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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tripodale Azaliganden - Ambivalente Rezeptoren für Kationen und Anionen

Wenzel, Marco 06 May 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit bestand in der Synthese von neuen funktionalisierten tripodalen Azaliganden auf Basis von Tris(2-aminoethyl)amin (Tren) und ihrer Charakterisierung als Rezeptoren und Extraktionsmittel für Kationen, Anionen sowie Salze. Die Komplexbildungs- und Phasentransfereigenschaften gegenüber den Kationen Ag(I), Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), Zn(II) und Cd(II) sowie den Anionen Cl-, Br-, I-, H2PO4-, SO42- und HCrO4- wurden durch Flüssig-Flüssig-Extraktion und Flüssigmembrantransport, 1H-NMR-Spektroskopie sowie Silberpotentiometrie untersucht; Struktur-Wirkungsbeziehungen für die jeweiligen Wirt/Gast-Systeme wurden abgeleitet. Röntgenkristallstrukturanalysen ausgewählter Komplexe mit den Kationen Ag(I), Ni(II) und Cu(II), den Anionen Br- und BF4- sowie dem Salz Hg(ClO4)2 ergänzten die gewonnenen Aussagen durch detaillierte Informationen zur Struktur und zu den auftretenden Wechselwirkungen. In die Betrachtungen wurden vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Ag(I)-Bindung durch strukturverwandte tripodale Schiffsche Basen einbezogen. Zusammenfassend wird der Einfluss der unterschiedlichen ligandspezifischen Charakteristika sowie der Substratspezies auf die Komplexbildung in Lösung und die Festkörperstruktur diskutiert. Die untersuchten tripodalen Aminverbindungen auf Basis von Tren zeigten in Abhängigkeit von ihrer Struktur ein differenziertes Extraktionsverhalten im System Metallsalz-Puffer-Wasser/Ligand-Chloroform. Als wesentliche Einflussfaktoren auf die Extraktion erwiesen sich Art, Anzahl und Anordnung der Donoratome sowie die differenzierte Lipophilie der Liganden. Die Zusammensetzung der extrahierten Komplexe in der organischen Phase ergab sich in den meisten Fällen zu 1:1 (Ag(I) : Ligand). Die bestimmte Reihe steigender Komplexstabilität für die 1:1-Komplexe von Ag(I) in Methanol unterstreicht in Analogie zu den Extraktionsuntersuchungen den Einfluss der Ligandcharakteristika auf die Komplexbildung. So führten Liganden mit tertiären Aminstickstoffatomen, zusätzlichen O-Donoratomen sowie sterisch anspruchsvollen Substituenten im Molekül zu geringeren Komplexstabilitäten, während zusätzliche S- und Pyridin-N-Donoratome in den untersuchten Aminverbindungen eine deutliche Steigerung der bestimmten Konstanten ergaben. Vergleichende Untersuchungen mit tripodalen Iminopodanden zeigten mit Ausnahme des 2-pyridylmethyl-substituierten Liganden generell niedrigere Stabilitäten der Ag(I)-Komplexe. 1H-NMR-Untersuchungen zur Komplexbildung in Lösung deuten unter veränderten Bedingungen auch auf einen möglichen Wechsel in der Komplexzusammensetzung und im Bindungsmuster für Ag(I) in Abhängigkeit von den im Molekül vorhandenen Donorfunktionen hin. Während für N4-Liganden ohne zusätzliche Donoratome sowie in Anwesenheit von S- und N-Donoratomen eine Zusammensetzung (Ag(I) : Ligand) von 1:1 bestimmt wurde, führen zusätzliche Pyridin-N-Donoratome zu einem stöchiometrischen Verhältnis von 3:2. Die Röntgenstrukturanalysen der Ag(I)-Komplexe von tripodalen Schiffschen Basen mit unterschiedlichen Substituenten unterstreichen die Variabilität der Koordinationsgeometrie von Ag(I) in Abhängigkeit vom Liganden. Interessant ist die Ausbildung von schwachen C-H···Ag-Wasserstoffbrücken in den Ag(I)-Komplexen der benzyl- und 4-biphenylmethyl-substituierten Liganden. Für die Kationen Co(II) und Zn(II) wurden mit den untersuchten Liganden generell nur geringe Extrahierbarkeiten erzielt. Dabei ist der Einfluss von Ligandstruktur sowie Lipophilie der Verbindungen auf die Extraktion stärker ausgeprägt als für Ag(I). Die Extraktion aus einem Gemisch von Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), Zn(II) und Cd(II) zeigte generell einen Anstieg der Extraktion in der Reihe Co(II) < Ni(II) < Zn(II) < Cd(II) < Cu(II). Lediglich die Verbindung mit einer OH-Funktion in 2-Position der aromatischen Substituenten führte zu höheren Extraktionsausbeuten für Co(II), Ni(II) und Cd(II) gegenüber Cu(II) und Zn(II). Röntgenstrukturanalysen von vier Cu(II)- bzw. Ni(II)-Komplexen veranschaulichen die bevorzugte höhere Koordinationszahl dieser Metallionen in relevanten Komplexen im Vergleich zu Ag(I). Die höhere Koordinationszahl wird dabei durch eine zusätzliche Koordination von Anionen oder Lösungsmittelmolekülen erreicht. Im Gegensatz zu den Kationen ist die Anionenextraktion wesentlich sensitiver gegenüber wechselnden experimentellen Bedingungen. Das hängt insbesondere mit den veränderten Bindungsverhältnissen in Anionenkomplexen zusammen. So wird die Extraktionsausbeute stark durch die Lipophilie der Liganden beeinflusst; ein signifikanter Anionentransport in die organische Phase wurde lediglich mit lipophilen Liganden erzielt. Die beobachtete Abstufung steigender Extraktion SO42- < Cl- < HCrO4- < I- ist in Übereinstimmung mit der zunehmenden Lipophilie dieser Anionen. In Abhängigkeit von der Natur der vorhandenen N-Donorfunktionen im Liganden und der Struktur der Liganden insgesamt wurde ein ausgeprägter pH-Einfluss auf die Extraktion der Anionen beobachtet. Während für die Liganden mit sekundären Aminfunktionen hohe Extrahierbarkeiten bei einem pH-Wert von ca. 5 auftraten, stiegen die Extraktionsausbeuten für Verbindungen mit tertiären Aminstickstofffunktionen mit abnehmenden pH-Wert kontinuierlich an. Die untersuchten Anionen wurden vorwiegend unter Bildung von 1:1- und 1:2-Komplexen (Anion : Ligand) in die organische Phase überführt. Für den Membrantransport war eine steigende Transportrate entsprechend der Dominanz der Lipophilie in der Reihe H2PO4- < SO42- < Cl- < Br- charakteristisch. Ein bevorzugter Transport von Cl- gegenüber Br- wurde hingegen mit sterisch anspruchsvollen Liganden sowie ausgeprägt lipophilen Verbindungen erreicht. Die Strukturen von zwei Anionenkomplexen mit BF4- bzw. Br- zeigen differenzierte Bindungsmuster. Einmal verhindern in einem Iminopodanden starke intramolekulare Wasserstoffbrücken zwischen dem protonierten Brückenstickstoff und den Iminfunktionen der Podandarme einen Einschluss des BF4--Anions in den vorliegenden Pseudokäfig, so dass die Koordination des Anions lediglich über schwache C-H···F-Kontakte an der Ligandperipherie erfolgt. Im Gegensatz dazu sind in einem N4-Aminliganden die drei Aminfunktionen der Podandarme protoniert. Die Br--Ionen werden sowohl durch ladungsunterstützte N-H···Br- als auch durch C-H···Br-Wasserstoffbrücken vom Liganden koordiniert. Weiterhin konnte in der Arbeit der Nachweis geführt werden, dass durch die Kombination von kationen- und anionenbindenden Funktionseinheiten in einem tripodalen Liganden die simultane Bindung und Extraktion von Kationen und Anionen möglich wird. Die Röntgenkristallstruktur eines Hg(ClO4)2-Komplexes bestätigt dabei die gleichzeitige Koordination von Kation und Anion durch die unterschiedlichen spezifischen Funktionseinheiten im Molekül.

Cloning and characterization of organic anion systems in the adrenal cortex and their role in steroid release

Beéry, Erzsébet Kornélia 01 February 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Transport kurzkettiger Fettsäuren über die basolaterale Membran des ovinen Pansenepithels: Mechanismen und Regulation auf Genebene

Dengler, Franziska 11 February 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Einleitung: Kurzkettige Fettsäuren (SCFA) stellen das hauptsächliche Energiesubstrat für Wiederkäuer dar. In Anbetracht des - bedingt durch höhere Milch-, Mast und Reproduktionsleistung - steigenden Energiebedarfs von Hauswiederkäuern wie Milchkuh und Mastbulle ist es von zentraler Bedeutung, die Mechanismen zur Resorption dieser Energielieferanten bzw. Ansatzpunkte für die Beeinflussung dieser Transportprozesse genau zu kennen. Dieses Wissen kann möglicherweise dabei helfen, zukünftig die Energieaufnahme der Tiere zu unterstützen bzw. sogar effizienter zu gestalten. Ziele der Untersuchungen: Deshalb war es Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit, die Mechanismen zur Resorption von SCFA zu charakterisieren, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf den Transport aus den Pansenepithelzellen ins Blut gelegt wurde, da hierzu im Gegensatz zu ihrer Aufnahme aus dem Pansenlumen in die Epithelzellen noch sehr wenig bekannt war. In einem zweiten Schritt sollte untersucht werden, inwiefern die nachgewiesenen Mechanismen einer Regulation unterliegen und über welche Signalwege diese vermittelt werden könnte. Materialien und Methoden: Zur Charakterisierung der beteiligten Resorptionsmechanismen wurden Epithelstücke aus dem ventralen Pansensack von Schafen in Ussing-Kammern eingespannt und mit Hilfe radioaktiv markierten Azetats, Butyrats und L-Laktats der Transport dieser Substrate unter verschiedenen Bedingungen sowie verschiedenen Hemmstoffeinflüssen untersucht. Zur Charakterisierung regulativer Einflüsse wurden die Epithelstücke über sechs bzw. 24 Stunden mit Butyrat inkubiert und anschließend RNA bzw. Totalprotein extrahiert. Hiermit konnten Veränderungen in mRNA- und Proteinexpression mittels quantitativer Echtzeit-PCR bzw. Western Blot nachgewiesen werden. Ergebnisse: Die Untersuchungen der vorliegenden Arbeit konnten zeigen, dass der Transport von SCFA über die basolaterale Membran des Pansenepithels hauptsächlich proteinvermittelt erfolgt. Eine signifikante Beteiligung lipophiler Diffusion, d.h. ein passiver Transport, kann weitgehend ausgeschlossen werden. Der aktive Transport wies eine bikarbonatabhängige und eine bikarbonatunabhängige Komponente auf. Der Einsatz von Hemmstoffen verschiedener Transportproteine ergab deutliche Hinweise darauf, dass der Monocarboxylattransporter (MCT) 1 eine Rolle beim bikarbonatgekoppelten Transport von Azetat bzw. allgemein unmetabolisierten SCFA spielt. Diese Hinweise wurden untersetzt durch die Beobachtung, dass MCT 1, aber auch der apikal bzw. intrazellulär lokalisierte MCT 4 durch langfristige Inkubation des Epithels mit Butyrat sowohl auf mRNA- als auch auf Proteinebene signifikant erhöht exprimiert wurden, was als Anpassungsreaktion an eine Substratakkumulation interpretiert werden kann. Außerdem wurde auch die mRNA-Expression des Putativen Anionentransporters (PAT) 1 durch Inkubation mit Butyrat erhöht, was für eine Beteiligung auch dieses Transportproteins am SCFA-Transport über das Pansenepithel spricht. Allerdings ist im Gegensatz zu MCT 1 die Lokalisation des PAT 1 in der basolateralen Membran noch fraglich. Die Expressionssteigerung von Zielgenen des Nukleären Faktors ĸB und des Peroxisomenproliferator-aktivierten Rezeptors α sowie des Hypoxie-induzierbaren Faktors selbst deuten weiterhin darauf hin, dass die Steigerung der Transportkapazitäten von MCT 1 und 4 und auch PAT 1 über diese Signalwege vermittelt wird. Schlussfolgerungen: Zusammenfassend konnte in dieser Arbeit erstmals der Transport von SCFA über die basolaterale Membran des Pansenepithels näher charakterisiert werden, sodass es nun möglich ist, zusammen mit den bereits vorliegenden Befunden für die apikale Membran ein komplettes Modell dafür zu erstellen. Auch wurden Erkenntnisse zu regulativen Einflüssen auf diesen Transport gewonnen, die es zukünftig ermöglichen könnten, die Resorption der SCFA aus dem Pansen nutritiv oder eventuell pharmakologisch zu beeinflussen. / Introduction: The main energy source for ruminants are short chain fatty acids (SCFA). Considering the ever increasing energy requirements of cattle due to increasing milk yield and meat production, it is crucial to identify the mechanisms for the resorption of these energy sources as well as possibilities to influence these transport mechanisms. This knowledge could help support the animals’ energy uptake or even making it more efficient. Aim: Thus, the aim of the present study was to characterise mechanisms for the resorption of SCFA focusing on their transport from the epithelial cells into the blood. In particular, since – compared to the research findings on the uptake of SCFA from ruminal lumen into the cells – so far only very little was known regarding this side of the epithelium. In a second step, the study aimed to elucidate whether the mechanisms observed are subject to regulatory processes and which signalling pathways are involved. Materials and methods: To characterise the transport mechanisms involved, epithelial pieces from the ventral sac of ovine rumen were mounted in Ussing chambers. Using radioactively labelled acetate, butyrate and L-lactate, the transport of these substrates was investigated under different conditions and by applying different inhibitors for potential SCFA transport proteins. To characterise regulatory influences, epithelial pieces were incubated with butyrate for six and 24 hours, respectively. Subsequently, total RNA and protein were extracted to detect changes in mRNA and protein expression using quantitative real time PCR and western blot, respectively. Results: The present study could show that transport of SCFA across the basolateral membrane of rumen epithelium is mainly realised by protein-mediated mechanisms. A significant participation of lipophilic diffusion, i.e. a passive transport, can almost entirely be excluded. The active transport could be divided into a bicarbonate-dependent and a bicarbonate-independent part. The experiments with inhibitors of different transport proteins showed clear evidence of an involvement of monocarboxylate transporter (MCT) 1 in the bicarbonate-dependent transport of acetate and non-metabolised SCFA in general. This evidence was supported by the finding that the expression of MCT 1 but also of the apically and intracellularly localised MCT 4 was increased significantly on both mRNA- and protein-level after long-term incubation of the epithelium with butyrate. This can be interpreted as an adaptation to a substrate accumulation. Additionally, butyrate incubation led to an increased mRNA expression of putative anion transporter (PAT) 1, which makes an involvement of this transport protein in SCFA transport across ruminal epithelium likely as well. However, in contrast to MCT 1 the localisation of PAT 1 in the basolateral membrane is still questionable. The increased expression of target genes of nuclear factor ĸB and peroxisome-proliferator activated receptor α as well as of hypoxia inducible factor strongly point to an involvement of these pathways in the increased expression of MCT 1 and 4 as well as PAT 1. Conclusions: In summary, this study could characterise the transport of SCFA across the basolateral membrane of ruminal epithelium in detail for the first time. This enables us to draw a complete model of ruminal SCFA transport. Also, evidence for regulatory influence on this transport processes was found, perhaps making it possible to influence resorption of SCFA from rumen by nutritive or pharmacological means in the future.

Miniaturisation de la séparation Uranium / Plutonium / Produits de Fission : conception d’un microsystème « Lab-on-cd » et application / Miniaturization of the separation of Uranium / plutonium / Fission products : design of a lab-on-CD microsystem and applications

Bruchet, Anthony 18 October 2012 (has links)
L'analyse chimique est indispensable à de nombreuses étapes de la mise au point et dusuivi des procédés de retraitement des combustibles nucléaires usés, de la gestion des déchetsnucléaires, ou encore de l’optimisation des combustibles du futur. Le cycle global d’analysecomprend généralement plusieurs étapes de séparations chimiques longues, manuelles etdifficiles à mettre en oeuvre en raison de leur confinement en boite à gants. Il apparaîtaujourd’hui nécessaire de proposer des solutions innovantes et viables dans le butd’automatiser ces étapes mais aussi de réduire le volume de déchets radioactifs en fin de cycleanalytique. Une solution est alors la conception de plateformes analytiques miniaturiséesautomatisées et jetables.L’objectif de cette thèse est de concevoir un système miniaturisé alternatif à lapremière étape actuelle d’analyse des combustibles usés séparant, par chromatographied’échange d’ions, l’Uranium et le Plutonium des autres éléments constituant l’échantillon. Cesystème doit permettre à la fois de conserver les performances analytiques du processusactuel, de réduire drastiquement l’exposition des expérimentateurs par l’automatisation, ainsique le volume de déchets produits en fin de cycle analytique. Ainsi, la séparation a étéimplantée sur un microsystème jetable en plastique (COC), au design spécialement adapté àl’automatisation : un lab-on-CD.Le prototype développé intègre une micro-colonne séparative d’échange d’anionsremplie d’un polymère monolithique dont la synthèse in-situ ainsi que la fonctionnalisation desurface ont été optimisées spécifiquement pour la séparation voulue. Le développement duprotocole de séparation adapté à ces micro-colonnes a été réalisé à l’aide d’un outil desimulation de l’élution des différents éléments d’intérêts. Cet outil permet de prévoir lagéométrie de la colonne (section et longueur) afin d’obtenir, en fonction de l’échantillon, desfractions de collecte de l’Uranium et du Plutonium pures.Finalement, le prototype actuel est capable de conduire simultanément 4 séparationsde façon automatisée et permet de réduire à la fois le nombre de manipulations, le tempsd’analyse mais aussi de diviser approximativement par 1000 le volume des déchets liquidesgénérés. / The chemical analysis of spent nuclear fuels is essential to design future nuclear fuelscycle and reprocessing methods but also for waste management. The analysis cycle consistsof several chemical separation steps which are time consuming and difficult to implement dueto confinement in glove boxes. It is required that the separation steps be automated and thatthe volume of radioactive waste generated be reduced. The design of automated, miniaturizedand disposable analytical platforms should fulfill these requirements.This project aims to provide an alternative to the first analytical step of the spent fuelsanalysis: the chromatographic separation of Uranium and Plutonium from the minor actinidesand fission products.The goal is to design a miniaturized platform showing analytical performancesequivalent to the current process, and to reduce both the exposure of workers throughautomation, and the volume of waste produced at the end of the analysis cycle. Thus, theseparation has been implemented on a disposable plastic microsystem (COC), specificallydesigned for automation: a lab on a Compact Disk or lab-on-CD.The developed prototype incorporates an anion-exchange monolithic micro-columnwhose in-situ synthesis as well as surface functionalization have been optimized specificallyfor the desired separation. The development of an adapted separation protocol was carried outusing a simulation tool modeling the elution of the various elements of interest. This tool isable to predict the column geometry (length and cross section) suited to obtain pure fractionsof Uranium and Plutonium as a function of the sample composition.Finally, the prototype is able to automatically carry out four separationssimultaneously reducing the number of manipulations, the analysis time and reducing thevolume of liquid waste by a factor of 1000.

Capacidade antioxidante de farinhas de resíduos de frutas tropicais. / Antioxidant capacity of tropical flour fruits residues.

Oliveira, Alane Cabral de 15 February 2008 (has links)
Economically advantageous alternatives to fully explore the antioxidant content of tropical fruit residues from juice processor industries have been currently studied in the State of Alagoas, Brazil. Thus, flour methanolic extracts of acerola (AC), passion fruit (PF) and pineapple (PA) residues were screened for their antioxidant capacity. For this, their total phenolic content, antioxidant capacity toward DPPH and toward the superoxide anion radical, together with analysis of their protective effect against membrane lipid peroxidation, caused by peroxyl radical, were determined in the flour methanolic extracts. In the last case, the phospholipid bilayer biomimetic model with the inclusion of a fluorescent probe was used. The statistical analysis employed the epi info version 6.04d (2001) program and Microsoft excel, using the test t, multivaried analysis and qui-square, considering p < 0.05 as significant. The results of total phenolic content of flour methanolic extracts of AC, PF and PA were 94.6 ± 7.4, 41.2 ± 4.2 and 9.1 ± 1.3 mg of gallic acid equivalents/ g of dry extract, respectively. AC showed the best total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity toward DPPH . PF showed the best antioxidant capacity to superoxide anion radical. Similar indexes of lipid peroxidation protection were observed with both AC and PF residues. Altogether, these data suggest that flour methanolic extracts of AC and PF residues may be useful as antioxidant supplements or food additives, notably the acerola (AC) extracts. / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Alternativas economicamente vantajosas com exploração completa do conteúdo antioxidante de resíduos de frutas tropicais de fábricas de sucos foram estudadas no estado de Alagoas, Brasil. Assim, extratos metanólicos de farinhas de resíduos de acerola (FRAC), maracujá (FRMA) e abacaxi (FRAB) foram avaliados quanto a sua capacidade antioxidante. Para isso, foram analisados o conteúdo total de fenóis, a capacidade antioxidante frente aos radicais DPPH e ânion radical superóxido e o efeito de proteção à peroxidação da membrana lipídica, causada pelo radical peroxila, dos extratos metanólicos das farinhas. No ultimo caso, um modelo de membrana bilamelar fosfolipídica com uma sonda fluorescente foi usado. Para a análise estatística, foi utilizado o programa epi info versão 6.04d (2001) e o Microsoft Excel, usando teste t, análise multivariada e qui-quadrado, considerando um p < 0,05 como significativo. Os resultados para o conteúdo total de fenóis dos extratos metanólicos das farinhas de resíduos de acerola (FRAC), maracujá (FRMA) e abacaxi (FRAB) foram 94,6 ± 7,4, 41,2 ± 4,2 e 9,1 ± 1,3 mg de equivalentes de ácido gálico/ g de extrato seco, respectivamente. FRAC mostrou o melhor conteúdo de fenóis e capacidade antioxidante frente ao radical DPPH . FRMA mostrou a melhor capacidade antioxidante frente ao ânion radical superóxido. Resposta similar foi observada entre FRAC e FRMA quanto à proteção frente a peroxidação da membrana lipídica. De modo geral, estes dados sugerem que extratos metanólicos de farinhas de FRAC e FRMA podem ser úteis como suplementos antioxidantes ou aditivos alimentares, em especial, o extrato de acerola.

Estudo teórico de hidróxidos lamelares com potencial aplicação tecnológica e ambiental

Costa, Deyse Gomes da 29 July 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2017-05-10T12:37:20Z No. of bitstreams: 1 deysegomesdacosta.pdf: 10386782 bytes, checksum: a18ce8ca7fd4c235c246f70bc4f6f946 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-05-17T15:04:53Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 deysegomesdacosta.pdf: 10386782 bytes, checksum: a18ce8ca7fd4c235c246f70bc4f6f946 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-17T15:04:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 deysegomesdacosta.pdf: 10386782 bytes, checksum: a18ce8ca7fd4c235c246f70bc4f6f946 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-07-29 / Os hidróxidos duplos lamelares (HDL) ou compostos tipo-hidrotalcita vêm sendo muito estudados devido a suas inúmeras aplicações. No campo da catálise, estes compostos podem atuar como catalisadores, suportes para catalisadores ou precursores de catalisadores. É sabido que a morfologia do suporte tem grande influência sobre a dispersão, a atividade e a seletividade apresentada pelo catalisador. Nestes caso, o conhecimento detalhado dos efeitos do suporte e dos sítios catalíticos exigem a compreensão da estrutura do HDL. Entretanto, por causa da desordem estrutural, muitas vezes inerente ao material, torna-se a determinação completa da estrutura, via difração de raios X, raramente possível. As bandas largas presentes na análise do IV, fazem a atribuição das mesmas ambígua. Devido à complexidade dos HDL e à dificuldade de se adquirir ou interpretar os resultados experimentais, foi proposto um modelo para simular as características estruturais dos compostos tipo-hidrotalcita com o politipo 3R1, usando condições periódicas de contorno e cálculos ab initio dentro da teoria do funcional da densidade (DFT). As informações estruturais da hidrotalcita, obtidas experimentalmente, foram usadas para verificar a validade do modelo teórico. Os resultados mostraram boas concordâncias com os padrões de raios X do pó experimentais. O espectro na região do infravermelho, a entalpia e energia livre de Gibbs, também foram calculadas. Os cálculos de frequências vibracionais mostraram que as moléculas de água intercaladas são altamente organizadas devido às fortes interações intermoleculares com outras moléculas de água, com ânions interlamelares e com as hidroxilas das lamelas. A presença destas interações é refletida na presença do estiramento O-H das moléculas de água deslocadas para baixas frequências. A perda da degenerescência dos modos vibracionais v3 e do v4 foi observada, indicando a redução da simetria do íon carbonato. As modificações termodinâmicas e estruturais resultantes da substituição do íon presente no HDL Zn-Al-Cl também formam analisadas. O íon Cl- do HDL precursor foi trocado por uma série de ânions como o F-, Br-, OH-, NO3-, ClO4-, CO32- e SO42-. Os resultados mostraram que a intercalação do HDL com diferentes íons, afeta o gap de energia e a basicidade da lamela tipo-brucita. A entalpia e a energia livre de Gibbs, a densidade de estados (DOS) e a densidade de estados projetada (PDOS) foram avaliadas para todos os HDL. / The layered double hydroxide (LDH) or hydrotalcite-like compounds have been widely studied due to many applications they have. In catalysis field these compounds can act as catalyst, catalyst support or precursor for supports and catalysts. It is well known that the support morphology has larger influence on the dispersion, activity and selectivity of catalysts. In this case, detailed knowledge about support effects and catalytic sites requires understanding the LDH structure. However, because of the inherent structural disorder, complete structure determination using X-ray diffraction is rarely possible. The IR analysis present broad bands, which makes their assignment ambiguous. Due to the complexity of the LDH and the difficult of acquiring experimental data, we proposed a model to simulate structural features of the hydrotalcite-like compounds with 3R1 polytypes using periodic boundary conditions and ab initio density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The structural information of hydrotalcite from experiments were used to verify the validity of theoretical model. Our results showed good agreements to the powder X-ray patterns. The infrared spectroscopy, enthalpy and Gibbs free energy, also was calculated. The IR calculations showed that intercalated water molecules are highly ordered due the strong intermolecular interactions with other water molecules, interlayer anions and layer hydroxyls. These interaction is reflected by the presence of downshift vibrational frequencies of OH-stretching of interlayer water. The loss of degeneracy of the v3 and v4 vibrational modes are observed, indicating the reduction of the carbonate anion symmetry. The thermodynamic and structural modifications derived from anion exchange on a LDH containing Zn-Al-Cl was also analyzed. The Cl- ion to the LDH precursor was exchanged for a series of anions as F-, Br-, OH-, NO3-, ClO4-, CO32- and SO42-. The resulted show that intercalation of LDH with different anions affect their gap energy and basicity of brucite-like layer. The enthalpy and Gibbs free energy, density of charge, density of state (DOS) and projected density of state (PDOS) were evaluated for all substituted materials.

Design and Syntheses of Triarylborane Decorated Luminescent Dyes : Intriguing Optical Properties and Anion Sensing Applications

Swamy, Chinna Ayya P January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
The main thrust of this thesis is the development of new triarylborane containing luminescent molecules as well as utilizing triarylboron center as a receptor for the selective detection of biologically, environmentally and industrially important anions such as fluoride and cyanide in aqueous and non-aqueous solutions. The thesis contains nine chapters. The contents of each chapter are described below. Chapter 1 The first chapter is an introduction to the theme of the thesis and presents a general review on the techniques, theories and photochemistry relevant to the present work with emphasis on photochemistry of triarylboranes and their importance in the field of anion sensor chemistry. A review on various boron based luminophores is also presented. Chapter 2 The second chapter deals with the general experimental techniques and synthetic procedures utilized in this work. Chapter 3 This chapter deals with the synthesis of boryl-BODIPY dyads (1-8) in which triarylborane acts as anion receptor and BODIPY as a signalling unit. The absorption spectra of all boryl-BODIPY dyads shows similar pattern. However, the fluorescence spectra of 1, 2, 3, 6 and 7 shows dual emission bands whereas 4, 5 and 8 exhibit a single emission band. These interesting photophysical properties of boryl-BODIPYs (1-8) depends on the dihedral angle between two chromophores and partial energy transfer from donor (triarylborane) to acceptor (BODIPY) unit. The energy transfer efficiency of compounds 4, 5 and 8 is higher (close to 100%) compared to other series of boryl-BODIPYs (1-3, 6 and 7), due to the orthogonal arrangement of chromophores with high dihedral angles. To better understand photophysical properties and energy transfer process, anion binding studies were carried out since triarylborane acts as receptor for fluoride and cyanide ions. Anion binding studies of boryl-BODIPYs were (1-5) carried out in dichloromethane solutions and using tetrabutylammonium salt of fluoride/cyanide. All boryl-BODIPY dyads (1-5) were sensitive and selective sensor of fluoride, whereas the presence of only excess amounts (20 equv or more amounts) of cyanide made any changes in absorption and emission spectra. Other anions even above 100 eq were unable to cause any change. The quenching efficiency of compounds 4 and 5 was found to be more than that of other boryl-BODIPYs (1 and 3). The binding of fluoride with boryl-BODIPY (1-5) was entirely reversible; addition of BF3•Et2O to the fluoride adducts of compounds (1-5) regenerated the parent compounds. Chapter 4 In chapter 3, it was established that linear boryl-BODIPY dyads (1-8) show dual/single fluorescence bands depending on the dihedral angle between triarylborane and BODIPY unit. This Chapter describes the synthesis of three new “V” shaped boryl-BODIPY dyads (9, 10 and 11) their optical properties, Compound 9-11 are structurally similar differing only in the number of methyl substituents on the BODIPY moiety which were found to play major role in determining their optical behavior. The dyads show rare forms of multiple channel emission characteristics arising from different extents of electronic energy transfer (EET) processes between the two covalently linked fluorescent chromophores (triarylborane and BODIPY units). Owing to the presence of Lewis acidic triarylborane moiety, the dyads function as highly selective and sensitive fluoride sensors with vastly different response behavior. Upon binding of fluoride to the tricoordinate borane centre, dyad 9 shows gradual quenching of its BODIPY dominated emission due to the cessation of (borane to BODIPY) EET process. Dyad 10 shows ratiometric changes in its emission behavior upon addition of fluoride. Dyad 11 forms fluoride induced nanoaggregates which result in fast and effective quenching of its emission intensity upon addition of even small quantities of analyte (i.e. 0.1 equivalent of fluoride). When the solution is allowed to stand, disaggregation of the molecules results in partial recovery of the initial fluorescence bands. Thus, small structural alterations in these three structurally close dyads (9-11) result in exceptionally versatile and unique photophysical behavior and remarkably diverse responses towards a single analyte i.e. fluoride anion. Chapter 5 This chapter deals with intermolecular charge transfer (ICT) process in borane containing donor-acceptor triads and tetrads to realize colorimetric response for small anions such as fluoride and cyanide. Triad 12 and tetrad 13 incorporating –B(Mes)2, BDY (borondipyrromethene), and TPA (triphenylamine) were synthesized. Introduction of two dissimilar acceptors (triarylborane and BODIPY) on a single donor (TPA) resulted in two distinct ICT process (amine to borane and amine to BDY). The absorption and emission properties of new triad and tetrad are highly dependent on individual building units. The nature of electronic communication among the individual fluorophore units has been comprehensively investigated and compared with building units. Compounds 12 and 13 showed chromogenic and fluorogenic response towards small anions such as fluoride and cyanide. Chapter 6 In the previous chapter, it was demonstrated that although triphenylamine-triarylborane-BODIPY donor-acceptor conjugates show colorimetric response towards fluoride and cyanide. They could not distinguish these two interfering anions. To overcome the anion interference peripherally triarylborane decorated porphyrin (14) and its Zn(II) complex (15) were designed and synthesized and this forms the subject matter of this Chapter. Compound 15 contains two different Lewis acidic binding sites (Zn(II) and boron centre). Unlike all previously known triarylborane based sensors, the optical responses of 15 towards fluoride and cyanide are distinctively different thus enabling the discrimination of these two interfering anions. Metalloporphyrin 15 shows a multiple channel fluorogenic response towards fluoride and cyanide and also a selective visual colorimetric response towards cyanide. By comparison with model systems and from detailed photophysical studies on 14 and 15, it was concluded that the preferential binding of fluoride occurs at the peripheral borane moieties resulting in the cessation of the EET (electronic energy transfer) process from triarylborane to porphyrin core and with negligible negative cooperative effects. On the other hand, cyanide binding occurs at the Zn(II) core leading to drastic changes in its absorption behavior which can be followed by the naked eye. Such changes are not observed when the boryl substituent is absent (e.g. tetraphenyl-Zn(II)-porphyrin or TPP). The conjugates 14 and 15 showed reversible binding interaction towards CN and F and they are capable of extracting fluoride from aqueous media. Chapter 7 This Chapter deals with the design of a sensor which can detect fluoride colorimetrically in aqueous medium. Detecting fluoride in aqueous solution is an important area of current research owing to both positive and negative health and environmental effects associated with the fluoride ion. Although numerous fluoride sensors are reported, the colorimetric sensing (visual detection without the need of costly equipment and complicated analytical of fluoride at recommended levels 0.7 ppm) has not realized. Here we report the design, optical and fluoride sensing ability of two new water soluble Lewis acidic triarylborane-triarylamine conjugates 16 and 17 (containing one or two ammonium cations (-C6H4-NMe3). Compound 17 shows selective colorimetric response for aqueous inorganic fluoride at as low a level as 0.1 ppm Chapter 8 The synthesis and optical properties of four new triarylborane–dipyrromethane (TAB– DPM) conjugates (19a–d) containing dual binding sites (hydrogen bond donor and Lewis acid) have been reported. The new compounds exhibit a selective fluorogenic response towards the F− ion. The NMR titrations show that the fluoride ions bind to the TAB–DPM conjugates via the Lewis acidic triarylborane centre in preference to the hydrogen bond donor (dipyrromethane) units. Chapter 9 A new triarylborane-aza-BODIPY conjugate is reported (22). The conjugate molecule consists of two blue emissive dimesitylarylborane moiety and a NIR (near infra-red) emissive aza-BOIDPY core and shows panchromatic absorption spanning over ~300-800 nm region. The presence of two different fluorophore units in the conjugate leads to a broad dual-emissive feature covering a large part of visible and NIR region. DFT computational studies suggest limited electronic communication between the individual fluorophore units which may be responsible for the intriguing optical features of the conjugate molecule. Further, the broadband emissive conjugate can act as a selective sensor for fluoride anion as a result of fluorescence quenching response in both visible as well as in NIR spectral region.

Visokovredna funkcionalna jedinjenja iz sporednih proizvoda prerade paradajza / High-valuable functional compounds from tomato by-products

Stajčić Slađana 02 November 2012 (has links)
<p>Ekstrakcijom heksanom, a zatim 80% etanolom predhodno pripremljenog tropa od<br />IZ odabranih genotipova Bačka, Knjaz, Novosadski niski, O<sub>2</sub>, Rutgers i Saint Pierre<br />paradajza, dobijeni su heksanski i etanolni ekstrakti tropa. Sadržaj karotenoida u<br />heksanskim i polifenolnih jedinjenja, flavonoida i askorbinske kiseline u etanolnim<br />ekstraktima određen je spektrofotometrijskim metodama. Identifikacija i<br />kvantifikacija pojedinih karotenoida u heksanskim i polifenolnih jedinjenja u<br />etanolnim ekstraktima tropa paradajza izvedena je HPLC analizom. U ostacima<br />nakon ekstrakcija tropa paradajza određen je sadržaj prehrambenih vlakana.<br />Spektrofotometrijskim testovima određena je antiradikalska aktivnost na DPPH<br />radikale i redukciona sposobnost dobijenih ekstrakata. ESR spektroskopijom<br />ispitan je uticaj etanolnih ekstrakata na reaktivne hidroksil i superoksid anjon<br />radikale. Pored toga, ispitana je i helirajuća sposobnost etanolnih ekstrakata.<br />Antiradikalsko delovanje na DPPH radikale ostataka nakon ekstrakcija tropa<br />paradajza radikale, takođe je utvrđeno. Ispitana je in vitro antiproliferativna<br />aktivnost frakcija ekstrakata, njihovim delovanjem na rast tri histolo&scaron;ki različite<br />humane ćelijske linije: MCF-7 (adenokarcinom dojke), HeLa (epitelni karcinom<br />cerviksa) i MRC-5 (fetalni fibroblastni karcinom pluća). Rezultati ispitivanja<br />hemijskog sastava, antioksidativne i antiproliferativne aktivnosti ekstrakata, kao i<br />ostataka nakon ekstracija tropa odabranih genotipova paradajza ukazuju na<br />mogućnost iskori&scaron;ćenja ovog sporednog proizvoda kao potencijalnog izvora<br />prirodnih antioksidanata, koji bi na&scaron;li primenu u prehrambenoj, farmaceutskoj i<br />kozmetičkoj industriji.</p> / <p>Tomato pomaces obtained from selected tomato genotypes (Bačka, Knjaz, Novosadski niski,<br />O2, Rutgers and Saint Pierre) were extracted sequentially with hexane and 80% ethanol. The<br />content of carotenoids i hexane and total polyphenolics, flavonoids and ascorbic acid in<br />ethanolic extracts was determined by spectrophotometric methods. Identification and<br />quantification of individual carotenoids in hexane and polyphenolics in ethanolic extracts<br />was determined by HPLC analysis. The content of dietary fiber was determined in the<br />residues after extraction of tomato pomaces. The scavenging activity on DPPH radicals and<br />reducing power of the obtained extracts were determined spectrophotometrically. The<br />influence of ethanolic extracts on reactive hydroxyl and superoxide anion radicals was<br />examined by electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy. In addition, the chelating ability of<br />ethanolic extracts was investigated. Scavenging effect on DPPH radicals of the residue after<br />extraction of tomato pomace, has also been established. Antiproliferative activity of<br />investigated extracts was determined in vitro, testing their influence on the growth of three<br />histologically different human cell lines: MCF-7 (breast adenocarcinoma), HeLa (cervix<br />epithelioid carcinoma) and MRC-5 (fetal lung). Based on the results of chemical analysis,<br />significant antioxidant and antiproliferative activity of the tomato waste extracts, as well as<br />residues after extraction showed that tomato waste obtained from different tomato genotypes<br />should be regarded as potential source of natural antioxidants, which can be used for various<br />purposes in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry.</p>

A Comparative Analysis of Per- andPolyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) and ExtractableOrganofluorine (EOF) Using Solid PhaseExtraction-Weak Anion Exchange and Ion PairExtraction in SerumMarichal SalamehSpring 2021Independent project

Salameh, Marichal January 2021 (has links)
Per- and polyfluorinated substances (PFAS) are compounds that consist of a carbon chainbackbone that is partially or entirely fluorinated, with an addition of a functional group. SomePFAS are known as persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and have therefore been drawing a lot ofattention as well as increased concerns. PFAS have been detected in humans, wildlife and theenvironment and some have exhibited toxic effects such as hepatotoxicity, immunotoxicity,reproductive toxicity and endocrine disruption as well as being persistent and bioaccumulative.Serum, plasma and whole blood have been used as biomonitoring matrices in many studies toevaluate human exposure to PFAS. Restrictions have been applied to some PFAS, but thesecompounds are still ubiquitous. This study will investigate the performance (recovery, matrixeffect (ME) in terms of intra-/inter-day repeatability) of ion-pair extraction (IPE) and solid phaseextraction with weak anion exchange (SPE-WAX). The extraction methods were adapted fromliterature and 13 PFAS were selected for this work based on prior biomonitoring studies. Thetarget PFAS content was analyzed with liquid chromatography coupled with tandem massspectrometry (LC-MS/MS). The extraction methods were also compared for extractableorganofluorine (EOF) extraction in terms of blank levels as well as the amount extracted withdifferent methods; the EOF content was measured with combustion ion chromatography (CIC).The EOF levels were used to estimate the amount of unidentified organofluorine (UOF), to avoidunderestimating potential health hazards. Samples extracted using IPE had an average ionizationenhancement of 9%, while SPE-WAX showed an average ionization suppression of -1%. SPEWAXshowed higher average recoveries for procedural blanks (78%), horse serum (96%) andhuman serum (95%) in comparison to IPE (69%, 36%, 88%, respectively). The CIC analysis forEOF content was observed to be below MDL (&lt;50 ng/mL F) with some contaminations observedin the procedural blanks.

Physico-Chemical Characterisation of Chloride Transmembrane Transport using Calix[6]arene-based Receptors

Grauwels, Glenn 20 August 2020 (has links) (PDF)
The development of synthetic molecular receptors that can selectively bind anions, translocate them through a lipidic bilayer membrane and release them on the other side is a very topical and emerging field of supramolecular chemistry, warranted by the biological importance of transmembrane anion transport.The first part of this thesis is devoted to the study of the transmembrane transport of chloride and of the organic ion pair propylammonium chloride with calix[6]arene receptors functionalized with three (thio)urea arms on their small rim. The transport of chloride across the lipid bilayer of liposomes was monitored by fluorescence spectroscopy using the lucigenin assay. We report the first example of calix[6]arenes able to act as mobile carrier for the transport of chloride via a Cl-/NO3- antiport. We furthermore show that our calixarene systems are able to perform the cotransport of propylammonium chloride, with the chloride bound at the level of the (thio)urea groups and the ammonium included in the calixarene cavity. To provide direct proof of cotransport, we developed a 1H NMR methodology involving a thulium- complex shift reagent with which we were able to distinguish the signals of the ammonium transported inside the liposomes from those of the external ammonium. We also highlight the role of the complexing calixarene cavity for the cotransport by comparing the calixarenes to known transporters deprived of a cavity. The transmembrane transport organic ion pairs could find applications in the transport of biologically relevant ammonium compounds such as catecholamines and amino acids. Our results are reported in the publication “Repositioning Chloride Transmembrane Transporters: Transport of Organic Ion Pairs” Grauwels, G. Valkenier, H. Davis, A. P. Jabin, I. Bartik, K. Angew. Chemie - Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 6921–6925.The second part of this thesis is devoted to the study of binding of chloride to receptors embedded in a lipid membrane, the first step of the transmembrane transport process. Both 1H and 31P NMR spectroscopy proved to be inadequate to study the binding using liposomes or micelles as model membranes. With liposomes, the NMR signals are too broad to be exploited and in the case of micelles, the competition between the lipid headgroups and chloride made it impossible to obtain a NMR signature which unambiguously characterizes chloride binding. The 35Cl NMR signal is on the other hand strongly affected by the presence of anion receptors, both in organic solvents and when incorporated lipid bilayers. We developed a methodology to evaluate the binding of chloride, based on the monitoring of the chloride linewidth during titration experiments. A linear relationship between the linewidth and the concentration of receptors is observed and the slopes can be exploited to compare the binding strengths of different structurally related receptors. We show that 35/37Cl NMR is a versatile tool which can help in the understanding and development of new transporters by providing new insights of the physicochemical understanding of the transport process. / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur et technologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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