktörer för att lösa problemet med minskad biologisk mångfald inom skånskt jordbruk. De främsta hindren för att inkludera ett landskapsperspektiv samt naturinkluderande jordbruk var bristen på regionalt inflytande, de korta programperioderna, samt låg lönsamhet för jordbrukare. Vi hävdar att hindren härrör från den komplexa flernivåstyrningen inom den gemensamma jordbrukspolitiken, samt projektifiering av den. Vi föreslår att anta ett Common Pool Resource [CPR] ramverk för biologisk mångfald inom skånskt jordbruk som ett effektivt sätt att övervinna hindren. Ytterligare forskning behövs dock för att skapa en enhetlig bild av användningsvärdet av biologisk mångfald i jordbrukslandskap. Avslutningsvis menar vi att även om resultaten kan gå att applicera på andra regioner inom EU, ligger det stor vikt vid att undersöka lokala förhållanden inom landskap och styrning för att nå effektiva resultat

Climate change adaptation in agriculture - securing food, livelihoods and the environment : From a farm-perspective

Friberg, Josefine, Haugland, Tove January 2021 (has links)
Conventional agriculture has impacts on the environment such as soil degradation, biodiversity loss and pollution of ecosystems, which could be enhanced further by climate change. The effects can be more or less extensive depending on whether adaptation is carried out. Agriculture in Sweden is controlled by EU- and national regulations that set the rules and possibilities for adaptation through financial and advisory support. This study aimed to examine what impacts climate change will impose on the agriculture in Sweden, as well as how the theoretical and practical side of the adaptation measures available through policy regulations, is perceived on farm level. The question of research was: ‘How sufficient are the agricultural policy regulations in enabling Swedish farmers to adapt to climate change?’, which was investigated by interviewing Swedish farmers. The results were analyzed through the theoretical framework adaptive capacity, as a criterion for successfully enabling climate change adaptation. The results showed that several barriers exist within the regulations which can obstruct adaptation due to bureaucratic complexity and a gap between theory and practice in regard to the effectiveness of measures. The results also showed that economic, human and social capital included in the adaptation capacity concept can be strengthened for better adaptation. The discussion presented several points of improvement for regulations to adopt a practical farm-perspective in order to enable farmers to adapt to climate change. / Konventionellt jordbruk har negativa effekter på miljön, såsom markförstöring, förlust av biologisk mångfald och förorening av omgivande ekosystem, vilket kan förvärras av klimatförändringar. Effekterna kan bli mer eller mindre omfattande beroende på om anpassning genomförs. Jordbruket i Sverige styrs av Europeiska- och nationella lagar som anger regler och möjligheter för anpassning genom ekonomiska och rådgivande stöd. Studien syftade till att undersöka vilka konsekvenser klimatförändringarna kan innebära för jordbruket i Sverige, samt hur den teoretiska och praktiska sidan av anpassningsåtgärder tillgängliga genom regelverket, uppfattas på gårdsnivå. Frågeställningen för undersökningen var således: ‘Hur tillräckliga är existerande regelverk i att möjliggöra svenska jordbrukares anpassning till klimatförändringar?’. Forskningsfrågan undersöktes genom en intervjustudie med svenska lantbrukare. Resultatet analyserades genom det teoretiska ramverket Anpassnings-kapacitet som är ett kriterium för att möjliggöra klimatanpassning. Resultatet visade att det existerar hinder inom regelverket som begränsar anpassning på grund av byråkratisk komplexitet samt en klyfta mellan teori och praktik gällande utvecklingen och effekten av åtgärder, vilket gav slutsatsen att regelverkets ansträngningar i att möjliggöra anpassning är överlag otillräckliga. Resultatet visade att ekonomiskt, human- och socialt kapital som ingår i konceptet Anpassnings-kapacitet kan stärkas för att bättre anpassning ska ske. Diskussionen presenterar flera förbättringar för att regelverket ska kunna anta ett gårds-perspektiv för att göra det möjligt för lantbrukare att anpassa sig till klimatförändringarna.

Tvorba národní pozice k vinařské reformě v rámci SZP: případ konceptu Multilevel governance? (příklad Francie) / Formation of national position on Wine Reform within Common Agricultural Policy: a case of the concept of Multi-level governance? (example of France)

Svačinová, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
This thesis examines the applicability of the theoretical concept of Multilevel governance through a case study of the European Union's Common Agricultural Policy, more specifically a case study of the reform of the Common Market Organisation for Wine. The study focuses on the creation of the French national position regarding this reform. The primary aim is to determine whether the behaviour of the actors involved in the negotiation process corresponds conforms to the principles of the MLG concept. A secondary aim of the study is to identify the national particularities that could have an impact on certain aspects of the MLG concept. Since several of these aspects have not been proved in France because of the strong influence of national particularities, supplementary research has been done in the Czech Republic. In this country also, some aspects of the MLG concept were not applied. The thesis reaches the conclusion that the concept of MLG is applicable in the case of the negotiation process for the reform of the CMO for Wine even though some principles of MLG were not confirmed. This lack of applicability was caused by the influence of certain particularities of the country which are not engaged in the theoretical framework of the MLG concept. It is recommended that the possible influence of national...

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