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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sounding Matters : Exploring the Potentials of Sonic Leakage in Contemporary Art Spaces

Albinsson, Joel January 2023 (has links)
Contemporary art spaces are typically structured in accordance with a visual paradigm. However, sound has the capacity to leak into other spaces and does not conform to visual logics. Still, sounding artworks are frequently presented in these spaces. Thus, the aim of this thesis is to examine the effects of leaking sounding works within art spaces with an emphasis on the sensory experience of sound, and to further the understanding of how this can be operationalised curatorially. The research is focused on these questions: How is sound operating to produce experiential effects in the respective exhibition situations? What are the transformative potentials of sounding works in art spaces? What are the curatorial implications of these effects? The study investigates two cases, the exhibitions Mother Courage and Her Children (2022) and Undamming Rivers (2022) that both provide examples of the interactions of sounding works in contemporary art spaces. The material is gathered through observation and analysed using the theory of performativity. The analysis defines a set of terms that describe different experiences of sounding works in the art spaces. Furthermore, these effects are shown to operate transformatively on the art event as aspects of a contemporaneous production and reception of the art. The concluding discussion elaborates on the curatorial implications of these terms in the curation of sounding works to show how sonic leakage facilitates definition of space, movement through space, and a layering of experience.

Vad vore svensk innebandy utan SM-finalerna? : En studie av SM-finalerna i innebandy som event

Olsén, Oskar, Karlsson, Robin January 2022 (has links)
Intresset till att studera SM-finalerna på dam- och herrsidan i innebandy växte då båda skribenterna har besökt finalerna sedan innan. I år var det dags att välkomna tillbaka publiken igen efter tre år.  Forskningens syfte var att undersöka iscensättningen av SM-finalerna i innebandy 2022 som event. Mer precist handlade det om att belysa såväl själva genomförandet av arrangemanget som publikupplevelsen av de närvarande åskådarna på plats i Avicii Arena som skapar en ”innebandyfest”. För att göra studien forskningsbar valde vi att använda oss av olika infallsvinklar för att få ett så brett perspektiv som möjligt. Vi valde att använda oss av kvalitativ metod i form av intervjuer och observationer på plats på finaldagen. Det utfördes även en enkätundersökning som kvantitativ metod för att få publikens perspektiv på plats. Således sammanställt av metoderna så valdes en metodtriangulering.  Det teoretiska ramverket valdes utifrån upplevelse, relation och marknadsföringsteorier. De valda bestod av upplevelserummet, Word of mouth, sportmarknadsföringsmixen och MEQSS-modellen.  Resultatet mynnade ut i att det är atmosfären på eventet som var det viktiga för publikens upplevelse. Majoriteten som besökte eventet är aktiva på något sätt inom innebandyn själva. De som besöker finalen för första gången blev inbjudna av någon bekant/familjemedlem. Det uppskattades att det enbart är en finalmatch än en finalserie då helhetsupplevelsen med sidoaktiviteter bidrar till så mycket mer än att enbart se matcherna. / Researching about the Swedish floorball championship for women and men grew as both writers have visited the final before. This year it was finally time to welcome back the audience after three years. The purpose of the study was to investigate the staging of the Swedish Floorball championship 2022 as an event. More precisely, it was about highlighting both the actual implementation of the event and the audience experience of the spectators present on site in Avicii Arena, which creates a “floorball party.” In order to make the study researchable, we chose to use different angles to get as broad perspective as possible. We chose to use interviews and on-site observation as qualitative method at the event. A survey was also executed out as a quantitative method to get the audience's perspective.  The theoretical framework was chosen based on experience, relationship and market theories which consisted of: Experience room, Word of mouth, the sports marketing mix, and the MEQSS-model. The result showed that the atmosphere at the event was important for the audience's experience. The majority who visited the event were in some way active in floorball themselves.  Those who visited the final for the first time were invited by an acquaintance/family member. It was appreciated that it is only one game in the final rather than a final series as the overall experience, with side activities contributes to so much more than just watching the games.

A Satirist's Right to Criticise : Satire in "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia": A Genre and Audience Reception Analysis

Pårup, Sanne, Andersson, Fanny January 2023 (has links)
This thesis explores the utilisation of satire within the television series It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Employing Stuart Hall's encoding/decoding model as a theoretical framework, this study delves into the complexities of how satire is constructed, received, and interpreted by viewers. Hall’s model will be paired with a genre studies and audience receptions studies. The research employs two methods; a text analysis of a specific episode (“A Woman’s Right to Chop”); and interviews. The issues displayed in the episode are: gender roles, women’s rights, abortion and adoption. These issues are portrayed in a satirical manner by the use of humour, exaggeration, irony, critique, stereotypes and symbolism. The majority of the interviewees were found to understand and engage with the satire. Parts of the interviewees understood some of the underlying meanings. Few of the interviewees did not understand or misunderstood the material completely. Apart from satire, the additional interpretations stemmed from viewers fixating on minor details, misconstruing the portrayed messages, taking a literal approach, and harbouring dismissive sentiments towards the episode's content.

Visualizing partitioned data in Audience Response Systems : A design-driven approach

Wiigh, Oscar January 2020 (has links)
Meetings and presentations are often monological in their nature, creating a barrier of productivity in workplaces around the world. By utilizing modern technologies such as a web-based Audience Response System (ARS), meetings and presentations can be transformed into interactive exercises where the audience’s views, opinions and answers can be expressed. Visualizing these audience responses and relating questions-specific partitioned answers between each other, through visualization structures, was the topic of this report. The thesis project was carried out in collaboration with Mentimeter, creator of a web-based ARS and online presentation tool. The Double Diamond design process model was used to investigate and ground the design and development process. To guide the implementation of the prototypes, a focus group was held with four visualization and design professionals knowledgeable about ARSs, to gather feedback on high fidelity sketches. The final prototypes were evaluated with the extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) for information visualization to survey end-users' attitudes and willingness to adopt the visualization structures. Eight end-users tested the final web-based prototypes. The findings of the user tests indicate that both visualizations prototypes showed promise for visualizing partitioned data in novel ways for ARSs, with an emphasis on a circle cluster visualization as it allowed for the desired exploration. The results further imply that there is value to be gained by presenting partitioned data in ways that allows for exploration, and that audiences would likely adopt a full implementation of the visualizations given some added functionalities and adjustments. Future research should focus on fully implementing and testing the visualizations in front of a live audience, as well investigating other contemporary visualization structures and their capabilities for visualizing partitioned ARS data. / Möten och presentationer är ofta sedda som ett produktivitetshinder på arbetsplatser runtom i världen på grund av deras monologiska natur. Genom att använda moderna tekniska lösningar såsom webbaserade Audience Response Systems (ARS) så kan möten och presentationer omvandlas till interaktiva moment där en publiks perspektiv, åsikter och svar kan uttryckas. Att visualisera en publiks svar och relatera frågespecifika partitionerade svar mellan varandra, genom visualiseringar, var denna rapports huvudämne. Projektet utfördes i samarbete med Mentimeter, skapare av ett webbaserat ARS och digitalt presentationsverktyg. Double Diamond-modellen användes för att undersöka och förankra design- och utvecklingsarbetet i projektet. För att guida utvecklingsarbetet, och få feedback på designförslag, genomfördes en fokusgrupp med fyra visualiserings- och designexperter som besatt kunskap om ARS. De framtagna prototyperna utvärderas genom den utökade Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) för att undersöka slutanvändares inställning och villighet att använda visualiseringarna. Totalt testade åtta slutanvändare de framtagna webbaserade prototyperna. Resultatet av användartesterna indikerade att båda visualiseringsprototyperna har potential att visualisera partitionerad data på nya sätt i ARS, men att en klustervisualisering var överlägsen från en utforskningssynpunkt. Resultaten innebär vidare att det finns ett värde i att presentera partitionerad data på sätt som möjliggör utforskning av publikens svar, och att publiken troligen kommer att anta en fullständig implementering av visualiseringarna förutsatt några extra funktioner och justeringar. Framtida forskning bör fokusera på att fullständigt implementera och testa visualiseringarna framför en faktiskt publik, samt undersöka andra samtida visualiseringsstrukturer och deras möjligheter att visualisera partitionerad ARS-data.

Varför tittar man på eSport? : En kvalitativ studie utifrån uses & gratifications om vad som leder till att publik tittar på eSport / Why Are They Watching eSport? : A Study Based on Uses & Gratifications on Why Young Adults Watches eSport

Gustavsson, Filip January 2022 (has links)
Följande studie hanterar ämnet eSport. Med hjälp av uses & gratifications theory kommer eSportpublik studeras och analyseras, med syftet att förstå vilka motivationer som leder till att man vill titta på eSport. Studien kommer med hjälp av kvalitativ metod, det vill säga intervjuer och observationer, med tillämpande mini enkäter i observationerna studera publiken som tittar på eSport. Uses & gratifications är en teori som ofta tillämpas vid kvalitativ metod då de gratifikationer man analyserar är enkelt tillämpbara i intervjufrågor. Studien kom fram till att de viktigaste gratifikationerna för eSportpublik var underhållning samt tidsfördriv. Viktigt är det att notera att dessa faktorer var uppmuntrande för tolkning, där informanter har gett olika definitioner av samma faktorer, samt ger flera förklaringar på samma ord. Det är utifrån denna syn som arbetet har analyserats och ge ett definitivt svar på frågan varför publiken tittar på eSport. / The following essay studies the subject of eSport. The concept audience will be analysed with help of the uses & gratifications theory to create an understanding about the audience in eSport. The study will also with the help of qualitative methods, to be specific interviews and observations, with an applied mini- survey in the observations study the audiences of eSport. Uses & gratifications is a theory that a lot of the time is applicable in qualitative methods because the gratifications that are analyzed very often are easily applicable when writing questions for interviews. The result was that the most important gratifications for the audience of eSport was entertainment and killing time. It’s also important to note that these factors were encouraged for interpretation, and given multiple explanations regarding the same word. It’s based on this view that the study has been analyzed and given a definitive answer on the question why the audience watches eSport.

Understanding News Media Viewing and Selection Patterns: FoMO and User Consumption of News Content on Social Media Interfaces

Christopher, Nicolette D 01 January 2018 (has links)
The current study employs a regional sample in order to investigate the phenomenon of fear-of-missing-out (FoMO), the awareness associated with the fear that other individuals are having a more pleasurable experience that one is not a part of. The current study uniquely examines the role that FoMO plays in viewing patterns associated with news content on social media interfaces. The 10-item scale created by Przybylski, Myrayama, DeHaan, and Gladwell in 2013 was used as a basis to discover the degree of FoMO participants experience while online, while other questions of the survey serve to collect data about participants sociodemographic's, engagement with soft and hard news content, and overall social media usage. (Przybylski, Myrayama, DeHaan, Gladwell 2013). The objective is to demonstrate the influential effects that FoMO poses on media consumer viewing patterns and behaviors.

Theoretical Integration: An Active Within Structures Approach to Predicting Social Media Use

Sweitzer, Brandon T. 09 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Hollywood Made in Kenya: Domesticating or Appropriating?

Maageria, Jason Isoe 02 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.

“Awake:” An Animated Exploration of Self-Discovery Through Mindfulness

Ross, Karen C. January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Transacting Government: A Comparative Content Analysis of the Interactive and Communicative Functions of e-Government Web sites – The Case of Africa, Asia and Europe

Stephens, Yonette A. 18 April 2012 (has links)
No description available.

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