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Digitaliseringens påverkan på värdeerbjudandet inom skogsbranschen utifrån ett kundperspektivSörberg, Sanna, Österlund, Mathias January 2017 (has links)
This study examines how digitalization changes the value proposition and the business model within the forest industry from the perspective of the forest owners and how this changes the experienced customer value. Previous studies have focused on how digitalization creates value for the company, and this study contributes to research by giving insights in how the customers perceive a digitalization and is useful in the design of the value proposition and the business model. The Swedish forest industry is highly competitive and the companies have to compete for the wood and forest service jobs, which puts pressure on the wood buyers to offer the best solutions and the best customer experience to be able to compete for the wood. According to a study about digital Customer Experience Management (CEM) maturity, the forest industry is far behind other industries such as finance and retail. The low maturity is due to skepticism and the lack of urgency. However, this is starting to change as some forest companies in Sweden are starting to formulate digital strategies and form dedicated units for digital innovation in order to differentiate their offering and strengthen competitiveness. The problem is that many forest companies do not know how to handle the forest owners, as they are a heterogeneous group with differences in age, internet usage, computer knowledge and customer needs. Another problem is that there is an expressed concern that a digitalization would diminish the personal relationship between the forest owner and the wood buyer, which denotes a fundamental part of the experienced customer value. Former studies show that the key to successful digitalization is to understand what the customers want and what creates the best customer experience. With the base in these problems, this study aims to create understanding for what value the customers experience in digitalization, and how the forest companies can adapt to this. The purpose of this study is to “describe and analyze how the value proposition changes from a customer perspective when the forest business is digitalized”. To answer this a case study has been conducted on the company Holmen Skog in which the experienced customer value has been compared before and after a digitalization using the value proposition and the business model. Customer value is defined as the balance between the perceived benefits and sacrifices and the results show that the forest owners foremost perceive that a digitalization increase the functional and emotional benefits while the sacrifices considering psychological costs and personal investment decrease. The areas where customer value potentially can decrease due to a digitalization are decreased social benefits when the digital transactions exchanges the personal relationship and increased sacrifices in the shape of increased risks, foremost for customers with a low digital maturity. The forest owners are mainly positive to a digitalization, but since there are areas where the customer value potentially could decrease, it is not possible to design a complete value proposition only from customer surveys. The forest companies should rather work agile and stepwise implement small digital changes, performing pilot studies before introduction. Initially the forest companies should focus on digital tools and to inquiry quotes and counselling through digital channels, as the customers perceive the highest value in these digital changes. Furthermore, the forest companies should facilitate and rationalize the work of the wood buyers by giving them an integrated and mobile tool that collects CRM-system, quote tools, and wood measuring tools, both for streamlining and for customer value. / Den här studien undersöker hur digitalisering förändrar värdeerbjudandet och affärsmodellen inom skogsbranschen utifrån skogsägarnas perspektiv och hur detta förändrar det upplevda kundvärdet. Tidigare studier har fokuserat på vilket värde en digitalisering skapar för företaget, och denna studie bidrar genom att ge insikter i kundernas syn på en digitalisering och hur detta kan användas för att utforma värdeerbjudandet och affärsmodellen. Skogsbranschen präglas av en hög konkurrens om skogsägarnas virke och skogliga tjänsteuppdrag vilket sätter press på de virkesköpande aktörerna att erbjuda de bästa lösningarna och den bästa kundupplevelsen för att kunna konkurrera om skogsråvaran. Enligt en undersökning kring digital Customer Experience Management (CEM) mognad ligger skogsbranschen efter andra branschen som finans- och detaljhandelsbranschen. Den låga mognaden förklaras bero på skepticism och avsaknad av brådska. Detta har dock börjat förändras då en del skogsbolag har börjat formulera digitala strategier och införa dedicerade enheter för digital innovation för att differentiera sitt erbjudande och skapa konkurrenskraft. Problemet är att de flesta skogsbolag inte vet hur de ska hantera skogsägarna då det är en heterogen kundgrupp där det skiljer stort i ålder, internetanvändning, datorkunskap och kundbehov samt att det finns en uttalad risk i att den personliga relationen mellan virkesköpare och skogsägare kan förringas vid en digitalisering. Tidigare studier visar att nyckeln till en lyckad digitalisering är att förstå vad kunderna vill ha och vad som skapar den bästa kundupplevelsen. Med utgångspunkt i dessa utmaningar avser därmed studien att skapa förståelse för vilket värde kunderna ser i en digitalisering och hur skogsbolagen bör anpassa sig till detta. Syftet med studien är att ”Beskriva och analysera hur värdeerbjudandet förändras ur ett kundvärdesperspektiv då skogsaffären digitaliseras”. För att besvara detta har en fallstudie gjorts på det svenska skogsbolaget Holmen Skog där det upplevda kundvärdet jämförs före och efter en digitalisering utifrån företagets värdeerbjudande och affärsmodell. Kundvärde definieras som avvägningen mellan upplevda fördelar och uppoffringar och resultatet visar att skogsägarna främst upplever att de funktionella och emotionella fördelarna ökar samtidigt som uppoffringar i form av psykologiska kostnaderna och den personliga investeringen minskar. De områden där kundvärdet potentiellt kan minska vid en digitalisering är uppoffringar i form av risker, främst för skogsägare med en låg digital mognad, och sociala fördelar när skogsaffären blir helt digital och relationen med virkesköparen förringas. Skogsägarna är överlag positiva till en digitalisering, men då det finns områden där kundvärdet potentiellt kan försämras går det inte att enbart genom kundundersökningar utforma värdeerbjudandet utan skogsbolagen bör arbeta agilt och genomföra digitala förändringar i små steg där pilotstudier genomförs innan nya lösningar lanseras. Initialt bör skogsbolagen fokusera på digitala verktyg samt offertförfrågning och rådgivning via digitala kanaler då skogsägarna ser störst värde i detta. De borde även underlätta och effektivisera virkesköparnas arbete genom att ge dem ett fullt integrerat och mobilt verktyg som samlar CRM-system, offert- och virkesmätverktyg för både effektivisering och att skapa kundvärde.
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台灣P2P借貸平台策略分析及探討其商業模式之適用性 / The Platform Strategy of P2P Lending, and the Applicability of the Business Model in Taiwan巫瑞芬, Wu, Ruei Fen Unknown Date (has links)
P2P個人網路借貸(Peer-to-Peer Lending)平台,即為媒合個人對個人借貸的網路平台;有閒置資金者,可透過網路平台,挑選自己願意資助的對象,將資金借給資金需求者,以獲得報酬;資金需求者,則可利用此網路平台,尋找願意提供資金者,以滿足借款需求。其中,借款利率由P2P借貸平台業者依據其計算方式評估訂定;因此,對投資人來說,P2P借貸平台成為另類的理財管道;對借款者來說,則成為新興的融資方式。2016年可說是台灣P2P網路借貸元年,LnB信用市集、鄉民貸等P2P借貸平台相繼成立,設計差異化的營運模式,提供台灣大眾新型態的借貸與投資服務。
(二)個案公司P2P借貸平台營運模式於台灣發展遇到的問題及比較。 / The Peer-to-Peer lending platform (P2P lending platform will be used as the abbreviation in the following section) the practice of lending money to individuals through online services that match lenders with borrowers. Investors holding idle capital can choose the target on the website to lend money and gain higher returns; while the borrowers’ funding needs can be satisfied by the mechanism of the P2P lending platform. Thus, the P2P lending platform has transformed the traditional idea that finance has to be handled through financial institutions.
The P2P lending industry in Taiwan have been developed since 2016, the first and second P2P lending companies: Lend & Borrow(LnB信用市集) , Lend(鄉民貸) were founded during 2015 and 2016, which were devoted to offering reasonable interest rates for lenders and borrowers.
Based on the concept of platform strategy and the factors of business model, this study investigates the object and the motivation of the founders when they founded the P2P lending companies, and discusses how they increased the interaction of the players in the platform ecosystem, with the case study of P2P lending companies--Lend & Borrow(LnB信用市集) , Lend(鄉民貸) and FundPark.
Therefore, the research questions of this study are as follows:
1.The practicability of the P2P lending platform in Taiwan.
2.The comparison of the business model, and the obstacles that the P2P lending companies faced in Taiwan.
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Obchodní model podniku v éře Průmyslu 4.0 / Business model in the era of Industry 4.0Nohejl, Vít January 2017 (has links)
Industry 4.0 is the current trend of automation and increasing digitalization of wide range of processes. This trend brings about a revolution in manufacturing technologies, but also has its challenges that influence the labor market. The thesis introduces the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) and provides the most important information for its understanding. It also allows to understand the specific characteristics of business models in the digital society and it clarifies the theory of maturity models. These serve as a basis for assessing the company's level of maturity in relation to Industry 4.0. The next section contains a proposal for improvement of the business model in food manufacturing company. For this purpose, the production process and related processes are analysed and the current situation is evaluated according to the Industry 4.0 requirements. Based on this evaluation, the problematic areas are selected and their specific improvements are proposed. In addition, the work includes a proposal of specific steps that a company must take to be prepared and take advantage of the era of Industry 4.0.
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台灣POS產業經營模式之比較 / Taiwan POS Business Model Analysis王興華, Wang, Hsing Hua Unknown Date (has links)
POS端點式收銀機(Point of Sales)產業源自於古老的商業交易行為,廣意的說,從歷史悠久的中國古老的算盤到近代西式的電子計算機,都算是具有簡易計算功能的POS產品,直到數十年前的電子式收銀機(Electronic Cash Register)的問世,促成近期九0年代資訊產業發達後的新產品-端點式收銀機(Point of Sales)的誕生。
本論文就台灣工業電腦的產業的現況論述,說明工業電腦諸多不同的應用面,與台灣POS產業的主要經營模式;並以淺顯的方式闡述POS產品間的差異,和台灣POS廠商之所以能於全球POS市場的成功關鍵因素;再進一步論述本論文的研究主旨-台灣POS產業經營模式之比較。從三種完全不同之經營模式(1)代工族群OEM/ODM、(2)白牌/貼牌族群(Private Label)、(3)自我品牌族群(Own Brand),來剖析因經營模式間的差異,而形成企業的核心競爭力、經營策略與組織架構間顯著的差異。
終章依據個人於台灣POS產業服務十多年之實際經驗,大膽提出對全球POS未來產品的發展新趨勢,提出創新的見解與想法,涵蓋POS的硬體未來發展的趨勢、與未來POS軟體的開發應用新趨勢,到POS通路的創新式-服務新模式等見解。期許個人的論文研究能為台灣POS產業,提供一個專業的建議與實質可行之作法,以降低台灣POS企業於產業發展上經營管理之風險,更期盼個人推估未來POS的研究成果,能實際印證在台灣未來POS產業的發展中。 / Point of sale (POS) is the place where a retail transaction is completed. It is the point at which a customer makes a payment to a merchant in exchange for goods or services. At the point of sale the merchant would use any of a range of possible methods to calculate the amount owing - from the ancient Chinese abacus to the modern calculater. POS products are derived from the ancient commercial transaction with different computing functions. The merchant will usually provide hardware and options for use by the customer to make payment - such as POS terminal. The POS can be customized by the retail industry as different industries have different needs. The modern point of sale will also include advanced functionalities to cater to different verticals, such as inventory, CRM, financials, warehousing, and so on, all built into the POS software.
A few decades ago, the invention of the Electronic Cash Register, which contributed to the technology industry and gradually developed a new product - endpoints style cash register (Point of Sales) in 90s.
Taiwan POS industry trend with the vigorous development of technology industry in recent years, which constructs a special industrial market supply chain. The POS related hardware and peripherals, most of them designed by Taiwan manufacturers but using different brands selling in the international market. Taiwan's technology industry has a significant contribution to the global information industry in an unreplaceable position. Although the Taiwan IT industry bred a special large and suitable environment for the POS industry development in supply chain, due to the local market is narrow, as well as the international marketing capacity is obviously insufficient, resulting in Taiwan's information industry sinking to the low margin OEM working ethnic groups.
This thesis discourses on the current situation of Taiwan’s industrial computer applications, the main business model with the POS industry in Taiwan; and elaborates the difference of the POS products, and factors how Taiwan POS manufacturers can be successful. The further exposition is to analyze Taiwan POS industry business model by comparison from three completely different business model (1)OEM / ODM, (2)Private Label (3)Own Brand. The main theme of research is to analyze the difference among business models, and the formation of the enterprise's core competitiveness, significant differences between business strategy and organizational structure.
In chapter four, based on personal working experience form three different POS enterprise business, I use case interviews to observe and analyze the different operating modes for case study. This essay illustrates these three different business models by their business strategy, and the major operating issues encountered today. With using the SWOT analysis method to parse the “Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats” of the three companies internal as well as external level, to reveal both of advantages and disadvantages. The next step is using Michael • Porter's five forces analysis method, proposed recommendations for Taiwan POS business paradigm shift.
As to the final chapter, based on over 10 years of personal practical experience in Taiwan POS industry, I boldly propose the development of a new trend in global POS products, insights and ideas to come up with innovative, covering the trend of the future development of POS hardware and software for the future development innovative application. Meanwhile, to explore the insights for the trend of POS channel – a new service mode. My expectation for the thesis is to provide professional advice and substance feasible approaches, so to reduce the risks of operating the POS companies management for the industrial development in Taiwan. I look forward to seeing that the future POS research can actually be confirmed in Taiwan's POS industry future development.
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Design And Development Of Customer Context-Aware Mobile Commerce ServicesPushpa, P V 10 1900 (has links) (PDF)
The technological advances in wireless networks, smart phones, social networks, embedded sensor technologies and the wide spread of mobile devices have exposed customers to number of services. With these advanced technological innovations, computing capability and connectivity, customers look forward to get useful services and information by means of their mobile devices anywhere and at anytime thereby saving time and money. The importance of mobile commerce is increasing every day, since the mobile devices are becoming central part of our lives. One of the challenge here is the ability to reinforce the application behavior by utilizing context information. The analysis and utilization of context information is necessary to build intelligent applications and thereby focusing on less user attention by understanding the current situation.
The information about the current location of a mobile customer, the time of request, and personal characteristics like nature of work, profession and economic status are utilized by applications to provide accurate context-aware services. Many of context-aware applications focus mainly on user activity, preferences which are not sufficient to provide context-aware intelligent services. However, there are few works in developing an integrated model for analyzing the context information. Many authors describe the context representation using five elements like who, what, where, when and how to provide a user centric view without emphasizing on the feature of generality and structural representation of context parameters. Since context information takes multiple forms, it is essential and necessary to make broad classification which helps application designers and developers to deal with possible contexts and their impact on application behavior. In addition, the context classification enables to understand complex customer situations due to changing mobile environment. Therefore, it is required to design a model which analyzes the context information of customers in a dynamic environment and hence, provide real time accurate service.
The design and development of context-aware mobile commerce services requires a general conceptual model which can handle any type of context information for different applications. Due to the dynamic nature of business environment and also the customer preferences keep emerging, there is a need to develop business model which adapts to changing environment. To understand the current situation of customers in such highly dynamic environments and to enable the business transactions quickly among parties involved, it is essential to construct and analyze an integrated view of information from distinct sources. The adaptation of the provided services based on customer needs depends when the relevant context information is self-described in the form of beliefs. The observations made on combination of context information are deduced into beliefs as a result the decision making time to provide service reduces considerably.
The aim of the thesis, is to design and develop a context-aware system which has been applied for mobile commerce environment by considering the customer context information. To do this, we have designed two models: the Context-Information, Observation and Belief (C-IOB)model and the commercial business model. The main function of C-IOB model is to support the application to identify a suitable context-aware service and to execute business transaction for a customer by analyzing the context information in the form of beliefs. We classify the used Context Information(CI)into four types: physical, system, application and social environment. The business model discusses the formal description of participants who are involved in commercial business.
The C-IOB model
The Context Information, Observation and Belief model deduces beliefs on customer, by combination of available context information during transaction execution or service provision. The beliefs represent the various situations of customers based on specific nature of the applications. The beliefs developed about an entity(e.g. ,person, place, thing) are primitive in most theories of decision making so that applications can use these beliefs to identify and execute context-aware services. The C-IOB model reduces the solution search space, since the knowledge about an entity is organized using cognitive factors, which maps user context information into real world observations and beliefs, as a result the decision making time by the system reduces considerably. The five CI -constructs: who, what, where, when and how enable many types of context information acquisition in our work.
The commercial business model A commercial business model mainly involves the formal description of business participants who are involved in commercial business transactions. To meet the growing needs and to fulfill high expectations of customers, it is very important that application designers have to address the issue of building viable business models for commercial environment. The business model describes how an enterprise or an organization captures and delivers economical value to customers. In particular, the customers play major role in transactions execution and hence understanding and identifying the needs of customer is an important issue in building the business model for commercial purpose.
Mobile Commerce Environment Mobile commerce environment (MCE) is one of the specific forms of commercial business model. It deals with transactions like purchases with the objective of supplying commodities like goods and services to customers using mobile devices. A Mobile commerce environment is established by considering set of customers, vendors and bankers, who are involved in commercial business activities like buying of electronic goods and services. The environment is based on certain factors like the type of customers, the type of transactions and the type of electronic products involved in purchasing. M-commerce is one of the most effective and useful ways of conducting business as the customers are constantly using mobile devices and it significantly assists customers in making transactions anywhere, anytime and thereby improving the customer satisfaction.
C-IOB model based mobile commerce environment Mobile commerce applications are required to be flexible, in providing services due to inherent anytime and anywhere paradigm. The traditional systems during commercial business transactions, take large time to search the right product, which leads to more utilization of device resources like memory and computational power. In addition, the users are striked with more information which is not significant. Therefore, there is a need to design applications, which identify the customer requirements by acquiring the context information from distinct sources and thereby providing timely and specific information or services to the customer. Hence, to adapt services based on various situations, it is required to develop a systematic approach for representation and utilization of context information modified to special characteristics of mobile commerce applications. The mobile commerce environment uses C-IOB model for analyzing the relevant context information of customers and the context based beliefs helps to identify a suitable service for an end customer, thereby reducing mobile transaction execution time and providing customer benefits.
The simulation environment consists of 10,000 electronic products which are categorized based on technical and commercial features. The simulation is carried out with ten mobile commerce transactions, the database consists of information about500 customers and 100vendors who deal with electronic products selling and10bankersfor money transactions. The customer context information is acquired from physical, system, application and social environment. When customers ends are quest for a service, the current context information is acquired, a set of observations is formulated and belief is deduced. The customer is provided with relevant information or service based on deduced belief. The simulation exhaustively tests the working of the system for mobile commerce transactions under different context environments. Some of the case studies are designed by applying the C-IOB model which includes placing the purchase order for the product, money transfer and after sales service.
In summary, we have developed a context-aware system by using C-IOB model and also the design of commercial business model. To evaluate the performance of the system, we have incorporated context-awareness aspect for 10 business transactions applied to mobile commerce. The proposed system using C-IOB model provides customer required services as accurately as possible. The system has the capability to adapt to real time situation of customer needs, thereby enhancing the customer satisfaction. The simulation results have shown that the time to execute mobile commerce transactions is less using context based beliefs compared to context unaware approach. The accuracy of the system with belief based approach is higher than without context information. The customer benefits in business transaction are also enhanced by our design approach.
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Business models of digital audio distribution / Obchodní modely digitální distribuce audiaHlaváček, Ondřej January 2008 (has links)
This thesis considers current status of recording industry divided into two parts -- music and audiobooks, either in the whole world and Czech Republic. Used technologies, payment systems and business models are examined alongside with fresh information from recording industry. The models part describes an ideal business model, which incorporates current trends and creates a vision of the business in the future. Applied part adjusts this model according to real world factors into a model usable in the Czech Republic. A final SWOT analysis describes all strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the given model.
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Business models for sustainable investments in the context of tropical forest restorationBorgersen, Anna January 2017 (has links)
The Tropics continue to provide the most biologically diverse and carbon rich forest in the world, but they are being lost at alarming rates. To meet the global climate change targets and the UN sustainable development goals, financing is urgently needed to speed up and increase tropical forest restoration. The aim of this thesis is to show that sustainable timber and non-timber forest products offer are a viable vehicle for investment in tropical forest restoration and to identify the needed incentives and tools to enable sustainable investment. There is a lack of research on the integration between business model design and sustainability generally and an absence of business models for tropical forest restoration. Very little research if any, has been undertaken to link the two and evaluate the feasibility of applying business models on tropical forest restoration, especially with regard to its potential as an interesting investment option. This thesis gives a background about tropical forest restorations, sustainable investment, presents three tropical reforestation projects and a conceptual framework. The conceptual framework will be used to evaluate the potential for business model application to finance restoration and enable sustainable investments. Using a business model for tropical forest restoration projects, which in most cases are not defined as businesses, is an innovative approach and an agent of needed radical change. A business model is a crucial strategic management tool to enable success of tropical forest restorations. The core logic of the business model can offer equitable customer value and the fulfillment of new types of needs. Merging economic development and forest restoration is a powerful tool for innovation. The critical variables for financing are management, monitoring, operational efficiency, political incentives and regulations, stakeholder involvement, community benefits, transparency and information communication technology.
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Vägen till omnikanal : En studie om hur företag inom detaljhandeln arbetar för att nå en enhetlig upplevelse mellan de fysiska och digitala kanalernaVainio Lundin, Ida, Lindqvist, Sofie January 2017 (has links)
Stora förändringar inom detaljhandeln under de senaste åren har förändrat både hur företag arbetar och hur konsumenter beter sig som följd. Digitaliseringen av samhället har resulterat i att konsumenter numera är mer uppkopplade och handlar via fler kanaler än vad de tidigare gjort. Detta har ställt krav på företagen att kunna erbjuda en sömlös köpupplevelse för sina konsumenter - något som kallas för omnikanal. Det innebär att konsumenten ska kunna kommunicera med företaget när, var och hur den vill och kräver en integration av företagets samtliga kanaler. Företag som tidigare arbetat med fler kanaler var för sig, behöver nu utveckla och förbättra sina existerande affärsmodeller för att kunna möjliggöra detta. Syftet med denna studie är att skapa förståelse för vilka faktorer som är särskilt viktiga för företag inom detaljhandeln att ta hänsyn till vid utveckling av deras nuvarande affärsmodeller för att kunna erbjuda en enhetlig upplevelse mellan deras fysiska och digitala kanaler. Studien är baserad på en kvalitativ forskningsmetod där fem semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med företag som på något sätt arbetar med omnikanal inom detaljhandeln. Slutsatsen visar att det finns tre faktorer som är särskilt viktiga att ta hänsyn till vid utvecklande av företagens affärsmodeller. Dessa tre faktorer har identifierats som implementering av teknologi i den fysiska miljön, en starkare relation till konsumenten samt ett behov av att organisera sig på ett nytt sätt. / Major changes in retailing in the recent years have changed how both companies work and how consumers behave as a result. The digitalization of the society has resulted in consumers who now are more connected and buy through more channels than they have before. Companies now have to offer a seamless shopping experience for their consumers - which is called omnichannel. This means that the consumer should be able to communicate with the company whenever, wherever and however it wants and requires an integration of all of the company’s channels. Companies that previously have worked with multiple channels as separated are now in the need of developing and improving their existing business models in order to make this possible. The aim of this study is to create an understanding of which factors that are particularly important for companies in retail to take into account in developing their current business models in order to offer a unified experience between their physical and digital channels. This study is based on a qualitative research method where five semistructured interviews have been conducted with companies that somehow work with omnichannel in retail. The conclusion shows that there are three factors of particular importance to consider when developing the companies business models. These three factors have been identified as implementation of technology in the physical environment, a stronger relationship to the customer and a need to organize in a new way.
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Developing a business plan for Ski School Jasna / Vypracovanie podnikateľského plánu pre Lyžiarsku školu JasnáDubovská, Jana January 2014 (has links)
The Master's Thesis analyses and evaluates the conditions for the Ski & Snowboard School Lúčky development in the Jasná Nízke Tatry ski resort as well as it illustrates specific steps and actions in the realistic business plan. Firstly, it introduces theoretical background of feasibility analysis, business model, and the business plan focusing on the importance and structure of each topic. Secondly, the thesis portrays the results of an empirical research conducted on the target audience that are together with the market analyses integrated into the business plan. At last, the business plan proposes marketing and financial projections that lead into final conclusion and recommendations for the business development in the ski & snowboard school business area.
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Obchodní modely digitální distribuce audiaHlaváček, Ondřej January 2008 (has links)
This thesis considers current status of recording industry divided into two parts – music and audiobooks, either in the whole world and Czech Republic. Used technologies, payment systems and business models are examined alongside with fresh information from recording industry. The models part describes an ideal business model, which incorporates current trends and creates a vision of the business in the future. Applied part adjusts this model according to real world factors into a model usable in the Czech Republic. A final SWOT analysis describes all strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the given model.
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