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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Unhappiness in Love and Marriage in the Fiction of Anton Chekhov

Knieff, Nancy Jane Shumate 08 1900 (has links)
This paper will examine Chekhov's attitudes toward love and marriage as revealed in his short stories. An attempt will be made to find certain themes which recur frequently and to discover the reasons for their recurrence.

Messing with the Form: Reifying the Suzuki Method of Actor Training to Foster an Ensemble for Anton Chekhov's <i>Three Sisters</i>

McCabe, Bri A. 27 April 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Fighting the Lethargy: Creating the Role of Masha in Anton Chekhov's The Three Sisters

Picone, Lisa 15 December 2007 (has links)
This thesis serves as documentation of my efforts to define accurately my creative process as an actor in creating the role of Masha in The Three Sisters by Anton Chekhov. This includes research, character analysis, rehearsal journal and an evaluation of my performance. The Three Sisters was produced by the University of New Orleans Department of Film, Theatre and Communication Arts in New Orleans, Louisiana. The play was performed in the Thrust Theatre of the Performing Arts Center at 8:00 pm on the evenings of April 19 through 21 and April 26 through 28, with one matinee at 2:30 pm on Sunday, April 29, 2007.

The Technical Direction Provided for the 2008 Kent State University School of Theatre and Dance Production of Three Sisters

Farris, Jennifer 24 April 2009 (has links)
No description available.

"Little Things": Chekhov's Children and Discourse in the Comic Short Story

Goode, Rich W, IV 17 May 2013 (has links)
While most critics agree that Anton Chekhov is a funny writer and much critical commentary about his comedic techniques identifies how Chekhov is humorous, none examines why readers find him so. Using the tools of cognitive science, this paper explores the cognitive processes behind humor and narrative, as well as Chekhov’s exploitation of them for comical effect in his early short stories – namely the very concise and blatantly humorous “Kids,” “Grisha,” “Vanka,” and “At Home” – and uncovers, in these early writings, the origins of his celebrated and oft-imitated authorial legacy.

The Good Doctor: Exploring and Designing a Journey through Simon and Chekhov’s Russia

Bruns, Melinda W 18 May 2013 (has links)
This thesis is an exploratory look at the process for designing the costumes for Neil Simon’s The Good Doctor. This production was produced at the University of New Orleans as part of its 2012-2013 season. Within this thesis we explore the multifaceted journey of the costume design process. As a designer, it is one’s job to use both historical and textual analysis in order to create a design that supports the thematic structure of the play. The following journey begins with initial research on the complex relationship between Neil Simon and his subject Anton Chekhov. It continues to include individual character concepts, as well as a re-telling of the production process. Finally, it concludes with an analysis of the validity of the design as a whole. Costume Design, Neil Simon, Anton Chekhov, The Good Doctor

A composição da novela \'Uma novela enfadonha\' de Antón Tchékhov / The composition of the short story \'A dreary story\' by Anton Chekhov

Vasilevich, Elena 08 March 2018 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objeto a análise da composição da obra Uma novela enfadonha de Antón Tchékhov. O protagonista da novela é único dentro da criação tchekhoviana. Trata-se de um cientista de renome mundial que, ao enfrentar pela primeira vez a dúvida acerca da significância de sua própria existência, tenta resolver esse problema, tão doloroso para ele próprio, por meio de reflexões lógicas registradas em seu diário. Contudo, sofre um fracasso absoluto. Redigida em primeira pessoa, nesta obra, como em toda a criação tchekhoviana, é característico um método de escrita objetivo, de tal forma que a opinião das personagens é, de fato, a opinião delas, e não representa o parecer do autor. É possível compreender a posição de Tchékhov na novela, onde não há uma única palavra direta do autor, apenas pela observação de certos sinais expressos no subtexto. A partir disso, analisamos aqueles sinais que constituem os elementos estilísticos básicos da composição partes do enredo que incluem o tempo presente e as recordações, o léxico, os temas da morte, a natureza, os animais, a música, além dos detalhes, símbolos, ritmo, a caracterização das personagens e o cronótopo. Mostramos como todos esses elementos, ao se entrelaçarem e realçarem uns aos outros, conformam o subtexto da obra, e contribuem para a realização da ideia central do autor: mostrar a situação psicológica da pessoa quando sua vida se aproxima do fim, quando é levantada a questão do sentido último e concreto da vida humana, no pano de fundo do processo histórico infinito. Além disso, examinamos a história da criação da novela, observando esse processo por meio da análise das cartas do autor. Também ponderamos os trabalhos da crítica dedicados a Uma história enfadonha em diversos momentos históricos de estudo da obra. / The purpose of this work is to study the composition of the Chekhov\'s novel \"A Dreary Story\". The main character of this novel is unique for Chekhov since he is a World known scientist. Being in doubt for the first time about the meaning of his life he is trying to resolve this painful problem with the help of logical reflections in his diary - but fails. The novel has the form of a narrative of the main character. In Chekhovs\' writings the opinion of the character never reflect the opinion of the author. Therefore, to understand the Chekhov point of view in a novel that does not contain single word directly from the author, one has to be attentive to special signs in the subtext. We analyze these signs, that are main stylistic elements of the composition such as the plot, the narrative in the present and in recollections, the lexis, the themes of death, of nature, of animals, musics, as well as the details, symbols, the rhythm, the characters and the chronotop. We show that all these factors interact and clarify each other to compose the subtext of the novel. They conspire to underline the main idea of the author to show the psychology a man when his life is coming to an end and then he is concerned with the meaning of his particular finite life at the background of an infinite historic process. Besides, we consider the history of creation of \"A Dreary Story\" by looking at the author\'s correspondence and analyzing the critics dedicated to the novel.

O Jubileu de Vladímir Sorókin: \'um tal Tchékhov, que nunca havíamos visto antes!\' / Vladímir Sorókins anniversary: a certain Tchékhov, whom we had never seen before!

Marcançoli, Cássia Regina Marconi 26 April 2017 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta uma tradução direta do russo para o português da peça O jubileu ( - Iubilei) de Vladímir Gueórguievitch Sorókin. Nessa peça, o autor parodia textos dramatúrgicos de Anton Tchékhov e se utiliza também da sátira às instituições soviéticas. Em nossa análise, captamos algumas características essenciais da dramaturgia de Sorókin, que são também comuns a grande parte da literatura russa contemporânea, ou específicas do estilo do autor. Partimos de conceitos de sátira, grotesco e especialmente de paródia, estudados por Linda Hutcheon, Mikhail Bakhtin e Giorgio Agamben, e, no Brasil, por Arlete Cavaliere, Affonso Romano de Sant\'Anna, Bóris Schnaiderman, Flávio R. Khote, entre outros. / The present study introduces the direct translation from Russian into Portuguese of the play Anniversary ( Iubilei) by Vladimir Gueorguievitch Sorokin. In this play, the author parodies dramaturgical texts by Anton Chekhov and lampoons Soviet institutions. In our analysis, we collected some essential characteristics of Sorokins play-writing, that are either common to most of contemporary Russian literature or proper to the authors style. We considered concepts of satire, grotesco and especially parody, studied by Linda Hutcheon, Mikhail Bakhtin and Giorgio Agamben, and, in Brazil, by Arlete Cavaliere, Affonso Romano de Sant\'Anna, Bóris Schnaiderman, Flávio R. Khote, among others.

Tchékhov no Brasil: a construção de uma atualidade / Chekhov in Brazil: the building of a presentness

Rodrigo Alves do Nascimento 22 March 2013 (has links)
Anton Pávlovitch Tchékhov (1860-1904) é hoje um dos dramaturgos mais encenados no Brasil e no mundo. A fim de compreender como se deu o processo de afirmação de sua dramaturgia, bem como as interpretações e atualizações feitas por críticos e grupos teatrais, realizaremos um estudo de recepção com foco específico na relação entre texto e cena. Inicialmente, faremos uma breve análise de suas primeiras encenações em solo russo (e a produção pelo Teatro de Arte de Moscou do que se convencionou chamar tchekhovismo), passando pelos palcos europeus e americanos para, finalmente, entender as principais interpretações produzidas em solo brasileiro - foco deste trabalho. Ao final, esperamos que fique evidente que nossa tentativa é menos a de estabelecer uma linha evolutiva de dissolução do mito do tchekhovismo e mais a de mostrar como ao longo da história da recepção do drama de Tchékhov sua atualização constante sofria (e sofre) pressões dos impasses de nossa formação teatral, nossas dificuldades econômicas, sociais e políticas. / Anton Pavlovich Chekhov is one of the most staged playwriters of our days both in Brazil and in most of the World. In order to understand how the importance of his dramaturgy came into being, as well as the different interpretations and updatings done by several theater groups, this study will investigate Chekhov\'s reception, with emphasis to the relation between the text and the stagings. Beginning with an analysis of his Russian reception (and the creation of what we came to call Chekhovism by the Moscow Art Theater), we will then proceed with analysis of his stagings in both Europe and the United States in order to finally approach his Brazilian reception and interpretation the main focus of this study. We hope, by the end of this inquiry, to have made clear that our intention is not only tracing an evolutionary line of the myth of Chekovism and of its dissolution, but also showing how Checkov\'s constant reinterpretations suffered (and continues to suffer) pressure from the genesis of our theater tradition and of our social, political and economic struggles.

A Ilha de Sacalina de Tchékhov: a construção do olhar científico e literário no relato de viagem / Chekhov\'s Sakhalin Island: the construction of the scientific and literary gaze in the travelogue

Lia Nogueira Marques 09 May 2018 (has links)
A Ilha de Sacalina é resultado da viagem do escritor russo Anton Tchékhov à colônia penal de Sacalina, em 1890, e o relato completo foi publicado em 1895, rico em detalhes demográficos e observações sobre os habitantes do local. Este trabalho apresenta a análise da obra a partir da figura do narrador e de seu olhar marcado pela ciência e pela literatura. Tchékhov construiu um narrador em primeira pessoa com base em suas duas profissões e, consequentemente, identidades: a do médico e a do escritor. Da ciência para a literatura, da população para o indivíduo, da natureza para uma casa, do macro para o micro, o narrador integra um texto objetivo com o subjetivo para fazer uma crítica ao sistema penal russo. O olhar científico herdado da medicina é exposto ao lado da perspectiva subjetiva da literatura e o resultado dessa união é a asseveração de um inferno simbólico e real tanto para os habitantes da colônia como para o próprio narrador. / Sakhalin Island is the result of the Russian writer Anton Chekhov\'s trip to the penal colony of Sacalina in 1890. The complete report was published in 1895, rich in demographic details and observations on the inhabitants of the place. This dissertation presents an analysis of the book from the figure of the narrator and his look marked by science and literature. Chekhov constructed a first person narrator based on his two professions and, consequently, identities: the doctor and the writer. From science to literature, from population to an individual, from nature to a house, from macro to micro, the narrator integrates an objective text with the subjective one to criticize the Russian penal system. The scientific look inherited from medicine is exposed alongside the subjective, literature perspective and the result of this union is an assertion of a symbolic and real hell for both the inhabitants of the colony and the narrator himself.

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