Spelling suggestions: "subject:"backstage"" "subject:"backstages""
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A atividade pedagógica de encenar em grupos de sala de aula de língua estrangeira : pedidos de ajuda, ofertas de ajuda e aprendizagemSalimen, Paola Guimaraens January 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho, fundamentado a partir da Análise da Conversa Etnometodológica (LODER; JUNG, 2008), tem como objetivos 1) descrever os momentos de ensaio, apresentação e fechamento da atividade pedagógica de encenar em grupos, segundo a concepção da abordagem de ensino por tarefas (conforme NUNAN, 1999), e 2) descrever momentos em que os participantes estejam se orientando para a construção de aprendizagem (ABELEDO, 2008) por meio da análise de seqüências de pedidos e ofertas de ajuda (BULLA, 2007). Os dados consistem em uma hora de registros audiovisuais de uma aula de inglês como língua estrangeira em uma escola de línguas. Foram registradas 6 ocorrências de pedidos de ajuda e 3 ocorrências de ofertas de ajuda. A análise de tais ocorrências permitiu observar que, para realizarem a atividade pedagógica de encenar em grupos, os participantes precisaram trabalhar interacionalmente a fim de instaurar a realidade ficcional e mantê-la. Assim, participantes demonstraram não estar simplesmente treinando para que um dia fizessem uma discussão familiar, mas sim estar construindo tal discussão aqui-e-agora. Foi possível descrever a atividade pedagógica de encenar em grupos como constituída em um momento de instruções (em que uma participante dividia os demais em grupos e distribuía os papéis a serem encenados por cada um), dois momentos de prática distintos (o de ensaio, em que os participantes produzem pedidos de ajuda como ações preferidas e ofertas de ajuda como ações despreferidas, e o de apresentação, em que os participantes produzem pedidos e ofertas de ajuda como ações despreferidas e produzem exibições de competência lingüística) e um momento de fechamento (em que os participantes discutem as ações construídas no momento da apresentação da encenação, além de produzirem exibições de competências e avaliações a respeito do desempenho no momento das apresentações). Assim, realizar a atividade pedagógica de encenar em grupos propicia a construção e a manutenção de diversas realidades dentro da sala de aula e a categorização (SCHGLOFF, 2007) dos participantes em categorias além das de aprendiz/professor. / This research is grounded on Ethnomethodological Conversation Analysis (LODER; JUNG, 2008) and is aimed at 1) describing the rehearsal, presentation and accountability (NUNAN, 1999) of the pedagogical activity of role-playing, and 2) describing moments in which participants orient to the construction of learning (ABELEDO, 2008). These objectives are achieved through the analysis of sequences of offers and requests for help (BULLA, 2007). The data consists of about one hour of video recorded interactions in one English class in a language center. I collected 6 sequences of requests for help and 3 sequences of offers of help. The analysis of such sequences enables the observation that, while performing the roleplaying pedagogical activity, participants produce interactional work to establish and maintain a fictional reality. Participants demonstrate that they are not only practicing the use of language for a further use in a different context; they are indeed using language in order to build and maintain a context here-and-now. We can describe the pedagogical activity of roleplaying as organized in a moment of instructions (in which one participant divided the others in groups and distributed the roles to be played), two different moments of practice (the rehearsal, in which participants produce requests for help as preferred actions and offers of help as dispreferred actions, and the presentation, in which participants produce offers and requests for help as dispreferred actions and produce exhibitions of linguistic competence) and an accountability (in which participants discuss the actions built during the presentation of the play, besides producing exhibitions of competence and assessments of the performance of the participants who produced the presentation of the plays). So, the pedagogical activity of role-playing is an opportunity for learners to build and maintain different realities in classroom and produce different actions and activate categories (SCHGLOFF, 2007) beyond learner/teachers.
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Hur emotionellt krävande är egentligen arbetet inom kriminalvården? : En kvalitativ studie om det emotionella arbetet inom kriminalvården / How emotionally demanding is the work within correctional treatment? : A qualitative study of the emotional labor in correctional treatmentHylén, Isabella, Blaz, Bojana January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to analyse how emotions affect prison officers in their daily work. The study seeks to understand how prison officers manage their emotions in the social interactions with clients, and how exercise of authority affects their handling of emotions at work. Formulation of questions that has been answered is how prison officers handle their emotions at work, how they handle their emotions in the social interactions with clients and how they are affected by exercise of authority. Theories that have been applied to this study is Arlie Russell Hochschild and her theory about emotional labor, Michael Foucualt theory about power and Erving Goffman theory about dramaturgy. To answer the purpose of the study, a qualitative research has been used, and six prison officers have been interviewed. The conclusion of the study shows that prison officers handle their emotions through talking with colleagues and manager. It also shows that prison officers are positively affected by exercise of authority. They explained that these policies are made for prison officers and clients safety.
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Yoga and the Wardrobe: Centre StageCavazzana, Francesca Angelica January 2021 (has links)
This thesis focuses specifically on yoga clothing to explore the wardrobes of individuals who practice yoga within Northern Europe. This study explores yoga as an embodied practice connected to dress, uncovering the relationship between clothing and the body based on online ethnographic research. Wardrobe studies were carried out remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic producing a new approach to the field through remote wardrobe studies. The theoretical perspective of Erving Goffman analyses the participants and their wardrobes through the lens of dramaturgy. This perspective allows for the investigation into the behaviour of individuals practising online and in- person yoga classes compared to yoga at home. Viewing social life as a theatre performance to explore individual’s wardrobes and yoga clothing is a vital component of the study. The research demonstrates how individuals in a society constantly perform and how a wardrobe is an object that also performs. The findings suggest that yoga clothing, the body, and the wardrobe are intrinsically connected, providing rich information contributing to fashion studies.
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Med Samhällskunskap i fokus : En kvalitativ studie om hur gymnasielärare hanterar sina roller i samhällskunskapsundervisningenHögberg, Christer January 2020 (has links)
I denna uppsats studerar jag hur olika samhällskunskapslärare agerar i rollen de har i den samhällsviktiga institution som är skolan. Jag har som utgångspunkt använt mig av sociologiska teorier som behandlar ämnet social kontroll. Jag har valt att lägga fokus på hur läraren behandlar sin roll i egenskap av lärare gentemot skolan som institution. Vidare har jag utgått ifrån det som Arlie Russel Hochschild beskriver som ”surface acting” och ”deep acting” i kombination med Ervin Goffmans ”frontstage” och ”backstage”. Dessa teoretiker menar att människor hela tiden tvingas balansera och handskas med olika roller i olika situationer. Därför har jag valt att studera hur dessa lärare går in i sina roller och hur de anpassar sig till de olika situationerna som uppstår i klassrummet, och hur det i så fall formar skolan som institution. Efter intervjuerna med de olika lärarna har jag kommit fram till att deras personliga erfarenheter och egenskaper lyser igenom i vissa delar av undervisningen då läraren blir tvungen att balansera mellan olika masker och även till viss grad anpassa dessa ut efter institutionens vanemönster och normer. Vidare finner jag att det förekommer variationer i undervisningen gällande vad de olika lärarna väljer att ta upp eller fokusera på. Därefter har jag valt att titta på hur de olika rollerna i kombination med den varierande undervisningen kan komma att skapa olika varianter av skolan som institution. Till min hjälp har jag tittat på Peter L Berger och Thomas Luckmanns teori om hur etablerade regler och normer i olika sammanhang formar olika institutioner. Trots sina olika variationer, och växlande mellan roller kunde jag se att lärarna på ett skickligt sätt anpassar lektionen för att nå målet med skolans läroplan som innebär att de ska fostra eleverna till att bli upplysta och demokratiska medborgare.
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Att möta fördomar : En kvalitativ studie om några finska och utomnordiska romers upplevelser på bostads- och arbetsmarknadenLjungqvist, Jonna, Filhm, Karin January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this study has been to examine how a few members of the Finnish and non- Scandinavian Romani subgroups experience their own, and their groups, situation on the Housing- and Labour Market. We´ve studied our respondents’ experiences of discrimination, which difficulties they think there are, what strategies can be used to deal with these difficulties and also their own ideas on how to improve the situation for the Romani people in the Swedish society. This has been done by six individual structured interviews which have been analyzed with concepts from Symbolic Interactionism, including Goffman’s Dramaturgical Role Theory, definition of Stigma and Kelly’s theory of Personal Constructions. Our results show that the respondents either have been victims of discrimination themselves, or have family/friends that have, which has led to adjustments to the expectations of how an employee or a houseguest should be. Our respondents believe that difficulties getting/keeping a job/house are a result of prejudice towards the Romani people and the main strategy that can be used is hiding their ethnic identity on these arenas. Ideas for improvement include members of the majority population and Romanies working together long term to develop knowledge about the Romani people.
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The Dilemmal Socialization on Social Media Platforms : A Qualitative Study on the Experience of Online Socialization and the Infrastructure of Social Media PlatformsFahed, Nour January 2021 (has links)
Social media effects may affect self-perception and the way media users live their offline lives. The purpose of this essay was to examine the phenomenon of social media saturation in order to understand the possible risks to the development of human identity during the adolescent period. Hence, these risks may be generated by being exposed to social comparison, cyberbullying, self-validation, and self-perception in a sensitive age when self-image is still fragile and being formed. The purpose of this essay is to examine the psychological tendencies of human beings while interacting with their peers on social media platforms. Hence, this will give us a clearer view of what would be achieved by conducting interviews. Moreover, a selection of theories will be applied to those interviews in order to associate those theories with what has been said by respondents. Hence, Meyrowitz’s theory will be used in relation to understanding the identity adaptation to online connection and linked to Goffman’s discussions of “onstage” and “backstage” (Meyrowitz, 1985: 5). After this, the essay will investigate how users’ self-perception and social comparison are enacted while socializing on social media platforms. Furthermore, this essay sheds the light on how identity is constructed online in the sense of belonging to a community on a social media platform as well as of gratification coming from peer validation in a virtual community. To be able to explain this, the “Social Identity Theory” will, therefore, be discussed (Teo, Matti, et al, 2017: 23). This will be discussed by mentioning theories like “Mediatization” (Couldry & Hepp, 2013). And lastly, the sociological concept of Habitus, minted by Pierre Bourdieu will demonstrate the process of adaptation towards unspoken social codes existing in virtual communities (Markham, 2017: 55). As found in the four qualitative semi-structured interviews with social media users, respondents are surrounding themselves with like-minded social groups which provide them with confidence about their own system of beliefs. Nevertheless, their perspectives are often marked by notable social pessimism and a lack of incentive to engage in conflictual interactions with others on social media. The results pointed out the perception among the interviewees that the impact of social media on identity formation is largely confined to adolescent users. Many users self-report significant daily screen time and are aware of the risks of social bubbles. Most of the respondents denied being subjected to cyberbullying, while they were surfing on social media, so the respondents’ physical lives were not affected by cyberbullying even for those who mentioned their exposure to cyberbullying. All the respondents expressed a sense of jealousy to some extent, even though some of them showed awareness of the thought that people post their lives from a perfect angle while hiding the flaws and not showing the imperfections of their lives on social media. Lastly, social comparison was an incentive feeling affected most of the respondents, and in their own experience, social media affected their character development and self-perception since they were exposed to social media at an adolescent age.
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