Spelling suggestions: "subject:"applied mpsychology"" "subject:"applied bpsychology""
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A multilingual advantage, or lack thereof? : A comparative study of executive functions in bilinguals and multilingualsGreek Selin, Matilda, James, Calum January 2021 (has links)
The present study aimed to examine how bilinguals and multilinguals performed in executive functioning measures as well as potential differences in performance in terms of number of languages spoken and language proficiency. A sample of 191 participants between the ages 50-75 who spoke 1-5 languages were administered six executive functioning tasks measuring inhibition and switching performance. Three different language variables were examined, namely self-reported number of languages spoken, language proficiency and recategorised number of languages spoken based on proficiency. Analyses showed a positive correlation (i.e., worse performance) between the reported number of languages spoken and the switching task “colour-shape”. This correlation remained significant when analysing the recategorised number of languages and the colour-shape task. The current results indicated no significant performance benefits of multilingualism in executive functioning tasks and showed that they may even have been disadvantaged in certain circumstances. Since correlations were only found in one switching task, no wider generalisations as to the advantages or disadvantages can be made based on the results in this study. However, no multilingual advantage as reported in previous papers was found in the present study. / Denna studie syftade till att undersöka tvåspråkigas och flerspråkigas prestation i exekutiva funktioner samt potentiella prestationsskillnader vad gäller antal språk och språkfärdighet. Ett urval på 191 deltagare i åldrarna 50-75, som talades 1-5 språk, deltog i sex olika tester som mätte prestation i de exekutiv funktionerna inhibering och växlande. Tre språkvariabler undersöktes, nämligen självrapporterat antal språk, språkfärdighet och omkategoriserat antal språk baserat på språkfärdighet. Analyser visade en positiv korrelation (d.v.s. sämre prestation) mellan självrapporterat antal språk och växlandesuppgiften “colour-shape”. Denna korrelation förblev signifikant vid analyser av omkategoriserat antal språk och “colour-shape”-uppgiften. Resultaten indikerade inga signifikanta prestationsfördelar för flerspråkiga personer vad gäller exekutiva funktioner, utan visade att detta skulle kunna vara en nackdel under vissa omständigheter. Då korrelationerna endast hittades i en växlingsuppgift kan inga större generaliseringar göras vad gäller fördelar eller nackdelar baserat på vad som kommit fram i denna studie. Likväl kunde inga fördelar för flerspråkiga som rapporterats i tidigare forskning finnas i denna studie. / Successful Aging - A study of how bilingualism and choice of occupation contribute to preserve attention and memory across the adult life span
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Personality, Fields of Research and Job Satisfaction : Evidence from a Swedish UniversityKnutas, Felix January 2021 (has links)
With the introduction of personality research, occupational and job satisfaction research has advanced in scale. Evidence from studies within Personality Trait and Work Psychology research strongly suggests there to be connections between not only Neuroticism and job satisfaction rates, but that personality traits also seem to be unevenly distributed across occupations. This report sought to confirm and further explore findings made on Neuroticism and job satisfaction, as well as potential differences in personality traits among researchers in Social Science, Physical Science and Technology. Using the Five Factor Model (FFM) of personality and the Short Index of Job Satisfaction (SIJS), a survey study was conducted with a total of 83 participants. Using a Kruskal-Wallis test between fields of research and Personality Traits, this study found no significant differences between the fields of research. Correlations between Neuroticism and Job Satisfaction could not reach statistical significance enough to replicate previous findings. This report made other findings, such as significant links between personality traits, and discusses future research for this area of research. / Forskningen inom personlighetstyper innebar nya möjligheter för arbetspsykologin. Empiri ifrån studier föreslår starka kopplingar mellan jobbnöjdhet och personlighetstyper, men även att personlighetstyper skiljer sig mellan arbetsplatser och mer specifikt, mellan olika forskningsområden. Denna uppsats avsåg att hitta de kopplingar som gjorts tidigare mellan Neuroticism och jobbnöjdhet, men även eventuella skillnader i personlighetstyper mellan tre olika forskningsområden: Sociala vetenskaper, Fysiska vetenskaper och Teknologiska vetenskaper. Genom att kombinera Five Factor Model of personality (FFM) och Short Index of Job Satisfaction (SIJS) skapades två enkäter, en på Engelska och en på Svenska. Studien innehöll totalt 83 deltagare ifrån de tre valda forskningsområdena, och med hjälp av korrelationsberäkningar och Kruskal-Wallis test kunde man konstatera att resultaten som hade hittats av tidigare forskning inte kunde replikeras. Andra statistiskt signifikanta fynd mellan personlighetstyper gjordes dock, och dessa diskuteras tillsammans med implikationer för framtida forskning.
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Improving the public’s ability to find publicly placed bleeding control kits : The effect of signage and bleeding control kit placementPetter, Norrblom January 2023 (has links)
Trauma is a leading cause of death, and in potentially preventable trauma deaths insufficient bleeding control has often been noted. For bleeding-related injuries, providing aid quickly is crucial since people may die from haemorrhage within minutes. One group that has been identified as able to provide quick aid is bystanders and other people present at the scene of injury. In such settings, using bleeding control (b-con) equipment such as tourniquets is effective to help control bleeding. Thus, b-con kits including such equipment has been recommended to be placed in public areas. However, for publicly placed b-con kits to be effective people must be able to find the kits quickly. This leads to the aim of this thesis, which is to explore how b-con kits can be made easier to find for the public by using signage and b-con kit placement. Two studies were conducted to explore this topic. In the first study, signage for marking b-con kits was developed since no standardised or well-recognised signage for b-con kits existed. Three b-con kit signage designs were developed in accordance with existing standards and regulations for safety signage. Then, the three signage designs were evaluated by a survey. One design, depicting an injured arm, was found to be most effective for marking b-con kits. In the second study, the effect of signage use and b-con kit placement on time to find a b-con kit was examined by an experiment carried out in a virtual environment (VE) using virtual reality (VR). The study found that providing directional signage made people find the b-con kit faster. The study also found that placing the b-con kit at a reception (a central location) made people find the b-con kit quicker compared to when the b-con kit was placed between emergency exits (a more peripheral location). The study also examined if people would find the b-con kit faster when b-con signage was used for directional signage compared to when general first aid signage was used, but no significant difference was found. In addition, the VE was validated. The results of the validation showed that the findings in the study would likely transfer to real world settings. In conclusion, using signage and placing b-con kits strategically were found to be effective ways to aid the public in finding publicly placed b-con kits, which may help people provide possibly life-saving aid to haemorrhage victims.
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Munskyddets effekt på barns språkinlärning / The Face Masks’ Effect on Children’s Language LearningSvorse, Elsa January 2023 (has links)
Runtom i världen har Covid-19 påverkat barns skolgång, från distansutbildning över zoom till social distansering i klassrummen. Många studier har gjorts för att skapa en bättre förståelse för hur barnens lärande blivit påverkat av dessa förändringar. Syftet med det här experimentet var att undersöka hur engelsktalande tre till fyraåringars förmåga att repetera nya ord blivit påverkat av att en talare har munskydd på sig när de säger de nya orden. En experimentell metod med inompersonsdesign användes och experimentet utfördes på två förskolor i Australien. Deltagarna ombads att repetera tio svenska ord som sades en gång när talaren använde munskydd och en gång utan munskydd, för att se om det fanns några skillnader i barnens förmåga att repetera orden vid de olika betingelserna. Resultatet visade at barnen repeterade signifikant fler ord korrekt när munskydd inte användes. Resultatet är relevant både under diskussioner om smittspridning, och kulturella diskussioner om användningen av burka och niqab vid språkinlärning. / Covid-19 has affected children’s schooling across the world, from distance learning on zoom, to social distancing in the classroom. Many studies have been conducted to create a better understanding of how these changes affect children’s learning. The purpose of this experiment was to examine how English speaking three- to four-year-old’s ability to repeat new words has been affected by the speaker’s mask-use. An experimental method with a within-subject-design was used and the experiment took place at two daycare centers in Australia. The participants were asked to repeat ten Swedish words, once when the speaker was wearing a mask, and once when they were not. This was done to see if there were any differences in the children’s ability to repeat the words in the two different conditions. The result showed that the children could repeat a signific amount more words correct when the mask was not used. The result is relevant both in discussions of contagion, but also cultural discussions about the use of burqa and niqab in language teaching.
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Familjerådgivning och heterosexuell tvåsamhet : - makt i psykoterapeutrollenPersson, Johanna January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate the dynamics of privilege and structural oppression according to the heteronormativ dyad in the context of family councelling through the lense of an intersectional perspective as a framework. The concept ”Portrait of intersectional privilege” by Fors (2020) is central of the study by its focus on the flexibel power balance on heterosexism, idealization of the dyadic realtionship and the norm of monogami. Five semi structured interviews have been made with psychotherapists in the field of Swedish family councelling and the data were interpretated and processed by tematic analysis. The result indicates that it would be of interest to improve knowledge and reflective awareness about intersecitionality when it comes to the heteronormativ dyad in the field of family councelling.
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Prokrastineringen och arbetsmiljöns samband med passiv arbetsplatsinlåsning : -En kvantitativ studie på förvärvsarbetareHolmberg Tankred, Sofie January 2022 (has links)
Arbete är en betydande del av en människas identitet. Statistik har visat på att en fjärdedel befinner sig i en bransch eller på en arbetsplats som de inte längre uppskattar. Denna studie avsåg att undersöka prokrastineringens, kravets, kontrollens och det sociala stödets betydelse för passiv arbetsplatsinlåsning. En kvantitativ metod har tillämpats för att genomföra studien. Respondenterna (N=129) svarade på en webbaserad enkät. För att mäta prokrastinering användes skalan IPS. Krav, kontroll och socialt stöd mättes med DCSQ och passiv arbetsplatsinlåsning mättes med en egenkonstruerad skala PIS. Resultatet i regressionsanalyserna visade att prokrastinering (β =.41) och socialt stöd (β = -.21) hade signifikanta samband med arbetsplatsinlåsning. Slutsatsen för denna studie är att prokrastinering och lågt socialt stöd kan ha samband med arbetsplatsinlåsning. Studien kan vara intressant i arbetsrelaterade sammanhang där kunskapen om potentiella risker för arbetsplatsinlåsning kan bidra till att förebygga situationer där individer befinner sig på en arbetsplats eller bransch hen inte längre vill vara i.
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The Influence of Anti-Work Orientation and Organizational Dehumanization on Counterproductive Work Behavior and Quiet QuittingEyþórsson, Viktor Orri, Innanen, Samael January 2024 (has links)
This study examines the relationships between anti-work orientation which questions and critiques the role of work in our lives, organizational dehumanization where the employee feels objectified by their employer and feels like just a tool, counterproductive work behavior which includes employee behavior which harms the work organization or other employees, and quiet quitting where employees do the bare minimum required by their employer. Due to the lack of previous research, we examined the effect of the level of conscientiousness as a control variable in our regression models. Data was gathered from adult respondents with work experience in a non-management position (n= 257). Results indicate that anti-work orientation and organizational dehumanization significantly predict quiet quitting, suggesting their potential to cause employee disengagement. In contrast, their effects on counterproductive work behavior were not significant, possibly due to a floor effect. Conscientiousness was a robust predictor of counterproductive work behavior and quiet quitting, indicating that conscientious employees engage in less deviant or disengagement behaviors. Exploratory analysis revealed a weak negative correlation between age and quiet quitting, and that Millennials show higher anti-work orientation than Generation X. These findings underscore the need for organizational strategies that promote more humanistic approaches, such as promoting supportive leadership and increasing employee autonomy in order to enhance employee engagement.
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No description available.
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Volontärers erfarenheter av att arbeta på Självmordslinjen : Samhörighet och meningsfullhet i ett svårt men hanterbart volontärarbeteSahlin, William, Andersson, Emma January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka volontärers erfarenheter av att arbeta på självmordslinjen. För att göra detta genomfördes semistrukturerade intervjuer med volontärerna på Självmordslinjen i Umeå. Sex volontärer i åldrarna 30 – 71 intervjuades, hälften män och hälften kvinnor. Intervjuerna spelades in, transkriberades, och analyserades med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Huvudtemat som identifierades var “Samhörighet och meningsfullhet i ett svårt men hanterbart volontärsarbete”. Även fem underteman identifierades; “Man hanterar det akuta på väldigt olika sätt”, “Egna erfarenheter och utbildning är viktigt för arbetet”, “Telefon och chatt är så olika format”, “Ibland är det väldigt jobbigt, men det blir bättre med tiden” och “Det viktigaste är meningsfullheten och samarbetet”. Resultatet pekar på att samarbetet med volontärskollegorna är avgörande för trivseln i uppdraget. Det framkommer även att man hanterar situationer och samtal olika beroende på vad man har för tidigare erfarenheter och utbildning av att arbeta med personer som befinner sig i kris. Förslag på hur dessa resultat kan implementeras i praktiken diskuteras, samt förslag till vidare forskning inom området. / The purpose of this study was to examine the experiences of working as a volunteer at a suicide hotline in Sweden. This was done by conducting semi-structured interviews with the volunteers at Självmordslinjen in Umeå. Six volunteers ranging in age from 30to 71 years were interviewed, half of them men and the other half women. The interviews were recorded and then transcribed and analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The main theme identified was “Solidarity and meaningfulness in a hard but manageable volunteer work”. Five sub-themes were also identified; “The acute situations are managed in very different ways”, “Experiences and education is important when working here”, “The telephone and the chat are two very different formats”, “Sometimes it’s very hard, but it gets better over time”, and “The most important aspects are the meaningfulness and the cooperation”. The results of the study show that the cooperation between volunteers are crucial for the well-being of volunteers. It was also apparent that situations and conversations are handled differently, depending on earlier experiences and education of working with people in a situation of crisis. Suggestions on how to apply these findings in practice are discussed, as well as suggestions on furtherresearch in this field.
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Conceivability and Possibility : Counterfactual Conditionals as Modal Knowledge?Holmlund, Erik January 2019 (has links)
Hur har vi kunskap om vad som är möjligt? Enligt vad som kan betraktas som det traditionella svaret till den frågan, har vi kunskap om modalitet via föreställningsbarhet. Vi föreställer oss ting och tar sedan detta som bevis för möjlighet. Denna uppsats kommer att undersöka tre invändningar till detta svar angående hur vi har kunskap om möjlighet. Vi kommer sedan att överväga Williamsons förmodan: att vår kognitiva kapacitet för att hantera kontrafaktiska konditionaler bär med sig den kognitiva kapaciteten för oss att även hantera metafysisk modalitet (2007, 136), och undersöka om denna förmodan undviker dessa invändningar. Det kommer här att argumenteras att Williamson’s förmodan undviker två av invändningarna och att den inte tycks kunna svara på den sista invändningen. Det kommer även att argumenteras att en invändning mot Williamson’s förmodan ser ut att vara särskilt problematisk, och att det inte är klart att Williamson’s förmodan är i någon bättre position än den negativa föreställningsbarhets vyn. / How do we have knowledge of what is possible? On what could be considered as the traditional response to this question, we have knowledge of modality by conceivability. We conceive of things and on the basis take this as evidence for possibility. This thesis will consider three objections to this response of how we have knowledge of possibility. We will then consider Williamson’s conjecture: that our cognitive capacity to handle counterfactual conditionals carries the cognitive capacity for us to also handle metaphysical modality (2007, 136), and see if this conjecture avoids these objections. It will be argued that Williamson’s conjecture avoids two of the objections and that it does not seem to have a response to the last objection. It will also be argued that one objection to Williamson’s conjecture seems particularly problematic, and that it is not so clear that Williamson’s conjecture is any better off than the negative conceivability view.
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