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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Towards a Fourth Food Regime? A sustainability analysis on modern agriculture in Schwäbisch Hall, Germany / På väg mot en fjärde livsmedelsregim? En hållbarhetsanalys av det moderna jordbruket i Schwäbisch Hall, Tyskland

Feinauer, Lea Noemi January 2023 (has links)
At my thesis’s core is the transformation of the agricultural industry based on the framework of food regimes established by Philip McMichael and Harriet Friedmann. The framework of food regimes will guide the analysis of recent agricultural developments towards sustainability. Due to the local nature of the food production system, I focused my thesis on one county in the South of Germany, Schwäbisch Hall, which allows me to look at local developments and how they affect our broader global food system. I will begin the thesis by analysing the effects of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) on agricultural actors in Schwäbisch Hall. After that, I will thoroughly examine the term “sustainable agriculture” within the context of sustainability and how the term is perceived by agricultural actors in Schwäbisch Hall. I will then explore three crucial global sustainability issues in the agricultural sector and how these global issues are influencing and transforming the agricultural industry on a local level. The sustainability issues include Food Security, Environmental Issues and Climate Change, and Consumption Issues. The analysis will explore how these issues, along with the recent CAP reform, can shape and advance the agricultural industry in the future. To analyse the CAP and sustainable agriculture, the study will employ the Actor-Network Theory (ANT), which will provide insights into the operational dynamics and interplay of networks within the industry as they mutually influence each other. I also use interviews with agricultural actors and news articles to get a more profound knowledge of opinions on the developments within the agricultural sector. After analysing current sustainability issues and the most recent CAP reform, I will discuss the agricultural sector's future in Germany and how the agricultural industry could develop further in the upcoming years. I will also look more into the possibilities of organic farming and its importance in establishing a more sustainable agricultural sector. At the end of my thesis, I will examine if, with the recent developments in the agricultural industry, there is a chance that a new fourth food regime can be established soon in the broader prospect of our global food system.

I brexits kölvatten : En deduktiv innehållsanalys av Sveriges strategiska agerande i Europeiska unionens råd

Holmberg, Vera January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the understanding of preference formation in the European Union. Thus, the study aims to answer the following research question: How were Sweden’s preferences in the Council of the EU affected by the British exit from the EU? The study tracked Swedish preferences within two policy areas: labor market policy, which is assessed to have high salience, and the common agricultural policy, which is assessed to have lower salience. The method used was a quasi-experimental design, comparing the stance of the Swedish government in the time periods before, during and after Brexit. The main finding of the study was that the content of Swedish preferences remained the same within both policy areas. However, the preferences for national competency over labor market regulation was stronger after Brexit than before. Based on these results, the paper reaches the conclusion that there is no evidence of Sweden adapting national preferences to a changed composition of preferences in the council. Even without support from a large state, Sweden maintains outlier positions in issues of both high and low salience. Hence, the study’s empirical findings confirm the understanding of preferences as stable and independent from a changing international setting.

The impact of economic liberalisation on the spatial patterns of peasant crop farming in Zambia since 1991 : the case of Chibombo District in central Zambia

Malambo, Augrey Hicigaali 30 November 1999 (has links)
This is a comparative study of the spatial patterns of peasant crop farming in Chibombo District between the 1980s and the 1990s. The study lists and discusses the agricultural support system, communication infrastructure and the crop production and patterns of the 1980s within the environment of centralised planning and then compares these to the structures and patterns of the 1990s in an atmosphere of economic liberalisation. This comparison in crop production, cropping patterns, institutional support systems and the communication infrastructure in five sampled farming wards of Chibombo District, leads to the conclusion that there is a marked change in the structures and patterns of the 1990s from those of the 1980s. Thus, in Chibombo District, the state of the communication infrastructure in the 1990s is generally poorer than the communication infrastructure of the 1980s, the agricultural support system of the 1990s is largely privately owned and found in fewer farming areas while the agricultural support system of the 1980s was state controlled and more widely spread, and crop patterns in some farming wards are different in the 1990s from those of the 1980s. In the 1990s, crop production in farming wards with a supportive environment has increased than it was in the 1980s but decreased in those where a conducive environment lacks. In this line, the study makes several recommendations for consideration on how to mitigate the problems that the peasant farmers are facing or how to enhance the positive changes that have occurred in Chibombo District. / Geography / M.A. (Geography)

Převod (ne)zdvořilosti při tlumočení / The transfer of (im)politeness in interpreting

Kavínová, Martina January 2014 (has links)
While the linguistic concept of politeness has been thoroughly analyzed, the same does not apply to its interpreting. The present theoretical-empirical work describes the means for expressing politeness grouped by G. Leechʼs maxims of politeness. The empirical part analyzes recordings of simultaneous interpretation from media and European Parliament settings. This is a quantitative study and the outcome is the number of means for expressing politeness which the interpreters conveyed into Czech. On average and in all of the material 65,7 % of means for expressing politeness were conveyed into Czech in compliance with the maxims. The means analyzed are prosody, non-verbal communication, modality, personal reference, etc. An equivalent interpretation of means of politeness was deemed desirable. The thesis verifies the hypothesis whether the level of politeness significantly increased in comparison with the original speeches. Key words: politeness, pragmatics, illocutionary act, maxims of politeness, face, modality, prosody, non- verbal communication, Czech, English, interpreting, equivalence, US presidential debate, Obama, Romney, Common Agricultural Policy, European Parliament, Catherine Ashton, forms of address

Economy-wide Modelling of Seasonal Labour and Natural Resource Policies

Feuerbacher, Arndt 28 March 2019 (has links)
Die vorliegende Dissertation widmet sich methodischen und empirischen Forschungsfragen mit Bezug auf saisonale Arbeitsmärkte und Politiken zur nachhaltigen Nutzung natürlicher Ressourcen. Hierfür wird ein gesamtwirtschaftlicher Modellierungsansatz angewendet, für den das im südöstlichen Himalaya gelegene Königreich Bhutan als empirische Fallstudie dient. Das methodische Forschungsziel der Arbeit ist, die Relevanz der Darstellung von saisonalen Arbeitsmärkten innerhalb von allgemeinen Gleichgewichtsmodellen (sog. CGE Modelle) zu ergründen. Dies stellt eine Neuheit in der Literatur dar. Die Arbeit zeigt auf, dass Modelle ohne saisonale Arbeitsmärkte systematisch Ergebnisse, wie Angebotsreaktionen und Wohlstandseffekte, verzerren. Die Saisonalität von Arbeit hat eine hohe Relevanz für gesamtwirtschaftliche Analysen im Kontext landwirtschaftlich geprägter Volkswirtschaften, insbesondere für Untersuchungen des Strukturwandels und agrarpolitischer Interventionen. Empirisch wird die wechselseitige Abhängigkeit von Politiken zum nachhaltigen Management natürlicher Ressourcen mit Zielen des Umweltschutzes und der ländlichen Entwicklung untersucht. Basierend auf unterschiedlichen Modellierungsansätzen, konzentrieren sich drei Studien auf agrar- und forstpolitische Szenarien in Bhutan. Es wird gezeigt, dass Bhutans Ziel, seinen landwirtschaftlichen Sektor auf 100% ökologische Landwirtschaft umzustellen, zu substantiellen Wohlfahrtsverlusten und negativen Folgen für die Ernährungssicherung führen würde. Die Analyse verschiedener forstpolitischer Szenarien demonstriert, dass eine höhere Forstnutzung in Bhutan im Sinne der gesamtwirtschaftlichen und ländlichen Entwicklung nachhaltig möglich ist. Die Arbeit weist auf verschiedene zukünftige Forschungsfelder hin, wie zum Beispiel die Integration von Ökosystemdienstleistungen, was als eine der wesentlichen Einschränkungen bei der modellgestützten Analyse von Politiken zur Nutzung natürlicher Ressourcen identifiziert wurde. / Using an economy-wide modelling approach, this dissertation investigates methodological and empirical research questions related to seasonal labour markets and natural resource policies. The Kingdom of Bhutan, located in the south-eastern Himalayas, serves as a case study. The methodological research objective of this thesis is to gain an understanding of the relevance of seasonal labour markets in the context of economy-wide modelling. The depiction of seasonal labour markets at national scale using a seasonal social accounting matrix (SAM) and computable general equilibrium (CGE) model presents a novel development within the literature. It is demonstrated, that the absence of seasonal labour markets leads to systematic bias of model results. The consequences are distorted supply responses and biased welfare effects, underlining the pivotal implications of seasonality for economy-wide analysis in the context of agrarian economies, particularly for scenario analysis involving structural changes and agricultural policy interventions. The empirical research objective addresses the interdependence of natural resource policies with objectives of environmental conservation and rural development. Employing modelling techniques, three studies focus on specific agricultural and forest policy scenarios in Bhutan. Simulating Bhutan’s ambitious policy objective to convert to 100% organic agriculture demonstrates substantial welfare losses and adverse impacts on food security, causing trade-offs with objectives of rural development and food self-sufficiency. Analysing forest policy reforms shows that increased forest utilization contributes to economic development, particularly in rural areas, without jeopardizing the country’s forest conservation agenda. The dissertation points at numerous areas of future research, as for example the incorporation of ecosystem services, which is identified as one key limitation of economy-wide analysis of natural resource policies.

Decentralization in the Kyrgyz agricultural sector

Crewett, Wibke 22 August 2016 (has links)
Seit der Unabhängigkeit der zentralasiatischen Republik Kirgisistan haben Politik, Verwaltung und Ökonomie verschiedene Formen von Dezentralisierung erfahren. Diese Dissertation umfasst fünf Essays, die die Dezentralisierung im landwirtschafltichen Sektor aus institutionenökonomischer Sicht untersuchen. Die ersten zwei Essays geben detaillierte Einblicke in die institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen von Dezentralisierung und beurteilen ihrer Wirkung in Hinblick auf Serviceverfügbarkeit und -qualität in dörflichen Gemeinden. Die folgenden drei Essays untersuchen, anhand einzelner und multipler Fallstudien, ein spezifisches Beispiel der Dezentralisierung landwirtschaftlicher Services: die Einführung von gemeindebasiertem Weidemanagement. Es lassen sich drei Ergebnisse ableiten: Erstens, internationale Nichtregierungsorganisationen (NROs) steuern das ländliche Dienstleistungsangebot und fördern die Bildung gemeindebasierter Nutzergruppen für ausgewählte Services. Zweitens, Institutionen zur Implementierung der Servicebereitstellung werden von NROs entwickelt; drittens, die Servicebereitsstellung ist nicht befriedigend und das Potential zur Berücksichtigung lokaler Servicebedürfnisse und lokalen Wissens wird nur teilweise ausgeschöpft, da die Implementierung keine umfassende Servicenutzerbeteiligung sicherstellt. Die Wirkungen gemeindebasierter Dezentralisierungsprozesse sind als Ergebnis rationaler Handlungsentscheidungen von lokalen Mitarbeitern der NRO und Verantwortlichen in der dörflichen Verwaltung zu verstehen. Diese Entscheidungen sind vielfach durch extern entwickelte, und teilweise unpassende, Institutionen bestimmt. Verbesserte Implementierungsstrategien sind daher notwendig. Diese sind auf Basis detaillierter qualitativer Studien des lokalen Umsetzungskontexts zu entwickeln. / Since the Central Asian Kyrgyz Republic gained independence from the Soviet Union, policy making, administration and economy have seen some form of decentralization. This dissertation contains five essays which study decentralization in the Kyrgyz agricultural sector from an institutional economics perspective. The first two essays provide in-depth information on the institutional setting of decentralization and its effects on service availability and quality at municipality level. The subsequent three essays explore, based on single and multiple case studies, one specific field of decentralized agricultural services: a community-based natural resource management reform in the pasture sector. The three key findings are: first, international NGOs govern rural service provision and support the creation of community-based service user groups for selected services; second, the NGOs design institutions for implementation and provide financial resources; third, service provision is unadequate and, because implementation does not provide for broader service user involvement in decision making, service user needs and local knowledge impact service decisions only to a very limited degree. The overall result of the dissertation is that the municipality-level processes of decentralization must be understood as outcomes of rational decision making of lowest-level NGO staff and municipality level policy administrators. These decisions are impacted by partly inappropriate, externally designed implementation institutions. Improved implementation rule design is therefore needed. The recommendation from this research is therefore to use detailed qualitative studies of implementation contexts as a basis for developing better tailored implementation strategies.

Analyse der EU-Milchmarktpolitik bei Unsicherheit

Grams, Michael 10 March 2004 (has links)
Agrarmärkte sind oft durch Unsicherheit gekennzeichnet - hervorgerufen vor allem durch Zufallsschwankungen in Angebot und Nachfrage. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Studie besteht darin, die Konsequenzen solcher Unsicherheiten für die Bewertung und Gestaltung der vor einer grundlegenden Neuausrichtung stehenden EU-Milchmarktpolitik zu untersuchen. Zunächst legen empirische Betrachtungen anhand der Zeitreihen verschiedener Marktgrößen nahe, dass Unsicherheit für die Akteure auf dem EU-Milchmarkt tatsächlich ein relevantes Phänomen ist. So sind etwa Preisschwankungen trotz der auf eine Marktstabilisierung ausgerichteten staatlichen Eingriffe zu beobachten. Anhaltspunkte konnten auch zu den Ursachen der Marktunsicherheiten gewonnen werden. Während Angebot und Nachfrage in der EU eine eher stabile Entwicklung aufweisen, neigen die internationalen Milchproduktmärkte zu Fluktuationen. Zur Analyse der Auswirkungen staatlicher Eingriffe auf dem Milchmarkt bei Unsicherheit dient ein stochastisches partielles Marktgleichgewichtsmodell. Das Modell bildet die spezifischen Strukturen des Milchmarkts mit dem Rohmilchangebot, der Milchverarbeitung und der Nachfrage nach den verschiedenen Milchprodukten ab. Zur Integration von Unsicherheit wird die Modellstruktur um stochastische Variablen in den Angebots- und Nachfragefunktionen erweitert. Mit Quotenregelung, Zöllen und Exporterstattungen lassen sich wesentliche Politikinstrumente untersuchen. Gegenstand der Betrachtungen sind mögliche Auswirkungen einer neuen multilateralen Handelsvereinbarung im Rahmen der Welthandelsorganisation (WTO) sowie die Effekte dreier für den Milchmarkt formulierter Politikszenarien. Diese Politikoptionen sind die im Juni 2003 in Luxemburg beschlossene Agrarreform, eine in der Fachöffentlichkeit oft diskutierte Quotenkürzung und eine vollständige Liberalisierung des Milchmarkts samt Quotenabschaffung. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass veränderte Preis- und Mengeneingriffe nicht nur zu Verschiebungen im Niveau von Zielgrößen, wie beispielsweise von Erzeugerpreisen und Erlösen in der EU und auf Drittlandsmärkten führen, sondern ebenso zu veränderten Streuungen. Zusätzliche Einsichten vermitteln die Ergebnisse darüber hinaus bezüglich der Unsicherheit in der Planung der öffentlichen Ausgaben am Milchmarkt und in der Vorhersage der Wohlfahrtseffekte von Politikänderungen. Gegenüber einer deterministischen Betrachtung wird eine Politikanalyse am Milchmarkt unter expliziter Berücksichtigung von Unsicherheit damit komplexer und die Beurteilung von Politikoptionen differenzierter.

The impact of economic liberalisation on the spatial patterns of peasant crop farming in Zambia since 1991 : the case of Chibombo District in central Zambia

Malambo, Augrey Hicigaali 30 November 1999 (has links)
This is a comparative study of the spatial patterns of peasant crop farming in Chibombo District between the 1980s and the 1990s. The study lists and discusses the agricultural support system, communication infrastructure and the crop production and patterns of the 1980s within the environment of centralised planning and then compares these to the structures and patterns of the 1990s in an atmosphere of economic liberalisation. This comparison in crop production, cropping patterns, institutional support systems and the communication infrastructure in five sampled farming wards of Chibombo District, leads to the conclusion that there is a marked change in the structures and patterns of the 1990s from those of the 1980s. Thus, in Chibombo District, the state of the communication infrastructure in the 1990s is generally poorer than the communication infrastructure of the 1980s, the agricultural support system of the 1990s is largely privately owned and found in fewer farming areas while the agricultural support system of the 1980s was state controlled and more widely spread, and crop patterns in some farming wards are different in the 1990s from those of the 1980s. In the 1990s, crop production in farming wards with a supportive environment has increased than it was in the 1980s but decreased in those where a conducive environment lacks. In this line, the study makes several recommendations for consideration on how to mitigate the problems that the peasant farmers are facing or how to enhance the positive changes that have occurred in Chibombo District. / Geography / M.A. (Geography)

Odbytové organizace a jejich význam ve společné zemědělské politice / Marketing Estabilishments and their Importance in the Common Agricultural Policy

IRMIŠOVÁ, Monika January 2008 (has links)
The thesis is aimed at an analysis of marketing organizations within the frame ot the Common Agricultural Policy. Marketing organizations are one ot the forms of co-operation and these are usually horizontal co-operation, i.e. at the same level ot the logistics chain. This form of co-operation is called marketing organizations or marketing co-operatives in the agrarian sector. Voluntary grouping of farmers into marketing organizations is common both in the Czech Republic and within the whole European Union. To conclud the thesis, it can be said that the existence of co-operation is very important for functioning of agriculture and that agribusiness without any membership in any co-operative association is often very difficult.

Evaluación de las organizaciones de productores de frutas y hortalizas en el marco de la Organización Común de Mercados. El caso de la Comunidad Valenciana

Anido Rivas, José Daniel 25 November 2015 (has links)
[EN] The main objectives of this research were to analyze the role of the fruit and vegetables producer organizations (FVPOs), the recent developments in the fruit and vegetables sector, and the performance of these organizations in achieving one of the main objectives in the F&V Common Market Organizations (CMO) framework (i.e., to concentrate supply or marketed turnovers in the F&V sector), with special emphasis in the Valencian Community, in Spain. A set of indicators and variables were examined in order to study FVPOs dynamics and performance through operational programs (OP) aimed to increase the organization level as a necessary condition to balance the market power within the horticultural value chain. The study has been divided into six chapters, as follows: Chapter 1 summarizes the background research (referring specifically to the evaluations of operational programs by the EU Court of Auditors in 1996 and 2001, research on producer organizations of fruits and vegetables in Spain and / or some specific autonomous community, as well as DEA models to evaluate efficiency). Chapter 2 provides the frame of reference and methodological aspects of the thesis. Chapter 3 develops the theoretical framework widely referred to as the CMO (as instruments of the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union), the nature of producer organizations, the value chain and the role of producer organizations under EU legislation to rebalance the power within value chain, and also the chronology of judicial-legal framework governing the fruit and vegetables sector. Chapter 4 briefly presents and discusses recent facts and the main trends of horticulture (referred to agricultural areas, production, prices, value of production and trade variables), within the EU, Spain, and the Valencian Community. Chapter 5 examines the dynamics of producer organizations (and organization or concentration of supply behavior) in the three regions mentioned above, with an emphasis on producers integrated to associations under the legal form of cooperatives and agricultural processing companies (SAT, is Spanish). Finally, in Chapter 6, a model was estimated by using deterministic parametric technique of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), to evaluate the efficiency of a FVPOs sample from the Valencian Community. The research uses a comprehensive epistemic approach, by combining elements of rationalism and empiricism; the first two phases (Chapters 1 to 5) are predominantly descriptive, while the last phase (Chapter 6) is mainly empirical. Secondary sources of information were used, including bibliographic, periodical, and economic-financial (accounting). The main findings point out that at the EU level there is still a strong concentration of power in the retail sector, although it has increased the turnovers marketed by FVPOs. Meanwhile, for the case of Spain there is a slight downward trend in the number of recognized POs although they have increased their importance in their turnovers. Finally, in the Valencian Community the number of FVPOs has increased (7% more than in 2006, although it tends to stabilize) and some of it in their dimension, while they had consolidated their export orientation, and also with signs of a slight trend towards concentration in the F&V sector. The envelopment analysis model and the estimated production function for the FVPOs sample of the Valencian Community concluded that it is possible to improve their performance if FVPOs use more efficiently their inputs, among them, operating funds. / [ES] El objetivo principal de esta investigación fue analizar el papel de las organizaciones de productores de frutas y hortalizas (OPFH), la evolución reciente del sector hortofrutícola y el desempeño de las OPFH en la consecución de uno de los objetivos fundamentales (concentrar la oferta comercializada a través de ellas), previsto por la Organización Común de Mercados del sector, con especial énfasis en la Comunidad Valenciana, España. Con ese fin se examinaron indicadores y variables para estudiar su dinámica su y desempeño a través de los programas operativos (PO), dirigidos particularmente a aumentar la organización como condición necesaria para equilibrar el poder de mercado dentro de la cadena de valor hortofrutícola. El trabajo ha sido estructurado en seis capítulos: en el primero se sintetizan los antecedentes de la investigación (referidos específicamente a las evaluaciones de los Programas Operativos a nivel comunitario Tribunal de Cuentas de la UE en 1996 y 2001, a estudios sobre organizaciones de productores de frutas y hortalizas en España y/o algunas CC.AA. específicas, así como a la aplicación de modelos DEA para evaluar eficiencia). En el segundo se presentan el marco referencial y los aspectos metodológicos de la investigación. En el tercero se desarrolla ampliamente el marco teórico referido a las Organizaciones Comunes de Mercados (en tanto instrumentos de la Política Agraria Común de la Unión Europea), la naturaleza de las organizaciones de productores, la cadena de valor y el papel de las OPFH en el marco de la legislación comunitaria para reequilibrar el poder dentro de ella, así como la cronología del marco jurídico-legal que regula el funcionamiento del sector de las frutas y hortalizas. El capítulo 4 caracteriza y analiza sucintamente el comportamiento reciente y las principales tendencias del sector hortofrutícola (superficie agraria, producción, precios, valor de la producción y comercio), en los ámbitos geográficos de la UE, de España y de la Comunidad Valenciana. El capítulo 5 examina la dinámica de las organizaciones de productores (organización o concentración de la oferta) en los tres ámbitos antes señalados, con énfasis en los productores integrados en entidades asociativas bajo la forma jurídica de cooperativas y sociedades agrarias de transformación. Finalmente, en el 6 se estima un modelo utilizando la técnica paramétrica no determinística del Análisis Envolvente de Datos (DEA), con la finalidad de evaluar la eficiencia de una muestra de OPFH de la Comunidad Valenciana. La investigación utiliza un enfoque epistémico integral, combinando elementos del racionalismo y del empirismo: las dos primeras fases (capítulos 1 al 5) son predominantemente descriptivas, en tanto la tercera (capítulo 6) es de carácter empírico. Para ello se utilizaron fuentes secundarias de información, tanto bibliográficas y hemerográficas, como económico-financieras (contables). Los principales hallazgos dan cuenta que a nivel comunitario, si bien ha aumentado el volumen de oferta comercializado por las OPFH, aún persiste una fuerte concentración de poder en el sector de la distribución. En España ¿por su parte¿ hay una leve tendencia decreciente en el Nº de entidades asociativas, si bien estas han aumentado su importancia en el volumen de negocios facturado. Finalmente, en la Comunidad Valenciana ha aumentado el Nº OPFH (7% más que en 2006, aunque tiende a estabilizarse) y algunas de ella en su dimensión, al tiempo que han consolidado su orientación exportadora, con indicios de una leve tendencia a la concentración del sector. Del modelo de análisis envolvente y de la función de producción estimada para una muestra de OPFH de la CV se concluye que es posible mejorar su eficiencia si se emplean más eficientemente sus insumos productivos, entre ellos, los fondos operativos. / [CAT] L'objectiu principal d'aquesta investigació va ser analitzar el paper de les organitzacions de productors de fruites i hortalisses (OPFH), l'evolució recent del sector hortofructícola i l'acompliment de les OPFH en la consecució de l'objectiu fonamental de concentrar l'oferta comercialitzada a través d'elles -previst per l'Organització Comuna de Mercats del sector, OCM-, amb especial èmfasi en la Comunitat Valenciana (CV), Espanya. Amb aquesta finalitat es van examinar indicadors i variables per estudiar la seva dinàmica i el seu acompliment a través dels programes operatius (PO), dirigits particularment a augmentar l'organització com a condició necessària per a equilibrar el poder de mercat dins de la cadena de valor hortofructícola. El treball ha estat estructurat en sis capítols: en el primer es sintetitzen els antecedents de la recerca (referits específicament a les avaluacions dels Programes Operatius a nivell comunitari Tribunal de Comptes de la UE en 1996 i 2001, a estudis sobre organitzacions de productors de fruites i hortalisses a Espanya i / o algunes CCAA específiques, així com a l'aplicació de models DEA per avaluar eficiència). En el segon es presenten el marc referencial i els aspectes metodològics de la investigació. En el tercer es desenvolupa àmpliament el marc teòric referit a les Organitzacions Comunes de Mercats (en tant instruments de la Política Agrària Comuna de la Unió Europea), la naturalesa de les organitzacions de productors, la cadena de valor i el paper de les OPFH en el marc de la legislació comunitària per reequilibrar el poder dins d'ella, així com la cronologia del marc jurídic-legal que regula el funcionament del sector de les fruites i hortalisses. El capítol 4 caracteritza i analitza succintament el comportament recent i les principals tendències del sector hortofructícola (superfície agrària, producció, preus, valor de la producció i comerç), en els àmbits geogràfics de la UE, d'Espanya i de la Comunitat Valenciana. El capítol 5 examina la dinàmica de les organitzacions de productors (organització o concentració de l'oferta) en els tres àmbits abans assenyalats, amb èmfasi en els productors integrats en entitats associatives sota la forma jurídica de cooperatives i societats agràries de transformació. Finalment, en el 6 s'estima un model utilitzant la tècnica paramètrica no determinística de l'Anàlisi Envoltant de Dades (DEA), amb la finalitat d'avaluar l'eficiència d'una mostra d'OPFH de la Comunitat Valenciana. La investigació utilitza un enfocament epistèmic integral, combinant elements del racionalisme i de l'empirisme: les dues primeres fases (capítols 1 al 5) són predominantment descriptives, en tant la tercera (capítol 6) és de caràcter empíric. Per a això es van utilitzar fonts secundàries d'informació, tant bibliogràfiques i hemerogràfiques, com econòmic-financeres (comptables). Els principals resultats donen compte que a nivell comunitari, si bé ha augmentat el volum d'oferta comercialitzada per les OPFH, encara persisteix una forta concentració de poder en el sector de la distribució. A Espanya, d'altra banda, hi ha una lleu tendència decreixent al N º d'entitats associatives, si bé aquestes han augmentat la seva importància en el volum de facturació. Finalment, a la Comunitat Valenciana ha augmentat el N º d'OPFH (7% més que el 2006, encara que tendeix a estabilitzar) i algunes d'ella en la seva dimensió, alhora que han consolidat la seva orientació exportadora, amb indicis d'una lleu tendència a la concentració del sector. Del model d'anàlisi DEA i de la funció de producció estimada per a una mostra d'OPFH de la CV es conclou que és possible millorar la seva eficiència si utilitzen més eficientment els seus insums productius, entre ells, els fons operatius. / Anido Rivas, JD. (2015). Evaluación de las organizaciones de productores de frutas y hortalizas en el marco de la Organización Común de Mercados. El caso de la Comunidad Valenciana [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/58046 / TESIS

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