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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nová synagoga Opava / New synagogue in Opava

Gracová, Michaela January 2019 (has links)
The subject of the diploma thesis was the elaboration of an architectural study of a new synagogue in Opava, which, with other necessary objects, will create a complex used by the jewish community and its members. The result of the design is a new community center. This has the task of restoring existence and supporting the development of the jewish community, which has not found its way back to Opava since world war II. Three separate objects cover the needs of this community for everyday and spiritual life. This includes education taking place in the library, the seat of the jewish community and its leaders, ritual cleansing areas of the mikveh and the commercial space of the kosher food or products store. It is necessary to have a kosher restaurant providing proper eating. An important part is also the space of cultural activities in the form of artistic or other exhibitions and events. The main area of the complex is a synagogue where prayers, festivities and meetings are held.

Porovnávání pohledu na člověka u Karla Marxe, Sigmunda Freuda a jejich následovníků / Comparison of the point of view on human being as seen by Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud and their descendants

Havel, Jan January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this paper it to observe different approaches to human beings. Two major points of view will be that of Karl Marx and of Sigmund Freud. In which apects are their deffinitions of human being, behavior and thinking processes different and in which are they similar? How are their ideas transferred in the work of oher authors and where does it lead? Is it possible to find similar streams in the work of their followers? These are the two major questions that this paper will try to answer. Another meaning this paper should have is to create a meanigful and coherent source of various authors who were involved in examination of human being.

L'influence de la psychologie de la forme et de l'idéalisme transcendantal sur l'interprétation du noème perceptif par A. Gurwitsch

Auger, Louis-Philippe 09 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Ce projet de recherche entend présenter les enjeux entourant un débat relatif à l'interprétation du noème perceptif dans la phénoménologie husserlienne. Sans prétendre épuiser les tenants et aboutissants d'un tel débat, l'objectif poursuivi dans le contexte actuel consiste plutôt à exposer l'opposition qui se dessine entre deux courants qui ont marqué l'orientation des commentaires portant sur cette notion centrale de la théorie de l'intentionnalité phénoménologique. Cette opposition relève de la confrontation entre les interprétations de A. Gurwitsch et de D. Føllesdal. Tandis que le premier s'inspire de l'idéalisme transcendantal des Idées directrices, le second prend appui sur le réalisme exposé dans les Recherches logiques. Cette confrontation a donné lieu à de vives réactions et l'état actuel de la situation semble avoir donné raison à l'interprétation de Føllesdal. Néanmoins, certains commentateurs reconnaissent que quelques rapprochements sont possibles entre ces deux lectures, en dépit de leurs postulats fondamentaux qui restent irréconciliables. Parmi ces commentateurs ayant dicté en grande partie la direction des discussions subséquentes, il importe de mentionner H. Dreyfus et D. Woodruff Smith. Dans cette optique, ce projet de recherche aura pour tâche de présenter en un premier temps les principales thèses mises de l'avant par Gurwitsch et Føllesdal vers la fin des années 1960 afin de bien saisir la nature du rapport ambigu entre leurs postulats respectifs. Il sera ensuite question de la manière dont le débat s'est cristallisé à compter des années 1970 suite à la présentation qu'en font Dreyfus et W. Smith. Compte tenu de l'issue de cette confrontation, qui favorise maintenant la lecture défendue par Føllesdal, le dernier chapitre tâchera de repositionner la lecture de Gurwitsch dans son contexte d'origine afin de saisir à la fois les sources de son interprétation et les raisons suivant lesquelles cette lecture possède encore aujourd'hui une certaine valeur heuristique pour l'interprétation de ce concept central de la phénoménologie husserlienne qu'est le noème et, plus précisément, le noème perceptif. ______________________________________________________________________________

Raymond Aron. De la philosophie critique de l'histoire à l'analyse politique

Li, Lan 08 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Notre idée principale est d'essayer de comprendre la pensée politique de Raymond Aron à partir de sa théorie sur l'histoire. Pour nous, derrière sa proclamation d'une politique raisonnable ou progressive existe un support épistémologique, à savoir la proposition d'un déterminisme de probabilité concernant la vérité historique, proposition qui ne peut se constituer que dans le cadre d'une critique de la philosophie spéculative de l'histoire. Dans l'Introduction à la philosophie de l'histoire, Aron tente de surmonter l'antinomie du devenir humain entre unité totale du modèle hégélien-marxiste et pluralité irréductible du modèle d'Oswald Spengler, mais sans tomber dans le piège du relativisme absolu. Plus précisément, sa propre critique de la philosophie de l'histoire se constitue à double niveau : au niveau méthodologique, il essaye de réinterpréter la relation entre la compréhension et l'explication pour établir l'objectivité historique. Et au niveau ontologique, pour éviter une conclusion relativiste, il réintroduit l'idée d'une société humanisée au sens kantien, mais d'une manière moins téléologique et plus régulatrice. Dans le domaine politique, corrélativement, il rejette tout type de messianisme garanti d'avance, car, à ses yeux, ce n'est que par choix et décision instantanée que l'homme fait son histoire, tout en gardant l'espoir de la liberté. Et son libéralisme se différencie du libéralisme purement économique et apparaît à la fois conservateur vis-à-vis de la tradition et essentiellement politique. Notre recherche consistera à montrer comment s'est élaboré, en surmontant les philosophies dogmatiques de l'histoire, ce déterminisme de probabilité ; comment il a su appliquer cette conviction historique à son analyse de la société, notamment en tant que libérale et quel rôle doit jouer, selon lui, un intellectuel face à la politique ; nous reprendrons ensuite sa critique vis-à-vis des intellectuels français, pour l'appliquer au débat entre les intellectuels chinois.

Toward an integrated process model of consumer grudgeholding : does gender make any difference?

Ghanam, Boushra January 2016 (has links)
As consumers or customers, when we go into a shop and buy a product or, these days, when we buy something online, we expect not only the product itself to be fit for purpose but we also expect that we, the customers, get good customer service. If we get good or excellent customer service, we leave the shop feeling satisfied and positive in some way. How do shops, online or otherwise, or any other organisations, such as banks, hospitals or universities help to ensure that their employees deliver the appropriate customer service? It is still the main challenge. Thus, there are instances when a customer does not get the service that they deserve, or believe that they deserve. A happy, satisfied customer may perhaps tell others and thus encourage others to buy or go to that particular shop or organisation thus benefiting the business (new customers, who will spend money). However, there is evidence that an angry, upset dissatisfied customer will almost certainly tell five, or perhaps more, people of their bad experience. This is, clearly, bad for the business in question. No wonder, then, that businesses want, and need, to ensure that they have happy, satisfied customers and not dissatisfied or grudgeholders. Given the importance of customer satisfaction to businesses/organisations, the literature in this area demonstrates that there is still much to further understand about not only customer satisfaction but, importantly, customer dissatisfaction. Dissatisfaction can be short and easily forgotten and it might be argued that this might not negatively affect a business/organisation too much in terms of future business. However, if a customer experiences or believes that they have suffered a great deal of negative emotions such as anger, fear, disappointment, betrayal and/or disgust, as well as perhaps telling many people, potential future customers about their bad experience they may well, also, take more direct action in the form of either making a formal complaint to the business/organisation, or perhaps retaliating in some way either immediately or at the nearest opportunity. Such a customer may hold a grudge against the business/organisation which is not only bad for the customer for their mental health (holding a grudge is negative) but is also bad for the business/organisation, too. Unfortunately, despite vital advances in dissatisfaction and complaining behaviour research, the psychological cognitive-emotive process underlying consumers’ coping behaviour have been neglected in the literature, as major work on this issue did not take into account the different negative emotions responsible for grudge and their impact on the grudgeholding coping responses. Dealing with those customers who are more than dissatisfied is time consuming for a business/organisation. Time is money. It is therefore important that, if businesses/organisations are to better understand their customers’ feeling and thinking to be able to predict their behaviours in order to make them happy returners instead of angry revengers. Therefore, it is essential to understand the experiences of grudgeholding customers through a process model and to look closely at issues related to grudgeholding, including the wide range of retaliatory behaviours. These might well vary according to factors such as the cost of the product (dissatisfaction might be greater for a goods or service costing a lot of money compared to something costing very little) but it may also vary according to individual characteristics of the customers themselves. Gender also plays its part, perhaps, that is, men and women may possibly think, feel and behave differently when it comes to holding grudge or retaliating as always controversial disputes exist in terms of gender differences. For example, females complain and spread the word more aligning with their communal stereotypical nature, and males like bargains and shop to win according to their agentic stereotypical nature. There is a need to further explore the consumer grudgeholding behaviour and why emotion is an important factor when talking about grudgeholding, the behaviours undertaken by those who hold a grudge and the impact of grudges on businesses/organisations if businesses/organisations are to better deal with their customers. Therefore, a cognitive-emotive process model is developed based mainly on cognitive appraisal theory to better understand consumers grudgeholding through deeper insight on their cognitions and emotions. The model is designed due to the lack of attention to the role of emotion in the dissatisfying marketplace experience. The model presents cognitive appraisal as the key element in the evaluation of grudgeholding consumer stress and aggression. Stressful appraisal outcomes are posited to elicit emotive reactions that, in combination with cognitive appraisal, impact the type of coping strategy used by the grudgeholder. Two coping strategies (problem focused and emotion focused) are recognized and discussed. Key propositions are presented to answer some questions about consumer grudgeholding behaviours such as (causes of grudge, product or service involved, the cost, the emotions generated, the coping behaviours like complaining and word-of-mouth, the corrective actions, the current emotions, the purchase intentions and future behaviours). To achieve the aims of this study, the research described in this thesis adopts the positivist research, quantitative research approach. According to the exploratory nature of this research, self-administered questionnaires are used for data generation. Closed and open-ended questions (specifically propping questions) were both used in the research as a way of motivating the respondent’s memory to retrieve a previous experience and recall actions and behaviours. Using both closed and open-ended questions provides the research with expected and unexpected answers. The research used non-probability sampling; namely, convenience sampling consisted of 786 responses to undergraduates and postgraduates British students whose age groups range from 18 to 39.The survey data were subsequently edited, coded and entered in SPSS 20 for analysis. The ultimate contribution of this study stems from explaining the consumer grudgeholding phenomenon by designing a cognitive-emotive process model that takes the role of consumer’s emotion into account. The findings revealed that emotion made a critical difference, especially anger. Gender gap was relatively small between the young British males and females. Angry females shared their negative experiences with others more than angry males. Besides, females shop to love and males shop to win.

Raymond Aron and the roots of the French Liberal Renaissance

Stewart, Iain January 2011 (has links)
Raymond Aron is widely recognised as France's greatest twentieth-century liberal, but the specifically liberal quality of his thought has not received the detailed historical analysis that it deserves. His work appears to fit so well within widely accepted understandings of post-war European liberalism, which has been defined primarily in terms of its anti-totalitarian, Cold War orientation, that its liberal status has been somewhat taken for granted. This has been exacerbated by an especially strong perception of a correlation between liberalism and anti-totalitarianism in France, whose late twentieth-century renaissance in liberal political thought is viewed as the product of an 'anti-totalitarian turn' in the late 1970s. While the moral authority accumulated through decades of opposition to National Socialism and Soviet communism made Aron into an anti-totalitarian icon, his early contribution to the rediscovery of France's liberal tradition established his reputation as a leader of the renaissance in the study of liberal political thought. Aron's prominence within this wider renaissance suggests that an historical treatment of his thought is overdue, but while the assumptions underpinning his reputation are not baseless, they do need to be critically scrutinised if such a treatment is to be credible. In pursuit of this end, two main arguments are developed in the present thesis. These are, first, that Aron's liberalism was more a product of the inter-war crisis of European liberalism than of the Cold War and, second, that his relationship with the French liberal tradition was primarily active and instrumental rather than passive and receptive. The first argument indicates that Aron's liberalism developed through a dialogue with and partial integration of important strands of anti-liberal crisis thought during these inter-war years; the second that earlier liberals with whose work he is frequently associated - notably Montesquieu and Tocqueville - had no substantial formative influence on his political thought. These contentions are interrelated in that Aron's post-war interpretation of his chosen liberal forebears was driven by a need to address specific problems arising from the liberal political epistemology that he formulated before the Second World War. It is by establishing in detail the link between Aron's reading of Montesquieu and Tocqueville and these earlier writings that the thesis makes its principal contribution to the existing literature on Aron, but several other original interpretations of his work are offered across its four thematic chapters on 'Political Epistemology', 'Anti-totalitarianism', 'The End of Ideology' and 'Instrumentalizing the French Liberal Tradition'. Regarding Aron's relationship with the wider late twentieth-century recovery of liberal political thought in France, it contends that the specific liberal renaissance to which he contributed most substantially emerged not as part of the anti-totalitarian turn, but in hostile reaction to the events of May 1968. This informs a broader argument that French liberal renaissance of these years was considerably more heterogeneous than is often assumed.

Finding Music’s Words: Moses und Aron and Viennese Jewish Modernism

Cohn, Maurice E. January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

La Révolte mode d’emploi suivi de Néron

Chaplain Corriveau, Charles-Etienne 02 June 2023 (has links)
Cette thèse est composée de trois parties de tailles inégales. Au centre, une pièce de théâtre intitulée Néron. Cette pièce décrit l’histoire d’une révolte ratée. Néron, nouvellement empereur, peine à concilier ses aspirations artistiques aux impératifs du pouvoir. Des sénateurs conspirent à le remplacer. Chaque personnage ambitionne de mener la prochaine révolution qui portera Rome vers une nouvelle gloire. Aucun d’entre eux ne réussira. Les augures promettaient un âge d’or ; Néron, conseillé par un mauvais génie, précipitera la chute de l’empire. Ce projet de création est suivi de quelques commentaires dans lesquels je dévoile mes sources d’inspiration et je précise certaines idées du texte. Néron est-elle une pièce romantique ? Quelle différence entre Néron et le Caligula d’Albert Camus, le Britannicus de Racine et le Lazarus Laughed de Eugene O’Neill ? Comment adapter l’intrigue à la langue québécoise ? La majorité de la thèse est constituée par la longue étude théorique qui précède la pièce. Cette étude porte sur la révolte politique. Sont examinées les raisons qui contribuent à invalider ses prétentions, quitte à expliquer pourquoi il arrive que cette révolte débouche sur une impasse et qu’elle se termine par un échec. Une révolte prétend changer une situation. Est-elle la seule à militer au nom des principes qu’elle a élus ? Au fil du temps, ces principes se répètent-ils ? Risque-t-elle d’imiter ce qu’elle se jurait de changer ? Comment négocie-t-elle la part inhérente d’aventurisme de son projet ? Comment justifie-t-on la violence révolutionnaire ? Les artistes et les intellectuels ont-ils un rôle fondamental ou subalterne à jouer dans cette révolte ? Les images et les symboles auxquels elle a recours ont-ils un contenu idéologique qui leur est propre ou les détourne-t-elle à des fins polémiques ? Peut-on mener une révolte politique en dehors du champ politique ? S’appuyant, notamment, sur les écrits de Max Weber, Hannah Arendt, Raymond Aron, Michel Foucault, Marcel Gauchet et Marc Angenot, cette étude reconstruit les phraséologies politiques de la révolte pour mieux mettre en valeur certains des défis structurants auxquels elle doit faire face.

La crise de la civilisation selon Raymond Aron à travers l'exemple européen / The crisis of civilization according to Raymond Aron through the European example

Lapparent, Olivier de 25 November 2016 (has links)
Le déclin de l'Europe au XXe siècle est un fait incontestable. Peut-on ou doit-on franchir le pas et affirmer que l'Europe, comme civilisation, est condamnée à la décadence? Raymond Aron a analysé durant plus de 50 ans l'évolution de l'Europe à travers ses différentes facettes : idée, construction institutionnelle, sentiment. Il affirme la crise de l'Europe, comme crise de civilisation, pour mieux la combattre. L'Europe a un avenir à condition de penser son Histoire. L'Histoire n'est ni la promesse d'un progrès certain ni la condamnation définitive à la décadence. Le réalisme aronien souhaite éviter deux extrêmes : le moralisme et le cynisme. La proposition de cette thèse est l'introduction du terme «oscillation» entre déclin et vitalité historique : de la décadence au déclin, du déclin à la crise, de la crise au conflit, du conflit à la vitalité, de la vitalité à la créativité et de la créativité à l'action. L'oscillation doit mettre en tension l'Europe pour passer de la crise à la métamorphose. La vertu est le chaînon manquant entre déclin et vitalité historique. Elle permet à la tension de revenir à un point d'équilibre. L'accomplissement de la vertu met en pratique la potentialité, la réponse au défi, l'engagement et la vitalité historique. La survie de la civilisation européenne tient en cette ligne de crête fragile mais tremplin vers un renouveau. / The decline of Europe in the twentieth century is an indisputable fact. Can or should we go ahead and say that Europe, as a civilization, is doomed to decadence? Raymond Aron analyzed for more than 50 years the evolution of Europe through its various facets: idea, institutional building, feeling. He assures the crisis in Europe, as a crisis of civilization, to better fight it. Europe has a future. This is about thinking History. History is not the promise of some progress nor the final sentence to decadence. The realism of Aron wants to avoid two extremes: moralism and cynicism. The proposal of this thesis is the introduction of the word "oscillation" between decline and historical vitality: from decadence to decline, from decline to crisis, from crisis to conflict, from conflict to vitality, from vitality to creativity, and from creativity to action. The oscillation should literally energize Europe so as to transform crisis and conflict. Virtue is the missing link between decline and historical vitality. It allows energy to become harmonious again, to its point of equilibrium. The fulfillment of virtue puts into practice potentiality, the answer to challenge, commitment and historical vitality. The survival of the European civilization lies in this delicate edge that is a springboard to a revival.

Les ruptures intellectuelles et scientifiques de la sociologie des relations internationales : enquête sur l’absence d’une conversation française en RI / Intellectual and scientific issues of the Sociology of IR : Investigations on the absence of a French IR conversation

Ahmed Michaux Bellaire, François 07 April 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une étude disciplinaire des Relations internationales en France. Dans ce domaine très peu exploré, elle discute un ensemble de conventions historiographiques qui incitent à justifier la situation déficiente dans laquelle se trouvent aujourd’hui les RI françaises. En discernant à la place un ensemble de croyances partagées, la thèse entend renouveler la façon dont il faudrait appréhender la position actuelle des RI françaises.Les résultats de l’étude mettent en cause le label franco-français « sociologie des relations internationales » comme n’étant pas parvenu à représenter une école de pensée française et à instaurer une conversation scientifique telle qu’a pu l’accomplir avec succès l’Ecole anglaise.La figure de Raymond Aron, précurseur de la sociologie des relations internationales, apparaît à ce titre en pleine lumière. Incarnant une étude autonome des RI qui s’est déployée un temps avec vigueur en France, son rejet actuel symbolise les difficultés d’ordre avant tout scientifique dont souffre la sociologie des relations internationales contemporaine.Sont principalement mis en question les rapports de cette dernière à la théorie, à la distinction entre objets internes, étrangers et internationaux et à la conception pluridisciplinaire de l’étude des relations internationales. / This thesis is a disciplinary study of French IR. It challenges a set of historiographic conventions that rationalize the marginal status in which French IR is stuck at present. By relegating these conventions as shared beliefs, this study intends to renew the way the current situation of French IR should be understood.The results of the investigation implicate the purely French label « Sociology of international relations » since it has been unable to represent a French school of thought and to establish a scientific conversation as successfully as the English school did.It sheds a critical light on the role of the precursor of the French Sociology of international relations Raymond Aron. Given the facts that he embodied an autonomous study of IR which has well spread in France for some time and the rejection he is subjected to nowadays, R. Aron symbolizes the very scientific issues that are at stake when considering the contemporary French Sociology of international relations.Thus, the main controversial points emphasize the latter’s intellectual premises regarding theory, the distinction between internal, foreign and international objects, and the multidisciplinary conception of the study of IR

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