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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Valorisation du tourteau de colza par fermentation en milieu solide pour une application en alimentation animale / Valorization of rapeseed meal by solid state fermentation for an application in animal nutrition

Sutter, Stéphanie 18 December 2017 (has links)
La fermentation en milieu solide (FMS) est un procédé biotechnologique particulièrement bien adapté au traitement de la biomasse végétale. Cette technologie, extrapolable à l’échelle industrielle, peut répondre aux besoins actuels du marché de l’alimentation animale en développant des produits fermentés visant à améliorer les qualités des matières premières d’un point de vue nutritionnel et fonctionnel. Les travaux de recherche présentés dans cette thèse développent ces aspects à partir du tourteau de colza issu du procédé de trituration des graines.Un premier criblage a mis en évidence le potentiel de certaines souches fongiques en prenant en compte les performances de croissance et leur capacité à enrichir le tourteau en protéines totales et digestibles. Des teneurs comparables à celles du tourteau de soja, principale source de protéine en nutrition animale, ont d’ailleurs été atteintes. Une activité biologique d’intérêt a ensuite été démontrée in vitro sur cellules immunitaires. Cette voie, inexplorée jusqu’à présent à partir de culture en milieu solide, confère une valeur ajoutée au produit fermenté via un apport en composés immunomodulateurs naturels d’origine fongique comme les β-glucanes. Ces derniers suscitent un intérêt croissant car ils représentent une alternative à l’utilisation des antibiotiques comme facteur de croissance. L’étude consacrée à la phase d’optimisation du procédé FMS a permis d’accroître les performances de croissance de la souche A. sojae et de définir une stratégie visant à maintenir les conditions optimales de croissance en réacteur pré-pilote à couche profonde. Des complications liées à la granulométrie très fine du tourteau de colza et à la qualité microbiologique qui évolue en cours de fermentation dans des conditions non stériles ont pu être identifiées mais le procédé mis en place a alors permis de les maîtriser en partie. / Solid state fermentation (SSF) is a biotechnological process particularly well adapted to the treatment of vegetable biomass. This technology adjustable to industrial scale, is adapted to current challenges in animal nutrition by developing fermented products in order to improve the quality of raw materials from a nutritional and functional point of view. The work presented in this thesis considers these issues using rapeseed meal from the oil crushing industry.A first screening study highlighted several fungal strains based on their growth performance and protein enrichment (total and digestible) of the substrate. Levels similar to those of soybean meal, the main protein source in animal nutrition, have also been reached. An interesting biological activity was then reported in vitro on immune cells. To date, this way has never been investigated concerning solid state culture. The presence of fungal immunomodulatory compounds as β-glucan confers added value to the fermented product. Recently, there has been growing interest in natural immunomodulators as they represent an alternative to the use of antibiotics for growth promotion in food animal production. SSF process optimization improved the growth performance of the strain A. sojae and helped to determine the best strategy to maintain optimum growth conditions at larger scale in the deep-bed pre-pilot reactor. Complications related to the fine particle size of the rapeseed meal and the changes in microbiological quality during fermentation under non-sterile conditions were also identified and partially controlled by the process.
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Integrating novel circular economy technologies in complex trans-sector value chains : Case study of insect larvae conversion technology within waste and feed value chains / Integrering av ny teknik för cirkulär ekonomi i komplexa transsektoriella värdekedjor : Fallstudie av omvandlingsteknik för insektslarver inom avfalls- och fodervärdekedjan

Fadhila, Audinisa January 2020 (has links)
Even as the current linear value chains (LVC) of organic waste and animal feed hold the potential to become circular, these practices continue to pose major environmental risks such as deforestation and overfishing. Therefore, a novel circular value chain (CVC) is proposed, connecting the organic waste stream with animal feed production by the use of insect-based organic waste conversion technology. The Black Soldier Fly (BSF) is chosen as the insect-based conversion technology since it has nutritional properties, which serves both waste treatment and animal feed material production purposes. Although there are already initiatives and collaborations in the Swedish context, the transition has not yet been successful. The study aims to identify and propose required solutions for the value chain transition. By using the transitional study tools of Technological Innovation System (TIS) and Multi Level Perspective (MLP) alongside sustainable value chain transition studies, it is found that technological and information-related adjustments are required to further enable the transition. Technological adjustments are studied from the perspective of Ragn-Sells AB as a potential insect- based organic waste conversion actor. Scenarios to see economical sustainability were designed based on the quantity fluctuation of waste as material input (3,000 tons per year and 15,000 tons per year), possibility of automated operation which affects both investment and operating costs of the facility, and procurement of small BSF larvae (off-site and in-site breeding). From the different scenarios designed, it is found that the scenario with the capacity of 15,000 tons per year, higher investment due to automation, and on-site breeding is the most preferable for the case. To answer information- related needs, an Informational Flow Framework (IFF) is proposed. The IFF consists of “Value Chain Stakeholders”, “CVC Relevant Regulations”, “Information Data Pool”, and “Information Flow”. The framework’s main function is to identify the type of material information required to be distributed in the system and the stakeholders whom require and/or provide various information, with the main goal of increasing the trust among the stakeholders related to material information. / Trots att den nuvarande linjära värdekedjan (Linear Value Chain) för organiskt avfall och djurfoder har potentialen för en cirkulär ekonomi, så utgör den nuvarande praxisen fortfarande stora risker såsom avskogning samt överfiske. Därför föreslås en ny cirkulär värdekedja (Circular Value Chain), som förbinder den organiska avfallsströmmen med djurfoderproduktion med användning av insektbaserad omvandlingsteknologi för organiskt avfall. Svart soldat fluga (Black Soldier Fly/BSF) utses som den insektsbaserade omvandlingsteknologin eftersom den har näringsegenskaper som bistår både avfallsbehandling och djurfoderproduktionsändamål. Trots att det redan finns initiativ och samarbeten i det svenska sammanhanget har övergången ännu inte lyckats. Studien syftar till att identifiera och föreslå nödvändiga lösningar för den cirkuläravärdekedjan. Genom att använda övergångsstudieverktygen av Teknologiskt Innovations System (TIS) samt Multi Level Perspective (MLP) och diverse värdekedjeövergångsstudier, konstateras det att tekniska och informationsrelaterade justeringarkrävs för att ytterligare möjliggöra övergången från en linjär till en cirkulär värdekedja. Teknologiska anpassningar studeras ur Ragn-Sells ABs perspektiv som en potentiell aktör för omvandling av organiskt avfall. Scenarier för att undersöka ekonomisk hållbarhet utformades baserat påfluktuering av mängden avfall som materialinmatning (3,000 ton per år och 15, 000 ton per år), möjlighet till automatiserad drift som påverkar både CAPEX & OPEX i anläggningen (hög CAPEX och låg CAPEX), och upphandling av små BSF-larver (avel utanför anläggningen). Från de olika utformade scenarierna konstaterades att scenariot med en kapacitet på 15,000 ton per år, hög CAPEX och avel på plats är det mest fördelaktiga för Ragn Sells AB. För att besvara informationsrelaterad justering föreslås en informationsflödesram (IFF). IFF består av ”Value Chain Interessholders”, “CVC Relevant Regulations”, “Information Data Pool” och “Information Flow”. Ramens huvudfunktion är att identifiera vilken typ av materialinformation som krävs för att distribueras i systemet och den aktör som kräver och/eller tillhandahåller informationen, med det huvudsakliga målet att öka förtroendet bland aktörerna relaterade till materiell information.
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Effekt av olika antimikrobiella medel på tillväxt av bakterier / Effect of various antimicrobial agents on the growth of bacteria

Muhammed, Zhino January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med projektet var att studera effekten av olika antimikrobiella produkter på bakterietillväxt. Resultatet visade att Micrococcus luteus inte hade någon aktivitet i det 10% tunndrank-baserade LB-mediet (specifikt odlingsmedium för bakterien där tunndrank, en biprodukt från etanolindustri, har legat vid 10% koncentration) som användes under experimentet, medan antimikrobiellen Fermasure i höga koncentrationer nämligen 1600 ppm var effektivt mot bakterien Enterococcus faecium. Antimikrobiellen Vitahop vid koncentration av 25 ppm, hade framgång mot tillväxten av bakterien. Dessa antimikrobiella produkter kan användas vid odlingen av svamp för att inhibera tillväxten av bakterier. Resultaten kan hjälpa till att fastställa doseringen av antimikrobiella produkter under svamptillväxt i stor skala där kontamination kan vara ett problem. / The aim of the project was to study the effect of various antimicrobial products on bacterial growth. The results showed that Micrococcus luteus had no activity in the 10% thin-rank-based LB medium (specifically culture medium for the bacterium where thin draff, a by-product of the ethanol industry, has been at 10% concentration) used during the experiment, while the antimicrobial Fermasure in high concentrations namely 1600 ppm was effective against the bacterium Enterococcus faecium. The antimicrobial Vitahop at concentration of 25 ppm, had success against the growth of the bacterium. These antimicrobial products can be used in the cultivation of fungus to inhibit the growth of bacteria. The findings could help determine the dosage of antimicrobial products during fungal growth on a large scale where contamination can be a problem.
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Global trade, food production and ecosystem support : Making the interactions visible

Deutsch, Lisa January 2004 (has links)
<p>Modern food production is a complex, globalized system in which what we eat and how it is produced are increasingly disconnected. This thesis examines some of the ways in which global trade has changed the mix of inputs to food and feed, and how this affects food security and our perceptions of sustainability. One useful indicator of the ecological impact of trade in food and feed products is the Appropriated Ecosystem Areas (ArEAs), which estimates the terrestrial and aquatic areas needed to produce all the inputs to particular products.</p><p>The method is introduced in Paper I and used to calculate and track changes in imported subsidies to Swedish agriculture over the period 1962-1994. In 1994, Swedish consumers needed agricultural areas outside their national borders to satisfy more than a third of their food consumption needs. The method is then applied to Swedish meat production in Paper II to show that the term “Made in Sweden” is often a misnomer. In 1999, almost 80% of manufactured feed for Swedish pigs, cattle and chickens was dependent on imported inputs, mainly from Europe, Southeast Asia and South America. Paper III examines ecosystem subsidies to intensive aquaculture in two nations: shrimp production in Thailand and salmon production in Norway. In both countries, aquaculture was shown to rely increasingly on imported subsidies. The rapid expansion of aquaculture turned these countries from fishmeal net exporters to fishmeal net importers, increasingly using inputs from the Southeastern Pacific Ocean.</p><p>As the examined agricultural and aquacultural production systems became globalized, levels of dependence on other nations’ ecosystems, the number of external supply sources, and the distance to these sources steadily increased. Dependence on other nations is not problematic, as long as we are able to acknowledge these links and sustainably manage resources both at home and abroad. However, ecosystem subsidies are seldom recognized or made explicit in national policy or economic accounts. Economic systems are generally not designed to receive feedbacks when the status of remote ecosystems changes, much less to respond in an ecologically sensitive manner. Papers IV and V discuss the problem of “masking” of the true environmental costs of production for trade. One of our conclusions is that, while the ArEAs approach is a useful tool for illuminating environmentally-based subsidies in the policy arena, it does not reflect all of the costs. Current agricultural and aquacultural production methods have generated substantial increases in production levels, but if policy continues to support the focus on yield and production increases alone, taking the work of ecosystems for granted, vulnerability can result. Thus, a challenge is to develop a set of complementary tools that can be used in economic accounting at national and international scales that address ecosystem support and performance.</p><p>We conclude that future resilience in food production systems will require more explicit links between consumers and the work of supporting ecosystems, locally and in other regions of the world, and that food security planning will require active management of the capacity of all involved ecosystems to sustain food production.</p>
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Óleo de linhaça como principal fonte lipídica na dieta de frangos de corte /

Murakami, Karline Tikae Tani. January 2009 (has links)
Resumo: Avaliou-se o efeito da utilização de óleo de linhaça na ração de frangos de corte, substituindo o óleo de soja em diferentes períodos, sobre o desempenho, composição de carcaça e características físico-químicas da carne. Foram utilizadas 320 aves, recebendo ração suplementada com óleo de soja ou linhaça, num arranjo fatorial 4x2 (4 períodos crescentes recebendo dieta com óleo de linhaça e dois sexos). O desempenho foi avaliado por pesagens da ração e das aves nos dias 1, 21, 42 e 49, quando as aves foram abatidas. Após o abate, foi avaliado o rendimento de carcaça e a proporção dos principais cortes, vísceras e gordura abdominal. Foram avaliados os teores de lipídeos totais, umidade e colesterol na carne do peito e das coxas com sobrecoxas. A estabilidade da fração lipídica da carne mantida sob congelamento foi avaliada pelo método do ácido 2-tiobarbitúrico (TBA). A textura da carne foi avaliada pela determinação da força de cisalhamento em texturômetro. O óleo de linhaça na ração, de forma geral, prejudicou os parâmetros de desempenho avaliados (P<0,05). As fêmeas apresentaram maior proporção de peito e maior quantidade de gordura abdominal que os machos (p<0,05). As aves alimentadas com ração contendo óleo de linhaça apresentaram menor proporção de gordura abdominal e teores mais baixos de lipídeos totais e colesterol na carne do que aquelas alimentadas exclusivamente com ração contendo óleo de soja (p<0,05). Os resultados observados não permitiram uma avaliação conclusiva quanto à influência do sexo e das fontes de óleo da ração sobre a textura da carne e sua estabilidade à oxidação lipídica. / Abstract: This work studied the effects of the utilization of linseed oil in broilers feeds as a substituent to soybean oil at different periods on performance and carcass composition of Cobb broilers, well as on the physicalchemical traits of their meat. Three hundred twenty birds were raised with linseed or soybean oil in the feed in a 4x2 factorial arrangement of treatments (4 growing periods receiving the experimental diets and 2 sexes). Performance was evaluated by the weighs of feeds and birds at days 1, 21, 42 and 49 of the experiment. After slaughtering, as the birds were 49 days old, carcass yield and percentages of main cuts, viscera and abdominal fat were quantified. Total lipids, moisture and cholesterol contents in breast and thighs were determined. The stability of the lipidic fraction in frozen meat was determined by the tiobabituric acid (TBA) methodology. Meat shear force was analyzed in a texturometer. In a general sense, linseed oil was harmful to broilers performance (P<0.05). Female broilers had higher breast percentage and more abdominal fat than male broilers (P<0.05). Birds fed linseed oil had less abdominal fat and lower total lipids and cholesterol contents in the meat than those fed soybean oil (P<0.05). Results did not lead to a conclusion about the influence of sex and oil source on meat texture and stability to lipid oxidation. / Orientador: Marcos Franke Pinto / Coorientador: Elisa Helena Giglio Ponsano / Banca: Manoel Garcia Neto / Banca: Jacira dos Santos Isepon / Mestre
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Silagem de colostro: caracterização do perfil de fermentação anaeróbia e desempenho de bezerros leiteiros / Colostrum silage: dynamics of anaerobic fermentation and dairy calves performance evaluation

Ferreira, Lucas Silveira 03 October 2011 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar o perfil de fermentação anaeróbia de colostro e determinar seu valor nutritivo, assim como avaliar o desempenho de bezerros leiteiros alimentados com silagem de colostro como dieta líquida. No primeiro experimento, colostro bovino de segunda e terceira ordenhas foi fermentado em garrafas plásticas tipo PET que foram cheias e ligeiramente pressionadas antes do seu fechamento, criando assim uma condição anaeróbia. As garrafas foram armazenadas em sala escura à temperatura ambiente e cinco garrafas foram abertas 0,1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 21, 28 e 56 dias após, para determinação de pH, acidez titulável, temperatura, ácido lático, nitrogênio total, nitrogênio não-protéico (NNP), caseína, lactose, glicose, gordura e contagem de microorganismos. Os valores de pH, acidez titulável e concentração de ácido lático apresentaram variação durante o armazenamento (P<0,0001). A fração NNP apresentou aumento (P<0,0001), enquanto que os valores de caseína e lactose diminuíram (P<0,0001) e apresentaram baixos valores após 56 dias. O desenvolvimento de bactérias ácido-láticas (BAL) foi intenso durante o processo fermentativo, enquanto que enterobactérias e leveduras apresentaram declínio. No segundo experimento, colostro bovino de segunda e terceira ordenhas foi fermentado da mesma forma que no primeiro experimento, mas em diferentes condições de temperaturas ambientais. As garrafas foram armazenadas em incubadora BOD com temperatura controlada (32,5±1°C ou 22,5±1°C) ou em sala escura à temperatura ambiente, sendo abertas três garrafas após 0, 1, 7, 14, 21, 28 e 35 dias para avaliação dos mesmos parâmetros avaliados no primeiro estudo. A maioria dos parâmetros apresentou comportamento semelhante ao observado no primeiro experimento. O desenvolvimento de BAL foi intenso, principalmente quando o colostro foi armazenado em temperatura mais elevada. A temperatura também afetou os parâmetros nutricionais (P<0,0001) com acréscimos nos valores de NNP e redução da concentração de caseína e lactose. No terceiro experimento, dezoito bezerros Holandês foram alocados em abrigos individuais até a oitava semana de vida, com livre acesso à água e concentrado inicial, e passaram a receber 4L da dieta líquida, sucedâneo lácteo ou colostro fermentado sob condições anaeróbicas (silagem de colostro), diluído na razão de 1:1. Os animais alimentados com silagem de colostro apresentaram menor consumo de concentrado, ganho de peso diário e peso vivo (P<0,07) durante o período experimental, em comparação aos animais consumindo sucedâneo lácteo. As avaliações quanto à altura na cernelha, perímetro torácico e largura da garupa não apresentaram diferenças (P>0,07). Todos os parâmetros sanguíneos avaliados (glicose, N-uréico, ácidos graxos livres e -hidroxibutirato) foram afetados pelos tratamentos (P<0,07), exceto a concentração plasmática de proteínas totais (P>0,07). O escore fecal foi afetado pelos tratamentos durante a segunda semana de vida (P<0,07), com animais alimentados com silagem de colostro apresentando fezes anormais e muito secas. A dinâmica fermentativa observada mostra que o colostro pode ser conservado através de fermentação anaeróbia de forma eficiente. Entretanto, o fornecimento de silagem de 12 colostro como dieta líquida exclusiva durante o período de aleitamento não resulta em desempenho animal adequado, não sendo uma boa alternativa de substituto de leite. / The objective of this study was to characterize the fermentative dynamic of bovine colostrum, under anaerobic condition, and determine the nutritional value, as well as evaluate dairy calves´ performance receiving colostrum silage as liquid diet. In the first experiment, bovine colostrum from second and third milking was fermented at room temperature in PET plastic bottles that were filled and lightly pressed before its closure, thereby creating an anaerobic condition. The bottles were stored in the dark at room temperature and five bottles were opened on days 0,1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 56 after for determination of pH, titratable acidity, temperature, lactic acid, total nitrogen, non-protein nitrogen (NPN), casein, lactose, glucose, fat and counts of microorganisms. The pH, titratable acidity and concentration of lactic acid showed large variation during storage (P<0.0001). The NPN fraction increased (P<0.0001), whereas the values of casein and lactose decreased (P<0.0001) and showed very low values after 56d. The development of lactic-acid bacteria (LAB) was intense during the fermentation process, while enterobacteria and yeasts declined. In the second experiment, bovine colostrum from second and third milking was collected, mixed and stored in PET plastic bottles, in the same manner as it was for the first study. However, the bottles were stored in a dark room with temperature controlled by a BOD incubator (32.5±1°C or 22.5±1°C) or at room temperature. Three bottles were opened after 0, 1, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 days for evaluation of the same parameters done during the first study. Most parameters presented similar patterns as observed in the first trial. The development of LAB was intense, especially when colostrum was stored at higher temperature. Temperature also influenced the results of nutritional parameters (P<0.0001) with increases in NPN values and reduction of casein and lactose concentration. In the third experiment, eighteen Holstein calves were allocated to individual hutches until the eighth week of life, with free access to water and starter feed, and fed 4 liters of liquid diet: milk replacer or colostrum fermented under anaerobic condition (colostrum silage), diluted at a 1:1 ratio. Animals fed colostrum silage had lower intake of starter, average daily gain and body weight (P<0.07) during the experimental period, compared to animals consuming milk replacer. The values of withers height, heart girth and hip width showed no differences (P>0.07). All blood parameters measured (glucose, urea-N, free fatty acids and -hydroxybutyric acid) were affected by treatments (P<0.07), except the total protein plasma concentration (P>0.07). The fecal score was affected by treatments during the second week of life (P<0.07), with animals fed colostrum silage presenting abnormal and very dry feces. The dynamics of fermentation show that colostrum can be efficiently stored under anaerobic conditions. However, feeding colostrum silage as an exclusive liquid diet, during the whole milk-feeding period, results in poor animal performance, being considered as an inadequate alternative as milk replacer.
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Global trade, food production and ecosystem support : Making the interactions visible

Deutsch, Lisa January 2004 (has links)
Modern food production is a complex, globalized system in which what we eat and how it is produced are increasingly disconnected. This thesis examines some of the ways in which global trade has changed the mix of inputs to food and feed, and how this affects food security and our perceptions of sustainability. One useful indicator of the ecological impact of trade in food and feed products is the Appropriated Ecosystem Areas (ArEAs), which estimates the terrestrial and aquatic areas needed to produce all the inputs to particular products. The method is introduced in Paper I and used to calculate and track changes in imported subsidies to Swedish agriculture over the period 1962-1994. In 1994, Swedish consumers needed agricultural areas outside their national borders to satisfy more than a third of their food consumption needs. The method is then applied to Swedish meat production in Paper II to show that the term “Made in Sweden” is often a misnomer. In 1999, almost 80% of manufactured feed for Swedish pigs, cattle and chickens was dependent on imported inputs, mainly from Europe, Southeast Asia and South America. Paper III examines ecosystem subsidies to intensive aquaculture in two nations: shrimp production in Thailand and salmon production in Norway. In both countries, aquaculture was shown to rely increasingly on imported subsidies. The rapid expansion of aquaculture turned these countries from fishmeal net exporters to fishmeal net importers, increasingly using inputs from the Southeastern Pacific Ocean. As the examined agricultural and aquacultural production systems became globalized, levels of dependence on other nations’ ecosystems, the number of external supply sources, and the distance to these sources steadily increased. Dependence on other nations is not problematic, as long as we are able to acknowledge these links and sustainably manage resources both at home and abroad. However, ecosystem subsidies are seldom recognized or made explicit in national policy or economic accounts. Economic systems are generally not designed to receive feedbacks when the status of remote ecosystems changes, much less to respond in an ecologically sensitive manner. Papers IV and V discuss the problem of “masking” of the true environmental costs of production for trade. One of our conclusions is that, while the ArEAs approach is a useful tool for illuminating environmentally-based subsidies in the policy arena, it does not reflect all of the costs. Current agricultural and aquacultural production methods have generated substantial increases in production levels, but if policy continues to support the focus on yield and production increases alone, taking the work of ecosystems for granted, vulnerability can result. Thus, a challenge is to develop a set of complementary tools that can be used in economic accounting at national and international scales that address ecosystem support and performance. We conclude that future resilience in food production systems will require more explicit links between consumers and the work of supporting ecosystems, locally and in other regions of the world, and that food security planning will require active management of the capacity of all involved ecosystems to sustain food production.
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Óleo de linhaça como principal fonte lipídica na dieta de frangos de corte

Murakami, Karline Tikae Tani [UNESP] 26 June 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:27:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009-06-26Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:55:54Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 murakami_ktt_me_araca.pdf: 523881 bytes, checksum: d6fe2b9af367149ccbd1b4521b51f81f (MD5) / Avaliou-se o efeito da utilização de óleo de linhaça na ração de frangos de corte, substituindo o óleo de soja em diferentes períodos, sobre o desempenho, composição de carcaça e características físico-químicas da carne. Foram utilizadas 320 aves, recebendo ração suplementada com óleo de soja ou linhaça, num arranjo fatorial 4x2 (4 períodos crescentes recebendo dieta com óleo de linhaça e dois sexos). O desempenho foi avaliado por pesagens da ração e das aves nos dias 1, 21, 42 e 49, quando as aves foram abatidas. Após o abate, foi avaliado o rendimento de carcaça e a proporção dos principais cortes, vísceras e gordura abdominal. Foram avaliados os teores de lipídeos totais, umidade e colesterol na carne do peito e das coxas com sobrecoxas. A estabilidade da fração lipídica da carne mantida sob congelamento foi avaliada pelo método do ácido 2-tiobarbitúrico (TBA). A textura da carne foi avaliada pela determinação da força de cisalhamento em texturômetro. O óleo de linhaça na ração, de forma geral, prejudicou os parâmetros de desempenho avaliados (P<0,05). As fêmeas apresentaram maior proporção de peito e maior quantidade de gordura abdominal que os machos (p<0,05). As aves alimentadas com ração contendo óleo de linhaça apresentaram menor proporção de gordura abdominal e teores mais baixos de lipídeos totais e colesterol na carne do que aquelas alimentadas exclusivamente com ração contendo óleo de soja (p<0,05). Os resultados observados não permitiram uma avaliação conclusiva quanto à influência do sexo e das fontes de óleo da ração sobre a textura da carne e sua estabilidade à oxidação lipídica. / This work studied the effects of the utilization of linseed oil in broilers feeds as a substituent to soybean oil at different periods on performance and carcass composition of Cobb broilers, well as on the physicalchemical traits of their meat. Three hundred twenty birds were raised with linseed or soybean oil in the feed in a 4x2 factorial arrangement of treatments (4 growing periods receiving the experimental diets and 2 sexes). Performance was evaluated by the weighs of feeds and birds at days 1, 21, 42 and 49 of the experiment. After slaughtering, as the birds were 49 days old, carcass yield and percentages of main cuts, viscera and abdominal fat were quantified. Total lipids, moisture and cholesterol contents in breast and thighs were determined. The stability of the lipidic fraction in frozen meat was determined by the tiobabituric acid (TBA) methodology. Meat shear force was analyzed in a texturometer. In a general sense, linseed oil was harmful to broilers performance (P<0.05). Female broilers had higher breast percentage and more abdominal fat than male broilers (P<0.05). Birds fed linseed oil had less abdominal fat and lower total lipids and cholesterol contents in the meat than those fed soybean oil (P<0.05). Results did not lead to a conclusion about the influence of sex and oil source on meat texture and stability to lipid oxidation.
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Análise de cenários em indústrias de processo usando simulação discreta : uma aplicação em uma indústria de nutrição animal

Maurício, Gabriel Campos 14 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Livia Mello (liviacmello@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-09-28T18:01:55Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DissGCM.pdf: 2068084 bytes, checksum: 4d89da9569508f8b5d13a8b899ad055a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marina Freitas (marinapf@ufscar.br) on 2016-10-04T19:00:31Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissGCM.pdf: 2068084 bytes, checksum: 4d89da9569508f8b5d13a8b899ad055a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marina Freitas (marinapf@ufscar.br) on 2016-10-04T19:00:38Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissGCM.pdf: 2068084 bytes, checksum: 4d89da9569508f8b5d13a8b899ad055a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-04T19:00:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DissGCM.pdf: 2068084 bytes, checksum: 4d89da9569508f8b5d13a8b899ad055a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-14 / Não recebi financiamento / The quest for increased productivity has become a mantra repeated ad nauseam in many companies immersed in a globalized market. In this context, many computational techniques have becoming more popular, gaining followers, aiding and refining the process of decision-making. Among the various techniques available, the discrete event simulation stands out, as it allows studying the behavior of systems, real or not, in various conditions, allowing hypotheses to be tested without physical and financial resources are used. In the case of the animal feed industry, this technique becomes a very important tool, especially in the short term planning which involves the management of the floor operations. The animal feed industry is part of the agribusiness chain, and as such, has its inputs internationally listed, commodities, thus effectively managing its installed capacity is a strategic advantage for differentiation before the market needs in terms of cost, time and quality. In this sense, the objective of this study was to develop a discrete simulation model to assist the decision-making process on increasing the rate of bagging an animal feed industry, located in the state of São Paulo. For this study it has been used the Arena® software, Rockwell Software, and as a method of research modeling and simulation, and the simulation model development stages followed the methodology proposed by Law and Kelton (2000) and Banks (2010). Data were always collected with the same operator at the same time. As a result of simulation of the proposed model was possible to analyze different scenarios, assessing the dynamics of the system and with the performance indicators the equipment utilization rate, the amount of products produced and the consumption of electricity and natural gas per ton of product produced. Whereas the use of discrete simulation in animal feed industry belonging to the process industry and with hybrid production process, could be used due to the approach proposed by Spieckmann and Stobbe (2012). / A busca pelo aumento de produtividade tornou-se um mantra repetido à exaustão em muitas empresas imersas em um mercado globalizado. Neste contexto, muitas técnicas computacionais vêm ganhando espaço, conquistando adeptos, auxiliando e refinando o processo de tomada de decisão. Dentre as várias técnicas disponíveis, a simulação discreta se destaca, pois permite estudar o comportamento de sistemas, reais ou não, sob diversas condições, possibilitando que hipóteses sejam testadas sem que recursos físicos e financeiros sejam utilizados. No caso da indústria de nutrição animal, essa técnica se torna uma ferramenta muito relevante, principalmente no planejamento de curto prazo que envolve a gestão das operações do chão de fábrica. A indústria de nutrição animal está inserida na cadeia do agronegócio, e como tal, tem seus insumos cotados internacionalmente, commodities, assim uma gestão eficaz de sua capacidade instalada representa uma vantagem estratégica de diferenciação perante as necessidades do mercado em relação a custo, prazo e qualidade. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um modelo de simulação discreta para auxiliar o processo de tomada de decisão sobre o aumento da taxa de ensaque de uma indústria de nutrição animal, localizada no interior do estado de São Paulo. Para a realização deste estudo foi utilizado o software Arena®, da Rockwell Softwares, e como método de pesquisa a modelagem e simulação, sendo que as etapas de desenvolvimento do modelo de simulação seguiram a metodologia proposta por Law e Kelton (2000) e Banks (2010). Os dados foram coletados sempre com os mesmos operadores no mesmo horário. Como resultado da simulação do modelo proposto foi possível analisar diferentes cenários, avaliando a dinâmica do sistema e tendo como indicadores de desempenho a taxa de utilização dos equipamentos, a quantidade de produtos produzidos e o consumo de energia elétrica e gás natural por tonelada de produto produzido. Sendo que a utilização da simulação discreta na indústria de nutrição animal, pertencente à indústria de processo e com processo produtivo híbrido, foi possível devido à abordagem utilizada, proposta por Spieckmann e Stobbe (2012).
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Desenvolvimento e aplicação de análise de especiação química de selênio em amostras agropecuárias / Development and application of selenium speciation analysis in agricultural samples

Oliveira, Aline Fernandes de 28 January 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Sebin (lusebin@ufscar.br) on 2016-10-07T17:54:22Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseAFO.pdf: 3549447 bytes, checksum: 4e7cee7e550c3a9888b1a0994be5e4d1 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ronildo Prado (ronisp@ufscar.br) on 2016-10-10T20:05:35Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseAFO.pdf: 3549447 bytes, checksum: 4e7cee7e550c3a9888b1a0994be5e4d1 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ronildo Prado (ronisp@ufscar.br) on 2016-10-10T20:08:58Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseAFO.pdf: 3549447 bytes, checksum: 4e7cee7e550c3a9888b1a0994be5e4d1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-10T20:31:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseAFO.pdf: 3549447 bytes, checksum: 4e7cee7e550c3a9888b1a0994be5e4d1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-01-28 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Selenium is essential in animal nutrition; it ensures proper functioning of musculoskeletal, reproductive, and immune system. The intake requirement range for Se is narrow and low levels of Se are required. In order to supply the demand, the animal feed supplementation has grown, considering the knowing of Se deficiency in soils from different countries. This supplementation is made with the use of organoselenium, because of its low toxicity and high bioavailability to the animal. This study targets organoselenium speciation (of Se-methionine and its product of oxidation, Se-O-methionine, and Se-cystine) in animal feed samples and beef using HPLC coupled to ICP-MS/MS. Inorganic species, selenate (Se(VI)) and selenite (Se(IV)), which could be toxic even at low levels, were also determined. The instrumental parameters were optimized and the use of hydrogen as reaction gas to remove the m/z= 80 (Se most abundant isotope) interferences was evaluated, and it demonstrated analytical capacity by using Se standard solutions in presence of interfering elements and CRMs (bovine liver and fish liver) digests indicated a calculated accuracy of 89 and 97 %, respectively. The Se chemical speciation method was applied in samples provided from an experiment with 48 animals (divided into four groups) were fed with Se enriched feed for 82 days. The groups are: (1) cattle feed (control); (2) cattle feed + antioxidants (organoselenium + vitamin E); (3) cattle feed + canola oil and (4) cattle feed + antioxidants (canola oil + organoselenium + vitamin E). A sample preparation method development for complex matrices like animal feed and beef was optimized with an enzyme coquetail. A good separation was obtained and Se species could be easily identified. The method is robust and his been applied for different types of samples with recoveries > 65%. The results infer that a majority of Se in both feed and beef present as Se-methionine. The same method was used to evaluate commercialized feed of swine, poultry and bovine in order to evaluate if the concentrations and species are in agreement with labels. In general the samples attend to legislation according to the evaluated parameters. / O selênio é um elemento essencial na nutrição animal e está associado ao funcionamento saudável dos sistemas músculoesquelético, reprodutivo e imunológico. O valor de ingestão diária recomendado é estreito e baixas concentrações de Se são necessárias. A fim de suprir as necessidades na alimentação animal, a prática de suplementação tem crescido, pois a deficiência de Se em solos de diversos países é comum. Essa suplementação é feita com o emprego de Se orgânico pela sua baixa toxicidade e alta biodisponibilidade para o animal. O presente estudo teve como objetivo a especiação de Se orgânico (como a Se-metionina e seu produto de oxidação, Se-O-metionina, e a Se-cistina) em amostras de ração animal e carne bovina utlizando HPLC acoplado ao ICP-MS/MS. As espécies inorgânicas, selenato (Se(VI)) e selenito (Se(IV)), as quais podem ser tóxicas mesmo em concentrações baixas também foram determinadas no método. A otimização dos parâmetros instrumentais e a avaliação do emprego de hidrogênio como gás de reação com os interferentes para determinação da m/z= 80 para monitoramento do isótopo mais abundante de Se foram realizadas, sendo a capacidade analítica demonstrada com o emprego de soluções padrão de Se na presença de possíveis interferentes e com o emprego de CRMs de fígado bovino e fígado de peixe, e a exatidão calculada foi de 89 e 97 %, respectivamente. A especiação química de Se foi aplicada a amostras provenientes de experimento com 48 animais (divididos em quatro grupos) alimentados com ração enriquecida de Se orgânico durante 82 dias. Os grupos foram: (1) ração animal (controle); (2) ração animal + antioxidantes (Se orgânico + vitamina E); (3) ração animal + óleo de canola e (4) ração animal + antioxidantes (óleo de canola + Se orgânico + vitamina E). O método de preparo de amostra para matrizes complexas, como ração animal e carne bovina foi otimizado com uma mistura de enzimas. Uma boa separação foi obtida e as espécies de Se foram facilmente identificadas. O método foi considerado robusto e tem sido aplicado para diferentes tipos de amostras com recuperações > 65%. Os resultados inferem que Se-metionina é a espécie majoritária nas amostras de rações animal e carne bovina. O método desenvolvido foi aplicado a extratos de ração animal comercializáveis de suínos, aves e bovinos, para verificação da veracidade quanto às espécies sugeridas nos rótulos das embalagens. De forma geral, as amostras atenderam a legislação perante aos quesitos avaliados. / CAPES: 001/2011 / CAPES: 99999.014317/2013-03
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